Oliver from RansomIT sent in an offer in February that got a pretty good response and is now back with the same offer once more.
- 256MB of Memory, burstable to 320MB
- OpenVZ
- 1 CPU core
- 15GB of disk space
- 25GB of data transfer
- You get 1 IPv4 (no IPv6)
- TUN/TAP/PPP is enabled
- Shared 100mbit port
- Order Link (no promocode needed)
Servers are in Adelaide, South Australia at Colocity (www.colocity.com)
UPDATE: IPv6 is now available, submit a ticket to enable it on your VPS.
– Test IP:
– TOS here: http://www.ransomit.com.au/terms_of_service
– Ransom IT Trust is the business name (company structures are different so it’s actually a Trust and not a Company, but for the end user on LEB this makes no difference)
As a last note: Most of the LEB regulars knows that Bandwidth in Australia costs an arm and a leg (prices from feb = $1.50 /GB) so this offer which includes 25 GB /month is a good one.
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Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=305ms TTL=48
Reply from bytes=32 time=307ms TTL=48
Reply from bytes=32 time=181ms TTL=48
Reply from bytes=32 time=181ms TTL=48
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 181ms, Maximum = 307ms, Average = 243ms
Ping results too high from Indonesia
much better now..
And some more ping tests to help anyone interested…
From Hetzner Germany:
From WebNX LA:
From Linode Fremont:
From SecureDragon in Tampa:
That bandwidth allocation is huge for AUS.
Well done :)
But everything in Australia is upside down…. wait 25 upside down looks like 25 :\
That’s why we’ve opted for 25 GB. Nearly impossible for anyone to get confused regardless of whether you’re upside down or not. :-)
IPv6? IPv6? WHEN? :D
No guarantees but I am following this up with the DC now. Will update this when and if I can get something up for this service.
IPv6 madness already here :)
Now. :-)
Mind if I ask “what do you do with 25GB of data transfer in Australia?”
Perfect for a website where most of the readers are in Australia.
DNS cluster seems to be a popular choice. Otherwise web and email servers as usual for those without huge data requirements. VPNs or private proxies are also a common use. The latency is probably the primary attractive point for those in Australia and New Zealand while for foreigners it’s having geographic diversity for services requiring high redundancy.
You can do a lot; be creative. :-)
For ‘DNS cluster’ would be ideally to see VPS with less amount of RAM,
for example 64Mb /even 32 Mb may be enough as for me/, the same about HDD,
and of course in this case set for it little bit lower price :)
I think it would be also very creative on your side :)
This is pretty much the lowest limit I can go here anyway simply because of the IP space, so even if I did offer less resources I don’t think I could drop the price much.
I’ll keep it in mind though since it does seem to be a common use.
Don’t you hate it when you briefly wake, and decide to have a quick squiz at LEB.
Only to find out Oliver is back with another offer!
I’ve had my vps since the first offer made here on LEB, never looked back.
Second location in Australia for myself, this is the cheaper and better of the two ^_^
I was very iffy on the bandwidth allocation(peace of mind i guess) – the main goal was web-hosting for clients. Turns out it doesn’t consume as much as i had thought, with plenty to spare every month!
Thanks Oliver and keep up the great offer for aussie oi!
Thanks kro. :-)
I just wanted to update this to say that IPv6 is now available. After signing up just post a support ticket requesting it.
A big thanks to William from EDIS and the rest of the crew on IRC for providing assistance with the IPv6 setup.
Is this tunneled IPv6 or none-tunneled IPv6? Can you give a test IPv6 address?
IP of the Gateway:
from Western Australia
Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=1151ms TTL=50
Reply from bytes=32 time=995ms TTL=50
Reply from bytes=32 time=954ms TTL=50
Reply from bytes=32 time=1124ms TTL=50
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 954ms, Maximum = 1151ms, Average = 1056ms
Tracing route to adl1.ransomit.com.au []
over a maximum of 30 hops:
1 <1 ms 1 ms <1 ms Buffalo.lan []
2 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms
3 1080 ms 882 ms 745 ms []
4 * 912 ms 764 ms PE-5017325.pgrosinte01.gw.aapt.com.au [203.174.1
5 886 ms 824 ms 715 ms gi1-9.pstmadist01.aapt.net.au []
6 870 ms 1338 ms 1413 ms te2-1.pstmabrdr01.aapt.net.au []
7 1010 ms 860 ms 912 ms
8 * * * Request timed out.
9 628 ms 571 ms 781 ms Amcom.55drc76fg.optus.net.au []
10 899 ms 948 ms 751 ms ge2-1.cr01.sa.amcom.net.au []
11 773 ms 863 ms 1234 ms ge1-1.gw01.sa.amcom.net.au []
12 809 ms 514 ms 493 ms
13 870 ms 1204 ms 1202 ms c45.cor-e.adl.colocity.com []
14 948 ms 848 ms 902 ms g1-1.c45.distd.adl.colocity.com []
15 1120 ms 804 ms 694 ms adl4.ransomit.com.au []
16 604 ms 798 ms 998 ms adl1.ransomit.com.au []
Trace complete.
Yea, but that is a problem with your line.
3G i guess?
As per William’s post I am sure that’s not normal for Australian users. The latency tests from locations on the other side of the world are better than that. What type of connection are you on Paul?
So… eta on setting these up? 24 hours and counting..
Hi, if you’re who I think you are then you should have received a deployment notice before you made the above post. I just checked the logs and a message was successfully delivered to your email service provider on the late afternoon of the 12th (Adelaide time).
If you haven’t received it please email service@ransomit.com.au or file a support ticket. I’ve had them all deployed and ready within 6 hours so far.
Sorry about that, turns out my spam folder rejected all of your welcome emails EXCEPT for the deployment one.
Looks good so far! :)
No problems. Enjoy!
ping/traceroute from Adelaide 30/1 mbit telstra cable. ~13km from CBD
Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data
32 bytes from:, seq: 1, time = 36ms, ttl: 45
32 bytes from:, seq: 2, time = 39ms, ttl: 45
32 bytes from:, seq: 3, time = 33ms, ttl: 45
32 bytes from:, seq: 4, time = 42ms, ttl: 45
32 bytes from:, seq: 5, time = 55ms, ttl: 45
32 bytes from:, seq: 6, time = 60ms, ttl: 45
32 bytes from:, seq: 7, time = 41ms, ttl: 45
32 bytes from:, seq: 8, time = 64ms, ttl: 45
32 bytes from:, seq: 9, time = 46ms, ttl: 45
32 bytes from:, seq: 10, time = 45ms, ttl: 45
32 bytes from:, seq: 11, time = 35ms, ttl: 45
32 bytes from:, seq: 12, time = 30ms, ttl: 45
32 bytes from:, seq: 13, time = 31ms, ttl: 45
32 bytes from:, seq: 14, time = 33ms, ttl: 45
32 bytes from:, seq: 15, time = 29ms, ttl: 45
32 bytes from:, seq: 16, time = 32ms, ttl: 45
32 bytes from:, seq: 17, time = 30ms, ttl: 45
32 bytes from:, seq: 18, time = 31ms, ttl: 45
32 bytes from:, seq: 19, time = 30ms, ttl: 45
32 bytes from:, seq: 20, time = 31ms, ttl: 45
Ping statistics for :
Sent: 20 Received: 20 Lost: 0 (0.0% loss)
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
Minimum = 29ms Maximum = 64ms Average = 38.7ms
Tracing route to []
1 * * *
2 22ms 20ms 8ms
3 8ms 11ms 6ms
4 * * *
5 16ms 13ms 14ms
6 28ms 16ms 18ms
7 43ms 32ms 33ms
8 47ms 30ms 29ms
9 21ms 24ms 19ms
10 TimedOut
11 * * *
12 29ms 32ms 28ms
13 52ms 70ms 63ms
14 62ms 57ms 51ms
15 57ms 57ms 53ms
16 45ms 33ms 30ms
17 31ms 36ms 57ms
18 55ms 44ms 44ms
19 35ms 31ms 30ms
Trace complete
More stock is available again now. We ran out of IPs but have just had another range assigned.
Sorry for the delays if anyone had been wanting to sign up!
Is this offer still available? When I go to the link I get a cheaper, but lower specified offer.
There’s more available now.
Out of stock. I’m interested when one is available.
More available now. :-)