Francisco @ Frantech pointed me out to this WHT offer here. We did profiled Frantech quite a while ago and only until recently they still did not have a proper website. Looks like things are changing. While has moved to VMWare hosting with higher price virtual servers, they are also branching out a new division, BuyVM, to offer OpenVZ servers on the low end. For $5.95/month you get
- 512MB memory
- 50GB storage
- 2000GB/month data transfer
- OpenVZ/SolusVM
And it is not a BurstNET reseller! The servers are in fact in Fremont CA with (I’ve got 2 VM there in the same DC and they are great). Good West Coast location for Asia/Australia users.
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Hey there,
We had a very very hard run in with our old location with horrid downtime, power outages and the like. Back in May we actually did a full equipment pull and drove all the way to Fremont, California from Portland to rack back up :)
Things have been fantastic in HE and have been rolling out IPv6 for our users, even the OpenVZ based ones.
m… just curious what happened under the table
Head over here:
and the poster of the offer was totally different.
Might want to fix this on the front page:
The Plans (ORDER BY `price`) (3 rows selected)
Also the website says “Ranging from Ubuntu, CentOS, Debian, Slackware and even Gentoo, we provide you with
countless distributions to choose from!”
I don’t see Gentoo or Slackware offered.
Hey there,
Actually, the SQL stuff is because my staff really wanted me to nerd things up on it :)
I know it’s silly but I figured what the heck, lets have some fun.
Slackware and Gentoo should have been imported, I’ll double check that now.
Domain name:
Domain status: EXIST
Approval date: 2007/07/03
Renewal date: 2010/07/03
Updated date: 2010/05/19
Ah, OK. Just wanted to make sure there wasn’t any potential issue there, but
now I see that it was intentional :-)
Score with the 256M plan.
Can we see more benchmarks results from Buyvm VPS from other customers?
Compared with the many customers they have, I have found only few benchmarks – CPU and I/O and network speed.
@Adam: I did one on my low end blog:
And I highly recommend you to read the comments there, the pony put in a pretty good comments explaining a few things in the review:
I already checked your review but will check the comments as well, Thanks
Maybe you can update the review with a Geekbench output :)
Tried just now but it could not complete the test:
First try:
Second try:
I guess my burst RAM is not really that stable:
By the way this is on the 15 per year 128MB box.
@Adam: Your comment is awaiting moderation. I guess I typed in the wrong email address…once LEA approve this, you can see, but I did not manage to complete the tests on both times….
LOL this comment is from June, 2010
LOL, just noticed as well, Adam how did you manage to find such an old one? :)
I used the search function +benchmark +buyvm :)
This ain’t Google. The plus is worthless and probably throws things off. :)
I signed up for one of these things, it was provisioned quick. I’ll post a review in a couple days
on my first impressions.
Signed up at
Never received login and IP information. Contacted them about 10 hours asking for it. Still waiting.
Check your spam folder. My VPS info went to the spam folder even though my Paypal info did arrive in my Inbox.
Hey there James,
What is your order ID?
It’s quite possible it was during the time when emails weren’t getting sent out but we fixed that last night.
Let me know :)
Got my welcome e-mail but the credential for SolusVM seems not to be working? Anyone else having credential issues with SolusVM?
same here can’t seem to access SolusVM.. I can access through SSH just fine. Have to say setup was pretty quick (2 min).
Actually I found the login details to solusvm from the client area.
I signed up last night. It was provisioned and I had everything in about 2 minutes. I’ve only SSH’d in so far.
The box looks good. It outperformed my other VPS (tektonic) in a simple 4gb transfer test. Happy so far ;)
Just wondering what’s the relationship between frantech, and 123Systems. The domain is certainly registered by Andrew @ 123Sytems but with frantech as NS.
Just a heads up, I didn’t see anyone else post this yet. Your invoice has the template “Your logo here” in the top left
That’s very interesting! I actually have a VPS @ 123Systems for two months and it is solid. Was the domain sold to Frantech or is there some secrets behinds it? :)
I was set up in about 3 hours after payment. Haven’t played around too much…still hoping Slackware will be added.
24 hours later I still have not gotten anything from these guy regarding my VPS credentials. Look at support ticket # 224380
Got my VPS details. Not via email though. Not sure what’s up with that. But these guys are for real, and that’s the bottom line.
Arent the VPSes setup automatically?
you should be able to find the client details in the billing system
that work on
(username will start with vmuser)
Do you support iptables in the guest ?
I get the following
@james B
AFAIK, openvz doesn’t support iptables in guest. You need Xen to do iptables and the other kernel modules stuff.
OpenVZ actually supports iptables inside VE but only modules that have been “virtualized”. You cannot load extra modules into the kernel, so unless kernel already has those compiled in, you won’t be able to use them.
Instant provision for me
only issue was the messages went to my spam folder.
Signed up about 2.5 days ago, paid, never got an email, emailed frantech and still haven’t got reponse. Very disappointed. I hope someone from Frantech reads this.
Guys, head over this >> for clarification of the relationship.
Actually this domain were actually sold to elofty and suddenly belongs to Frantech.
BTW: I was complained by the seller that I didn’t pay but actually I already told him I was not at home.
Gotta admit that that’s a rather poor excuse. You could have either emailed the seller to let them know that your payment was going to be delayed or found a way to make payment. You entered a contract when you made the bid. Not being home really isn’t an excuse.
Try that with your credit card company and see how far that goes. ;)
I’ve been waiting about 32 hours since payment for setup instructions. I can’t login to any client area also.
Well.. a week has gone by and the VPS seems good. I’m not really
putting much stress on it but the connectivity is nice and stable.
I cannot log into the hyperVM (or whatever it’s called these days). Cannot SSH into the machine. Support ticket went unanswered for a few days. I would not recommend these folk.
The domain was never ‘sold’ to anyone, Since people like to post offers & not own up to them once the auction is over, I gave the domain to Francisco. He had intentions for the domain i did not. We are in no way affiliated with BuyVM or Frantech, Except for my friendship with Francisco.
It turns out that Frantech did setup my account on time, but that their emails went to my spam box.
So, no problems.
I just bought the 5.95 package, installing kloxo without problem, now I still have 825mb free ram to toy with this vps. no complaint whatever so far.
Bought a VPS from here yesterday, very pleased with its performance and specs, however I noticed about 30 min. ago or so my vnc connection to my box was lost and am unable to access the site either, even though upset, I’m not to disgruntled so far, I know the boxes r hosted in Cali. and early this mornin’ about 1AM or so I was unable to connect to the net whatsoever from my home connection. Hope the servers will be back up soon.
buyvm is down
Mine just came back online.. I think it was due to a power strip failure on one of the rack. That’s what they said over at WHT.
Hey there,
As I posted on WHT, we had a bad power strip at HE that took a dive taking our 2nd rack offline :/ We asked them to please replace it then bring us back online, but instead, they simply reset the strip.
We brought everything back online and have been FSCKing our 3rd node. Around 7PM GMT -8 the strip blew out again. I sent in a tech to personally check that the strip was replaced and we made some other adjustments.
Node’s 1 & 2 are online and OK, node3 is in the last of its FSCK. It’s really sucked since it was in the middle of a FSCK last time and went out due to the power.
Thanks for your patience :(
“LowEndAdmin wrote:
Just wondering what’s the relationship between frantech, and 123Systems. The domain is certainly registered by Andrew @ 123Sytems but with frantech as NS.”
This is probably because they did not add in their own hosts and set their nameservers to their own hosts. When i first started, I had to have someone help me with that, but that was with my last business. LOL Now i am much more educated and can support people with no problem.
I also have problem with my vps, it keeps offline, no customer service reply yet. I guess there are power off from the central server? Hope it will resolve soon.
I purchased the domain off Andrew, him and I are pretty good friends these days. He had the domain for sale on WHT a while back.
We have a single node offline that we’re finalizing a FSCK on. It keeps throwing up in the middle of it so it’s acting up :( I’ve been able to get access to the data finally so worst case we’ll extract VM’s.
You can request a credit and we’ll give you one since we know this has been quite the headache.
Thanks again,
Hi fransisco, I have submitted ticket support a day ago but no support has replied me yet. Could I just ask a refund or you just switch my account into the working node? I dont have anything installed in the vps yet, so it’s not really problem for me because I just wanted to test propagation and such.
I cant wait till my vps is online again
Hey there,
This node is back online as of a few hours ago. In the end we let the FSCK run for over 9 hours after trying the other 2 times. It didn’t complete fully so we simply pulled as much data as we could and setup a new node.
Please let us know if you have a VM that’s acting up. If you can, you should reinstall your VM.
If you have any issues you can either do a ticket or email me at
Thanks again for your patience,
yes it works again, thanks fransisco!
Hey there,
You’re most welcome. Again, thank you for being patient.
I’m going to catch some sleep since it’s almost 3AM ;) If you email me, please give me a bit to get back to you.
seems like it’s down again, maintenance from data center?
Hi Calvin,
We reported a popped breaker this morning and brought everyone online within the hour. If you’re still down check your solus but at this point it the issue has been resolved, as well as the reason the power issue happened.
Hey Francisco,
Disk I/O on BuyVM servers has become very slow. Saving a file with a single word written takes 5-10 seconds. I dont know if its due to too many VPS on nodes or some disk issue. I am pretty satisfied with RAM on BuyVM but like with many VPS providers, disk I/O is becoming a huge bottleneck.
Hi JP,
What node are you on? I’m going to take a wild guess at node01?
That’s the only node we’ve had complaints of any sort of performance issues on and that is heavily on the fact of our busy our solus page has been. Since it’s on a shared node, mysql has been getting quite busy on there :( We’ll be separating it sometime tonight it looks like, though.
Let me know or send me an email at and I’ll look into it :) Our first 5 nodes, btw, are getting rebalanced into ‘plan specific’ nodes to better allocate resources.
My VPS is down since today morning. I guess this is due to the upgrades? Hoping things will be better after the upgrade (I did get 27 days uptime before today though :).
My mistake! Francisco is right, I think I somehow missed my payment.
Be sure to check that your invoice got paid ;-)
The only people down right now are those with dues.
we will be upgrading our mailserver this weekend to deal with our billing panel not sending invoices properly.
Solus was upgraded earlier this week to improve performance.
Thanks Francisco. Yes, I think I missed my payment.
It seems node03 down again? :/
Much worse :/
All of Fremont #1 had a power outage just now.
We’re getting everything online and a tech is helping as they can, but FMT 1 is a big location so they’re busy as hell helping everyone.
looks like it’s recovered already. anyway, thanks for the quick response.
I use this for a small game that doesn’t really take up much memory. It’s pretty terrible for some odd reason and it’s pretty laggy compared to a worst vps that other people use.
this is my score for 512m plan
I think it might have something to do with the server, requesting a change at the moment.
Anyways, throwing it out there.
Hi Kevin,
Go ahead with the ticket and we’ll see if there was any errors in your provision :)
I hope they are not overselling their servers
You experience bad performance and another customer experience the node runs out of space?
Hard disk full on buyvm node07?
The probably just shuffle customers around to different nodes when they complaint
Not quite :)
That node had a power issue the day before but never ran a FSCK. We had to reboot the node to FSCK it and correct it (hense why it went ‘read only’).
As you can see later on the client is fine and was even offered a credit for the issue.
Francisco Dias you have any new news on the availability on all VPS from $ 15 ‘year? No because it is a long time that says “Out of Stock” …
Thanks in advance
Well i waited for like 3-4 weeks just to get a slot in FRANTECH what’s up with that? It’s been like this for like 2 years? You guys need to step your game up, just sayin….
I apologize about that, but we’ve been spending our time focusing on improving all of our nodes performance before we rolled out another batch of stock.
If you’ve decided to move onwards to another host I wish you the best of times with them :)