Ken from Virpus has emailed me their Halloween Special Promotion (expires on 18 October). When you use the promo code 2010Hallofest with annual payments, you get 40% off recurring discount AND free DirectAdmin license. Just use this order link, change billing cycle to 12 months, select DirectAdmin under Control Panel, and you can get their U-Basic VPS for $36/Year.
- 512MB guaranteed/2048MB burstable memory
- 25GB storage
- 1600GB/month data transfer on 100Mbps, or 5Mbps unmetered
- 2 IP addresses
- OpenVZ/SolusVM
Kansas City MO. Another “too good to be true” offer, consider how much memory Virpus is already giving? They have been around for quite a while though (and have been advertising on LowEndBox since February).
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Is there a test ip address for ping? Thanks!
Try their own website…
ikbear: from a prior deal posted on WHT ..
Test IP: Speed Test:
Pretty good deal – I’ve had the same config VPS with them for several months now. Occasionally a hiccup here and there but for the $7/mo I’m paying now you really can’t go wrong.
Ok, thanks. It also sounds well to me.
I just saw this promotion yesterday on their website and it said it would expire on October 31.
I just emailed Ken asking if I could upgrade my 1 month plan on my 5 day old VPS, and he said I had to order a new one.
As for my brief 5 day experience:
Ping from east/west coast users: ~ 90-100 ms
Ping from an Indianna user: 50 ms
AMD Phenom(tm) II X6 1055T Processor x6 @ 3314.889 MHZ
privvmpages 524288
vmguarpages 131072
oomguarpages 131072
Tech Support: I asked them to enable TUN on my machine. They deleted my ticket, but I receieved an email asking for my IP and Node name which I already gave in the ticket. I replied through email, and fortunately it was finally done.
Wow! What a great deal!
I’ve discontinued my previous service because no longer in use and their slow support.
This offer makes me want to try them again.
@Sei Kan, how is the uptime of the VPS? Do they simply reboot the VPS node? Thank you.
@Wing Loon
Their uptime is not consistence if compared to my other VPSes, but still acceptable.
Let me share my uptime report from pingdom:
442 downtimes??? Did you reboot your VM while the pingdom monitoring still on? Is the latency good for you? Thanks :)
With a 10 hour block of downtime. Kind of iffy about that.
442 down times. ahahahhaha
Hey Im interested in it. Just need opinions and suggestions from others before buying. Do you all think this a kind of a legitimate offer for the quoted price? Coz for a newbie like me most of the things in Low End Box looks legitimate. :)
Since there are many Pros of VPS hosting, I would like to make my decision based on your help. Thanks in Advance.
I had used virpus from their earlier offer 7/month with DA. I used them for 7 months. I have only two down times. one was schedule one and other one was not informed.
great deal, the free DA is high point
DirectAdmin in bulk = $5/month = $60/year
That means he is making a loss just on the cost of DirectAdmin alone
Paying for one year in advance is not comparable to the accumulated 12 months paid monthly.
Even though, I agree with LEA it is too good to be true.
Do you offer (or plan to offer) native ipv6 addresses?
Do you allow to select the IP (perhaps if you have different class B then just select the classB atleast)?
virpus is not that bad. But it turns down for several times
I hope my will be stable. No reboots, etc..
I ordered VPS today morning. Lets how much time it will take to setup VPS. I will update this thread with VPS performance shortly after setup.
Can you post UnixBench v4.1.0 –
My VPS get setup instantly. However, I’m still waiting they install DirectAdmin for me. It has been 8 hours..
Directadmin is notorious for taking a long time to license IPs. It’s done manually – not Virpus’s fault.
If I reload OS future then I have to ask them to install again manually or it is in a box.
I guess you can install it yourself as long as you have your License ID and Client ID.
you need license details. you can ask the support for it even now and use it when you need to reinstall
@Sei Kan
In their site, it is mentioned that they will give Tier0 support throughout. This includes solving troubleshooting issues throughout your subscription. I think reinstallation of Directadmin falls in the troubleshooting category once you reinstall the OS. Just update them about the reinstall with a support ticket.
I think they buy the Direct Admin Internal Pricing which is $49.00 / server (IP) for lifetime provided they install themselves. I guess it will work out for them. But in the Direct Admin site it is written that these prices are applicable only for 20+ licenses :)
As for me, still waiting for ppl to post updates. Want to get fully convinced before I buy. I also have asked them few questions on a sales ticket. Will decide then. According to my knowledge, the plus points are:
1.) 2 ip adresses (for $36, most give 1)
2.) 2048mb burstable ram (most give 1024)
3.) Free DirectAdmin (most don’t give)
4.) 1 month management (Tier 1 support)
Do you all think these are sufficient to try them? Though it is unmanaged after 1st month(except troubleshooting), is it a good offer?
Thanking All,
For the points you mentioned:
1) Two IP addresses is surely a plus point, but not necessity.
2) Do you really need such huge amount of burstable RAM? IMO, even if you use 50-60 MB more than your guaranteed RAM it’s time either to lower your usage, or upgrade. Burstable RAM is usually oversold at these prices and you should not really consider it even as available.
3) They’re getting licenses at much lower cost than $49/IP.
4) Never used them, so can’t say anything about their management/support.
Hey Nice one. Thanks a lot. Makes a lot of sense to me. So what is your opinion? Should I go for it or not? How much would you personally rate them on 10? As told before, I am an absolute beginner to vps. So need a vps which I can learn from the scratch and reach upto setting up a streaming site on my own, for a good price(Max $40). I can wait for few more months to find a best one. But I cant go beyond my budget :)
Also there may be better offers for the Christmas I guess :)
You might want to try out with a monthly plan. Say, you don’t want to go on with a VPS and get back to a shared hosting plan, you always have the option to move without much (financial) trouble. However, a 12 month contract is something I’d never recommend new users to get in as a majority of such users are generally inexperienced to deal with unmanaged service, esp for a VPS.
Yet, should you be able to work and learn-as-you-go on unmanaged VPS, I’d say go ahead to try them out.
For Virpus,
Age: Lot longer than most of the providers offering VPS at prices similar to their levels.
Support: Haven’t had experience, but generally acceptable.
Network: Few hiccups now and then, but generally aceptable.
Price: Really, don’t have much to say here.
Performance: Not the best, but much better than most of the VPS providers in same market.
For the price they’re offering the VPS for, it’s worth it. That’s mainly due to the fact they’ve been in market for a few years now.
You can take their assistance under their first month managed service offer, however, I’d say use them as a last resort. You’ll be dealing with unmanaged service after the initial month so better get yourself ready for the same and avoid any trouble later.
If you’ve something mission-critical, you’re looking at the wrong service–not the provider, but unmanaged service as a whole.
>>Also there may be better offers for the Christmas I guess :)
There is no guarantee but there will be similar offers for sure. :)
I will update once they setup VPS.
where can i get DA lifetime lincens for a lower price?
any chance for an extra discount if you don’t need DirectAdmin?
I’m certainly sure there won’t be any. They’re not offering DA as an upgrade being bundled for free but as a free cookie when you pay yearly.
have paid for hours . but pending now
nothing change for better since then. but for the money – not bad
Thanks for the link. Its an eye opener. Almost decided to buy it, but will seriously rethink.
Is it possible ever get a managed VPS with good specs for $30-40 a year? Thats my max budget.
I don’t think you’ll get managed service for less than $200 yearly, seriously. Realistically speaking VPSLatch’s offer is very good @ $18 monthly, which makes ~200/year.
Of course you might get something cheaper from a bedroom-i-am-king-of-the-world-$ ;) but that’s upt to you – I wouldn’t risk.
LowEndBox is all about unmanaged VPS for the tinkers. For management the cost is all on the actual person doing the service/management, and the old saying is always true — “if you pay peanuts, you get…”
peanut butter?
Then I think Im at the rite place. I made the comment of managed server coz was bit hasty. But ultimately my aim is to learn things from scratch. So am exploring the site now :)
Nice info here. Appreciated.
Thanking You,
Cracked shells all over the floor?
looks very promising.
How’s the latency to Europe (The Netherlands) ?
~175 to Serbia via adsl, ~150 via cable.
@ZTEC: ~200ms to Ireland
another review:
I was thinking of purchasing it. Looks bad.
My opinion, based on more than 4 months with Virpus:
Uptime: 6.8/10
Support: 8.9/10
VPS speed: 10/10
Network speed: 10/10
For this offer:
Price: 10/10
Features: 10/10
The uptime is the main problem for Virpus. They could have 100% uptime for a week or two, even for a month (based on measurement at 1 minute interval), but accidentally something happens and the server (the node) is down for 3-7 hours.
The problem with the support is that they actually don’t have enough admin rights on the systems and can’t do anything until a senior admin is available. There are admins available 24/7, but they can’t do anything to help you if the problem is serious (they don’t have enough access to the systems). Actually the solution of this problem will fix the problem with the uptime (in my opinion). The support tickets are answered between 10-50 minutes, in very rare occasions 3-4 hours.
Virpus is THE BEST choice for development or any testing purpose. It’s also the best choice when the uptime does not needs to be higher than 98.5%. Virpus is also the best choice when you need a high speed network and fast VPS combined with low cost.
For 36$/year (3$ per month) you get A LOT MORE than you pay for, and actually I’m planning to buy this vps plan as a gift for myself for my birthday :)
I ordered VPS yesterday, no setup, no respond to ticket. I finally decided for a refund. They dont respond to their ticket system so I have to go for PayPal for refund.
I believe its a one man company. Where they have orders but nobody is there to do the job properly.
Same as mine. I ordered and wait, no setup,no respond. So I reqeust refund and also waiting their responding….
Me too :(
hmmmmm, this hosting is not answer for support tickets. My $36 is …………wait. wait I want kill this man:(
Hey want to caution you all. I opened a pre-sales ticket with them asking my doubts before I make business with them, but has not been replied. It is more than 30 hours now and no reply. Dont know about support, but at least they should answer sales tickets early rite.
So, Plz verify before you purchase.
I guess its one of those where you pay for what you get. However i dont know how a company can still have customers with downtime and no reply to tickets.
Just to throw this out, that’s a good check for learning about a company. Submit a sales or support question and see what you get back.
I would suggest giving them a bit a leeway though if it;s one of the offers from here though. Usually when LEB publishes an offer, the company comes back with a “OMG, are we swamped!” comment.
I had several VPSs with virpus for 4 month. There servers are fast and reliable. On two VPSs(which were on the same node) I had no downtime at all. And on one VPS I had two short down times. There prices are great and I wonder how they can provide DirectAdmin and CPanel licence free. Their support is maybe their weak point they really answer tickets in minutes in their business times, but they only message you “we’ll check this issue” and “we’ll update you shortly” and they solve the problem in days. The first month managment equals with nothing they only send you links to tutorials on the web and said you could do it yourself.
But alltogether I’m satisfied with virpus. And this offer is even cheaper! I cancelled my last VPS with virpus this month, because I moved my servers to Europe.
Virpus current customer I am. If you want to know about their uptime, the uptime is 51-62% per month. Almost always down. You may use them, but they are not stable as servers are always down.
This is a one man company. Make sure the admin is kennath olath. Server downtime is horrible actually. Their support team is from India. Kennath only can restart the whole server, but their support team are useless. So the server sometime down for more than 3 days- 4 days.
A quick update from me, after 3 days of waiting they finally installed the free DirectAdmin in my VPS.
As has been noted earlier and I;ve experienced it as well, the Direct Admin folks aren’t that quick. May have been on their end as they process all licenses manually. Or so has been said.
Updates from Virpus:
Thank you for your order with Virpus Netowrks. We would like to apologize for the delay in getting your control panel installed if you ordered one (this is a mass e-mail to all pending orders; so we do realize there are some that did not order control panels). We are currently working on all outstanding orders and will have them completed in the next few hours. We will send you an e-mail once we have begun the process, and send you anther with your details for your desired control panel.
We also realize that some customers have opened PayPal disputes due to this delay. Note that those orders will not be processed until the disputes are closed.
Thank you for your patience, and we do apologize for the inconvenience caused by this. We will have these orders out to you soon!
Happy Hostings,
Virpus Networks, Inc.
I just got refund from them.
Ruhit Mukharji,
Are you even a customer? We do not have any customers with your first nor last name. We have never had any downtime to the tone of days! I would be interested to see who you are.
We have been experiencing some delays with DirectAdmin installs, and in some cases, the API failed to create some of the VM’s. We’re going through each and every order and will ensure that they are all completed today.
Could anybody that has a Virplus VPS with DA check for how long their DA license is valid? Mine is valid for another 32 days…
Valid After Sat Oct 16 14:50:09 2010
Valid Until Thu Nov 18 13:50:09 2010
I was expecting it to be valid for the year that I purchased the VPS…
They get the licenses cheaply on a monthly basis $5 if am correct which tends to cut the overall price. (Yearly Price) its nothing to worry about.
It will renew on a monthly basis.
Mine is 30 days. Don’t worry, from my previous experiences with them, they will automatically update for you each month.
I bought a VPS from Virpus in the summer and after 2 months I realized I couldn’t manage it much. I am not hosting anything on it currently.. It’s still alive for 2 more months with DA.
I should have just brought normal shared or reseller hosting, lol. Their uptime was okay for my node but so much DDoS attacks at one point I believe and I faced 2 downtime in all.
I currently have a VPS with them since FEB of this year. I do not run any super important services on it and it has had some downtime but overall for the price to performance ratio it is very good I hopped on this deal ASAP as I will be moving that VPS to this one. As I do not need as much hard drive space as the other one has and it is just an overall better deal. I do however have a lot of experience managing a VPS and it is recommended that you do as well if you want this VPS deal I use virtualmin and the command line on a daily basis.
Just an FYI – we have 4 more slots open for this promotion.
Thank you for your business to all who took advantage of this promotion.
“Ruhit Mukharji” – Are you kddin me? that’s not even a real Indian name, the spelling’s all wrong? I bet you are you a jealous competitor?
Be warned that it may really be too good to be true.
As mentioned above, the DA license is renewed monthly, i.e. a monthly VPS license.
Such licenses costs $5/month with DirectAdmin (I have access to the reseller panel).
These licenses are not discounted even in bulk (as they already are heavily discounted from dedi-prices).
Perhaps Virpus secured a custom discount at a high purchase volume, but even at 50% off it works out to be $30/year.
It’s near impossible to profit from this.
We did this as a special promo for a very limited number of days to test the response. Customers who signed up for this promo will be treated no different than existing customers.
tsj5j@ DA costs less than $0.99 if you buy per vps node.
they still make a good profit. Post here after learning the fact, not just your thought.
/me bangs my head against the table.
*sigh* 99 cents….
You are misinformed.
$0.99 is definitely not what DA charges.
gone :(
@chachiris Normally it’s $5/vps/month …
They’re very BAD, I had a vps there with lot of downtime (more than 10%) and lot of other issues, such as very low speed (<100K/s), high load in the main node, and also terrible support. They used to try to slove one of my issue for more than one month lol:) But finally failed.
Although I saw all the negative comments I did “risk” to try them.
Yesterday around 4:15am (their time) there was indeed a “down” on the node were I have my VPS, I opened a ticket at 4:19 and received an answer at 4:23 AND the issue was solved. From my point of view support is going rather well (based on this one incident).
The reply speed is okay but most of their supports don’t have any ability to reslove problems.
Scammar proof:
Very slow server!
Please don’t troll, I can’t in my right mind allow you to get scammed!
First month may be tier1, but will you get a reply from your ticket?
only if they see this message, maybe they will shape up.
I was very tempted by the offers of Virpus and was on the verge of deciding for it. But after reading the comments here, I think I’d rather not opt for it.
I got a mail, apparently from virpus.
Dear J,
We regret to inform you that Virpus has had a security breach in our network, which has caused ~19 servers to have complete or partial data loss. There is only one server that has had partial data loss.
The list of nodes is as follows:
willett (partial – VM’s are still running)
We know how the culprit(s) gained access and have recorded their IP’s. The point of attack has been cured. Virpus will be undergoing a complete security revamp in every aspect and will bring in a third party security expert to assist.
Virpus will offer any customers who are on these nodes who wish to resume services a 2 month credit on their services with us due to this. If you wish to get services again, please open a ticket with Sales and we will reprovision your VPS. You will be allocated IP addresses different than those you were originally assigned. For those who do not want to continue, we will be able to offer partial refunds for those who have prpaid their accounts. Please work with our Sales Department to make such arrangements.
I have helped build this company from the ground up, and it is especially painful for me to see such an event. You can rest assured that we are taking every measure possible to prevent an event like this from happening again.
I would like to apologize to our customers for this, and hope that we can move forward. This hurts both our customers and us as a company, and we will try to pursue all possible legal ways to find who did this and prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law.
Thank you,
Kenneth Odem, CEO
Virpus Networks, Inc.
The server manage url is not working. My VPS is working though (uptime 4 days, and I see no data loss). Very unlikely that I am on the ‘good’ node. More likely that someone sent a spam hacking their email account. Any people with real downtime/data loss right now? <– looks like it's true. Good luck recovering Virpus.
Virupus has been hacked data lost omg what to do now
I signed up for this, paid. Server wouldn’t go online no matter what.
I filed a ticket. Customer service said they escalated it to medium.
more than four days, that is, 110 hours after filing the most basic, high-priority ticket one could imaginably file (VPS isn’t working at all) no fix, no reply.
So much for “instant activation.” What a scam. Apparently they just decide that for some of their customers they are just going to take the money and run.