StormVZ have now rebranded to Iniz. They have sent these four offers in to celebrate the launch of the new brand and launch of their SSD Cached OpenVZ offers.
| LEB-VZ1024
As we briefly mentioned above, Iniz is the rebranded version of StormVZ who have been featured numerous times on LowEndBox since opening shop in October 2012. More information on the rebrand can be viewed on this LowEndTalk Post. The new SSD-Cached virtual servers will be provisioned on a node in Buffalo, NY with Dual E5-2620 CPUs, 128GB RAM, 6x 2TB RE4 drives, 2x 120GB Intel 520 SSD and LSI/BBU RAID + LSI CacheCade. Reviews on their last offer were great! You can view two more offers below by clicking ‘more’ located in Chicago, LA and Netherlands.
| LEB-VZ2048
Iniz accepts One time payments through Gate2Shop (Credit Card & PayPal) and recurring payments through their onsite processing. They have a 5 day refund guarantee on your first order only. Patrick informs us that 5 IPv6 will be allocated to servers bought in both LA and Netherlands. All VPSs will soon be backed up weekly free of charge but we are unsure exactly when that will start. Backup servers have 8x 2TB in Hardware RAID 6. Do check out their Terms of Service for more information.
Network Information:
Chicago, IL – ColoCrossing –
Buffalo, NY – ColoCrossing –
Los Angeles, CA – QuadraNet –
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- Iniz – £2.75/Month 1024MB OpenVZ VPS in Buffalo, Chicago, LA & Netherlands - April 19, 2013
- PzEa – $6.98/Month 1024MB XEN VPS in Dallas, Texas - April 18, 2013
- GetKVM – £4.56/Month 1024MB KVM VPS in Germany, Moldova & New Jersey - April 18, 2013
Thanks once again Zahra/Liam!
If you have any questions then do please ask :)
I was wondering if you allow IRC bouncers like ZNC.(not IRCD server)
and are they TUN/TAP enabled, do you allow users to run OpenVPN.
Both the above are personal use only. (Not Public)
Would appreciate your reply.
– Bouncers are fine
– You can enable TUN/TAP from the VPS Control Panel immediately :)
Hi! The LEB-VZ2048 in this post is shown as 2048mb-RAM/1024mb-vSwap, but in the link is 1024/512. There is some error?
Fixed, thanks.
The link to the LEB-SVZ1024 deal actually goes to the LEB-VZ1024 deal. Sold out, or just wrong link?
Link was wrong and has been fixed.
Thanks. I’ve snagged a LEB-SVZ1024 and after work I’ll post a (limited) review.
Great, let us know how it goes!
Service is currently down. The node containing the SSD cached VPSes is out and has been for several hours.
First there was this, which is understandable – hardware fails:
Then there was this, which makes sense – a window for replacement is necessary – Sent on April 24:
Now today on the 25th:
So, again, avoid if you care about uptime.
Like hdd space but low bandwith. BW=10xHDD :(
Nice offer.
do you allow torrent downloading?
Can you read the terms of service?
– Torrents & Warez (Personal usage is fine if usage is low)
Our servers are located in the UK & USA and therefore you must comply with the national laws applicable to online services. As a result torrents, torrent trackers, warez linking/hosting, rapidleech and other such services is prohibited on our servers. Any accounts found hosting such content will be suspended or terminated without notice.
Just ordered it , surprised after 60 seconds from paypal going though the server was up!
Installing cpanel
Will get my database up and compare
Network speed is very good!
Support , I’ve had many responses from my tickets (enquires)
Seem very nice + quick
re-uploading my database to test + will run some disk speed tests
what server type use at NL sir
4 x 1TB WD RED
LSI9260 or 9266 w/ BBU
2x1Gbps Redundant LINKS
Then why you mention: Dual E5-2620 CPUs, 128GB RAM, 6x 2TB RE4 drives, 2x 120GB Intel 520 SSD and LSI/BBU RAID + LSI CacheCade
Another trick
Erm because thats the SSD Cached node in Buffalo, your ability to read is in thin air again.
“The new SSD-Cached virtual servers will be provisioned on a node in Buffalo, NY with Dual E……”
I payed for the server and after suceffully credit card payment (i go email from g2s), i was moved to “Choose a Domain” aka page… And i cant login to my account – when i click on login – im on this page again…
sry for bad english
I’m unable to find anyone with the name of “Saoilov Simplor” in our system.
Have you tried contacting us about this?
Public email
I have 5 VPS with Iniz. Their support is great ;) And new Buffalo node is awesome. Here some detailed information from LEB-SVZ2048;
Dam that’s good. My NL vps with them only gets 40-80mb/s I/O on that test :(
I’m guessing that’s the advantage of ssd cache though
VPSs are setup with low IO Prio, most nodes should be able to pull 150MB/s
LA with exception since the drives are WD Blacks
“LA with exception since the drives are WD Blacks” means LA slower ore faster?
Thanks. Very quick answer :) Will you add SSD cache for LA in a near future?
Can I combine this with an existing OpenVZ vps?
This is for new orders only, existing customers can also place a new order however and cancel existing VPS if they wish to.
I have been tinkering all day and been asking them questions via support all day , mainly down to my websites performance. (Its a tough one with steam FEEDS , SQL etc..)
I asked if I could try another node to try my site speed and they happily done this for me.
I have never felt so happy with customer service, The buffalo node was downloading at 44mb/s before the file finished in seconds. SQL speeds where good , Not as good as my current provider due to CPU speed and lack of thread support in php (and my bad code) but the difference is minimal however. when you have 10X the disk speed and about 1/4 of the price its a no brainer! The support I have received with my questions and the help moving over is priceless.
I really am so impressed , I’m normally the one complaining in a shop about the most stupidest thing. But on this one , hands up very good….
Anyone knows the specs of their LA node?
4 x 1TB WD Black
Adaptec 2405 – RAID10
1Gbps Port
Uptime: 03:13:52 up 111 days 21:16 0 users
Load Average:0.96 1.02 0.93
What is the difference between SSD Cached VPSs vs Enterprise VPSs? Which one is stable? Is it possible to upgrade Disk and RAM?
All of our nodes are stable and haven’t had issues for months, for upgrades contact with your requirements.
SSD Cached is when popular files/scripts are stored on the SSD to improve performance whilst the not so used files are written on just the RAID10 array so data you access frequently will be a lot quicker though this is not noticeable unless your data is intensive in reads/writes.
Hope that helps
Oh wow. Stable? Haven’t had issues for months?
What about on January 7th, when you received a “major DDoS”? And subsequently on the 8th, you requested a new block of IPs to issue your customers because you didn’t have enough resources to actually mitigate the attack properly?
Also on the 9th of January, you restarted my node with the reason ” whilst we adjust some settings in the BIOS as well.”
You must’ve also forgotten on February 25th, when you received another “major DDoS attack” and null routed your customers’ IPs. You then sent an email shortly after saying that you resolved the issue, but low and behold I received a similar email again two days later.
And then you were kicked out of your datacenter. And quite a few days later, my VPS was back up and running in NL.
Also here are some interesting logs:
./[21:36:51] how much is 100mbps
./[21:36:52] dl
./[21:36:59] 12.5?
./[21:37:50] don’t even get 12
There are more as well, where I believe he made some networking failure in NL and he had to reboot the node, but I can’t locate them.
I’m just leaving all this here. Also, don’t reply with “well they’re a budget provider what do you expect!”, because that’s absolute bullshit and I’ve heard it so many times before. I’m leasing a server and regardless of price, I, as a customer, expect that the service that I’m paying for is what I’m getting.
“What about on January 7th, when you received a “major DDoS”? And subsequently on the 8th, you requested a new block of IPs to issue your customers because you didn’t have enough resources to actually mitigate the attack properly?”
– What resources, a £50-100k DDoS appliance to protect against large attacks at low end prices?
“Also on the 9th of January, you restarted my node with the reason ” whilst we adjust some settings in the BIOS as well.””
– We enable IPMI which we should have done at the start in case we needed to access server if it was down through secondary access via IPMI
“You must’ve also forgotten on February 25th, when you received another “major DDoS attack” and null routed your customers’ IPs. You then sent an email shortly after saying that you resolved the issue, but low and behold I received a similar email again two days later.”
– That’s correct, also our DC null routed not us to protect incoming bandwidth to increase overages cost to us because of the 10-15Gbps attacks which they couldn’t handle either as we are straight up paying bottom ball prices to provide low end prices to customers.
“There are more as well, where I believe he made some networking failure in NL and he had to reboot the node, but I can’t locate them.”
– Some proof would be nice, NL1 (the node your on) has 50 days uptime since it went live.
Just another UK lurker looking to shun our company, it’s a shame out of hundreds of our UK customers only very few (2 as I can count here) are angry for what ever reason.
Not sure why your still a customer if you were unhappy about UK > NL migration where we stated all customers who wanted a pro-rata refund can request one but I don’t see yours.
Also we don’t supply UK, we haven’t had any issues after moving out so it’s stable I would say.
You also might want to look at other providers who were in UK whom forced customers out EU to US where as we increased our own costs to remain in EU and bring similar specs to customers as they were also under DDoS with similar impact and being kicked out.
I’m yet to see a bad review after moving to NL
complaining about a DDOS attack? are you high and stupid? are you completely ignorant of the amount of providers in the UK this has happened/is happening to? good luck! you’re gonna need it.
If you followed our conversation on IRC, joss, you’d have seen that I was trying to point out that they have had issues in the last few months. They said they didn’t, and that’s the message I was trying to get across.
It didn’t mean to come across as a complaint about the DDoSes, that can happen to any provider. My message was ignorant and unmannerly.
Nice Spec n Price,
i will disus about it to my webmaster
The name StormVZ was better than Iniz. :) I hope all past incident got covered by this. :) May be, I will be needing a Good Performance VPS soon. Will give a try to Iniz !
This guy is not to be trusted.
He ripped off many people after the UK incident. He even charged back his own supplier RapidSwitch although he does not allow anyone to chargeback his little operation!
He will terminate you for whatever reason, then change TOS to make all seem legal and then even steal your account balance if you try file any complaint.
He even threatened to sue his own customers at one posting at LET because as he said “filling a credit card complain after the UK fiasko was illegal under his own TOS”.
it is just another part time fly by wire operation done on the expense of his full time employer.
Try any other of the top VPS providers like Prometeus or ramnode. There is a quarterly review at LET for your information and lots of threats about how bad stormVZ was.
!! AVOID !!
Your ability to read has slipped once again.
“He ripped off many people after the UK incident. He even charged back his own supplier RapidSwitch although he does not allow anyone to chargeback his little operation!”
– You can contact Neil (Director I believe) @ RS, we (Web Phase Limited) did not chargeback :-)
“He will terminate you for whatever reason, then change TOS to make all seem legal and then even steal your account balance if you try file any complaint.”
– Our TOS has not changed since February and the changes in February was to disallow QEMU & Minecraft. Nothing major.
– See cached site of stormvz for yourself, terms is same at Iniz
“He even threatened to sue his own customers at one posting at LET because as he said “filling a credit card complain after the UK fiasko was illegal under his own TOS”.”
– What are you talking about
“it is just another part time fly by wire operation done on the expense of his full time employer.”
– 6-7 months, not really fly by thanks :)
“Try any other of the top VPS providers like Prometeus or ramnode. There is a quarterly review at LET for your information and lots of threats about how bad stormVZ was.”
– I can’t seem to find any information on how bad StormVZ is, the UK DDOS was not something we could control and majority of the customers understood this. We didn’t have several UK nodes empty but filled with clients in 3 digits whom:
A) Requested refund for time not used and received it
B) Moved to NL
C) You decided to chargeback and lost some of the disputes and thus your butt is still hurt over £15 or so.
Feel free to check StormVZ and the other LEB offers, they have received overwhelming positive response so please get your facts straight and get some reading skills.
Wait and see how your butt will hurt after i submit all the invoices and your little operation details to the UK tax man …
That will teach you a lesson of respect and honor
Did you know Iniz is under Web Phase Limited so we pay all taxes under limited liability company, so I sincerely suggest you attempt to manage your anger elsewhere before you make a fool of yourself again.
Hey, why you people always quarrel here ??
Steven, as a former tax inspector, stop being a douche. What you propose will get you no where. You’re obviously not very bright or you would know there is a totally different department people threaten with in the UK for what you want. I’m not tell you, go and figure it out.
Really? I’ve been with Iniz for quite some months now, at least 3-4 months.
After the incident in UK and the move to NL, there have been no further issues.
Iniz and especially Patrick are always very helpful, over all the years that I have had VPS providers I did not get this kind of support.
The performance of the 3 VPS I got with Iniz is truely amazing.
And you should really stop with these kind of childish statements.
Afaik this is not the first time I find you lurking here making these kind of remarks.
Some weird spiteful people on here. I have 2 with Storm, got moved as part of the UK problem – what got me now and back then is that I read the damned TOS before purchasing just 1 (and Patrick is right btw) so I know these complaints are complete bull. Go rent a dedi and be your own boss, 2 bit sub-5 quid worms indeed. If you can’t see the good things in their TOS not includes in others (apart maybe certain known providers…) then maybe you’re missing out on some of the fun of a VPS with decent specs.
Does the VPS have a dedicated IPv4?
Netherlands & LA comes with IPv6 also.
Could I get this price when it need to renew later,if I buy it this time?
If you buy it now then yes the price will stay for life.
You VPS are windown or linux
I can use setup and run Internet maketing sofware.
Thank you!
Linux only.
I want to know can LA NL location is offshore or not and in which other offshore location u provide vps ? and what is your policy about dmca notices.
Thank you :)
We do not ignore DMCAs in any of our locations.
We give clients 24-48 hours depending on severity to resolve it.
I am interested in this offer but it seems too late, now it is out of stock, can I get one? I am interested in LEB-SVZ2048 offer
Don’t try it, servel is down, support is down too…
We won’t be stocking SVZ plans for a while in US.
I have paid a yearly subscription and 2 hours later i havent got any automated response mail with my account information or any response to my tickets in the support system… is this ‘normal’ or an exception?
I have paid a yearly subscription and 2 hours later i havent got any automated response mail with my account information or any response to my tickets in the support system… i will update this when i get any kind of response
If you ordered in NL then we are out of IPs, if I find any free IPs used in my test boxes on NL then I will assign them to the first order in.
If I can’t find any free to give then I will cancel and refund order within the next hour.
We have received new IP allocation, your VPS will be setup in a few minutes.
issue resolved, thanks
Why isn’t my new paid VPS at LA1 available?
IP address ends of 156.143
SSD Cached is out of stock, our VZ normal plans are still available!
We also have new SSD plans in Netherlands!
Latest Offer:
Any chance you’ll be doing SSD cached in NL anytime soon? I’ve had a RAID10 VPS with you for about a month but I’ve found the disk I/O is too low especially at peak times.
It’s in the pipeline but won’t be anytime soon (2-3 months), we’ll be concentrating on our pure SSD plans in Netherlands for the moment.
That’s a shame, I liked the vps except for I/O.
I presume you are/were on NL2?
I can move you to NL1 with a Dual Core RAID card and performance is much better if you want as it has low IO activity, shoot me a email
We have SSD & SSD Cached in NL
I just paid for a SSD VPS with location in Netherlands. Result is quite good product.
I wonder why in a Tracert last IP is from Czech Republic instead of Netherlands:
Server Location: Harrachov, Moravskoslezsky Kraj in Czech Republic
The geolocation data is incorrect and should be updated soon
The last trace before your IP is which shows it correctly as it being in Netherlands, Dataplace DC
So in that case great. Product is awesome fast. thanks.
My NL VPS keeps crashing or something. I have to go into VPS Control Panel and reboot it to gain access back. I tested with Centos, Debian, and Ubuntu. They all have this problem so I think this is a hardware issue.
There is nothing wrong with our servers and there is no packet loss in NL.
You can run a MTR from your VPS to your IP and IP to VPS to prove this also as it may be a fault at your ISP
Sorry, problem fixed. Thanks for the quick support!
Worst VPS company I’ve used so far.
1. I specifically asked if my friend could run a Minecraft server on a VPS via there IRC speaking to “PatrickINIZ” (The owner) he said yes. about 1 week later suspended his VPS for Minecraft abuse.
2. Support was extremely rude towards me on IRC.
3. Claimed I had used the VPS to DDoS and they had “apparently” received logs of this, even though the VPS was idle as I was out of the city.
4. Threatened me saying if i ever receive a DMCA my service is suspended and my details are handed to the police even though the VPS and the company are both out of the USA (DMCA is a US law although it is spreading….) but during a DMCA you have no need to hand my personal information onto the police.
5. VPS was down for about 2 out of 8 weeks.
6. I Received no IPV6’s yet the plan i paid for came with ipv6’s .
7. The support if and when available was rude and very unprofessional.
8. I had asked how to go about claiming a refund no information was given at all.
Still no refund no VPS and not happy at all.
[5:15pm] PatrickINIZ: Your services were stopped for sending out DDoS
[5:15pm] TheCloneBay: i know
TheCloneBay: your servers get 204,000 pps
TheCloneBay: my dedis get 800,000
Don’t need to say more, he DDoSed a fellow LEB host the other week. He (the host) had also PMed me on LET, if needed I will happily allow him to post here, they are one of the bigger hosts also…
so now your making fake logs wow…. this host couldn’t get much better
There are ~30 members in our IRC channel and they will happily verify the same.
Non clients and respected LET members are there to (seems like you didn’t know)
I’m not going to kid around, your threats are and won’t be taken likely
umm considering this conversation never happened this will be interesting please share.
Jamie, I reported the flood against our ip to Patrick as it was catched and logged from our flow monitoring system.
The attack started at 2013-05-14 22:24:49.989 CET
total packets received: 70.9 M
when we blackholed the target ip.
Hope you understand that such flood affected several people and the business we run and that in life not everything is a game.
Hmm seems there are 2 people unable to read… either nobody attacked you…. or he attacked you simple
Wow, you really are an idiot =(
got to love the fact he only answers the DDoS one even though it never existed and skips all else wow…
[5:15pm] PatrickINIZ: Your services were stopped for sending out DDoS
[5:15pm] TheCloneBay: i know
TheCloneBay: your servers get 204,000 pps
TheCloneBay: my dedis get 800,000
Don’t need to say more, he DDoSed a fellow LEB host the other week. He (the host) had also PMed me on LET, if needed I will happily allow him to post here, they are one of the bigger hosts also.
oh and trying to take out the competition using my vps’s by the looks of things
Right, please don’t make yourself look like a fool. I talk with the host in question as a friend every now and then and readers can be the judge of this, my word against yours. If he wishes to post here and verify, he will do so tomorrow.
Here’s the private conversation from MY IRC ZNC logs, clearly didn’t have the balls to say it in my channel: – anyone can teamviewer if its a must to see last edited time and view the log
[20:16:59] 2 of your vps’s have been rooted already
[20:17:03] :)
[20:17:17] oki
[20:17:31] hoping to get the node too :3
[20:17:45] oki
[20:18:10] also you may wish to watch incomming packets soon :)
[20:18:15] thanks
[20:18:19] welcome
[20:18:22] you must be a idiot if your on your ISP
[20:18:29] lolno fool
[20:18:37] why the hell would i ddos from home
[20:18:41] 10 pps
[20:18:42] lolno
[20:18:57] your servers get 204,000 pps
[20:19:02] my dedis get 800,000
[20:19:12] very much outnumbered
[20:19:20] hopefully you know web phase limited has a solicitor and the UK law
[20:19:22] states
[20:19:25] good
[20:19:25] intention to ddos
[20:19:30] again
[20:19:32] is taken same as
[20:19:32] not in uk
[20:19:34] the offence
[20:19:36] so hf
[20:19:39] your enforcing a law that dopsnt exist
[20:19:40] again
[20:19:47] Computer Misuse Act 1990
[20:19:48] read it
[20:19:51] again
[20:19:52] not uk
[20:19:54] :3
[20:20:00] You must be retarded
[20:20:05] ohreli
[20:20:06] whays that
[20:20:23] because you think because you have a name
[20:20:25] and a addres
[20:20:26] s
[20:20:28] and a bank card
[20:20:31] its all verified?
[20:20:39] I’m sure o2 do though
[20:21:39] oh no i didnt forget to turn my vpn on :)
[20:21:41] not a vpn though
[20:21:45] tunnels
[20:21:47] much faster
[20:21:49] much more secure
[20:21:52] o2 tunnel
[20:21:53] yes
[20:22:10] :)
[20:22:22] again
[20:22:25] you have no idea
[20:22:34] in turkministan the computer misuse act dose not exist
[20:22:46] mainly because they dont have that many computers :/
[20:23:30] so if you wish to use laws that dont exist in that contry
[20:23:38] il us elaws that dont exist in turkministan
[20:23:44] ddos is legal :)
Looks like WP doesn’t like so here you go:
[20:16:59] [TheCloneBay] 2 of your vps’s have been rooted already
[20:17:03] [TheCloneBay] :)
[20:17:17] [PatrickINIZ] oki
[20:17:31] [TheCloneBay] hoping to get the node too :3
[20:17:45] [PatrickINIZ] oki
[20:18:10] [TheCloneBay] also you may wish to watch incomming packets soon :)
[20:18:15] [PatrickINIZ] thanks
[20:18:19] [TheCloneBay] welcome
[20:18:22] [PatrickINIZ] you must be a idiot if your on your ISP
[20:18:29] [TheCloneBay] lolno fool
[20:18:37] [TheCloneBay] why the hell would i ddos from home
[20:18:41] [TheCloneBay] 10 pps
[20:18:42] [TheCloneBay] lolno
[20:18:57] [TheCloneBay] your servers get 204,000 pps
[20:19:02] [TheCloneBay] my dedis get 800,000
[20:19:12] [TheCloneBay] very much outnumbered
[20:19:20] [PatrickINIZ] hopefully you know web phase limited has a solicitor and the UK law
[20:19:22] [PatrickINIZ] states
[20:19:25] [TheCloneBay] good
[20:19:25] [PatrickINIZ] intention to ddos
[20:19:30] [TheCloneBay] again
[20:19:32] [PatrickINIZ] is taken same as
[20:19:32] [TheCloneBay] not in uk
[20:19:34] [PatrickINIZ] the offence
[20:19:36] [PatrickINIZ] so hf
[20:19:39] [TheCloneBay] your enforcing a law that dopsnt exist
[20:19:40] [TheCloneBay] again
[20:19:47] [PatrickINIZ] Computer Misuse Act 1990
[20:19:48] [PatrickINIZ] read it
[20:19:51] [TheCloneBay] again
[20:19:52] [TheCloneBay] not uk
[20:19:54] [TheCloneBay] :3
[20:20:00] [PatrickINIZ] You must be retarded
[20:20:05] [TheCloneBay] ohreli
[20:20:06] [TheCloneBay] whays that
[20:20:23] [TheCloneBay] because you think because you have a name
[20:20:25] [TheCloneBay] and a addres
[20:20:26] [TheCloneBay] s
[20:20:28] [TheCloneBay] and a bank card
[20:20:31] [TheCloneBay] its all verified?
[20:20:39] [PatrickINIZ] I’m sure o2 do though
[20:21:39] [TheCloneBay] oh no i didnt forget to turn my vpn on :)
[20:21:41] [TheCloneBay] not a vpn though
[20:21:45] [TheCloneBay] tunnels
[20:21:47] [TheCloneBay] much faster
[20:21:49] [TheCloneBay] much more secure
[20:21:52] [PatrickINIZ] o2 tunnel
[20:21:53] [PatrickINIZ] yes
[20:21:55] [TheCloneBay] enjoy the cc detials
[20:21:57] [TheCloneBay] :)
[20:22:00] [TheCloneBay] i haz loads more
[20:22:06] [PatrickINIZ] no thanks
[20:22:10] [TheCloneBay] :)
[20:22:22] [TheCloneBay] again
[20:22:25] [TheCloneBay] you have no idea
[20:22:34] [TheCloneBay] in turkministan the computer misuse act dose not exist
[20:22:46] [TheCloneBay] mainly because they dont have that many computers :/
[20:23:30] [TheCloneBay] so if you wish to use laws that dont exist in that contry
[20:23:38] [TheCloneBay] il us elaws that dont exist in turkministan
[20:23:44] [TheCloneBay] ddos is legal :)
So that’s why you don’t respond about refunds. your to busy writing up logs… interesting
So again how do I go about receiving a refund considering i have asked 4 times now.
“There are ~30 members in our IRC channel and they will happily verify the same.”
“clearly didn’t have the balls to say it in my channel”
Something dosnt sound right here…. 30 people can see what apparently went on in private O.o interesting and also extremely rude.
This is getting ridiculous, my friend.
First of all, acknowledge the fact that YOUR VPS ATTACKED ANOTHER PROVIDER’S NETWORK. Said other provider (prometeus) has acknowledged this incident by making a comment in this discussion. You might not have actually initiated it, but the host does not know this and can’t just assume that it wasn’t you.
SECONDLY. Iniz has no obligation to issue you a refund, as per their terms and conditions. You should read over their terms and conditions when you get a chance, it’s actually quite educational, especially this line: “All sales at Iniz are final, at our sole discretion we may offer you a refund if requested within 5 days of activation of your first service only”.
Oh so your telling me you would be happy if you paid for a VPS then the owner used it to abuse others then punished you for it? i think not.
p.s. i’m not your friend
I’m strangely okay with this.
stick with hosts on hackforums, babby
Are they more reliable then this pile of crap?
sir can you add skrill as payment to
Their is bad reviews on Moneybookers/Skrill recently against hosting providers so I’m staying away.
We accept PayPal and accept Credit Card payments through our site also (not on PP site) so it should be fine for most people as a alternative
As I get email notifications I thought I would comment here, I asked for a refund due to my needs for my SQL speed but in the end wanted to stay because of the speed and connection for the price was unbeatable. I was offered a refund or to test other nodes. I jumped across all their nodes and each node was pretty nippy then i found my preferred node for my personal needs, I haven’t been on a better VPS for the price since. I am paying 6x the price for a VPS for my SQL which iniz can match performance, I’ve yet to have the time to port everything across.
I think the lesson here is, Read the terms , see what your getting your self in for,use it legally.
With hosting you always read the policies as different hosts allow different things and they have different acceptable usage. Not being a dick on the vps would also help……. should proof read the above but its a Sunday and its sunny, So im going to venture outside my cave…
Sigh another person who can’t read the VPS was used legally and nothing but. There was no DDoS or the DDoS was done by Patrick.
Submitting ticket to 2checkout due to fraud.
We don’t use 2checkout, so please stop trolling. Never have, never will.
You just made yourself look a real dumb ass.
O.o umm think your find when you was known as StornVZ you used 2checkout hence how i paid -_-. the money has been refunded and O’m happy now you just have 7 more things to explain. oh and also will you please stop making up logs nobody wishes to see your down syndrome -_-.
We’ve never (not even for a second) used 2checkout lol.
Just proves how much shit your talking.
Sigh so now i never paid you?
also very professional today (y) :)
Admitting he has other people with VPSs at IperWeb etc and thats a “Funny thing” Why? Because he ddosed prometetus, sister company.
Wow, OpenVZ is cheap and promising more than the price itself! Am looking to buy one real soon!
(OpenVZ operates under Iniz, so thought to do a review here :) )
Just 1 question, I’m planning to use the VPS to host a online multiplayer gaming content, called ‘SA-MP’ on the VPS. Can it be hosted legally on the VPS? It’s not related with DDoSing, or other bad stuff. Takes little RAM, also (depends on what I’m going to upload)
SA:MP is fine to run on our servers.
They are thief! Yes, without solid reason and proof on first day of signup they terminated my VPS without refund. They cannot even come up proof when I asked as there is no proof. They just want your money and that’s it!
Anyone want’s to see my conversation please reply me I am happy to give you how crook is this guy pretending to be UK company but actually not.