Hey guys! I am still alive and I am supposed to be on holidays still. Trip over here (Taiwan) has been pretty much endless eating, and I guess I might need to put in more effort in trimming the waistline fat rather than trimming the memory-bloated VPS after I get back. Due to the accommodation arrangement the hotels that I’ve stayed over the past week actually don’t have broadband connection to the room, and free wifi has been scarce. Anyway, I did manage to get some connectivity to approve comments and post this update.
And kudos to the president and CEO of BurstNet who sent me an exclusive offer a few days ago, regarding to their expansion to Los Angeles. Use promo code LOWENDLAVPS to get 25% off recurring discount (expiry 31st of December 2010), which brings their Unmanaged Linux VPS #1 down to $4.46/month. Here is the link:
- 512MB memory
- 20GB storage
- 1000GB/month data transfer
- 2 IP addresses
- OpenVZ/vePortal
This makes BurstNet’s OpenVZ/vePortal product available in either Los Angeles CA, Scranton PA or UK. It’s not the first 512MB VPS under $5/month. However what makes BurstNet different is probably its size, and how many other so-called “VPS providers” are actually just resellers of BurstNet’s products (or using their infrastructure). 177ms to LA from here in Taiwan (comparing to 247ms to Scranton) so it’s sweet for the Asian users.
That’s it for the update. I’ve got a few other offers emailed to me last week although nothing extraordinary — will get them posted after I get back.
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Cant order right now, just wonder try if it also works with 9.95 package or not
Seems to work on the 9.95 one too and also on the yearly payment….
Does it include ipv6 addresses too?
Should be..
“BurstNET® is one of the first budget hosting providers to make IPv6 addressing service available end-to-end on its entire product line: including Dedicated Servers, Virtual Private Servers (VPS), & Co-Location. BurstNET® clientele can get a head start configuring their services for IPv6, or just utilize an inexpensive VPS package to just learn how to configure/utilize IPv6 for future needs.”
Burst confirmed it to me in a ticket, they offer ipv6 addresses in the LA location too.
While you’re in Taiwan, ask around if anyone there offers cheap VPSes actually located in Asia :)
Seriously, Asia is under-represented on LEB – though it’s not surprising, given lack of cheap datacenters/connectivity there compared to the US.
Will be nice to have a little box in Asia.
Maybe there would be no cheap VPS Provider in Asia at this time :(
As in my country, some of them are offering VPS with 256Mb memory as $7 – $30.
Their speed is high for local (Indonesian) , but too slow if going international.
I ever tried to install WHM/Cpanel with a 512Mb VPS, and it can took about 6 hours more, and sometime i just run the installer at 4 pm, and leave it untouched. But when I checked it in the morning, 6 am, it’s still not finished :((
bro, any info on low cost vps provider from indo? i only know MWN and daxa, but never used before. ever tried them?
Hello bro.
This is some of my evaluation at trial vps:
– Daxa : Cheap VPS, speed for international is slow, good support. But their IP is blacklisted in many place, maybe it’s because the previous user.
– Magnet-Id : Good support, good VPS, but the price is high. I am using their VPS once, but since I found that my QuickWeb is a lot better than them, I’m cancelling my account, and using their shared hosting for mirroring my website in Indonesia
– Idcolo : Their vps speed is slow, and after trial ended, they removed my account too :(
They should not do that, because sometime maybe I will join them again.
Indonesia lacks of infrastructure. Even the only communication satellite is already sold by irresponsible officials to a foreign company.
Many infrastructures are owned by private companies but the government regulation is not mature enough to control them. So their service provision is not based on what public need but tends to be business oriented.
Even the TLD regulation is still a mess.
Imagine if there is a war or unrest and no control over the communication, Indonesia will be a sitting duck (No offense to the hamsters heh heh heh).
Hmmm not something to be proud of, but some people have to live with it on a daily basis.
Only Scranton and LA seem to be available.
UK is not available at their order page. :S
You have to go to burstnet.eu to order a UK VPS.
The code does not validate on burstnet.eu :(
Oh well – will wait for Christmas offers! :)
BurstNET EU/UK will have a sales soon enough :-)
Any comment on their performance hardware/bandwidth-wise on these guys? Any current customers hosted in the Scranton facility can give some info? I’m thinking about trying one of the Premium VPS plans.
Picked up one of their normal VPS today. Very snappy performance. Probably not a good comparison against their premium line, but for what it’s worth:
Unlike others LEB providers. I’m sure that this bursnet will not go to dead pool in next few years
ah your back LEA. Welcome to the jungle.
I’ve ordered one in LA. ~180-190ms ping times, which is pretty awesome and on par to other providers. Good performance too, but that’s almost certainly caused by being on a new node.
Ah well, very happy to see them over on the West Coast now!
burstnet is the worst in customer support. it takes forever for them set it up. credit card overseas payments needs to have signed and faxed contract to them. even for paypal.
And after that, it takes forever for them to activate it. really is a scam operation and has the worst customer service.
They are definatley not a scam operation. We have a couple of VPS’s with them as external monitoring stations and I can’t really complain for the amount they cost. The last ticket we put in to have our inodes increased had a response time of about 30 minutes which is good when you consider the size of the company. We have had a couple of outages in the past year with them however one of them was due to an explosion along the road and they handled it quickly to get the generators spinning up properly.
I wouldn’t call them a scam because of that. If it was a scam, you wouldn;t get what you ordered and you even say they follow through, although slowly.
Maybe sucks would be a better term.
Your comments have no merit, nor fact basis. Our VPS service delivery is AUTOMATED and INSTANT, as long as you pay for your order when placing it, have no prior overdue debt/invoices, and pass our fraud checking measures. Obviously you must have failed on one of the above, otherwise you would have received service near instantly.
unfortunately, I have to disagree with burstnet comment. It really suxs in their customer service.
I think there has been many complaints about burstnet. They try to promote through websites like this but customers complain
– that replies takes really long time and answers are short that most of the time does not answer the question
– pulling the plug without notification
– takes extremely long to setup. Those who got setup fast, u r just the lucky ones.
I’ll give it a suck rating.
Back that up with some facts.
– Our vps setups are AUTOMATED and INSTANT—if you did not get that, it is because YOU failed to do something (pay your invoice, pass fraud checking, or have prior unpaid debt with us…)
– We have a TOS/AUP…if you violate it, and don’t resolve the issue, yes, you will get the plug pulled. If you don’t pay for your service, yes, you will get the plug pulled. If you over-utilize the service, and treat it like it is a dual quad core dedicated server that you are getting all toyourself for $5/month, yes, you will get the lug pulled (and advised to migrate to different node, or upgrade to dedicated server). Do we pull the plug just because we feel like it without just cause…ABSOLUTELY NOT.
– We are a BUDGET hosting provider. If you want instant responses, you need to go to a premium/managed provider, and be prepared to pay many many times the ridiculously low prices we charge. We provide an excellent service, above and beyond what should be expected in our price range, and the vast majority of our clients realize that and appreciate the bargain they get with us. Unfortunately, we cannot please every client.
I think this reply is a perfect example of what to expect from customer service. I’ve been reading what burstnet employees post here and other site and this seems to be their corporate mantra – to berate the customer. Interesting marketing concept from a psychological point. The thousands of “suck” posts paralleled with the bursthost responses speak for themselves.
Also BurstNET support are slow and very rude. I think it’s a family run operation.
BurstNET has nearly 40 employees, and is not a “family run operation”.
The company is still under private ownership after nearly 20 years, and a few members of the ownership’s family work for the company. However, the operating structure and the day to day operations are by no means handled by just these individuals, and a full management team is in place controlling such. Basically, there is enough involvement by ownership to care on a personal level what happens with the success/operations company, but not where it is run based on whims of a family. ;-)
Is there any promotion code for burst PREMIUM VPS PACKAGE #4 plan? with Cpanl addons.
LEB promotion work on any package(including Premium) except Europe plans.
well The VPS is in LA (according to an traceroute) but The Ip is still in Scranton
Intressting Netspeed is it just me ? it doesent look like 100 Mbit not Even 10 Mbit i guess my Home Connection is faster…
hi LEB welcome to Taiwan ,it s bad weather during this week ,its cold and rain all day .
i still hope u can enjoy ur trip.
Forget here~~~~~~~~~
You have to say “Welcome home!”.
LEB admin,
You better have a Huo Guo (or) Taiwan style Shabu Shabu.
Also you should have some Las Vegas style buffet in Taipei. It is a lot better than Las Vegas in US.
Especially for those hugemongous fresh oysters.
(Hugemongous = extraordinarily large)
Hi all, please anyone provide 1 IP of them at LA location of BurstNet. I like to check the IP please with Ping and other records.
This is what Burst gives on WHT as test IPs: (Scranton) – (California) – (EU/UK)
I must admit that their website is a big turn-off for me. It gives me the feeling that with such an old design they must not be very good at what they do.
Then again, having an old 90’s design might give you the feeling they’ve been around for a while.
It’s more than just a feeling….we’ll be having our 20th anniversary in less than 6 months. ;-)
20th Century? I do believe we are in the 21st Century, so you’re still one behind ;)
Who said anything about the “20th Centur”y?
I stated “20th Anniversary”…which means 20 years in business.
Has nothing to do with the what “century” we are in ;-)
I actually quite like it, it has personality and doesn’t look like everyday host template… ThrustVPS design on the other hand… my eyeeeeeeeeeeeesss…. bleeeeeech…
Instead of Old, I’ll say that is Antique looking. For me antique looking is good as long as there is new engine and power under the hood.
Our website functions well for us, and has for a very long time. We are anything but old and antiquated under the hood/internally, and continuously at the forefront of the hosting industry. Having been involved in the creation of the budget hosting industry, < $99 Dedicated server market, the CPanel control panel, and the budget VPS industry…we have nothing to prove ;-)
If anything, our stability, and antique website look, is a good thing, and give someone the calmness and relaxation that we will be around for the long haul, and not going to close our doors tomorrow, as many low end budget VPS providers may very well do…
Do you have any plan for xen or kvm?
@Burstnet – Well, a Cadillac is a Cadillac no matter what, V6 American muscle under the hood more horsepower and guts. Ain’t gonna argue ;)
After an explosion at their datacenter, all data from one of our vps’s have been gone forever!
There is no excuse for not backing up data if it was that important to you.
We do NOT advertise that we back up these nodes (it is not feasible due to price range, and quantity of data involved), and it is the client’s responsibility to handle their own backups.
We DO provide the tools for backup/restore on the nodes though, thru the vePortal interface…
Blaming us for your lack of action is unfair.
When did Burstnet have an explosion at one of their datacenters? I know ev1 had one a few years ago. Haven;t heard about any others recently?
We did NOT have an explosion at any of our data centers.
There was a transformer that blew up a few blocks away from our Scranton facility, that took out power to half of our city.
It had nothing to do with our facility directly/itself.
this promo code for lifetime or just first period?
Lifetime on the service plan purchased, as long as it remains active…
Looks good to me. Which one you purchase? Can run cat /proc/cpuinfo? Thank you.
All current regular and premium linux nodes in Los Angeles will report:
Whoa, dual quad 5620’s? Even VPS #1 package? How is the 1ghz cpu limit implemented? I got one at your Scranton DC and it’s only reporting a single X3220.
Yes, in LA. Most newer nodes in Scranton are the same, but we have plenty of older single Quad Core nodes we still utilize already in service. Keep in mind, that the single CPU systems obviously have far less accounts on them, so performance difference is not all that much different.
Thanks for clarifying. My VPS is performing great so I’m satisfied.
There’s no CPU limit, they just erase you if you use it.
Incorrect. If you over-utilize the service, we will inform you to resolve the issue, and if you do not, we will need to relocate you to special nodes that we utilize for such heavy-utilization clientele. Sometimes we may recommend a upgrade to a Dedicated Server, if your usage really is not suitable for a VPS environment. We certainly do not just “erase” you however! ;-)
Any option to capped my CPU?
I really want box at this superb price but would prefer one in Manchester rather than US. Do you have any idea if the EU promotion will be live soon, or if the US promotion will be on at the same time as it?
The price is incredible and I don’t want to miss out by holding out for the UK one and finding out that the UK ones don’t work out as cheap as the US ones.
We have a big EU promotion coming this week at some point ;-)
Yeah, hope you guys start this offer before vat hit 20% on 4th of January :-D
Any news on the EU promotion?
After I paid four hours later, I still no get my vps info.
My paypal shows Payment status is Completed, But burst.net shows Unpaid.
A lot of guys post the same problems in the burst forum…
I just want my vps account .
I want to learn use vps badly.
Terrifying O_O
Our payment system is automated, so if it shows unpaid, it is because you did not pay properly thru our billing system interface, or paid with uncleared funds (echeck, which takes time to clear), etc…
Our VPS setups are automated and instant, as long as invoice paid at time of ordering, pass fraud checking, and no outstanding older unpaid invoices.
In those cases you should provide proper info to the customer.
In any case, if the customer have paid but have not received service is quite frustrating. Everything has a right way to do it.
No offense please.
Our order processing system is automated. If order is not process, or on hold, you are automatically sent emails from our system(s).
Do the customer get the “reason for Holding” in that email? That was my point.
No reply => ANS = NO
Enough that they can tell what the problem is.
Most client know what hey are guilty of…not paying prior bill, fraud, etc…
@BurstNET: I have a quick “special request” I would like to discuss directly with you (by email is fine) … can you please let me know how to contact you directly? Or, you can reach me at leb2010
_nospam_@emailforeveryone.net Thank you.Please send your request to sales@burst.net
You may reference this posting, and copy your content and this response right into the ticket.
If they cannot handle it, it can be passed further up the food chain with us…
I just signed up for the #1 VPS in scranton – speed is a disaster. I tried to transfer some files from Germany, I got about 40.1K/sec …
That is not normal. Please open a support ticket so we can assist you with that. Could be due to any number of possibilities….but let’s take a look, and get to the bottom of it. Please contact our support team…
waiting for my account deployed
damn i must send a pdf verifications. and at now i don’t have any printer here. so how can i activated my account?
Happen to me one, not with burstnet.. but I managed to bargain with them to just send my IDs scan/picture, because i don’t have printer.. well, actually I have but I’m lazy.. ^_^
i don’t have printer here, and even scaner i don’t have. but i have take picture of my id. if needed i will send to them
Yeah, that’s what I did before (take picture of my ID with laptop webcam).
Well, good luck :)
Hope so.
BTW asli mana bos? tinggal dimana sekarang?
IF your Paypal is verified, they usually dont ask for any verification since Paypals verification system in the US and UK is very intense.
Correct, using a Paypal verified account is definitely a plus with us ;-)
Hostname: 200968.lowend.xenbox.net
Custom Setup Requirements:
Sales Rep: None
Payment Method: PayPal
First Payment Amount: $4.46 USD
Recurring Amount: $4.46 USD
Next Due Date: 01/18/2011
Billing Cycle: Monthly
Status: Fraud
10402383 12/18/2010 12/18/2010 $4.46 USD Paid View Invoice
Tagged as fraud? OMG
Are you using proxy/vpn when ordering? I think they checks your address and the IP when you ordering.
no proxy or openvpn. I think indonesia is taged as fraud. i have called with phone verifications system.
Sorry doubled
That is bad bro.. (Indonesian here).. kyknya gara2 mulai rame lagi yg jual balance palsu pp.. :(
ini bukan balance palsu bro. asli pendapatan murni. jadi mungkin indonesia di tag sebagai frauder. (sorry i speak indonesian here. so sorry LEA)
I know bro, it just some people from our country uses fake balance, so some vendor marks us as high risk :(
i have paid the invoice. after paid my status is fraud.
Yeah man, I’ve experienced some bad things too. Well, when we contact them, some of them responds with either rejection or acceptance but some just ignored me.
I believe they’re just trying to protect their business. After contacting them, many who responded with acceptance usually can work well together with me. So I made a list of those who rejected me or even lock me out of the client area after my order was tagged fraud (no way can I contact them), and I simply avoid any business relationship with them in the future. No hard feelings.
Man, were in the same boat. We bang our finger to the bones on the keyboards striving to make a living. You punch me, I bleed.
Gara-gara Gayus neeh.
Typically we only require identification docs once, and then your account is cleared for all future orders. May be aggravating to deal with, but it is only a one time nuisance.
This looks to have been delivered to you already some time ago, so I assume you got it resolved ;-)
no proxy or openvpn. I think indonesia is taged as fraud. i have called with phone verifications system.
ok i get my acc. thanks for fast setup burs.net
Heh, usually you wouldn’t get activated but obviously the admin and his wife are reading the thread and it wouldn’t be good PR otherwise.
OK great, glad it is all sorted :-)
Thanks for sharing. This will increase my purchasing taught :)
Can us existing customers take advantage of the discount and pay for a year in advance/reduced monthly fees on an existing vps?
That is not an option.
This offer is for new clients/signups only, not for service replacement.
It would be pointless for us to offer that, as we would gain nothing, loose revenue, and have to raise prices back up to make up for it ;-)
Ordered 1 LA VPS and payment successfully paid. Awaiting my LA VPS from BurstNET :)
Is L.A test i.p ?
If not, can you give us a test i.p for L.A?
From the host name (vserver3000.laca01.hostnoc.net) it seems to be located in LA CA. However the traceroute is a bit wacky. From another VPS I have in California (Fremont, HE.net):
Looks like it gets to Scranton before coming back to Los Angeles?!
Looks to be an odd route indeed.
Please send that over to support@burst.net, and they’ll sort it out for you! ;-)
Got something similar.
From Fremont using HE connectivity, it goes via Ash.., NYC, to Scranton and then to LA.
From a different VPS in Fremont it goes via Paolo Alto, to Scranton and to LA.
Kind of weird….
What about the EU promotion?
I’m ordering the VPS, and the invoice number is 10408462.
I’m already got the automated phone call, and entering the pin number, but the status is fraud and “cancelled”. I check my email, they told me to submit additional document and have to write the paypal transaction ID, which mean i have to pay first through paypal. Its ok to pay first, but what about my invoice status which already “cancelled”, could i pay the invoice that the status is “cancelled”. Any method which is easier for me to get burstnet service ? Thanks for the help
for me, most weakness of openvz vps is iptables modules. my default firewall script will need to load all iptables modules, and most vps provider dont load them all :)
for example:
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp –dport 80 -m state –state NEW,ESTABLISHED -m recent –set -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp –dport 80 -m state –state NEW -m recent –update –seconds 5 –hitcount 10 -j DROP
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp –dport 80 -m connlimit –connlimit-above 20 –connlimit-mask 24 -j DROP
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp –dport 80 –syn -m limit –limit 3/s –limit-burst 3 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp –dport 80 –tcp-flags SYN,ACK,FIN,RST RST -m limit –limit 3/s –limit-burst 3 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp –dport 80 -m state –state NEW -m limit –limit 10/sec –limit-burst 10 -j ACCEPT
that rules are used to battle with bad bots that abusing my web server.
please confirm that you can run those iptables rules, especially this one:
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp –dport 80 -m connlimit –connlimit-above 20 –connlimit-mask 24 -j DROP
it will block the whole subnet !
the server is not in L.A, the ping gives more than 100ms.
I live in L.A and normally, it gives 5-20ms, (i.e. Alien vps) even Nordic’s Fremont server gives about 25ms.
this is absolutely not in L.A.
BurstNET, is the code LOWENDLAVPS can only be used one time per client? Thank you.
BurstNET <a href="http://forums.burst.net/showthread.php?4661-LA-Datacenter-Connectivity-Issue&p=25287#post25287"LA connectivity issue and my VPS connectivity down for an hour :(
Me too, LA node has bad connectivity
I’m from SE Asia, lost connectivity for 40 mins or so to LA an hour ago.
Just like some of you discovered, routing at their LA DC is strange.
LA-bound traffic from a lot of places gets redirected to somewhere in the East(maybe Scranton?) before U-turn back to LA.
I have opened ticket 2532628 to alert them about this.
You can use Sprint tracert (or any major carrier’s Looking Glass utility) to check it.
Here’s a trace from San Jose to my LA host node
I verify that. I’ve sent them a ticket and they still had that problem as of March 24th. My Burstnet vps in LA gets 80 ping to google because it goes to scranton and then the google server in virginia.
They also had packet losses every other night from 50-80% loss lasting anywhere from 5 minutes to several hours. Sometimes they acknowledge it if they happen to be awake, but it never gets fixed. I tried to do MTR and the packet loss usually starts at the link between them and Hurricane Electric.
Their LA routing is a bit screwy. Traffic from various locations in Asia and even California itself, they all get directed to somewhere in the East (maybe Scranton POP) before u-turning back to LA.
I sent em a ticket about this.
You can use looking glass utilities from major carriers to check routing to Burstnet LA.
are we allowed to combine the offers into one instance?
It’s been 2 days. Not even single email telling me why i haven’t receive my newly VPS…..??…??
The promotion code entered has expired