Lim from Safehouse Cloud let us know of an exclusive offer valid for the first 300 orders in all 4 of their locations.
Safehouse Cloud Inc / Safehouse Cloud PTE LTD are registered US and SG companies.
Services are provisioned on a mix of Dell, HP, and Supermicro servers with single or dual Xeon CPUs, 32-128GB RAM, enterprise SSD drives, with connections of 1-10Gbps depending on location. They own all hardware and network equipment. Virtualizor is the provided control panel.
They operate AS135027 and AS64094. Frankfurt and Washington also come with DDoS mitigation provided by Voxility.
They accept Credit / Debit Card & Paypal. Before ordering, please ensure you read their ToS and AUP.
1x vCPU
20GB SSD space
1TB transfer
1Gbps uplink
1x IPv4
1x IPv6 (on request)
$3/month (Code: 5CE28FPURU)
Order Now (snipped by Jon Biloh, provider possibly out of business)
2x vCPU
30GB SSD space
2TB transfer
1Gbps uplink
1x IPv4
1x IPv6 (on request)
$6/month (Code: YY66AKR2JJ)
Order Now (snipped by Jon Biloh, provider possibly out of business)
Locations & Test Information
Los Angeles:
Presumably the large file polity (tl;dr files over 50MB not allowed) and audio / video streaming (tl;dr it’s not allowed) don’t apply on a VPS?
As Long as it’s legal content you can use it for streaming and downloads over 50 MB.
Their AUP is just kidding. They do not allow audio/video streaming (so you cannot use it as a VPN to access the stream website like youtube or vimo). And they don’t allow files that larger than 50MB. So, what can I do for the box?
We allow all legal downloads and video streaming and are open to discuss the TOS with every customer individual. We even host the public mirror of VLC in Singapore. So you can see as long as your intention is legal we are ready to provide you the needed services.
I was going to say that they were probably from their shared hosted product, but they only sell VPS…
They didn’t care to write their own and just copied them from somewhere else:“is+not+for+file+hosting+and+distribution+-+as+such%2C+customers+may+not+host+any+files+larger+than+50MB+in+size+that+are+observed+to+be+available+for+the+sole+purpose+of+download.+Such+files+include+but+are+not+limited”
WordPress messed up the link ¬¬
Yeah I thought it was a great deal until I read their AUP/TOS and saw that they basically don’t allow anything.
As mentioned before you can run everything legal on the server. We have many customers rubbing VPN sever or download server. As long as it’s legal content you are good to go.
Been with the service for over a week, and so far so good. Just running some basic little websites with no video streaming.
mind to post vps spec? :\
Poor support. Uptime rate very low, my vps (bought from them) die at least 1 time / day. Send ticket => 2 days answer. Please keep away from them.
My VPS were disappear from the control panel…
almost 24hour no respon for my ticket…
not recommended for hosting live project..
Same experience here. My VPS disappeared and down for the last 10 hours. They never responded to ticket. I wonder why their network connectivity is so bad?
Same here. Several VPSs down for at least a day without a single update or response to my ticket. Worst experience. AVOID.
Agree. They suspended a machine although I had paid for it AND had sent them the proof.
Still not back after > 1 week. And yesterday the second VPS died without any notification.
Maybe they are out of business. Happens all the time.
I’ll just grab my stuff and leave.
Still no response to my paid services going offline. I just filed disputes with my credit card company.
Yup, same experience from me. Worked well for a while. Now VPS suspended even though the bills are paid. No reply to my support tickets for several days. Would advice everyone to stay clear as these guys are probably out of business already. Will start looking for a replacement ASAP.
Same issue here.
No support at all.
Just filed a claim via paypal.
Hey Guys
I buy new VPS but after 4days still in pending and no support from ticket or emails!!!!
Hi Guys
I buy new VPS but after 4days still in pending and no support from ticket or emails!!!!
It seems they’re out of business.
Check twitter… a lot of complain mentioned to their twitter account and zero response…
Almost sure this Lim is the guy behind this nightmare “registered US and SG companies”
The Washington data center for SafeHouse Cloud has been unreachable for days. I think it’s dead. Can’t access, restart or reload anything.
YES, they are DEAD, they scammed everyone who ordered from them. why dont admin remove this thread so no one order’s from them. I lost a lot of data because of these idiots.
I’ve snipped the order links. Good suggestion, thank you.
My server was working up until this morning, it’s suspended now. Unfortunately I paid via BTC, sucks that they fucked everyone over.
I’d suggest staying away
that is all dead,or liars ,or run away!
I buy a vps from 24/08/2016 to 24/09/2016,and renew to 24/10/2016,but vps stoped at 26/09/2016. the Suspension Reason: Overdue on Payment.
I opened 5 tickets buy no one responded from 26/09/2016 until now .
They’re not in global routing table since October 2016, so they don’t have network…
Good post! Thanks!
The Washington data center for SafeHouse Cloud has been unreachable for days. I think it’s dead. Can’t access, restart or reload anything. rent trail motor Amazing good