Roel from WhyNOTaVPS has emailed me two exclusive offers of their VPS packages in Hetzner DC in Germany.
- VPS B 55% Recurring Discount (Direct sign up link, promo code leb1)
- 512MB guaranteed/768MB burstable memory
- 22GB storage
- 222GB/month data transfer
- $4.87/month
- VPS C 55% Recurring Discount (Direct sign up link, promo code leb2)
- 768MB guaranteed/1024MB burstable memory
- 33GB storage
- 333GB/month data transfer
- $6.90/month
OpenVZ/SolusVM are used, and see Roel’s previous comment for test IP and download file. Domain registered in March this year, by someone in Netherlands (although I don’t see EU related business info on the website). Some pretty good feedbacks from their last offer.
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Nice offer, anyone with them for long time please share experience :)
Does it come up with free DA?
No, they dont :)
There’s a few comments on their previous offer. Seems to be fine. No one yelling and screaming at least.
will this offer be available in US?
At the moment the are out of stock and no ETA of when the will be available.
At the moment very very good:
hostfolks (they have a very good IO)
dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=16k conv=fdatasync
1073741824 bytes (1,1 GB) copied, 13,8467 s, 77,5 MB/s
dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=16k conv=fdatasync
1073741824 bytes (1,1 GB) copied, 8,25206 s, 130 MB/s
77MB/s vs 130MB/s
The IO perfomance is incredible…
We use a hardware raid 10 configuration for our storage.
I was interested but they have no other payment support like MB or Google Checkout/2co.
Sorry to say, but on my whynotavps vps I only have 34.9 MB/s,
and I have a vps with 1256/1512 memory, so it should be no problem with memory.
They are great, i using their vps a long time ago :) Recommed host.
Hey the thing is this coupon is not recurring!
Subtotal: $17.45 USD
56.75% One Time Discount: $9.90 USD
Total Due Today: $7.55 USD
Total Recurring: $17.45 USD Monthly
Check it out please, and corrigate.
Yes it does seem that VPS C offer is not recurring. I’ll ask Roel.
Seems the check-box for recurring was not set correctly thanks for the notice, should be fixed now.
bought one for some script testing, hope it will be good.
Yes, I think so. They have good support.
They are definietly one of the best i seen around. Respect.
One of the most stable hosts I have had so far.
Please add Moneybookers service.
Fahim, we are looking into integrating Money bookers as a payment gateway.
I have had a VPS with whynotavps for 4 months and not had any downtime.
Support tickets have always been answered quickly
Thanks for the positive feedback.
How come your client area and vps panel(solus) login pages not using SSL?
Hmm, but today my server sent up and down several times the last 15 hour…
and no respond from support. Just now it’s down again !!
I think maybe the experience network problems @ Hetzner
Gunnar, we place a reply to your support ticket that you placed a couple of hours ago, the HN you are on is receiving a small DDOS at the moment resulting in packloss.
Yes, thank you, I have received your answer…
Think that 14 hours of downtime is a bit too long,
it seems as if Hetzner often have problems with their network ?
It’s still down, about 36 hour, not so impressed.
I have a vps their aswell, Not happy about this at all, I new it was to good to be true!, Am sending my cancellation notice now!
My VPS don’t come up again, I think that they have closed their business.
Did you try call them ?
I have had a VPS with whynotavps for 5 or 6 months and was considering getting a new one with this offer – however since last Thursday I have had prolonged and intermittent downtime which is causing me a lot of grief.
A shame really as I have never had any problems in the past at all.
I have raised a support ticket and updated it in vain, but no reply.
Considering the prompt and good service I have had in the past I am extremely disappointed, and would hesitate to recommend wnav to anyone at the moment.
Bit of a late reply here, everyone should be back on-line since the beginning of the week. Only a small part of our clients where effected by the recent downtime, because one Hardware Node received a rather large DDOS attack. Everyone should have received a email regarding the issue. Anyone that need more information regarding this can open a support ticket on our website.
Can confirm that everything is back to normal now. Big thanks for the good explanatory email from wnavps staff explaining the reasons for the downtime.
Have decided to take out that 2nd VPS after all, in light of the fact this was beyond their control and did everything they could to get everything up and running as soon as possible.
Offer no longer valid. gone up to nearly $11!
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