It’s BlueVM’s birthday, and Justin is having celebrating with an exclusive
party promotion. Happy Birthday guys from all of us at LowEndBox!
KVM2 – Birthday Special
| OpenVZ3 – Birthday Special
BlueVM were founded in May 2011 and have been featured a handful of times. They recently came ninth in our 2013 Q1 top providers poll. KVM orders in Los Angeles are not automatically setup and may take up to 48 hours to process. KVM servers in Buffalo, NY and OpenVZ servers in Los Angeles are however instantly setup. Justin informs us that their special offers on OpenVZ can be transferred to any location. Los Angeles is just the most undersold location at present.
BlueVM accept payments via PayPal, Google Checkout and Bitcoin. According to their website, their servers primarily consist of the Intel E3-1240 with 32 GB of RAM and 4 x 1TB or 2TB drives in RAID10. More information is available on their FAQ page. IRC, VPN/Proxies and Adult content is allowed as well as Tor Middle Nodes. As usual, take a look at their Terms of Service before signing up.
Network Information:
Los Angeles, California
Test IPv4:
Test File:
Buffalo, New York
Test IPv4:
Test File:
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Thanks again Liam :)
Any chance of upgrading the BlueVM KVM in LA to 1Gbps? How much, if so?
It is 1 Gbps, unfortunately it looks like Liam posted 100 Mbps instead. We’ll see if he can correct this above.
Is just the KVM 1Gbps or is the OpenVZ 1Gbps as well?
All of our nodes are 1Gbps, so yes OpenVZ too.
Except Kansas, that’s 100mbps.
It is 1Gbps :)
We have PM’d Liam for correction.
Awesome! Thanks.
All of them are 1GBps? Or is it just the LA one?
All of our locations except Kansas City are 1 Gbps.
happy birthday!
Thank you, its a fantastic birthday :)
this deal is making me think many times if i need additional idling vps =) its too tempting
Node:KVM1LA————–DD: 3.5 MB/S………My God…It changed history…….-_-!.
Happy birthday!
Um.. Any chance your celebrations could trickle down by adding some stock to Reseller1 or 2? :P
Possibly… send in a ticket and we’ll take care of you :)
Awesome! Ticket has been opened, it is #677026!
All set up. Thanks guys!
Would you be interested in having your KVM VPS listed on Geekahost?
Sure :)
Sorry, perhaps I should have clarified :)
I am already paying for your OpenVZ VPS, but if you want me to add a KVM VPS then please have a look here:
Thanks :)
I thought you weren’t accepting VPS because it would be unbiased or something?
But I’m sure we can.
It very quickly got to the point where not only this became very expensive, but also I need to log in to provider’s site and pay for another VPS literally every day, which after a while results in me spending much more time submitting payments than doing actual reviews :)
Please send in a ticket then :)
happy birthday!
Very happy with my BlueVM box :D This is tempting, but I just have no use for yet another LEB ><
I am so lazy reading TOS :)
Can I use OpenVZ3 for FTP backup server for my client websites?
Yes you can :)
Can’t resist. Have to let my money go.
Anyway, @Ishaq, why you need up to 48hrs to provision the LA node?
We’re waiting on Quadranet to install an SSD for disk cacheing and frankly I don’t want to tell people “listen I know you just bought your VPS, but its going down for an hour.” I’d rather just setup the VPS once they’re done. I’m told they’ll be doing the SSD install in about 1 – 2 hours.
How about KVM in buffalo, same 1Gbps port and SSD Cached?
@CoolMoon – Yes. 1 Gbps and SSD Cache.
Hope that this time you install some kind of DDOS protection. I would like to order one but the memory of last time haunts me.
Our KVM nodes average over 100 days of uptime (yes that includes network uptime).
Our only “problem children” are our S1 nodes for openvz, which are for lower end clients. The smaller VPS tend to have far more problems in regards to DDOS, abuse, etc… thus our Blue3’s seen above would have 80+ days of uptime like the rest of our S3 servers.
Either way uptime is important to us and we are doing our best to improve our services.
Am I reading this right? @BlueVM can you confirm if you use Solus for your KVM plans?
Yes we have solusvm on our KVM plans.
I am trying to order and pay with bitcoins but there is no option on the checkout page, could you tell me how I can pay with bitcoins?
We accept them manually. Send in a ticket and we’ll assist you with this.
any reason why the LA speedtest file is pulling quite slow? I get around 100-240Kb/sec only
The speedtest is on a busy node with our low end clients, once the KVM LA is up, please PM me on LET for the test IP :)
Rather slow, isnt it?
That does seem a bit slow, send in a ticket and we’ll take a look.
Those tests except the last two, are done on your official test files. The last two are test files of another host. The tests were done on another VPS (Will), and cross checked with yet another one (UGVPS). The test results are similiar. It doesnt look like a 1Gbps connection.
I / O performance is what? This Los Angeles?
I don’t know. I haven’t signed up for a plan yet. The tests show download speeds from their servers.
tempting offer but , i dont like the speeds
Is it possible to order the OpenVZ3 – Birthday
Special in Kansas and also get direct admin for free?
Yes it is.
How to do that?
I have submitted a ticket #166640.
Hopefully I’m on the right track. :)
Kansas Or Atlanta, would like to know how to do that too.
After ordering the special in California, request a move to Kansas and a free DA license.
I’m afraid free DA is not available in ATL, only Kansas City.
Ordered, Thanks for the info. Hopefully the tsunami of orders dies down soon, and I get moved over to Kansas.
Looks like they are quite overwhelmed by the crowd of new customers. control panel is quite slow.
It’s up for me, the correct URL is:
My friend paid the money, but still Pending. I don’t know why.
I know, he chose the Los Angeles node. 48 hours to process?
Yes, LA is 48 hours or less.
happy birthday!
–2013-05-08 14:31:46–
Connecting to||:80… connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 200 OK
Length: 104857600 (100M) [application/x-tar]
Saving to: â100mb.test.1â
9% [==> ] 9,779,976 420K/s eta 4m 28s
–2013-05-08 14:32:59–
Connecting to||:80… connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 200 OK
Length: 104857600 (100M) [application/x-tar]
Saving to: â100mb.test.2â
13% [====> ] 14,593,608 796K/s eta 1m 53s
arent these TOOO slow for a 1gbps connection?
Our lines are/were probably busy, looking into this now.
So if your lines are congested then speeds are like this on all the locations?
Speedtest is on a busy node, try another IP from our about us page :)
–2013-05-08 20:00:48–
Connecting to||:80… connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 200 OK
Length: 104857600 (100M) [application/x-tar]
Saving to: â100mb.test.4â
10% [===> ] 11,147,879 611K/s eta 2m 29s
–2013-05-08 20:01:48–
Connecting to||:80… connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 200 OK
Length: 104857600 (100M) [application/x-tar]
Saving to: â100mb.test.5â
2% [> ] 2,923,696 422K/s eta 4m 24s
–2013-05-08 20:02:29–
Connecting to||:80… connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 200 OK
Length: 104857600 (100M) [application/x-tar]
Saving to: â100mb.test.6â
33% [===========> ] 34,605,424 1.10M/s eta 60s
–2013-05-08 20:03:34–
Connecting to||:80… connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 200 OK
Length: 104857600 (100M) [application/x-tar]
Saving to: â100mb.test.7â
6% [=> ] 7,012,391 654K/s eta 2m 49s
–2013-05-08 20:04:07–
Connecting to||:80… connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 200 OK
Length: 104857600 (100M) [application/x-tar]
Saving to: â100mb.test.8â
6% [=> ] 7,264,343 686K/s eta 1m 57s
–2013-05-08 20:04:45–
Connecting to||:80… connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 200 OK
Length: 104857600 (100M) [application/x-tar]
Saving to: â100mb.test.9â
8% [==> ] 9,061,312 795K/s eta 1m 42s
tested ALL of your speedtest. Everyone is TOO slow.
View Ticket #463636 please look it.
Tickets are taking longer to get a reply due to the amount in the queue.
On KVM can I use 100% CPU nonstop?
For what?
Legal. To calculating some math things.
As long as it doesn’t affect other clients on the machine you should be fine.
Can I have 1 CPU Core in OpenVZ3 but without having to worry about using too much CPU time? I’m not talking about using 100% CPU all the time, but of not being terminated due to high CPU usage during peak hours.
I guess so, but we don’t terminate anyway.. we shutdown or suspend first if abuse is detected.
Suspended, shutdown or terminated for me it’s the same, because it means having a website/service not available.
Uncertain availability is the worst enemy of a startup project, as you may know.
Hm, right.
Well as long as it doesn’t affect other customers we’ll turn a blind eye.
Do I get any notice about “you are using too much CPU”? Or just a “oh my vps is not reachable so they might have shutdown it…”
If you’re abusing too much, like if the loads reach 20+ we will shutdown the container and email/notice you.
Can i use for VPN on KVM/OVZ
Is LA SSD upgrade done?
Not yet :/
Will announce when it’s done.
How long before I receive my IP for the OpenVZ VPS I ordered?
Should be instant, please open a ticket if it didn’t happen for you.
Very tempting but LA looks soooo slow.. :(
This is from Phoenix.
–2013-05-08 10:53:41–
Connecting to||:80… connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 200 OK
Length: 104857600 (100M) [application/x-tar]
Saving to: â100mb.testâ
13% [====> ] 13,786,136 550K/s eta 2m 59s
All test servers are slow for me:
–2013-05-08 18:57:34–
Connecting to||:80… connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 200 OK
Length: 104857600 (100M) [application/x-tar]
Saving to: â100mb.test.3â
9% [==> ] 9,640,512 348K/s eta 3m 44s
My results posted above are similiar. Instead of 1Gbps, I cant even get 10Mbps on any of the test files. At least they’re honest enough to post correct test files.
Personal proxies allowed?
Couldn’t resist one of each. The Buffalo KVM comes with every conceivable ISO to install from so for now I went for Windows Server 2008 (activated using my own genuine key, no keys provided obviously). Instantly provisioned and runs pretty quickly, good transfer speeds.
The LA OpenVZ was also instantly provisioned but has no IP address! I can access it via the Java console but it has no network access.
Ticket opened 2 hours ago (ticket #441688) but no response as yet. A little frustrating.
We apologize for the wait, will look into your IP issue immediately :)
All resolved a few hours later. Service appears good.
Good, enjoy!
How behind are you on the tickets? I’d like to get some action on mine.
Not very behind, should all be responded to in a while.
We can only apologize, we’re a budget provider and getting hundreds and hundreds of orders as well as answering tickets is not an easy task.
Please bear with us :)
You guys have KVM at kansas location as well?
Nope. Only NY and LA.
Ticket: #904643
I still have no IP address.
Me neither.
I’d also appreciate if everyone could be patient with support tickets.
We have almost 200 in the queue. We’re human too you know :)
We’ll have IPs soon, pool went dry.
You can request credit of a few hours if you want.
all promotion prices are recurring ? or next billing you may adjust the price ?
They are recurring untill you decide to get rid of the VPS
We have a new block for LA OpenVZ, if you were provisioned without an IP check your control panel in a few minutes, you will have your purchased IPs assigned.
While ordering, it became out of stock :(
Ignore this, you have restocked 30s after writing the comment.
I know you guys were waiting on the LA KVM nodes to have the SSDs installed — any update on this? Not in a rush, just wondering when I can expect to be provisioned.
Machine just came online, we’re setting up and will provision shortly.
ETA 1 hour, do you have a ticket ID?
any plan to add more KVM LA stock?
Nope, didn’t file a ticket. Order ID is 2986644871.
Ticket if you want an order.
Alright, will provision.
will do.
Hi would I be able to pay and upgrade to 1 gig of ram on the KVM deal ? Thanks
From what I heard you could buy 2 KVM’s from the offer and have them be merged
Hmmm would have been a nice OZ deal if it was on east coast for me ! ^^
I’ll wait longer :-p
“Justin informs us that their special offers on OpenVZ can be transferred to any location.” Apparently you can have it on the east coast as well.
True but out of stock :(
its a shame because i am from west canada and i am getting 300KB/s to the california bluevm server…
while my current ATL server from you guys can barely hit 200KB/s from the california server….
Have you tried other IPs?
That test file is being downloaded a lot.
ishaq , the problem is the same with ALL the ip’s , i think you should check it
I am starting to think it’s your connection, not ours.
Are you guys having issues in Atlanta at the moment?
Are we able to install Windows Server 2008 on the Openvz/HyperVM plan?
Thank you for your assistance!
Of course not.
aww kvm2 is out of stock :(
Send in a ticket and we’ll add you an order, we have stock.. just not on the site at this time.
Any disappointment? I can help with the clearance. :)
Nice offer, had to grab a NY KVM.
Im sure its being DD if/of’d to hell and serverbearcave raped now, but performance has been nothing but good during my setup.
Congrats and keep it up :)
Yes it is.
Thank you :)
can you process my ticket?
#959472 and #911829
thanks before
how long it will be processed? thanks after and before
Kansas location is very slow here. Well that worth the money.
Anyway, I’m still experiencing problem with DA.
Thanks again for your support. :)
Kansas location has never been fast in terms of download speed. It’s 100Mb/s and a full node (I thought). So it’s never going to hit 10MB/s speeds.
What’s the problem with DA? please open a ticket, we’ll sort it out.
As for Kansas, it’s on 100Mb/s, and it depends where in the world you are.
Hi Ishaq,
Same ticket number (#166640). It has been idling for almost 12 hours.
I can understand load at your side, so I will wait.
Anyway, my ticket only need a little more touch. Thanks again.
grab la kvm and waiting for vps info :) happy birthday!
Thank you. Enjoy.
What’s the ETA so far?
I really want to get an LA KVM, but the speeds are so slow…
bluevm LA benchmark
CPU model : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1240 V2 @ 3.40GHz
Number of cores : 3
CPU frequency : 3058.177 MHz
Total amount of ram : 2048 MB
Total amount of swap : 0 MB
System uptime : 4 min,
Download speed from CacheFly: 15.5MB/s
Download speed from Coloat, Atlanta GA: 24.2MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Dallas, TX: 36.2MB/s
Download speed from Linode, Tokyo, JP: 11.1MB/s
Download speed from, NL: 8.07MB/s
Download speed from Leaseweb, Haarlem, NL: 7.72MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Singapore: 7.08MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Seattle, WA: 48.2MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, San Jose, CA: 91.7MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Washington, DC: 17.4MB/s
I/O speed : 178 MB/s
Why do my results look like this:
–2013-05-09 20:38:12–
Resolving (…
Connecting to (||:80… connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 200 OK
Length: 104857600 (100M) [application/x-tar]
Saving to: `100mb.test’
6% [=> ] 6,724,240 366K/s eta 4m 29s ^C
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=62 time=0.173 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=2 ttl=62 time=0.177 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=3 ttl=62 time=0.160 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=4 ttl=62 time=0.150 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=5 ttl=62 time=0.124 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=6 ttl=62 time=0.160 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=7 ttl=62 time=0.125 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=8 ttl=62 time=0.125 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=9 ttl=62 time=0.125 ms
64 bytes from icmp_req=10 ttl=62 time=0.120 ms
My ip is The speed should be great, right?
See the benchmark below.
Above rather, thanks peppr.
Does that mean the LA KVM is online? :)
Can’t wait to try it out :D
Check your email :)
I hope it restocks soon :(
Ticket please, we can add an order manually.
Ticket #: 904643
Can you move me this morning off of Atlanta, Pretty Please?
Ticket #256323
Has a reply.
21 hours after a BTC transaction and still not processed..
Ticket #117533
Never mind, it’s passing along while the parent comment is awaiting moderation :)
All sorted then?
how can credit be added?
As in account credit? use the add funds button.
Can you clarify, 1G guaranteed, 2G burstable, means you can use up to 3G memory time to time, or 2G is the maximum? What can you see about the memory if using “top” command, like what should be the number for Mem: xxx total?
Total 2GB.
2GB at times. You can’t always use 2GB. If you need a bit more memory, then it’s available, but you may not constantly use more than 1 GB memory.
root@:~# dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=16k conv=fdatasync
16384+0 records in
16384+0 records out
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 83.2685 s, 12.9 MB/s
if IO is bad they always tell you to raise a ticket, someone is probably abusing IO.
Also, enable virtio drivers everywhere. This makes IO a whole lot faster.
Please also note that a lot of people must be doing tests and benchmarks, it will restore itself soon.
root@:~# dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=16k conv=fdatasync
16384+0 records in
16384+0 records out
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 232.909 s, 4.6 MB/s
oh man , thats extremly low..
Node:KVM1LA————–DD: 3.5 MB/S…………………
My friend said BLUEVM is a trash……………
can i upgrade my yearly plan with this?
There was abuse on the node. We expected this, it’s being dealt with guys.
root@:~# dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=16k conv=fdatasync
16384+0 records in
16384+0 records out
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 70.9823 s, 15.1 MB/s
root@:~# dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=16k conv=fdatasync
16384+0 records in
16384+0 records out
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 74.9937 s, 14.3 MB/s
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 12.2669 s, 87.5 MB/s
On Buffalo KVM
Ticket #997353 . you Suspended my vps ,Suspension Reason: Disk abuse! fix?
Fix what? don’t abuse the disk.
Everybody don’t be so impatient, normally when a promotion comes out everybody hits the nodes with testing.
Wait 1 or 2 days, and the activity in the node will normalize. If everybody hammers the I/O test at the same time, we always end up with crappy results.
I’m no employee from BlueVM just another customer.
This KVM, not Openvz.
Still a VIRTUAL private server.
BlueVm has an Awesome deal on dedicated servers too!. I just grabbed the last 4GB one though, sorry. :)
Enjoy Chris :)
Thanks! :D
Update: LA & NY KVM customers should have over 100MB/s IO now.
I can confirm that;
root@:~# dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=16k conv=fdatasync
16384+0 records in
16384+0 records out
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 5.61404 s, 191 MB/s
Please help with ticket #639341,
Reply exists already.
Ticket #997353 please active my vps, i have move my date to this vps, now can’t vistor,because my vps Suspended. my vps only a blog.
Reply exists already.
I tried to order but your website says you’re out of stock.
Any more stock available in L.A. any time soon?
Send in a ticket and we can get you sorted.
@Ishaq, any chance of extra openvz?
Send in a ticket and we can get you sorted.
Any chance to get a KVM3 with 1024 Ram in Buffalo? Seems to be booked out.
@Steffen – Open a ticket and we’ll get you setup.
i buy you kvm la $25/year ,when i move data to this new kvm, you Suspended my vps ,Suspension Reason: Disk abuse! i copy data is only 1m/s,why Disk abuse?
don`t buy BlueVM this vps is garbage
Disk abuse, yes. Don’t abuse the disk then?
Your comments are not needed, don’t even know who you are.
This service is very garbage
Suspension vps because install windows
why you know i is cache?
Was it a legal copy of windows? They are advertising Linux vm’s not windows. :)
BlueVM is not responsible for copy-right infringements caused by what the Customer hosted on BlueVM’s servers.
BlueVM may at it’s discretion view client files in an attempt to determine the legality of the client’s usage if the client’s usage appears suspicious or abusive in nature. If the client’s files are determined to be of an illegal nature or the client’s VPS accounts are found to be abusing the VPS node’s resources BlueVM may suspend, terminate or delete the client’s VPS. These actions include, but are not limited to:
IO Abuse
Network abuse
CPU abuse
Memory abuse
I Only install windows and do windows update bluevm Suspension my vps reason is Disk abuse
The windows image file can chose on control plan
Submit Ticket they response
Installing Windows on a KVM with 512MB RAM causes Windows to abuse the disk, we no longer allow Windows on 512MB RAM, so you have 2 options. 1. Upgrade RAM to 1GB+, or re-install with Linux distro.
THIS IS NOT Birthday Promotion IT Birthday Fraud
@nbi – We had a bunch of users signup, install windows on 512 MB of RAM and their services proceeded to begin swapping with the disk anywhere from 100 – 200 times per minute. You can’t fault us for trying to protect other users by preventing windows from bashing the disks in because you didn’t setup your services with enough RAM.
As per microsoft’s website:
Windows 7: 1 gigabyte (GB) RAM (32-bit) or 2 GB RAM (64-bit)
Windows 2003 Server: 512 MB (bare minimum) or 1 GB recommended
Windows 2008 Server: 512 MB (bare minimum) or 2 GB recommended
If you want we can unsuspend your VPS and you can remove your page file and that should solve the problem.
@cache Installing Windows and abusing the disk is not tolerated.
would you define “disk abuse” ?
1. is moving files to your node “abuse”?
2. is running DD test “abuse” ?
3. So can’t run test, can’t transfer any files, what’d you suggest to do with your vps?
@just bought KVM: – We had a bunch of users signup, install windows on 512 MB of RAM and their services proceeded to begin swapping with the disk anywhere from 100 – 200 times per minute.
Happy birthday and thanks for the vps. I have bought a Ny kvm.
Feeling cheated, purchased KVM 512M, was told can not use Windows, there are two options, an increase of $ 25 to upgrade to 1G RAM, 2, replace LINXU system.
@zerofj – Its probably a matter of how much your VPS was swapping. You’re welcome to try again, but a lot of the windows that were setup with this sale hit the disks 100+ times per second swapping.
i will just let it cool for about a week.
Windows on 512 should work, but so tight, it will pull somebody else’s resources.
but, file transfer should be o.k though, because in order to run stuff, for example, you need stuff.
My 6 cents. Good Luck everybody!
I think you should use windows server 2003 or xp cause it uses less ram
One should really not install Windows on a server, especially on a low end box. Linux is much superior in terms of stability, security, performance and usage.
windows server 2003 runs well on a low end box it only needs 256 ram
1GB is recommended though, in case you install programs on windows.
Don’t we have 2013? You want to use a 10 year old OS exposed to the Internet?
im considering buying this plan.
could you load FREEPBX or PBX in flash to the VPS ?
Send in a ticket and we’ll look into this.
Can’t login to the KVM control panel! It constantly gives me a password error.
Contact support for any issues with passwords.
It’s all Out of Stock, are you bringing new servers online for this promo ?
New orders via tickets only.
wait for new stock for KVM…
Bitcoin mining allowed on kvm?
Is bitcoin miner allowed on kvm?
Ishaq, do you think you could have someone look at my ticket (291597). I am trying to get an update. Thanks!
happy birthday :D
very interesting promotion, especially for los angeles location
anyone can provide me some test files on los angeles node?
don’t know why bluevm test files quite slow for me :confuse:
Thanks, enjoy.
I think Bluevm is a cheater. really sluggish speed…. stay away from this cheap guy
And no one knows who you are.
This post should be closed considering this was first come, first serve and they’re all sold out and not going to be adding any more…
You can still order it via tickets.
No, you can’t. I opened a ticket and they plain out told me that this was first come first serve and the promotion is over.
Well, what do you mean closed? Offers aren’t deleted (except End of Reality’s LOL).
They could put a message saying “This promotion has now ended” and/or cross off the links so people know they’re out of stock.
No, we can still add orders in LA.
why bother?
root@:~# dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=16k conv=fdatasync
16384+0 records in
16384+0 records out
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 111.51 s, 9.6 MB/s
if no one wants their KVM2 give it to me :)
Or send a ticket ;)
Great Speed, if you want, let me have your email.
Last login: Fri May 17 09:56:46 2013
root@:~# dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=16k conv=fdatasync
16384+0 records in
16384+0 records out
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 64.7365 s, 16.6 MB/s
How much do you want for it?
full price
Can you send me an email? It’s nick58 [at] gmail [dot] com
Actually, cancel that. I don’t want to purchase your VPS.
What happened?
I am running linux, and running apache+php+mysql, no high io, and my website just 100ips/per day, why suspended my vps?
Others running windows, and have high io, why not suspended them?
Why? Why? Why?
The disk io always at 10-15M/s with dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=16k conv=fdatasync.
I running linux and running a lite website, I did say nothing, bacause it is cheap.
You did not to suspend running windows vps, why suspended me? I am no high io, no high Mbps. My website less 100ip/per day.
So pity, I advice the new customer, don’t choice bluevm. No refund, and your vps will be suspended no email notice.
Hey, y box at Kansas is down.
Even is down.
@Ishaq please look at it.
It should be hey MY box at Kansas is down.
Should be online now – still having issues?
Nope still down here.
Is the node being ddosed as well?
Good price, but suffered some major downtime within the first week. Decided to stay with my current VPS provider as they are more reliable – the higher price is worth it.
BlueVM is down in Buffalo AGAIN! This service sucks! I want my money back.
They have a no refund policy. Alas, you get what you paid for, my friend.
We are working with the data center to get NYKVM2 up. Looks like a disk issue.
Who cares if they have a refund policy. Paypal has buyer protection.
No, they don’t. BlueVM is offering a service/intangible good which PayPal doesn’t cover under its buyer protection. You can still open a dispute against the seller and there’s no guarantee you’ll get a refund (unless you have a PayPal rep that sympathizes with you and will bend the rules a bit).
Their service totaly sucks!! Hard to get an explanation about downtime from the support. Not reliable for a business level hosting.
My VPS with BlueVM has been offline for 12 hours now. They don’t even send an email about it…
No, I am in LA.
BlueVM said I have high I/O.
But I running apache+php+mysql in debian 6 32 bit. My Website less 100ip/per day.
The vps so slowly.
I think my site cause I/O because his disk less 1M/s.
Save life, always bluevm.
Are you still running any specials?
out of stock. i need OpenVZ3 – Birthday Special.
Need an OPENVZ3 as well, when will you guys get more stock?
We have new stock right now for all those interested.
OMG, its out of stock already ;(
do you have any 128 or 256 KVM available in NY, and if so, what is the price per year?
Hi,Bluevm. I want to buy KVM2 plans VPS, can you help me? Thank you.