For those who are not following the great BuyVM build out thread on LowEndTalk, here is the announcement from Fran:
Stock has been announced! August 3rd, 1PM, GMT -7 :)
That’s less than 10 hours to go! Lock your browser to BuyVM or the excellent and wait for the ponies to appear. Francisco also emailed me that “for the rest of the summer we’ll have 300 128MB’s available per week as well as whatever other inventory we’ll have”. 4 weeks until the end of summer that means around 1,200 $15/year 128MB OpenVZ VPS will be made available at BuyVM. Ordering link here.
- 128MB guaranteed/256MB burstable memory
- 15GB storage
- 500GB/month data transfer
- OpenVZ/SolusVM
Other under-$7 low end plans:
- 256MB/512MB memory, 30GB storage, 1000GB/month data — $3.50/month. [Sign up link]
- 512MB/1024MB memory, 50GB storage, 2000GB/month data — $5.95/month. [Sign up link]
Let the wait begin! /me going back to work
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$18k in additional income over summer period, congrats to BuyVM :)
Between that and the other inventory it’s going to be a very good christmas ;)
We got a bunch of KVM stuff underway too, just gotta finish the boxes.
Waiting for KVM which has been delayed until {insert ETA by Francisco here} :(
Yep, so do I.
And it’s weird as they said that there would be storage plans too…
Vote for KVM
1,200 $15/year 128MB OpenVZ VPS :-)
…at an undisclosed location!
They’re in San Jose @ Coresite.
Eh… Isn’t San Jose a capital of Costa Rica?
Hmm. Spot the difference. San Jose and San José.
There located in Mr Dias house on his 1mbit upstream
Lol, San jose is a city in california near fremont and silicon Valley.
Remember you need to pre-register and have an authorised account to be able to place an order!
Thanks for the reminder! I almost missed this chance.
Hello, how do I pre-register? Thanks in advance :)
Open a ticket. If you’re not a present customer, open a pre-sales ticket.
Register here:
Once you registered and they are ready to take orders, all you have to enter is the payment information — ensures you faster order process. :)
Thank you all for your replies. I have registered and opened a support ticket to active my account :)
Wow I almost forgot about that thanks.
That’s a lot of IP space!
@James FranTech have 16000+ IPv4 from ARIN, so not a problem for them to create 1000s of $15/year deals.
These kind of deals wont be for everyone to offer – Even Hetzner are charging a monthly fee per IP subnet now.
Lucky them. I had to get on my hands and knees just to get a /23.
Well… we won’t mention what Francisco went through to get our ranges :3
your server down completely..
Hey, nordicvps, would you look at your server?
they are all down.
@John Yes We are aware of the problem, status is available here:
out of stock :(
You have to wait for more stocks to be released in 8 hours time from now. :)
What kernel version runs on the OpenVZ boxes? – I’m something of an xtables_addons fan ;)
2.6.32-238.12.1.el5.pony6-1 on mine
If the iptables module is virtualized we can load it with minimal issue :)
We’re keeping an eye on the .32 branch, waiting on them to address some annoying bugs first.
Gotta say, all this ‘out-of-stock’, ‘coming soon!’, ‘stock is announced!’ is very clever carrot-and-stick marketing…. ;)
True, but the reality is demand > supply for BuyVM..
Yeah – very Apple!
Actually Apple’s strategy is pretty much secrecy. You don’t get much pre-announcement until the day when Mr. Jobs walked on the stage.
Recently Apple has also branched out into another strategy called “patent trolls”. Hopefully we don’t see that in the VPS market :)
“People typically want what they don’t have, and they want what they can’t have even more. Limiting numbers influences people into placing more value on objects, services or memberships, boosting sales and creating social demand.”
Totally agree :|
1200 Stock ? :)
Are they that good? 123systems has chicago 256MB VPS for $20/y.
Why all this buzz for them? Sorry I’m not very up to date these days with deals
Do you get support for $20/yr? No. Buy at BuyVM you DO get support
It allow IRC :)
*sigh* Announced the day after I’ve paid all my bills.
Oh well. :(
Unfortunately it looks like they won’t approve my account because my IP address is too far away from my physical location!
Oh well, perhaps I have too many VPSs already.
Did you provide us with a billing address, and happen to be living elsewhere? The only accounts I’ve turned down today due to location discrepancies were fairly blatant… like registered with a UK address, but signed up from Malaysia, for example.
You actually just solved it for me, thanks Aldryic!
Aah, glad I could help, let us know if we can do anything further. Enjoy the stock when it hits ^_^
Wow! That fast, all are out of stock?
Looks like all are sold out in 1 hour. :(
Am from Jordan/Middle east and pay from PayPal as a verified account, i did sign with them now and waiting my account to be approved, should we pay through PayPal or by Visa?
Whats your policy on torrents?
Share your plunder with the staff
Alas this is actually the policy around #frantech >_>
Torrents are generally fine, be considerate of your neighbors and don’t load up 30 at a time ripping full speed.
my account now approved! fast support and nice guys there.
Waiting the out-stock to order!
I hope they won’t put those 1,200 on a single node >_>
of course they will
Why would we?
We’ve stated many times we do 130 per node :P We have a crap load of new gear we racked up. Some of it went to improve older nodes, lots of it went to new buggers.
Don’t take us for vizapi/nordic/w2servers/dollarvps/etc, we made the ‘super budget’ market, and we do it well :)
Hey now – be nice to Dollarvps, i have a server with them and have never had a problem – server , support or otherwise….
This Will probably be the first time I will pay for a server 1 year in advance :)
Pure trust in this company.
Thank you :)
How long I must wait for approval request? Can I pay the VPS by Paypal?
I’m waiting for approval too, please be quick :|
Paypal and direct credit cards are accepted :)
Aldryic is plowing through requests.
Thanks, Frans. :)
This is just an FYI to everyone that if you don’t have an approved account within the next 45 minutes that you’ll likely have to wait for things to slow down a bit before approvals get done next.
20 mints for the boxes! xD…
I think this is gonna be the largest sales DDOS attack i have seen! :D
The server at is taking too long to respond.
I think you’re right!
Get your F5 keys ready, boys!
Eh, I broke it.
Sorry guys!
Dam! The connection has timed out…
anyone verified please???
same here
Down for Maintenance
Quit DDoSing the box, guys :( Stock is coming, be prepared :P
I actually laughed at that one
LOL this is going to be fun watching the mad dash.
I hope all you a-holes won’t spend your next week running dd and wget tests and raping the host node ruining service for the rest of us on the node.
the site doesnt load
No joy yet!
epic fail
Epic DDoS. :)
from twitter
just do service http restart
Service scan
HTTP – 80 Error: TimedOut
At 2011-08-04 01:07:01, it reported 300 128MBs being released :) be prepared
Make that 282 now
cedric must have ordered 18 vps. lol
282 … 128MB’s left
still cant get to order mine
Same here :-/
can someone answer my questions?
Where are your questions? If you’re referring to the single question of whether they are “good”, that is a very subjective term. What you consider “good”?
I don’t understand all this for this offer when there are others that offer the same or similar. Do they have exceptional support and performance?
Most of the other offers have deadpooled or will deadpool is the difference :)
Our performance is pretty good and our community is just awesome.
Lots of other providers with similar offers:
and many more..
BuyVM is just hyped up and they allow IRC and other stuff most providers disapprove.
Amazing people stay up all night to order :)
it’s not correct. many offer same and more cheaper
@Daniel if you dont like it, dont buy from BuyVM :)
And I have a VPS with some of them too. Some are good, some aren’t. People say BuyVM is good.
Most of the offers in this price range have gone to the deadpool pretty soon, and BuyVM has been around for quite some time.
Also, I love carrots.
Heh heh heh, it is a matter of trust and mutual respect, bro. Price, service or support does not matter anymore.
I have been awake for the last three hours for nothing :( cant order a single one. Cant login to WHMCS. Fran should start taking order via email or something :P
Yea i think it’s must be now via email…
+1 vote for email.
their site is totally screwed up, it shows ngix.
This was tweeted on Frantech’s twitter. Looks like they are switching from apache to nginx.
They shutdown all the connection to them webserver :-s…
For a web hosting company they seem rather poor at keeping their website up. :p
I think they’ve been null routed >_>
I think they null routed China and other countries from accessing BuyVM
Quote: “Get ordering! ;) the site load issue is because there’s half of China trying to order stock right now.”
How many billing panels get 200 connections/second out there? I highly doubt even burstnet gets that :)
Give us a break, each sales rush seems to get uglier and uglier.
Maybe it’s time to split the 128s off into their own ordering system?
I have a sinking feeling I lost my chance.
I screwed up and erased my Account Password in my clipboard.
There goes my chance.
i am totally frustrated…. not even loading
Snagged a 512MB!
Good for you!
Can you share some benchmark for your VPS? What CPU? Disk speed?
Waiting for provisioning at the moment I’m afraid — I certainly don’t blame them, their sales system barely came back from the grave after all
not set up yet
@Adam wait for some time before requesting benchmarks etc, for specs visit
I am sure almost everyone would be benchmarking their VPS right now so it will give false results
Cant reset my password… Looks like I will never get my VPS now :(
look like easy now.
snag quickly…, only 129 left
I now have 32 LEBs.
Now that I got my OpenVZ yearly, I am anxiously waiting for the KVM yearly plan offerings
An error occured, please open a support ticket # :(
So, fu*** it.
You can only order if your an existing customer :(
not quite, we just required pre-approved accounts so log a ticket and it can get fixed up.
Spo0lsh, log a ticket, we’ll fix you up.
Same goes for everyone else getting blocked at some point!
I did,
No, thanks.
C u
I logged a ticket, it got deleted.
Maybe a message saying this would be a good idea!
I tried so many different things trying to get though.
Got 2 128s and 2 256s (even though I ordered an extra 256 on accident…). This is going to be fun :D.
what a great business !!!
Ordered and paid one. Now let’s see when it gets provisioned.
Waiting to be approved, Hope its quick
waiting for approval for 2 hr now….
Servers location?
San Jose, California with Coresite :)
Any plans for Europe? I am looking for a EU VPS
Waiting for approval (ticket 862370), I wish I had done this before :(
Francisco, I created an account and submited the approval request and it was apperently deleted because I couldn’t log in and the ticket was gone, then I created another, submitted the request and now I can’t log in again, also the ticket is not fontd on the system. Any reason?
Having the same issue.
Just got my provisioning email!
benchmark pls :-)
You can check around geekbench’s browse page for ‘pony’ and find our kernels :)
The L5420 results will be better by a fair bit since they have been upgraded to 5520’s. Keep an eye out for ‘pony6’ namely.
Don’t want to do a dd if/of because not sure if anyone else is doing it, but..
Thoroughly amazed.
# buyVM
Should be the reason people got crazy with buyVM
looks good. comparable result to the stock I got last season from buyvm, which are 237 MB/s DD (after they moved to new dc)
:( I am still waiting for approval… (and the yearly plan is near ‘out of stock’) I hope i still could have one. I need it.
and, for future references, hostitek in LA,
All 128mb plans.
you’re lucky, I live in L.A and have their L.A server, I got less than 10m/s IO.
Yes !!! Finally 1x 128, 1×256 2×512, 1×1024 and 1×2048. All the waiting this worth while is fully worth it.
what is your plan to make use of all those vps? lol
only 6 boxes, right. I think most of people here have much more than that.
6 boxes is enough for the first stage.. for sure it will not be the last purchase from buyvm
clustered webservers, seperate database servers and a remote desktop. lol ..
People are strange :)
My account needs approval, waited for about 3 hours… Ticket #331802
Wonder if my account will be approved before stock runs out.
Doesn’t look like it will. #417593
Ticket 812765
Sigh, Your account has not been approved…what a pity
Got a ticket ID?
Welcome back LowEndBox xD, Kewl servers here…
Just receive my new box and seems that it’s works well with me..
you’re doing a 1K blocksize which will be slower on mechanical drives. :)
If you do bs=64k count=16k you should see in the 180 – 200MB/sec+
Francisco – Mine is Ticket ID: 525904
Thanks, we’ll get to that quick :)
I wish I known earlier that we needed to get approval first…spent twenty minutes refreshing and thought I hit the jackpot when I finally got through….only to find out that I need to submit a ticket for approval….smh
There is no stock anymore? amazing.
We’ll be reloading 260 – 300 of the 128’s per week and the other plans will continue to load till we’re sold out.
BuyVM (one of the 128er boxes bought today):
I guess this should kinda show why people like BuyVM boxes very much
YardVPS was absolute garbage when I used them – I’d rather be without a VPS at all than to ever have to use them again. BuyVM is on a different planet in comparison.
Francisco – I just try checking my account and now it’s saying that I’m no longer registered??
Are you sure? come by IRC and drop me your email/ticket ID in a PM and we’ll look after it :)
Just left PM with Aldryic….
I went back to my email and clicked on the link for the ticket I created and now it says it’s not found!!!????
I had that very same issue twice (#577834 and #862370).
Did you send them a PM??
I’ll try to register again, if this time I get the same result I’ll pm them. Thanks!
I was accepted but to late for any 128s. Again I missed out!
We’ll have more next week ;)
Having your account setup early means you’ll get at the front of the line.
Ticket ID: 243740
Status: Pending…
woke up here in Asia with only 1 128MB left. Decided to go with the 256MB as I already have one 128MB and I really need the additional space. Plus I am already allergic to yearly deals due to the W2 scam. But if there will be additional 128MB stock by next week maybe I’ll get one 128MB plan too.
You can never have too many buyvm vps’
Comeon, don’t group us with W2Scammers :)
No offence meant. Just in general. As they say once bitten, twice shy.
Wait for the “account approved” five hours, after submission of the Ticket.
Only five hours?? LOL…at least your account is still intact…
You’re in a queue with other people, be patient
and it’s out of stock already??? d*mn…
Breathe *breathe* breathe…
:( to my surprise, I received a reply telling me that my details aren’t are not fully accurate, when i fact it is the same as what is in my paypal billing, and other legal documents i have. I really can’t think how the billing department reviews billing details…
Reply and ask to prove yourself
Thanks. I did it upon receiving the said reply. I am willing to send them documents as well if they tend to.
All: The account approval thing has been in the TOS for a while now, you do read the TOS when looking at providers… right?
128M plan is out of stock now :(
oh :(
How can you live without?
Managed to snag one after watching all sorts of madness go on in Francisco’s IRC channel. I even ended up getting kicked out a few times for trolling with “OMG GUYS the billing system is DOWN!!!111” every few minutes. All in all, a good time. :)
The VPS was provisioned about 2 hours after I ordered and is screaming fast thus far:
They offer a neat template in SolusVM with Xwindows, but it doesn’t really work with the 128MB VPS – runs out of memory pretty much instantly.
If you give it a bit it should be closer to 200MB/sec after things settle in some.
Let me know if there’s anything I can help with :)
How sad.. it out of stock again…
How a pity… T_T
Yeah, let’s get drunk bro :S
We’ll have more 128’s on Monday :)
We’ll have another 260 minimum.
Hey, can you guys please take a look at ticket #316586?
If this is an account pre-auth it’ll be done soon :)
I sent the guys to bed for a bit and I’ve been busy working on our KVM offerings.
How about working on your rDNS offerings?
rDNS has been fixed up you troll :D
Francisco ;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached ;; WARNING: recursion requested but not available
12 hours of patience waiting for approval :)
Sorry for that, you guys overwhelmed me yesterday :P Over 400 new accounts approved since sales opened, and I’ve got another ~250 or so I’m going through now.
please approve my account. ticket # 789421
Next week, wait till next week… :p
Kudos to Fran, Aldryic and all the other staff.
Setup was prompt and the server has been great (128 mb):
i don’t have time to read all the comments. I didn’t see stock at GMT-7 1 PM. And today that i woke up all 128 plans are sold :D when are comming the next ones?
260 minimum on Monday :)
i registered my account yesterday, and still waiting for approval. ticket # 789421
We hear ya, bro :D
should be crazy again.
I have a lot of lebs not used yet but eager of getting more , :)
Hope most of people here take the chance.
Well I missed out! Managed to get to the order page twice, but never managed to complete…. Oh well will try again next week!
Or week later :D
Francisco… do you have direct admin for these vps? how much extra for that? any SLA u got?
I’d love DA as well.
Sorry, but we got out of the licensing side :P We do have SLA though.. if you have any significant unannounced downtime (say, more than 5-10 minutes total within 24h), just open a ticket to the Billing department, and I’ll make sure you’re credited for it!
Just to clarify guys, the biggest holdup on account approvals is stuff like using VPNs/Proxies (please don’t), or your actual locating being a good deal off from the address you listed. If you already know there’s going to be a mismatch, just include some details in with your account request, and that’ll help speed the process greatly.
For example… your billing address is in the UK, but you’re on vacation in Germany? Just let us know in your ticket, and provide your current physical address as well so I can keep Maxmind from automatically blocking your orders :P
We apologize for the inconvenience due to this, but sadly our popularity has made us a target for plenty of scammers, fraud artists, etc. Since client security has been one of our primary goals from the get-go, we try to be a bit more strict/legitimate on details. Especially from when we were in the MMO market… having accurate details on folks prevented a TON of “stolen identity” issues.
I’m getting through about 40-60 new accounts an hour… at current I still have about 260 left to review, so if you already have a request in I should have your account done by noon. Thanks for the patience, guys ^_^
(heh, to clarify, that’s noon my time, currently GMT-5)
I thought VPNs/Proxies were allowed?
I think he meant people who are buying through VPNs/Proxies is preferably not recommended… Requires manual verification of addresses etc…
Maxmind won’t let you order if you will be behind VPNs/Proxies as your location will be different then your billing adress.
That’s correct. Because of this, and the potential fraud issues, we request that signups and orders be placed without the use of a VPN/Proxy service.
I’m on vacations, but explained that in approval ticket. I hope it will be fine.
Waiting for approve account about 13 hours.Because of this,miss the 128/256 VPS.What a pity.
Ticket #837179
Same here… Guess this won’t be my first time trying BuyVM… Again! :(
Humm.. Apparently not only I didn’t get my account approved, but also got my account deleted. How nice… At least I could have received a courtesy email? Guess that if I didn’t check this thread I would have never found out why so… After registering I decided to take a look @ LEB (like I usually do on a daily basis) and found out you can’t have a billing address and be in another country, which is my case. At least there could be a note stating so when you register an account, would have made things way easier… Or at least I could have been warned about the fact instead of just getting deleted plain and simple.
You can’t just buy a BuyVM account if you happen to be in a different country?
Did you open a ticket by chance?
No accounts should be getting deleted unless there is some cleanup cron Aldryic added.
If you got a ticket let me know :)
It used to be #757874 ;)
I listed my ticket (525904) and still have not received an answer. I also sent a PM via IRC as suggested and also did not hear back from that. Also, my account was deleted about an hour after I created the ticket. I’m beginning to think that you guys just don’t like me….:(
Chris as in “Chris Thompson”? right?
Do try again and it should work
No, not Chris Thompson…..
Oh sorry. Well try going to their IRC channel and ask there. Create a support ticket AGAIN and contact them via twitter if you are using twitter that is
How can you tell that your accounts are deleted? In WHMCS, if you mark an account as closed, it will not let you do forget-password OR let you login.
Humm.. In my case if I try to login/recover lost password it just says “No client account was found with the email address you entered”. That’s how I know :) :(
Yes, that the same message it will throw IF your account is marked as closed (since you do not have a service) OR if your account does not exist.
So when Fran says they are not deleting accounts, I have the only logical explanation as these accounts being marked as “closed” within WHMCS (the billing system)
Well, I don’t know if it was closed or deleted but it’s pretty much the same thing, isn’t it? Would think that the system will email you if the account gets closed. I know that it does when a ticket gets closed. But in my case I received no email whatsoever. Anyway, I re-created the account and submitted a new ticket (#615613). Let’s see what happens with this go around.
Just tell me what do I do… Do I register a new accout, is that it? Been waiting but no reply regarding accounts getting deleted…
I would just go ahead and recreate the account (like I did).
More are on the way, Aldryic had to help with provisioning yesterday so he couldn’t get all of the accounts done up.
I keep getting this erorr when ordering:
We’re sorry, due to outstanding invoices in your account, you are unable to place an order at this time. If you need assistance, please open a ticket to the Billing Department.
I had an account with you long time ago, and I had it for like 2 months, and then it was cancelled.
Not sure why it says there are invoices. can you take a look?
Ticket #316586
Great offer and great work! :) Don’t give up! :)
Thanks BuyVM, I’ve got my VPS now :) I’ll be testing it out and giving out a review soon.
Hi I’ve opened a ticket for account approval since last night and still have not received a reply. My ticket number is #134673. It has been about 12 hours already, is anything wrong with my ticket?
No, nothing wrong with the ticket, I’ve just literally had over 500 new accounts to go through. Still got about 140 or so left, so you should get your reply today :P
Thanks for the info, looking forward to getting service from you guys :)
Thank Aldryic . My account is approved :D
Just ordered the 256mb plan but the plan’s status is still pending. Guess I’ll wait a while, you guys must be busy with orders lol.
Any reason why my account was deleted?? I had submitted a ticket (#525904) with it and now both account and ticket number does not show up. Another reader had the same issue – twice. Please let me/us know what we did wrong. Thanks!
The 256MB stock will run out before I will be able to make a purchase :(
At least you already have an account, I’m not even there yet ;)
Just so that it gets more visibility I have recreated another account and have submitted another ticket (#615613). Now the waiting begins – again.
Hey, whatever happened to “Do not use LowEndBox for support issues”? ;)
That rule apparently does not apply to BuyVM ;)
Doesn’t stop folks anyway.
ETA on KVM storage plans and KVM yearly offer?
Wonder how much the yearly KVM may be….
We have a $25/y 128MB KVM coming on by Monday it looks like and the storage plans will be like $70/y for a 128MB with 250G space.
Cool. Monday at what time the stock will be released? or you planning to do random so that billing system doesn’t overload?
Please announce the exact time.. :)
Francisco the 128MB kvm yearly, will have the same specs you currently have on index2.php (128mb, 30gb, 1000gb, 1 cpu) or will they be different?
How many KVM are you releasing? Also, I’ve sent a IRC PM to Aldryic. Any chance of getting a reply from him?
They should be the same as the OVZ, just $25/y and KVM based :)
We’ll know this weekend how much is going out.
He’s likely busy with dinner and such so give him a bit, sorry about that :(
Less density I guess?
Uhh, my account no longer exists?
Got a 128MB BuyVM yesterday.. performance to Australia is mediocre:
curl http://[myvps]/100mb.test > /dev/null
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
100 100M 100 100M 0 0 354k 0 0:04:48 0:04:48 –:–:– 422k
and buyvm 100mb test file from the same location
curl > /dev/null
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
100 100M 100 100M 0 0 361k 0 0:04:43 0:04:43 –:–:– 265k
(This is off a University line)
I can pull respectable speeds from other hosts on HE from the same connection
Ticket #164413
I love the way how they put the box on different nodes for multiple orders :)
any problem with my ticket #723836?
I’m just wondering how can I be approved without an actual order. I think for fraud check you will also need either paypal info or credit card, is it so?
Alright folks, as a reminder, please provide -accurate- contact information, as this is a requirement of our Terms of Service :P
For those of you asking where your accounts went; If you signed up with something like this: , then yes, your account was deleted. If your account looked incredibly fraudulent (ie- Illinois address, Serbian name, connecting from a residential Chinese ISP) and you gave no explanation for the discrepancy, then it’s possible that the account was removed. Priority is being given to those who follow instructions the first time around, so please use accurate information when registering :P
So just because I live in China at the moment and I wish to use my home address back in my home country as a billing address that means my information is not accurate? Quite the contrary, it’s as accurate as it can be. And besides here, where are those instructions to follow? IMO, if you guys wish to be this strict then you should make it very clear when someone is registering. It’s like I said, if it wasn’t for this thread I would have no idea why my account got deleted as I didn’t receive any explanation at all…
Thanks for the info
So, you didn’t read the Terms of Service then, like you were instructed to when you signed up? You wouldn’t even have to read far, it’s right there in the tl;dr section we provided :P –
Actually I didn’t because it’s BuyVM we are talking about – I ALWAYS read the TOS, but since I thought BuyVM had no “hidden terms” or weird requests, this time I didn’t -, so you are right about that :)
Anyway, my information is accurate and 100% true so I don’t understand what exactly you expect me to fill in the forms then. I just happen to be out of my home country, that’s all. Anyway, my point is that none of that stuff (that you must say in the ticket that you have to open to have your account activated that you are not in your home country and what not) is displayed after you complete the registration nor is it in the TOS?
No, we understand that people travel. However, the TOS does request your current address, not whichever address you please :P
And no, the TOS says nothing about registering from another country and then explaining the discrepancy. This is just a courtesy request to expedite having your account approved.
The bottom line is, you may think it’s unfair that we found your registration suspicious. But I would certainly be very unhappy to learn that someone in another country used my name, address, etc to signup and claimed to be “me, but just travelling”; and we’ve had so much positive feedback that we actually care about protecting our clients and not just accepting any dollar thrown at us that we feel we made the right choice in prioritizing safety over just making a buck.
I for one have no problem with these conditions, and did find that BuyVM taking the extra steps to help prevent more fraud in the world is an awesome precedent! It makes me feel safer giving my money to them.
So +1 for Aldryic and all of the BuyVM staff for providing us with a Quality VPS Host and support!
Sure I understand, I just think you guys should make it veeeeery clear regarding that fact after registering (humm something like the warning that shows up saying that you must open a ticket requesting that your account is activated). It’s just that I can’t use my “current” address as my credit card is from my home country and thus uses my home address… So using my current address would create a discrepancy at a later stage too, I suppose.
All this made me miss the stock for both the 128 and the 256 plans :( Guess this won’t be my first time trying BuyVM… Again! :( *sight*
heres mine #869414
all plans are 1Gbbs uplink speed??
Shared gigabit, yes
Arggg you guys took all the 256! lol. I had to get my account approved, but now I am ready for when they come back in stock ;)
We’re adding more on Monday hopefully :) We’re just finalizing the nodes at this point.
I hope you finalized the KVM yearly offer as well. I am eyeing on that one ;)
128MB, $25/y, we’ll have 40 on monday then 20 per week for 3 weeks :P
What are the specs of the 128MB VPS?
Same as our OVZ, just $25/y instead of $15/y and it’s KVM based :)
So all 40 will be at 1pm or some other time?
Instead of activating me they deleted my support account =/
Want my SS# as well to prove who i am? lol
Were your details really really screwed up? The only time Aldryic deleted anyone is if your details were way off :P
If you get me a ticket ID i’ll check it out :)
That’s not true. Mine was deleted with the same information I had re-register with the second time around. I finally got an email telling me that I can’t use PO Box for my address after I opened the required Billing ticket.
Thanks Francisco. Here is my ticket #931692
Don’t waste you’r time waiting here for stock, secure dragon has 14 year plan and its in stock.
What an unobjective comment….
We’ve released some KVM trials!
You can snag one at – One per person, please submit your findings/input/comments/haterrzzzzz in a ticket
These will last till Monday morning.
Even your trials are out of stock! :D
-1 Available >_<
So are you releasing the storage plans on monday as well?
Nope, but we’re getting quite close ;) We hope to have them by mid week at the latest.
Met some problems installing ubuntu (not booting for me), this result is from Debian 6 x86 instead.
Thanks for sharing, looks like it have low values for Disk/Stream Performance
Can you test the disk performance? dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=8k count=1280k conv=fdatasync
Sorry, it should be: dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=16k conv=fdatasync
Not bad IMO:
dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=16k conv=fdatasync && rm test
16384+0 records in
16384+0 records out
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 7.95231 s, 135 MB/s.
It is Perfect :)
I guess it should be higher with Virtio enabled :)
Any plan on adding a few more?
Of the 128’s?
We’re adding 260, minimum, every week till the end of summer :)
The next batch is being split into 130 at 1PM and then another 130 at 10PM to better service our Asia/Pacific clients.
Are 256’s going to be restocked next week?
Thats good two chances to get them.
Any word on activation? Wanna order already =/
Ticket #931692
You’re in queue
That horse running across the screen needs something like a shooting gallery to help pass the time. :)
i tryed it before. didn’t work :( i was sure it was a game.
Awww well.
@Fancisco Are those 128MB, $25/yr KVM capable of running windows 2003? can you confirm me that plz
It would install but it’d have nothing left over, you’d be page filing right away.
We highly recommend you get the 256MB at minimum for Windows 2003.
All of KVM plan will be sell at 1PM? or you divided by 2?
It’ll be divided by two
A cPanel DNSONLY template has been created and is propagating to the nodes. It uses 3G space and 70MB RAM when booted, making those 128MB boxes perfect for clusters ;)
May i know when BuyVM-256MB will be available again. My account was approved after BuyVM-256MB out of stock. :(
We’ll have some on Monday :)
How long does it usually take for an account to be approved? I registered yesterday and still nothing…
Aldryic took the weekend for himself so he’ll approve things as he can :)
3-4 days
Not quite :) Aldryic processed through like 400 – 500 requests in a couple days as well as handled any fraud/etc.
It’s a lot of work to check everything but we’re proud to state we’ve had 0 fraud payments/orders.
Sounds like a lot of hardwork. Should give Aldryic a ride on your Beemer :)
But it’s also true that a few legit customers got flagged as fraud, but that’s part of the process I guess…
Anyway, it’s unlikely I’ll get my account approved before the new stock comes so maybe some other week :P
So what time exactly the 128mb VPS will be available? GMT -7? :)
1 PM on Monday
GMT -7 right? Because Aldryic once mention about GMT -5 on previous comment.
Half on 1pm and half on 10pm (all times GMT-7)
Here is a little page that cedr created to help understand the time
Thanks Asim! So it would be 3AM at my place (_ _ ‘)
no problem mate
Sorry for the confusion, GMT-5 is my local timezone. Any announcements pertaining to Frantech/BuyVM can be considered Pacific time, currently GMT-7
Any ETA for storage plans?
Thx :)
Lucky BuyVM moved out of
Looks like it’s down at the moment (with one of my main server @ Linode in it, arghhhhhh).
Yes we were affected by the power failure. Damn!
Sorry Nordic, I mean no disrespect but I knew HE would find a way to have another power outage before the summer was gone. I was taking bets when I was in San Jose handling our move.
You should snag a KVM plan, LEA ;)
I was going to make a comment about it being California, the home of 5 million air conditioners in the middle of summer but their temperature is only 78 right now.
yeah,,, my main site + billing in linode too.. -___-“
Is it down or did they finally get it queued to boot?
[twitter id=”henet”]Approx 6:15am PDT FMT1 UPS breaker tripped, reset and power restored.[/twitter] :P
again? phew.. let me to know if your KVM already deployed. :P
OH, nordic is about to move… what a “surprise” to… CoreSite San Jose Data Center :)
I think Nordic should be a little bit more creative than just copying what BuyVM did.
Find another DC Nordic! I think Los Angeles would be more your style.
Nordic is with egihosting like us so egi only has the two locations. As far as I know egi isn’t selling service in FMT anymore.
We have been with EGI FMT01 for a very long time now, We went with EGI after have been other hosts in San Jose/LA area.
We did though select to provide a $15/year.
We like the competition, without it, business will be boring. :)
We like the competition as well. Their failures make us look that much better ^_^
We got sent a copy of the RFO HE sent out over the whole power thing. It looks like they’re going to be replacing their whole power system in the next few months from the ground up. A lot of people are thinking it’s going to take more like a year at this point, but it does mean there’s going to be at least 1 more power outage in the foreseeable future.
DNS.HE.NET was down too! :(
Well hopefully Aldryic will sort out these pending approvals before the rush on monday…I know u guys have a lot of work these days…
Well i managed to snag a 256 VM very late on the 3rd, sat in a tent, with only my phone and a GPRS signal. Really glad i had set up my account and got it approved the week before i went away!
Hey Fran, whats going on? My account is active, I am not a defaulter and there are no pending invoices. I recently placed an order last week which was approved and is active but suddenly I start seeing this (it was not there an hour ago)
“Notice: Your account has not been approved, and cannot place orders. Please submit a Support Ticket to the Billing Department to have your account reviewed for approval.”
Phew! I got hold of Fran now, he is getting it fixed. For a moment I thought I will miss on my KVM tomorrow :P
I have not moved yet. Should I request for an approval again?
Does anyone know the ‘Offloaded MySQL hosting’ service at buyVM?
OK, got the answers
Will those of us waiting in queue be approved in time to get a vps?
I hope for an update in that department too…3 days and counting…
Hey folks, sorry for the delays over the weekend, I needed a day off <_<
About 150 approvals left to go through… so if you already have a request in, you'll be answered in time for stock today!
THX Aldryic…just got approved and my 512MB VPS is on it’s way. Hope u guys will last a long time!
We’re not going anywhere :)
Thanks for the order!
all of links in post are not working any more..not sure if it is for me only or for every one?
btw, im also waiting the approval of account since thursday
I was going to order another BuyVM VPS but:
No internal IPs on Coresite, so NO free internal traffic.
Like forever? Or just until they get it set up again?
You know, just because everything except the quality of service is mirrored between our companies doesn’t mean you have to emulate our bugs and troubleshooting, too :3
Awww… C’mon you two! Get a room! :P
Oh, but it’s so much more fun and daring in public :3
@Aldryic I’m sorry if my appearance disfigure you but I am just curious.
Whoever told you we were going to stop offering VLAN lied to you :P
Francisco is still working out a few bugs since the move, but we have no plans on doing away with the VLAN/internal traffic system.
We cannot offer internal IP addresses at this time as the script is currently broken resulting in the internal ip getting assigned as the main ip and preventing outbound networking.
Anthony, Frantech Support
I finally ordered the VPS. If within a month VLAN doesn’t work, will you refund me proportionally if I ask for a refund?
If we don’t have a VLAN fix in place within a month, I will refund you completely :P
Hey Aldryic, it’s getting close. What about ticket #280725?
128MB’s have been posted! As well as our KVM offerings!
We’ll have more KVM stock as the day goes on so buy as you need/want! We’ll have a 2nd round of 128MB’s (both OVZ/KVM) around 10PM PST!
Hello Francisco,
I have registered and approved days before, but why now I cant order a VPS? When I click the check out button it says “MaxMind has deemed your order to be potentially high risk and therefore it has been held for manual review.”
I raised a support ticket to Billing dept. #579511.
Please help, I waited for this 128MB so long :(
Like I explained in the ticket reply when your account was authorized:
“As we use Maxmind for automated fraud protection on orders, please be aware that some countries’ ISPs do not correctly report GeoIP records for their ranges, and as such your order may be automatically marked as fraud. Some example countries that may do this are: Malaysia, Indonesia, Viet Nam, Korea, China, South Africa, and certain Australian ISPs. If your order is marked as fraud, please do not be concerned, the product is still held in reserve for you. Simply reply to this ticket, or open a new one, informing us of the error and we will get it fixed ASAP for you.”
So no worries, your order is still being held for you, and Anthony or I will be getting to it shortly. :P
Thanks Aldryic! I am relieved to hear that :)
Now I’ll sleep again because it is 4 am here Zzzz
Wow…KVM’s OOS…
More tonight ;)
So, OpenVZ-256MB will not be stocked today?
It will be later today :)
Great !
Thanks, Francisco,
For those that are bean counter types….the 512M annual plan is actually a better deal than the 128M…(:
which 512MB? OpenVZ or the KVM?
OpenVZ…I didn’t check on the KVM…hmmm…..hold on…be right back (:
Nope…only the OpenVZ is a better deal…
It’s almost the same for KVM (lower by $0.04)…
Ok…it’s technically a better deal for KVM too (lower by $0.04)…
Not really, unless it has 4 cores :)
I am not sure what to do with that much storage space but the databases grow then 2core-plan should be a problem for the database server.
got myself 256mb kvm but there is no windows 2003 iso!!!!!
On ordering form of the KVMs “Please review KVM Limitations BEFORE Purchasing!” and here are the limitations link
You should have read before ordering
for windows OS, we need 512mb or more.
We’re editing it now :) give us a few minutes.
” windows has been enabled for 256, if it runs slow, I dont care, yell at fran for making me enable it.”
haha, so its enabled on 256MB KVMs too
then you may cry a river because of a number of add-ons for running what Bill called .net pages :)
Then my 256mb kvm is worth the money. without windows its the same as openvz for me.
128’s and 512’s are currently in stock. 68 (Oops 66 now) and 142 respectively. No 256’s.
And they moved the horsy to the top of the screen:
Just saw Fran’s comment up there. Wasn’t there when I scanned this thread. The cache here at the library must be acting up.
Sorry about that.
You working off the eeePC now? Hope you enjoy it!
No, afraid not. It worked one time Monday at Panera Bread but hasn’t booted since then. Sitting beside me here charging while I’m on the library terminal.
It’s running now. Hopefully that’s a good sign.
If I buy the higher plan than plan that I bought a week ago, can I cancel my old plan and get refund?
You can just upgrade and pay the difference :)
Can I upgrade to 256 KVM plan? Must I order as usual or only send the ticket? Thanks
I thought I saw a no upgrade clause when I was checking out….
@Fran: Not for the 128MB plan correct?
For those of you who are looking for some last minute review to help you on a go/no-go decision on BuyVM, here is a review that was done a few minutes’ ago:
Basically the box remains pretty solid, and other than inconsistent I/O and not so great connection to Europe, it is a pretty good box in general.
And if you are interested in my original review that was done a few months ago, here it is:
I was getting an error msg saying there was a problem to place the order…
I was able to order from here:
Open an account at
nope, after registration I got the following msg:
Your account has not been approved
(A nice, helpful graphic posted by an IRC regular – enjoy!)
LOL, good one
i installed windows 2003 r2 disk 1, but there is no network card. its showing yellow mark on Ethernet controller from device manager. i tried to get driver from disk but still no driver found. Anyone manager to get network connection up on kvm? i see two iso disk to mount on cp.
what is the disk 2 for?
You are getting the KVM one?
I’m getting error while access the SSH, cannot ping the VPS too
please take a look at my ticket #242518
sorry about I’m post here..
but it happen to 128MB openvz plan that i just received..
Try their IRC channel, since their tickets could take days to get a response…also, did you try to use the emergency console in SolusVM? Does it show as online?
Support tickets are answered in the order they are received from Monday – Friday 8:00am to 5:00pm PDT.
Yes I have the same problem,
but it works now. I guess yours too ;)
It should be better now :)
If your IP started with 209.* there was an error on my part when I was configuring them on our router.
The subnets are all good now.
yeah it work now..
can you use wget command ?
Yes I’m able to wget test file;
100%[===============================>] 104,857,600 37.8M/s in 2.6s
100%[===============================>] 104,857,600 6.29M/s in 37s
Fran, sorry to make your server a lil’ bit busy by doing such ‘initial test’ :D
BTW, it seems like default nameservers are not functional normally. It is unable to resolve any domain.
So I have to change to another nameserver.
it fine after change the DNS..
I hope fran can solve this out asap..
Fran can u check my ticket #695767 , i am stuck.. no internet connection.
Try again.
If your IP started with 209 it should be OK now.
@Fran: my ip starts with 205… but the problem is this:
i dont have ethernet adapter… can’t even find the driver on disk… as a result no internet connection.
Did you swap to the e1000 driver? If you delete the device it should be able to find the driver on the Windows CD.
If not, i’m going to see if intel has an e1000 driver ISO.
All sounds great, except that it seems every new batch comes at the same time of day, which is 4AM my time. Right about the hardest time of day for one to be awake.
we have stock up right now if you’re after a 128 :)
We released stock to better suit asia/pacific timezones.
Cool! But I’m actually after a 256 plan. When exactly are those coming up, Francisco?
errr…I just noticed the comment bellow… Now I feel silly :(
stay tuned, they will release the OVN256mb soon,
sorry, please read, OVZ256mb. I feel so asleep.
Yes, I did get one yesterday, right after posting here:)
hi,Fran,please approve my ticket#268910 ,thanks indeed:P
Will you be releasing any OpenVZ-256MB package soon?
maybe later today or early tomorrow, I hope so :)
Just to say buyvm have stock at the moment! :) I managed to get a 128Mb system.
Just reinstalled the OS on OpenVZ using the minimal Ubuntu 10.04 image (since I had the same one with NordicVPS)…but the image is not minimal…it even has Apache running…any chance for a true barbone image?
apt-get purge will do that for you.
Don’t know why, but even if I do apt-get purge (say) apache2, the apache2 service is still running and all files related to apache is still remains. Ubuntu 10.04, 11.04, Debian, all the same.
So now I use yum on CentOS.
These are official images from OpenVZ.
We plan to get some strip down going on soon enough :) Just let us get caught up with sales.
Same thing happens to me…can’t purge that stuff…please FIX THIS!
stop daemon, remove it with update-rc.d, then apt-get remove –purge
Well what other crap do they put in it…even figured out now sendmail is running…dont call it minimal with all that crap in it. Can’t I get a really minimal image like NordicVPS has…I dont use Apache2 or sendmail…the server is really nice, but this right now kind bugged me…not everyone runs apache…
I hope we get a clean image…minimal my a**…
apache2ctl stop
apt-get remove –purge apache2*
/etc/init.d/sendmail stop
apt-get remove –purge sendmail*
Yea, I can see how issuing those commands on a new VPS as the systems admin of the box is sooooo annoying.
@Raj: Agreed. Although annoying, you should have the basic skills to strip down the system. You can also use a minimizer script made by a community member to strip down your *Debian 6* install:
Very handy script, thanks for sharing
Indeed, thanks cd.
Seems like I’m gonna try back to Debian.
My 128MB (burst 256) stripped CentOS 5 + Lighty + MySQL + PHP = ~50MB free memory after reboot :(
Thats handy…wish we could find the same thing for Ubuntu Server…well Debian it is till they update the images at BuyVM…
Tried that allready…stopped the services and the removed them. After server restart both are still up and running…can someone please give detailed instructions on how to remove them…
Does anyone notify that Fran has been asking his vps hunters to relax so long? :)
buyMV stocks are back up, :)
Is centos available on kvms or it is for windows only?
centos is available in 256mb kvm, which also include windows 2003. check the wiki.
Lots of templates available :)
I’m working on an ISO loading system to handle this.
I really did not appreciate the fact that I had to wait for account approval for almost 24 hours and ended up finding out that you guys ended up changing your mind about the approval process and I was unable to get the 128mb vps since anyone can now sign up.. what happened to first come first serve? It was not stated anywhere on top or on the website that I had to pre-register and get approved in order to get a VPS.. I found that out when I went to the IRC channel.. Initially I saw 70+? and now there is no 128mb vps left. not cool man.. definitely not cool.
Hi David,
It’s mentioned in our TOS which you checked that you accepted and read :) In the end we decided the new system wasn’t working well for a lot of people and we slimmed it back for the time being.
We spent a fair bit of time with many of our clients working on how best to make the billing go quickly since it’s what takes the longest. It seems we assumed users would actually read the TOS, though, and it just turned into a big mess and a lot of angry people. We did our best with it but it just didn’t work in the grand scale as well as we’d like.
We have more 128’s coming on Monday so if you’re still interested we’ll have 260 then.
got a vps from buyvm, got banned, got angry and got refund. those guys are not friendly. that’s all i can say. if you don’t believe, ignore me.
Would like to here buyvm’s side of the story. Fran and co are THE MOST FRIENDLIEST people in the hosting industry!
He likely refused to provide accurate account details when he signed up. We’ve had a few people that signed up and insisted on using either proxies or simply lying about their address (we aren’t going to rob your house or something, we just need it for fraud monitoring). We had at least one fellow that was connecting from Saudi Arabia but insisting on providing us with an England based address/billing information and kept claiming we were lying about where he was connecting from. In the end Aldryic removed his account and marked him as a fraud risk.
We can’t win them all, though if the user in question has a ticket I can give it a look over.
Actually I’m not who you guessed to be, and it’s not exactly “banned” but “shut down”. It’s all past and I’ve quarreled abt that enough in a ticket. Just to say, if you didn’t over-use ur CPU, ur memory OR ur bandwidth, they still have their ways to call you an abuser and shut your box down, and if you say “I didn’t violate your TOS” which is true, they’ll ADD a line in their TOS so that you do.
users can use allt he BW they pay for, same with space.
CPU’s aren’t guaranteed nor do we guarantee our Mhz. If you, say, go start up a bitcoin miner or run some hellishly ugly java app, then we’ll protect our other users on the node first before a single user.
It’s not unreasonable and i’m sure if you provide me a ticket ID we’ll see something very similar.
Again, I didn’t over-use either my CPU, my memory OR my bandwidth. After the refund my account was deleted and I put all your mails into trash bin. It’s some weird network connection thing, and again, I didn’t abuse but was called so. It’s neither a miner nor a java app, but commonly used uTorrent client for linux that you called “abusing”. I don’t wanna quarrel with you any more because I’ve had enough. Just here to be a reminder for who wanna buy their box.
For those other guys, I AM from China, and there’s a saying for guys like you: 50 Cent Party
Lol are you from China?
Don’t be angry XiaoDu. We are all family here.
What a suprise…purchased a new 512MB box at BuyVM not 2 days ago and I was planing not to renew my 128MB box in Germany (NordicVPS) when I got the mail today that Nordic will not be renewing my plan alltogether since they are terminating the whole 128MB plan.
Glad those guys only got 15$ from me a year ago…talk about reliable service…well one customer less for them, maybe they will now stop spamming me with offers…that would be a win.
They sent out this notice to all 128MB customers? can you share the email text?
When NordicVPS started their $15/year Fremont service back up after their really, really long outage, it had that note in the email that they wouldn’t be allowing renewals after the year was up. I didn’t bother with it again after that.
I did, however, renew my $15/year BuyVM VPS last month, after my first year of service.
Hmm I guess I missed that…well what is done is done…BuyVM it is now…
Yeah same as David, I didn’t bother with re-setup of this nordic vps either. It isn’t worth to bother with setup, etc.. knowing that it’s only temporal. I am not sure if I logged into it even once after their months long downtime. It’s simple no wort to bother with.
My Fremont vps from Nordic has been useful for testing my version of Lowendscript, especially as the OS is reinstalled frequently.
I have been going over the OpenVZ repo trying to find the Ubuntu 10.04 minimal image NordicVPS were using…I think I have found it:
Its the last image on the far end of the page (83 MB in size), its a slim community minimal image that has only ssh running
Could it be added so we can all enjoy a slim Ubuntu Server system?
Any news on this? It’s on the OpenVZ repos, but community made…I hope u will include it in the distro chooser…
I have two 128MB VPS with buyVM now, one with US IP address, one with Canada IP address. Even both are located on the same node, I have some kind of noticeable difference between these two hosts on ping results.
The US ip seems to be more instable than the Canada ip, regarding to the latency(60~80ms slower, averaging 390ms to China on the US ip) and the packet loss(10% more, averaging 16% on the US ip).
Just wondering whether this is normal? Is there anything I can do, or the buyVM team can do?
It’s possible that the US IPs only use the HE link.
The US ip’s are HE only so they get pretty lame latency :(
We’re working on a solution for the canadian ip’s to get on hulu and such :)
Thanks, this sounds like a great thing to expect!
Is there any news about the Canada IP being able to work around the Hulu restriction? The US IP seems pretty shabby these days… :(
I got warning from websites like Hulu and Spotify mentioning my not being U.S. then I realized I’m using my buyvm to tunnel the traffic, it will be great if you can work something out on this. :)
The vps I buy came with canada ip, if I buy another will it be US ip or is it random?
You will get one from Frantech’s IP blocks by default, the HE IPs are available on request.
this is a noob questions what does HE mean?
Hurricane Electric, a large datacenter/bandwidth provider. The US ips are from HE.
@dmmcintyre3: you mean coresite IP now since they are no longer with HE?
They are the HE IPs, and only use the HE bandwidth.
Speeds seem rather lacking to me (at least from anywhere other than CacheFly):
You can log a ticket and we’ll look into it :) At this point we’re looking at getting our routes/announecments fully cut from HE as they keep jerking things around.
Done. Hopefully it can be resolved as the same tests look even worse now.
This is just an update for people of the changes we’ve been making to stallion (our fully stand in replacement for solus).
Stallion has already supporting much of our VPS management, just it’s still wrapped in the solusVM templates. At this point we’ve added the following additions to help:
– Your Internal LAN IP is listed everywhere as you manage your VPS
– The IPv6 gateway is now listed in the IP Address listing page while on a KVM VPS
– Your Internal LAN IP is displayed on the IP Address listing page as well
– LAN IP’s are now fully static and will be placed back on when you reinstall
As you can see, the LAN IP system is nearly done, we’re rolling out the mass updates to all nodes in the next few hours.
We’re currently working on another new feature which allows ‘streaming ISOs from a URL’, meaning users can custom install any ISO that is web accessible on their KVM based VPS without requesting support/us to host the ISO.
I think I’m in love…
–2011-08-13 22:53:46–
Connecting to||:80… connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 200 OK
Length: 104857600 (100M) [application/octet-stream]
Saving to: â/dev/nullâ
100%[======================================>] 104,857,600 33.9M/s in 3.0s
lol thats some quick downloading ay
Any updates on EU servers fran?
Storage plans have been announced for tomorrow! :)
We will have limited stock of them so if you’re interested be sure to snag one up.
All other plans are loading up with stock tomorrow! 128MB KVM’s will be split to 10 per sale period (10 at 1PM, 10 at 10PM).
I should add, for the OpenVZ plans there will be 130 per sales period ;)
KVM 256 ?
They’re in stock :)
I got maxmind error. Ticket 346381
Just grabbed a kvm 128MB :P wish it was europe though, really want buyvm to be there.
Just got my self a KVM 256 :D
must be really fast to get KVM128
We’ll have more tonight :)
Does anyone get more than 2MB/sec upload from their OVZ128?
We have some network work planned sometime tonight :) there will be no downtime over it as I can just cut it over slowly.
No, I don’t get more than that — but my location is Eastern Europe which is quite a ways from their DC… I usually average 400-600kB/s upload from the VPS… but keep in mind ping is around 240ms… For $15 I can’t complain too much!
I max out my 16mbps line, from Portugal.
2MB/s isn’t fast enough?
People in Asia; HK, Sing, JP and KR can load data from my buyVM boxes in San Jose at 2.7MB/s – 4.1MB/s.
Regarding network connection speed, 123systems is amazing; all my 123systems boxes in Dallas perform at 3.2MB/s – 6.2MB/s to Asia connections. The only issue with 123systems is the IO speed which is always kept at 45MB/s-67MB/s. However, that is so good for a LEB of $15/year and 2vCore.
I am totally satisfied with buyVM and 123systems.
Aww, missed all of it.
More on the way
Of course, but when?
supposed to be 16min. ago, but might have network problem to solve first.
Hey Anthony please check my ticket and activate by OVZ128M please!
Congratulations for keeping a stable service, Francisco.
I have applied 128MB from and get the invoice paid.
However it was still pending. after submitting a ticket and refilling all missed contact, it is STILL pending for almost 24 hours. Waiting sucks.
Why wouldn’t they activate it and send a reminder ticket and request missed contact?
I have bought from Directspace, 123systems, things are almost set up immediately
But BuyVM, I am sorry, you let me wait.
So, not every host do instant activation, if you need your instance NOW you must go to other place.
There are several reasons to not activate instantly I think.
I guess so because they have not stated “instant activate”
I will live with that. I have just tooooooooooo eager to test my lovely BuyVM out.
Sorry BuyVM
Sorry about the delay :)
Anthony spent 8 hours or so hauling through sales/tickets/etc so I sent him to bed before the next 128MB sales round was supposed to start.
On another note, network speeds should be fixed for users downloading and hopefully uploading too. Our new router is in the final stages of configuring as well.
Up and running. Very smooth and nice VPS!
Me too, up and runnning :p
Lets hope latency to australia/asia gets back to normal 185 ping then
because I bought buyvm for a few reasons and 250 ping is not one of those reasons lol
You guys need a newsletter for stock announcements.
We have a mailing list? :)
*cough* Maybe adding a note and a link to the front page of would be helpful? At least I don’t see it right off.
open a ticket about preorder and you will know ;)
Never saw any link to a mailing list anywhere.
Fransico, any news regarding next re-stock?
I am looking forward for a KVM monthly plan restock!
Storage is going to be filling reserve orders as we can starting today and KVM stock is going up as well.
I doubt we’ll have enough storage stock, but we’ll be going from oldest reserve to latest, sorry to those that were waiting!
KVM stock will last a while, but snag what you can :)
Wow, thats good news :)
That’s good news!
I am ready for a KVM. Any ETA Francisco?
Likely 1PM as always :)
Just a heads up, stock can take upwards of 24 hours to provision. We’ve had some people order then cancel instantly all upset because it isn’t instant setup.
So bad I am in Hong Kong which is GMT+8..
I might needa set my alarm clock to snag my KVM
Just another question, can I just open a ticket and make a pre-order?
Grabbed two KVMs, one 128MB for debian and one 512MB for w2k3
Both running great and almost instant setup after payment!
I also decided to grab another VPS. This time, a brand new KVM-256. :-)
Waiting to get it activated!
Just a heads up to everyone:
– Private VLAN ip’s have been bound to all servers and anyone with multi assigns have been cleaned up. These IP’s are STATIC! You can see your IP by either issuing ‘ifconfig’ or by logging into solus/stallion and seeing on the left hand side of the VM page, or the IP addresses page.
KVM is still pending VLAN ip’s, we’re working quickly :)
Sorry if I’m asking stupid question, but what is the VLAN IP for? :D
Example of use?
If you have 2 VPS with Fran, then you can copy data between your servers without using the monthly bandwidth that you have assigned.
Better example, one server is your database, the other your webserver. You are saving traffic.
Also, probably using the internal network is faster than going via your external IP.
VLAN may be not a real LAN,
I tried to load a file of size 1592253858 between two boxes. The loading speed was 8M/s with the connection using LAN IP and 13M/s with the connection using internet IP. I also tried with mysql server and got a similar result. However, VLAN may help with data backup.
tinyray: I saw ~7MB/s on average (between 4MB/s and 11MB/s) for ~5GB over VLAN.
It seems they are using the same routing infrastructure for both the networks.
Ah yes I see.. it’s about bandwidth counting. Make sense.
But I doubt we’ll get better speed using VLAN IP, since it’s still route to the same hop :-?
Yes, is the same location, but probably that router has less load than the router to Internet
Thanks, buyVM,
Internal traffic is routed through the public IP and is being counted on SolusVM panel :(
In my case, server A relays a stream from server B using private IP.
On server B, the client list shows server A using public IP.
Traffic is counted in both servers.
Hmmm, so, there is absolutely no gain, LOL
It doesn’t count right now but we’re issuing a full fix for the routing later today.
The LAN should do higher than 100Mbit :) If you’re getting less just log a ticket or let me know so I can track it down.
I think there should be a routing problem. Do not need to have two different boxes for testing the case; I just used one box with self-connections using vLan and internet IPs, the data loading speeds of these connections are very similar.
I’m just throwing this out there … If anyone who snagged a BuyVM 500GB storage plan feels like parting with it, let me know :)
Hi Fran!
Haven’t been able to grab a storage plan last time, is it possible to know when you’ll release more?
Anyway, is there a way to get on some kind of queue to automatically get one once released?
Thanks :)
We’ll have a few more ;)
Great :)
Will that be announced somewhere?
Mailing list?
The KVM list & twitter :)
Ok, cool.
Hello everyone,
Our new router is prepping a cut over later today. I apologize about the short notice but it was the ideal time for us to get everything done with the smallest ‘blip’ window possible.
At this point our current router & line is rimming out at around 800mbit outbound, not good on our single gbit to the whole setup :) Our new router has an additional gbit of throughput which means users should see their upload speed issues addressed as well as download speeds staying very high the majority of the time (pretty much cachefly being the slow end of the pull).
We expect the whole thing to be about a minute or so to cut over, hopefully less since we don’t take full routing tables from our upstream (just a default route).
A VIRTIO drop down option has been added to our storage plans so be sure to swap over to it if you’re on linux, the performance improvement is frantastic. We’re still likely to hold a maintenance tonight on the storage array to see if we can address where the performance degrade is happening.
Thanks for your patience :)
Thats the reason I love BuyVM/Frantech, though there may be issues BUT they always fix their pony to get it right ASAP :)
Good job Francisco, virtio has shown performance improvements even though I never had to reinstall OS
Some people won’t need to reinstall – namely debian/ubuntu people :)
virtio helped a lot and we’re working to push support for it to our regular KVM nodes sometime today :)
The storage array is about where I think we can get it. I’m able to push 50 – 70MB/sec dd’s inside the VM’s and others report around 40 – 50MB/sec. I think at this point we’re just being held back by the fact the CPU’s aren’t brand spanking new. I’m sure if we replaced the board/CPU with a xeon E3 setup it’d get full blast.
Either way, considering things have a speed cap this will mean people can still easily max out their line before any IO limits. We have already had some people ride full 100mbit in pulling initial commits from backup servers/etc.
Thanks for for riding the pony,
Funny, buyvm, all the vps is down.
Poorly announced router maintenance, hold on tight
I think mine is down :(
Any problems?
Pinging 209.x.x.x with 32 bytes of data:
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Ping statistics for 209.x.x.x:
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 0, Lost = 4 (100% loss),
i hope they send email notifications with the announcements
not funny, they are down for maintenance it just didn’t go as smoothly as hoped i guess judging by it taking longer and coming back and down again ;P vps are all up ;P
I apologize about that, the router cut didn’t go as smoothly as we would have liked. While we had tested everything to a T, for some reason the 2nd gbit from our upstream didn’t come up.
The new router is in place and the upgraded link to the switches is in place so we’re benifiting either way. Once I debug the extra gbit port we’ll be able to add it without issue.
i thought that buyvm adding stock each monday this month
We’ve restocked :)
But you haven’t restocked storage plans.
We’ll have a few of these but very very limited.
I’m working with Anthony on the plan designations for it :)
But no kvm 256
No more announcements to mailing list?! I wish I will not be that late:(
I forgot to hit the lists today, i’ll get on that :)
two weeks ago it was the first time i’ve heard about something called VPS and since then i have tried a lot of cheap openvz, xen and vsphere providers but this one is just outstanding. i have bought openvz 512 and it’s just perfect for my needs. centos 6 and pptp works with mppe, vps was up in a few minutes. thank you guys!
Thanks for the kind words :) We do our best!
Keep up with the good work Francisco.
Hopefully there will be plans in the LA soon.
(SJ is a good location but a 2nd site is always welcomed)
Fran: any eta for storage plans?
Thanks :)
Were there any restock between :05 ~ :10 on KVM128? My cron job told me so but when I just checked (ummmm about :28 sorry) there were no more stock. I just want to make sure it worked properly.
There was some at 1PM yesterday but it didn’t last very long :)
I’ve committed our new “OS Reinstall” pages for OpenVZ based VPS’s :)
We’ve also added about 50 – 60 new templates too ;)
Screenshot? :)
It isn’t changed lots, but we’ve added categories as you can see to help organize templates properly.
It looks way more organized that way.
Thanks :)
NICE.. thanks Fran ;)
Thanks for opening up 64 bit templates for my 128mb openvz. But is it true that openzv is not efficient for 64 bit os?
It’s not perfect in a lot of things and can cause 2x RAM usage. We always recommend people use 32bit when possible.
I’m looking at the 32bit Debian 6 template myself. I was told by a *cough* certain competitor that Debain 6 was only going to be 64 bit.
They need to consider selling the crack they’re smoking instead of VPS’s then, they’d do much better at that :)
Debian has to be one of the most portable versions of Linux that expecting it to be ’64bit only’ is retarded.
Hi Francisco,
any new inventory?
I’m already a customer – but need a new VPS.
Hi Peter,
We got more on the way, just waiting on some RMA’s to come back :)
Tried to establish an internal iptable rule to establish the US_VPN by following this instruction,, unfortunately, I could not make it happy by myself.
This instruction seems pretty straight forward, and just need one rule appended to the existing iptables, but no matter what i do(restart vpn, flush iptables then redo the adding, etc.), seems i just can’t get it done right… it’s always the CA IP, and still being blocked by HULU… has anyone successfully done this? Suggestions please!
Hi Jy,
Make sure you don’t have another SNAT rule in place.
I recommend you do:
iptables -F -t nat
Then apply the SNAT rule from the VPN :)
Thanks, it worked!
Be sure to save your iptables entries :)
We plan to get it supporting UK content very soon.
Aww, I missed today’s stock. Any plans to have more 512mb openvz in the near future?
Buyvm’s staff Aldryic C’boäs shut down all of my vps just because i asked him to move my vps to a faster node. all of my data is gone and he said, “Allow me to be perfectly blunt. Your childish threats have decided the outcome of this case. You may try and spread whatever bad publicity you wish, I can promise we’ve had worse thrown at us by better people, and still walked away without a scratch.”
this is very bad
my clients are blaming why their sites are down, we are losing $300 per hour. Aldryic C’boäs said i used the same paypal account to purcahse vps from buyvm and said it’s Unauthorized Payments, even paypal didn’t say that.
i’m buyvm’s old customer since they started their business. see how they treat their customers?
If you are loosing $300/hour I am pretty sure you already have a solid backup plan that allows you to quickly deploy new boxes elsewhere and migrate your clients across. All the best with that :)
As it’s out of character of BuyVM to treat customers this way (I am getting very good service so far, and so are many others), I am sure Fran/Aldryic have an interesting story to tell :)
Hi Frank,
From what i’m hearing from Aldryic, there is 3 – 4 people paying from the same account and this is seen as a fraud risk.
He’ll be posting on here or talking to you in ticket shortly :)
@LEA – Thanks :)
To clarify – yup.
I’ve got four accounts. One with a California address, one with a UK address, two with CN addresses. All four being accessed by a CN ISP, and being paid from the same CN-named PayPal account. Rest assured, we’re taking all possible precautions to make sure the PayPal account owner will not lose their money. All services involved are currently suspending while this investigation is taking place.
As these jokers have already cost me ~5 hours today in audits and handling, I’ll just leave it at that for now so I can try and get this all resolved before morning :P
LowEndAdmin, thanks for your reply. yes, you are correct, I have a backup plan but some database files are not the newest.
buyvm staff member Aldryic C’boas just wanted to make me lose more money, if they want to investigate these issues, they can simply send an email to my paypal email address and asked if i authrozied those payment.
what a shame to trust this company for nearly one year, and i even recommended them to my friends, and i regret very much.
California address, one with a UK address. they are just my clients, they can’t bother to pay buyvm monthly then they asked me to help them pay. if you check the payment history, none of them have problems,
and i’m a genuine buyer. why buyvm’s guy Aldryic C’boas treated me this way, if you think i’m doing wrong, why not warn me before i put so many sites on my vps? i’ve ordered more than 10 vps from them, see what a disaster it would be, i’m in deep trouble while Aldryic C’boas is smiling. anyone help?
everyone, just wake up,
Imagine, one day, your friend asked you to help him pay the vps invoice from buyvm, then suddenly your friend’s vps is closed and all website data is gone.
How angry your friend will be?
Did you inform BuyVM before you pay for your friend’s invoice?
Let me paraphrase it, did you tell BuyVM that you are helping your friend to pay their invoice?
I have had an experience where I was asked to pay for a friend’s invoice. Before I do it, I inform the provider to ask for this possibility and not marked the payment as a fraud transaction. The provider then asked me to hand them a copy of my friend’s ID to match my friend’s account info, and I have to agree that if my friend breach their TOS, it is me who has to bear the responsibility.
It turned out ugly, when my friend took my kindness for granted and breached the provider’s TOS by sending unsolicited bulk e-mail. The IP assigned to my friend was listed at several blocklisting sites, and I was charged with the cleaning-up cost which is far more higher than the VPS itself. :(
Imagine one day, a fraudster comes to buy 10 VPS to “the company where I work”… how angry the owner will be?
So, is your side of the story, Aldric exposed his side too, and your problem will be solved before morning.
PS: Aldric is smiling? LOL, do you think all the people is plotting against you? So funny.
Hi Aldryic C’boäs,
My hosting service provider just sent you a message, please check that ticket and proceed. I paid google a lot for adwords and i have to feed my family by running some websites. so please reactivate my vps once you got up. Hopefully it will be just a misunderstanding. no fraudsters, no scams, no pain, no troubles.
I feed my family by working for a living :3
As a follow-up to anyone that was curious: all services were transferred to the person that actually paid for them, who has assured me there would be no more public temper tantrums from his clients. The guy was very polite, and once I explained the nuances and reasons behind our Terms of Service he was more than happy to get everything taken care of. I wish him luck with his reselling, and look forward to our future interactions.
We’ve reloading some stock :)
It’s not a lot, but we got a lot more coming next week.
anyone having the speed issue? I have reloaded the os but when I logged into SSH and enter my password, it takes almost a minute or so to login. It wasn’t like that before… :(
Ping your vps IP? I found all my boxes good as always.
I’m in node39…
Stilling waiting for UK VPN =).
Hi Fran, when I register to frantech solutions website, I receive an email stating that my account is in “pending” status, so does this means I can’t buy VPS yet?
You should be able to just place an order :)
If not lemme know!
Out of stock for $15/year plan :(
pinoy? lol
you have to wait for them to verify your registration. afterwards you can already buy
opo hehehe :)
can I run java vm on the 512mb machine?
Hi Dave,
That’s just fine, but be considerate of burst. You have 512MB so you can use a little of the burst, but if you go set your -xmX to 1024 you may end up getting the raw end of Aldryic :P We’ve had quite a few people do this then complain when they can’t login to their VPS due to lack of RAM.
May i know when openvz 128MB will be available again, Fran?
when it’s on, it takes about 40 min. to do simple yum update.
probably it’s time to be apart.
So, do you submitted a ticket? lol…
Yup, they said nothing wrong with it, so it’s my fault.
this morning I/O shows 27MB/sec and took 22 minutes to do yum update, progress isn’t it?
As Yomero stated, just send in a ticket, it could be any number of funk ups for us to check out :)
As you can see, such things aren’t common or we’d have this page flooded with it.
Weren’t you running your own local repository for a while, too?
I have 4 vps and today they posted this on my client area.
I don’t know what the heck they meant by approval.
Notice: Your account has not been approved, and cannot place orders. Please submit a Support Ticket to the Billing Department to have your account reviewed for approval.
Log a ticket and we’ll check it out :)
already did, but no answer yet.
Got 1 single VPS and just received this email from buyvm. I logon to my control panel, the usage is 0 out of 500GB. When I try to open a support ticket, I’m getting my account is not approved.
Any idea what’s going on?
“We are sending you this email because you have exceeded more than 90% of your bandwidth allocation on the virtual server listed below:”
Your virtual server may be suspended if it exceeds your limit.
Email sent on September 20, 2011, 7:41 pm
Please contact support to discuss this issue further.
Reply to my support ticket
Same for me – I guess it has been sent to all customers…
(I was very surprised, wow my little site used almost 500GB? lol)
I franned it real good as I said on twitter.
We were rebuilding how bandwidth was being calculated since the original code was doing around 60,000 queries every 15 minutes for us without any sort of IPv6 accounting to top it off. While replacing the code there was some confusion on if the stats were stored in KiloBytes or Bytes. I tried to write a script to covert one to the other but things were just so buggered that we ended up simply wiping the results.
Doing a roll back would have worked as well but in the end we decided it was simply easier less of a headache to clear the slate to give us a better checking point. Stats are populating and we’re debugging any last quirks. The new code is MUCH faster and far less abusive of our bulked out SQL server.
We’ve added some viewable IN/OUT stats for IP’s in the ‘IP Addresses’ page as well.
Either way, enjoy the reset, your stats will reset again on the 1st as they normally would!
I need to stop posting on forums at 5:40 AM, I type like i’m on AOL or something.
When are the new stocks coming?
@Francisco: I wonder when this gonna be restocked :-|
I have same question…
We’re looking at October 15th :)
Make sure you have enough stocks Fran. I am going to take leave from work on that day so I have a chance to grab one :P
Is the 15th still the date for new stock? I need to pick up a few more. Thanks!
Francisco put out the word that KVM (except Storage) plans will be restocked/released on Saturday October 15th at 1PM PDT and 10PM PDT.
how about the regular 15/yr vps?
The whole OpenVZ lineup is getting loaded up too :)
I’ve sent an email to LEA for the latest listing, we’ll see if he’s interested in posting it again :)
There is a routing issue with BuyVM and
Is there a reason that is not reachable via BuyVM? (Using it as a proxy/tunnel)