Via this WHT offer. Elite Data Hosting, a Texas based web hosting business, have a recurring 20% off discount on their Xen virtual servers + extra memory and disk space (code AWE20EXTRA). Their “Tiny Bertha” plan starts at $6.25/month so after the discount code you pay $5/month and get:
- 160MB memory + 256MB swap
- 15GB storage
- 10Mbps unmetered
- CentOS/Debian/Ubuntu/FreeBSD/NetBSD
- HyperVM
It’s great to be able to run xBSD on the cheap here, and there’s even a choice of running OpenSolaris but not at the cheapest plan. It’s also very cheap for a 10mbps unmetered pipe (if you are into that kind of thingy). Domain was registered back in February this year (i.e. new business). Servers are located in Los Angeles CA.
Interesting setup I’ll say. From owner’s LinkedIn profile he seems to be pretty technical so hopefully it goes well.
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Hi, we don’t offer NetBSD at the moment. Instead, we do offer OpenBSD. We are hitting our desired threshold on current server soon and have ordered additional servers to handle more clients.
Thanks for considering EDH! :)
I signed up and I’ve been very impressed so far. Not many BSD VPSes out there and I’ve had a few screwups that were quickly remedied by Terri. Highly recommended.
I’ve signed up too. Not doing much with it yet (backup DNS and MX) but it’s working well. Terii got my reverse DNS configured quickly. Performance is extremely good, although download bandwidth seems limited to the 5 Mbps range, much slower than my VPSLink VPS but not terrible. (The additional disk space and RAM provided on the base plan make up for this, IMHO.) So far, so good.
Thanks for the kind comments! Do appreciate it! :)
My VPS keeps getting corrupted on this host. Three times in two weeks. Considering swapping to another provider.
Well – I got to say Elite Data Hosting were good. Looks like my VPS had getting penetrated. They gave me a fresh Ip and new VPS.
If you get this sort of customers sevice at $5 per month. I going to be impressed.
CPU Guarantee MHZ ?
Hi repairreal,
It is equal shared CPU. Thanks.
code expired?
It appears that this is more of a web host than a vps.
From their TOS:
Users may not initiate the following:
* Use 20% or more of system resources for longer then 180 seconds. There are numerous activities that could cause such problems; these include: CGI scripts, FTP, PHP, HTTP etc.
* Run stand-alone, unattended server-side processes at any point in time on the server. This includes any and all daemons, such as IRCD.
We currently do not allow IRC and/or IRC bots to be operated on our servers.
Hi, as of right now, all EDH provided services are VPS, or Virtual Private Server. We do have future plans in providing “shared/web hosting” as you so called here.
All our VPS services comes with FULL root access. Basically you are free to do anything with it as long as there are no IRC-related activities involved.
* Use 20% or more of system resources for longer then 180 seconds. There are numerous activities that could cause such problems; these include: CGI scripts, FTP, PHP, HTTP etc.
* Run stand-alone, unattended server-side processes at any point in time on the server. This includes any and all daemons, such as IRCD.
Let me briefly explain the above two. Since EDH VPS are “equal shared CPUs”, meaning any client have the same equal full burstable CPU priorities, up to the maximum speed. However, to be fair that we ask all users not to run any background processes that would take up more than 20% of the total assigned CPU power, over the period of time of 180 seconds. Effectively disallow the fair CPU usage of other users.
We have detected some client violating this rule, however, we did not suspend nor terminate his/her VPS service with us. We always kindly inform the client in regard to the issue and iron out all the details this way. There were couple abusive ones we had to re-prioritize their CPU usage, generally this goes away when the client reboots his/her VPS.
Feel free to contact me via terii -AT- for additional questions. I will be more than happy to answer your questions. Thanks.
Terii — that’s fare enough. Good idea to do some monitoring when you provide fair share of CPU time.
As of 20% of assigned CPU power — is that 20% of a single CPU core, of 20% of all the CPU cores? How many CPU cores do you get?
I was very tempted to sign up until I read this. I mean, that basically rules out running a web or mail server. Shouldn’t the Xen fair credit scheduler (or whatever the exact name is) police this? If all VPS’s are in use, shouldn’t it be impossible to hog the COU like that?
All our existing VPS servers comes with quad core CPUs, so this is combined 4x CPU cores. Not just single CPU core.
Yes, we are using the default Xen CREDIT scheduler, not SEDF. What you said about “policing” CPUs usage is true to certain extend.
Saying there are 10 guests and 1 of them goes haywaire, the offeding guest will use most of all CPUs capacity until others want to use more of the CPU. If all 10 guests were to try working at their maximum assigned capacity, same weight and cap, they would each get one-tenth of all CPU time. I do believe that playing with process nice levels within the guest also have something to do with this, but let’s not go into too much details here. :)
At any given time, whether be a web or mail server, shouldn’t be taxing all assigned CPUs consistently. Honestly, we have not ran into major issues with any of our clients. We understand your concerns. Another good example is proxying, several of our clients are proxying (what they told us) that taxes a good amount of CPU time. As long as proper justifications is given, we don’t really care.
Of course, this rule is more of us proactively monitoring all VPSs to ensure there are no “run-away” processes needlessly chewing up CPU time. Unlike some other VPS providers, we do take proud in proactively monitoring all our servers, while respecting all clients privacy, and make necessary adjustment needs in order to provide excellent services. :)
Please let me know if anything else is not clear. Cheers!
It’s not clear to me how EDH expects its customers to use a server if not to run daemons. sshd is a daemon. httpd is a daemon. Heck, initd is a daemon. It’s impossible to comply with the AUP. What should that tell me about the competence of the people who wrote it?
Im running a Mail server on EDH for about 6 month so far really good, only a trouble with time sync (I know about virtual server problems with time) just run NTPD and its OK. So far support its fast and accurate, no problem at all.
Sorry if its a stupid question. Can anyone throw light on what is equal share CPU – does a person ordering VPS with 1GM RAM get 4X CPU than one ordering 256MB RAM (I hope so!)?
Or is it divided equally between number of clients on the node irrespective of the VPS package type.