Chris from ChicagoVPS has sent us in another one of his offers, becoming a little more ridiculous than the last! He has a “taste test” $3.50 first month then $7/Month after that. Again a free 25 slot Mohawk Voice Server however this time he is also including ChicagoVPS’s new VPS Monitoring Service free as well.
Buffalo, New York
Chicago, Illinois
ChicagoVPS has been around for a while now with it becoming not unusual for Chris to offer what seems like completely unviable plans, however this is now the 9th month since the first 2GB plan ChicagoVPS offered. ChicagoVPS recently completed their DNS manager so there’s no more needing to open tickets for these tasks, and secondly they have released their new Monitoring Service which is being included free for a limited time. It seems at the moment all monitoring is done out of Chicago, however Chris comments that they have boxes being setup and sent off to other locations for the service. If you do signup share some screenshots of their DNS Manager and Monitoring Service.
Uptime Monitoring Signup Link: Direct Signup
Mohawk 25 Slot Voice Server
Signup Link: Direct Signup
Test Files & IPs:
Test IP:
Test Files:
Test IP:
Test Files:
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- ServerMania – $4/Month 512MB OpenVZ VPS in Buffalo (NY) USA & Toronto Canada - March 2, 2013
- ChicagoVPS – $21/Quarter 3GB OpenVZ in Atlanta, Buffalo, Chicago and Los Angeles - February 15, 2013
- ChicagoVPS – $7/Month 2GB OpenVZ SSD VPS in Chicago - December 26, 2012
We also have a 2GB yearly deal for both locations:
$5/month with a one year prepay using coupon code NYyr
Order here:
$5/month with a one year prepay using coupon code 2048yr
Order here:
The site says: The promotion code you entered has been applied to your cart but no items qualify for the discount yet – please check the promotion terms
what should I choose?
You should choose “Yearly” to applies this discount.
The monitoring is from a bit of everywhere. We have 2 Chicago Machines, One in Michigan, One in UK, One in Denver, One in the Netherlands, One in LA, and one coming on shortly for Buffalo.
I forgot to mention that our Free Monitoring is:
To see all of our monitoring packages:
Do either of these OpenVZ VPSes have support to be an IPSec VPN?
I thought nodes in Chicago were Gigabit, did that change?
@kkmlk Our node connectivity is of course. Your VPS is restricted.
@Cody only PPP and Tun/TAP devices. IPSec/L2TP is still not supported in OpenVZ.
How much cpu power are we getting with this package?
Just pointing out the obvious – ChicagoVPS managed to get posted 4 times out of the 6 total months this year :)
Corey, maybe Chris can give you lessons on effective spamming of Chief ;)
I approve of the previous message.
Please do!
how about xen offers?
Not this time =(.
Our Xen offers are still valid from last post
xen offer ?I wanna
Is cPanel included for free? The main site says it’s $15/month but when I go to order here I can select CentOS w/ cPanel and it’s showing the $3.50 then $7/month. If there was an extra charge I assume it would show here
It’s just OS with cPanel installation – not with cPanel licence. You can use it over standard cPanel trial period and then buy licence.
any idea for the cost of cpanel?
$15 a month.
No special coupons in light of your buffalo launch? ;-)
Not this time =( I was told no.
Damn! Still a fantastic offer though.
Can I transferee my server Chicago, Illinois (with previous offer) to Buffalo, New York.
Do I have to cancel one and reopen new one or it can be continues?
I see the NY one has 2 IP. Are the servers same quality?
We are not doing transfers unfortunately. You will have to order a new VPS.
Chicago VPS OPENVZ 2GB Ram
BYTE UNIX Benchmarks (Version 5.1.3)
System: GNU/Linux
OS: GNU/Linux — 2.6.18-274.7.1.el5.028stab095.1 — #1 SMP Mon Oct 24 20:49:24 MSD 2011
Machine: i686 (i386)
Language: en_US.utf8 (charmap=”UTF-8″, collate=”UTF-8″)
CPU 0: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E31270 @ 3.40GHz (6784.9 bogomips)
Hyper-Threading, x86-64, MMX, Physical Address Ext, SYSENTER/SYSEXIT, SYSCALL/SYSRET, Intel virtualization
CPU 1: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E31270 @ 3.40GHz (6784.4 bogomips)
Hyper-Threading, x86-64, MMX, Physical Address Ext, SYSENTER/SYSEXIT, SYSCALL/SYSRET, Intel virtualization
CPU 2: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E31270 @ 3.40GHz (6784.5 bogomips)
Hyper-Threading, x86-64, MMX, Physical Address Ext, SYSENTER/SYSEXIT, SYSCALL/SYSRET, Intel virtualization
CPU 3: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E31270 @ 3.40GHz (6784.6 bogomips)
Hyper-Threading, x86-64, MMX, Physical Address Ext, SYSENTER/SYSEXIT, SYSCALL/SYSRET, Intel virtualization
20:16:05 up 1:34, 1 user, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00; runlevel 3
Benchmark Run: Wed Jun 27 2012 20:16:05 – 20:44:23
4 CPUs in system; running 1 parallel copy of tests
Dhrystone 2 using register variables 13253894.5 lps (10.0 s, 7 samples)
Double-Precision Whetstone 2798.7 MWIPS (10.1 s, 7 samples)
Execl Throughput 4992.5 lps (30.0 s, 2 samples)
File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks 506318.8 KBps (30.0 s, 2 samples)
File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks 150525.8 KBps (30.0 s, 2 samples)
File Copy 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks 1317380.7 KBps (30.0 s, 2 samples)
Pipe Throughput 990793.1 lps (10.0 s, 7 samples)
Pipe-based Context Switching 197933.5 lps (10.0 s, 7 samples)
Process Creation 15864.2 lps (30.0 s, 2 samples)
Shell Scripts (1 concurrent) 4807.0 lpm (60.0 s, 2 samples)
Shell Scripts (8 concurrent) 1478.1 lpm (60.0 s, 2 samples)
System Call Overhead 770846.5 lps (10.0 s, 7 samples)
System Benchmarks Index Values BASELINE RESULT INDEX
Dhrystone 2 using register variables 116700.0 13253894.5 1135.7
Double-Precision Whetstone 55.0 2798.7 508.9
Execl Throughput 43.0 4992.5 1161.0
File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks 3960.0 506318.8 1278.6
File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks 1655.0 150525.8 909.5
File Copy 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks 5800.0 1317380.7 2271.3
Pipe Throughput 12440.0 990793.1 796.5
Pipe-based Context Switching 4000.0 197933.5 494.8
Process Creation 126.0 15864.2 1259.1
Shell Scripts (1 concurrent) 42.4 4807.0 1133.7
Shell Scripts (8 concurrent) 6.0 1478.1 2463.5
System Call Overhead 15000.0 770846.5 513.9
System Benchmarks Index Score 1019.6
Benchmark Run: Wed Jun 27 2012 20:44:23 – 21:13:07
4 CPUs in system; running 4 parallel copies of tests
Dhrystone 2 using register variables 38610996.2 lps (10.0 s, 7 samples)
Double-Precision Whetstone 10416.8 MWIPS (10.1 s, 7 samples)
Execl Throughput 13047.8 lps (30.0 s, 2 samples)
File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks 487981.7 KBps (30.0 s, 2 samples)
File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks 136631.6 KBps (30.0 s, 2 samples)
File Copy 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks 1289881.7 KBps (30.0 s, 2 samples)
Pipe Throughput 2815935.9 lps (10.0 s, 7 samples)
Pipe-based Context Switching 907899.9 lps (10.0 s, 7 samples)
Process Creation 43930.8 lps (30.0 s, 2 samples)
Shell Scripts (1 concurrent) 12781.3 lpm (60.0 s, 2 samples)
Shell Scripts (8 concurrent) 1831.5 lpm (60.1 s, 2 samples)
System Call Overhead 2313699.2 lps (10.0 s, 7 samples)
System Benchmarks Index Values BASELINE RESULT INDEX
Dhrystone 2 using register variables 116700.0 38610996.2 3308.6
Double-Precision Whetstone 55.0 10416.8 1894.0
Execl Throughput 43.0 13047.8 3034.4
File Copy 1024 bufsize 2000 maxblocks 3960.0 487981.7 1232.3
File Copy 256 bufsize 500 maxblocks 1655.0 136631.6 825.6
File Copy 4096 bufsize 8000 maxblocks 5800.0 1289881.7 2223.9
Pipe Throughput 12440.0 2815935.9 2263.6
Pipe-based Context Switching 4000.0 907899.9 2269.7
Process Creation 126.0 43930.8 3486.6
Shell Scripts (1 concurrent) 42.4 12781.3 3014.5
Shell Scripts (8 concurrent) 6.0 1831.5 3052.5
System Call Overhead 15000.0 2313699.2 1542.5
System Benchmarks Index Score 2170.6
what kernel is it for OVZ?
We still prefer and utilize 2.6.18 OpenVZ kernels.
irc related processes allowed? eg znc/psybnc/eggdrop
private socks5 proxy allowed? (passworded and ip access list)
how much are extra IP’s per month? (IPV4)
do any IPV6 come with either package?
DNS manager handles all Reverse DNS entries?
thanks in advance.
Hello yes to everything :)
Additional IP’s are $2
Except to DNS manager which we still have to set the rDNS.
I hate when chris does this…..
I want to try for a month for $7 and I like the performance I want to buy it anually for 5$/mo. Is it possible to change billing cycle (and promotion code I used) at the end of the first month, or do I have to buy a new VPS athe end of the month, anually this time?
Yes you can do this
Trialling one of these now. Early impressions are that this will make for a nice Minecraft server for my nephews.
Anyone who’s ordered NY, can you put up a test file and/or an IP address to ping/traceroute? Thanks!
Test Files & IPs:
Test IP:
Test Files:
Test IP:
Test Files:
(you most likely overlooked)
From my location both of ips are same speed, about 270 ping.
Is shoutcast allowed?
Its been 4 months with this provider, I’m happy with the performance & very stable.keep up the good work guys.
You are on the 2G, $7 plan? What applications do you run in it? I’m wondering how much of the 2G you are actually using. Thanks.
Hi Paul,
I’m using squid/webphp/shoutcast/opensource apps for my research.
Thanks for the review.
$3.5 the first month for a try then upgrade to $60/year. Is that possible?
Hello yes it is :)
hey chris,
I want to do that too 3.50 and to 60/year plan.
How do I change from 3.5 to annual plan? Do I have to open the ticket for it when the end of the month?
how much additional bandwidth?
Open a support ticket and we can talk there
I am almost certainly going to get one of the packages with you and was wondering. If I sign up with a temporary subdomain now, can I easily change it in the future. I am going to host a minecraft server and we have yet to decide upon a name.
Yes it can be changed at anytime
Hi Cris, I’m reposting tinyrays’ comment since I’m interested as well: $3.5 the first month for a try then upgrade to $60/year. Is that possible?
If so, how would a user go about doing the “upgrade/change”?
Thank you.
After first month and if you end up liking it, just open a ticket and I will take care of you :)
Thanks Chris. U the men! :)
Man that is a heck of a price!
If I pay for 12 months, will the price be subject to change after this period?
No the price you signup with is the price for life ( with the exception of the $3.50 first month )
Also, I’m assuming I’m free to modify Apache’s vhost configuration to map multiple domains to the server, no? Just curious.
Yes you can :)
I have ordered one.
However, no support for PPP?
Ideal, we do support PPP and Tun/Tap. Just open a ticket and we can enable it for you.
Ticket ID920964. Waiting for reply. Thanks.
Fantastic server, price and support. A+ gentlemen, I couldn’t be happier :)
will you support vswap soon?
I do not think we will
Hi, If i order for a annual plan for $60/year, can i have cpanel addon payable monthly? It is a great deal, but when we take cpanel annual cost, looks prohibitive. Thanks for the awesome deal
Yes you can do cPanel monthly.
when there is IPv6 available ?
Not for awhile. I keep stamping my feet around and begging, but…no. It’s always no. =(
For the annual Buffalo, New York deal. Does it include 2 ip’s?
I’ve checked both signup links. The NY link shows the right prices except for the annual discount.
The Chicago link is showing prices in the 20+ dollar range! Is this ok?
You need to enter the correct promo code for the annual discount at checkout. You will see the final price with discount before you pay. (no affiliation with the company – just answering the question)
Pezzy is correct :)
My experience with “ChicagoVPS – $7/Month 2GB OpenVZ VPS in Buffalo NY,”
For the first 24 hours,
Its since then however,
what is your test io program ?
Not sure what you are doing to get those results but we do not offer burstable ram. Please open a ticket so we can fix whatever is wrong
updates on my box,
IO: Back to ~150MB/s, amazing!
RAM: It was my mistake, 2G dedicated RAM absolutely, extremely good.
MySql server on 64-bit platforms runs like a charm. Thanks Jared @chicagovps for excellent suggestion. You guys just awesome!
Glad to hear :)
I read the acceptable use policy, but I want to be certain. Is the hosting of game servers (Minecraft, in particular) an acceptable use of the server?
Of course, we host hundreds of MC servers :)
Hello Jeremiah, rWHOIS can be changed for the 2 IPs that you give with NY servers?
I must also share my experience with ChicagoVPS. Its a value for money service. Their free montoring isnt as good as you would expect. Probably they just had some troubles with starting that monitoring service.
Overall i must say that ChicagoVPS can face BuyVM in quality which is -in my eyes- the real top of a quality on lowendbox market.
What’s your issues with their monitoring?
OMG, Francisco, you should take care of Chris, :)
If you would like to explain the problems with the monitoring here or at my email so we can work on getting them fixed up that would be great.
my email jshinkle [at] chicagovps [dot] net.
I didn’t mean to say that ChicagoVPS monitoring is a bad service. There were only some issues at the time it started. It’s working fine now.
I just receieved some alerts that my VPS was down, however it was still running. I even checked that manually via ping/ssh from other places. That happened on: Sun, 10 Jun 2012 08:05:11 -0500 (monitoring node Chicago 1); Sun, 10 Jun 2012 03:57:51 -0500 (monitoring node Chicago 1); Sun, 10 Jun 2012 08:05:11 -0500 (monitoring node Chicago 1); Thu, 14 Jun 2012 07:09:46 -0500 (monitoring node Chicago 1).
It is working flawlessly since 14th of June.
Maybe the monitoring server went down / had packetlosss to your vm.
Hello, can anyone that ordered The Buffalo, New York VPS – write down the cpu and i/o speed test :
cat /proc/cpuinfo
dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=16k count=64k conv=fdatasync
and also d/l – wget
Here is my results from my new york vps, so far it’s been great for me.
Thank you Makaze !
it’s really great results for the Buffalo New York VPS ! i’ll think i make an order for this vps soon.
just don’t do what I did and repeatedly ordered one in chicago by mistake :D
they still fixed me up either way.. but i must of been in a stupid phase or something :)
i clicked on
$5/month with a one year prepay using coupon code 2048yr
Order here:
but there is no option of using the coupon code and on top of that the offer is $84 wherein it should be $60
Can you please check and let me know
are there any discount for windows vps plans?
Please do NOT do business with these people. Their business practices are so bad they don’t respond to BBB complaints.
I have responded to the only BBB complaint we have received in our 4 years of business.
Nope, that is a blatant lie. The complaint I opened in May was closed because “The time limit has exceeded while waiting for a response from the business”
I’d just like to point this out.
I don’t work for the company, but I do have a VPS with them. I’ve only had one outage so far in the two weeks I’ve had it, and their support said it was a busted switch – out of their control. I don’t like seeing a company accused of something they didn’t do.
It’s really awesome how they can go this affordable for the type of product they are selling. I used ChicagoVPS a couple of months ago for testing several open source applications for marketing, and I’ve always been very happy with their 1 GB VPS deals.
Is the NY2 promo still available?
Are those Mohawk Voice Servers mainly just for gaming?
The Mohawk Voice can be used for whatever you want but yes it is mostly used by games as a replacement for Ventrilo or TeamSpeak.
The proco codes are still good as well :)
Do you offer free migration? I already setup a few cpanel vps from UK but still want to transfer out to US for best speed.
Also with cPanel, did you set 2nd quota level as default?
Please open up a ticket about both your questions and we can get an answer for you
Sorry for multiple questions. How about upgrade cores? Can you provide price and maximum cores?
Hi Chris,
Already created support ticket #337148.
very happy with chicagoVPS. fast speeds, good IO, and no downtime
I’m back after installing a few vps. ChicagoVPS has good price, however their network isn’t good as I think. Compare with my current vps, it shows on just-ping package lost around 80-100% (My VPS shows Okey for all connections).
where did you ping from?
I know what is my bad network. This is why I tested from just-ping dot com. :)
To my boxes, I get lost only with pinging from Beijing and Hong Kong, China using justping. Are these locations you meant?
chicagovps has good network connection to EC and EU, not to China.
Maybe I will ask for switching to another node.
There should be no packet loss, I am seeing none at all from multiple locations
Colocrossing had an outage about 40 mins ago :)
Jack his reply here was way before the attack
Oh was it an attack all I knew that everyone thought the world ended because LET/LEB was down.
Anyway sorry for bashing your sales.
I’ll leave now :)
Did you try ping a few ips on your vps’s plans from just-ping dot com?
Hello Jeremiah, rWHOIS can be changed for the 2/1 IPs that you give with NY/Chicago servers..?
How much CPU cores are provisioned with 2048MB Dedicated Ram on both locations?
I think this is 4 core :) 2.5Ghz per core. (Maybe, I don’t login into WHM).
Is this offer still on “2048MB Dedicated Ram
50GB Diskspace
2TB Bandwidth
100Mbps Port
1x IPv4 Address
Free Uptime Monitoring
And if so, is it just one month, or for ever as long as you pay ?
its recurring/montly :)
comparing Chicago and Buffalo test :)
Chicago test
Buffalo test
Sweet, I think I will buy one, and I got that I have to pay monthly, $7 a month for that type of VPS, Massive thumbs up :)
My vps with chicagoVPS in Buffalo, using Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1270, is the fastest VPS I ever have.
Does Chicago VPS support Java? I would like to run a Tomcat server. Is Ubuntu 12.04 available for installation? At my current provider Virpus Networks it’s available but they are having technical issues so when you install it your VPS will not start. If the answer to both of these is yes I think I will switch.
Pardon me if i’m being rude but i’m quite sceptical, i’m hoping to setup a minecraft vps. How long have these guys been running, how are they so cheap?
Thank you :)
We are the best in what we do, and have been around since 2009. We host hundreds of MC servers, so there should be no problem
I picked up one of these and am ready to move, but I’m honestly a bit nervous. My forum is currently hosted at a reputable fully managed host (1GB RAM/100GB disk/cPanel for $50/month) where I’ve had 0 problems and lightning fast support. I don’t need their management services or the $50 price tag though. I do need solid uptime for my forum users. The $50/month price tag that I’m paying now is just getting to me. This is a much better deal and my VPS that I got to evaluate has been online for 11 days (since it was activated). Decisions, decisions. Just go for it and hope for the best?
Nothing on the earth is best,
I’ma user and the service is beginning to be slow
sadly I’ve started to notice the same thing. I have a 2G vps on buffalo node 3, and signed up for a 128 meg vps and it also got put on node 3.. so I can only assume there is a bunch more 128s landing on there.
My VPS was very fast the first two days, then, since a week ago, it has slowed down. Its now twice slower than it was.
Open up a ticket so we can take a look
I sent in three tickets but they always replied that’s OK. :)
bad thing is it’s intermittent as well.. sometimes I get 61.4 MB/s via the dd test, and other times 5 MB/s.
I could see on the 128, but the 2G one should be preforming a little bit better. If it keeps up I’ll open a ticket as well.
Please open up a ticket as we would like to investigate this for you
right now mine is fine, if it goes to the dumper again i’ll open a ticket.
First question: how long will the $7/month rate last? That seems like a fantastic price for those specs, but almost too good to be true.
Second question: would this VPS be appropriate for a not-too-big video blog site? We are currently sitting at 25 GB of files and ~300 GB monthly bandwidth usage, both well within the 50 GB / 2 TB limits. Just looking for an upgrade over our current shared hosting, and the ability to run a mod_h264 plugin for our videos.
Don’t mind my MYSQL, im still setting it up.
DNS manager:
Cachefly test:
by the time I have bought 2, but if you already lentea
I have bought Buffalo, New York Package but here is the problem:
Speed is slow.
My VPS is offline for many hours now and that’s without any reason. I tried to reboot it many times through my VPS CP but it didn’t work. It takes more than 5 minutes to complete a command like boot, reboot etc…
My second day with this and 1 outage,2 hours till now. Too much for http server. Hope just can be a coincidence, many good words to them.
check this
not just you, all nodes in the buffalo have network disconnected.
Also just noticed my node is down. Nothing on their twitter about it though. Boots fail.
Can ping, but that is it (my node falls in that space).
Our upstream has some issues, and the switch we were on was defective. There was nothing we could do but wait.
Thank you for your patience.
im very happy :)
Glad to hear you like it :)
Thumbs up for support. Good and fast answering.
I highly, highly, highly, (did I say highly) recommend Chicago VPS. Chris and the staff have been nothing short of helpful, and amazing. Great deal, great service, great guys.. Thanks again. I have 3 vps’s with them, and will get more.
is the 2048 deal still going on?
nvm guys i’ll go with the buffalo new york location :)
I sign up just two weeks ago, starting with a so inconvenient fiber blackout but after a 100% uptime, and planning stay for long long time. My users even glad too
Stuff in Buffalo, bottom line, very bad.
I asked Chris, Saturday, July 7th, 2012 (14:18), for the CPU information of their OVZ in Chicago, he said “They are E3 1270 CPU. Extremely fast. :).” I just ordered and got this one:
This box is twice slower than my unused box, of the same configurations, at BLUEVM.
I sent in a cancellation request already. Not know its refundable. Will update…
that is what you call sales talk.
yes, it is. unbelievable…
just sent in another cancellation request too. I’d rather wait for buyvm in NY. :)
mine in
CPU model : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1270 V2 @ 3.50GHz
Number of cores : 4
CPU frequency : 3492.293 MHz
Total amount of ram : 2048 MB
Total amount of swap : 0 MB
check stock on
I/O speed : 164 MB/s
this is the low standard today, still for medium web is very stable up to 300 users concurrent.
A Carrasco: is your box on Chicago VPS19?
Buffalo VPS4
mine in buffalo, buff4, is just fine, but the one in Chicago, node19, is too bad. That is why I asked Chris a couple weeks ago to make sure. he likely gave me the wrong information.
God I love people that are oblivious to the world :) I did not lie. Every new build since Jan 2012 has been E3 1270 CPU’s. How can I control what node our auto install put you on? It saw that node had more room so it stuck you there. Stop spreading lies about us, as it is not needed. I just dont think you understand simple logic and would rather waste your time bad mouthing providers.
I even offered you to be put on a new box, which I DID. Wake up and realize your wrong.
– Chris
I did nothing wrong, but you the one put me on a node different to what you told me. In this case, you are absolutely a big liar. In addition, please check with Jeremiah Shinkle to learn how badly your VPS performed compared with my unused box at BLUEVM. Its no way to compare your products with other providers like URPAD or buyvm.
Wake up Chris!!!
In reply, I don;t care the shitty logic in your mind. Hopefully you take it yourself when treating the people who violate your TOS.
You are delirious. Im done talking to you, put in a cancellation so we can part ways. I have thousands of very happy clients and one crazy Tinyray, I dont need it :)
how look your BLUEVM VPS? CPU? BurstRAM. need to add one more maybe in kansas
I have only one VPS with BLUEVM, in LA
Its not as stable as my other boxes with buyvm, SJ, but faster network speed.
Your cancel button have many work to do.
The only thing I can say is that its bad at every aspect.
Just want to say, other than the outage a couple weeks ago (not their fault), my VPS has been awesome. My websites are so much faster than before, and my forum users also see the speed increases.
Now I just need to figure out what to do with all the ram!
processor : 0
vendor_id : GenuineIntel
cpu family : 6
model : 58
model name : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1270 V2 @ 3.50GHz
stepping : 9
cpu MHz : 3492.249
cache size : 8192 KB
physical id : 0
siblings : 8
core id : 0
cpu cores : 4
He didn’t lie…..
From my Buffalo, New York VPS.
I just can’t get good download speed. I have tried on 3 different times. Is this normal?
BABAH was getting
2012-07-06 12:08:48 (35.0 MB/s) – `100mb.test’ saved [104857600/104857600]
I am only 1/3 of it.
I noticed that as well.
I am not to worried though. Technically, they are offering a 100mb port, so getting 3/4 of that shouldn’t be to bad.
I don’t host enough to notice that I am not getting 35MB/s. The response time of the server is more important to me right now.
Chris Check the Support Tickets, i have issue with 2nd level quotas since 3 days, its very simple to resolve.
TUN/TAP driver is unavailable. Just ordered one instance, unable to start openvpn even after I enabled TUN/TAP through control panel. Opened a ticket, still not answered …
Waiting for almost 4 days upon ordering my VPS at Chicagovps but until now still TUN/TAP issue did not resolve.
Hi Chris,
i’ve got 2 problems now. I just realised this awesome package but i am having a pending purchase with your Buffalo VPS. Can i cancel the Buffalo VPS purchase and go ahead with this offer?
The 2nd problem is, i found out that your system don’t accept my CC as i am from Malaysia. :(
Please kindly advice
– Beware using this hosting, my money get stolen from this hosting
– very-very slow support
– i request my money back but they not responded.
I have not had much issue with their support, every request I’ve submitted got answered quickly. I’ve done rDNS requests a few times, and got answers back within 5 minutes once, and an hour the next. (with low priority set on the tickets).
If your contacting sales/billing, they generally only work business hours.
Wow great,your staff close my ticket without the answer.
you can see at this picture :
We answered your question, this is an unmanaged service so it is up to you to configure WHM
that’s weird, i buy with cpanel but i didn’t have my cpanel,,that is totally SCAM.
Shows you have cPanel to me, obviously you are not ready to manage your own services.
Nope, they haven’t replied me within 5mins.
@makaze: i’ve tried your method by sending same questions to “Billing” and “Support”.
But sadly, none replied. Strange thing is that they can merged it but not reply to me. How ironic.
if your request is sales/billing (guessing from your earlier post), then they would move them to billing/sales even if put in the support queue. That’s common practice with most providers.
It depends on what your ticket is. All tickets Are answered that I see
Sorry Chris,
my tickets are not answered yet. #831596
Neither is #700696
Are you sure you have the right provider? Non of those ticket numbers are valid ticket numbers in our system.
ChicagoVPS and BuffaloVPS belong to same parent company?
Ok, i submitted ticket via my BuffaloVPS acct.
@Chris: are you able to help with that?
@makaze: not really. I’ve been using several VPS vendors for last 5yrs.
It’s the first time that i have a major screwed up situation.
But machine wise, they are pretty decent.
Can’t say the same for service though. :(
What exacctly is wrong with the service? There are no known issues
Hi Chris,
could u kindly reply to my tickets. It’s kind of urgent and involves my privacy and personal data.
Been waiting for last 16hrs for someone to reply. Thanks.
Greatly appreciate that.
As stated aboove, are you even a client? Those ticket numbers are not found in our database
Yes i am a customer for both BuffaloVPS and ChicagoVPS.
But i think i just realised that i am complaining about my BuffaloVPS acct. :(
This is a totally different topic then :) BuffaloVPS is kind of on its own now
@Chris: As i’ve seen that you replied for both ChicagoVPS and BuffaloVPS, i thought u could kindly help.
If not, i will continue to wait for the BuffaloVPS personnel.
On it’s own now? Cos their Live Chat still points back to ChicagoVPS.
Do you know whom i can speak to? Cos my account there is in a mess at the moment.
I want to resolve that issue ASAP. :(
never run out of stock?? : S
Never! :-D
Hello Mr. Criss, I opened a ticket and I not have responded to the new question that I have done is very important because on it depends the renewal of my service
The worst thing with ChicagoVPS is response time in support, i understand outages for network (2 huge this month) issues but no when mixed with unresponsive support. I send 2 tickets about setup for my OpenVZ container who only they can solve even with unmanaged service they must do it. I recommend this VPS Provider but not for critical web sites or web services.
For the $7 a month one, is it just $7 for the first month, or $7 for every month?
It is every month. That is what I am paying now.
you have already asked about this 1 month ago. :)
Bought a VPS on ChicagoVPS’s Buffalo VPS1 Node couple of months ago. This node has been down for over 6 hours now. 2nd time in about 2 weeks! Chris’s support has been pretty darn good up to now, but this time around no reply to ticket for over 6 hours as well, prompting me to comment here. Maybe will get some action this way…
I also have a VPS with them in Chicago. They seem to have things well under control there. Great plan and pretty smooth sailing since beginning of this year. But I suggest staying away from Buffalo for now, especially given Chris’s seeming washing his hands off their Buffalo operation above (“BuffaloVPS is kind of on its own now”). I’m planning a move off Buffalo myself…
Quick update: ChicagoVPS’s Buffalo node is now down over 12 hours. Still no answer to support tickets.
I’m very unhappy to report that ChicagoVPS’s Buffalo VPS1 node has now been down for over 24 hours! No answer to support tickets in over 24 hours! The other VPS I have with them in Chicago runs smoothly, but Chris and Jeremiah disappeared. Weird!
Ooops! Sorry. Down for 18 hours, not 24 hours.
Stop spamming this thread, it wont make us work any faster. The node has failed memory and as you can imagine the amount of tickets/work load it requires to move everyone and get a new node in place is a lot. Please be patient and everyone will get credits for the downtime
Are you dense?
“But I suggest staying away from Buffalo for now, especially given Chris’s seeming washing his hands off their Buffalo operation above (“BuffaloVPS is kind of on its own now”). I’m planning a move off Buffalo myself…”
What does that have anything to do with ChicagoVPS? Absolutely nothing. All that was meant by my comment was that was on its own not the location itself. If you dont know what you are talking about, you probably shouldn’t speak, period.
Typical LEB comment and typical LEB user who uses this area as a support area similar to WHT/LET
for more information about this provider.
if you can not try to access this URL
Nice report and overwiev. Thanks.
Thanks for answering, Chris, even if your reply is not very helpful (more below). If you don’t like what you call “spam”, maybe you could do your client(s) the courtesy of – at a bare bones minimum – a brief reply to their tickets. Over 18 hours’ downtime and no reaction from support has to be a record, at least from where I sit. Maybe, as you say, I’m dense (although I prefer to call it “confused”) by your and others remarks here about your second d.b.a. ( But speaking of “dense”, Chris, maybe you should take a look in a mirror first. You are showing a complete lack of understanding of how your actions (or seeming lack thereof) impact on other peoples’ business. Tech stuff is where things sometimes break down, resulting in downtime. That’s why I have not one, but five VPS servers. What I need is TIMELY information enabling me to make informed decisions – for example prompting me to drop everything and waste most of the day to migrate a VIP client’s websites to another VPS (I’m pretty new at this stuff and have not yet developed the tools to set up the complex environment needed efficiently).
This is what I call basic tech support, at which you have failed misreably today, Chris. I can only hope that you can get over your anger at my posting in a public forum – for lack of reaction from you in private! – and focus on the key issue here: providing timely information to your clients! As you correctly point out, making repairs takes time and this exchange here is a waste of both your and my time. However, in all your bluster you forgot to give badly needed information: what time frame do you estimate for the repair??
Your VPS has been back up for hours, apparently you were unaware.
You are right, Chris – I am unaware. At present, same as for the past 20+ hours, my client SolusVM CP is still showing:
Status: Offline
Node: Buffalo VPS1
Maybe you need to enable my VPS or something? Anyways, maybe continue this in the tech support area…?
2 minutes ago criss open a ticket for taking advantage of these online want your help thanks.
I had started this off and it’s only fair I report back how it has ended. Apparently, Chris was right, the node was back up and I was unaware. They did not tell me and neglected to boot up the virtual hosts together with the main node, hence my client SolusVM CP continued to show my VPS offline. I tried rebooting and my VPS came right back up and works great, same as before the outage. Like I said in my long post above (sorry about that rant) there is nothing wrong with ChicagoVPS service that keeping clients a little better informed can’t fix.
Hi Hahn. At the time of my first posts I was not at all sure what was going on with ChicagoVPS, BuffaloVPS or whatever – especially so after reading previous posts here on this subject. Not used to whole nodes going dead for hours on end and no response from tech support whatsoever. I decided to post here in the hope of eliciting some comment from anybody out there who may have information on what is going on with ChicagoVPS. My heartfelt apologies to you and any others who feel I have broken protocol here.
Stay off the Buffalo VPS, the one in Chicago is fine however bought one of each (Buffalo was going to be my live server, and Chicago was going to be used for development), needless to say not a very fun experience with the Buffalo VPS I just requested it be canceled, I have not had any problems with the Chicago one however.
Support is slow to reply.
PING for proof: (Twice to prove consistency)
C:\Users\Philip>ping -n 20
Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=57ms TTL=47
Reply from bytes=32 time=59ms TTL=47
Reply from bytes=32 time=69ms TTL=47
Reply from bytes=32 time=59ms TTL=47
Reply from bytes=32 time=59ms TTL=47
Reply from bytes=32 time=69ms TTL=47
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
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Reply from bytes=32 time=121ms TTL=47
Reply from bytes=32 time=122ms TTL=47
Reply from bytes=32 time=80ms TTL=47
Reply from bytes=32 time=82ms TTL=47
Reply from bytes=32 time=59ms TTL=47
Reply from bytes=32 time=57ms TTL=47
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Reply from bytes=32 time=77ms TTL=47
Request timed out.
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 20, Received = 14, Lost = 6 (30% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 57ms, Maximum = 122ms, Average = 73ms
C:\Users\Philip>ping -n 20
Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=93ms TTL=47
Request timed out.
Reply from bytes=32 time=57ms TTL=47
Request timed out.
Reply from bytes=32 time=76ms TTL=47
Reply from bytes=32 time=68ms TTL=47
Reply from bytes=32 time=57ms TTL=47
Reply from bytes=32 time=57ms TTL=47
Request timed out.
Reply from bytes=32 time=69ms TTL=47
Reply from bytes=32 time=73ms TTL=47
Reply from bytes=32 time=59ms TTL=47
Reply from bytes=32 time=81ms TTL=47
Reply from bytes=32 time=69ms TTL=47
Request timed out.
Request timed out.
Reply from bytes=32 time=83ms TTL=47
Reply from bytes=32 time=68ms TTL=47
Request timed out.
Reply from bytes=32 time=57ms TTL=47
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 20, Received = 14, Lost = 6 (30% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 57ms, Maximum = 93ms, Average = 69ms
Beware, these are completely useless CPU-wise.
My small CPU benchmark that requires no additional software:
Reference systems:
A VPS from this offer, in Buffalo:
About 20 times slower than my fastest VPS.
About 8 times slower than the next in the benchmark results.
Certainly $7 for 2048 GB was too good to be true.
Probably all those “hundreds of Minecraft servers” completely boggling down the CPU?
The support’s only response is “You are already on our fastest node”.
So my conclusion is to recommend everyone to stay away from this company.
Luckily it was only an $3.5 mistake for me.
@rm, good point,
an illness CPU cannot eat that big RAM cake, :)
Hello again, I would love to buy multiple VPS’s but because you dont have windows OS they are no good to me, so could you get windows 2008 os or not? :/
This is OpenVZ which cannot run Windows.
if they can monitor the abusers then their VPS should be very good.
However, never experienced downtime, hard to leave without regrets.
In 23rd August I opened a ticket asking for a refund (I paid in 17th August for the period from 24th Augusto to 24th September).
I do not want to continue with VPS.
I asked a refund (Ticket #698593) and the Ticket was closed WITHOUT any answer.
Please, CANCEL THE VPS (I haven’t had time to use it) refund my money or I will need to ask it direct to Paypal.
I can not understand why your company CLOSED my ticket without reply it.
Today is the day to CONTINUE or NOT with the server. I do not want to continue.
I paid in 17th for a MISTAKE.
Refund my money and cancel the server.
Thank you for reply at least here.
First thing: I do not know why my comments are not appearing here. Strange. System must be with a problem.
Let me try again:
I can not believe.
They answered me ONLY TODAY (minutes ago) to say: WE DO NOT OFFER REFUND.
I will reply here, too, because I think others members NEED to know how your company works:
“I paid in 17th of AUGUST for something that will start in 24th AUGUST.
I paid it BEFORE the time.
I do not want to continue with this server.
I have not used it for anything.
I paid for a period from 24 August to 24 September.
I ask you to CANCEL the payment I made by MISTAKE.
You sent me an EMAIL in 17th August. For this I paid it in a Wrong way.
REFUND my money. I am not asking you to GIVE ME BACK for a period that
has already PAST.
I paid for a FUTURE PERIOD and I do not want to continue with it.
Or do I need to DRAW?”
I can not give a review about how FAST or GOOD this server was. I did not use it for more than a few days.
The problem here is not about the server.
It is about a perfect client (that do not ask anything for a period and pay every time before the day) that made a PAYMENT in a mistake (I do not have only one server).
Before the BEGINNING PERIOD from the 30 day (23rd of August) I asked for a refund.
THEY CLOSED my ticket without reply.
Then I opened it AGAIN.
Today I received the message from Chris:
“We do not offer refunds”.
I opened a dispute in Paypal.
If you do not reply me in next 3 days there I will ask PayPal to give its decision.
And sure: I WILL NEVER want to use your servers again and I hope some people know what can happen with them, too.
In the ticket your english was very poor, I was not understanding what you were asking. All you had to say was that you already paid for a period in which did not start. You did not state this.
Second, since you escalated to paypal dispute it is out of our hands.
First : You’re a Gangster
Second : You’re a Gangster
Third : You’re a Gangster
If you don’t “undestanding” about a ticket, you must answer about the misunderstanding for clarify yourself and not closing tickets as you do.
Interesting as my English improved quickly, no?
Explain to us:
One. Why TICKET was closed without being answered?
2nd. Why not ask what do not you understand?
I (me, not you or they) and others interested people ASK the other to clarify on what we do not understand, especially when the other person is a client. From what I could tell, you only meets people who have a RICH english.
3rd. Are you working with internet all this time and do not know how disputes on Pay Pal work?
Wanting to solve, just go on Paypal account and ask for the return of the amount paid. Simple like that.
Sorry for my poor English. Do not live it, unfortunately.
At least, I try to respect my clients.
I have to be fair and come back here and report. The company has made the reimbursement on the 29th.
Thank you for be honest.
I have been 10 VPS here…but i have 2 vps problem and untill now can’t resolved…problem just tun/tap device….i know tun/tap has enable….but tun/tap not work normally…when i use openvpn…openvpn still can’t run because tun/tap…
i have said that problem from they node..but support team..still said…that from Openvpn not from Node.
So I never used 2 vps…
that my litte opinion
Please re-open the support ticket. We will get this resolved.
just look at Ticket #858690
Thats Your Support Do….
The Chicago media is instant, whereas the buffalo is takes forever
i am VPS6 in and I have not had any problems recording, I will continue buying and hopefully not give me the VPS1 or VPS5 these if they have problems.
I love the service and I’m 4 months in this service, show your talent Crish Surprise us with your servers.
I’ve opened a ticket and response time is extremely slow or they don’t even bother responding.
I have 2 VPS with ChicagoVPS, I have had no problems. Tickets seem to be answered in good time. Thanks for a great service and a magically price. :)
Chris, i’m not sure where its going wrong.
your 2GB yearly deal for both locations:
$5/month with a one year prepay using coupon code NYyr
Order here: (this shows price $7/mo Buffalo loca)
$5/month with a one year prepay using coupon code 2048yr
Order here: (this shows price $21/mo Chicago)
And i see no place to put Coupon code. check attached pic.
Click the Checkout button to add it to your cart and then enter the coupon code in the “Promotional Code” box down the bottom of that page.
Paypal Is Showing Error on the payment.
So far this has been the BEST VPS I’ve ordered and the price is AMAZING.
And for the price you can’t bitch about a little downtime, although I haven’t seen any. As of yet (knock on wood), they did communicate some maintenance work back in Sept.
Also, I find Chris’s rude customer service replies comical. I’m sure most of you whom order the VPS’S work in IT, just imagine you as him being asked the same f’tard questions over and over again.
My recommendation to Chris would be, fire any of your clients who make you waste too much energy.
Thanks for the input, and its been done many many times :)
@Chris, where are you from?
tinyray get off my post bro.
Hopefully this gets through. I purchased the two gigabyte package in NY, and, I must say, I am enjoying everything thus far. It took a total of five seconds for the machine to be activated after receiving the 3.50. I’m using this to host a Minecraft server for a few people and, I went into this expecting reasonable performance, with a few hiccups occasionally, it is after all a low price host.
However, I have been running my server for several hours now, at least half of a day without a single complaint. I can jump between mystcraft ages without a hitch, everyone has 20tps (perfect connection) and I can generate new chunks without the server stalling. The real kicker is, I’m only using about one gigabyte (1024) for this server, at any given point I could bump that up should more be required, without having to pay for a new package. All around, thus far, I am highly impressed with the performance of this server. I’m keeping my fingers crossed because, if the server continues to perform so well I will be grabbing three more of these. One for myself and, another two for my live stream.
Hi, I’m looking to run Tomcat and Solr on a VPS hosting plan. Can you recommend which of your packages would be best for that? Thanks….