Hmm. This is another host that you guys can “talk about”. Got an email from “Head Sales Person” at BoltHub, who actually has some pretty cheap VPS packages. Starting from $4.99/month for 512MB VPS. Add a dollar more ($6/month) and you can get the “Medium VPS” package with the following details
- 768MB guaranteed/1280MB burstable memory
- 60GB storage
- 2000GB/month data transfer
- OpenVZ/HyperVM
Here is the ordering link. According to their VPS page, their servers are “located in Germany at the Avaya Datenburg in Frankfurt am Main”. They also have a “MineCraft Server” package — just $4.99/month with 1GB of memory, 25GB storage and 300GB/month of data. Domain has been registered since November 2010. Both NS are on the same IP address. The head sales guy did mention that their office is in US with a US phone number. A’hem.
Their WHOIS info shows that the domain is clearly registered to an individual in Singapore. Name is “Bolts C0dex”, which is obviously not real. However that does not matter as the actual name needs to be protected for the juniors anyway, as he/she is only 12/13 years old, according to this SiteFrost profile. So if you want to support the future Asian entrepreneur — here are some cheap VPS you can buy. Otherwise, there are other cheap VPS in Germany — but do read their reviews and community comments as well.
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Normally I have no issues with companies with a teen in charge, but 13 is a bit young by anyones standards.
Hmm… found another name that’s somehow linked – Chermaine Tan Shi Jing.
I think the owner is Neo Soon Keat.
I dont trust Singaporean..
There was an accountant from Singapo which cheated my friedns out of huge money in Ireland.Then fled…
That’s like saying you don’t trust the Irish because some of them are terrorists.
I dont know that..I m not Irish..I m S. Korean.
It means you’re just being racist. If one person does it, it doesn’t mean everyone does.
I think what he’s trying to say is, in some countries the rate of fraud is much higher because of little laws, so there is more chance you can get scammed. Example countries, China
Even if some countries have higher rate of fraud, it probably won’t be Singapore. I think it is more like one person’s bad experience leads to his opinion. I have many Singaporean friends and also know many expats working there. Sounds like a very orderly society with very severe fines/punishment for breaking laws.
Singapore is called a fine city, because it has so many fines for this or that. But it is the #1 business friendly country in the world.
I plan to move there next year.
@Gary:Sorry..I m not a racist..Do you believe that a kid can create a VPS INC? Even only 12 years only..Daniel @ LowEndTalk is right..
I apologize for the misunderstanding..Anyway.I m not a racist.
fraud ?
paypal has a branch on singapore :)
There Minecraft Package doesn’t make sense
Lets start for one, 300GB Bandwidth? Minecraft uses much more then that a month.
Second of all, theres nothing wrong with running Minecraft in OpenVZ (its basically like running Minecraft in screen sessions but sectioning them off) however when you oversell (which this company probably is), Minecraft (being Java) likes dedicated recourses, if it can’t get them your server goes bang.
Thirdly, their website looks near enough the same as, which if you have read WHT and LET, have been found out to be pretty weird.
Minecraft using more than 300GB bandwidth? For what, lol?
It’s not a joke owner is like 12 year old, runs on a nulled ipb forum and guess where the main website? It’s hostrail’s fantastic 1$ node
Only with Webhosting business even small kids not even in their teens can start up their own business with some pocket money and a Paypal account
The ToS is draconian. The VPS is near useless.
Cron With Interval Faster Than 10 Minutes
You may not use cron jobs faster than 10 minutes interval.
Browser-Based MMORPG Game
You may not host browser-based MMORPG game.
Running Background Processes
You may not run any background processes (such as: game servers, irc servers/bots, etc.)
LOL at these. But I suppose this is for shared hosting.
Streaming Music or Video Files
You may not stream any music or video files from your account.
Offer Web Hosting Service
You may not use your hosting account to offer any form of web hosting service, either free or paid, even just to host the billing system, the support system, the home page, or any other component of the web hosting service.
Yep, just a VPS for exclusive personal usage.
But I still think this is for shared hosting…
For this, I will definitely will not use them as my host.
Yeah. Even if you are really 13 year old, please have your site checked properly (no broken links, proper SSL certificates, sane ToS, etc) before submitting to…
Also, make sure there isn’t any pages with “THIS PAGE IS COMMING SOON”. This is not the right way to waste space/bandwidth.
I’m not sure hosting porn is a great way either :), I found a host that had naked pictures of some chicks in a directory on their site. But I will mention no names.
At least spell coming soon right
that was @bolthub not the upstream comment
I wonder what can we do with a VPS like this? I guess you can only sit in front of SSH and do “uptime” and “free -m” to see your VPS stats, or else you will be using it to much already with loads of 0.01 – 0.00
I guess that this is an early April fools joke…right….?
Their ToS is pretty strict you should try to read it.
I say we all order one and fill it up.
Their whmcs is a free account and for some hilarious reason their domain registration thing defaults to .tk for me
You guys and gals take all the fun out of me coming here. Not even worth my time looking at the site. Guess you found them all.
I will mention though that I have no problem with a (I’ll be polite here) “young adult” running a shop. We all had to start sometime and some age. My concern though is 12 and 13 is under the age of majority which makes this a questionable choice from a legal stand point. (Especially in Singapore since the age of majority there is 21.)
My other concern if what happens if the parents take an exception to the time being taken for this and if they put an end to it.
hm… hm… hm… too many strict on tos
Just read the ToS. Yup, kind of confining for what I normally would be doing with a VPS
Just noticed this post:
Poking around the site, I discovered that he was also looking for a free VPS a bit earlier than that:
Makes me wonder if those 5 short months is the experience he has with VPS’es.
Nice research!
That is actual singaporian style ToS. J/K
Singapore law is like that you can’t do this and that and you will be cane.
(no chewing gum on public area.)
(their government does not even allow April fool joke on any public property).
I like Singapore because of food, I hate it because too hot for me.
Running IRC or private proxy on your VPS and you will be CANNED! Ouch.
Even more worrying.
have a look at the self-signed certificate for
This certificate is “Issued” by appear to sell hacked accounts.
Caveat Emptor.
I don’t have a problem with a self-signed certificate. It’s still secure and certs from “professional” providers have been hacked in the past.
Nothing wrong with self-signed certs. However having certificate in the name of a site that sells “hacked” accounts is a big red flag IMHO.
I understand now. Sorry for the confusion.
Would love to know what’s behind that setup. Different IPs for the two sites and even different datacenters.
Hacked accounts? LOL. Care to share what kind of accounts I’m selling? $2 of isn’t worthed for 248 lines.. Also read the post date
1501110653AM, it’s like 3 months already..
Actually he dont own the site, i do, im 16. Sorry for all the confusing Just havent updated the Whois
Those rules are for the web hosting service, thanks for having this clarified. Actually, I’m only in charge of the web hosting area, another guy is in charge of the VPS department. The https certificate was kinda “hacked” by this guy some time ago.. That’s why I’m not using HTTPS.. Can I have the request to have the 2 names at the top removed? Thanks.
Also, I will have this service up for 2 years. If conditions do not improve, I may just shut it down as with done so for the .INFO site. This is kinda a mess cause the guy who submitted this was the one in charge of the VPS department.
Also, I do accept suggestions to help make this better. I really apologize as I wasn’t the one who submitted this review and couldn’t clarify matters.
another nominated dead pool ?
i hope not!
Yeah… prices are wrong as well, unless I’m missing something. On the order page, it’s $17.50 a month for the Medium package…
Lol. You got “kinda hacked”. Well your SSL cert is still signed for
No offence, but this a bit of a joke, you shouldn’t be running a “hosting company” if you don’t know how to secure your servers properly, and given you obviously havn’t even realized that the SSL cert is still signed to is very worrying.
My VPS with them has been down all day! Would not recommend. They have not emailed my as to why nor even emailed me the control panel URL.
Hello Connor,
Your VPS is online according to records I just checked. Your control panel URL shall be email’d to you privately.
Bolthub close down as expected. Here is a mail I receive today:
Dear Former Bolthub USers, has closed down, all your services + Accounts have been moved to:
New Client Area:
Bolthub may reopen but instead of linux VPS’s we will be selling a few windows VPS’s. But for now, we say goodbye.
WTF?! From one kiddie host to another kiddie host. As of BoltHub itself, if you can’t trust your Linux servers with them, will you trust your Windoze box with them?
OMG what a piece of crap xD
These last days I am very… sensible n_n
In less than a month?
LOL look at this comment