Jim from PhotonVPS has sent me their exclusive offer to the LowEndBox readers. You can use promo code PHOTONLEB to get 30% off recurring discount on their WARP .25 or WARP .5 Xen VPS packages. So for WARP .25 it’s now $4.17/month and for WARP .50 it would be $6.97/month. You get (for a WARP .50)
- 256MB memory/512MB swap
- 4GB storage
- 300GB/month data transfer
- Xen/SolusVM
Servers are in Los Angeles CA with good Asia connectivity. Test IP can be found on their network page. According to About Us page, the IT group, which PhotonVPS is a subsidiary of, has been around since 1999. WHOIS info points me to Psychz Networks.
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Folks may want to review the comments on the previous posts on this company:
We have an excellent track record so far. The issues that are reviewed are users who did not uphold some responsibility when it comes to maintaining their data, managing their VPS, nor contacted us to get their issues resolved. Our benchmark blows our competitors away where we put less servers on each machines and utilize our own facility, staff, and network.
Our BBB records and RatePoint scores speaks for themselves. If users ever have issues they are welcome to contact us. We have thousands of nodes where we cater to high end users such as universities, government sites, and bank brokers which should show the reliablity of our services.
BBB record – http://www.los-angeles.bbb.org/Business-Report/Profuse-Solution-LLC–13220719
RatePoint – http://www.ratepoint.com/profile/26898
These are credible rating systems where they have a mediators on both sides to resolve a client issue and if the score given by the users are worth noting.
We have an excellent track record so far. The issues that are reviewed are users who did not uphold some responsibility when it comes to maintaining their data, managing their VPS, nor contacted us to get their issues resolved. Our benchmark blows our competitors away where we put less servers on each machines and utilize our own facility, staff, and network.
Our BBB records and RatePoint scores speaks for themselves. If users ever have issues they are welcome to contact us. We have thousands of nodes where we cater to high end users such as universities, government sites, and bank brokers which should show the reliablity of our services.
These are credible rating systems where they have a mediators on both sides to resolve a client issue and if the score given by the users are worth noting.
Why such a low amount of HD space for the xen plans? If the .5 plan had about 6 more GB of space then I’d consider it.
Xen’s disk space cannot be oversold, assuming it’s already allocated in LVM. Also they might have very expensive disk array setup so they can’t afford to give out that much disk space.
Or they are using 40GB disks from 5 years ago to build their RAID :P I doubt though.
I have a question about photon vps.
you are always reboot my VPS, why?
the uptime of omy server never longer than 14days…
@Eric, these are “Low End Boxes” after all.
@Peterson, have you tried opening a ticket?
I know these are “Low End Boxes”, but there are other offers with a better disk space offering =) So that didn’t really explain why it’s a measly 4gb. I know about Xen and blah blah blah, but TB drives are getting cheaper and cheaper…
More resources = more opportunity for abuse, probably. Given that none of the rapidleech idiots will touch a 4GB VPS, I’d almost consider that a prominent selling point, really. :)
@Eric: Terabyte drives *are* getting cheaper, but have you ever tried to back up, or restore, that volume of data over the internet? Or even what you’d probably consider cripplingly modest amounts – 10 or 15 gigabytes? 10GB will take over an hour to transfer at a (fairly optimistic) rate of 20Mbps. You can work the rest out for yourself from there. (For those following along at home, and who are scared of maths, 1TB would take about four *days* to transfer at 20Mbps, or well over a week at 10Mbps, which might still be an optimistic speed if you’ve got a server in, say, California, and backup space with OVH in France…)
10GB in 1 hour is worst case when we don’t use incremental backup
@bekanosky: For *making* the backup, yes. For *restoring* the backup via FTP or SFTP, however, expect to wait a good long while, regardless of how it was created.
Yes, that is the case in offline backup.
If we use another VPS for backup that always ready to be used, then it is just a matter of updating DNS, some final setting, etc.
Quick note, we don’t allow additional IPs on our WARP.25 and WARP.50 plans.
I even started order, but OS template is strange. 32-bit Ubuntu only old 8.10, Debian 64-bit only. This is useless for LEB.
What distro were you interested in?
I have been using Photon VPS for more than 6 months now and I am happy with them. They respond pretty fast for support tickets. They solve any issues if ever there are. I am on High end VPS with them. They are a bit costly but its worth it when it comes to the service and uptime.
Thanks for the positive feedback!
Still receiving spam from these folks. No response from previous complaints about the issue. Jim, I’ll be happy to log a BBB complaint if you don;t want to follow up with complaints. Gotta admit that I think it’s pretty sad that you point folks to your BBB record. Those folks logging those reports are those who are fed up with your service. Good customer service would mean that you had no complaints filed with BBB. Instead you have 10 customers who got so pissed off at you and your company that they felt the need to go out of their way to record what their experiences were with your company.
And anyone and their grandmother can fill out a ratepoint review.
We do not spam our clients, however if you signed up for an account at anytime we will send global notices to all clients regarding maintenances and specials. Feel free to open a ticket to get your email removed from our database.