HOSTBD24 contacted us with their first offer on LEB. Personally, I wasn’t excited about the resource to price ratio, but the 10Gbps DDOS protection is always a welcome addition. Their test IP is from ColoMX (never heard of them, their website seems dead). When asked if they are a registered company they said yes, but that they could not mention the name. Personally, I figure we go ahead and post their offer and let LowEndDetectives go to work on that.
The Offers:
– 256 MB Swap
– 1 vCPU
– 15GB Pure SSD Stoarge
– 500 GB monthly transfer
– 1 Gbps Uplink
– 1 IPv4
– Order link (
– 512 MB Swap
– 2 vCPU
– 25GB Pure SSD Stoarge
– 1 TB monthly transfer
– 1 Gbps Uplink
– 1 IPv4
– Order link (
– 512 MB Swap
– 1 vCPU
– 40 GB SSD Cached Stoarge
– 500 GB monthly transfer
– 1 Gbps Uplink
– 1 IPv4
– $6.50 USD /month
– Order link (
The Network:
Datacenter Name – Los Angeles, CA, USA (no name?)
Test IPv4:
Test file:
Looking glass:
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Very strange routing to say the least too.
Also appears connected to
We are related with SWIFTNODE, Our servers are hosted in SWIFT INTERNET LLC –
Our servers are hosted in SWIFT INTERNET LLC – and yes we are related with SwiftNode :)
Our Servers are hosted with SWIFT INTERNET LLC – and yes we are related with SwiftNode :)
‘LEB’ The promotion code entered does not exist
fixed it :)
Personally dont recommend this provider. Some on from village area according to whois record, its even not city. Does not have dedicated internet line. I can ensure they are some kind of vps reseller. So stay away and save your money for other provider.
We are housed in LA with swiftnode in pyschz DC. So how are we a reseller? Have you tried our service?
I really never think to tryout your service. The HostBD24 is just a scam. The owner is from Sathkhira/Shirajgonj. Its a rural area of Bangladesh. Does not even have any 1Mbps INTERNET line. Using such speed to maintain a dedicated server is just a dream. Its simple you cant provide any quality service at all from village. Now another story “We are housed in LA with swiftnode in pyschz DC” and some1 just reply named Jason! Jason from Bangladesh! Whats a lie. Its real simple that the site is a reseller of the swiftnode. Its also true that swiftnode will be out of business within next few months.
Real story is:
1. Start vps business with help of vps reseller.
2. Giving zero and ignorant support.
3. Out of business.
4. Sell the domain to some other seller and start shared hosting business :D
Someone please take care of this man, he have no idea about us but he is just trying to prove us scam …
We are from Bogra not from Satkhira/Sirajganj and we use 5Mbps Internet connection in our office and you can visit our office anytime you want. You can check our WHOIS record to get our office address and also our parent company name is TONTRO Technologies –,89.374944,15z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x0:0x772609f792bbc197
If you have any proof that we are reseller of SWIFTNODE or we are from village please post that here, without proof you have no rights to blame us ..
and here is our geolocation details:
and as i have provider tag in LET too and i am commenting on LEB so @Jarland Donnell has my network details already…
and Jason Wales is our CTO from Texas, USA … and i don’t think he mentioned he is from Bangladesh ….
i don’t think there is nothing more i can say for you … but i will request you to stop this stupid talking without any proof …
“provider tag in LET” does not mean anything, as soon as you have enough post and aged account, you get virtually get a “provider tag”. Also “provider tag” does not mean quality or anything.
Sir thanks for the comments. I would like to offer you a free month on me. Just open a ticket and attention: Jason to get your free month. Anyways have a good day being bitter!
i would a free month and to see if your vps is real or a scam
As far as I know, SwiftNode is a brand of Swift Internet LLC, and they have their own datacenter in 609 West 7th St, they are not colocated with Psychz, they are in Wilcon/IX2.
And, as to the IP address from ColoMX LLC – it’s a chinese company merged into PacificIDC, another brand of Swift Internet LLC, which targets at Chinese customers/Asia Optimized.
Pyshz does have space at 609 west 7th street. Well i don’t know the arrangement between those 2 companies. So i assumed that Swiftinternet LLC has rackspace from pyschz in location. I could be wrong and the two companies just have space in the same DC then. It happens won’t be the first time. Yes I know i doing a poor job of having this thread go off the wall. I will make sure we tighten up.
If we can give you better service from Village i don’t think there is a problem with that. But yes we are of course not from a village it’s a city and very much developed city in Bangladesh.
I would like to clear a couple things up. TONTRO Technologies is the parent company of hostbd24. We operate out of Pyschz DC in LA. We rent out severs from Swiftnode. All INCOMING bandwidth is FREE! Yes we are a new company and this our first post on LEB. Yes I can see where there are some red flags good ole Jarland pointed out. The next 10 orders will get double the RAM on me. After you order please open a ticket with attention Jason to get DOUBLE RAM. If you have any questions just open a ticket and we would happily answer them.
Jason, why not fix all of the ‘red flags’? Throwing extra RAM in is nice and all but personally I’d like to see those red flags fixed before getting any new services, even with double the RAM.
Yes you are correct I think most of the issues have been addressed. Yes we as a company should of answer the questions that were asked of us with the correct answers. I’m here to trying to make those things correct. It does look dodgey and all i can do hit those issues head on. Well any questions can be address to me. All I do say sorry and offer some kind of compensation to our future clients as apart of that apology. I don’t know what else say we are human and mistakes did happen. Next time those mistakes won’t happen again.
Your test ip is not working.
The correct test ip is Yes our lg is not working correctly on the website here is one that works for the temporary situation:
I would personally like to check out your hosting service and I’m definitely into getting a nice latency towards asia from your LA DC.
CTO from Texas, a village in Bangladesh… #astheLEBturns
whats refund policy?
The refund policy is 7 days as long no abuse has occurred
You’ll get abuse from him. Check out Hostigation’s offer where our spam friend offers more detail
I have made a SKRILL (Moneybookers) payment as requested, transferred the amount with the invoice number in the memo field, and sent an email, but so far nothing happened. This has happened some 18 hours ago…
Well I will asking the billing dept. once they come in to see what is going on. Please remember our billing works on Bangladesh time so they are 12 hrs ahead of CST.
Just ordered 256M VDS on OpenVZ for hosting homepage (nginx+static files) and other personal usage. It works ok for this price, I satisfied.
256M enough for many purposes but maybe it will good option offer 32bit OSes for more economical RAM usage on lowmemory tarifs.
This is a bench test on their VPS.
This is the second offer.
On a side note they do not allow TeamSpeak hosting, which is disappointing but I’ll get over it.
Their servers work good for the price but if you want to risk it you might get a blacklisted IP. I had a email server running on it fine and today get a email bounced back and find the ip was on a blacklist. If you want to take the risk.
TONTRO Technologies Limited is not a registered company in Bangladesh.
Companies search website of “Office of the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms” –
Well, a little experience from me.
Tried this host now for a couple of weeks.
Server seems to just die once everyday. Doesn’t come online again. You have to manually log into the cp to get it online.
I even tried reinstalling a couple of times and just leaving it there too see if it goes down again as it does. (just a minimal default installation, and nothing in my logs)
Support didn’t have a clue what was happening / couldn’t help. Nothing in their logs. (this is with 2 different reinstalls of OS’es)
I would just stay away from these guys for now.
Goes down once a day even with fresh installs of different OS’es. Doesn’t come online. You manually have to log into cp to get them online again. Nothing in the logs, support can’t help you. Perfect!
Stay away from these guys!
I buy vps 19.05.2016 but is noe active now. I openned tichet support but not response.
you mean buy vps in future?
Deadpooled. Lowendbox owner should mark them them in deadlist.
had the cheapest server they had for 2 weeks out of 4, worked really good but now they’re just gone. Weird. At least it was only 1.50€ and nothing else.
had the cheapest server they had for 2 weeks out of 4, worked really good and was very happy with it but now they’re just gone offline and I think the server changed as well. Weird. At least it was only 1.50€ and nothing else. Sucks that I can’t get my data back from the server but whatever.
I order their OVZ-4 VPS service at jan 26, 2016 for my secondary DNS and it died several times.
Although I pay for a year service but my VPS at 148.163.173.* is down and I can’t access
Not recommended for production use and don’t pay yearly.
Used them from February but service dead recently. Happy to me I not paid bill for next month.
Looks like they have been DedicatedPool :P
I paid $10.40 USD for order OVZ-LA-1
Now their website hostbd24 is dead/down as well with my order vps
Is this scam or what?
don’t know scam or not but I managed to get my money back via PayPal dispute!
He’s alive!