has sent in another offer for us LEB readers, this time no promo code is needed, their previous offer can be viewed here.
The two packages are specially setup for us LEB followers and the offer will be valid for 2 weeks from this post date or when stock runs out, whatever comes first.
512 MB of Guaranteed Ram
1024 MB of Burstable RAM
3 CPU’s (@2.5 Ghz+ Each)
1 IP Address
30 GB of Storage
2 TB of Bandwidth
$3.50 / month. A recurring discount of $2.45 over the normal plan: Order here
1024 MB of Guaranteed Ram
2048 MB of Burstable RAM
4 CPU’s (@2.5 Ghz+ Each)
1 IP Address
50 GB of Storage
2 TB of Bandwidth
$7.00 / month. A recurring discount of $5.95 over the normal plan: Order here
Initial setup will be at their California location. Users may request via ticket that they be moved to either BlueVM’s location in Kansas or Illinois at any time.
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is this kvm?
nvm saw the tag… but still you should put it somewhere in the post proper.
Im using one of their KVM yearly and its going great, no problems at all.
Great post, I hope stock doesn’t run out before I can get at one.
For the first time here I see a post with no price/terms/VM type in the subject. Why? “special LEB deal” doesn’t cut it, 50% of posts here are special LEB deals.
“CompanyName – Price RAM VMtype VPS in Location.”
mikho, don’t be lazy.
a comment on LET wanted the posts here to be more “personal” and not go by a standard form everytime. I tried this approch since there are two offers in the post.
If the community wants a standard type of headers then I’ll stay with that.
Subjects are useful for quickly skimming the recent posts and looking for what you are interested in, e.g. some skip OpenVZ, some get only Xen, some look for price less than $5, etc. Subject is not the place to get vague and nonspecific.
If there are several deals what was usually done is one of them picked and put into subject.
@rm – While the title could have been better, we’re happy to see posts (especially ours)…
@mikho – Thank you for posting our offer… perhaps you can edit the title as suggested by rm and throw some test IPs like these in there?
Test IP for California:
Test IP for Illinois:
Test IP for Kansas:
Test IP for Pennsylvania:
I’m not allowed (yet?) to update published posts but I’ll work on it :)
could you email me,
Think about it as streamlining, lean posts without the unnecessary fluff.
Why do the special plans have half the storage of the regular plans? its not really a discount if you are getting less, you are just paying less for less.
BLUE4 for 5.95 has 60GB storage
BLUE4 “LEB Special” for 3.50 has 30GB storage
That still is special IMHO, because is a non listed package :P
Also, some people doesn’t need the extra disk, and you can save some bucks with this.
In addition you can add the missing storage for $0.50 per month on the BLUE4 if you really need it by opening a ticket… We aren’t trying to make anyone feel like they’re getting ripped off. Our clients 99% of the time use less than 10 GB of storage even with our largest plans.
i think reducing disk space to make it cost less is great. 30gb is much more than enough.
What kind of virtualization, OpenVZ or KVM?
OpenVZ !
order one BLUE4 plan 30 minutes ago, now waiting for setting up
Setup should be instant unless you paid with google checkout. If you paid with google checkout open a ticket and we’ll look into it…
I am wrong to think I need to wait until an email notifying me the info of VPS.
Now it runs smoothly, thanks
For the first time, Google Checkout holds the payment for 15min
I signed up for a BLUE3 yesterday (bad timing), anyway to have it transferred to this?
I paid with google checkout but it still says unpaid, so I put in a ticket.
Open a ticket, we’ll transfer it.
to guys that tried bluevm, are you happy? need opinion, thanks
Why don’t you try by your self? I just try lol :D
maybe i can try, the offer is offered at monthly, not yearly. so no pressure. thanks
Not to push you in anyway we have a couple of reviews on WHT: – I know we have some floating around LET too, but I couldn’t find them quickly off the top of my head.
hope you dont mind, how long is bluevm in business?
First started working on BlueVM just under 1 year ago. We offered services to people who were requesting them on forums. We started making “offers” to the community in November 2011. So it depends on who you ask. For us we’re getting ready to celebrate our 1 year birth :)
What is the test IPs? And the server located at.
Test IP for California:
Test IP for Illinois:
Test IP for Kansas:
Test IP for Pennsylvania:
Default location is California, however you can choose any of our other locations by placing a ticket after your order and we’ll transfer you there.
pa = jacksonville with volumedrive?
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets
5 ( 6.806 ms 5.640 ms 5.406 ms
6 * ( 5.439 ms 5.340 ms
7 ( 17.872 ms 17.808 ms 17.709 ms
8 ( 18.310 ms 17.699 ms 18.072 ms
9 ( 22.400 ms 22.326 ms 22.161 ms
10 ( 24.025 ms 22.564 ms 24.741 ms
Test ip please?
Test IP for California:
Test IP for Illinois:
Test IP for Kansas:
Test IP for Pennsylvania:
Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=167ms TTL=47
Reply from bytes=32 time=168ms TTL=48
Reply from bytes=32 time=169ms TTL=48
Reply from bytes=32 time=167ms TTL=48
Very fast ping, and bluevm’s support is fast too.
I assume that’s from Asia somewhere? I’m in Hawaii now getting 30 ms average so I suppose 170 is decent for Asia…
You think >160ms is fast? I get <40ms from my VPS in Germany. I'm located in Italy.
From the USA to most of Asia is about 10,000 miles. From Germany to most of Itally thats about 1,000 miles so yes in comparison 170 is fast…
sorry for noob question. what is the use of test ip? to test how long is ping?
Yep, Lower the ping the better :)
To test ping, to find out what datacenter the offer is in some cases to figure out any kind of jitter between your connection and our connection. Don’t worry about sounding like a “noob”… trust me we all started off asking what things are used for… its how we ended up managing low end boxes :)
I wouldn’t mind a KVM , Is there any promos on them?
Open a ticket with us, we’ll come up with something good :)
Some test on Blue4
I use a BlueVM VPS as a US VPN and it’s working great. Support is good too.
Same here. Im using the KVM yearly
hi, nooby question again. i dont get it when people here say they use vps as vpn. all i know about vpn is when you are at home or at a coffee shop, you can connect to the office network using vpn client. but what about vps as vpn? thanks!
They install PPTPD, configure it and route their internet traffic through the VPN as a proxy. Most of our clients who use their service for a VPN use it to access sites like netflix or hulu to watch US videos. Netflix and hulu only allow subscribers to watch if their IP is in the USA…
@Bluevm Yes,asia.Usual west coast ping is 200ms+.
Really? I thought it’d be lower… but then again it’d depend on the provider and the network. Glad to hear its decent :)
Great speed to Asia
Any possibility of an upgrade option for gigabit?
At this time, no… 2 TB at 100 Mbps isn’t all that much bandwidth to begin with. I understand the desire to have 1 Gbps though.
Just A Note: We may have to switch our primary location to Kansas soon. We’re running out of nodes in California (we have more on order so worst case you need a slot there and get placed in Kansas when we get the new hardware you can switch over in a few minutes.
So far this company has been good.
Picked up a VPS today.
It’s instant provisioning.
Network speed seems right / good so far.
Upstream from this company looks to be
More later when we get our server set up.
me too. instant setup after confirming payment =) everything good.
I just signed up. I dont know what I’ll do with this VPS, as I only want to host my personal blog website. And I was able to try before and 128Mb is sufficient. Is VPS offers really addicting like this? It’s just too tempting to pass up.
So, are you happy?
yes i am happy. i think i have a box than i can play with and not be too scared of running out of memory. but you know, this is just my first month in LEB and I already bought 2 vps, 1 from Secure Dragon, and now from LEB. But I am really happy I found LEB, this is a very good community. Before I was only looking at WHT for good buy VPS for web hosting purpose, but it was hard. In LEB, everything is here. Reviews, tutorials, company feedback, that really helped me a lot. Thanks so much.
It can most definitely get addicting. Especially while searching for a VPS host you should try things out for yourself. See how well it can handle the “LEB effect” and a sudden influx of users as it may be an indicator of what would happen if one user suddenly gets slammed with traffic if it will slow down for you. And generally the closer you can get the vps to your main audience, the better.
Smaller VPSs like the 128mb ones make good backup mail servers if you host your own mail. They can also be secondary dns servers if you want to mess with hosting your own dns. Another interesting thing to do is play with setting up multiple locations.
My big advice though, before you start putting important data on it, setup some sort of backup strategy. Even if you just tell yourself you’ll always keep a local copy of whatever it is you’re going to upload.
thanks for the advice. im using once vps from secure dragon as web hosting for our local church website. i am thinking of using rsync so that i have a copy on this new box i got from bluevm. that way, in case something happen to that vps, i can point my dns to the new box and hopefully should work again.
Btw bluevm, the shopping cart of your site, and login to the panel ( is broken in my firefox 10. My OS at home is ubuntu 10.04
Not sure what exactly you find wrong with it, but if you could email me at: I’ll take a look.
It’s no big deal, but I will send you screenshots when I get home.
Regarding the bandwidth, is that 2TB monthly or annually?
Monthly… :)
How to $2.45 or $5.95?
BlueVM use HyperVM for openvz vps, not good to me, i like SolusVM than it :(
Another thing i hate, they force us wait 10 minutes to reload OS again.
is it ok to stop and request refund :(
If you dislike our panel that much yes you can request a refund by opening a support ticket. The reason we use hypervm is to lower costs which helps save us money so we can make offers like this. If we had to place solusVM on every node we’d be spending all of our profit.
All of your profit? I hope $10 is not all the profit you’re making per node (as that is the cost of a SolusVM license), those are not healthy profit margins.
@Kevin Hillstrand – We make more than that, but in reality that $10 could go into funding support as opposed to having a panel that looks fantastic. I understand people like solusVM, but for administrators its a nightmare IMHO.
Hi, BlueVM. Do I need to stop the vps before reinstalling a new image? btw, what is the debian 6 32bit NLMP image there? Because the image is more than 1 Gb.
@BlueVM :
Will we not having problem with the IP anymore?
Because I don’t want to change the IP of the VPS every month.
He probably isn’t planning on it, but you never know.
We have no plans to move our nodes in California… our datacenter is exactly what we need and its affordable.
out of stock!
We have just issued more stock of this plan, however we only have Illinois (default) and Kansas locations at the moment. We have servers in route to our California location, but they are expected in 1 – 2 weeks.
IF YOU NEED OUR CALIFORNIA LOCATION: Order via the link above, your VPS will be created in Illinois. Then open a ticket with us and request our California location. We may be able to transfer you to one of our nodes there as space permits (instantly). If we can not we can suspend your VPS until we have space available. You will not be billed for your service while waiting for more hardware… it will be treated as a preorder.
I’ll wait for california.
How to get the price $2.45 or $5.95?
That’s the savings, not the actual price… our normal cost for the first plan is $5.95 per month, you pay $3.50, thus saving $2.45… The normal price for our second plan is $12.95 per month, you pay $7.00 thus you save $5.95…
thanks for the offer BlueVM. More power!
But VPS has been provisioned as 3CPU @ 2.2GHz each
Either that is a mistake, or the details of offer should be updated.
We apply a 80% bridge cap on our CPUs to prevent one user from maxing out all of the cores, but you should still get at least 2.5 Ghz so please open a ticket and we’ll resolve it for you.
A fair bit of talk about IL and KS, any stock for the 512 plan in PA though?
We do have stock there, its just limited. If you would like a transfer there you can request it. Our IL and KS locations have a lot more space so we tend to push those out there first.
The width of the Pacific is about 10000km,speed of light is
300000km/s,let’s make a calculation:
That’s why I said it’s fast.
Test ip is a little faster than my vps.
Pinging 173.254.236.* with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from 173.254.236.*: bytes=32 time=194ms
Reply from 173.254.236.*: bytes=32 time=194ms
Reply from 173.254.236.*: bytes=32 time=195ms
Reply from 173.254.236.*: bytes=32 time=194ms
I have no idea how you got to “10000km÷300000km/s≈66ms”
First of all, the speed of light in vacuum is indeed about 300000 kilometers/s but internetz in your example (through the Pacific) travels in fiber optic cables, in which speed of light, due to the refractions and such, has a speed of about 0.66 (/ free space), or 200000 kilometers/s.
Which brings us to:
(10000 / 200000) * 1000 = 50ms, RTT would be 100ms.
@Vlad C
You are right.I was misleading by some answers on the internet.
Pacific Ocean at its widest point is 19800km.
Of course submarine cable isn’t so long.I used distance tool in google maps to
measure the path from my location to california,it’s 12255km.
Plus all of the routers, switches and networks it has to bounce through to get from one country to another…
Any restocking of the 512MB offer? Preferably Illinois
out of stock already for 30 GB ??
@khafi – You say already, ha ha… We’ve sold over 400 of the $3.50 special offers alone. We have added more stock once again, but its in Kansas. We’re waiting on more hardware in California and Illinois.
Why is California the link became Kansas. Fooled by the feeling I want to buy California, the administrator can help me change over not?
open the support ticket.
It has been said that was out of stock!
Open a ticket to get transferred there when our new hardware comes online. We should have at least 1 server come online there tomorrow.
Please help me to transfer to California, I went backstage to submit work orders first
城管 Hello.
I use to us in Asia, China, California, is the fastest,
Let us know when it(CA) is available.
I believed your Illinois vps is out of stock too.
Good job bluevm! More bandwidth + low price = hot cakes.
Most LEB shoppers don’t really look at cpu and ram is secondary as its either 128/256/512mb on LEB.
Thanks for the support :)
I just bought a VPS, but the location in Kansas,Help I changed it to California。California speed will be better。I come from China!Thanks!
open the support ticket.
been waiting for endless hours, still no reply, nor provisioning nor any notice
invoice: Invoice #949
What OS can I choose from on the Openvz or KVM?
Here’s the list of images you can build. Presented as named in drop down list:
Are you going to do the KVM promo?
I did not see any. So I just ask for ppl who interested.
@innya BlueVM have previously posted offers on LET. You can check those or contact BlueVM via their website to see if they can arrange one
512 out of stock :(
I have been order..vps instant setup…but Support very Long time…I have been open ticket but no respon
Ticket ID: 660682
i agreee, suppport very long time.
google order # 275641467428370
been waiting for almost a day
Read above thread dumb ass people!
The troll is around!
i think they are just overloaded right now with all the orders. i ordered early this morning and within 2 hours got a response but been waiting since as the initial issue was not resolved. tun should just be enabled by default or is there a reason it is not?
It annoys me when VPS companies say that a VPS is located in Kansas, when it is not. Kansas City is in Missouri. I don’t think I have ever seen a VPS for sale in Kansas City where the host said the correct state.
Kansas City spans both Missouri and Kansas
Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.
Well folks over 900 orders later we are 100% out of stock on all of our nodes. Right now we’re working our way through the huge pile of tickets and we’ve hired some extra help to clear them out. Ticket times may be in excess of 24 hours for some people and for that we apologize. If you paid via google checkout and your order has not been completed, your invoice is still saying its unpaid or if your having any other issues please contact us.
google order # 275641467428370
48 hours passed – no response
We have no tickets in with over 20 hours on them at this time. Have you submitted a ticket?
ID # 672203
very long time support
Last Reply: 8 Hours 25 Minutes 1 Seconds Ago from us not 48 hours … either way your invoice has been marked as paid.
are you including ones that have been answered but not closed? I inquired about moving to illinois and last thing was a response saying they’re looking into it. Granted that response was on the 14th at 4:00 AM (not sure what time zone the tickets are in)
Please let me know via email whenever you got new nodes at this price available!
zzz want
any guide for getting a vpn running on bluevm? I havent had much success
Have you opened a ticket for tun to be enabled on your VPS?
After enabling TUN, install Ubuntu 10.04 LTS and do this
and follow the on screen instructions. @Daniel at LET introduced me to OpenVPN-AS and its very easy to setup
for other distros and architectures, see this
Ok – this is helpful. I’d like to get PPTP going though for mobile access? is this possible?
i cant reinstall the os, i want ubuntu 10.04 64bit
been waiting for 12 hours, its still loading.
shows some error
Alert: Could not Connect to the server This is most likely due to underlying network problem. Make sure that the server is accessible from thi
pls reinstall it . thank you
its now ok
Great service! I have two VPS with BlueVM. One on this plan, and another when they had a special $10/year deal on very low end boxes. Justin responded quickly and efficiently to my requests to enable PPP and TUN. OpenVPN and PPTP work fine on both boxes.
HI Rahim, can you give me some quick pointers on get pptp going. what OS your running etc. I just can’t get it to go.. I’ve activiated TAP/TUN via ticket
My steps:
1) Reload with this image: debian-6.0-x86
2) apt-get install pptpd and ppp
3) Run pppd from the console. You will probably get a message telling you that /dev/ppp doesn’t exist. If that’s the case, then will also tell you how to create it with mknod
4) Run pppd again. You should see a load of gibberish on the screen. If that’s the case, then proceed to 5.
5) If you’ve never set up a PPTP server before, then just use the script here ( I’ve verified that this script works on a BlueVM VPS.
Missed out on the $3.50 offer. When will the new stock be available?
Boo, missed out on both deals. :(
We may have more stock of this in a month when people don’t pay their services. We may also have a few left in the back (open a ticket)…
How do I open a ticket? I have not signed up yet.
create an account and open a ticket.
I will open a pre-order ticket.
@BLUEVM: can we register an account?
Yes you can open an account at:
I was thinking to get this BLUE6 but as I can see there is no cpanel,fantastico, will you have plan for it?
You can request that we add either of those two items to your account. The first is $15 a month, the second is $5 a month.
Just as a quick notice to those of you looking to purchase a VPS on this plan we have more, but limited, stock available at this time. Setup location is in Kansas, but as usual you can request a transfer.
the submit ticket ,24h before they answer?
It depends on what your request is. If your request is a server transfer, yes we may take up to 24 hours to respond. At this time no ticket in our queue is over 12 hours old.
We have listed more stock in California, we should have enough servers to “meet demand” until the special date is over.
ORder placed for CA :D
can I cancel it and refund?
Because disk speed very terrible.
I must waiting several minutes to install a program using using yum..
Can you please test your box IO again, I think that may help many members here.
Can you redo your test.
As you wish, still same
I include SS from my console if any case you suspect me modified the number. You can verified the IP number, I only cover the last number.
I just need refund as I already bought from other.
I need fast to make backup as my secondary site that is down at the moment.
sorry, this is the SS
Awww Penelope ftw!
Damn, that is really slow :|
Signed up for the BLUE4 – LEB SPECIAL, got my server info mail, but there’s no IP in there. I can’t login to the control panel with my provided username/password either. Suggested course of action?
Nevermind, I just got an email that my account has been set up :D
Got a couple of these last night, the jury is still out, I guess it’s going to depend on how they respond.
Pros (so far) – Great support, one of my VPSs didn’t setup correctly, someone answered within a couple of minutes at about 4:30 AM (CST) and had it ironed out.
Cons (so far)-
Both VPSs appear to be on the same node in LA, both are *extremely* slow I/O-wise. A benchmark simply won’t get started well before the processes are killed and the system reboots. Using IOPing, I’ve waited about 20 min so far and it has yet to grab any info. Doing anything, even a simple ls, takes 10-15 seconds.
It may be the LEB effect, or big influx of orders…who knows? I’ve requested to be moved from this node in hopes another will at least be usable, but at this point, both VEs are frustratingly slow to respond, and not usable for anything practical at all.
More while writing this, i was waiting on ioping to respond with anything…the box timed out and dropped me (regular ssh inactivity), so, not much must have been happening….hmmm.
We’ll see how it goes.
I’m having same issues with the speed and general responsiveness. Hopefully this gets fixed because I feel sligtly ripped-off.
@BlueVM can you please take a look at the ticket #836869. I’ve just paid the invoice and the VPS information wasn’t sent to me yet.
We’re looking into some abuse on one of our newer nodes. (Yes this would be why your getting 2.8 MB/s) This isn’t acceptable and we apologize for the delay in catching it.
I see the finished VPS, open more nodes?
Quick Update: What appeared to be abuse is in reality bad hardware. We’re in the process of getting a replacement drive and transferring our clients data.
Hey, don’t ignore me :(
Out of Stock
@BlueVM, Do you fix the hardware problem for the new nodes?
waiting for your restock.
@Rafael – Wasn’t trying to ignore you (more follow the rules of the LEB post)…
@Carlos, @Tinyray — We have more, but limited stock again. We have another 3 nodes getting setup now in Illinois, 3 in Kansas and 4 in California.
Thank you for the refund, maybe next time I will try again your service… :D
Good luck
This was the speed after migrated to California :
CPU model : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU L5420 @ 2.50GHz
Number of cores : 3
CPU frequency : 2242.912 MHz
Total amount of ram : 1024 MB
Total amount of swap : 0 MB
System uptime : 13:55,
Download speed : (2.24MB/s)
I/O speed : 31.1MB/s
I just ordered one but I am completely disappointed.
And the network speed is extremely horrible,
I could not wait for some more network test results because it already took me nearly an hour.
I did send in a cancellation request. I will update here whether they refund me or not.
They are not yet ready for their business. Not recommended.
We’re sorry your disappointed, the CPU speed can easily be fixed. We’re waiting on new hard drives to replace the older ones. The download speed really depends on the provider your connecting to… 6.25 MB/s from CacheFly isn’t horrible, but the rest really seem to be altered somehow…
You could request to be moved to a different node if the I/O isn’t sufficient to meet your needs, but in reality anything over 20 MB/s isn’t perfect, but it is “acceptable” for most applications including minecraft.
We will, as always, honor your refund request.
service terminated and refund issued, Thanks,
Good luck with your business!
I ordered the 3.50 one the other day with Google Checkout, an hour after paying the VPS still wasn’t activated so I submitted a ticket, within 2 mins it was all setup, which was awesome.
I then requested to be moved to a CA node(~4 days ago), still waiting for that.
I believe I am on a Kansas node at the moment, some stats:
CPU model : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz
Number of cores : 3
CPU frequency : 3149.930 MHz
Total amount of ram : 1024 MB
Total amount of swap : 0 MB
System uptime : 3 days, 13:18,
Download speed from CacheFly: 10.8MB/s
Download speed from Linode, Atlanta GA: 4.32MB/s
Download speed from Linode, Dallas, TX: 10.3MB/s
Download speed from Linode, Tokyo, JP: 5.01MB/s
Download speed from Linode, London, UK: 2.78MB/s
Download speed from Leaseweb, Haarlem, NL: 3.51MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Singapore: 1.42MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Seattle, WA: 7.48MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, San Jose, CA: 2.96MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Washington, DC: 9.02MB/s
I/O speed : 66.5 MB/s
@Sidodol: How’d you manage to get moved so quickly? :P
How long have you been waiting for a transfer? Email me your ticket id (… I’ll make sure it gets done.
@BlueVM I notice that the site says that you are out of stock now. Any chance that more is on the way?
I signed up these guys a few days ago (through the link in this post) and just wanted to add that so far the service and support has been awesome. This is the first VPS I’ve tried running so I don’t have much to compare to, but I’ve had to contact support a few times (to request a couple things and once due to a screw up of mine) and they’ve been great at fixing things and responding quickly.
Do you have anymore VPS? I need a few. Thanks
Could anyone install a L2TP over IPSec VPN on these server?
I am trying it for days now and can’t get it to run.
Any help appreciated :)
opened 2 tickets but havent got any single reply
may i know what’s the hold up ?
How long have you waited?
Give them at least 24 hours.
Wanted to mention that I’ve had mixed success with this. I got this to run a mumble server (group voice chat thing, think the most users it’s ever seen at once is like 10) and all last week it was constantly disconnecting. On friday night I guess the datacenter was doing maintenance on the routers but made things unresponsive for over an hour. Packet loss was in the 40-60% range which is no good for a voip app. Saturday night another large downtime where the ping response was good but had packet loss of 60% again.
Another quirk I noticed and why I made my own that has ping tests. Note the following output just ran on bluevm:
Look at the time for both UK and BBC, it took 20 seconds to send 5 packets while others were 4 seconds (what I expect). None of the packets got dropped, just had a weird delay. Any other server I’ve run that on finished each location after 4 seconds. Also when I ping the server from home I’m not getting any dropped packets but they get hungup. I should see a ping response every second but every so often it will stop for a couple seconds and then display a couple at once.
Everything else about the vps has been great. I/O speed is in 70MB/s, good download speed, support is great. It’s just these pings that are being weird. My only guess is it’s a routing issue somewhere. I think bluevm themselves are not to blame but something odd at the datacenter that’s doing this. I have this for a couple months so I’ll see if maybe it gets better. Also all the problems seem to happen at night… which is “prime time” for me.
i paid no setup sent ticket no reply sent another ticket 16 hours later got a reply no service got refunded ill not be going back
bad service.
I have it 2 weeks and closed because they were attacking my vps, vps was not public.
we have new customers because of bad use we give the former owners of that ip.
I returned over the money and I only get back if I pay $ 100
Do you mean that you buy it from another person?
already got solution to my problem now were fast
bluevm has stock,
only $1.99/m. just ordered one, monthly basic.
I do not see BuyVM having any stock at the moment, are you sure? comes up as nothing, and no mail from their mailing list.
However, your confusing is understood, its been so long :)
Blind ppl… XD
too bad network speed.
luckily to just order one month.
Their service is very bad… Don’t waste ur time paying for it.. IPtables don’t work. and u don’t get a reply on tickets. very poor service. buyer beware
these guys are like ipap f in useless no support and when there is it makes no sense or makes you lead to another day 3 days ive been down then i get support reply whats down? what do you thinks down the only service i testing with you, the one that i opened the ticket about 4 days ago….massive JOKE
, DEAD POOL not to far away
Its weird to keep asking multiple times for the same thing. However, an I/O speed at 7.1MB/s is unacceptable. Have been asking and waiting for two weeks…
Will not renew the box.
update they took funds when my service was closed, then they close my service a week early cowboys
now with vps6 alot better
If your subscribed via paypal you must cancel it not bluevm.
Amazing service! Fast support (thanks to Ishaq) Fast servers, and great uptime. I don’t know why people keep complaining about slow support when they’re paying only $1.99 odd a month and expect 1 hour responses and 100% uptime guarantee, I rate these guys 10 star! Thanks a bunch!
When you have downtime of 4 days as we have some customers habe if you say the same :)
You requested a cancellation: 14/06/2012 11:36 – Cancellation Request Confirmation – We simply complied with that cancellation. If you’d like we can recreate your services.
Best Regards,
Justin Johnston
BlueVM Communications
You rated this response
Client 19/06/2012 11:48
bollox i cancelled end of billing period and my service ran out 26th so refund my can sh taken for this service for this month great support lol waste of cash
Client 19/06/2012 11:50
Product/Service: VPN1
If you requested immediate cancellation then the service will be terminated within the next 24 hours. If however you chose end of billing cycle, it will not be cancelled until 24/06/2012.
whats that say go on tell me now im still wrong shoddy support as usual
do you work for them mark as there shit service and poor support dont think there fast 3 days for support replies these guys are major douche bags
Were you refunded? If yes, you could mention that… If not feel free to email me at: and I’ll handle it.
no longer recommend
Constant attacks ddoss
I have 2 servers with them in different locations and 2 with attacks ddoss
they were probably attacking you lol
After migration. my server which i have set openvpn on cannot connect to UDP 137 anymore. but working once change to TCP.
i dont want to use TCP.
I have sent support and the email bounced… even it get thought i will take 1-2 days to get reply.