Constantinos from HostRail is offering LowEndBox readers a massive recurring discount — 60% off on all VPS plans when you use promo code Lowendbox60. That applies to all their offers, including their standard fully managed OpenVZ VPS, off-shore OpenVZ VPS in Netherlands and Germany, and SHOUTcast/OpenFire VPS (purposely built, but price a bit out of range). Their “1 Power Unit VPS” will be $1.20/month after the discount (sign up link).
- 256MB memory
- 30GB storage
- 200GB/month data transfer
- 0.3GHz CPU
- OpenVZ/SolusVM
Dallas servers I believe. 0.3GHz would mean that it is probably too slow to run anything serious, however at $1.20/month — there is no need for annual payment — it’s pretty good value, consider 30GB of storage comes with it. Whether HostRail can deliver is another matter, but I am giving them the benefit of doubt by posting their offer here :)
HostRail is a Cyprus registered business. Been in business since 2004 and the domain was registered since 2007. Note that this offer expires on 31 October.
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Any test i.p?
Here are some test ips:
Standard VPS’s:
Offshore NL VPS’s:
Just wanted to add that we don’t oversell so customers always get what the package includes :)
do you have the control panel, like SoulVM
that i can reinstall OS by myself
All VPS’s come with either HyperVM or SolusVM
where’s the login page for hypervm/solusvm? can’t see on the incoming mail about the vps information…
For the security of our customers we don’t like disclosing the login page urls publically. Please open a ticket via your Client Area and we will inform you of the login page urls.
Throttled CPU is fairly common among European VPS providers, albeit ones (VPS4Less,, etc) not usually featured on LEB. You can do quite a bit with 300MHz, given that it’s 300MHz of – guessing here – 64-bit Xeon goodness, rather than a, you know, ARM7 or VIA C3 or whatever. I run a PHP-based webproxy on a 128MB, 100MHz OpenVZ machine, that regularly handles a dozen concurrent users and pushes upward of 2Mbit.
Really, it’s much more honest than pretending a customer has four 2.8GHz cores at their beck and call. And, interestingly, it works out to be ever so slightly cheaper than the BuyVM offer and clones.
Also, HostRail should get kudos for actually having redundant DNS. That alone was enough to make me sign up for a year. :)
“I run a PHP-based webproxy”
would you explain please what program you use ?
PHProxy. It’s on Sourceforge.
Do you guys have the archlinux distribution available?
Unfortunately we don’t currently have the archlinux distribution available however if you want we can try and obtain it.
hi Constantinos, do you offer Freebsd ?
sory for asking here, im too lazy to send sales ticket :P
I don’t think FreeBSD runs on OpenVZ.
I don;t think it does either.
I have bought one, it’s pending.
It should be setup now. We are working on setting up orders as quickly as possible.
When I try and order a 1 power unit VPS, if I choose to have additional CPU or RAM, it doesn’t seem to add any additional cost. Is this intended? Free upgrades?
Additional CPU and RAM does cost extra. You should get the new price when you click on the “Update Cart” button.
Nope, update cart doesn’t work o_O
Ok, works LOL
Ok i am glad to hear that it works.
Wow, so in reality it is 4 cores at 68 MHz each?
I wonder, is it possible to opt for not 4 but one core at a higher frequency instead?
If you want we can do that. Just put a note in the comments box when processing the order.
If it is one core with a higher frequency, what would be the final frequency specification?
I investigated this a bit, and it turns out that OpenVZ doesn’t really have a concept of ‘Mhz limit’, it operates in terms of percentages, and here is set to “10% of one CPU core”, whereas the /proc/cpuinfo content (four 68 Mhz cores) is simply a display pecularity.
OPenVZ work sin percentage, yes. However if you set the cores/vcpus from 4> 1 it’ll give single core with 68×4 MHz clock.
> cores/vcpus from 4> 1 it’ll give single core with 68×4 MHz clock.
However that will not give any benefit compared to the setup of 4 cores.
And my initial concern was that any single program will work at 68 MHz speed, and to use the allocation completely, I’d have to run multithreaded software (e.g. webserver with 4 worker processes). But this seems not to be the case, as my experiment shows that 1-threaded process runs at 10% CPU usage, two processes run at 5% each, etc., so everything is OK.
ZOMG! Actual sensible UBC limits!
(On a ‘1 Power Unit’ VM:)
Their website looks a bit silly.
IRC Bots, Proxy Scripts / Anonymizers, Pirated Software / Warez, image, filedump, mirror, or banner-ad services (similar to rapidshare, photobucket, or commercial banner ad rotation), affiliate servers, topsites, commercial audio streaming (more than one or two streams), Escrow, High-Yield Interest Programs (HYIP) or related sites, Investment sites (FOREX, egold exchange), sale of any controlled substance without prior proof of appropriate permit(s), AutoSurf sites, Bank Debentures, Bank Debenture Trading Programs, Prime Banks Programs, lottery sites, muds / rpg’s, hate sites, hacker focused sites/archives/programs, or sites promoting illegal activities, IP Scanners, Brute Force Programs, Mail Bombers and Spam Scripts. Forums and or websites that distribute or link to warez content are prohibited.
Using a shared account as a backup/storage device is not permitted, with the exception of one cPanel backup of the same account.
Restricted way beyond reasonable, especially the parts I bolded.
Those are for shared accounts only.
rm, this host ripped this TOS from some other provider that’s why things like mirrors, file dump make 0 sense on not to be allowed on a VPS.
Actually that paragraph is only for shared accounts, not VPS’s – sorry about the confusion, we will update the TOS as soon as possible.
By the way our lawyer wrote the TOS so we did not get them from another website.
An update that our TOS will be updated tomorrow as currently the TOS is very outdated and is causing confusion.
Seems like a good offer. They don’t allow to use VPS as backup that is sad :(
Is there any burstable RAM?
You can use the VPS as a Backup. Burstable RAM is the same with the guaranteed RAM.
Thats great, thanks I will order one.
Ordered one #HR2010-2456
How long this offer will be for?
NL Offshore do not mention to CPU limit? how about’s CPU of each?
This offer will last until the 31st of October 2010.
Regarding CPU limit, which package would you be interested in? and i’ll obtain the CPU limit.
Thanks. I’d like to see CPU limit of each package concerning to NL Offshore.
adult site is ok?
Yes they are ok.
want to know: the time zone of server, is very strange
system time is wrong
Are you with our Onshore packages or Offshore packages?
well,uptime is very good…
what 300MHz will do?interested
0.3Ghz can actually do pretty much, we’ve got users running websites (apache, php, mysql) with 0.3ghz CPU
Status is still pendind.
Hours have pasted, but still this status.
Are you a oneman host company?
We apologize for the delay. We are not a one man company, we are working hard to setup orders.
Personal IRC clients allowed? (300 mhz is fine for it)
Yes personal IRC Clients are allowed.
IPv6 is supported
So do VPSes come with native IPv6 addresses (how many?), or by ‘supported’ you mean just the ability to set up user-configured tunnels?
Mine has 3 IPv6 addresses preconfigured
> Mine has 3 IPv6 addresses preconfigured
This is great, and imho it should be more prominently advertised with the offer…
Can you (or someone else) post a test IPv6?
inet6 addr: 2607:ff68:100:10::3/128
inet6 addr: 2607:ff68:100:10::4/128
inet6 addr: 2607:ff68:100:10::7/128
And now they want 5$ fee for IPv6 :)
It’s corrected. They changed their mind. It’s free now.
How to reload linux system by myself? from control panel? and where is the control panel?
For security purposes we cannot provide you link to the control panel from here. Please open a ticket with out support department and they will provide you with the login url.
Do you not send this information out in welcome emails?
Yes it should be included in the welcome emails, additionally you can auto-login through your Client Area.
[ the time zone of server, is very strange ]
i’m using the US VPS
You can get their 4 power unit VPS for $6.00 with:
120 GB Disk Space
800 GB Monthly Bandwidth
512 MB Dedicated RAM
1.2 Ghz CPU
1 IP Address
Linux OS
if you need a bigger VPS.
I’m running a free webhost with over 100 clients on that plan, just with double RAM.
Anyone having trouble completing the transaction from PayPal? I keep getting “An error occurred while processing your request. Before submitting this again, log in and check your Account History to ensure that the transaction didn’t complete.”
Can’t get it to go through. Never had this problem with any other VPS provider. I’m in the US.
FYI, this went through an hour later. I don’t know why or what changed.
Due to the large amount of orders we experienced for some minutes this error, PayPal actually emailed us about this error before we reported it to them so they fixed it pretty quickly.
How much processing power does the average blog use then?
That is the CPU usage from my blog over the past hour. It’s running Nginx, php + MySQL. What does the graph actually measure in though?
Pretty sure percents of CPU usage (100% being your maximum allowance).
Yep, if your site isn’t visited several times per second with heavy page generation, it won’t be CPU hungry at all.
So I’m using around 3% towards the end of the graph? The blog isn’t visited that often, although it has it spikes when around 10 to 20 visitors all come within around a minute.
The graph I took the sgerver from is running my blog with 4×2.0Ghz processors.
That appears to be the case, yes. And hey, 8GHz * 0.03 = 240MHz.
(I am also very confident you could reduce the load significantly with some competent server and software optimization, though.)
Nice offers. Anybody knows which VPS control panel is used for Offshore VPS (HyperVM or SolusVM) ?
SolusVM is used for Offshore VPS.
Also, about Offshore VPS: there is no info about CPU limits / speed / numbre of cores / allocated resources. Can you give us some details ?
@Constantinos – I’ve placed an order for the VPS 2 Power Units package and paid via PayPal. The subscription button didn’t work but the checkout button worked.
Got a notification from PayPal and the payment went to C & C Advanced Online Services. Is this correct?
C & C Advanced Online Services is their parent company.
Thanks bro. By the way what control panel are you using to run your free webhost?
Hopefully Akismet won’t block this comment. I’m running cPanel/WHM on it.
Yes that is correct. We are not sure why the subscription button did not work. I’ve assigned someone to check into this ASAP.
Still waiting for the VPS activation.. You need to allocate more resources…
There was a Paypal issue this morning…
Great! My server works 3 hours ago. Let’s test this baby!
just bought one just to play. let’s give them a chance.. if they dont overcommit too much ram, I might use it for a small project :-)
very interesting offer.
Ordered one. Let’s see how it goes.
We will setup your VPS shortly
Talked to their online chat support. Received pretty sweet and precise response. Ordered one just now. Hope they will set it up soon. Things have gone smoothly till now. Hope it goes on like this. Will update.
We will setup your VPS shortly.
Ordered a 2 power vps to use as a backup server
Awaiting activation :)
One more thing I got to know from sales chat that these are managed VPSes. They install required software for you. Too much for a small amount. Hope they stay in business for long. :) (We want you to of course).
One more thing is their Direct Admin rates are more than CPanel. Pretty strange
Yes our service is fully managed. We’ll be here for many years and decades.
DirectAdmin is costing more than cPanel, imagine than we’re selling DirectAdmin and cPanel at cost price – so no profit made.
DirectAdmin is $9/month if you have more than 20 licenses and sell dedicated servers/VPSs.
*grumble* *grumble*
I really need to ask them about that.
$9/mo is dedicated servers, VPS pricing is cheaper. Thats what my licensing says anyways :)
…maybe I’m just special.
for 4 power unit vps, does it come with hypervm or solusvm?
I believe off-shores systems comes with SolusVM whilst on-shore systems come with HyperVM.
I think the VPS being offered here comes with HyperVM.
Offshore come with SolusVM. So the VPS 4 Power Units comes with HyperVM.
Just ordered one. 0.3GHz CPU sounds interesting :)
Do you offer refund?
Not on VPS services, according to their ToS.
they wont offer refund no matter what :) so good luck. with that …..
It’s a $1.20 a month VPS, are you really that concerned about a refund of $1.20?
Well, bought one 4 hrs ago, and still not activated.. They need to improve support.
Just an update to everyone, we’re experiencing a small delay with setting up new VPS’s. We are working as quickly as possible and all pending orders should be setup within the hour.
VPS Orders are being setup as usual now.
Is Limestone @ TX the only location you have in the US? Do you have anything on the East coast?
Currently we only have in Limestone
Ok, thanks for the reply. Any plans to expand farther East?
ordered, it’s not instant. Gonna compare its power to my existing lowendbox.
do you allow upgrade to 2powerunit?
I’ve just checked, the 2powerunit costs only about $2 with the 60%discount.
It looks like you use HyperVM (free and open source) as your control panel, does it?
HyperVM is on the US nodes.
This means if they dump 100 VMs on the box they make $120/mo before paypal fees :) good business…. ok they said the don’t over sell, granting you put 20 VMs per box that’s they stand make what? $22/mo per dedicated server lol.
So i guess people should be prepared when your VPS suddenly disappeared after say 2 months or they raise the price, hey it is happening time and time again… see deal pool for reference lol.
I have to wonder as well. At a 1.20 a month, you also have to work in the cost of the individual IP address. I know what I’m paying for mine and while I;m not allowed to say, at the same cost it wouldn;t allow for much at the $1.20 a mont price point.
why not 75Mhz for each core?
68.780 * 4 = 275.12 Mhz
So … that’s a lot of disk for 1.2USD. Is there any redundancy or will our (admittedly dirt-cheap) VPSes be wiped out by a drive failure?
Their website says “RAID Hard Drive Protection”
All Servers are protected with RAID.
sounds like a perfect VPS for backup use.
A bit disappointed. Got my VPS provisioned and after a yum update, all of a sudden I’m unable to connect thru SSH. IP no longer responds to ping. HyperVM says VM is up. Support replied saying it’s some kind of IP routing issue. Haven’t heard a peep from them since for nearly 5 hours now.
I can’t access my VPS as well. Since they did not include the URL for the login link, I can’t check the vps CP.
We’ve resolved this issue. Please update/open a ticket if you’re still experiencing it.
No vps, after 8 hours I ordered and payment was confirmed for my vps. I got ip information which does not even work.
The ip of your VPS should work by now. We resolved some issue with our ARP Cache a couple of hours ago.
Ordered one, after 4 hours got an email saying “The VPS setup time is 6 hours, please wait”, after that email six more hours passed, still not set up.
Same here. After 6 hours got the same mail, and in total its more than 12 hours now. No setup. Even their live chat is offline. I was impressed by the presales department as they were very quick and responsive.
I guess they are overwhelmed with the number of orders :)
Regarding Live Chat we are Offline because all our employees are now concentrated on setting up orders and replying to Support Tickets. Yesterday when we had Live Chat Online we had to assign more than 20 employees to work on Live Chat to cope up with the Live Chat Requests which reduced the amount of employees we could have to setup the orders and reply to Support Tickets and it impacted our VPS Setup times and average ticket response times a lot.
We expect Live Chat to go back Online later on tonight or tomorrow morning.
The same situation for me too.
We’re setting up all VPS’s now.
So about 2 hours since this message, still nothing. Has anyone at all got set up?
It has been more than 14 hours in total since I paid, and not received anything yet. Very disappointing!
i’m on vps002 server, and it’s working fine. I think i’ll ask to upgrade to 2powerunit.
I received the ‘secret’ url for the control panel, but not the login name. Opened a new ticket.
now the just sent my username and password for the control panel. So far so good. Control panel is not very responsive and has a few broken icons.
run lowendscript and setup a default wordpress to do a test:
the .99 cents 64mb ram vps (vpstree) gave these results:
(clients/user load time in sec)
10 / 1.41
20 / 1.34
30 / 1.78
40 / 1.67
50 / 1.87
and this 1.20 usd, 256mb seem to be a lot slower:
(clients/user load time in sec)
10 / 5.62
20 / 19.50
30 / n/a
40 / n/a
50 / n/a
I wouldn’t expect the box to be able to handle loads of connections/processes.
same setup (debian 5 x86 + lowendscript, testing the default wordpress)
Constantinos has the real urls, and already sent me a few messages.
after a few more tickets it look like there’s a problem with my node, so they have to move my vps on a different node. I’ll report tomorrow about the tests. At the moment is stll way sloooooower than the .99 vps from vpstree
One question is VPSTREE running OpenVZ or Xen?
VPSTREE are using OpenVZ, Costantino has the test URLs so he can verify that.
We apologize for the delays, everything is back to normal now.
hi Constantinos, can you pls comment on my loadimpact test ? I just checked control panel memory/cpu usage and i see no problem there. Why is this vps slower than the 99cents vps ?
I am not sure, can you open a ticket so we can check your VPS?
hello,I just bought one, I want my vps in Netherlands instead of Dallas, can I?
.nl have different pricing, so stop dreaming :-)
(but promotional code works also there)
As user Spirit said Offshore VPS’s have different prices and plans. And yes the discount applies to our Offshore Plans as well.
They are so far my favourite VPS company (among, virpus, godaddy, buyvm, ydgh). Best performance & best support.
(Being a bit upfront in naming other companies but well :)).
Their OSes are outdated though and plans don’t scale proportional to price.
My VPS worked yesterday, and this morning ssh does’nt connect, neither does ping.
I guess the offer got lots of interest..
It should be working by now.
Yes back to normal, thanks.
Sounds promising so far
Awaiting activation!
I just bought one.
Waiting for activation
Your company is not 7 * 24 hours service?
Yes we offer support 24×7 hours – we are working around the clock currently on setting up new orders which is why you probably noticed that our Live Chat is offline.
Still got nothing and it’s 17 hours since payment. I strongly suggest anyone considering to get one to hold off for a while, this is starting to look suspicious.
Can you either open a ticket about this so we can check your order? or if you an provide me with your email address or name i can check and inform you of the status.
I know that there is some delay but not 17 hours as far as i am aware.
Order Number: 1775786639
Subject: HostRail – Invoice Payment Confirmation #HR2010-2439 Paid
Date: Fri, 29 Oct 2010 14:02:45 -0600
Subject: [Ticket ID: 734900] VPS not set up after a long time
Date: Sat, 30 Oct 2010 06:01:22 -0600
That’s 16 hours, now it is about ~1 hour later, = 17.
They are probably really busy setting up all these orders and/or waiting on the datacenter to set up more dedicated servers for them.
Not sure why your VPS was delayed so much. Your order is quite simple from what i can see. We’ll follow up with you on your ticket.
I have now received the VPS details, thank you very much.
The only issue is that it came with no IPv6 by default, filed a ticket for that.
Overall things like apt-get feel pretty snappy, here is a benchmark:
# dd if=/dev/zero of=/root/zerofile bs=1M count=200 conv=fdatasync
200+0 records in
200+0 records out
209715200 bytes (210 MB) copied, 3.78587 s, 55.4 MB/s
I only get 28 MB/s
Well, it is a shared environment so it can vary depending on the load. I just reran the test several times, and the lowest result was 29 MB/sec, highest result was 55 MB/s.
Speeds will also depend on the remote server are you downloading from, along with any peers the data has to pass through before hitting your system.
Not for disk IO
Oooops, thought you were talking about Bandwidth, my bad, What are you using to test disk I/O?
dd if=/dev/zero of=/root/zerofile bs=1M count=200 conv=fdatasync
Thanks :-)
Do you offer those IPv6 addresses also in Germany?
I will ask our Datacenter provider in Germany whether they provide IPv6 Support but if i am not mistaken they don’t provide yet.
Hi sir Constantinos just bought this package a minute ago. Kindly put me in US base server thanks. I am looking your site it’s sound very promising and also I have plan to upgrade to next package next month if this work smoothly. More power and God bless..
What about to use support ticket for that instead lowendbox blog?
p.s. server will be set up at .us anyway, as other locations have different pricing.
They are busy answering support ticket. I have been communicating with them in the last two hours and got all support requests answered in short time. I just got support to install ConfigServer Firewall on my cPanel.
I signed up for 4 Power Units, with cPanel+HWM, as I don’t wish to do any command line stuff.
Ordered a “VPS 2 Power Units”!!
Now waiting for activation email.
Your VPS should have been setup by now .
This is actually a great offer for people who are looking to try a VPS for the first time.
I am quite sure their network speed would not be slow even this is a low end box. I remember my VPS with them. Actually I had a good time with them. :) Love to recommend HostRail to you guys.
waiting my vps to be ready
Your VPS should have been ready by now.
Sorry for the late reply. My VPS got activated 3 hrs back. The first mail didn’t contain the ip address, but then after raising a ticket, now things look fine. Ticket response was less than 30 mins. Hope after the rush calms down, we can expect a nice support from them. So far its Thumbs Up!!! from my side.
Yeah, couldn’t agree more. I think the case is as same as BuyVM, that they didn’t expect this to be booming so they have to work around the clock.
One thing that people needs to understand, this is LEB and it’s really-really contagious, so to any providers that offer good deals, watch out for the LEB fans frenzy… Mmmmuahahahahahah…
I sometimes worry that the “LEB fans frenzy” (or similar) might actually be detrimental, because it becomes contagious – i.e. the hosts catch it.
Say you’ve got an established VPS host that wants to tap into the WHT/LEB market, i.e. pander to the (let’s be honest here) bottom-feeding leeches, so they create a coupon code or whatever, limit it to a dozen uses, say, and open the doors to we the great unwashed masses. The plan being – follow along here – that you (over)sell a dozen VPSes which mostly get used as VPNs or backup storage or (shudder) IRC vHosts, and thus require minimal resources, and you sell them at minimal (or no) profit. In exchange, you get a small amount of extra cash flow (unused capacity is “wasted”, in one narrow-minded sense) and (hopefully?) a lot of superficial and useless reviews on WHT and people’s blogs (“my xperiencez wtih hostnam.cmo, teh furst 24 hourz: A+++++!!!!11”) which, Gods willing, might drive some actual profitable traffic to the provider’s site.
But then the ad goes live on WHT or LEB, and they get twelve new customers in, like, AN HOUR, and capitalism and avarice kick in, and suddenly they’re deploying new hardware and offering a gross of the coupons and deploying a score of new customers every couple of hours, and they’re all “we’ve just tripled our number of customers in the last four days, squee!”, not pausing to realize that, crap, a quarter of the new customers are spammers/script kiddies/otherwise causing abuse, another quarter are incredibly needy high-maintenance drama queens, and another quarter, overlapping with some of the others, are submitting support tickets in some sort of machine-translated Babelfish idea of what English looks like and which nobody can understand. And, if the host is lucky, they’re making, you know, ten bucks a year per each of these customers.
Maybe I’m just cynical, though. Or Misanthropic. :D
Hey nice comment. Lot of truth exposed:) . This could be one of the reason why really big players don’t change their prices or offer low end boxes i guess :). Correct me if I am wrong.
But one thing I don’t get is why then so much of a “circus” to gain customers. Im sorry but this is not to offend anybody. Just curiosity (Curiosity kills the cat :) ).
No you’re not cynical nor misanthropic bro, you’re talking about reality that might cause good provider (with not to much capital resource) to plunge into the dead pool. :D
I am curious how $1.20 is sustainable when it includes full management.
We were fully prepared for this, just had some routing problems with some ip address subnets which has delayed us a lot but we’re getting all orders setup as quickly as possible now.
I certainly didn’t mean to suggest that you weren’t prepared, or that my hypothetical scenario applied to you. Some of the (former) hosts in the “dead pool” here almost certainly succumbed to something along those lines, though, which is why I mentioned it. TeamVPS, as far as I can tell, disappeared because the owner got sick of dealing with the mountains of neverending support tickets from the low-end clients they picked up from some promotions on WHT, and I strongly suspect that NYNOC suffered a similar fate before they sold out to Steadfast.
Heck, I seem to remember LEB basically driving guy to just quit his business a couple months ago, after something like 95% of the orders he got in twenty-four hours from a promo here turned out to be fraud…
If you don’t mind disclosing this, how many signups have you had through this promo?
Under usual circumstances replies to support tickets on average are within 10 minutes.
Looks like a 100 megabit link:
# wget
–2010-10-30 22:21:09–
Connecting to||:80… connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 200 OK
Length: 104857600 (100M) [application/octet-stream]
Saving to: `100mb.test’
100%[=================================================================================>] 104,857,600 8.46M/s in 12s
2010-10-30 22:21:20 (8.47 MB/s) – `100mb.test’ saved [104857600/104857600]
Yep its a 100mb umplink
where is my vps? Order Number: 4314106644
Your VPS should have been setup by now.
Good news for everyone, we just got approval from our Network Operations Center Team for the setup of the remaining orders.
Expect to see your order setup within the next 1-2 hours (max), this excludes orders that include DirectAdmin & cPanel – those orders will need some more hours to be setup.
Constantinos wrote:
Good news for everyone, we just got approval from our Network Operations Center Team for the setup of the remaining orders.
Expect to see your order setup within the next 1-2 hours (max), this excludes orders that include DirectAdmin & cPanel – those orders will need some more hours to be setup.
Congratulations sir Constaninos :)
I’ve got a 1 Power Unit VPS
No ipv6 came with it, support asked me how many ipv6 addresses I wanted.
In the control panel rebuild shows 2 distributions not available in the selection when signing up, Opensuse 10 & Gentoo. Tried Gentoo but it’s running with only the lo interface, added to thhe support ticket.
this is very funny machine, I’ve got 0.1GHZ cpu, but it actually 10 times faster than BuyVM’s crap.
You actually have 0.1Ghz x 4 cores = 0.4Ghz
All orders have been setup.
For IPv6 Support open a ticket and our Network Engineers will assign the IPv6 Addresses to your VPS. Just a note however that the assigning of IPv6 Addresses might take up to 24 hours.
Two thumps up!!! My order is up already. I wait almost 8hrs my mistake I never opened a support ticket after I made payment. You guys must open a ticker asap after your payment because they are swift in doing your request. Great support… Here’s my panel below, this is what I got…
Uploaded with
Ouch!!! I forgot that html embed is not working here. I’m sorry. Here’s the link —->>> or try this one —->>>
I am glad what I got, actually have 0.1Ghz x 4 cores = 0.4Ghz. This is great. This server rocks for a very affordable price… Question, guys how many ipv6 you got after asking the support. Just I asking because I never requested yet.
No need to overreact and you can always ask for more. Be reasonable and ask for 5 or so.. if you really don’t need them more :)
P.S. does anyone’s IPv6 actually works? It seems like they have routing issues with that on saturn node.
PING 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=49 time=411 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=49 time=290 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=49 time=291 ms
It’s working one my node
IPv6 is working for some people and not working for others – we fixed the routing problems on nodes and node – the rest of the nodes we are still working on to fix them.
Thank you for your answer. Here is still same as yesterday..
— ping statistics —
4 packets transmitted, 0 received, +4 errors, 100% packet loss, time 2999ms
bought one
my VPS is down now = =
Has anyone else lost the network access(IPv4) from the VPS? Seems there’s some routing issue again.
I can enter the SSH console (using the login/IP from control panel), but the VPS IP is not accessible from outside, and from inside the VPS can’t access anything either.
Ya,me too.
yes i got the same issue , and my control panel show me ” Alert: could_not_connect_to_server [] “
I am not sure in which nodes you guys are however we fixed an issue with one node so if you’re there you should see your VPS online in the next minutes. We have a couple of tickets regarding some issues with our other node ( – we will have this resolved very shortly – our Network Engineers are working to add the IP’s to the ARP manually.
Yes, me too.
I have open a ticket, but no response.
If you haven’t received a response to your ticket then that means we are working on the issue currently. I know that there are around 10 tickets which have not replied but we are already working to resolve.
We will be updating the tickets shortly.
Mine started to work now.
However still waiting for IPv6.
My VPS is now active, it tool less then 7 hrs. Not bad.
Mine’s down, on
I’ve received an email from Hostrail,looks like on call support staff are on the way.
There’s Also an entry on their forumss at
On Call Staff have arrived. Our Engineers have informed me that the node is back online.
At the moment we are not sure of what caused the outage, as soon as we know more information we will update the entry on our forums.
Ordered VPS 2 custom still pending, haven’t received a response ticket. Order Number: 5729355400
We’ll be sending out an email with ETA’s on order shortly.
Thank you Constantinos my VPS up, but didn’t received control panel url? and ipv6 please
It’s done resolved by support ticket. Thanks
Glad to hear that this was resolved!
Can someone do me a favour and try to connect to some IPv6 IRC server? Does it works? I tryed 5 different IRC networks and I wasn’t able to connect to any.
I forgot to mention that I got allocated IPv6 addresses and ping to works – but that’s all. Traffic from saturn node to ANY IPv6 server seems still blocked.
Maybe you could see if you can lynx http://[2001:470:0:64::2]/, the IPv6 address of and see if it works.
Good idea!
And no ” Unable to connect to remote host.” – it doesn’t work. I can’t reach any IPv6 site.
Try ping6 -c5
Works for me, it’s my BuyVM server.
Ordered 8 hours ago but account has yet been activated. Order number 2580751364
Nope that’s WP’s fault
It should be in []’s but WP removed it :(
In brief, you should try:
see if this work:
lynx http://[2001:470:0:64::2]/
Please have this post moved to the corresponding group.
@KLIKLI it’s still Alert!: Unable to connect to remote host.
@Keith I can ping it, but anything else… no
They said that it’s not firewall issue at node but well…
Ping and traceroute works, anything else don’t.
Are you sure you don’t have ip6tables blocking rules in your VPS?
Look at ip6tables-save, try ip6tables -F
Well do you have any firewalls on your VPS?
It’s a little bit strange… the AAAA record of goes to
It’s ping-able/traceroute-able, but not accessible over HTTP.
Well do you have any firewalls on your VPS?
It’s a little bit strange… the AAAA record of & goes to 2607:ff68:1:0:206::1
It’s ping-able/traceroute-able, but not accessible over HTTP. in the browser works for me, nothing else there besides testing ipv6 email.
~# curl
curl: (7) couldn’t connect to host
# Generated by ip6tables-save v1.4.2 on Sun Oct 31 20:39:24 2010
:INPUT ACCEPT [89:11488]
:OUTPUT ACCEPT [95:8224]
# Completed on Sun Oct 31 20:39:24 2010
# Generated by ip6tables-save v1.4.2 on Sun Oct 31 20:39:24 2010
:INPUT ACCEPT [89:11488]
:OUTPUT ACCEPT [95:8224]
# Completed on Sun Oct 31 20:39:24 2010
curl works fine on all of our host nodes, it seems to be a problem with the VPS’s. We are investigating.
It’s default vps setting (i didn’t do anything yet) and they said that they don’t block nor filter any ports. They got same confirmation from their provider.
I just got my IPv6 allocated and I can confirm the problem is there for me too (on the Uranus node).
# curl
curl: (7) couldn’t connect to host
# nc6 -vvv6 80
nc6: cannot connect to (2001:4860:800a::69) 80 [www]: Permission denied
nc6: unable to connect to address, service 80
The “Permission denied” message indicates it is a firewall issue somewhere on the way – either host node, or their router, or their datacenter router.
Ok, we’ve confirmed that there is some issue.
Our Network Engineers are working to fix this on all nodes.
An update we have confirmed that curl fully works on the host nodes. We are still investigating why it doesn’t work on the VPS’s.
It turns out I can connect from the VPS to port 22 (SSH) on any IPv6 host which has this allowed:
# ssh -6
The authenticity of host ‘ (2001:4f8:fff6::21)’ can’t be established.
DSA key fingerprint is 09:ae:f1:48:e0:76:c6:e1:13:ff:2b:cb:20:40:38:d0.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added ‘,2001:4f8:fff6::21′ (DSA) to the list of known hosts.
I also can SSH into my VPS over IPv6. So at least port 22 is open both ways, but all/most other ports are blocked. It definitely looks like ip6tables’ work on the host node to me.
I’ve forwarded this to our Network Engineers. I will also ask for an update from them.
just bought one.
waiting for activation.
my VPS activated already, thanks a lot for HostRail :)
Order activations and support replies and mostly back to normal now.
I’m pretty happy with the services hostrail is giving me, for the price i paid, the VPS is pretty fast, and pretty good.
I really like it allot.
Their support is also responsive and this is good.
An update that this special offer expires on the 6th of November (we have extended the offer).
Just placed an order for one of my clients (order # 8948877100). These guys are very friendly and respond to support issues very quickly. I would recommend them to anyone :)!
Well, so far so good. Medium priority tickets are answered within 3 hours. I think thats fair considering the fact that so many orders are flowing to them. and any problem they do solve it. Had an issue with ip yesterday, they detected it and I was given a new ip very soon.
My HyperVM is a bit slow today and yum update was very slow (download was fast but installation was slow) that I had to cancel the installation. But will wait for few hours before raising a ticket. If it gets fixed by itself, its good.
Hope their live chat becomes live(online) after the rush calms down. But nice experience overall. Will recommend it to anyone. :)
On Debian its the same, the packages get downloaded fast, but installation takes a while, I think its due to the limited CPU 65 mhz per core, im not sure if yum and apt-get / aptitude are multicore enabled. But so far, it has been ok, I will make more tests tomorrow to see the performance.
It’s not the CPU, per se – you’re seeing crippling iowait because the hard drive(s) is/are being thrashed by one or more users/abusers. I know because I’m in the same boat – load over 2.0, sometimes as high as 4.0, on a bare system with nothing running. On a Debian VM on the ‘uranus’ server.
Yes, ‘uranus’ node is very slow today.
You could install sysstat which will break down the CPU usage for your VM like so.
root@roubaix:/# mpstat
Linux 2.6.24.th_ovz-xxxx-std-ipv4-32 ( 11/01/10 _i686_
09:23:14 CPU %user %nice %sys %iowait %irq %soft %steal %idle intr/s
09:23:14 all 0.15 0.00 0.03 1.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 98.35 0.00
To install this type ‘yum install sysstat’ on a CentOS system and ‘apt-get install sysstat’ on a Debian system.
To test whether it is using more than the one core you could install something like htop.
apt-get install htop
You could then run the update and see the load on the cores via htop in a separate terminal window.
Live Chat went Online for some time yesterday. We expect the Live Chat to be fully operational today afternoon/evening.
> Well, so far so good. Medium priority tickets are answered within 3 hours.
I asked for TUN to be enabled, and just about 20 minutes later it was done, very nice. :)
I’ve bought one, paid invoice number #HR2010-2612 but i still don’t have my vps account data, only WHM CS.
server respond really slow:
real 0m0.142s
user 0m0.001s
sys 0m0.002s
free -m
real 0m5.666s
user 0m0.002s
sys 0m0.001s
Hmmmmm I’ve been witnessing several good deals frenzy, and It has the same pattern:
– Users wants to have their VPS setup immediately after payment.
– Provider work their back to the bones because they need to setup new boxes, nodes, etc, while popping their eyes to verify that the orders are not fraud.
– In the mean time many too enthusiastic users who got their VPS ready immediately benchmark test their new VPS. Imagine if a box is filled with 20 VPS and 16 users are testing the VPS at the same time, how do you think the performance would be?
– Users who tested their VPS under the above condition might think that their VPS is bad or the connection is too slow and many who are new to this kind of frenzy will start screaming for a refund.
“So, be patient grasshopper, wait and see for a fortnight after the storm go away, then decide whether or not to continue your journey in this land of penguins” – Kwai Chang Core (The NixFu Master)
504 Gateway Time-out
my vps is down, their control panel (hypervm enterprise) is down too. Support is offline. And i did many tests, it’s really slow compared to the 99 cents vps.
yeah, vps really slow.
update :
take 2 minutes for finishing:
yum search openssl
So, just to make sure: The extensive ToS is only for shared accounts and not for VPS? So I can run Teamspeak on a VPS no problem?
Yes that is correct and our TOS will soon be updated to mention that its only for shared accounts
my vps is offline for a few hours. I finally managed to login to the control panel (still many icons missing) and tried to rebuild the system (debian x86) .. really slow. Looks like the system is not able to rebuild my VPS.
I the meantime i did a new test with the 99 cents vps. After a few weeks that still rocks. Looks like Costantinos has some serious problem here.
new problems with this VPS:
14 228 ms 170 ms 169 ms [213.24874.222]
15 169 ms 168 ms 169 ms [208.115252.22]
16 168 ms 166 ms 169 ms []
17 199 ms 173 ms 168 ms []
18 165 ms 169 ms 167 ms []
19 168 ms 169 ms 172 ms []
20 169 ms 172 ms 169 ms []
21 169 ms 167 ms 169 ms []
22 169 ms 170 ms 172 ms []
23 167 ms 169 ms 170 ms []
24 170 ms 169 ms 169 ms []
25 171 ms 169 ms 171 ms []
26 168 ms 169 ms 170 ms []
27 168 ms 172 ms 169 ms []
and when i ping my vps all i get is a ttl expired in transit answer
This was resolved earlier on today.
confirm, all works fine, now
works fine, fast.
Regarding the slow, Uranus node is currently experiencing slow slowness, i have been informed that our Abuse Department is actively working to resolve this ASAP, they have also sent an email to all clients regarding this.
Good to hear someone’s working on it. I read most of this thread while waiting for an SSH login to complete. Actually I’m still waiting… :)
We had a technician working on it from the first moment, then we found there was some Abuse from a long term client of ours. His VPS was suspended and Uranus i confirm myself is back to normal.
We have found the VPS abusing the server and the server has now returned back to normal.
Still extremely slow for me….
[root@hrlabrad ~]# time ls -al
total 36
drwxr-x--- 3 root root 4096 Nov 1 08:24 .
drwxr-xr-x 20 root root 4096 Jan 26 2010 ..
-rw------- 1 root root 1247 Nov 1 08:40 .bash_history
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 24 Jan 6 2007 .bash_logout
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 191 Jan 6 2007 .bash_profile
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 176 Jan 6 2007 .bashrc
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 100 Jan 6 2007 .cshrc
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 129 Jan 6 2007 .tcshrc
real 0m9.032s
user 0m0.002s
sys 0m0.002s,/code>
Still slow.
Command “apt-get install mono-devel” is execute nearly 1 hour but still not complete
Ok Uranus is now fast, only one issue remains between communication of HyperVM and the VPS’s hosted on Uranus.
Any progress regarding IPv6? :P
I am waiting very eagerly too, I basically bought it because of native IPv6.
i have 20 ipv6 :P
but i cant connect to ipv6 irc server or ipv6 website. only can ping all of them.
i already stop ip6tables. sadly
IPv6 should fully work quite soon, i know that our Senior Network Engineer is working on that.
Here’s what I get on trying to connect to my VPS over IPv6:
01:11:07.337082 IP6 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.55342 > 2607:ff68:100:xx::xx.www: Flags [S], seq 1530413521, win 5648, options [mss 1412,sackOK,TS val 92344317 ecr 0,nop,wscale 7], length 0
01:11:07.596211 IP6 2607:ff68:100:10:20a:cdff:fe1a:3cd8 > xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx: ICMP6, destination unreachable, unreachable prohibited 2607:ff68:100:xx::xx, length 88
To the best of my knowledge it is ip6tables with a “-j REJECT” rule that most likely generates those “ICMP6 unreachable prohibited” messages. If I were root on the host node, the first things I’d try would be:
# look at what's in there:
# remove all the rules:
ip6tables -F
# set all policies to ACCEPT:
ip6tables -P INPUT ACCEPT
ip6tables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT
and then recheck if IPv6 started to work.
I hope that he doesn’t work on this issue full time whole 3 days already :P
I like to hope that ipv6 support is secondary to concerns like the appalling i/o wait on the Uranus node, which continues sporadically even now.
To be fair, I don’t think it’s necessarily Hostrail’s fault, per se. I think it’s abundantly clear that cheap VPS offerings like this are abuse magnets, so I suspect much of their time is spent tracking down and dealing with a plethora of spammers, crackers, torrenters, and whatnot who are making life difficult for the rest of us. If we have to wait a couple more days for ipv6 – something they didn’t even advertise as offering – while they deal with a horde of idiots, well, so be it.
(In reply to Snape…)
Regards to being an “abuse magnet”, it’s interesting that my $0.99 VPS at VPS Tree never suffers this kind of abuse. It’s always fast and snappy — it’s a mystery to me how they do it, but it invites speculation….
Comparing VPS Tree to Hostrail we have: 64MB RAM vs. 256; 5 GB storage vs 30; 20 GB transfer vs 200. Which of those differences would act as the abuse magnet for HostRail? My guess is the transfer allowance. Without the promise of a big transfer quota the VPS Tree offering is highly unattractive to the spammer/torrent/proxy etc. abuser.
I’d be happy to be moved to the new Hostrail “nice neighbours” node, with a monthly transfer allowance of maybe 40 GB :)
— sleddog
Sorry typo in the above. Should be “200 GB transfer vs 20”.
Damnit no! It was right the first time! :) 200 GB for Hostrail vs 20 GB for VPS Tree. Sigh.
Sleddog: I suspect the big causes of abuse are people filesharing and/or running “rapidleech” scripts, both of which you’ll want lots of disk space and bandwidth for, and both of which I suspect really thrash the disks in a user-unfriendly fashion. I mean, let’s be honest, if you’re torrenting Blu-Ray movie rips, you’re not even going to give a 5 or 10 GB VPS a second look…
Also, to be honest, I suspect 64MB of RAM isn’t seen as attractive by script kiddies. You can do quite a bit with if if you try, as LEA has shown here, but my guess is that the vast majority of 64MB VPSes are either private VPN/proxy nodes, IRC vhosts, or backup space, which explains why the few of us who use them for “normal” server applications find them always-responsive. Offering such low-spec VMs is probably a good business plan to minimize abuse, to be honest. (Minimal resource abusage = lots of happy customers = recurring revenue, plus it’s somewhat harder to remote-exploit a VM that’s literally running SSH and OpenVPN and nothing else, than one that’s got Apache and SQL and is hosting a hundred blogs and forums and whatnot.)
Unfortunately seems we have bad news about IPv6, nothing official yet but there is a bug in the OpenVZ kernel which is not allowing full IPv6 compatibility – we have been sent a patch however we haven’t applied that to any of the production servers – we’re currently testing it at a test server to ensure that it doesn’t cause any other problems.
That’s strange. So far native IPv6 works at few LEB featured OpenVZ hosts (BuyVM,, etc..) without any issues.
Snape: I agree with what you’ve said. But the bottom line is (I think) bandwidth (or ‘transfer quota’). Without the high transfer quota the high diskspace is useless for abusers. A high diskpace/low transfer model can fit a lot of legitimate, low-resource-use users.
Sleddog: True, but I would not be at all surprised if a lot of the abusers planned to hop from provider to provider on a monthly basis, with no intention of paying for any overages. (I’m honestly not sure if VPS providers normally automatically terminate VMs that hit their transfer limits or not; I don’t think I’ve ever transferred more than about 40GB on a single VM in any given month, and all my machines have at least 70GB…)
I guess we could pool our resources and form a short-lived VPS biz selling $3/3GB/3TB VPSes and gather some authoritative data, but… no. :)
Maybe something like this is affecting them.
However IPv6 on my BuyVM VPS does indeed work beautifully, why can’t it work here.
(BuyVM) 2.6.18-194.8.1.el5.028stab070.2 #1 SMP Tue Jul 6 14:55:39 MSD 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux
(HostRail) 2.6.18-194.17.1.el5.028stab070.7 #1 SMP Fri Oct 1 14:59:55 MSD 2010 i686 GNU/Linux
The good news here is that if a patch is already in testing, hopepully it will be rolled out soon.
Just a heads up for you guys at least (everyone else too)
SolusVM will natively support IPv6 “by the end of the week”… this is per Phil directly.
Expect an update in not too long! – thats all I know unfortunately :(
We’re rolling out the first patch. We also have a second patch to roll out however we will roll out one patch at a time.
too much problem for the 1st day
Alert: Could not Connect to the server This is most likely due to underlying network problem. Make sure that the server is accessible from this particular node by running telnet slave-id 8889
There is a communication problem between HyperVM and Uranus. Other than this the VPS’s on Uranus are all back to normal.
not yet :)
It’s running very well for me now. The slow-slowness has disappeared and the VPS responds nicely at the command line. Well done :) Just need to get the HyperVM issue sorted now.
A note to everyone, while i try to answer all questions, there are so many questions that i would probably spend my whole day here rather than running HostRail (i’m the CEO for those of you who don’t know) so if your question hasn’t been answered don’t worry – i’ve got someone else checking and noting down any problems and checking accordingly.
my vps really slow, and I request for refund.
Just ordered.. Hope setup won’t take too long.
If you compare their TOS with Hostgator’s, you will find a lot of sentences which have been copied.
Thats interesting, our lawyers wrote our Terms of Service and they are currently re-writing them a bit as our TOS is a bit unclear on some things.
‘Accounts that have paid monthly are not eligible for a refund.’
you need to pre pay for 10 years then they’ll give you refund.
Please read our Terms of Service per the refunds
I have one of these 1.20 VPS with you. All is axcellent. Slow as is, and cannot be better because are only 300 mhz. I think some people doesn’t know how works an AMD K6 or Pentium 2 equivalent…
Ok, returning to the point. Someone here requested allocate the CPU resources in only one core, and Constantinos replied to put that in the “notes” field of his order. I did that, and later submitted a ticket but the support says that cannot be possible =(
BTW.. Someone can explain me if putting the resources in one core really will show a difference? Because I have noted weird things in cpu monitoring tools, for example top, the cpu consumption doesn’t have sense. This is a normal condition in OpenVZ? Is a configuration problem? Version? Or is impossible to report accurate CPU usage? I have another provider with OpenVZ an the reports have more sense than this server xD
Thanks in advance.
It’s slow, and you’re seeing “weird things” in top, because of really high iowait, not because it’s in any way comparable to a PII. Sumbit a ticket, and HostRail will – hopefully! – do something about the people abusing the host node.
When things are working as they should, cpu usage works just fine, just as it does at other hosts. You’re just seeing the effects of a couple bad apples…
Are you sure about that? Where can I see the io wait? In top? The “wa” parameter?
Hmmm, about the cpu consumption.. Example, I have an app that surely must use the 300-400 mhz all the time, but it shows only 4%. I am sure it must use my 100%.
2 days ago it showed 0% ALWAYS :S
“wa” in top, or from the output of vmstat, yes.
> I have an app that surely must use the 300-400 mhz all the time, but it shows only 4%. I am sure it must use my 100%.
It will never ever show more than 10% used in top, because 10% is what your account is allowed to use.
Consider 10% to be your “100%” :)
Top shows 0% in “wa”.
vmstat apparently rounds up the value, and shows “1”
The limit is not “68 mhz” or “4 * 68 mhz”, it is actually “10 percent of one core running at 2.83 GHz”.
So it is not a problem that you see 4*68 in cpuinfo, it does not affect anything, and there is no reason to ask for 1 core only. See more details here:
But why my other provider have 8-core servers and they give me 1 core at 2.4 ghz or 4 cores at 600 mhz. And was no problem to supply me that requirement, because some applications doesn’t work well with only 600 mhz (single threaded apps)
> some applications doesn’t work well with only 600 mhz (single threaded apps)
I tested this on HostRail, and there seems to be no issue with single-threaded apps.
One thread uses 10% of the CPU, and when I launch two, they both run at 5% CPU each.
The performance does not increase with number of threads, it divides between them evenly.
So it is clearly not the case where 1 thread runs just at 68 Mhz and you need 4 threads to use all cores.
Maybe your other host runs not OpenVZ but Xen (for example)?
In regards to OpenVZ, I still think it’s inappropriate to use “MHz” as the measurement unit. It’s all about time slicing if I understand it correctly, meaning your container gets assigned with a portion of the CPU time via cpuunits and cpulimit.
Like what @rm mentioned, it is 10% of the CPU time rather than 4 x 68 MHz. OpenVZ prioritizes your program (process/thread to be exact) in a way that it only touches the CPU not more than 10% of the total time, the rest of the 90% is either idle, or given to other programs in other containers. Also, the limit of core is virtual, you still get access to all cores even if your container is “limited” to 1 core.
Ok, then, I must understand… If an app is not multithreaded and requieres more than the aparently 68 Mhz…Will use the 4×68 mhz like an multithreaded app?? That is what I understand of this…
And then, the measurement of cpu usage in any tool cannot have sense in any way.
I get 4x68mhz~300Mhz like a single core for any app that needs that 300 mhz. Is right? (Ok, maybe the cpu scheduling is more complicated…but is an idea)
Forget about MHz, really… your account can use 10% of CPU, that’s it.
You can use it with 1-threaded app, it will consume 10%.
Or you can run 4 apps, or an app with 4 threads, they will get 2.5% each.
So you don’t get ‘less’ CPU if you use 1-threaded apps.
I have personally tested in works this way on HostRail.
Maybe it should be clarified in the offer.
Just ordered a server, Waiting on setup.
I submitted a ticket a while ago (#853836) and have not yet recieved a response. It seems you guys might be really busy with all the new orders, which I do understand. It wasn’t marked urgent or anything but I did expect an answer before this?
I take that back. They responded as I was writing this I guess! Thanks HostRail!
No problems! Ticket Replies and Orders are normal with a couple of exceptions.
you wont give my money back! hahaha
Please read our Terms of Service per the refunds.
Not so good support, they miscalculated my upgraded server price. They gave me a new server price instead of upgraded server.
As we already replied to your ticket there was no miscalculation done.
I created screenshot for you:
Of course, you can try order VPS 6 units by yourself and apply Lowendbox60 promo code.
$25*0.4=$10. I fail to see the problem.
At the end there was a miscalculation, this was resolved and the credit was applied to the account.
Thanks Constantinos for the support, what a helpful support.
Sorry, i’m late to say thanks.
Late is better than never anyway. :)
HostRail support is so helpful that they installed what I want, took long time, but they stick to the end
and now everything works fine. Thanks Constantinos!
We’re rolling out the first patch for IPv6. There is a second patch however we will roll out one patch at a time.
Any progress? :)
I sent an email about this. I should have IPv6 working quite quickly, i got delayed due to an issue with a VPS however i am now back to this issue – i work nearly 24 hours so i will work until this is done :). Customer Satisfaction is always my top priority and then comes everything else including sleeping :)
Come on, roll it out, and please start with Uranus :)
Waiting sucks :/
Ordered server. Discount was still valid, and VPS was delivered in 10 minutes from payment.
Have just placed an order for three systems, waiting on setup now. :-)
We’re leaving the promo code active for another couple of days :)
Yay! I may order some more if these go okay!
Don’t get too excited… the one I have is often — like now — in a state of paralysis. I think I got the “0 Power Unit” model. It’s on the Uranus node…
[root@hr:~] time ps aux
root 1 0.0 0.0 2160 168 ? Ss Oct31 0:00 init [3]
root 13500 0.0 0.0 1816 256 ? Ss Nov01 0:00 syslogd -m 0
root 13577 0.0 0.0 4496 220 ? Ds Nov01 0:00 crond
root 13724 0.0 0.3 2272 816 pts/0 R+ 22:53 0:00 ps aux
root 27919 0.0 0.1 2132 328 ? Ss Nov01 0:00 /usr/sbin/dropbear
root 28537 0.0 0.3 2284 876 ? Ss 22:25 0:00 /usr/sbin/dropbear
root 30318 0.0 0.5 2552 1344 pts/0 Ss 22:28 0:00 -bash
real 0m53.672s
user 0m0.001s
sys 0m0.004s
Did you open a ticket about this issue? Uranus from what i see is currently on low load.
server:~# time uptime
03:32:19 up 5 days, 12:19, 1 user, load average: 3.48, 2.62, 1.55
real 0m13.558s
user 0m0.000s
sys 0m0.001s
server:~# time uptime
04:34:21 up 5 days, 13:21, 1 user, load average: 7.12, 6.48, 6.40
real 0m19.428s
user 0m0.000s
sys 0m0.000s
Uranus is pretty much unresponsive due to stalled disk i/o, Constantinos. I guess your idea of “low load” is a bit different than ours.
I just logged into SSH myself and executed a yum update on a test VPS that i setup for this purpose – the command finished within a couple of minutes – didn’t take that long. I will anyway check Uranus – if you can submit a ticket i can check your VPS and to some troubleshooting on it.
>I will anyway check Uranus
Oh, the one liners that come to mind.
Can’t believe you actually named a server that.
Guess I need more sleep. :P
drmike: Uranus is overloaded. Uranus is overwhelmed. Someone is probably abusing Uranus. Uranus needs support. Yes, we get it. :)
Constantinos: Ticket submitted.
Constantinos, you really have a good team there. Just a few minutes ago I realized that I can have a quite powerful VPS by adjusting the Addons on the shopping cart.
So here are some settings that I tried to adjust:
VPS – VPS 2 Power Units (hostrail200)
» Additional CPU: 0.3 GHz CPU $1.99 USD
$6.98 USD
Promotional Code: Lowendbox60 – 60.00% Recurring Discount
Subtotal: $6.98 USD
60.00% Recurring Discount: $4.19 USD
Total Recurring: $2.79 USD Monthly
VPS – VPS 2 Power Units (hostrail200)
» Additional CPU: 0.6 GHz CPU $3.99 USD
Promotional Code: Lowendbox60 – 60.00% Recurring Discount
Subtotal: $8.98 USD
60.00% Recurring Discount: $5.39 USD
Total Recurring: $3.59 USD Monthly
VPS – VPS 2 Power Units (hostrail200)
» Additional CPU: 0.3 GHz CPU $1.99 USD
» Additional RAM: 256MB RAM $2.99 USD
Promotional Code: Lowendbox60 – 60.00% Recurring Discount
Subtotal: $9.97 USD
60.00% Recurring Discount: $5.98 USD
Total Recurring: $3.99 USD Monthly
But I have already ordered a couple of days ago. So I opened a ticket and ask whether I can have the (basic price + Addon price) minus the discount instead of the (basic price – the discount) + the Addon price. So Rob Kelly the Support Department Manager immediately confirmed what I wanted and generate the calculation and invoice. Now I have VPS 2 Power Units with additional 0.3 GHz CPU and 256MB RAM for $3.99 USD.
Great deal!
Your VPS can’t support pptp. why not support it? Thank you
PPTP is supported, just submit a ticket and we will manually activate that feature for you.
I did submit a ticket. And now the load is back to normal. I hope it can stay that way. :)
Just need to say THANKS for Hostrail/
My VPS setup just only 1 hour after payment !! WOW
Also great support for my newbie in CentOS
Anyway, hope all of you will happy with their services.
Got the Power Unit 1 VPS today and paid it yearly. So far I’m satisfied with the 2 Power Unit VPS I purchased earlier, so let’s see this Power Unit 1 performance in the next 3 months.
uranus low again:
ok, so definitely there’s a problem somewhere with this node.
loadimpact is sloooow
and even a ls need a few seconds.
vps002:~# time ls /var -la
total 60
drwxr-xr-x 14 root root 4096 Nov 1 18:33 .
drwxr-xr-x 20 root root 4096 Nov 6 17:52 ..
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Nov 3 06:25 backups
drwxr-xr-x 10 root root 4096 Nov 1 14:48 cache
drwxr-xr-x 25 root root 4096 Nov 1 18:36 lib
drwxrwsr-x 2 root staff 4096 Apr 3 2009 local
drwxrwxrwt 2 root root 4096 Nov 6 17:52 lock
drwxr-xr-x 11 root root 4096 Nov 6 17:52 log
-rw-r–r– 1 root root 3139 Nov 1 18:17 logauth.log
-rw-r–r– 1 root root 0 Nov 1 14:33 logmail.err
drwxrwsrwt 2 root mail 4096 Nov 6 06:27 mail
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Apr 3 2009 opt
drwxr-xr-x 10 root root 4096 Nov 6 17:52 run
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 Nov 1 18:32 spool
drwxrwxrwt 2 root root 4096 Apr 3 2009 tmp
drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 4096 Nov 6 00:28 www
real 0m2.274s
user 0m0.001s
sys 0m0.002s
vps002:~# time uptime
19:35:47 up 1:42, 1 user, load average: 1.57, 1.27, 0.72
real 0m4.007s
user 0m0.000s
sys 0m0.001s
it’s the third ticket i open today…
We’re investigating now, our Senior Support Engineers are currently looking at the node to disable any abusers.
Should be resolved now.
Do you also offer those ipv6 addresses in Germany?
Unfortunately there isn’t any IPv6 support in Netherlands or Germany yet.
Is the offer (60% off) still valid (for an existing customer)?
Yep it is.
Is ipv6 by now supported on VPSes in Germany?
Now the Uranus node is down for almost 2 hours… I suppose it is being under maintainance or something?
They e-mailed saying engineers were working on it, it was being rebooted, it was doing an FSCK which would fix the problems(?), and it had finished and was booting VMs. That was… 25 minutes ago.
3363 packets transmitted, 0 received, +1664 errors, 100% packet loss, time 3368574ms
Back up now. Still no working IPv6, I was kinda hoping it was down to fix that.
Alas, no. I don’t have any IPv6 addresses assigned, but I note that suddenly venet0 *has* IPv6, which it didn’t do before the reboot. ::1/128 isn’t super useful, but it’s more than was there earlier.
IPv6 is nearly there guys, the reboot fixed one issue with IPv6 and a big issue with the load on the server which some people were reporting for the server being slow.
The FSCK found a couple of bad sectors which it repaired.
How are you planning on solving this if “the venet device is currently not fully compatible with IPv6”?
Well there is always the VETH device :) – all clients that need IPv6 will be changed to VETH device unless we get an email that a patch is coming out for VENET that fixes this.
Right now I have a BuyVM OpenVZ VPS which supports IPv6 absolutely fine on the venet device(!).
And this is on an older kernel than you have.
Are you sure you verified it is not a netfilter/ip6tables issue?
A friend of mine has detailed a possible fix if it is –
I think he also sent that information in a ticket to you directly.
From what I can see/test, this is your bug:
And the fix detailed in pastebin text above, would fix the matters splendidly.
However it is OK with me to use veth if you can not or do not want to fix it in any other way.
@rm: Thanks for the information. Using VENET makes everything much easier – i will look into this.
Don’t give up on IPv6, @Constantinos :)
you dumb kids, you are paying $1.10 and act like you paid $20/m.
Just give him time to adjust and fix, he will get back to you.
Even $10/m vps providers do not offer IPv6, look at WHT, also, why do you need IPv6?
You don’t need that crap.
Maybe you’re the dumb kid in this story, by putting that ipv6 is crap. ipv6 is the new (well new it already exists for over 10 years) standard that will replace ipv4!
dumb is, dumb does.
It will replace ip4? I heard that since 2000. so it’s going to replace tomorrow?
Is that the reason why you kept asking ipv6?
You probably won’t have any courage to ask ipv6 to $20/m vps, but to $1.20 cheap one, you can act like a rich kid spending wow $1.20, where is my ipv6? dumb ass…
It’s not going to do this tomorrow, however if you can believe the stats on ipv4, we’re running out on ipv4 addresses quickly.
I keep asking for ipv6 addresses to ALL providers I contact, both those at $1.2 as those at $20/month. I now have 20 VPSs, and for one of the project I only “use” VPSes that also have ipv6, that’s my selection criteria, like others would use use bandwidth or the VPS control panel that is being used.
If your judgement is based on what you see on LEB, then it’s normal that you only see questions towards low-costs VPSes, as that is what LEB is about. You don’t see my mail and you don’t see the chats I have with other providers, so don’t judge me on how I’m asking about ipv6.
dirk is actually right, IPv4 will completely run out long before the end of 2011. We as a service provider are doing our best to have a fully complaint IPv6 network ASAP.
Unfortunately we did fall into some issues:
1) HyperVM does not support auto-assigning IPv6 Addresses – we have overcome this problem by manually assigning IPv6 Addresses
2) VENET is not yet fully compliant with IPv6 yet – only option currently is to change the VENET device to the VETH device for the clients that need IPv6 Compatibility
3) IPv6 Routing Problems – These have been fixed are continued to get fixed as they appear
As IPv6 for us is just released (for us) and not yet fully supported by our provider we expect these issues, IPv6 Support was added to our provider only in August 2010 so its still quite new and issues are expected until software vendors update their software to be IPv6 Compliant.
At this moment i will make my first test with a public VPS, i expect the test to succeed fully – i apologize for the delay, this test should have been done on Saturday morning however due to other issues that required my immediate attention i needed to postpone this.
I will keep you all updated as we hit important milestones in my test with a public VPS.
ya, a huge comet will hit the earth in the future, too.
Now that you know where you will be on the day the world ends, you get to decide which train you’d like to ride ??? Ha Ha Ha
I wish you all the luck with your none-future-view
Don’t feed the troll.
The simple truth is that when ipv6 becomes mainstream, those who didn’t adopt it early will be behind the curve, and people who need v6 compatibility will use the early adopters’ software/services/whatever.
Holding off until the last minute is stupid. Which makes sense, considering he’s a troll.
Let’s say that the Internet began in 1969 when ARPANET got started. In the 41 years since then, over 95% of the IPv4 addresses have been assigned. If IPv4 addresses are consumed at the same constant rate of 2.317%/year, there’s still only about 2 years left before IPv4 exhaustion. Other estimates say it’ll come quite a bit faster:
chachiris people have different needs and your judges without knowing us are so narrow-minded. I really dislike people with “we know what’s best for you” attitude and you don’t go far away from that. Just because you don’t need, don’t require something it doesn’t mean that we’re in same boat. And regarding your insultive childish “you dumb kids”.. argument, my rough guess would be that you’re way younger (and dumber?) than most of us here. It’s completely irrelevant how much do we pay for vps – it’s an offer, we’re HERE and NOW, we talk about IPv6, we hope that it will works… and your nonsenses have no other purpose than meaningless wanna-be-smart trolling.
uranus slow again. Constantinos, can you move me on a better server. Its 2 weeks and lots of trouble tickets that i hear the problem has been solved. First an abusing user,than a filesystem error,what now? i’m not interested in ipv6,just a normal vps. Ticket open
vps002:~# time uptime
19:04:19 up 19:15, 1 user, load average: 0.13, 0.06, 0.01
real 0m5.476s
user 0m0.000s
sys 0m0.001s
vps002:~# time ls /var
backups cache lib local lock log logauth.log logmail.err mail opt run spool tmp www
real 0m17.596s
user 0m0.000s
sys 0m0.001s
user@vps:~$ time uptime
13:20:43 up 2 days, 13:45, 3 users, load average: 1.11, 0.72, 0.73
real 0m12.042s
user 0m0.000s
sys 0m0.002s
This is in NEPTUNE…may be my load n_n
really awsome right ?
just trying login to my vps after few days. 5 minutes just to login :)
dont ask for refund, they wont give your money back.
have fun everybody.
LOL, you are in uranus too. IMHO neptune is ok, but I am using fully my 300 mhz..and almost no I/O, that’s weird, because “time uptime” uses I/O to read the command, Am I right?
And a refund? Nah, xD
Btw the server is useful for me, maybe I can put my teamspeak and other little services in that box n_n Just monitoring the behavior of this server and then migrate
yups :) im there :))
i only use these vps for backup database, mx backup and dns, but … take ages just to do “free -m” command :D and IPv6 not working.
yeah refund :)
they dont offer refund and too overload vps node i dont want to upgrade my VPS, this $1.2 vps only for testing, If I’m happy i’ll upgrade to 1 GB memory,
@Tommy: Can you open a ticket about this load problem?
You should be happy now i think :) . Your VPS should be nice and quick now
Yes, so far i’m definitely happy. Hope my VPS stay usable for more than a few days. Great support for a cheap vps.
In year, 2000, right before, everybody talked about virus, bought bunch of anti-virus program.
did it happen? dumb is dumb does.
Are you talking about the Y2K bug? It was nothing to do with viruses. If you’re actually talking about virus stuff, there was no predicted explosion in viruses that I remember, and I don’t recall anyone buying AV software en masse.
Take your pills and leave the house, you suck at internets.
Just before Y2K there were some serious virus outbreaks, that’s correct.
And about the Y2K bug…if nobody had done anything then we would have had a lot of work fixing it afterwards…
But this ipv6 thing has nothing to do with virusses nor with a Y2K bug. This is about working with the future and not only with past & present. If chachiris doesn’t want it, that’s his choice….but there is NO reason at all to get that attitude because other want it. I’m sure that the day he buys a car and gets a good price, that he won’t complain on the missing options … hé you got a good price, we can skip those options….
No it didn’t happen on those sites were you had the anti-virus. I was admin at that time of a “sub”-network of a large network spreading 4 countries. And only those that had a 3-layer AV defense didn’t get any issue. Those that didn’t have it…well it took them a couple of week to get their mailsystem again up-and-running….
Y2k bug was real. It was not that much affected to personal computer or local area network. It was mostly for old software codes that used by the mid to large companies. I did fix software code for a few of the Gas and electric companies in us.
:~# dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=256 oflag=dsync
184+0 records in
184+0 records out
12058624 bytes (12 MB) copied, 217.807 s, 55.4 kB/s
dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=256 oflag=dsync
256+0 records in
256+0 records out
16777216 bytes (17 MB) copied, 0.465435 seconds, 36.0 MB/s
My VPS is on
I’am also having problems on uranus during last days. It is really slow. Please move my vps to different node.
Ticket already opened: #895224
dalish:~# time uptime
23:16:09 up 2 days, 1:25, 3 users, load average: 3.51, 1.90, 0.92
real 0m45.220s
user 0m0.000s
sys 0m0.009s
dalish:~# time free -m
total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 256 33 222 0 0 0
-/+ buffers/cache: 33 222
Swap: 0 0 0
real 0m33.447s
user 0m0.002s
sys 0m0.002s
Should be fixed now.
@Constantinos , pls check my problem below, ticket was opened as #936086
:~# dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=4k oflag=dsync
405+0 records in
405+0 records out
26542080 bytes (27 MB) copied, 497.32 s, 53.4 kB/s
Interesting! The results with that “dsync” in Neptune are really bad too
$ dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=256 oflag=dsync
256+0 records in
256+0 records out
16777216 bytes (17 MB) copied, 219.475 s, 76.4 kB/s
Yes,I’m on the node Neptune
I wait your feedback about your ticket n_n
May be I will submit one
How you get a .tk domain without advertising everywhere? Your page is clean xD
Simple, use DNS not their url redirector.
Wow, I’m so noob xD
I’m entering to the VPS world, and learning A LOT.
I want a tk!!
I don’t use that tk domain now.
.tk is now free. truely free, no ads, etc.
Yeah, I see that :D Is great!
Now the question is.. what tk to choose?? :D
@Yomero Acturally,I don’t recommend tk domain,coz you have just the right
to use , you don’t have the domain indeed,it is owned by themselves
Maybe is ok for my personal blog or something like that…
Ok… 9 usd isn’t a lot for a .com xD but for a simple start… What do you think?
@Yomero You may wait for Godaddy’s deal , $0.99 for 1 .com domain,they always release such coupon code before holidays.
Excelent! I will try to catch that coupon n_n
Another provider known here… (with SLOOOOOOW support and deployment….)
$ dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=256 oflag=dsync
256+0 records in
256+0 records out
16777216 bytes (17 MB) copied, 0.643738 s, 26.1 MB/s
I got 36 MB/s on
OMFG! That is nasty xD
Some abusers in our node may be… doesn’t have any abusers.
@Yomero, did you open a ticket?
Today earlier in the morning (from 12:46am – 2:02am) i was informed by our Network Operations Center Team that we did a clear out operation on 3 different servers, all Abusers found were suspended/terminated.
Which servers have been cleaned? Does that include Saturn? Results from a saturn server taken this morning:
Another test done 10 mins later. No wonder the server lags.
My best result so far:
Yeah, maybe they moved problematic users from other nodes to Saturn.
I also noticed some lag and atm I am basicly stucked with apt-get remove…. approx 10 minutes passed and sendmail still isn’t removed. Damn annoying. With all what I saw here in last few days I am afraid that this vps isn’t worth even 1$.
Saturn node.
time free
total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 262144 31912 230232 0 0 0
-/+ buffers/cache: 31912 230232
Swap: 0 0 0
real 0m14.816s
user 0m0.001s
sys 0m0.003s
An update to everyone, tomorrow (10th November 2010) we’ll be upgrading the hardware on the following nodes:,,,, and The remainder nodes will be upgraded next week.
In the next 8 hours we will be sending emails to everyone with the exact timetable – each node will be offline for approximately 30 minutes. The hardware planned has been planned extensively as you will see from the timetable that we will send. We will also be providing real time updates to everyone, more information will be included in the email that we will send.
YES! Thank you for the great news. I hope you will get some faster storage in those servers. SSDs pretty please for Christmas? :P
Thanks for the news!
About a ticket, no Constantinos, I mean, “may be I will submit a ticket”. For my needs the VPS works, but some ocassional processes are really slow. I think we are confusing a little bit between I/O and the CPU time that we have assigned.
My node is slow yet, but I hope the upgrades will enhance the VPS’s
Thanks for your attention =)
Sounds very very very good. I’m on was very excited installing virtualmin gpl but no luck. Time consumed yum upgrade and install nearly 20minutes. Virtualmin gpl consumed more than 20minutes but in the end the vps is not usable because it’s out of mem even I tweaked the preload of virtualmin. I just rebuild my os template and updated to latest patches of centos and left. NOW I’m happy to hear that and hoped I can use my vps here and will tranfer my 2 low traffic sites from my other vps. Guys I loved the support here, very superb. Some of my hairs are white already. My white hairs can tell that Constantinos support is amazing. CHEERS
Looking forward to the cpu upgrade.. I purchased their “2 Power Units Server” but unixbench 4.1 only gave a FINAL SCORE of 39.5 :(
A lot of users have expressed their happiness regarding the upcoming CPU upgrades to the servers.
I always try to aim to provide the best possible service and keep as many clients as i can happy.
This upgrade will certainly make the servers faster.
Don’t forget to bookmark – we’ll be providing real time updates from the moment we start until the moment we complete the upgrades, we always aim to keep everyone informed of the latest updates to any scheduled outages.
Looking forward to the new CPUs, though performance is pretty good now!
How you have 2 days up? o_O your node isn’t being upgraded yet? :S
Uranus upgraded and already up :)
before I had 4 cores of:
model name : Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q9550 @ 2.83GHz
cpu MHz : 68.780
Now I have 4x:
model name : Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q9650 @ 3.00GHz
cpu MHz : 72.828
Great :)
However I don’t think the cause of slowness some people reported was the CPU; it looked more like I/O contention problem, or lack of enough free RAM on the node.
I appreciate their willingness to upgrade to *try* and fix the problems, but this does seem a bit like trying to fix horrible understeer and a bumpy ride by adding a turbocharger to your car, i.e. shiny and exciting and pretty much useless. Maybe we’re completely wrong, though.
I’m still seeing a significant and alarming degree of iowait, but things are generally running acceptably fast. This tends to be the case whenever they reboot the node, though, so I’ll wait and see if the hardware fixed the problem, or of the abusive botters and script kiddies just aren’t smart enough to make their software run automatically at boot. :)
LOL, and my VPS still down xD, but neptune is up o_O
Is up now! :D Blazing fast answers, I like that.
But the IO continue being slow u_u…well like Snape says, is running aceptably.
Seriously? A 16mhz upgrade on the CPU? They thought this was going to fix the performance issues?
mine is on, after cpu change, it got 5 times slower than before.
wonder what they did.
LOL, well, I don’t know but at the start the iowait was worse…Maybe the other people was starting their processes too.
Anyway, I am waiting for an package upgrade n_n
Your server is atleast up. Saturn seems dead.
Just log onto HyperVM and click boot.
their site is down.
They talked about it on their twitter account. Should be back up now:
should be? did you check it lately?
mine is still down, and it’s not on saturn. So i think they have many more problems at the moment
If your VPS is offline as we said in Twitter please open a support ticket.
now is online, but i think you have abusers on this node too:
vps002:~# dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=512 oflag=dsync
512+0 records in
512+0 records out
33554432 bytes (34 MB) copied, 147.104 s, 228 kB/s
Constantinos@ would you look into ticket #158232?
It’s quite funny how your tech ansers.
I will check this shortly.
I’ve checked the ticket. What he said is actually true. WHMCS does have an inconsistency/bug with the amounts it displays. As the tech answered the promo code will actually be automatically applied to all your Invoices.
Hope so, but since it shows $4.99 on My Service, it will automatically bill me $4.99.
then I have to go thru all this nonsense again explaining, etc.
Should I cancel this and order same thing? It would show $2.00, right?
LOL, that sounds like me xD My service show the same john. Support says my invoices will have the discount (2 usd total)
You will automatically billed $2, the Invoice is generated and includes the promo code. Cancelling and re-ordering will result in the same thing really.
Constantinos@ Thanks. Hope it does.
How come their $4.99 vps is lot slower than $1.10 vps?
funny, go figure//
The $4.99 is the 2 Power Units yes? and the $1.10 is the 1 Power Unit yes?
Saturn Node is still dead slow with I/O :(
root@vps3:/home# dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=512 oflag=dsync
512+0 records in
512+0 records out
33554432 bytes (34 MB) copied, 133.687 s, 251 kB/s
root@vps3:/home# free -m
total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 1280 210 1069 0 0 0
-/+ buffers/cache: 210 1069
Swap: 0 0 0
disk:~# dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=512 oflag=dsync
512+0 records in
512+0 records out
33554432 bytes (34 MB) copied, 45.759 s, 733 kB/s
on Terra node.
It’s the abusers on each node. Sometimes it jumps up to 50MiB/s… Constantinos, please do something about this.
Which node are you on?
That is faster compared to mine n_n
ATM, mine is looking fine. uptime is 18 hrs though, saturn node.
myvps:~# dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=512 oflag=dsync
512+0 records in
512+0 records out
33554432 bytes (34 MB) copied, 3.75352 s, 8.9 MB/s
another try:
myvps:~# dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=512 oflag=dsync
512+0 records in
512+0 records out
33554432 bytes (34 MB) copied, 0.839841 s, 40.0 MB/s
from my tries at the moment ranges from 5.7MB/s to 40MB/s
just my test box.
Saturn was experiencing some issues, it hang yesterday so we rebooted it and everything seems better up to now.
My subscription is pretty useless because their are many abusers in the neptune node.
Maybe they’ll move you? Gotta admit though that for those prices, chances are all the boxes are like that. (Not saying that they are. Just making that suggestion.)
I hope but I also admit your second sentence.
Currently Neptune is the only one that is really slow and we are aware of the reason.
At least I don’t need a lot of I/O, but yes, sometimes the shell is stuck xD
Submit a ticket and our Engineers will evaluate it.
I think Saturn / Jupiter is down again..
At some stage Saturn went offline for around 10 minutes, there were no reported outages for Jupiter.
Everything is down, this is worse than cpu swap, what’d they do?
none of my vps’s working, and no answers.
Did you submit a ticket?
Yep, it is still down.
Up or down, what difference does it make? It’s useless most of the time anyway… It would be dumb to use it for anything however everytime when I curiously try to log in I need to boot it from console first as it’s always frozen or something. Some buyVM vps have pretty often some issues or so but it can be still used for some not too much serious work while this one… it’s out of competition! It seems like we paid this coin in educational purpose just to see how bad some vps can be…
If you have weird issues with your VM with us, be sure to log a ticket so we can look into it :) We’ve had some runescape botters that are getting the heeve-ho out the door soon so that’ll calm some of the CPU spikes we’ve had on some of the nodes.
Best of luck to everyone!
your right.. Most times this VPS is pretty useless, good thing I canceled yesterday. It’s too bad thought cause support is actually quick to reply.
I’m going to cancel their service.
sectun:~# dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=512 oflag=dsync
4+0 records in
4+0 records out
262144 bytes (262 kB) copied, 75.6093 s, 3.5 kB/s
What node are you on? After the second reboot on Saturn, things have gotten a bit better.
root@vps3:/home# dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=512 oflag=dsync
512+0 records in
512+0 records out
33554432 bytes (34 MB) copied, 9.70082 s, 3.5 MB/s
Saturn shouldn’t have any load problems. Neptune is the only one left with some CPU spikes, we’re dealing with this.
Please submit a ticket so we can see your node.
I’m on neptune node,I’ve submitted tickets to you for more than a week,but things seemed not to be changed.
I’m on neptune too… cannot use my vps…
I’m on neptune too…
My question, BIG QUESTION, is, what is the difference between
dd if=/dev/zero of=test
dd if=/dev/zero of=test conv=fdatasync
dd if=/dev/zero of=test oflag=dsync
And they are ordered in speed (dsync the slowest, I get like 2KB/s too)
1) The default behaviour of dd is to not ‘sync’ (i.e. not ask the OS to completely write the data to disk before dd exiting). The first variant will just commit your 128 MB of test data into a RAM buffer, this will be really fast, and it will show you the benchmark result right away. The server in background continues to write out data from RAM to disk.
2) conv=fdatasync asks dd to require a complete ‘sync’ once, right before dd exits. So it first commits 128 MB, then asks “OK, now ensure this is completely on disk”, and only then measues the total time it took to do all that, and calculates the benchmark result.
3) oflag=dsync makes dd ask for completely synchronous output to disk, i.e. ensure that its write requests don’t even return until data is on disk. No wonder it is slowest, the write cache is basically unused in this case.
I suggest to use conv=fdatasync as it seems to be the most realistic behaviour compared to real-world tasks.
Yes I think the same, fdatasync is more realistic. Thanks for the tip, i HOPE the people will READ you.
At first everything quite acceptable, I don’t have issue with I/O, only issue ticket for tun/tap for openvpn and iptables modules which took some time (days). 2 days ago when everything ok suddenly my vps reboot and I can’t ssh to it, when I check with hypervm it’s different system os with centos (I’m on ubuntu before) and previous data gone. When I asked they said my data moved to another hard disk and told me to wait, so I wait… 1 day pass still in progress, just before there’s answer said it resolved but when I check again still it’s not, resource didn’t show disk status, inode status even max memory show less than I ordered. I’m on hipomenes node which looks ok
Hmm i don’t think you’re on Hipomenes, no new customers were added to that node. I believe you’re on node
@Constantinos: is the duration of the discount also “Life of Account” as for the promo code “Lowendbox”?
Yes that is correct the promo code is for the life of the account
everytime when I try to log in I need to boot it from console first as
it’s always frozen or something.
I said same above.
What nodes are you guys on?
At saturn.
Now even console is not working.
Console was fixed with all nodes, it could be something particular to your VPS
Live support never seems to be online.
Live Chat was online today. Note that Live Chat is operated by Sales Personnel and not Support Personnel.
Saturn is dead slow again… tsk tsk
root@vps3:/home# dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=512 oflag=dsync
b512+0 records in
512+0 records out
33554432 bytes (34 MB) copied, 637.888 s, 52.6 kB/s
I should have went to NordicVPS…
I think we must use conv=fdatasync instead oflag=dsync, as says rm.
I can confirm that this has been fixed .
Saturn this moment:
dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=512 oflag=dsync
512+0 records in
512+0 records out
33554432 bytes (34 MB) copied, 163.217 s, 206 kB/s
On my HostRail VM, on the “Uranus” node:
img:~# dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=16k conv=fdatasync
16384+0 records in
16384+0 records out
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 126.403 s, 8.5 MB/s
For comparison, a $30 Seagate Dockstar hacked to run Debian on of a 4GB Kingston DT Mini Slim flash drive:
root@debian:~# dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=16k conv=fdatasync
16384+0 records in
16384+0 records out
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 610 s, 1.8 MB/s
Sadly, the Dockstar feels several times faster…
I can confirm that this has been fixed.
After all the negative comments here (including mine) I’d like to say that my $1.20 HostRail VPS has been running great for the past week. Keep it up guys!
We’re trying our best, all the time we’re applying upgrades and patches to make servers quicker and quicker. Over the past weeks we’ve invested a lot of time and finances in making sure we have a rock solid environment – we hope slowly all/most problems will disappear.
Hi! Your status script is exactly what I’ve been looking for!
Do you mind if I use it on my testsite with your #comments intact of course :)
@Matt T – Use away, that’s what it’s for :)
Just ordered a “1 Power Unit” VPS with extra 512MB RAM and some extra CPU. $3.99/month with the discount code. Code still appears to be active.
@Constantinos so , do you mean this problem was fixed for NEPTUNE?
VPS:~# dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=512 oflag=dsync
512+0 records in
512+0 records out
33554432 bytes (34 MB) copied, 581.209 s, 57.7 kB/s
Yes it has been fixed on all Nodes
I’ve got 2 VPS with them. I do not really use my Power Unit 1 VPS, but I ordered a good offshore VPS with CPanel for a very little amount and it’s working so far great. Keep it up guys!
More than 500 comments on LEB? Is hostrail the most discussed lowendbox provider?
Yep a lot of comments here in LEB.
We’re keeping the promo code Lowendbox60 active for more days still
The support has been slow the past couple of days, waiting almost a day for a user name change.
I had to open two tickets with them, both were solved in minutes.
Sadly mine aren’t.
I apologize for the delays in your ticket replies.
It’s understandable given your staffing problems.
We can’t comment anymore in this post?
Ok, edit, something weird happenned…I can’t put my comment with console dump…
Today my VPS is really slow (neptune), never had this problem until today =(
1:38 mins to exec vmstat.
47 secs to exec free..
I hope hostrail will do something at this respect to solve this problems.
Now my VPS works, and they fixed an issue with tun/tap, I’m really amazed with their support.
I guess LEA should open a 2nd Page for Host Rail comments ;)
I think they are the toppers in terms of number of comments :)
Of course service is pretty good too :)
My HostRail 4 power unit plan (less than 210 accounts): Generated in 3.3779089 seconds. Was around 0.06 seconds before this promotion went on.
Same site on a free host with over 3k accounts on one server: Generated in 0.0443020 seconds
It’s on
Any chance for another promotion deal, I missed this one…
The promotion is still valid.
Thanks for telling me, I assumed it wasn’t valid anymore, just ordered one of the 2 power units… really happy about the 60gb space, excellent I think for an rsync backup. Hope it would be relatively stable and hopefully storage is in fact raid as claimed on the website. Will keep you all posted
Has been stable for me so far. I am able to use all of my RAM without any of it being swapped. The disk I/O (speed) is fantastic. Hardly no wait.
I’ve not once saw live chat online. I wonder if Constantinos is still listening to comments here?
I don’t know if he read this, but I LOOOOOOOOOOOVE their support, that’s the best. If you need something, just throw a ticket :P
They’re great.
We did. IPv6…
Yeah their support is great. Their power unit 1 VPS performance is not the best, but hey what do you expect for 1$? I have another VPS with them, but that is a big offshore VPS with CPanel and it performs really well.
Well i’ve reduced monitoring the comments here to 2-3 times a week.
We’re working on a re-launch of our Live Chat System – the agents assigned to it wanted some changes done which have now been completed so they can start working again.
We apologize for this.
Regarding support responses, i am aware that they are a bit slower than usual – unfortunately approximately 90% of our Level 1 Support Engineers are sick and approximately 80% of our Level 3 Support Engineers are sick so we have very few Support Engineers that are working.
From tomorrow i hope that some of our staff get better and come to the office or at least are able to work from home.
We apologize for this also.
I’m sorry to hear about your staff being ill. Please keep us informed on your staffing situation.
Yes we will keep everyone informed.
I have to say that i’m also sick as with the rest of the staff so i haven’t been able to do much either.
I hope you and your staff get well soon. :-)
OMG! Is pandemic!!!
Take care and I hope you will get better =) and thanks for all your effort.
Hmmm….. sounds like a gold rush order sickness to me heh… heh… heh…
I hope they get well soon.
Just got another hostrail Scheduled Outage, i has receive thats email few times in one month. I dont use my vps on hostrail, which i bought few weeks ago. I only found bad thing there, really slow speed, slow server respond, and too much Scheduled Outage in 1 month.
Good Job Hostrail.
Sorry man, but you don’t read the mails… or your server is in “europe” node? Because that outages are for upgrade CPU in that specific node, not for shutdown all the nodes.
At least they advice you about that outages, other companies only press the button and you’re down
Each Scheduled Outage affects another server, we have many nodes so you can receive even 20 or even more emails with the same subject in the same month.
The good thing about these outages is that we upgrade the specs of the server, we’re not taking them offline (with a couple of exceptions) to fix problems.
I don’t really know in which Node you are so you’ll have to submit a ticket if you are experiencing slowness.
Yesterday I have purchased VPS but still not able to install Kloxo.
For that opened many tickets but still they said work is in progress!!.
Very slow. I think problem of the staff.
What error messages are you receiving? I was able to install Kloxo on 2 HostRail VPS’s just fine last night.
@Dhir: We recommend you install Kloxo manually rather than from HyperVM, we can also install it for you if you want.
HyperVM has a lot of bugs, we are really not sure what to do with HyperVM – currently we’re waiting to see if any updates will start getting released to fix the bugs in HyperVM.
This is just a random suggestion that came to my mind.
According to the Solus VM site, a single node license costs $10 and it does not matter on the number of VPSes you host on the node. So is it possible to install Solus VM for all the VPSes and divide the cost between the clients? Of course the clients should also be ready to pay. Im ready :). but as I said its just a random suggestion :)
Personally I prefer HyperVM.
@Jackk : It was just a random thought :). Since I am a newbie, I felt the SolusVM console more comfortable to use.
The HostRail VPS is my first time experience with HyperVM. But I feel HyperVM has more options to offer than SolusVM. Correct me if I am wrong.
Yup – HyperVM appears to have more features than SolusVM. I personally like how HyperVM allows me to make my own backups to a remote FTP server from the main node as opposed to having the file placed on my system and having to move it manually to the remote FTP server.
You can install in 2 ways:
– install the Host-in-a-box image then yum -y upgrade
– install manually:
ulimit -s 128 #limit to your memory
setenforce 0 #kill SElinux temporarilly
#if you got memory error on low end system change the enabled =1 to =0 in the fastestmirror.conf
sed -i ‘s/enabled\=1/enabled\=0/’ /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/fastestmirror.conf
## add kloxo repo
vi /etc/yum.repos.d/lxlabs.repo
a#additional packages that may be useful
name=centos-5-$releasever – lxlabsupdates
#packages used/produced in the build but not released
name=centos-5-$releasever – lxlabslxupdates
##### close & safe file :wq
sh ./
wait until finish and you can login to https://:7777 or http://:7778
IS anyone else’s box down on terra node?
yes, i’m on terra, and my vps is down. Ticket opened and no answer yet
If any VPS’s on terra are down, this seems to be a network issue with our provider – basically the IP’s are not routing properly to terra – we’ve fixed if i am not mistaken both of your cases.
mine is down atm, can’t tell if it’s still down, or it’s just down again. But it’s not good i have to open a few tickets per week to have you reboot my node, fix the error, kick the abuser, rebuild the server, upgrade the software…
Awww.. crap, and i just ordered :(
We cleared out all Abusers from all of our nodes so the server is not going offline due to abuse.
We upgraded the server to latest versions 2 days ago, i am monitoring to see if it goes offline again – if it does we will do some hardware tests however i can’t see any reason why it is going offline.
@circus: I think you got setup on Neptune Node, not sure though :)
@Constantinos, Yes it is :)
It was down 12 hours ago and was resolved one and a half hour later. If you click the link on my name and it works, then they are still up.
Yep your link works.
After further troubleshooting no VPS’s appear to have been offline, only pings are not working – SSH seems to work fine for example on all VPS’s even if they can’t be pinged.
Ping, traceroute and SSH are working good. :) Just keep it up.
my VPS is still down!
or maybe it’s just down again.
@marrco: Is your VPS still offline?
If so please submit a ticket or send an email to and we’ll check it ASAP.
had to reboot it, now it’s working, even if it is slow.
vps002:~# dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=512 oflag=dsync
512+0 records in
512+0 records out
33554432 bytes (34 MB) copied, 497.455 s, 67.5 kB/s
are you sure you kicked all the abusers from terra node?
endor:~# dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=512 oflag=dsync
512+0 records in
512+0 records out
33554432 bytes (34 MB) copied, 150.158 s, 223 kB/s
Seems to have been sorted now.
endor:~# dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=16k conv=fdatasync
16384+0 records in
16384+0 records out
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 23.2251 s, 46.2 MB/s
you are using two different ways to benchmark, no wonder they show varying results.
sigh…and that’s what their support answered to my ticket:
>> vps slow, looks like disk performance is less than optimal:
>> vps002:~# dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=512 oflag=dsync
>> 512+0 records in
>> 512+0 records out
>> 33554432 bytes (34 MB) copied, 497.455 s, 67.5 kB/s
> The server load average of Terra is quite low currently,
> i can’t see any VPS’s abusing the CPU.
Constantinos, I know well that the hosting industry is bloody competitive. I’m not accusing, but it is a common practice for provider to buy a collapsing small companies, re-manage them or merge them into a bigger one.
During the process, provider might have to refurbish the hardware (if they are owned) or cut a new deal with DC for lower production cost, just to keep them competitive.
Now you are offering a chunk of service loaded with technology for how much? $1.20 a month! Wow, $1.20 is it enough for a cup of coffee and doughnuts?
I have no complain, In fact I appreciate very much the hardwork that your support team delivered. However, when the service is not stable enough then I just have to place it for a lower priority usage.
I have voiced complaints to our provider regarding the recent outages with IP Addresses. Over the course of today i must have seen around 20 tickets all reporting issues with IP Addresses – all have been resolved however i personally hate downtime.
Our $1.20/month promo will expire.
Regarding Hardware, in August 2010 we took the decision that we will no longer own the equipment as limited our growth – we lease all our servers which allows us extended growth and expansion – many people might disagree with this however this was done for the benefit for HostRail.
Regarding service stabilization, in December 2010 my personal primary target is to have in general a stable service, whatever is in my hand i will do in order to achieve this. Within November i heavily invested in building a new monitoring system from scratch with the aims of DETECT – ALERT – RESOLVE automatically – this new system will monitor loading speeds, ping speeds, traceroot results, SSH login speed and several other things to proactively detect any issues, alert our Network Operations Center Team Members and automatically proactively take measures to resolve the problem automatically. For example it has built-in module for detection of Abuse and Resolution within seconds by suspending the VPS. I’ve had my first demo of the system already – the system is already though at its Alpha stages, development of the system is being expedited by having developers work on a 24 hour basis in shifts and by having teams of 12 developers working in each shift. We want to get this system up and running as soon as possible as it will help us a lot to monitor our network more closely than currently and with much more detail and accuracy.
As per my research the system we are building is the first amongst its kind, the power it provides, the ability to auto-resolve problems with no human intervention – the ability to quickly troubleshoot and alert for any possible issues with servers/networks whether it is network related or server related (eg. increasing load average for a server) and many many more features which i cannot provide (i hope you can understand why).
In basic terms soon our team will just only monitor screens as any issues will be dealt with by our system – most issues (99% of the issues) before they even get reported by clients.
I know i want to provide more detailed info but i have to stop here otherwise i’ll provide too much info about the system.
Thats all for now, its time for my 15 minute break :) – i’ve been working for 48 hours with a 4 hour break to sleep and a couple of smaller 15 min breaks to eat and rest a bit.
Have your staffing issues been sorted out?
Yep, most of the staff are back
I still haven’t seen live support on?
I just wanted to chime in here and really say what a great job you’re doing Constantinos. While yes, there were downtimes, you really made the effort to really sort it out and twitter updates were great. While obviously I don’t use a $2 VPS for production, I think the value of this deal and your services are tremendous. Keep up the great work and I hope HostRail won’t be sold anytime soon.
I can provide my personal guarantee that HostRail will not be sold to anyone :)
Constantinos, even I would join the others in praising HostRail. Well Im in the Uranus node, which initially had problems but looks stable now. Since I am in the Power 1 plan, I know I cant install heavy-weight scripts. But your support was too good for me. Got a GUI installed at first but when it didn’t work out, got ISPCp installed. But since even that didn’t work out(Consumes all the Ram), I had to revert back to Kloxo. But the crux is, you stood by your promise of providing a managed VPS solution at just $1.20. Hats off to you!!!
Well I seriously never expected so much support at $1.20/month, coz support itself costs $$ these days. And as for my VPS, I have decided to offer free Kloxo hosting :). Hope it goes well. And for $1.2/month we don’t get even a good shared hosting.
And just like Jordan I also hope HostRail wouldn’t be sold coz this is the best team you have got. Hope you keep up this great work and we get to see more of you in the future. Thumbs Up to you and HostRail Team!!!
Lol i just ordered, the coupon still works ^_^
Yep it still works :)
I’ve found my little HostRail VPS down the past two mornings. A coffee and a click of the ‘reboot’ button brings both of us online for the day.
Hopefully, whatever the issue is will be sorted soon so that I’m the only one requiring a daily reboot. But we’re much alike, me and my HostRail VPS. As my old girlfriend used to say, “It’s great when it’s up.”
Well, the past days support was resolving some issues about ipv6, maybe they rebooted your node.
I lol’ed at your little jokes in there :-)
Which node are you on so i can check this out?
just sign up for these great offer. the coupon still work.
now waiting for my server ,….:)
I think your order has been setup
I see that CPU is limited. Can i run gameserver if it only uses 0,3GHz?
Depends what the required spec is for the game you want to run. I doubt it though. It’s not a 300MHz chunk either, it’s 4x75MHz.
> It’s not a 300MHz chunk either, it’s 4x75MHz.
It is neither, it’s just 10% of one real CPU core. Whatever that core is.
Disregard /proc/cpuinfo, it just limits your total CPU use percentage to 10, I tested this on hostrail.
See for yourself with several CPU intensive tasks, and then with just one, in “top”.
Ah, I missed the discussion about this. I literally have only used it as a proxy, so I’ve never really made the CPU work.
We now provide the option to assign all 0.3Ghz on 1 CPU rather than 4 CPU’s or 8 CPU’s depending on which server you get setup on.
Guys, we can continue discussions at
After 2 months of testing it, I’ve decided to cancel my vps with hostrail.
Cancellation notice as requested done in the client area on Jan 10.
Almost immediately I’ve got confirmation that the service will be cancelled.
End of Bill was Jan 15. Service got terminated.
Currently I’ve already got 2 overdue noticeses for the next bill for Jan 15. till Feb 14.
Another sign of “great” service from hostrail.
Well, I think you must submit a ticket and the issue will get resolved.
I know this. I’ve already done but still have to wait for that and got spammed with the overdue reminders for the terminated service.
I’m currently offline w/ Their 24/7 phone number said leave a message. Their support seems to be offline too. I guess this is what you get when you purchase from the cheapest VPS out there. And REBOOT is NOT WORKING! Very upsetting, months of work down the drain.
From previous post on LEB you got the following information:
“It has been in business since 2004, and the domain registered since 2007. WHOIS protection on the domain. 30 days moneyback guarantee.”
Do not know why a business has a WHOIS protection but I guess its too late to ask for the money back if you had the VPS for over a month now?
They are probably just very busy processing all the orders and support tickets, give them time to recover and get back to you.
Are any of the servers offline. My system has been offline since 10:30 pm last night with no response to my ticket.Ticket #906497
Nothing on their twitter outside of some stuff earlier on:
beware of there vps because there support are poor and dont have a clue about fixing and they will try not to give you refund so im going to claim because i not paying for something that doesnt work
there os reinstall take hours and there os are way outdated and there kloxo is way outdated so if you was to update kloxo dont bother as it will stop your vps from working
We feel your pain brother, but it’s “their”, not “there” — five times.
hostfail (aka kuhost), you really don’t know what you’re talking about. I just installed HostRail’s CentOS5 “HostInABox” template (CentOS + Kloxo) and it was installed and working in less than 3 minutes (including the OS rebuild).
Every person has their own opinion about the services that they receive. To state that one doesn’t know what they’re talking about just because it differs from your experience is just rude.
While I respect your opinion drmike you haven’t been dealing with this guy for hours like I had on WHT. If you read his thread and his posts you will see that he is bashing HostRail for no good reason and his story changes constantly, thus he has no idea what he’s talking about because he can’t stick to one version of his story.
LOL this guy has a funny “english” xDDD (I found the WHT thread :D )
@KuJoe, that’s cool. If you have a link handy, leaving it as a reference may be in order.
Sorry, I didn’t think about it at the time. Here you go, enjoy some cheap entertainment:
Seems to be having the same problem others here have had, the memory limit on the most recent update with the filesystem. At least that’s what it looks like to me.
Well, I had very poor experince with my both hostfail vpses too and same with their “support” so I decided that it’s not worth of my time to bother with their hosting offer ever again and after their last failure simply cancelled.
With or without “funny story” of this guy above I would easily place them in my top5 worst hosts ever (and I use them plenty).
Beside that I think that this guy from hostfail is a pathetic liar with his imaginary 21 full time Support Engineers (as he inform us in his newsletters). Even some middle sized DC don’t have such number of employees…
Hostrail is good in terms with support but their products really poor.
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