William from System In Pace emailed me about a new brand that they are starting — LittleVPS — that is catered to the low end VPS buyers. Similar to VPSBB and TinyVPS, there is only one plan. $6.79/month gets you
- 128MB memory
- 5GB storage
- 2Mbps unmetered bandwidth
- Xen/Custom panel
Servers in Los Angeles CA (test IP: RapidXen is also their brand so you are basically getting the same 128MB plan there at slightly discounted price. Well, that’s assuming you can’t use their previous 20% off coupon code anymore, which would bring the price down to $5.99/month from RapidXen.
Domain for LittleVPS.net was registered just 3 days ago. However RapidXen has been around for quite a while (registered since Feb 2008).
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Typo ^_^ (6.97)? anyway, I had a vps with rapidxen for a while and their custom control panel is good, better than solus IMO.
the another “KISS” provider.. :D
In Russian we have a joke:
two babushkas (grandmothers) sell potatos on a market, one sells for $1 per kilo, and another one for $10 per kilo. And exactly same potatos from the looks of it. A man comes by and asks the second one: wtf, why do you sell for $10 when she sits just nearby you and sells for $1??? And the woman says: “Well good man, I just love money a lot more than she does!” :)
And for the record, “2 mbps unlimited” is just below 700 GB at 100% utilization 24×7.
I love this story, lol
700GB is much for basic website(s)?
This has to be my favorite LEB website ever! I love simple and this is truly simple. I would have made the specs in a nice little table but other than that I think it’s a winner.
i was playing around with actually doing something with a slider, but it seemed kind of not so great.
and yes, the 20% discount code is still valid for RX. however, my eventual plan is to replace the rapidxen 128MB package with littlevps brand.
also, if you have any feedback on the panel we would love to hear it — we just rolled out a massive update to our backend and panel UI earlier this month. we’re presently working on polishing up an android app for the panel, as that is a commonly requested feature.
Do you mind sharing the minimum node spec and maximum vps/node for littlevps?
they are dell poweredge servers with xeon x3220 and 8gb of RAM. average vps per node is usually somewhere around 35 vps, which is 8.75:1 CPU core contention ratio.
some of the older servers in our fleet are dual opteron 2200 series with 8-16gb of RAM. vps on those nodes are around 60-70 vps per node. we are working on replacing those nodes as we can fit in 3 of the x3220 nodes in the same power footprint as the opterons, and performance is a lot better.
we do not yet use nehalem processors, because they have some very strange bugs with xen which, while things are getting better, we do not yet feel that we can meet our uptime and stability targets on current-generation hardware yet.
I’ve been using 128mb rapidxen plan with discount for almost a year now. except for one vps hangup and one dns servers downtime everything is rock solid. I don’t get 2mbps though. rapidxen gives 100mbps/95percentile which is way more interesting.
I mean 2mbps/95%. I.e. bandwidth isn’t throttled to 2mbps, it’s merely a promise not to use more than it 95% time.
Can you do some io benchmark for us ( dd if=/dev/zero of=iotest bs=64k count=16k conv=fdatasync ) and cpuinfo? so we can guest the node spec.
median average is 46.09MB/s, which is pretty good considering that it’s SAN and not local storage.
it is actually gigabit. but you may be being throttled outside the network to 100mbps due to the other server only being on a 100mbps link or something.
So the 2mbit can burst? What are typical speeds likely to be? Is there any kind of test download from one of these vps’s?
the vpses are on a shared gigabit port. you can try for an idea of download performance. obviously download performance of files will be impacted by things like RAM size (e.g. smaller filesystem cache == less files in cache which then have to be pulled from storage backend).
> the vpses are on a shared gigabit port
What exactly is meant by “2mbps bandwidth” then?
I read that as speed capped at 256 kbytes/sec. at all times, I’m sure most people will too.
Maybe you should clarify?
Oh, I see now.
In the blog post:
> 2Mbps unmetered bandwidth
On the web site:
> Unmetered; 2mbps guaranteed
…which is a biiiiig difference.
Around 18 megabits difference if im correct?
@Daniel nice one, but spelling aside, it’s actually 998 megabits difference.
LEB post gives the impression it is capped at 2 megabit, while actually 2 megabit is the committed (minimum) rate on a gigabit port.
Actually the RapidXen plans have 2Mbps/95 percentile. So it is burstable, as long as you keep 95% of usage under 2Mbps. To be on the safe side, I just call it 2Mbps unmetered :P
Cool – good network performance from a few different places. So I’ve tried signing up. I’m assuming must be manual provisioning.
Although little snag with the invoicing system it seems. I got an email with a timestamp saying the 17th, with an invoice for the 16th. Paid it. Then as soon as I paid it I got another invoice for the 17th! Both being the full amount..
And no sign of a VPS yet. Although judging by times on the emails I realise it’s still night for you.
I think things could be a bit more clear on site. I’m confused.
Their system automatically generates the next invoice after you paid this month invoice (see the due date). You don’t have to pay the second invoice now.
Oh cool, circus that makes sense. I’d rather it email me just prior instead though!
I checked due date and it was fine. Any idea how long provisioning took for you?
Also, for some reason I couldn’t reply to you, so I had to reply to me. Weird.
I don’t exactly know, I always order vps before going to bed so i will have it in the morning ^_^
Hey, like Google’s front page, it doesn’t validate.
Not picking on them, although I’m use the drmike fan club will be along shortly, but I;ve noticed over the years the more simple the website, the more change it doesn’t validate.
None of my coding ever validates, as long as you use a good browser it doesn’t really make a difference.
maybe you need to rethink your coding?
Guess those using IE and Safari are out then. :)
But Chrome renders the same as Safari.
chrome != safari. you can take a look my website with chrome and safari, when safari having “whitespace” in bottom page. (try to see sla page), but yes they’re using webkit engine.
Safari has (well, had) issues with Java and Javascript. Always has. They used to even state so on their website. The editor TinyMCE is probably the best and well known example of something not working. (They mentioned it on their wesite as well.)
It was just used as an example of a poor browser although I believe the webkit has been updated and java and javascript seem to work better now. Probably why you don’t have any issues with Chrome since they use the same webkit.
And IE is, well IE. That goes without saying.
As to the “poor excuse” comment, well, while I agree with the idea behind the comment, that was just rude.
I would use Chrome over Safari once Chrome has a decent HTML5 video plugin (that converts youtube flash videos) that works.
Otherwise ClickToFlash is keeping me in Safari, I don’t have Flash installed.
@Daniel, last time i checked chrome has something like clicktoflash (click to enable plugin)
Its the HTML5 Video plugin im looking for mostly.
poor coders always use this pathetic excuse
I’m mainly a PHP coder and like most PHP coders I use HTML to show my data most of the time,
it validates as XHTML now. IE should, in theory render it fine, but the target market of my products probably don’t use IE anyway.
This whole discussion is completely tangential to your VPS service, but as long as we’re at it…
I personally prefer invalid, DOCTYPE-less HTML over what most people call XHTML any day. Writing a page in XHTML only to serve it as text/html really is the stupidest, cruelest mockery of a standard there is. Invalid HTML sucks, but at least it’s being used because it’s quick and dirty and saves you a bit of time, XHTML-as-text/html can’t even claim that much of a purpose.
Oh well, XHTML is officially admitted to be a dead end and popular opinion has begun its move away from it, so I guess it’s just a matter of time until innocent people stop accidentally falling into that particular snake oil trap.
I’m going to skip over discussing this point since all it will do is call out the fan club. I’m just doing to direct fanovpn to the number of discussions we’ve had previously on this site where problems with the provider’s website shows problems with what they’re offering. The topic has been discussed many times previously.
I just was trying to point out an issue with the site.
@drmike, You don’t have to worry, Rx is a well known provider. Just google for William Pitcock, he is pretty active in linux community ;)
ye miek get da fuk off mi neno moogle pitcock debian dude guy..
what is a moogle
what isn’t a moogle