Phil, from Node Deploy, has got an offer for us located in Frankfurt, Germany. NodeDeploy recently announced the closure of their US locations. Previous servers have either been refunded or redeployed on their owned hardware in Germany.
NodeDeploy are a registered UK based company who have been in business since early 2012. Nodes are running Dual Intel E5 2620 CPU, 64GB DDR3 RAM and 8x1TB drives in hardware RAID 10 with 2x 1Gbit Ports. IPv6 can be provided for free on request. One of NodeDeploys staff is currently working on an open source vps panel. I’m sure he would be delighted if you left your feedback on it below. Looking at their website, they are really enthusiastic about the future of IPv6 – you can tell these guys are the real deal! NodeDeploy have been featured a fair few times before. Reviews are consistently mixed, so do read over their previous threads when before signing up.
NodeDeploy accept payments via Paypal, Google Checkout and 2Checkout. They provide a 99.9% Uptime Guarantee and claim to answer all support tickets within 2 hours. All of their German hardware is owned and operated by NodeDeploy out of globalswitch. Bandwidth is charged at $5 for each additional 1TB and management can be added for $25 monthly. Public Proxies, VPN, Torrents, Warez or Warez Linking are not allowed. As usual, we recommend you read their Terms of Service before signing up.
Network Information:
Frankfurt, Germany
Test IPv4:
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Guys, if you need to test the network please use or instead of the one above.
Thanks! The post has been changed to include the new test IP!
Why not answer tickets, vps never up, German scammers!
I’m looking for vps sharing CCcam it can find a
nice server… 8 hop ^_^
Allows to mount any chinese-windows ISO?
Aslong as you have a valid license then sure, windows is fine.
Hi,can mount the freebsd ?
Yes sir :) might still be funky with KVM but try it out, we can always refund.
I am sorry but I saw the price is 6.95 USD when I clicked the link above,what is wrong?
Please click on “Order Now”,you can see right price.
Yes, I am here also show $ 6.95。
Does you click on “Add to cart”?
i get only
why no os window on kvm?
can u add?
Do you have virtio enabled on your vm? If not try that and you will get better results. Also, try a wget from cache fly or another speed test server.
For windows open a ticket, these are on a request only basis and you must have your own license.
ah… ok sir..
i have submit tiket on yesteday…
nice server.. i have try (Y)
i hope can get iso window 7 on cdrom heheheheh
NodeDeploy’s service is terrible,i purchase a kvm server from NodeDeploy.but the server can’t connect to network. So i open a ticket for my server ,they closed my ticket directly .Then i open a ticket again on August 16th,still no answer now…
Do you have a ticket number I can check?
I also have an issue. I’ve ordered (and payed) my bill on August, 27
but service is still not availaible…
BradND, could you please assist?
order 6940550513
was with node deploy for about 6 months no vps issues at all
support not the fastest but got a response when i needed it once
Guys, order it. You will get Premium IOps
“Premium IOps”?
Very good servers, works impeccable, no downtime. this is my base provider
Nice job NodeDeploy
got a vps with them since 5 months and had no issue with it, it’s always stable and nice.
Sent them a pre-sales question about 4 hours ago … No reply :-(
Today I received an answer: after 8 days ??? Don’t think I will want to wait 8 days in case of technical problems …
Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=569ms TTL=57
Reply from bytes=32 time=387ms TTL=57
Reply from bytes=32 time=734ms TTL=57
Reply from bytes=32 time=753ms TTL=57
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 387ms, Maximum = 753ms, Average = 610ms
Speed is not good enought. almost 1 Sec delay
And where are you pinging from? This is from worlds worst network
Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=88ms TTL=45
Reply from bytes=32 time=91ms TTL=45
正在 Ping 具有 32 字节的数据:
来自 的回复: 字节=32 时间=370ms TTL=54
来自 的回复: 字节=32 时间=331ms TTL=54
来自 的回复: 字节=32 时间=384ms TTL=54
来自 的回复: 字节=32 时间=355ms TTL=54 的 Ping 统计信息:
数据包: 已发送 = 4,已接收 = 4,丢失 = 0 (0% 丢失),
最短 = 331ms,最长 = 384ms,平均 = 360ms
with china
awww, no vpn :(
Darn, out of stock :(
I have been using these guys for months. Never had a problem.
Have had this KVM VPS with them for a week now and it has been great so far. Automated setup too!
Out of Stock, please update.
Arrgggh took a couple of days to read reviews, and now they’re out of stock. Seems like a great bang for the buck, I think I’ll just hold out until they have more instances available.
I have popped a few back in, not sure how long they will last though!
Lots of OpenVZ available however.
This company is scaming my money and they not give me server .. and delete my account ..fucking scamers
fucking scamers dont trust this company …
2 days ago ordered a VPS and sent them a ticket asking for a Windows ISO. Still no reply and my vps is still yet pending. Do they work on weekends ?
told you dont buy servers .
Paid for my VPS several days ago, but no one replied or provided my login details so far. Ticket numbers are 822961 and 823856.
Almost the same experience.
I ordered the VPS last Sunday. I did get a mail almost instantly stating that the VPS was ready. But it’s still offline, I can not install anything (gives the error: No media found for this virtual server), VNC does not work and no response to tickets up to now.
I’m not sure what to do now …
they scam ur money about this shity company
Still didn’t hear anything from Nodedeploy. Phone number from the website gives a ‘not in use’ message.
That doesn’t look good …
It’s five days after oderering now. And still no VPS or communication. Time to cancel and ask my money back.
Yes, my VPS is still offline and their support is not responding. Another dead one-day hoster.
P.S. Escalated case on PayPal.
They are surely not a one-day provider. But it does look they have major problems.
I think very highly of them but at least they should come here and announce what it was. Not saying that they should reply to everyone HERE
My VPS with them was down for 20+ hours (I simply moved my websites elsewhere at that point), and I got a response from support after about 30+ hours that they fixed the problem.
I asked for compensation for the downtime – my ticket was opened for a few days and after that I found that it was closed (without a response). I opened it again, but I did not get response either (about 10 days had passed ).
I simply cancelled my account with them for that reason – it’s like there’s no one there.
@BradND Can you comment why people are complaining about VPS offline? I wanted to order but the review are keeping me off
I have paid money and never had my service active for about 2 weeks, support tix are unanswered. This is a scam site, don’t buy from nodedeploy. I had all good experience with other providers.
This = totally scam! Leb plz taks action!
Nodedeploy was okay a few months ago, but now I don’t know what happened. Tried contacting them ( my VPS also was payed 2-3 weeks ago ). Anyway, no answer on their tickets so I had to do a PayPal claim.
I can only warn you not to buy any VPS on their site! Like Saint, their service was quite fine for several months, but three weeks ago my VPS suddenly went down and I lost all data on it. They don’t reply to tickets, delete comments on their facebook page, don’t answer the phone. I just did a PayPal claim to get at least my money back. Unprofessional kids…
I have had a range of services with services with NodeDeploy for nearly a year (9/10/2012). I was happy with the level of service, considering the price, for the first 9 months. Since announcing that they would be closing down their USA based products their level of service has deteriorated to the point where it is not non existent. My current KVM VPS with them has ceased to respond.
Multiple emails and support tickets raised with them have been unanswered. They have continued to issue invoices for their services and have been processing payments but have not resolved the outage (been down since 13/09/2013) The last email I had from them was 26/08/2013 to advise me that I would receive an email when they would commence their migrations.
My guess is that they have ceased to operate and trade.
Unfortunately at this time i also cannot recommend NodeDeploy – AT ALL -. They were fine up until a few weeks ago when their USA locations were closed, since then tickets have just been closed without a response, issues unresolved, and i have containers that are offline for days without notice, response, or an explanation on any of their mediums. I don’t know what exactly happened, but they are now a complete joke and possibly just defrauding their customers and new signups at this point. Steer clear, and throw your money at another provider, i sure as hell will be.
Please pull the offers from this company, they are also apparently deleting posts from their facebook.
I can confirm mfervps’ comment, since they deleted more than 20 of my comments on and now they stopped allowing comments of people who are not liking their brand (which nobody with a proper brain would do…)
I would like to see a warning of this company in front of each and every post advertising their services here. If you need proof, please send me an email, I will give you my login details to the control panel since it is useless for me now.
i am confirming the peoples above
nodedeploy is very bad for business and my , they have bad support verry slow , and disk and network speed very slow all day
It’s been working fine until a week ago. There is some general slowness going on, and I can’t even get my VPS to boot up.
If I provide you with Windows Server ISO link, would you mount it for me?
I agree with the other comments. I had, keyword is had, a vps wtih them and when they moved and were bought out I lost my VPS. I replied back to them twice that I wanted the new vps in Germany they offered when they shut down US operations, but never got it. In my opinion you can cross this and their parent company off the list of reliable providers.
Just got a KVM 1GB for Windows from them, activated instantly. I don’t agree with any of you above. I asked support to mount a custom ISO (Win Server 2012) I had a reply within minutes. Seems like Martin the senior systems engineer has everything under control.
I just wanted to inform those of you that have had bad experiences in the past about the fact that NodeDeploy now has new owners. There are no longer any unresolved tickets, overcrowded servers and/or issues left unresolved. NodeDeploy is now a part of Xavvo Ltd which also owns & operates
No issues? You must be kidding. Yesterday they said they need an emergency reboot for my node . Ok fine, 10 minutes downtime.
Today my node went down ant around 3 in the morning, and still not up after 5 hours… Great!
Hello Gytis
I assume you are referring to the network-wide outage that we experienced during this period. Unfortunately this was out of our hands as the issues was with our Datacenter managing to drop our servers out of our VLAN’s meaning that while the boxes were running we had no connectivity to/with the outside world, or anyone for that matter.
Ordered my VPS 1 day ago and still haven’t got it.
Tried contacting support.
Hey guys, you get there only 20GB of disk and 2 shared cores. Just klick on the link and you will see it.
Cheers, bebe
Bought a VPS, very disappointed. It takes a long time to get anyone to respond and when they finally do, they’re rude and not helpful at all.
Hi friends I am new to lowendbox and for server side too .
anyone kindly tell me ,will this configuration suit my needs .
I am currently having my fileserver in HostGator, there I am paying nearly $9.5 pm .
fileserver means I am hosting windows software file from there (.exe files) . I wont consume huge bandwidth and storage . last month I ve used 13 GB of Bandwidth.
I don’t have special requirements . only thing is the Hosting provider has to allow me store and serve .exe files .. everything is legal only , so don’t need to worry about legal issues..
So will this suit my need .?
Note : my site is not heavy traffic . alexa rank ~10,00,000 ..
-Thanks guys
I paye for my VPS, but i didn’t get it. Mr.Charlie sad that i paid for December, but on December my VPS didn’t work(i did’nt use them). Now on february i want to start you my vps. I Paid invoice but they didn’t reactivet it!
Here is my chat with support Ticket #584294
Becareful! This is SCAM!
As you can see, the issue has to do with failure to pay on time and has nothing to do with us trying to scam you out of money.
That’s… interesting.
I see that despite us not terminating your services and trying to deal with this amicably you have gone ahead and cried wolf on a website despite the issue being entirely of your own making. I also notice that you think mentioning one of the other brands can somehow make your point more valid – only because you came over to said brand, using the contact form and stamping your feet like an insolent child wanting something done about the problem you were facing with NodeDeploy.
I had, quite literally, unsuspended your services (about 10 minutes ago) and someone alerted me to this post. I presume now that you’ve done this you’ll also start taking your ‘LEGAL ACTION’ against us. Unfortunately for you that means we’ll cease all communication with you and terminate your services.
I would highly suggest that next time you don’t stamp your feet and throw your toys out of the pram and that you engage with your provider in a manner befitting an adult and not that of a child.
While this is not a proper way to contact or get support I thought I’d give you an explanation anyhow.
As for the immediate response, we suspended your service upon receiving the first initial abuse report to prevent any further issues (blacklisted IP’s etc etc).
It is correct that you were not given access to the suspended machine, this is due to us not knowing if the issues comes from something you have done or from something external, and as such it’s easier to simply have you reinstall the box and restore from backups + audit any code/website you have up and running. We do this for our own safety as well as yours.
Do note that this would to be considered standard practice if we notice repeated abuse and/or signs of serious intrusions.
My expierences so far:
No instant setup
I use NodeDeploy since 2012 ( 22/07/2012 ) and i don’t have any problem.
Reply on tickets < 10 min , uptime 100 %.
Very Good !
Ping wird ausgeführt für mit 32 Bytes Daten:
Antwort von Bytes=32 Zeit=8ms TTL=58
Antwort von Bytes=32 Zeit=8ms TTL=58
Antwort von Bytes=32 Zeit=8ms TTL=58
Antwort von Bytes=32 Zeit=9ms TTL=58
I use NodeDeploy since 2013 (02/12/2013) and i don’t have any problem.
Reply on tickets < 20 min , uptime 100 %.
Very very Good job and service !
thank's Samuel .
If I provide you with Windows Server ISO link, would you mount it for me?