As the first official host in the ‘Vauxhall Vectra’ category I’m happy to share with you the offers that Julian, from AlphaRacks, has shared with us. These offers are said to be exclusive and if you open a ticket after ordering, stating you ordered after reading LowEndBox, AlphaRacks will give you a free additional IPv4 address!
Autumn VPS 1GB
- 1x vCPU
- 15GB HDD space
- 1.5TB transfer
- 1Gbps uplink
- 1x IPv4
- OpenVZ/SolusVM
- $15/year
- Order here
More offers inside!
AlphaRacks has been around for a while and, surprisingly, they still seem to be doing well. We first featured them late 2013 and once again early this year. At that time a message had surfaced that Julian had put up AlphaRacks for sale in the second quarter of 2014. Either he couldn’t sell it or decided against it (you decide which), but in the end he is still running it and even acquired RIJX along the way. That’s when things went a little south, as from a customer perspective that transition could have been handled a lot better, starting with communication. Tickets contained promises that were not kept and responses were slow; things were not looking good at one point. They did recover, though, and my own VPS with them is still running well.
Reviews on their last offer were mixed, but I do have to note it was quite some time ago. Take a look for yourself though and feel free to leave comments to this offer as well!
Autumn VPS 2GB
| Autumn VPS 3GB
The host nodes for this offer have dual Intel Xeon 5520 CPUs, 128GB of RAM, 4x 2TB hard drives in hardware RAID10, and a dual 1Gps uplink. That doesn’t sound all too bad, though cramming 128GB of servers on a 6-year old CPU does raise the question on how performance will be. The 5520 is not a bad CPU, don’t get me wrong. I just have my doubts how it will perform with, for example, 128 VPS on it; that’s 16 VPS per one actual CPU core. Then again, at these prices it’s an absolutely steal and depending on your purpose, this could very well turn out to be the deal you have been looking for.
Payments can be made using PayPal and Credit Cards via 2Checkout. Legal stuff can be found here. The network is optimized for Asia with a nice network blend using PCCW, NTT, ChinaTelecom, ChinaUnicom, Telia, GTT, and Zayo.
Network information
Quadranet – Los Angeles, CA (US)
Test IPv4:
Test IPv6: 2607:fcd0:0:a::2
Test file:
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We don’t block the use of port 25.
Yes, you do, why lying?
What makes you think that port 25 is blocked?
I do not have a customer under the name of Kevin Godriguez either. What’s your ticket number?
First, very grateful for the listing. We want to keep serving the community.
Acquiring RIJX customers and assets was only going to help us step forward in the market. While we thought we could handle some things 100% seamlessly we instead learned how we could do it better in the near future. We’re hoping to do more acquisitions soon enough, and then we should be able to show we’ve learned from this. We completely agree, communication could of been handled better and promises. The migration from RIJX’s Virtualizor to our SolusVM, was no easy task. But we made it through! It was all manual labor.
Since then, we’ve added additional warm bodies to our team and I am pretty sure our customers have noticed those improvements with our support.
The assets we have, while older procs, still perform extremely well for our clients, and all new servers and deployments will be modernized as much as possible.
Once again, thanks for the listing and we will do better! :-)
“Since then, we’ve added additional warm bodies to our team and I am pretty sure our customers have noticed those improvements with our support.”
No, you’re lying. I’ve request my email removed from your spamlist, but none reply. Your unsubscribe link somehow broken (intentional?)
DevT, do you have a ticket number to reference as I do not see a ticket about this? This is not something that we usually prioritize, but if you requested to be removed, you will be removed :-)
Can I use my licensed teamspeak on your servers?
Yes, you may run Teamspeak on our servers :-).
I would not recommend this HOST. Very very unstable. Even down for 3 or 4 time during one month!!!
Are you still a customer of this company? Could you share more insights?
Sorry, I already change another one. I bought a VPS $18/semiannual, I uesed only for 3 moths, and gave it up , change another one.
yuanmomo, do you have a reference to a ticket number? If not, can you send one in to us so our technical staff can check & see what the issue resides? We are more than willing to help in any way we possibly can.
Thank you.
Do you know if your IP range is blacklisted by Hulu? I see you offer a 3-day money back guarantee – could I take advantage of this if the IP range turns out to not work?
We have a lot of IP ranges in use on our network, so I would not know. If it does not work for you, we can either get the IP changed out or refund you per our 3-day money back guarantee.
Do you allow bulk mailing from your server?
Yes however all mailing must be compliant and please note, spamming is prohibited per our terms.
Based on the rest of the discussion here, either this host has a lot of haters or a lot of missing tickets. In either case, huge red flag. The fact that they speak like BlueVM doesn’t help. Very tempting price, but not buying.
I wish these guys were as good as promised. I bought a yearly VPS fom them, which worked for about 2 weeks. After that I couldn’t connect via http or ssh. I opened a ticket and never got a response. I canceled the service and asked for a refund and never got a response. I learned a $20 lesson from this provider. Stay Away!
I’m sorry to hear that you had a bad experience. We continuously strive to create the best possible web hosting experience for our customers, and as a company, we are always looking to step forward. We’ve been taking steps to do exactly that, including the acquisition of RIJX a few months ago, introducing our new KVM VPS product, introducing our new dedicated server series, adding new technical staff, and conducting frequent Customer Surveys to receive direct feedback from our customers so we know what we as a company can do to become better.
I would like to invite you back to AlphaRacks for a VPS on us for an entire year to show you we’re serious about providing reliable servers and good customer service. Please send me an email at julian @ I personally look forward to working with you on this!
Someone please, share s’thing good review for this service… I read lot of bad reputation here. but, i’ll not judge..
Here you go:
Am I the only one who’s satisfied about their service?
Very Very Slow Upload (don’t think 4.5 Mbit will cut it):
Just provisioned a VPS less than 15 minutes ago, I ran 3 speed tests run from IP (69.12.73.**) in a row:
Retrieving configuration…
Retrieving server list…
Testing from QuadraNet (69.12.73.**)…
Selecting best server based on latency…
Hosted by Time Warner Cable (Los Angeles, CA) [0.70 km]: 7.77 ms
Testing download speed………………………………….
Download: 162.78 Mbit/s
Testing upload speed…………………………………………..
Upload: 4.50 Mbit/s
Testing from QuadraNet (69.12.73.**)…
Selecting best server based on latency…
Hosted by HugeServer Networks, LLC (Los Angeles, CA) [0.70 km]: 1.784 ms
Testing download speed………………………………….
Download: 90.06 Mbit/s
Testing upload speed…………………………………………..
Upload: 6.47 Mbit/s
Testing from QuadraNet (69.12.73.**)…
Selecting best server based on latency…
Hosted by HugeServer Networks, LLC (Los Angeles, CA) [0.70 km]: 1.493 ms
Testing download speed………………………………….
Download: 118.24 Mbit/s
Testing upload speed…………………………………………..
Upload: 5.65 Mbit/s
Andrew, I’m deeply sorry to hear that you are having this issue. This is highly uncharacteristic of our service as we pride ourselves on our performance. Given the opportunity, we would like to learn more details about your case and amend this problem. We can be reached at support @ We look forward to resolving this matter!
Isn’t that bad for me here, during the initial provision I was provided with a VPS on QuadraNet, but after that they took it down and migrated it over to another network (seems to be privately owned):
The worst provider in the world! The last time my server was offline 48 hours. Stay away from AlphaRacks.
Bobby, I would like to apologize for the inconvenience. I am discouraged to hear of your negative experience. Uptime is principal to the success of a website and is something we aim to provide with our 99.9% service uptime guarantee. We locate our servers in datacenters with proper redundancy and high resiliency in order to deliver reliability. Above all else, being offline for 48 hours is definitely unacceptable, and is something we would want to check into immediately!
I took a glance at our support emails and was not able to find any cases of a server down inquiry created recently. After doing that, I also looked at our uptime monitors; however, none of our servers are reporting or showing as offline.
Please reach out to us at support @, it would be a pleasure to assist you and investigate your concern. Please contact us at your convenience and if indeed a problem on our side, we will help make up for the bad experience in any way possible. Thank you!
99.9% uptime? This is a total lie. I’ve been your customer for about a year. I had problems all the time.
Let’s look and see what the problem is precisely. When you contact our support department, you are welcome to add me to the conversation, my email is julian @ – or chances are, I’ll find the ticket since I answer a lot of the tickets that come in every day.
Still lying to the teeth? Just pathetic people.
Kevin, I do not have a customer under the name of “Kevin Godriguez” – I’m not sure we have done or if you are our customer, but I’d really like the opportunity to discuss your concern with you. Please contact me and I’ll make sure that you’re looked after. Hope to hear from you soon, julian @
Does anyone have any good reviews about this company?
Be aware, the slowest servers I ever had to deal with.
They do reply fast until you ask for a refund! Then no sign of life!
Constantly getting 50kbps when even installing a package from repositories.
I am not interested in having “improvements” or anything else. just need my refund. you failed from the begining
All of our servers are connected on Dual 1Gbps uplinks and every customer is provided 100Mbps or 1000Mbps port depending on the plan they choose. I would like to research your account and provide a solution to this matter. Please send me an email at julian @ and I will help you in any way that I possibly can!
Since AlphaRacks bought out RIJX the service has gone down hill. Yes the servers are acceptable (just) and the support okay but since the changeover to SolusVM there is no longer an option to reinstall an OS. Not much of an improvement IMO..
SolusVM does support reinstalling the OS of your server. I’m presuming you’re looking at the billing panel, not the actual SolusVM panel. Please contact us and we will provide you with the login details to your SolusVM panel. Once you are logged into the SolusVM panel, click on the green button which says “Manage” and there will be a button in gray that reads “Reinstall”
You can then choose between different versions of CentOS, Debian, Fedora, Scientific Linux, Suse, and Ubuntu!
Thanks for the response and I will contact you ASAP. Why didn’t I receive an e-mail as promised in ticket #374633? I mean for the price I paid I can’t expect gold level service but a simple e-mail outlining the details on how to access SolusVM is not too much to ask is it?
It’s the little things that count!
Took a look at your account, I see Leonard got you squared away :-)
If you need anything at all, our support is readily available and accessible. We are here 24/7, and we have staff standing by, right now, ready to assist you. All you have to do is send a ticket in or email us.
– Good routing. Because of the data center, not that Alpharacks did anything to improve it.
– Shitty speeds. Sometimes you get 50kb/s, sometimes 10Mb/s. Mostly unstable like what everyone else have said.
This Julian guy proactively shows how helpful/easygoing he can be on here,
but good service doesn’t need this kind of shit :)
Bought 2 annual servers, constantly suspending my server due to random shit :)
Your $18 annual server really doesn’t worth the time sending emails to the support people.
Getting the QuadraNet’s budget server is a much much more cost efficient way than this.
There you go, latest update:
After suspending my server, and asking to suspend it, this is what I got:
Your VPS seems to be corrupted need to recreate the server. Please confirm to recreate it.
AlphaRacks Hosting – Defining Superior Service
Define my ass, please.
Un-suspend, I mean. Too pissed to type anything correctly.
Carl, We only suspend users for violations of our Terms of Service (at:, and we can always lift the suspension as soon as you contact us and request for us to do so. Attempting to research this; I was not able to find your account, please contact me with your account details and I will make sure that all of your concerns are resolved. Happy Holidays,
I’ll chime in with my 2c. I have actually been a customer with alpharacks for quite a long time (i been with them when they were running under RIJX).
I pay $15/year for a VPS so I was never expecting the world but they really went above my expectations. What I really like is there support staff are kind and willing. for example one time I had trouble installing Interworx on my server and there support even offered to help me out which I felt was really nice of them.
Thank you. If you need any assistance, we will be standing by.
Well I will comment with my real experience for a change. I’m not sure what all the fuss I’m reading about here but they sound absolutely fake to me. I have been a customer with Alpha Racks for exactly 4 months and 3 days (mods can email me for verification) and now have TWO VPS with these them because I just ordered one more due to their Black Friday specials. Look guys I’m not trying to say its a 100% perfect service but for the price you pay, you can’t really complain… and its not like they have any downtime or major problems really the only issue I had was 2 weeks ago when TUN TAP stopped working on my server (I use my server for Openvpn) but I opened a Support Ticket and got a response back in 17 minutes saying it was fixed.
Thanks for the inspiring words. if there is ever a problem, be it related to our service or something else, we will be here to make sure things are working and that our customers are looked after. My employees including myself are exceedingly proactive in making sure servers are always online in accordance with our uptime guarantee and that we are providing quick support response to our customers. We want our customers to know that we’re always there and that they can rely on our passion for taking care of our customers. We are working tirelessly to make that mission clear to our customers, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year :-)
Happy Holidays.
Have a bad experience with their support people by the name of Leonard P and Cory S.
S/He can’t gives a direct answer/solution. When I’m asking what causes the downtime,
the answer given is not related. Just hide the real problem from customer.
Or don’t really try to understand the questions asked by customer.
Ticket #478690, #830398.
My opinion is, can use their VPS for testing and research but not for business.
Opensolve, I do apologize about the inconvenience. While I recognize everything is resolved and working the way it should be at this point (since that support ticket is from August), please send me an email at julian @ and I will explain precisely what happened. There is sensitive information pertaining to your account that we should not be discussing about in a public website. I hope to hear from you soon, and wishing you a happy holiday season.
I have bought a VPS from you last week, the 2G plan. Working good and its fast.. thanks
Do you have any good specials on Windows VPS as well ?
Raushan, glad you’re enjoying your server with AlphaRacks. Our current Windows VPS special is:
please contact sales @ if you need anything customized.
I dont really know guys what is the cry. 15 bucks year is insane deal, we had at start some troubles but now looks like the service feels nice :) keep this up guys :) !
Happy Holiday’s to you and yours Michael! Thanks for the encouraging review.
Is there an automatic backup system for all VPSs, or do customers have to do their own backups?
By default there is not. However we can enable the “quick backup” option in your SolusVM control panel upon customer request.
There is no charge for this feature to be enabled on as many servers as you have with us, just ask us at support @ for it to be enabled!
Thank you for finding and posting this offer! Good share dude, I needed a VPS with 2 IP’s and this was the cheapest I found for the spec. No complaints from me with the service I’m getting from these people. The VPS is actually running faster than I thought it would and specs are provided as advertised. And their support is not bad, I contacted them once to claim that free additional IPv4 and they replied back in less than 10 minutes telling me that the IP was assigned.
Admittedly, it seems a bit sketchy. Young company offering lofty promises, thin provisioning VPS’s to saturate older hardware, and a fluid trajectory from a business continuity perspective; It doesn’t speak highly of the “vision”.
That said, the disgruntled reviews seem staged.
A few questions for those of you who have used the service, or someone representing AlphaRacks:
1) The privacy policy hasn’t been updated as of October 14, 2013, and only addresses visitors to their website – Is there a policy that addresses how information is stored and protected, and what is collected from users of this service?
2) Their website mentions 5000+ clients, ranging from startups to large enterprises – Are there existing customers using this service that require following SOC 2 guidelines? What is AlphaRack’s compliance with datacenter security standards? Do you have references to physical, technical and administrative security processes, guarantees, or annual audit records?
3) There’s been mention of AlphaRack’s 99.9% Uptime SLA, assuming a monthly quota, that’s just under 44 minutes of downtime per month. Is this a monthly SLA, or are you allowing for upwards of 8 hours in one stretch with an annual SLA? I noticed there is a Network Status page, however it is restricted to registered users – Can a customer verify that there is visibility into historic performance and delivery on this agreement? How much historic data is available? Does the agreement apply to limited scope downtime (such as mentioned above, server migrations, TUN/TAP failures, etc.), or is this only applicable to infrastructure-wide outages? Are reparations credited automatically, or must the customer monitor and request to be credited?
I signed up for this special and added the extra disk space. The VPS was provisioned without the extra disk space. I opened a ticket and it was resolved quickly.
The dangerous thing about this provider is that they have ridiculously low settings for conntrack sessions and they have an automatic robot that suspends your VPS when you exceed the limit. They also claim that they can’t notify you via email when these suspensions happen because “it’s an automated process”
They just suspended the box again and when I asked them to unsuspend it, the response to the ticket was:
Thanks for all the information about the situation. Does that mean you’re keeping my money and terminating the service? The machine doesn’t even have an MTA installed. I asked them to show me the complaint. We’ll see where this goes, but right now, I wouldn’t recommend alpharacks to a friend.
I’ve seen the responses from Alpha racks where they ask for ticket numbers. I’d love them to explain their conntrack settings and why they are so low. You can check out my two tickets:
11/22/2015 ticket #352363 add the extra that had already been for
11/28/2015 ticket #709879 first conntrack suspension
12/24/2015 ticket #825325 second suspension due to “spam complaint”
If their ticket numbers are sequential then over 32 days they have processed 472,962 tickets or an average of ~14780 tickets per day or ~615 tickets per hour or ~10 per minute.
It wasn’t a spam report. A user was torrenting and Paramount Pictures sent a letter.
The inability of alpharacks to notify customers that their service has been turned of remains.
After some conversation and action on my part they unsuspended the box.
I checkout $15, a VPS Special Offers – Autumn VPS 1GB per year, a couple minutes ago, I can’t login using putty or bitvise client…..I want a refund…..
I just bought a Autumn VPS 1GB package.
All OK, there 1 GB swap and the network speed is 9.31 MB/s (
I need to sent some tickets to resolve network and memory issues.
They have excellent service, at least for me it was so.
2 years using their service and everything worked perfectly =)
Not sure where all the negative comments are coming from.
I’m a customer of RIJX then migrated to AlphaRacks since the acquisition, everything has been fine. Probably a down time of 2 or 3 hours over the last 2 years.
I am new Alpharacks customer I bought six months ago a cheap vps (1GB) for 15$ or similar, and also a reseller hosting package and I never noticed problems or downtime. Speed is also fast to install softwares and packets.
I am really satisfied with tier service, reliable and very cheap!
Before my purchase I read those reviews, but I wanted to trust them and try myself, I spent something like 30 bucks to test their services. Now I can tell I am really satisfied.
Big thumbs up for these guys keep doing the good works
So I just bought a couple Alpharacks 2G plans with a 1G ram addon for $9/yr…. dirt cheap so I know I can’t expect the world but dang are the speeds really slow…
root@s1:~# ls
root@s1:~# python
Retrieving configuration…
Retrieving server list…
Testing from QuadraNet (…
Selecting best server based on latency…
Hosted by Atlantic Metro (Los Angeles, CA) [0.70 km]: 5.678 ms
Testing download speed………………………………….
Download: 16.33 Mbit/s
Testing upload speed…………………………………………..
Upload: 3.30 Mbit/s
FWIW, the extra ram was 9$ extra a year… total cost was $34.
I got a ticket opened regarding the speed and will follow up if solved :)
I cannot recommend AlphaRacks. Here are the problems I have had in the span of 1 year:
– When initially created my plan did not have the features I signed up for. This was addressed but took a few days.
– Reverse DNS took weeks to setup.
– The physical server I was on crashed and I lost everything. I didn’t expect them to perform backups for me but it was upsetting when they setup a new instance (which took a couple days) and gave me a new IP (which then required me to have to prod them about fixing rdns again).
– They wont’ stop sending me email offers. There is an unsubscribe button but when you click it, it reports an error has occurred and to contact support. I have contacted support several times and I’m still getting these damn emails!
– My stock VPS reboots every 6-8 hours. I have submitted several tickets and they claim this is due to some optimization algorithm underlying the VPS.
– Slow network connection
I do appreciate their terms of use however the reliability is so poor (in particular these server reboots) that it just isn’t worth the hassle regardless of the cost.
I can’t complain about uptime but I’m also getting slow speeds.
I’ve been a customer for a few months.
This is bad.
I’ve been a customer for a few months. I’m also getting slow speeds.
I created several tickets but it not resolve, Ticket status is In Progress.
[root@svr11 ~]# ./
Retrieving configuration…
Testing from QuadraNet (…
Retrieving server list…
Selecting best server based on ping…
Hosted by Atlantic Metro (Los Angeles, CA) [1.30 km]: 6.821 ms
Testing download speed……………………………………………………………………..
Download: 42.48 Mbit/s
Testing upload speed……………………………………………………………………………………….
Upload: 10.33 Mbit/s
[root@svr11 ~]# wget
–2016-12-08 08:24:45–
Resolving…, 2607:fcd0:0:a::2
Connecting to||:80… connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 200 OK
Length: 104857600 (100M) [application/octet-stream]
Saving to: `100mb.bin.6′
100%[======================================>] 104,857,600 1.26M/s in 40s
2016-12-08 08:25:25 (2.49 MB/s) – `100mb.bin.6′ saved [104857600/104857600]
This is terrible.
I have been a customer of AR for over a year. I have had a few issues over the years but they have all been resolved thus far. I too am only paying $25 / year, which I can’t complain too much about.
The server over the last 6 months (minimum) has been incredibly stable and reliable.
Speed tests are ranging in the 200Mbit up/down
While some of the tech support needs an English lesson or two, they do respond quickly and do a fair job of assisting.
For what it is worth, here is my “of 10” scale.
Stability: 10/10
Cost: 9/10
Support: 6/10
Speed: 8/10
Bandwidth limits: 9/10
Disk space for reseller packages: 4/10 <— need to offer WAY more disk space for reseller accounts.
CPU model : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU L5520 @ 2.27GHz
Number of cores : 2
CPU frequency : 2266.734 MHz
Total amount of ram : 2048 MB
Total amount of swap : 0 MB
System uptime : 218 days, 13:18
Note this is MB/s (Megabytes not bits)
Download speed from CacheFly: 34.7MB/s
Download speed from Coloat, Atlanta GA: 21.2MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Dallas, TX: 20.3MB/s
Download speed from Linode, Tokyo, JP: 16.0MB/s
Download speed from, Rotterdam, NL: 4.47MB/s
Download speed from Leaseweb, Haarlem, NL: 33.1MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Singapore: 10.8MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Seattle, WA: 29.9MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, San Jose, CA: 28.9MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Washington, DC: 6.52MB/s
I/O speed : 42.5 MB/s <– yeah, this could use some work
Retrieving configuration…
Retrieving server list…
Testing from QuadraNet (104.223.x.x)…
Selecting best server based on latency…
Hosted by GigeNET (Los Angeles, CA) [1.30 km]: 1.393 ms
Testing download speed………………………………….
Download: 289.95 Mbits/s
Testing upload speed…………………………………………..
Upload: 153.62 Mbits/s