IPv4 addresses have become one of the raising cost for low end VPS providers. ValueServer in Germany had trialled free servers with IPv6-only connectivity, and FitVPS in Bulgaria is now also offering special discounts to LowEndBox readers on VPS with only IPv6. Rumen sent me this offer on their “mini ipv6-only” package that is $10/Quarter (sign up link here). Uuse the promo code LEB-go-ipv6 will give you a once off discount so the first 3 months only cost $1. It has
- 128MB guaranteed/256MB burstable memory
- 5GB storage
- 100GB/month data transfer on 10Mbps
- 0 IPv4 + 5x IPv6 addresses
- OpenVZ/SolusVM
After signing up, you can also choose one of the following upgrades for free. Just submit the code as support ticket after signing up.
- LEB: doubledisk – double the disk space (to 10GB), for life
- LEB: doublebandwidth – double the data transfer (to 200GB/month), for life
- LEB: speedmeup – will upgrade the bandwidth/port speed to 100Mbps
If you need IPv4, their previous offer is still valid, which now also comes with 5x IPv6 addresses (after submitting a request). FitVPS is owned by Telecoms.bg, a local ISP owning all their data center and equipments. They have been around as an ISP since 1998 but has only recently started selling VPS in FitVPS brand since Feb 2011.
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It is not that we don’t have IPv4 addresses, we have plenty of them (and we are LIR). We did this special first to prove that it can work (a VPS/server with only IPv6 connectivity) and second to help people get the he.net’s IPv6 certifications.
I thought SolusVM requires 1 IPv4 per VM at least.
Indeed it does, we had to do some custom scripting to overcome this problem with SolusVM.
We also had to implement our own IPv6 rDNS in SolusVM, since solus is broken in this regard.
Signed up going to do a benchmark ( WHen i manage to get the actual benchmark file as google code is v4 only)
Not even lowendbox has ipv6 yet :|
Tell me the url for the file you need and i can upload it for you :)
Try ipv6.lowendbox.com. It’s via HE.net tunnel though.
Why not fetch it to your machine, then ‘scp’ it from there to the VPS.
Winscp dont work with ipv6.
In the end i just used Filezilla
Kudos on trying this out, although I’d expect the price to be quite a bit lower than $3.33/month. for these specs and no IPv4.
As rds100 has said, the main purpose of posting here is using that $1/3 months deal so people can practise IPv6 and get HE.net certification.
Since we are on this topic here…does anyone know how to build a IPV6 mail server (or is there one that I can sign up?), I got stuck at that one.
apt-get update
apt-get install postfix
dpkg-reconfigure postfix (and tell it to use IPv6)
@rds100: is it that easy? I regret I did not do more research now haha…
Now I just need to wait for my BuyVM box to come back…for some reason both of them (on different nodes) died as of last night….
This is of course for debian and debian-derived distributions. If you are on a different distribution you will still have to do some research :)
@rds100: actually I’ll just get one from you guys, it is only 1 buck rite?
@rds100: Ubuntu is my favorite!
I’ll post my exim config which I used to pass the mail server step when my buyvm vps comes back up.
@dmmcintyre3: thanks! damn buyVM is still down :(
Have been trying whole day to set up Postfix with no luck, I have the IPV6 address set up in my DNS records but it just does not get any email…frustrating…
Never mind, actually got everything to work, they just went to my spam box, LOL :p
It is 1 USD for 3 months (with the promo code LEB-go-ipv6). After the first 3 months it becomes 10 USD per 3 months, but we don’t expect that many people will keep using it at that price ;-)
Unfortunately I think I will be one of those as well :p
Sure, go get that IPv6 Sage t-shirt now, and when you cancel the VPS after 3 months we will free the slot for someone else to learn :)
I hope you come back with another offer which would be attractive even past the first 3 months :)
I’d get one, but with this offer I am too lazy to set up and configure a VPS knowing I only have it for a short period.
We thought about letting anyone who gets the IPv6 Sage cert to keep it at the $1/quarter price, but the IPv6 Sage cert is too easy. Have to think about something more complicated. We are open to suggestions.
And if you need a cheap offer for IPv6+IPv4 VPS just get the BuyVM 15/year – their IPv6 works, i have tried it myself.
Why too easy? You mean not enough “complicated”? Everything what require anything else than taking care for own vps and paying invoices is enough complicated and time demanding that in most cases isn’t worth some buck saving.
While I am not interested in your vps offer my opinion is that even coming there (to HE site), registering account and making few clicks require enough time and dedication for some dollar savings. Is it your purpose really to make IPv6 closer to people or only a bit self-promotion? Imho. is about to make people to do first steps into IPv6 not forcing them to become experts to save some dollar here and there, because this wont happens.
If you want to introduce IPv6 to people and make them to do first steps, requesting from them to do sage cert to keep lover price previlege seems completely enough. Too easy? Too easy for what? Yeah, with Sage cert request there might be even someone who would actually take your offer.
There are people who are genuinely interested in using and promoting IPv6, and they gladly will go to the HE website and pass that test. I think it was not the intention of rds100 to establish this as a barrier to entry, but just a way to see who among their clients is an IPv6 enthusiast and giving those people a ‘thumbs-up’ by granting them an inexpensive VPS.
@rm, you missed my point. I will try shorter: Requesting Sage cert would be imho enough.
Is now clear?
The $1 per 3 month price obviously cannot cover any expenses for providing the service. It can’t even pay for the electricity that your VPS will use. So we don’t want to keep that price forever and for unlimited users – yes it cost you some time and effort to get the IPv6 Sage cert, but it costs us real money to support the service, and we are not a charity. If you really want to use IPv6 long term – there are plenty of offers for VPSes that offer IPv6.
My post isn’t against requesting Sage cert but expressed opinion about “making sage cert is too easy to meet our demands to promote IPv6”. Going there to learn about IPv6 and saving some buck – that’s great. Requesting anything more than that… too much.
(that’s my opinion)
Well for me that Sage test is too easy (too simple questions), it only took me 1-2 hours from getting the first test to getting the Sage (this with setting DNS, mail servers, and all needed). I think they should add more tests and more (higher) certs – it would be more fun this way :)
My posts in this thread are strictly related to “We thought about letting anyone who gets the IPv6 Sage cert to keep it at the $1/quarter price, but the IPv6 Sage cert is too easy. Have to think about something more complicated. We are open to suggestions.”
You wanted suggestions and I expressed my opinion – nothing more than that.
Any tip how to get through the professional level of test?
Here is what the questions are like and the error I have got:
Help Step Description Data
* 1 If you need to edit off any subdomains to make it work, please do so here: domain.tld
* 2 Check to see that the nameservers associated with subdomain.domain.tld have IPv6 AAAAs Success
* 3 Check to see that the nameservers associated with subdomain.domain.tld are IPv6 accessible Couldn’t query name server
I am using HE.Net’s free DNS and has set up an AAAA record for both my domain.tld and subdomain.domain.tld.
So tell us what is your domain.tld so we can see what name servers you have pointed it to and see if they answer on ipv6?
@rds100: my domain.tld is zay.name and my subdomain.domain.tld is adm.zay.name, thanks a lot!
adm.zay.name is not a subdomain at all, it is only a host in the zay.name domain.
@rds100: pardon me for being ignorant here…but I tried both zay.name and adm.zay.name in the input box and none of them worked….is there anyway I can fix it or I am completely stuck since they do not allow me to choose another domain? Thanks!
Please tell me what is the whole question, i don’t remember it :) What has to be done/demonstrated in this test?
Here you go:
Congratulations, you are an IPv6 Professional! To complete the Guru Test you will need:
* The Name Servers for adm.zay.name need to have a AAAA records
* Those Name Servers need to respond to queries made via IPv6
[Reset Test]
Help Step Description Data
* 1 If you need to edit off any subdomains to make it work, please do so here: zay.name
* 2 Check to see that the nameservers associated with adm.zay.name have IPv6 AAAAs
* 3 Check to see that the nameservers associated with adm.zay.name are IPv6 accessible
@rds100: thanks so much for your help!
You either need to drop that adm.zay.name (as it is not a subdomain) and use just the “zay.name” domain to pass the test, or you need to properly delegate the adm.zay.name as a subdomain.
@rds100: here is the weird part, Step 1 is the only thing I can change on this whole test and I have already changed to zay.name, however for some reason, Q2 and Q3 are still pointing to adm.zay.name. So could you elaborate a little on how to set adm.zay.name to delegate as a subdomain? I am using HE.Net’s free DNS service. Thanks!
@rds100: and not sure if this helps, but I actually managed to pass Step 2 of the test, just stuck on Step 3:
Help Step Description Data
* 1 If you need to edit off any subdomains to make it work, please do so here: zay.name
* 2 Check to see that the nameservers associated with adm.zay.name have IPv6 AAAAs Success
* 3 Check to see that the nameservers associated with adm.zay.name are IPv6 accessible Couldn’t query name server
Read their FAQ link, they tell you how to reset the test.
@rds100: Cr@p, having the same problem again:
* 3 Check to see that the nameservers associated with zay.name are IPv6 accessible Couldn’t query name server
Unless HE.Net does not support IPV6 NS??? I am surprised….
I actually think I have found out the reason of my problem, basically put it simply, HE.Net’s Free DNS server takes a loooooooong time to sync my AAAA records, here is the output for those who is having similar problems and need to figure out what to do:
Still waiting for the HE.Net DNS to update…gosh I’ve never seen one taking this long….
Is weird… But something similar happened to me a few months ago.
I ended purging the complete zone and re-registering all the entries again…
@Yomero: I know…but not sure what I can do…I’ll give them another few hours, if it still does not work I will change my NS back to my registrar, who seems to support IPV6 as well, hopefully it will be better then…
Even my domain name registrar’s NS got the AAAA records…:(
I think you can try that. Copy your entries to another NS, change them in your registrar and purge the zone in HE.net. Finally copy again the entries… :P (Just to prevent downtime :S )
Yeah I got stuck at pro level, switched to HE DNS, ended up registering a new domain in this process. went from pro back down to enthusist to reset dns settings in the test. Stuck on that level now because even though I can wget -6 vpsaddict.com/nvr7ij7cvf.txt
for some reason the test cant.
TY TY TY for this VPS Offer, I didnt even know about the HR Sage certification before this. I learned a whole ton about IPv6 because of your offer and the certification process. Thanks again.
@Jonathan: As I have mentioned before, I was using He.Net’s DNS.
Tae in HE.Net managed to explain to me what happened, basically their NS servers only updates once a day. However, he was able to kick off the update process for me, however the update process takes 1-2 hours, sometimes longer. So after waiting until 2am and still see nothing, I went to bed and this morning when I sat in front of my laptop again….WOHOOO, I am a sage too!!!
Thanks to everyone’s help, especially rds100!
Congratulations :) Don’t forget to confirm your address and request the t-shirt from HE :)
It now seems to cost $1.20 per month, or $3.00 Quarterly — is this intentional?
If so, let me applaud this change, it does make the plan attractive to permanently have, and not just first 3 months.
Yes, this is intentional – this will be the new price. We still don’t expect that many people would order it, but that’s not the point of this ipv6-only plan anyway, it was mostly for demo. Still if someone knows what ipv6-only VPS means and wants it – he/she can have it.
Very nice offer….
It’s said “meant to be used for educational purposes” in the order form.. :)
My order being halted by maxmind… Would FitVPS have a look on my order? 1796108460
Normally this kind of thing should be done via ticket, but no problem, we have allowed your order to proceed (it seems maxmind doesn’t like your country).
Thank you for the fast respond… Yes… maxmind always block my country.. :(
Have paid the invoice too…
Will start my IP6 lesson now..
Thanks for the nice package..
Is this native Ipv6 or tunneled?
(in a traceroute I do see the “known” tunnel name that HE.NET uses)
We have native with Level3 and a tunnel (with BGP) from he.net
We prefer the Level3 native, however for things that are not visible through Level3 we route to he.net.
Yes unfortunately this is the world of IPv6 – many providers don’t peer over IPv6 and have their own versions of “the IPv6 internet”
LEB is so good way to sell ..
Out of Stock…
Hope you get more stock soon, Im going to submit a ticket in the hope of geting one.
These indeed run out fast. We will add some more stock of these on Wednesday and will announce the exact moment when the stock appears on twitter.
So I finally decided to get one :P
– instant setup, almost faster than the paypal email;
– working rDNS in SolusVM;
– 2.6.32 kernel;
– fast disk I/O (116 MB/sec);
– the only OS offered is Debian 6 (32-bit by default, 64-bit available), but that’s perfect for me (YMMV);
– the template is also perfect and minimal, no extra crap installed, uses just 11 MB of RAM.
Liking it very much so far!
One correction – the kernel is really 2.6.18, but the debian6 distribution scripts make it look like 2.6.32 because otherwise debian 6 would not work :)
I am glad you are happy with the service.
And we also offer debian6 because the repositories of most operating systems don’t work over ipv6. For the debian we are using our own mirror which we made available over ipv6.