Daniel, from BetaVPS, has sent in these two servers for LowEndBox readers.
VPS Tiny
| VPS Small
BetaVPS “have over 10 years experience with web hosting and servers”. Dos Servers, the parent company, has been in business since 2010. Apparently the ‘Dos’ in the name refers to ms-dos and not the other meaning… Their “minimum server specifications”, would be a server with an Intel Xeon E3 1230 CPU, 16GB DDR3 RAM and 2x 1TB SATA3 Harddrives in RAID1. All host nodes are connected to a 100Mbps port but each VPS is limited to just 10Mbps so that “you can use the full speed all the time 24/7”. I couldn’t find any reviews, so customers please share you experience below!
BetaVPS accept payments via Paypal and Credit Cards. They don’t offer refunds as all payments are final. DirectAdmin can be added for $6/Month and cPanel/WHM for $14.00/month. Daniel is active on our sister-site LowEndTalk. They provide a 99.9% uptime guarantee. As usual, before purchasing you may want to read their Terms and Conditions.
Network Information:
Düsseldorf, Germany (MyLoc)
Test IPv4:
Test File: http://dosservers.ca/test.bin
Beauharnois, Canada (OVH)
Test IPv4:
Test File: http://ca.dosservers.ca/test.bin
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VPS Tiny – 1024MB RAM, 50GB HDD
VPS Small – 1536MB RAM, 75GB HDD
“VPS Big” must be really BIG then! :)
btw. Liam thumbnail image isn’t linked properly and don’t redirect us to their page.
“VPS Big” must be really BIG then! :)
Its is big :) go to the website main page and check
Added to the z1s.org uptime monitoring service: http://z1s.org/dashboard/checks/511b89f1cea922f442020087 (Germany) – http://z1s.org/dashboard/checks/511b8a30cea922f44202023f (Canada) and their homepage/hostbill: http://z1s.org/dashboard/checks/511b8aa4cea922f4420205fd
Nice speedy VPS from Canada (OVH) Only one disappoint – no smaller boxes provided even send a request :(
Check out logicalhosting.ca .. They will customize a plan that works for you.
What is your ticket#?
Network Port: 10Mb/s???
Works for me just fine. Specially if I get to use the full 10Mb/s 24/7 unlike other so called 100Mb/s shared connections.
Yes for me too :)Canadian VPSes with 10Mbps port have much better performance to Europe than USA with 100Mbps as I tested,can confirm :)
Its nice that u understand the different of shared 100mbps with limited BW and 10mbps full
first on 10mbps full u get quite neighbors while on 100mbps someone can push all 100mbps for some time and u as other client stuck without connection
the second on 100mbps u limited with BW so if u use all the BW your vps is suspended until next month
New Node in Germany will be available in few hours :)
So all of you who orderd Germany VPS and the order is pending wait few hours sorry for that :(
By the way if someone want VPS in Germany order now as we almost filled the node we correctly waiting to get from MyLoc :)
I’m pretty sure their Canada node is in Montréal. Beauharnois is a small town with poor tier1 connectivity(if any).
You are correct. OVH opened a new datacenter in Beauharnois and it’s quite a massive one.
We use OVH datacenter and ther servers, its bigest Datacenter in the world right now
Agreed, I believe OVH is still tweaking their network out of there. My pings and traceroute are much much better to my Netelligent server.
We got new Node in Germany and will start deploy all vps orders that wasn’t created :)
If u want vps in Germany this is the time to order as the stock limited we going to order another Node in Germany.
Very Poor Speeds to Germany Server:
Canada Seems to be good but not excellent:
Hmm try to check with another server as our Germany servers connected with 1gbps and not 100mbps
What server did you check?
My VPS location was Chicago, IL & connected at 1Gbit Port.
Well this pic from my home computer conected at 10mbps in Canada http://i.imgur.com/zcOhEOi.png
Daniel, the solution is not “Well its working fine here”, normally you look into why it is having poor connectivity issues to certain datacenters, e.g. is it the route it is taking etc.?
Ordered about 24h ago, still waiting for login details to post a review.
Check if you in the list i posted
Hi, I wasn’t able to find what kind of linux distro is available within your offer ?
Kinda any OpenVZ If u bring us an URL we will add it for you :)
Can i be delivered ? I have payed there 2 days. Invoice #02/13/2013-80
Your VPS will be activated soon :)
Sorry for the pending orders and the time as we didnt expect so much orders and we dont want oversell
Anyway Orders #
Will be activated in few hours on new node in Germany.
Other orders will be activated later, If you can use Canada VPS then open ticket or order canada as ther we have space for new orders.
Thank you but my VPS don’t work. Can you look my ticket #886492 ?
Thank you.
Same issue here.
Your VPS has been created in Canada as you asked
Our new node has problems with ip’s in the datacenter probably the Router.
We asked for fix that :(
VPS provided but it does not work. Ticket raised but no reply to the Ticket… Ticket #140568..
I’m currently experiencing terrible performance on a vps that was activated a couple hours ago. I’ve launched a safe-upgrade and it’s still installing the packages after 40+ minutes
Hmm did you open ticket? we had one client in Canada ode that was using too much cpu for plan $5 so we suspeneded (vps load was on 3)
We got new node in Canada.
3 spots left on new node in Canada order fast :) we will add tomorrow new node in Canada
1 Spot left in Canada
You have not replied to any of the tickets till now. Even though it is just $ 1.85, I think it is ethical to respond to the tickets and explain the situation.
What is the use of a VPS when I cannot login through SSH and your Control Panel says the “Virtual Server not found”. I just got an IP, which I can’t even ping.
Interesting i replied to your ticket and you lie?
I told you we aware of that and waiting for the DC in Germany to fix that.
Hello Daniel,
Have you delivered what you promised in your ad? Have you delivered the VPS for which I was given just an IP? What can I do just with an IP?
And you call me a lier…
Go check your tickets, there is a ticket from day 1, which is still “under progress” and you have not replied at all.
You send me an 2nd invoice for 2nd week, when till today the VPS was not delivered for what I had paid. And you call me a lier?
Go to the top, right in the beginning and check your own comment, where you promised to give the VPS in few hours, did you do that?
Wean ther is problem with ips and rauter its not in our hands we didnt know this would happen right after we get new node.
Your datacenter do not control the fact the VM is not even showing in your SolusVM
““Virtual Server not found””
Must suck “wean” there is a problem with the “rauter”
Maybe you should have tested the node before provisioning on it?
Node was tested this happen wean we started create real VPS servers, anyway this was fixed and all the orders recreated and next payment date was changed
VPS Tiny
1024MB RAM
50GB Raid1 Diskspace
1 CPU Core
10Mbit Unmetered
1 IPv4 Address
$5 Monthly
Direct Signup
Bandwidth not match what I order. Check it please.
What I received is Bandwidth Limit: 3 MB
100%[======================================>] 104,857,600 1.99M/s in 53s
2013-02-17 15:11:35 (1.89 MB/s) – 100mb.test saved [104857600/104857600]
I think you are getting more than you should get. 10Mbit Bandwidth Line is equal to 1.25 MBPS (10/8 = 1.25). There, you are getting 3 MBPS. Double of that !
I just answer to your ticket its email bug, you get full 10mbps
Hello Daniel,
I would have understood the situation better, if you had replied to my first ticket in the first place. And when someone does not respond to tickets, you would go to the place where you saw the Ad, where you seem to be more active and post a comment to get a response. That is what I did and you would do the same if you were the customer.
And matter of fact, you do not call someone a lier without checking through your Help Desk tickets, which has an unanswered ticket from me.
And with regards to Router or any Hardware issues, I thought Servers are first placed in a DC, tested for routing / hardware issues and then the VPSs are provisioned when the orders come in. In your case, the picture I get is, first you take the orders and then get the Servers and then provision the VPSs and then allot.
Anyways it is just $ 1.85 ( I wanted to test your service, so ordered just for a week ) and is not a bother (since you do not refund). Funny, that you don’t get the product but still pay for it.
We changed the ticket status in progress this mean we saw your ticket and (answered with status change)
We checked and everything was fine but wean they orders started come out seems like the Router die or something i dont know.
Your bill will start only wean your VPS will be activated for real (this mean everything is working)
Can torrent allow for Germany VPS Small Package?
No we do not allow read TOS
1 spot on stock in Canada
Next Node in Canada will be in few hours so who want to get it ASAP order now!
All orders activated!
We correctly out of stock waiting for next servers.
Daniel instantly suspended my VPS after less then 5 days of service because of a Max load of 4 during peak hours and refuses to refund my money.
Quoting Daniel’s suspension email:
And later the ticket exchange between the two of us, this shows Daniel’s conduct very well:
1. http://oi48.tinypic.com/2vdqwib.jpg
2. http://oi49.tinypic.com/347bkvm.jpg
Quoting from BetaVPS ToS, Daniel kept referring me to:
Dos Servers may cancel or suspend your access to Dos Servers services at any time and for any reason without notice. Upon cancellation or suspension, your right to use the service will stop immediately. You may not have access to data that you stored on the service after we suspend or terminate the service. You are responsible for backing up your data that you use with the service.
In other words, Daniel can suspend your VPS whenever he wishes to for whatever reason he wants it’s not negotiable and he will probably deny you backing up your files or refunding your money.
Even in the blog post says:
“As usual, before purchasing you may want to read their Terms and Conditions.”
What you just posted just confirms that you order without reading…
I prefer to say to other companies that running VPS offer here to refuse sell him as he abuse the server for 5$ vps he got from us
In few words:
I “abused his VPS” with a Maximum load of 4 during peak hour..
What a joke this guy is, by the way Daniel why do you block your company WHOIS information?
I hope BetaVPS is right. It’s a general practise that you should be allowed to use number of loads on number of CPU Cores you were allowed. So, for 1 CPU Core, Highest Load of 1 is accepted. If it is not so, anyone will kick you out and for violating rules, you shouldn’t be refunded. Although, where it is a matter of Refund, BetaVPS could refund him to say Good Bye to him !
New Nodes in Germany and Canada will be ready in few hours.
If you want get an VPS ASAP order now.
i just need an activaton for ORDER NUMBER: 124414539 thanks
games servers are allowed with VPS 4 from EnterVPS.com?
Yes Games servers allowed
Your order will be activated soon as i sad we waiting for new servers.
We have 30 available spots for VPS in Germany order fast!
We have 15 available spots for VPS in Canada order fast!
Check our locations and stock live:
ORDER NUMBER: 124414539
Budget VPS Packges – VPS Tiny *******.com (02/20/2013 – 02/27/2013) $1.85 USD
3 days and still no activation , can u do something? Why you dont respond to tickets?
Canada has 3 new nodes alot spots on stock :)
Order order order! :D
I know that your Canadian data centre is in Beauharnois, but where is the Corporate offices located?
I think you’ll find that Daniel (and other low end box sellers) rents space from other companies and resells. The German data centre reseller used is http://www.webtropia.com
This is not Daniels company, but he rents VPS box from them and resells VPS space on that box to clients.
For $5 a month, i am happy at the moment, as I’m using it to improve my own skills with linux servers.
Can’t understand other peoples gripes… if you want more… then go look elsewhere and pay more… the old addage… you get what what you pay for is often true. The only thing I’d be unhappy with is the fact that there is no refund if your not happy… but apart from that… who cares at this price.
Daniel can suspend/cancel your VPS whenever he wishes to for no reason:
“4. Account Cancellation or Suspension
Dos Servers may cancel or suspend your access to Dos Servers services at any time and for any reason without notice. Upon cancellation or suspension, your right to use the service will stop immediately. You may not have access to data that you stored on the service after we suspend or terminate the service. You are responsible for backing up your data that you use with the service.”
When he realized he didn’t act properly (according to his ToS):
“Misuse of System Resources: Misuse of system resources, including but not limited to employing programs that consume excessive CPU time (outside of allotted CPU usage), network capacity, disk I/O (input/output) or storage space. You will be given a warning before suspension for misuse of resources occurs.”
-I wasn’t given a warning before suspension
He referred me to the “Account Cancellation or Suspension” section which means in other words that the “Misuse of System Resources” section wasn’t enough anymore (his ToS is written poorly, copy pasted from somewhere 99%)
This is a slippery slope for any transaction because this guy can sell you a service for a month then cancel it a day after for no reason and then refer you to his poorly written ToS and bank on your money.
He doesn’t have visible WHOIS information about himself, he uses a shady paypal email at Yahoo with the name “david” he hides behind the alias “Dos Servers” at PayPal as well, he can pretty much run away whenever he starts losing his money and if by any chance you get to him he will refer you to his bff ToS.
If you want to trust a guy who’s conduct is as mentioned above and you have so many BETTER providers at the 5$ range don’t complain later.
As i told you.
You MOST read the TOS before order.
We have our servers and some we use renting wean we need get in stock fast
In canada Regina
New Canada and Germany stock
Instant activation!
We started accepting Bitpay.com (Bitcoins) as additional payment getway
Hello,is your canada vps available?
Yes Canada and Germany instant activation.
i ordered for 3 days, when will my vps gonna online?
After seeing comments will avoid this provider…
Just ordered a Canada VPS for a month. If it goes good with no hiccups then I might renew it.
My VPS has been down since yesterday and still no response from them on whats going on. I can get to it through HTTP but the MySQL won’t connect and everything else doesn’t work either. I can’t SSH and when I try to access it through their control panel, it says “No response from server”. Their servers are obviously oversold because it is been down off and on since I got it and now its been down for a few days. Don’t count on me being a repeat customer.
you can try connect through whmcs panel area, and service -> my service – > view detalis – > serial console you can access your vps , maybe is a null route to ip.
I don’t get it, why didn’t you avoid this Provider since the beginning? look a few comments up
I use weloveservers . n.et is the best, server never been in downtime.
I figured I’d try them for myself. Since the problems I have been having still haven’t been resolved, I am going to see if it comes back online so I can backup my files and then move to a different VPS provider.
with 15$/3 months u can have 2gb ram and 1gbit bandwidth and 4 core Intel Xeon E31240 just search on lowendbox site for weloveservers. I use a 2gb vps and works without problemns
Thanks, but I opted for a Xen VPS from CleanVPS instead.
lets see…
I open home page and it feels so slow. I am interested in buying this yesterday, but today I could not open the main page.
My VPS is also down now, no response from server… Please help!!!
It doesn’t seem like support replies in tickets.
I purchased VPS from you and I got such bad service and support that I will never recommend you to any one.
I have cancelled the VPS today itself.
My business is all ruined because of ur third class attitude and support.
You never replied to mails and never replied to tickets.
My VPS is down from last 23 days….
I am not able to even get the back up. All my website data and billing system information is lost.
I wish u very BAD LUCK MR.DANIEL.
I wonder how some people think that if they just ignore their customers and don’t even say anything to them that they’re going to be return customers and give good reviews? Don’t they know how that if they give good customer service, then customers might return the favor by writing good reviews and recommending them? It’s places like BetaVPS/DosServers that make me shake my head.
I’m really sorry for you, I tried to warn people exactly a month ago you can look up for my comments.
Just for general information a 5$/month VPS or more isn’t considered cheap, I could name 10 other companies with good reputation that have VPS plans starting at 5$…
I encourage people before buying a VPS: research more companies before you spend your hard earned money and put your trust into some random company
One more thing you should consider before going for a new company:
If Daniel has 100 customers with an average of 7$ from each customer, that’s 700$ profit
Now he doesn’t own the hardware or the network line, he’s renting it from Cheap providers
Lets say at the 80-140$ range per server? even if he oversells (lets say 40 people per server)
that’s at min. 2-3 servers for 100 customers (notice that i’m going for the lowest cost in my calcs)
50 people per 100$ server = 700$-200$=500$
Now can someone explain to me how can you seriously run a VPS company with 100 Customers? without either overselling the hell out of the box, or providing no support with a hit and run kind of thing.. the moment more customers leave you or you didn’t fill the box it’s already unprofitable so you stop paying for the box
He doesn’t earn enough money to even outsource support 1 hour a day that’s how bad it is.
I can “dig and dig and dig” about this, but you got my point… Don’t expect support or the company to last long with the conditions mentioned above, unless the company is going for the long run and it’s backed by a lot of money.
The old adage, you get what you pay for, holds true. For $5 a month I would expect good customer service to be the exception rather than the rule.
Uptime is a little easier to have higher expectations. I mean, if everything is setup correctly, nothing should fall over. Still, these things happen but for decent service, I would at least expect an email to all your affected customers.
My vps has been down for a few days. I opened a ticket right away and haven’t heard a peep from them yet. Fortunately, I’ve opened multiple VPS accounts with different providers and I’m still monitoring them to make sure they’re at least semi-reliable. Clearly I’m not going to go with betavps any more.
My longer term plans involve multiple VPS accounts and replication and redundancy (even expensive dedicated servers can have failures). Again, you get what you pay for so you should really just plan for things to fail. If you set things up right you shouldn’t need to worry about it.
Here’s another vote for Avoid At All Costs. Haven’t been able to start my VPS in Canada in weeks, with no response to my open ticket in 6 days.
I don’t think there Canadian VPS is truly Canadian. Although I’m not a customer with them anymore I still get (a lot of) periodic service updates in my email and whenever their German VPS, their Canadian VPS is down as well. I think what they do is they have a VPN server in a Canadian data center and they just use those IPs in their node in Germany. Although it could just be that they don’t give 2 poops about their Canadian server and they don’t even look at any of the tickets to find out that there’s something wrong with it. Either way, this is a company you should definitely avoid!
Shouldn’t be hard to confirm this.
Ping the canadian IP from the US. If it’s actually in Canada it’ll be < 70ms. If it's in Germany it'll be 150ms+.
Well I pinged (what used to be) my servers IP and here’s my proof that their server isn’t actually in Canada:
>ping 192.95.12.xxx
Pinging 192.95.12.xxx with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from 192.95.12.xxx: bytes=32 time=177ms TTL=57
Reply from 192.95.12.xxx: bytes=32 time=176ms TTL=57
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Ping statistics for 192.95.12.xxx:
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 2, Lost = 2 (50% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 176ms, Maximum = 177ms, Average = 176ms
I should also note… Me: 1, BetaVPS/Dos Servers: 0. I contacted PayPal and they made an exception to refund me my $5 even though it was a service that I paid for. So, in your face Dos Servers!
“Well I pinged (what used to be) my servers IP and here’s my proof that their server isn’t actually in Canada:” is in Canada and owned by OVH Canada . The timeouts and long ping times you’re seeing on the ping test are probably due to the fiber cut that occurred this week on OVH Canada’s network
Well, there’s your answer to why your VPS doesn’t work. Funny how somebody else knows what’s going on with their server and they don’t seem to even have a clue on what is happening.
One of the worst hosting companies. I’ve only been with them for 2 days, no replies to my tickets(been open for more than 24h), no cpanel/whm installed, just nothing.
Well, definitely avoiding this provider
And now they are completely down!
Daniel, the guy who runs the show is active on LET, http://www.lowendtalk.com/profile/19362/dosserversca
And he has many other websites:
This guy is a scam, takes the money and does not provide the service.
Yup sounds about right.
Looks like you may want to stay away from this company as it looks like they are down more than they are up.
BetaVPS.net is down and can not get to their website.
It looks like I’m not the only person having issues either.
Hosts come and go… and this one appears to be long gone.
Hi there!
My name is Ruben Escobar and I am the Project Manager at Techuso.
I am very interested in getting a VPS from you guys but before doing so I need to clarify a couple questions:
1) How much does an additional IP address cost?
2) What are the requirements to get an additional IP address?
I appreciate your prompt response.
Ruben E.
Project Manager
Seems to be down…