Via this offer on Exigent Enterprise is currently having “Friday Frenzy” where you get big discount on their OpenVZ/Xen VPS products over the next 24 hours. Limited stock as well — only 10 of their “Micro” VPS that gets discounted to AUD$5.95/month (~USD$5.85). Use promo code VPSFF81010Mi or this direct order link. The VPS comes with
- 512MB memory
- 10GB storage
- 100GB/month data transfer
- OpenVZ/SolusVM
The price includes 10% Australian GST (similar to VAT in EU) so you might be able to claim that as discount as well. The company has been registered as a proprietary company since December 2009. Servers are in Australia. Not much information about where the data center is on their website (full of marketing talk there), but their website’s IP points to “Servers Australia”, which is in Tuggerah. Their two name servers are on different boxes but still on the same class-C & same location.
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lol, finally I get one.
Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=26ms TTL=59
Reply from bytes=32 time=26ms TTL=59
Reply from bytes=32 time=27ms TTL=59
Reply from bytes=32 time=26ms TTL=59
Hope they wont over sell!
A simple question, do I need to shut down the vps to use qucikbackup in soluvvm?
You shouldn’t have to. :)
Thanks for relpy
Ping from Malaysia: –
Traceroute from Malaysia: –
That’s some crazy routing – Malaysia to Portland, OR (PDX) and then to Australia?
Yeah that really sucks. Going over Pacific Ocean not once, but twice!
Could you help me to delete my ip on the comment?
Everything was fine after I just bought this vps, but right now the ping is very unstable, I dont know why, anyway if you could help me to delete those comment with ip, just help me to delete it.
IP masked out for now.
The vps is only good for the person have business or website in Australia, better than shared hosting with delicated ip
from Manila, Philippines
you all using my ip to test, lol
Looks like you are in Australia? ~20ms of latency would put you in very close proximity + ADSL link.
yes Im in Australia
“512GB Burstable to RAM ”
That’s some crazy RAM, especially as it’s OpenVZ Burstable :P
SAU on the end of TPG, it’s like the Burstnet and FDC equiv in AU :-)
Anyone know of a speed test file for this?
Alternatively, could someone (dingzhi?) with one of these VPS do some wgets for me please? I’m ideally wondering how it performs when transferring date from .EU so the speeds from the following would be awesome.
Thanks in advance! :)
I had a terrible experience with this company, I purchase a $10 VPS for a month, and then as the month was coming to a close I decided to cancel it, after cancelling it I received an email saying that I would have to pay for the next month to cancel for this month, I replied saying that was stupid and I wasn’t going to pay, that’s when they threatened to get debt collectors onto me. I ended up copping out and paying them $20 to be through with the company. I DO NOT RECOMMEND!
Here’s a ping from the UK (Europe), it seems to go from the UK, then through the US (over TWTelecom) and then over the ocean to Aus (long way round?).
Is there a shorter route? I’ll think going through Atlantic and then Pacific would be less hoops then going through Europe, middle East, all the way through Singapore, etc. At least that’s the route Captain Cook took in his first voyage :)
There’s a reason planes from the UK fly through the countries in Asia when going to Australia – it’s lower mileage (quicker) than flying over the US.
While physical distance is shorter from UK to AU via Asia, I doubt that’s where you get maximum bandwidth and least hops. I would not say “planes flying this way therefore packets should too”.
害羞哥 you are so gay
-leb fan from Sydney
I could buy this VPS, but transfer included is very low.
Such is the cost of BW in .AU.
Yes I suspect even at 100GB/month the bandwidth is severely oversold.
I for one don;t have a problem with bandwidth being oversold. You or your host can always obtain more. That’s usually not an issue. Drive space is the problem as that’s usually a hard limit to the size of the hard drive.
Even in Poland, which is free for only 20 years have more bandwidth than Australia?
For example, in Poland VPS with 512mb, burstable 1024mb, 550gb bandwidth costs 34 USD (25€) – but who wants to have VPS in Poland :P
There’s a difference between PL and AU. PL is tiny in comparison. It’s a lot easier to roll out infrastructure when your country’s so small. AU is 23x the size of PL, and it’s in the middle of nowhere. Is there a country that’s farther away from a large, populated continent?
It’s not cost efficient to lay more deep-sea fibre to .AU, whereas PL is right in the middle of Europe, so it’s handy to have good connectivity there.
Date in and out of .AU is at a premium, so it’s expensive.
Found their speedtest site –
TW Telecom is TPG’s main backbone. The undersea cables from AU to the rest of the world are pretty heavily used, but there is a SERIOUS backbone called the Pipe Pacific Cable that has 2.56 tbit/s capability which is likely the reason why traffic gets routed through the US first. Connections could go through SEA-ME-WE 3 and others for asia, but they’re probably under heavy traffic and cost more.
I beleive SMW3 is priamarily used by Telcos connect Europe to South and SE Asia. Most of data traffic from Aust is to US, so most of infrastructure including SXC is to US.
Hello everyone, please do not sign up with Exigent Enterprise. They are one of the worst VPS company I’ve tried.
I signed up server yesterday and received activation instantly. I setup the server and put it into production immediately. At 8:51pm, June 25, 2012, I received an e-mail asking for more information to prove my identification or they will suspend my service within 24 hours.
Fair enough, checking verification is normal procedure to prevent fraud. I replied promptly at 10:12am June 26, 2012 and sending back an explanation. Little did I know, they already suspended by server even though they claim
If we do not receive this information within 24 hours, we will have no option but to suspend all services until we receive this information.
.I sent them an another e-mail demanding an explanation of why my server was suspended well before the 24 hours deadline, and here is the reply I received at 6:22pm June 26,2012:
Whilst you did respond to our "Request for More Information email", you have not provided the requested information within 24 hours and we have had no option but to suspend your server.
Once we receive the requested information your service will be unsuspended.
I don’t know if they can count time or not but even if I replied at 6:22pm, June 26, 2012, it will still be within the 24 hours notice until suspension.
We are now requesting a refund and see how they will deal with this. Unless you want trouble, avoid this company at all cost.
Cheating the memory with ballooning, I even cannot run the yum.
Not sure about this outfit. they have some kind of antifraud system which can take up alot of time and they ask for a bit too much information for a basic package worth some $20.00 a month.
I was thrown by this and never actually got it resolved even after several days of communications with them. They seemed to ignore some of my tickets and keep requesting extensive information including photo-id , pictures of credit-cards and other personally identifiable information.
I think that they need to use these kinds of AF measures on countries outside of Australasia. As I doubt very much anyone with a stolen CC would attempt to lease a VPS server from within a country governing the same laws.
if so then they would be caught fairly quickly.
unfortunately never got to really test these servers. And for the time being I have decided to find alternative services.
I have been with Exigent for just over 2 years now. In the early days I experienced a few minor hiccups with the infrastructure at the time as they had just moved to a new data centre. Since then I have had almost no issues with them. There customer service and support has improved immensely in the last few months. I had a query of mine resolved in less than 3 minutes today.
I currently have 7 active web & VPS services with them. I am continually growing my business and as my business grows so with the number of services I have with Exigent I wouldn’t recommend any other Australian host, especially with how affordable their services are.
They are a fantastic host and I recommend them to everyone. John is doing a fantastic job there and I appreciate everything that he and his staff do.
Keep up the great work guys.
Great reason!! I will be extremely not used to this specific but truly like the job.