Favyen, from Luna Node, has sent in their second offer with three KVM options for LowEndBox readers!
LunaNode is a little over 6months old. Its WHOIS information is public. As per them, the company is in the process of registering in Canada which should be completed in about a month’s time. VPS are provisioned in Chicago, out of servers in SingleHop’s CHI-2 datacenter. Servers are in RAID10 configuration mostly with Symbios Logic MegaRAID SAS 2108.
Its interesting to note that they have a custom panel for Budget/Plus plans which is integrated into our billing panel. SolusVM is used for their SSD KVM plans. Custom ISO’s can be mounted on all plans. At the moment they are using WHMCS but they are actively working on to get it replaced with a free solution that they are building (and inviting others to help build/test).
PayPal and BitCoin are accepted; credit cards are processed through PayPal. They do not have an official refund policy, but generally grant refunds within seventy-two hours for whatever reason, provided the VPS has not been abused.
All but SSD KVM can have additional IPv4 addresses allocated. A /30 block (one useable IPv4 address) is included, /29 block (five useable) is $3.00/mo additional, and /28 block (thirteen useable) is $7.50/mo additional (justification required for /29 and /28). They offer free wildcard SSL OR single-domain SSL (AlphaSSL) certificate with each VPS purchased. SSL’s Yearly renewals are free. New SSL Certificates are $2/mo.
LunaNode explicitly forbids Tor exit nodes, public proxies, and public virtual private networks. They allow Tor relay nodes, private proxies / VPN, adult content. Take some time to go through their TOS/AUP. If you are an active customer, please feel free to share your experience by posting a comment below
Network and Test IPs
Test File:
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- EvoRack – $7/mo 2GB KVM VPS in USA & Canada - November 5, 2014
- LunaNode – $7/month 1GB SSD KVM in Chicago - February 26, 2014
- RamNode – $3.48/Month 256MB SSD KVM VPS in Atlanta, Seattle and Netherlands - February 24, 2014
1GB SSD KVM,1g ram+6GB SSD Disk space, It looks very strange !
1gb kvm ssd –
Oops, there’s a problem…
Out of Stock
We are currently out of stock on this item so orders for it have been suspended until more stock is available. For further information, please contact us
I am very sorry, we submitted this offer two months ago but since then there was no interest in SSD KVM so we discontinued it. We have not used LEB for a long time so didn’t remember that offer was still active, also I think the email notifications are not working. Hopefully we can replace the SSD KVM offer with another LEB-exclusive promotion that I think is actually more interesting.
I’m late?
I heard about Spamhaus and your hosting, is it still affected?
No, the issue was resolved.
Actually there was never any real effect, only the _possibility_ that we would need to migrate Chicago services to Scranton; the SpamHaus listings were not in place on all customers, it was just that SpamHaus threatened our provider that they would list large ranges that our provider has if our provider didn’t terminate our services.
But anyway we were able to resolve it finally with SpamHaus and don’t anticipate further issues now that we have spam traffic monitoring.
Ugh, not a very good experience so far. Wanted to install Slackware, so I opened a ticket for them to add the ISO. They won’t let you use ISO because it’s too big. Instead I had to use the Slackware Mini Installer. I can’t seem to get it to detect the hard drive and the custom control panel is crap. I don’t think there’s any option to change hard drive to IDE, SCSI, etc and now it doesn’t even work at all. All I get are blank tabs in their WHMCS. My VPS is offline (the VNC doesn’t work either) and I can’t boot/reboot/shutdown the VPS because of this. I contacted Luna Node about this issue a while ago and it still doesn’t work.
The control panel bug has been fixed.
We would be happy to resolve any issues you are having in the installation of your custom OS if you open a ticket or update your existing ticket. Support for custom ISO files on normal plans is on a best-effort basis. Our Luna Node Dynamic plan (https://www.lunanode.com/cart.php?gid=8) comes with automatic features for mounting custom ISO’s.
Quick question, is Windows installation allowed/possible? All legitimately
Yes, if you have license key then you can install Windows, you have to provide link to the ISO file so we can mount it on your virtual machine.
After screwing around all day yesterday and having to send message after message to their support, I gave up and got my refund. A couple times the VNC just all of a sudden stopped working and I had to contact them to fix it. There was a problem getting Slackware to work with the Virtio hard drive, I had to get them to change it to IDE. There was no way to unmount/eject the ISO so I could just boot from the hard disk (without having to contact them to do it). The boot/reboot/shutdown commands stopped working and since the VNC stopped working as well, there was no way to reboot the VPS (without having to contact support). The VNC doesn’t stay on while it reboots, so if you want to try to get to the boot menu, you have to keep trying to reconnect 50 times over and then hopefully you’ll get in before it skips the boot menu. I would hate to see how much they paid to get this (POS) control panel coded for them and why they moved away from SolusVM and didn’t just go with something just as good (like Feathur) instead is beyond me.
To reload VNC you just press a single button from the service details page. If you open a ticket we can easily unmount or mount an ISO for you, and if the operating system that you are installing requires IDE we can easily make that change as well.
Last time I checked neither Feathur nor SolusVM allow users to snapshot their virtual machine and provision or rebuild from that snapshot; this can be done from our panel.
Well, for the monthly plans you would only be able to rebuild, not provision new ones (but you can order another one with whatever OS and then rebuild with the snapshot).
Also I think they both don’t work well with private networking either; we have unmetered 1gbit private network on all plans.
Since the SSD KVM is no longer available, here is another offer to replace it:
Luna Node Dynamic: hourly-billed KVM virtualization platform in Chicago and Scranton
– For test IP’s, plans, and other details see https://dynamic.lunanode.com/info.php
– Features include creating/destroying virtaul machines on the fly, upload and mount your own ISO file, snapshot and rebuild or provision new VM’s from snapshots, private IP address with 1gbit+ unmetered bandwidth, API for automatic management, unlimited free SSL wildcard/single-domain SSL certificates (for use on Luna Node network only)
– In Scranton we have a few additional features: custom templates from qcow2 images, virtaul network/router with floating IP addresses (open ticket), redundant distributed storage of virtual machine data
– Link: https://www.lunanode.com/cart.php?gid=8 (it is $12.00 to create an account, which will be created with $12.00 of credit; you can add money from the panel later in increments of $5)
– Use coupon LEBDYNAMIC for $3.00 off initial account payment (non-recurring)
What does Luna Node charge for KVM instances that are paused or shutdown (for later restart)? Couldn’t find much info on the feature set – looks interesting!
There is no discount for shut off instances. You could snapshot it though, if you don’t need the same IP address; there are three or so free snapshots after which we can charge $8 per 250 GB.
Also we now have a Github page for pbobp, at https://github.com/uakfdotb/pbobp
Copy of RamNode, in both name and colour scheme.
6GB SSD is not worth it at all, I’d rather have 10GB HDD. All plans out of stock.
Looks like a summer host too.
A) I guess RamNode stole their name from RAM Host, hm?
B) The theme is a purchased template called JSHost.
C) Only SSD KVM plans are out of stock, we didn’t intend to advertise that plan; SSD KVM is being discontinued. You can see our offer for hourly-billed dynamic virtualization platform above in the comments.
D) We’ve been around since August.
Try to make a bit theme in your control panel and some public parts (e.g. https://dynamic.lunanode.com/info.php ).
I monitor your projects so far and i see, that you are using same like default bootstrap theme. Here’s nothing wrong, i know you are busy and workless, but design parts is very important.
It’s not hard to change a view with bootstrap themes, however you would be better switching to Bootstrap 3 for that. Elements customization can really improve how your websites looks like :)
An API is provided if users do not want to use the web interface.
The CH2 Singlehop DC is the DuPont Fabros Chicago Elk Grove Village, IL facility.
What CPUs are used in these servers?
Dual L5639s
please answer my ticket #517132
Its over 24 hours since I create ticket but still no response.
I have bought 1GB KVM plan and paid it using bitcoin, but until now my invoice status still unpaid and my vps till pending.
Anyone can help me?
Sorry for the delay, sometimes our Bitcoin payment processor misses the transaction. Has your issue been resolved?
it has been resolved. thank you
I asked some questions through create a ticket, and they told me if i opened another ticket, they will close my account. Then i asked for the reason, i met problems but i can not get your help? When i say these words, they reply to me and told me i account has been closed.