Via this WHT offer. PERDHANAHOST is currently having a 15% off recurring discount offer on their unmetered Xen VPS, when you use promo code PHVPS15OFF2011. Plan “MiniVPS-A” would be $5.91/month after the discount. Direct signup link here.
- 256MB memory/512MB swap
- 15GB storage
- 10Mbps unmetered bandwidth
- Xen
Servers with SVTIX in San Jose CA (Test IP: Founded by Dhanank in Indonesia since 2006, who also runs SoerabaiaNetworks and having years of sysadmin experience. PayPal is offered as well as “Bank Transfer” which I presume would only be applicable if you are doing it from an Indonesian bank.
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Good luck for you Dhanank.
Same datacenter as
Many thanks Fefaya! :)
Yes, we are operate out from the SVTIX data center.
Hello, a test IP?
Hello ZhaoRong. Here it is: :)
unixbench v4.1 is quite outdated.
You should use v 5
Nice offer Dhanank, I might try your service one of these days ;)
Many thanks vRozenSch00n! It would be nice to have you join us. :)
They have IPv6?
Our datacenter do not route the IPv6 natively at the moment. We will offer it once our datacenter is ready. Thanks for coming to this page, Spo0lsh!