WARNING: BoltVM appears to be running by automation alone, abandoned by the single person who ran it. If you are able to successfully order, you will be losing money unless you chargeback. If you are able to receive service, note that it is by automation of their system and the service will eventually stop working. Do not order from BoltVM.
Steven, from BoltVM, has sent in these offers for LowEndBox readers which are located in Los Angeles and Picastaway. According to Steven, these offers are exclusive to LowEndBox and LowEndTalk. Lightning offers are currently only available in NJ, Thunder offers are available in both locations.
Thunder 2048
| Lightning 1024
More offers inside!
BoltVM is part of DediCube LLC, a registered company Wyoming, USA. They have been registered since April 2014, so they’re heading towards their first anniversary. Steven tells me BoltVM has US-based support technicians and provide 24×7 emergency support, whereas normal support would presumably happen during business hours in Wyoming. BoltVM is planning to get their own custom billing panel, additional products, and their own IP addresses all in March. If you are currently a BoltVM customer or decide to give them a shot, please let us know how they’re doing in the comments!
Lightning 2048
| Thunder 1024
BoltVM accepts payments via PayPal and Bitcoin via Bitpay. Lightning nodes have a single E3-1240v3 CPU, 32GB of RAM, and 4x 1TB SSDs in RAID10. Thunder nodes have dual E5-2620s, 128GB of RAM, and at least 8 HDD drives in RAID10 with at least a 256GB SSD for caching. As always, please read their Terms of Service before putting in an order.
Network information
ColoCrossing – Los Angeles, CA, USA
Test IPv4:
ColoCrossing – Piscataway, NJ, USA
Test IPv4:
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Did you mean Piscataway, NJ, US? :)
can we set rdns on ipv4 and ipv6 ?
We currently don’t support IPv6. I apologize for that. For IPv4 rDNS, you’ll need to open a ticket.
We’re having trouble with one block. I’m not sure why, but the rDNS isn’t being set for it. We’re currently using ColoCrossing’s rDNS servers, but we’ll probably end up setting up our own if it’s not resolved in the next day or two.
Do you load the modules so we can have ipv6 tunnels? I really need ipv6.
I believe the modules are loaded, but if not, you can always open a ticket and we’ll load them for you.
No guarantees in their ToS. I do not trust!
Be aware that the ToS is a legal document and it’s simply meant to protect us in the case of legal disputes.
While we don’t make any guarantees, we strive for perfect uptime and excellent services. If you have any questions, please ask and we’ll answer them. Otherwise, all I can say is it’s a legal document meant to protect us and outline the legal requirements of our services.
That is exactly what the other guy saying – he doesn’t trust.
your and linode me discouraged.
believe in 2013 and expires August 2015
I don’t know if buy it for one year
I am deciding between evo or this.
I will read the terms of service and I’ll stay with that hit less
It’s been 6 hours since my purchase. I know they have to manually accept it but… How much more do I have to wait?
Hey Jon, we don’t typically approve orders outside of business hours. We’ve been a bit preoccupied handling the above comments and I was literally just about to go start validating all of the orders when I saw this comment (I swear!). I don’t see any Jons in our queue, so I can’t give you an exact ETA, but <15 minutes.
I have a Thunder 1024 in NJ. Excellent performance, quick & friendly support reply (to my one ticket).
Thanks for joining the family! I hope you enjoy the services. Let us know if there’s anything you need!
I’m sorry but the statements made in this post are simply false.
I am a BotlVM customer as well as a previous DediCube cutomer.
Steven has always provided me with fast, friendly, and knowledgeable support. He’s always willing to go the extra mile to try and help a customer, and will always work out a deal to help out a small business.
Take what LEB says with a grain of salt, and find out for yourself.
I back up several production shared hosting servers to BoltVM and have never had a single issue at all.
I have 2 VPSes with them. One runs a file dump for my ShareX instance and Maven repository. The other runs a club website which also does arbitrary (although it’s well sandboxed) code execution to grade it. Both are performing excellent.
I just ordered a VPS from BoltVM and had no problems with them whatsoever. The VPS was set up quickly after payment and seems stable so far.
got several vps from boltvm and i can say they running solid.
positif is the SSD, even the SSD cache server is awesome
SSD benchmark http://serverbear.com/benchmark/2014/08/19/xcPwbWZIznmEqmqj
SSD cache on my production server
VPS (NJ) was set up promptly after paying and performance seems good.
Early days but I’d definitely recommend BoltVM so far.
Just tried ordering the Lightning 1024 plan, but the coupon code doesn’t work. Here’s the error – “The promotion code you entered has been applied to your cart but no items qualify for the discount yet – please check the promotion terms.”
Please verify that you’ve selected an annual payment, the coupon is only valid for annual payments.
very absurd terms
I’m going to another server
very terms boring
I’m going to another server
Is the 1-2 TB Transfer for each month, or for the year?
I realize that might sound like a dumb question, but everything is itemized for the year on my invoice. I’d like an an answer before I pay it.
Great deal btw. Is this limited to 1 per customer?
It’s for every month.
Replied a little quickly! Bandwidth resets on the first of every month. It is not limited to 1 per customer. We have a few clients with three or four. :)
Thanks Steven
Is ok for you use for legal streaming? Does the up and downstream clear enough to stream concurrently using icecast?
Thunder 1024
dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=16k conv=fdatasync
16384+0 records in
16384+0 records out
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 7.42729 s, 145 MB/s
Lightning 256
dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=16k conv=fdatasync
16384+0 records in
16384+0 records out
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 1.70044 s, 631 MB/s
I host a wordpress site on thunder 1024, using percona 5.6 and php5.5, it was slow occasionally, I don’t know why because most of the time it’s fast, and the load is always 0, IO is good enough, network is good enough.
I’m waiting for the new locations, so I could make a comparison with mysql and php5.4.
Hopefully we’ve taken care of any of the “slowing downs”. If you ever notice a problem, please send us a ticket (L1 if it’s not an emergency, L3 if it is :)).
You use OpenVZ with 1GB ram, and not all of it dedicated for production???
Wow, you really live your life :P
does your vps allow to cryptocoin mining and torrent leeching?
better ask before late right? :)
No cryptocoin mining.
do u allow transmission & legal torrents?
As long as you’re fully complying with US laws.
Do you allow running of Teamspeak on your VPSs?
Do you have anybody currently running them?
As long as you’re not abusing resources, getting DDoS’d, et cetera, you should be fine. I have no idea if anyone else is running it.
I purchased a plan with them and sent them the money, a few hours later it was canceled and the money refunded without any explanation why:
“We’ve refunded your order and decided to cancel your order. We apologize for the inconvenience.”
I e-mailed them asking why, and they responded with a one-line e-mail:
“You did not pass our anti-fraud measures.”
I e-mailed again asking why (I assume it’s because I live in China and use a VPN to access the internet) and what I could do to pass their “anti-fraud measures”, and got another curt e-mail:
“We’ve decided not to accept you as a client.”
At least their responses were quick, even if a bit short and cold (no “hello”, “sincerely”, name, etc.). I guess some things are just too good to be true…
We have a lot of orders and our anti-fraud measures are very stringent. If you don’t pass, we don’t accept you. I’m sorry that you failed, but we don’t review and we rarely discuss the exacts of what we do in order to keep some of our methods relevant. If it had been just a VPN problem, we would have overlooked it. We look at much more than just your IP address and this is to keep all of our clients safe.
I do face this problem in most of vps provider with maxmind.
All I do is request them to send me an invoice and I pay them through my CC.
I want test ping :)
ping to Vietnamese not good
Would you mind sending me a traceroute?
I purchased the Lightning 2048 deal and made the payment. What is the general processing time before I could access the machine ?
Your account was accepted a while ago. I’m just going to explain the delay quickly. Our central anti-abuse server went down, which caused some abusers to get through. We were dealing with that. We didn’t want to deploy new clients while our “defenses” were down.
Thanks a lot Steven. I love the Lightning 2048 deal and its working perfectly for me.
I would definitely recommend it
I’m looking to run a small Minecraft server with accompanying Ventrilo. Do you guys allow that?
Hmm, I don’t know if Minecraft is a problem or not. As long as your not destroying the CPUs, it should be fine.
There’s no way that this thing (either 1 or 2G) will withstand minecraft….
Just signed up for the Thunder product. Excellent performance
dd if=/dev/zero of=/tmp/tempfile bs=1M count=1024 conv=fdatasync,notrunc
1024+0 records in
1024+0 records out
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 3.73972 s, 287 MB/s
Had one support question and it was handled immediately.
Performance, service and price!
Thanks for the quick review! Hopefully you’ll be just as happy in 12 months. :)
I purchased a Lightning 1024, and Steven F. was extremely helpful, fast, knowledgeable and friendly. Unfortunately I was not able to run Docker on OpenVZ, which I didn’t realize before purchasing, and Steven issued a refund for me. Apparently this is still in testing on OpenVZ .
I would highly recommend this company for any standard hosting needs. The specs were exactly as advertised, and the deal here is an extremely good one if you compare it to others on different web sites with the same specifications. I was disappointed that I couldn’t get Docker to work, because it is a fantastic deal.
I have a Lightning 1024. Setup was almost immediate, and the sole problem I had was solved within the hour by the support team. So far, it’s running really good!
are you offer monthly promo ?
realy price??? scam???
No scam. Have service about a week. Nice fast VPS, fast and friendly support.
cheap price…! how about uptime server and service quality ?
Woah. I saw that I only owed $36. I was charged $168 to PayPal. The checkout said $36!!!! I need that refunded immediately, please. That wasn’t what I agreed to pay. See ticket 109442. Please, this is important.
I applied the coupon code and getting ” # The promotion code entered has expired # “
I setup a server with them. Nice quick response to issues. But I got DDOS’d the next day. Is this common? The problem went away and it’s be great for the week or so that I have had it.
Hello Steve. F,
Is this offer still available?
what happened to my server >:O
Whoa whoa my vps offline suddenly witout warning,,,,,,,,,,,, waiting the support ticket still no reply
does anyone have same problem?
Hi Steven F,
The price may be attractive, but taking more than an week to activate the VPS (ok, you had an error in acklnowleging paypal payment — paid pronto), and now after some 12h of being active I got my VPS “Terminated”?
And no, no DDOS attack (how could), because I have immediately locked down both Apache (relevant security mods) and very strict iptables Chain INPUT rules.
Really hope these are just not more than initial bumps and all of these problems fade away.
Filipe B.
Thanks for the prompt intervention, Steven.
it’s cool i’ll try to order
Good price! BTW, how much will the renew price be?
And the Lightning 2048 plan should be 100GB SSD space instead of HDD?
I kept getting error message ” The promotion code entered has expired”
Hello, i tried to buy vps but it shows promo code expired. Is it true?
Which one is better?.
SSD Cache or SSD for Control Panel + Lots of CMS, mail server etc?.
I tried to buy and getting # The promotion code entered has expired #
Is it still available? i would like to get $18/year plan.
in TOS
`Section Two: Acceptable Usage Policy
Below we will define what is not allowed on our VPS. Failure to comply with the outlined data below may result in suspension and/or termination of your services with BoltVM. We reserve the right to suspend your services for abuses not listed on the below list. This is meant as a guideline.
Any content that violates US laws, including but not limited to such things as: spam, child pornography, DDoS attacks, et cetera.
Any content which consumes a lot of: disk IO, CPU, and/or bandwidth.
HitLeap and/or any traffic exchanges, shared CDNs, et cetera.
Game servers which attract DDoS.
Anything else which may affect the quality of the services which we provide.
You dont accept Shared CDN?. What it means?. Cloudflare?.
Try getting the $18 year offer, but it is expired?
Got one lightning 2GB, everything was perfect at the beginning. Then they changed the IP address assigned to my VPS and from that moment the machine become totally unreachable.
The urgent ticket opened for this issue has been handled in 1 WEEK and, at the end, NOT solved.
Then opened a ticket for a refund request, because less then 80% of network uptime is ridiculous even for a low-end box, but they refused to refund.
Overall: good performances, awful technical support. Maybe I’m just unlucky but better you think twice before buying a service with this kind of support.
I have order and pay in full , but its service status is still pending . and now has more than one day since my order. This is very poor service. damn!
Check my comment , dont waste your time with them.
Do you allow hosting of Game servers (SA-MP, Minecraft, etc) & IRC Servers? What about VoIP servers?
Please let me know.
Totally sucks..
Ticket respond was slow.. After hours waiting, they refund and just say high risk (because of what?).
Screenshot: http://postimg.org/image/gfkjgfw21/
I have VPSes from LEB, say crissic, cloudshards, mnx.io , impactvps, and some from WHT like reliablehostingservices, ethernetservers, etc. But this one is the cheapest, and the worst lol..
What a waste of time.
BoltVM – is a scammers! You just lose your money!
I have paid invoice with paypal successfully, their payment system had some problems and didn’t recieve.
After the due time, they stop my vps. Their support is terrible slow. But their vps perform really well.
I have contacted paypal in resolution center.
BoltVM keeps shutting down my VPS and stopped replying completely to support tickets at all (weeks old even).
BoltVM = Steven Fu*k
Is BoltVM total gone down or is it just me? My VPS went down for 6 hours and no one is replying to my ticket
Have a Lightning 2048 in LA since August 2015 and was very happy so far. Then on the 19th (or there about) the VPS went offline and doesn’t come back up…
Support ticket raised on the 19th, followed-up on the 20th => no response so far
Sales support ticket raised on the 20th inquiring about support response times => no response so far
Does anybody have any idea what’s going on? Similar experience or even better… any way to contact BoltVM ?
Don’t use BoltVM, although it very cheap! My yearly order for VPS just run few weeks and then down and up again for some month and then totally disappears until today… Support ticket was ignored, no reply at all.
I was use boltvm just to host secondary NS, but their service is not good.
I host NS too and they went away.
My BoltVM VPS has been offline a couple weeks. No response from tickets.
Avoid, I think it’s dead.