Nick from ChicagoVPS has returned with some new amazing deals, this time it’s ChicagoVPS’ best offer yet to be featured on Low End Box. On top of two great packages below they are also running a site wide sale utilizing coupon code “BF2016” for 60% off anything on their site except for dedicated servers, domains, addons and licenses. Once these packages are gone, they’re gone so act quickly if you’re interested!
ChicagoVPS has a long history in the Low End Box market serving customers for many years and has been featured a bunch of times, having first been posted on Low End Box on October 16, 2010! The ChicagoVPS brand manager, Nick, is also an administrator, and an active user, on Low End Talk. ChicagoVPS, desipite their name, actually offers service in Chicago, Dallas, Buffalo, and Los Angeles. Backups are available for an extra cost, just submit a ticket in their customer center.
Let us know what you think of this offer or if you’re an existing customer and want to talk about the service. ChicagoVPS is owned and operated by the same parent company as Low End Box and Low End Talk, ColoCrossing, so you can trust that your service will be reliable.
4GB KVM Windows VPS
| 5GB OpenVZ Linux VPS
Note: You must click the red “Continue” button below “Order Summary” on the right side of the page for the discount to be calculated.
Network information is available after the break!
Network information
Chicago, IL, USA – ColoCrossing
Test IP:
Test file:
Buffalo, NY, USA – ColoCrossing
Test IP:
Test file:
Los Angeles, CA, USA – ColoCrossing
Test IP:
Test file:
Dallas, TX, USA – ColoCrossing
Test IP:
Test file:
Atlanta, GA, USA – ColoCrossing
Test IPv4:
Test file:
“BF2016” for 60% off anything on the ChicagoVPS site except for dedicated servers, domains, addons and licenses
Be sure to share your comments if you take advantage of this ChicagoVPS Black Friday deal!
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I have made myself available (except for some naps of course!) these next few days so please reach out to me directly via PM on LET if you need my personal assistance with anything in regards to our big sale.
If not then everyone enjoy and we will do our best to get these orders filled as they come in!
Possible for you to check out ticket #EGR-239238 when you have a chance pls and ty. I am eager to try out this service.
Looks like someone else already got the ticket. You guys are pretty fast. Ty
That’s what we strive for. Thanks for your business Clayton!
No CentOS 7??
If not on the order form no worries, I see it in SolusVM so I will make not to add that to the order form when the rush dies down.
Simply select CentOS 6 and do a re-install to anything you desire after the order is activated :)
Is this recurring for ever?
Most certainly is!
Hi, discount on 4GB Windows KVM is recurring?
Is it possible to have 2012R2?
Yes it is recurring and we have a 2012R2 template in the works to roll out next week!
Well that’s good news. I’ll mess around in the meantime so I don’t spend a bunch of time setting things up only to wipe it out next week with R2. XD
Hehe I hear ya there, will definitely have that template rolled out after the sale has ended.
Hello Nick!
1. Reoccurring deals?
2. What “8x CPU means”? 8 threads/cores of which model?
3. Guaranteed or limited resources on KVM/OpenVZ?
4. Allowed to run seo tools (no spam, social accounts management stuff, always using proxies)?
5. What’s a no-no in general?
Thank you in advance.
Hi kei!
1. Yes, these deals are for LIFE!
2. 8 threads, the Windows VPS nodes are Dual E5’s ranging from the 2620 models up to the 2670’s.
3. KVM is dedicated except for the fair share CPU power and network port. OpenVZ is allocated dedicated resources to you as well just uses the host node kernel so it has more of a virtual feel.
4. As long as it doesn’t violate our TOS or brake any laws, you should be fine!
5. The usual items most hosts down’t allow, any specific questions feel free to ask away.
Most welcome kei!
Very good! But on order page it states 4x cores instead of 8x as in offer. Would you fix this please?
All set boss!
Windows licensed or the same 180 trial scam that HVH do?
If you have any issues with licensing let me know, I will personally apply one of our licenses to your service for you.
The promotion code you entered has been applied to your cart but no items qualify for the discount yet – please check the promotion terms – windows out of stock?
The promo code doesn’t work on the already on sale 4GB plan.
found the issue, must select monthly payment, does not wrk with quarter nor yearly
Correct, I will get the main post edited to reflect that :)
cheers nick, pretty fast answer.
if you might pls look into ticket #AIO-666101
I have replied to your ticket for you and most welcome! :)
No Windows Server in Chicago?
Not for this sale, sorry!
The Buffalo network is comparable in latency, but actually has more carrier diversity (Telia, XO, Hibernia and TORIX peering). I think you’ll be very happy with Buffalo if you try it. :)
Hi, are the disks protected? Redundancy?
We are utilizing hardware RAID on all VPS nodes.
I love Chicago
You should try the Buffalo location, you will be happy. :)
Marked me as fraudulent :( Got email with pdf form to fill out all my data, signature and attach photos of credit card from both sides…
Paid with paypal all day today with no problems as usual. Can we calm down your antifraud system without such a ballbusting procedure. I dont feel safe doing this at all!
You should not order by VPN. I am a multi-year user of chicagovps.
I don’t use VPN or anything of such nature.
I can jump through hoops and all that but sending my credit card out in the open is a bit too much. Paypal or CC via https stripe/amazon/2checkout/etc it should be. No in the email.
Ticket OQN 343489. Thanks
Sorry about the issues you faced.
Simple ID verification proving your identity will be sufficient, thanks!
Thank you for your help and speedy answers. I sent my ID about 1h ago. Waiting on approval to finish payment.
Most welcome kei, what is your ticket number that is awaiting review?
Ticket OQN 343489 from above post.
Order has been verified and you are now clear to proceed :)
Thanks for your business, we appreciate it.
I’m trying to take a second windows server deal but I’m not getting the deal price like the first. Is this a one per account deal? It lets me do it if I make a second account but that seems wrong…
We do have it set to 1 per account at the moment on the 4GB Windows special to prevent someone coming in and ordering all of the stock before our LEB viewers can take advantage.
Please pop in a ticket and toss me the number and I will gladly add a second order to your account.
Alright, I sent a ticket to Sales, thanks for taking the time and for the great price, can’t wait to try out your service and be just as impressed!
I replied to your ticket and you are all set, enjoy!
I’d like to order both deals, the 4GB KVM and 5GB OpenVZ, but I can’t seem to have both in my cart with each discount. How to?
With how the discounts are setup you will want to place a separate order for each product to take advantage of the specialty pricing.
Will the billing be combined every month?
Yep, if they are on the same billing date then WHMCS will “automagically” put them on the same invoice Matt :)
Cool. I have them both in my cart now and the total is $15.00 anyway! Seems if you apply the 4GB KVM discount code to the cart it seems to work. The 5GB OpenVZ plan is already listed as $5 right from the start.
Ah there you go then, enjoy Matt and please do not hesitate to contact us if we can assist with anything :)
Thanks. :) One oddity I can’t figure out is when I go to checkout, the total has .75c added to it. Jumps from $15.00 to $15.75. Doesn’t bother me too much, still a good deal. ;)
Most welcome.
Are you paying by credit card perhaps? There is a small processing fee on that payment gateway.
Yeah, it seems to be a CC surcharge. Having issues with ChicagoVPS accepting my Debit Mastercard, do you have an email I can contact?
Was just held for manual review, I approved your pending charge :)
Lol ok. I actually resubmitted my CC details again thinking it might be a CC gateway glitch, hope I don’t get charged twice! Either way, I’m at the dashboard now :) Thanks.
No worries at all, if there is a duplicate charge let me know and I can refund the latest one etc.
Enjoy the new servers Matt!
5GB OpenVZ Linux VPS what cpanel or whm is on it?
That is an un-managed plan with no licenses of any sort included.
Your OpenVZ template doesn’t work at all.
I’ve raised a few tickets and instead of fixing the broken template, I was told to raise a ticket every time I want to rebuild – just because you have “24/7 support”.
Sorry to hear that “M”! Which OpenVZ template is this in regards to?
Let me know and I will gladly make sure to upload an updated version for you :)
check #EYP-840902
Thanks “M”, I have taken note of this ticket and will look into addressing your “Ubuntu 15” template re-install issue first thing after the weekend/sale!
it’s not only the Ubuntu – all of the *minimal* templates are not working. please check on them too. thanks!
I have noted that down with the ticket number and I will be in touch via your ticket next week when I start cleaning those up for you :)
I just unsubscribed to your service. Nothing but nightmare.
I am sorry to hear that, I saw Mike handled your ticket and there was issues with auto provisioning on an older node for your account.
We didn’t want to cause you more issues so I had him issue your refund with no hassle, thanks and we wish you luck!
Thank you, what do you have on sale? managed whm?
We don’t offer managed services here, however toss me a PM on LET and I will see what I can do for you.
Yoo. Thank you for your order. You will receive a confirmation email shortly.
Thanks for Making this Friday Memorable :)
Thanks for the order and you are most welcome!
Hi Nick,
are there issues to pay with visa credit card ? I try it (VPS Basic), but ‘The credit card details you entered were declined’ – ???
Was just held for manual review, I approved your pending charge :)
so i could try it again? (nice answer time, by the way)
Per my last reply the order was approved and welcome email dispatched:
11/25/2016 16:38 Your New VPS Information!
sorry for my second question, you are too fast for my email client…
No problem at all Michael, have fun!
Hey Nick,
The BF2016 promo code doesn’t seem to work for product addons – would it be possible to enable this?
Correct, only works on the main product not the addons itself due to some being licenses and other costly addons.
Sorry for the inconvenience!
I was just trying to purchase backup & and IP address, no license. You might want to state that in the description “60% off anything on their site except for dedicated servers, domains and licenses”.
Sounds good, thanks Greg!
Greg if you file a ticket we will give you the discount on the backup and IP’s.
Jon – you guys rock! ticket open.
You are all set bud :)
any sale for bigger RAM for Windows KVM? For example 6GB or 8GB?
Check out our Hybrid/Smart server line for Windows virtual systems that need more then 4GB’s of RAM, pop in a ticket with us for a custom quote.
I have to say this is one of the best experiences I’ve had with providers here on LEB. Super-quick setup, ticket answered in minutes by a native English speaker, OpenVZ instances feel responsive. Going to be moving a lot of my business here today.
We’re glad to hear it. Thanks much for your business, we appreciate it.
Greats offers ChicagoVPS!!!
Thank you! We’re working hard to deliver a great product at an excellent price. We’ve sold hundreds of these so far today.
My order has been marked as fraud, i received an email to send copy of credit card, but i’ll pay with my verified paypal :(
Order has been reviewed and is now pending your payment.
Problem solved, already received the VPS details, thanks.
I am glad to hear that and you are most welcome!
Hello, Nick, great offers!
Please have a look at ticket #GAV-211644 (overseas order marked as high risk), I’ve sent my ID scan.
Order has been reviewed and is now pending your payment, thanks!
Is it possible to rent a vps without giving my dna? Like using a prepaid debit card and using a fake name? Not for anything considered illegal or hacking. I only want to run a minecraft game server and don’t mind the host logging in and monitoring it, canceling it if used for anything other than that purpose. I hate all this government spying and refuse to take part in this maxmind crap or anything else wanting my photo id or whatever before a crime has even been committed. I know I’m not the only one who feels this way. Investigate fraud when there’s evidence of fraud, not investigate the entire population when there’s no evidence the entire population is about to do something wrong.
No verification is required if you are paying via PayPal or Bitcoin.
Fraud is a major issue with online services, which is why we conduct verification for some customers who are new signups and using credit cards. We utilize tools like Maxmind, etc, to prevent and minimize fraud whenever possible. :)
Hope you signup with us!
Would you like to order?
I boycotted paypal since they blocked donations to Wikileaks a few years ago. bitcoins are tied to a bank account so i own none. Best thing for me is to grow a beard, get my acoustic guitar and smoke as much marijuana as possible. Great offer though and good luck.
I tried to order the 4gb ram windows vps but it show $13.98 per month for me instead of $10
Submit a ticket and we’ll take care of you. Not sure why it doesn’t show $10 for you, I just tested and it showed $10 for me.
Hey Nick,
I want quantity=20 of $1 Cloud VPS ( Can I purchase 20 servers of $ 1 cost?
You can order as many as you desire.
How do I add 20 servers of same type/cost to cart? Isnt their a “quantity” field in cart somewhere? Or, do I need to add 20 items in cart 20 times manually?
You will want to add each one manually with a unique hostname.
Were you able to successfully order Amber Jain? If not, let us know and we are happy to help.
Yes, I ordered 14 servers and I’m happy with their performance.
Is this deal still on? I need some more servers, if this black friday deal is still working.
Deal is on but we are running low on stock so grab some while supplies last!
What about Ubuntu 16.04?
We have it available, please simply submit a ticket after ordering to make sure we get you on a compatible node for it :)
Hi, Nick,
I just bought one your KVM VPSs. The welcome email did not contain a URL or a username/password for your SolusVM control panel. How can I get that?
Apologies, that is still locked down and a module is used within WHMCS. If there is a function you are missing please let us know via ticket and we will see that we can add that in for you for the time being.
Thanks Craig!
Hi, Nick,
Your ad clearly said SolusVM control panel. Several features I really need are not available in WHMCS. It makes your VPS totally unusable for me. How do I get a refund?
Sorry to hear that, refund has been issued and we hope some day to have a better control panel system in place.
Can you toss me a PM on LET? I can hook you up with another solution that will work for you :)
Craig, as Nick said, we have a solution for you. Shoot Nick a PM on LET ( and we’ll hook you up!
Thanks, Nick. I appreciate the quick response.
You are most welcome Craig, please enjoy your weekend!
Is IPv6 available in any of these locations?
Oh, darn. Looks like the answer is no. :(
We do hope to offer it some day :)
Hey Nick. Is it possible to get windows 10 Enterprise than windows server? I have my own license for the Enterprise
If you provide us with an ISO to download via ticket then we can mount that for you for a custom install.
Doesn’t seem to let me order, am I doing something wrong?
Please order directly @
Jordan — were you able to order? Let us know if we can help you!
Please pay attention to my ticket #VQA-947337. He was paid twice the invoice 247089. Due to an error on your site. Please cancel order and refund my all payments.
Hi Alex,
We’ll check that ticket out ASAP sir.
“Out of Stock” now… looks like I’m late :(
Any plan to add more?
The 4GB WinVPS’s flew out the door much quicker then we anticipated. We are working on getting more stock for that ready to sell.
We have added more stock. You may order now. :)
60% Off is appealing, (they did 50% off in Black Friday, 2015), but the previous frustrating experience of their support system keeps me away from them.
I have used ChicagoVPS in 2013-2014. The billing via paypal was recurring, but they still sent unpaid alert email to me. And I forgot the payment was recurring (billed half year ago) and paid manually. Later, the recurring payment took effect and I had been charged twice. Their support staff said refund would be in “next refund batch”. Later they said that they were moving my ticket to the billing department. But still no refund. Then I exchanged several support tickets with them over several months and they were just keep asking about the transaction IDs (which I repeated in several tickets) and saying moving the ticket to billing or concern department again and again. After 6 months there was still no refund (until my VPS suspended).
To be fair the VPS I used was fine. And I just noticed that’s web design is much cleaner than 3 years ago. Hope their support system improves as well.
I am very sorry to hear about the issues you faced in the past. I looked up your account and see this issue was indeed back before I was on board.
Am I okay to contact you via the ticket system or email to work out a way to make this right for you?
I opened a new ticket for this. Thanks.
ColoCrossing purchased ChicagoVPS in September 2015, and since then we’ve made significant investments into improving the back end, support system and infrastructure. Overall, the customer experience has improved and remains our focus. We regret the issues you had prior to our take over and know that we would very much like the chance to show you the new ChicagoVPS. Thank you! :)
what i can use windows OS in “5GB OpenVZ Linux VPS” Package?
The OpenVZ plans only support Linux based OS’s.
this package out off stock
We are setting up a new Dual E5 now with 8 x 1TB SSD’s to accommodate some more orders, stay tuned for more stock!
Stock has been replenished :)
Go ahead and order. Thank you!
i got marked as fraud, however i did not use any proxy nor vpn (just lte network in europe :>)
can you please look into my ticket #FKK-491558
I see a staff member already replied and made it so you may proceed, thanks and enjoy!
No way to get the “4GB KVM Windows VPS” plan without Windows? The deal is pretty sweet for 4GB KVM but have no need for Windows at all…
Toss me a PM on LET and I will see what I can accommodate for you :)
Here is the direct link to message Nick on Low End Talk:
Hope we can help you out! :)
No way to get the KVM Windows VPS plan to have Freebsd in KVM do you think are possible or available ? thanks
Please toss me a PM on LET and I will get you a custom setup –
Can we used Linux OS in Windows KVM plan?
It won’t let you do that however if you toss me a PM on LET I can make a different accommodation for you.
PM’d you on LET with a similare request. Thanks!
Sounds good, I will review it and get back to you by tomorrow.
What’s the point… they take the money and suspend the vm permanently. Quick Profit out of suckers
What is your ticket number? We would be happy to investigate this issue for you. We are not looking to “make a quick profit out of suckers”
Toss me a ticket number and I will gladly review your situation, only time something like that would take place is if a severe case of abuse occurs.
Thanks eman!
Is $10 recurring discount? . I am interested in 4gb windows plan
Discount is for life, go ahead and order one while in stock :)
The billing panel seems to be down, I get cloudflare “Website is offline” page when I am trying to order a VPS.
Must have been a slight hiccup, we are online here!
Marked as fraud, no vpn/proxy, just from Hong Kong [Ticket ID: AIN-158136] ChicagoVPS – Order Marked as Fraud – Reply Required For Activation
Order has been reviewed and you are all set to proceed, thanks James!
Wow…I honestly didn’t expect a reply so quick considering the time difference! But thank you so much! I hope this customer service is reflective of actual service and not just because of LEB! If so defintely a long time customer!
Glad to hear that and you are most welcome! Our support department is staffed 24/7 and billing/sales is standard hours with us going above and beyond on weekends to help cater as well :)
Most times takes no more then a hour for responses/resolutions however with this mega sale this weekend please allow a little extra time if utilizing the help desk.
Enjoy James!
Am I able to use all 8 vCPU cores at 100% for long periods of time?
If not, how is this moderated?
If you are not causing issues for other customers then you will be fine. If you are then we will contact you in regards to the matter.
Is your inbound traffic metered?
Yes, the bandwidth allocation applies to inbound + outbound.
When does this 60% off deal end?
We are not sure, we are still pushing stock so until we run out of more room we are letting it ride!
Thanks for the prompt reply. Maybe I change billing cycle later and still keep the 60% lifetime discount?
Ya that is no problem, after ordered please let us know via ticket and we can update it to any cycle you prefer to kick in after the first month has ended.
OK Great!
One more question. How come there’s no Ubuntu 16.04 in the OS selection?
I have it on a post-it on my desk to update it on the order form, mostly because some older machines don’t support it fully yet on our infrastructure, so we are pushing those to new machines that do.
Please submit a ticket after provisioned and we will make sure you are on a compatible node for 16.04, thanks!
The 4GB plan have ipv6?
I am sorry but we do not offer IPv6 at this time :(
Do those CPUs come with VGA as well?
Want to run OBS on it
It is just the standard KVM setup, now outside video cards are used etc.
If you have any issues you are welcome to contact us for a refund if it doesn’t work for what you are looking to do.
George we can offer you a dedicated server with an onboard or external video card if you need it. Just submit a sales ticket and we will work with you on a solution for your needs. :)
Hello. Please take a look at ticket #SBK-119899. Payment showed up on my card account, but not your site is still pending.
All set, thanks!
Me too see that No way to get the “4GB KVM Windows VPS” plan without Windows? The deal is pretty sweet for 4GB KVM but have no need for Windows at all…
Nick, I have pm you. could you see what can be done for me too?
I will see what I can do for you, please allow me 24 – 48 hours to get back to your PM.
Thanks Nick, I’m looking for a deal like on a say something like “2GB KVM Ubuntu VPS” or “3GB KVM Ubuntu VPS” with say about 80 or 100Gb capacity. Has to be KVM and 65 to 100 Gb!. Thanks a lot!
Most welcome, I’ll be in touch.
Hi nick,
I sent you a message at lowendtalk,
because in my chicagovps account I add funds but they are “unpaid”,
I opened a ticket with the paypal tansaction Id, they replied me three times but they didn’t solved the problem.
Can you please help me to put that money in my CVPS account? Or at least to have a refund?
Ticket number #RQB-028206
I thank you in advance
All set bud, thanks and sorry for the delay billing has been hectic with all the orders this weekend.
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 26.3672 s, 40.7 MB/s
That offer has to have a limit as it is not slow in my VPS
5GB OpenVZ Linux VPS
No worries, toss me a ticket number if you end up having any issues and we can move you to a freshly deployed host node :)
I’m interested in the Windows VPS.
I’d like to host multiple domain names. Is that possible?
Will I have access to the DNS records for the server?
Is it possible to order more IP’s?
Is there more information about the control panel?
Thanks for your interest in the Windows VPS plans. You can point as many domain names as you desire towards it. We do not host DNS on our end and yes it is possible to order additional IP’s.
I saw that my old CC server IP addresses are no longer on any blacklists!
Good work, CC! :D
Glad to hear it.
You got it, :), all of our IP lists have been removed from Spamhaus.
Signed up for one of the offers listed above. Requested Ubuntu 16.04 be installed at (07:25)
Got a response at (08:52) asking me to confirm. Confirmed at (08:57).
(10:09) Told to stand by for further updates.
(13:25) Informed Ubuntu 16.04 has been installed and to check it.
(13:54) Informed them I could not connect to the server.
Almost two hours since the last update. The entire day that I had planned for setting things up for a client has been wasted. This is only the second time I’ve encountered anything besides a minor since I’ve been purchasing services at Lowendbox. (Alpharacks being the only VPS I’ve purchased that was absolute garbage service wise and support wise)
I really hope this is not the norm at Chicago VPS.
Sorry to hear that, indeed not the norm just swamped with tickets as you can imagine so our usual 10 minute response time has turned into a 1-2 hour response time currently until the sale ends.
Our technicians handle tickets in the order of last reply so you are about to be back up at top of the queue Robert :)
Customer service is a top priority at ChicagoVPS. I regret that your support experience was slower than it should have been and please accept my apologies. The response has been tremendous to our Black Friday deal and we’re working very hard to service the demand.
Your business is hugely appreciated, and know that we won’t let you down!
Just a quick note to thank Mike Walker. Mike got my issue resolved quickly once he became involved/aware of the issue.
I am glad to hear Mike took care of this for you Robert, please enjoy and let us know if there is anything we can do to assist you!
4GB Windows VPS out of stock. :(
I have adjusted stock counts for you, go ahead and grab one :)
;) Thanks!
Most welcome bud, I see you placed the order and I have approved it, allow 10 minutes for install and enjoy Robert!
Mike Walker reached out to me with CVPS support and provided me this link: – and pricing was correct. Thanks Mike! :))
Glad to hear you were able to get it ordered with the discount applied.
Thanks and enjoy Richard!
To let everyone know the sale is still going strong. We plan to keep it going through the end of November. Don’t delay ordering, because once they’re gone, they’re gone.
Sorry to bug but, as this is the first time I did such thing, I’m not sure I did it correctly for PMing Nick. I clicked here and PM messaged there and is under Home › Inbox › Message › VSNX_Nick and you. But not sure if Nick got the message? Did I do it correctly guys?
You sure did, I will get back to you today!
I will be waiting for your response. Thanks.
I have replied for you and we can continue communication there :)
The performance seemed to be terrible… I ordered a 4GB Windows VPS, however, the CPU load is always 35%, even if I don’t configure anything on it!
Toss me a ticket, I will gladly check into any issues for you :)
I opened a ticket and I think it’s now solved. Thank you!
Has your issue been resolved to your satisfaction?
thank you and the VPS works fine now.
We are glad to hear that, enjoy!
I’m also seeing poor performance. I opened a ticket with support on this issue. Hope it gets resolved soon.
I am sorry to hear that, what is your ticket number I would love to review the issue.
I would just like to give a shout out to the Technical Support team that helped me out with my ticket and to Nick here for ensuring that it got attention. I got my VPS re-deployed on a different node and things are much much better. I am very much satisfied with how things are starting out and given my previous experiences with ChicagoVPS this sheds the light on them in a very positive way.
I am glad to hear things worked out well for you and we look forward to working with you Robert :)
How many CPUs does the corporate KVM offer? Thanks
That plan comes with 8 cores allocated to it.
FYI: Ubuntu 16.04 is not possible on your small (only?) Basic-VPS (possible to rebuild the VPS with your Ubuntu 16.04 template, but the VPS is not usable)… You should communicate this with your customers in advance.
4 days with your (really fast) support to get an resilient answer.
Just means you need moved over to a node that was updated to a kernel that supports that. We just recent started rolling our kcare so pretty soon all will be covered bud.
Toss me a ticket number and I will see that you are taken care of Michael :)
Hi Nick I’m facing a similar problem. I’m on the corporate KVM. I got Ubuntu 16.04 installed through online chat support, and proceeded to put in about 10 hours of work. The next morning I woke up, somehow I can no longer access my VPS. Checking my domain in browser, instead of the site I created, it now shows an Apache default page powered by CentOS! My root password no longer works of course, since my original Ubuntu OS has been replaced by CentOS. So now I’m basically locked out of my own VPS. Both online chat and ticket support have been very unhelpful. Can you please help? Thanks.
I sure can, toss me a ticket number and I will review everything for you as soon as I return to my desk.
Thanks Nick. Tix # is #UPQ-808852. Appreciate the attention.
Reviewing this now with the team and believe we found the issue, your data is all there just a routing issue :)
Hi Nick,
that sounds good for me. The ticket number is “#FHW-221687 – Ubuntu 16.04 on OpenVZ Basic VPS”.
Getting that host node kernel updated for you and we will update your ticket once done, thanks!
Seems working in the moment,
thank you!
Glad to hear it Michael, that host node also has kcare install so you will now always be up to date :)
Ordered and paid for vps nearly 5 hours ago but still not setup. Told billing that the invoice has been paid. But not received any response. Is it normal to wait for such a long time? How long should I expect to wait?
As you can imagine the sale has attracted a lot of orders.
Will be processed soon here shortly, thanks!
I can accept that. Completely understand with such great offers that your going to be busy. Thanks for taking the time to respond. :)
Most welcome bud and I just went ahead and confirmed the order and processed it.
Please file a support ticket if you require any assistance at all and enjoy Gareth!
Hi Nick,
Ticket #WSQ-810591 for my new Smart Server. activation still on pending
I accidentally ordered it with 200GB HDD instead of the 100 Gb SSD drive.
Any chance you can rectify it ? :)
This special sale was only on the HDD series.
I have approved the pending order and please send us a ticket if we can be of any further assistance :)
5GB vps acting like shit. Im a old customer of Chicagovps for a long time. It seems it was just a mistake to purchase this server. Very frequent downtime. Right now server is 3 hours+ down. Location Chicago. Even I cant restart the server from Clientarea. Totally hell situation right now. Todays ticket : HHI-633230. Previous ticket KME-204128 which was opened at Nov 18, 2016. After purchase this 5GB ram based server 2 major downtime and each downtime exists for more than 2-3 hours++ Can you tell me exactly whats happening there!?
Permission to move you to a newer node in Chicago? We are working on phasing out some of the older hardware so this will be a nice benefit for you :)
Hi Nick!
I made a payment, which is not marked as paid.
I have sent a ticket more than 24 hours ago, but still no answer yet.
Can you please check this?
Ticket ID: FQU-314805
I had the same issue with a previous order I made, and that was resolved in an hour.
Payment verified, thank you!!!!!!!
Looks cheap, offers discount today?
Last day for the sale!
Nick, question for you:
I’ve ordered a smart server from here
The specs for this service says 1Gbps port.
But when I check the port Speed of my Server it says 100Mbps :(
Can you clarify it please?
Actually looks like you are already at 1Gbps, I have updated the main post :)
Yeah, I had a chat with the support team.
I did a download test and it looks like I’ve got 1Gbps already.
Checking the specs on my server I was getting different result anyway… don’t know why.
Thanks for your help.
All fixed :)
I am really happy to hear that Dan and you are most welcome!!!
4GB KVM Windows VPS
4GB Dedicated RAM
8x vCPU
100GB Disk Space
4TB Bandwidth
100Mbps+ Uplink
2x IPv4
Windows Server 2008 or 2012
$10/mo (normally $30/mo)
[Order Now]
I grabbed one of these windows DPSS for Black Friday,
I see still available, I was wondering if I buy another one,
can I combined the two servers have double specs
Yes we still have them available but may want to scoop one up quickly as its the last 12 hours of our sale!
Sadly we won’t be able to combine them due to the infrastructure setup, so would be 2 x 4GB Windows KVM’s for $20/mo.
Comparing with virmach’s $10 Windows VPS (2cores, 8GB ram, 30GB SSD), yours have a better multi-core performance (about twice as theirs), however, the single-core performance of your Windows VPS is poorer (about only half of theirs). Besides, as you used HDD for storage, disk response time can be up to 11,000ms+ when adding Windows features such as IIS, language packages and so on.
The CPU benchmark is performed by CineBench R11.5 and R15.
The server I’m currently on is suffering massive performance issues. I sent in a ticket and was informed a couple VM’s were responsible and they had been disabled.
I attempted to run an easyengine script to install WordPress and SSL. This should take under a minute. As of this message it’s been 22 minutes and it hasn’t finished.
I’m really kicking myself in the butt for not dropping a thousand bucks into Impact VPS’s credit match deal. I was certain that a company run by Lowendbox would be the benchmark and I was excited about the prospect of moving many clients over to Chicago VPS. Support here on this forum is super friendly but the service itself has just been amazingly sub-par. Even if this gets fixed, at this point I’m certain that issues like this will be the norm rather than the exception.
I am very to hear about the issues you have had, please toss me a ticket number so I can look into this for you.
Thanks, I will check into this for you.
I would look for another host, I’ve been using these guys since September and there are always issues. My server goes offline usually around 1-3am PST where the server is unreachable. I’ve submitted a ticket for the network issue and they want to reinstall my OS instead of checking out the real issue so the support doesn’t seem that good either. I’m writing this right now and my vps has been unreachable for the past few hours.
Sorry to hear that, had an issue with a node starting last night so I suspect you were on that host node.
What is your ticket number?
My ticket #EXK-564279 was NO REPLY since 6th December, no one workings?
Pending order cancelled, good luck with your payment issue!
Hi Nick,
I registered for WinVPS 4GB plan. More than 7 hours past when I received VPS information but unable to connect.
Please check ticket #WVK-310503. Tech Support is working on it. Perhaps there is an issue with Windows Server 2016 installation. I need your keen interest to solve it.
One day passed and still unable to use 4GB Windows VPS. Support shifted my VPS to a new node. It is very very slow. Nobody can work on such VPS. Any way to solve my issue.