Did you know? LowEndBox is 5 today! StormVZ, recently sent in these two 3072MB ram offers. I don’t think we’ve listed a plan with this much ram before – so I thought I’d save it for this special occasion.
| LEB FEB 3072US
StormVZ have been featured here a three times before and have also twice appeared in our community roundup. They were actually last featured on Christmas Day and received some great feedback. All vps servers now include free ‘semi management‘ – providing you use one of the listed control panels. I wonder if 3GB virtual servers for $7 will become the new craze? How much RAM will you be able to get for your 7 bucks by 2014? I have to admit, I’ve never been attracted to these gigantic OpenVZ offers. My largest (I have a lot!) LowEndBox has 512Mb of ram, and in true LowEndBox style, I cram everything that I possibly need to host onto it. Make sure you leave your thoughts, and benchmarks, of these plans in the comments below.
Patrick also sent in this link to yet more reviews. Servers in the UK are with Rapidswitch and US servers are located with ColoCrossing. It’s worth noting that StormVZ are a registered business in England & Wales. StormVZ accept payments via Credit/Debit Card, PayPal or Google Checkout. They provide a full 5 day money back guarantee. For further information,
Network Information:
Maidenhead, UK
Test IPv4:
Test File: http://maidenhead.stormvz.com/100mb.bin
Buffalo, New York
Test IPv4:
Test File: http://buffalo.stormvz.com/100mb.bin
Chicago, Illinois
Test IPv4:
Test File: http://chicago.stormvz.com/100mb.bin
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Fresh reviews from customers:
You can set rDNS for all 3 locations from SolusVM, UK also has IPv6 rDNS setup automatically to!
Any questions? Feel free to ask!
Updated order links:
https://my.stormvz.com/cart.php?a=add&pid=61 -> UK
https://my.stormvz.com/cart.php?a=add&pid=62 -> NY/CH
My bad, ignore above.
Updated order links:
https://webphase.net/cart.php?a=add&pid=61 -> UK
https://webphase.net/cart.php?a=add&pid=62 -> NY/CH
Is this offer for life?
Crazy offer!
Shame MineCraft is banned, this is what people would use so much ram for, can’t even think of what need 3GB ram.
Downloading a file from another server in the same datacenter is probably not the best test :p
--2013-02-02 02:47:19-- http://speedtest.london.dediserve.com/1000mb.bin
Resolving speedtest.london.dediserve.com (speedtest.london.dediserve.com)...
Connecting to speedtest.london.dediserve.com (speedtest.london.dediserve.com)||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 1048576000 (1000M) [application/octet-stream]
Saving to: `/dev/null'
100%[===================================================================================================================================================================================================================================>] 1,048,576,000 11.7M/s in 72s
2013-02-02 02:48:31 (13.9 MB/s) - `/dev/null' saved [1048576000/1048576000]
Another speedtest:
# wget http://cachefly.cachefly.net/100mb.test -O /dev/null
–2013-02-02 03:59:08– http://cachefly.cachefly.net/100mb.test
Resolving cachefly.cachefly.net (cachefly.cachefly.net)…
Connecting to cachefly.cachefly.net (cachefly.cachefly.net)||:80… connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 200 OK
Length: 104857600 (100M) [application/octet-stream]
Saving to: `/dev/null’
100%[==========================================================================================>] 104,857,600 18.2M/s in 5.5s
2013-02-02 03:59:14 (18.3 MB/s) – `/dev/null’ saved [104857600/104857600]
One of the best perks of StormVZ is not just 1 dbag is allowed to use all resources for MC or mischief. I’ve been using StormVZ since the black friday special back in 2012. Abusers see the ban hammer and actual users trying to do shit actually get to use resources for a sensible purpose. I get awesome disk/net IO whenever I try to test and never had a website go down yet
Calling people “dbags” for hosting a legitimate game server… Seriously, do you not see the irony in this?
StormVZ is the way to go definitely is you want something reliable!! I’ve been with them for 2 months now, and they’re simply AMAZING !! Very good service, no downtime, and Fantastic support!! you get a response to any ticket you open in a MAX of 5 minutes !! which is something i’ve never seen anywhere else!
Is this one going to be a first come first serve offer as well? I might get one within the next couple of days!
Thanks, glad to see your enjoying our service!
As I’ve always said multiple times on our IRC chat when asked by many, we order servers when needed and on the fly. If the average usage(IO/CPU) is quite high (we monitor via Observium and New Relic) we’ll order a new server and put new orders on there. We’ve been doing this for the long 2GB offers we’ve supplied and we’ve received nothing but positive comments towards the way we do this!
Thanks for the quick reply! I’ll be getting another one from you defo!
I’m enjoying the VPS really, and running a private teamspeak server along with my websites! and i’m really impressed! Make sure you keep it up! :)
Test, Chicago is good to reach the speed of the Chinese
UK Location’s Port Speed ?? And Server Specifications ?
– E3-1230v2
– 32GB RAM
– 4x 1TB 10k RPM VelociRaptor
– Hardware RAID10
Wow. Unbeliavable. How they can provide very big RAM with this price?
I will ordered it just to try
hey..frnds..ru offering direct admin panel in this promo..i need ur vps with direct admin
ur prices in LEB is in usd..while on order its showing higher in sterling.
Use the order link mentioned here. Don’t order from the site directly.
Well, one weak point of StormVZ is that PayPal/CC payment is processed by 3rd party in GBP. Which means the dollar value would change according exchange rates, and it’s not always below USD $7 LEB pricing.
No complaint on the VPS performance, though.
Your offer is really good.. please let me know Price $6.94/M for how many billing cycle month. or it will Increase after some times. if i should go for annual is there any discount.
It is recurring monthly, you can also pay quarterly/semi=annually or annually if you wish.
How long will the offer remain active ?? I’m afraid if it expires !
Do you allow Torrent Client ?? I mean downloading torrent ?? IRC/Video Streaming Allowed ??
Nagib Mahfuz
Private usage is fine for torrenting, IRC private bouncers/clients only (no sservers or public bouncer shared with others) and same for streaming (private usage).
Video Streaming is not allowed. Then, this will be of no use for me. Will think for future projects !
Looks like prices goes down everywhere much for US locations :) What next? 128 for 10 Cents per month?
I’m still stuck with the question regarding which would be a better server:
A VPS with a guaranteed 2gb ram + 2gb vSwap, Or
A VPS with a guaranteed 3gb ram as mentioned in the offer here.
What do you guys think?
A better server should be of guranteed 3 GB Ram.
Thanks mate, so vswap doesn’t help huh?
And any ideas regarding the amount of traffic a 3gb ram vps could handle at a time if it was a dynamic site with php and moderate database usage?
Do you honestly believe that you are going to get “Dedicated” 3GB ram for this price?
Well, now that I saw your post I don’t. :)) How much do you think one’s gonna get outta this? and wouldn’t Xen be better than OpenVZ? Or so I’ve read.
vSwap is a temporary Ram increasement. If you use the vSwap Ram for a long time, your account may get suspended ! Not in case with OpenVZ 3 GB !
What about IPv6 Address for the US servers???
At least is there any plan to add them in the future?
Yes, no ETA on that though. When it’s available to us we’ll email all clients if they’d like it added.
IPV6 in the US?
That won’t happen any time soon. Blame Colocrossing for living back into 2005 still with their IPV4 only.
Good offer though.
How about fixing the price though. It’s not $6.94 a month. It is £4.40GBP Monthly. Meaning the amount is going to change as currency values fluctuate on a daily basis.
Good offer, however, 1230v2 isn’t the best idea for this, I’d suggest a 1270v2(if you need one – I sell them at $180/each).
Are you serious? I’d rather pay $400 with someone else then $180 with you. (I don’t but yeah)
We have E3-1240v2 & E3-1270v2s in US and don’t expect me to buy of a minor. Please produce your sales pitch somewhere else.
I’m trying to order but unfortunately there’s major package loss to your website (94% at the moment).
Under DDoS, it’s a shame some sad people in this world have no life and just really jealous but oh well. We’re not going anywhere.
We’re backup!
It seems like there’s only one LEB host who can come with such or similiar offer without being “supported” with packets. It’s concerning and sad in same time. I wish you a great success with this sale @StormVZ.
Any update on that?
It’s back up, we switched DNS so might take some time to update for some people.
Hi Patrick as of 11:04am EST I’m still not able to access the website.
Site is still accessible if your DNS is updated, we’re still getting orders coming through every few minutes.
You can email me patrick@stormvz.com and I can reserve stock, I don’t think this will last much longer.
Maybe you have other web-site for register? I wanna by your VPS
Site is still accessible if your DNS is updated, we’re still getting orders coming through every few minutes.
You can email me patrick@stormvz.com and I can reserve stock, I don’t think this will last much longer.
Now, who would the hater be because of this offer?
Couldn’t be some Chicago outfit who threw a competitive temper tantrum over it, could it be?
Find it funny, just like when BuyVM was moving and their other location was DDoS’d. Geez, who could the jealous competitor be?
It’s quite the juvenile delinquent industry be a part of, shamefully.
Cant order, when i press ADD TO CART, it send me to cart.php with all VPS, and nothing is on my cart.
Clear browser cookie/cache.
Site seems to be down?
If it’s still ‘down’ then your on old DNS and need to wait for DNS to update. If your looking at order urls then the ones in OP is wrong.
https://webphase.net/cart.php?a=add&pid=61 -> UK
https://webphase.net/cart.php?a=add&pid=62 -> NY/CH
Just seen the message about, I’ll wait for the DNS to update.
Is a DDOS attack like this likely to affect your customers VPS’?
Only our site was affected, all services remained working perfectly fine.
On the contrary, Control Panel seems to be down from here :(
Is there a plan for server in west coast US? I need a vps in west coast because I’m from Asia and I get low latency from there. Colocrossing has server in west coast and hopefully you considered this suggestion for your Asian customer.
Thank you.
We have Quadranet, LA. You can email me and we can sort something out, patrick@stormvz.com.
I just sent you an email. Thanks.
It’s just you. http://webphase.net is up.
I just sent you an email. Thanks
Sorry. Please delete this and above comment. It’s a mistake.
No it works and hasn’t been down all day.
Feel free to email me at patrick@stormvz.com for direct IP access to it.
I want an UK server but I get “We’re having diffuculites with our corporate server, we will be back within 24 hours!”
I’m getting this too.
Back up!
This offer is here to stay, we’ll have more servers available to.
We’re currently moving our corporate site off to somewhere else and everything should be fine in the long run then.
Can we install Newznab on these VPSs? It’s mainly for testing and experimenting, but would always be for personal use (never a public site).
Private is fine, just don’t hog the server as a rule of thumb for all :)
Our corporate servers have been successfully migrated, please clear cookie/cache and feel free order!
Thanks once again for everyone patience, been a long saturday.
Waited patiently for the migration, reloaded the page every few minutes… :P
Now just ordered a VPS – let’s see how it performs! :)
I have had 2 servers with these guys since the last LEB offering (essentially this same offer but for 2GB) and I have zero complaints. Everything has been working great since day 1 and continues to do so… Debating picking up another but not even sure if I need another 3gb of memory xD Thanks for all you do StormVZ, excellent offering and service from these guys!
Thanks! Feel free to order and save it for the future when you do need it :P
Order site was down, but seems ok now. Just placed an order.
No Swap available on this plan.
Does it comes with vSwap?
If yes, is it 3GB too?.. and if no, it is possible for you to enable vSwap if I order?
Ist das Angebot mit 3072 MB zeitlich begrenzt,
und ist der Vertrag jederzeit kuendbar.
If the offer is limited to 3072 MB, and the contract can be terminated at any time without maturity.
If you follow our terms, no.
Order site (http://webphase.net/) is also down from the Philippines for at least the past three hours. Is there an alternative? Thanks!
No, it’s working here and we’re still getting orders through.
You may need to wait for DNS update / cloudflare end.
Hmm… made it up to the page just before checkout and it conked out again.
Checked at downforevery… and here’s a screenshot: http://postimage.org/image/b35yzkitb/
Still intermittent. Must be the DNS indeed. Oh well, gonna have to wait for a few more moments (hopefully not hours). :(
Have the same problem :/
That’s really odd, back up immediately. I didn’t get notifications for 3 months either so maybe was for a split second.
I’ll look into firewall etc.
Finally managed to sign up for an account and got myself a LEB FEB 3072US. Now to run tests and start settign up my sites :-)
Signed up for one of these and am running a Counter-Strike: Global Offensive server on it. Runs like a dream and the ping from Ontario Canada to their Chicago network is amazing!
Absolutely love it, and well worth the money!
Weren’t gameservers forbidden?
running UT99 and few others at same time for a group of 5 of us. no issues. signed up as noticed only minecraft mentioned. apologies to them if i messed up, but not been kicked so can;t be a problem.
That’s correct, hope your enjoying the VPS :)
Just MC is banned, I have no problem with others.
Los Angeles opened up for few hours, limited stock there.
Are we allowed to switch our location from Chicago to Los Angeles?
Yes, it’ll come with only one IP though.
Submit ticket to support and we can do it for you.
Anyway to keep those 2 IP addresses?
I don’t mind completely having my VPS deleted and recreated, and being given new IP addresses.
I can do, for some people on first come first served.
Submit ticket to support ASAP :)
Could I still order for LA node?
Only 1 IP is provided however
Wow, I have never seen so much RAM for so little money. Then I saw the node specifications in one of the comments here:
– 32GB RAM
– 4x 1TB 10k RPM VelociRaptor
– Hardware RAID10
I am tempted to order, but before I do I would like to ask how many of these 3GB VPS Servers are hosted per node?
As I’ve always said multiple times on our IRC chat when asked by many, we order servers when needed and on the fly. If the average usage(IO/CPU) is quite high (we monitor via Observium and New Relic) we’ll order a new server and put new orders on there. We’ve been doing this for the long 2GB offers we’ve supplied and we’ve received nothing but positive comments towards the way we do this! We have no set limit.
I am sorry, however this still does not answer my question. I am new to OpenVZ and from what I am reading this virtualization method can be easily over-allocated. I just wanted to know if you practice over allocation of resources, CPU, RAM and disk space?
That’s correct. You asked how many VPSs per node and I explained we have no hard limit.
Yes we oversell, there is doubt that. Most if not all OpenVZ providers do this to an extent. We manage it fairly well, we monitor our nodes 24/7 and abusers get kicked of fairly quickly, all servers use new/enterprise hardware and work well in general. I’m yet to come across a bad StormVZ review against our VPS service where we are at fault! :)
@Alex EVERY OpenVZ provider oversell, that’s not a question here. What you want to ask is if they overload nodes and you already got answer about that above. Overselling is standard practice among OpenVZ providers and not necessary something bad as long host monitor nodes and don’t overload them.
Thank you for the clarification. I did not understand how this works exactly, so I am sorry for the many questions. Can’t argue with the price, it is a good deal.
Vouch for StormVZ, excellent nice staff :)
Thanks and welcome abroad ;)
So, did a first setup on my new VPS with StormVZ and I am quite impressed how well it performs.
Using it for programming projects I have to do for university and some other developement projects I am currently dealing with.
Apache2, Tomcat, MySQL and PgSQL -> No Problem at all!
Additionally set up a OpenVPN server principally to provide an encrypted connection when using an open network/hotspot but also tried to access for example hulu.
Problem: hulu does not recognize my geolocation as US, so I am not able to watch clips there. What’s wrong? Might the ip address range of the provider be blacklisted there?
IPs are geo located back to our UK registered office, servers are physically in US.
Oh no, to bad – did not know about this fact before I ordered…
Any possibility to change this?
Oh, by the way for waverers: Great server, great support! :)
We’ll look into getting geo updated. Not totally sure at the moment.
Looking forward to that, would be really great!
Keep us updated :)
Fixed now for MaxMind, showing as the correct locations! Other IP databases should follow updates soon.
Seems as if they do not update their databases very often… :P
Once a month for ip2location.com. Should expect it to be updated there in the 1st week of march.
MaxMind updates weekly so that was fixed quickly.
@Bochi – have you tried hulu since yesterday and got it working? Hulu is still saying that I’m outside the us even though ip2location is now showing my ip as us based.
Does Hulu use some other way of determining location or are these ip addresses blacklisted somehow?
It could be they use a different IP database or it takes some days to update hulu after initial update from databases (Not sure how the system works, just a possibility)
Yeah. I’ll give it a few more days. Running a VPN wasn’t my main objective and happy enough with the VPS on the whole.
@Mark: Just had a try – same result here.
What I think about this is that they might not have pulled the latest version of the IP database, so lets be patient for a few more days.
But besides of that there may be also other things they do for their location checks.
Another thing: I have problems with very low connection speeds when using only one connection at a time (e.g. video streaming).
CPU is not be problem (not really in use), even though I tried to disable encryption, played around with packet sizes, disabled compression and and and…
Read about a potential problem with the TUN/TAP drivers but could not figure out any solution right now – any ideas?
Hi. StormVZ sounds interesting… but I have some questions.
1 – What happens if/when the bandwidth gets exceeded?? I don’t want any extra costs nor do I want my site to go offline for the current month. Is it possible to have 1 extra TB added to the 750GB monthly bandwidth (for an extra cost, of course)? And if so how much?
2 – I saw a review somewhere that you delete user accounts (including files and databases) without notice if StormVZ terms are not met??? Is that true????????????? You don’t even give the users a chance to backup their databases and files so they can peacefully move to another host?? If that’s true, this is horrible!
1 – Your are suspended if you go over your bandwidth limit but you can contact billing to pre-purchase bandwidth £1/200GB
2 – Where did you read this?
If you are caught spamming then yes we terminate instantly after we check your VPS. We don’t give second chances for spammers after we review the VPS and logs. If you are using high IO/CPU that AFFECTS other users then you will be suspended and contacted. If you are using high CPU/IO but not so much that it affects other users then we keep your VPS running and contact you at same time.
2 more UK nodes being setup as we talk!
If your on UK2, we are giving away and extra IP so it will be exactly same as US! Just submit a ticket…
How much is for cPanel ?? I heard you provide semi-managed support if cPanel is ordered with VPS ??
£9.95/mo for cPanel+Semi-Managed
Are the new accounts being provisioned on UK2 node ?? Then, I’ll take one to get the opportunity of extra IP ;)
Yup, new orders come with 2 IPs by default now.
Then Going to order one !
Ordered one, Got instantly ! But, charged $7.21 although invoice showed $6.97 :(
Conversion fee at our gateway applies, we only handle GBP payments which makes it easier for us when and if we become VAT registered.
If you used GBP currency in our billing(WHMCS) then you would be charged £4.40 = $6.93/.94
What charged is charged. No Matter. A hopeful news is I’m getting 290-300 ms latency from my country (my ISP). It’s better after my SG Server. I’ve from Softlayer (SG) which is the fastest for me. Then, had 2 VPS (one at Quadranet, LA via URPAD and one at Chicago via URPAD). These 2 have more than 350 ms. Yours one is nice in this regard :)
Is the Test IP of UK somehow optimized ?? I’m asking you because now from my VPS, I’m getting 375 ms :(
Always wonder, why provides always prohibited all apps etc uses big amount of memory on high RAM VPSses? :) 2-3 Gb RAM only for simple webpage? Oh no :)
We banned Minecraft, other gameservers are still allowed. We have clients utilising full 2/3GB.
There’s more use to a VPS then running a website for example you can do multiple things such as run VPN, Gameserver, Website, DNS etc. on one VPS.
Most of following purposes can be run just fine on simple 256/512 Mb RAM or even less, 3 Gb RAM not useful and not needed :)
Older builds of MC used to rape your drives to load/process the map – you were pretty much required to have an SSD if you had a decent amount of players on it.
It’s possible storm would allow it if the users use a RAM drive but that likely turns into a support headache for them :)
New UK node up, still a lot of place left in Chicago.
LA/NY will be out of stock any time soon.
UK KVM with 2 IPs / IPv6 coming soon!
hi patrick, i am thinking of installing seafile for me and my class to use. Is that cool with you guys? And if so can you set it up for me on the vps after i pay? Thanks
You can use seafile however we won’t help you set it up.
Any ETA for the KVM node in UK?
Hi Patrick.
I’ve got a NY VPS and set up openvpn to route Hulu and Netflix through it from the UK.
However, both websites are showing me as being in the UK still and http://www.iplocation.net/ shows ip2location as the UK.
Anything that can be done about this?
Hi Patrick.
Sorry I just read further up the thread that you had already looked into this. Any update when you expect ip2location to update it’s geolocation status?
We emailed ip2pocation, they added it to next round of update they do.
Not sure when but ill drop them an email an ask!
Will the price remain the same forever or will it increase in the future?
Thanks for your reply. :)
joke of a company
suspends you for any reason they like and adds it quickly to their TOS so its considered “legit”
stay away from them!
Attempting to run Qemu/Windows illegally.
A little butthurt caught too quick? He instantly submitted cancellation request hoping the “Immediate” is actually “Immediate” but it’s not so had time to check out his VPS prior to it and found this file straight away in root.
Pic if it doesn’t load:
Awaiting your reply.
Disclosing such information just like that is very unprofessional imo.
Whats so confidential in there, already covered out the key etc? Just backing myself up here.
Unlike others I at least have the decency to not post full ticket logs with names and emails exposed as seen on LET.
Pirated Users should be suspended and so you !
There is no excuse for what you did, it should be common sense that you are not allowed to use pirated copies of software. Especially on a VPS.
And the TOS also states you are not allowed to host warez, having it on your VPS is the same thing.
You get a VPS to QEmu Windows? Mind. Blown.
100% love this VPS. Bought one for personal testing and as a proxy for a friend on travels but my work are now considering buying a handful to replace their shared hosts. I never thought this much RAM would count as a LEB but the possibilities it has opened up really are staggering. red5/icecast running test from live and server, binreader grabbing and a quick ffmpeg trim of a HD file at the same time, this isn’t VPS as I knew it.
No problem running game servers (no MC of course) and when they say some stuff is okay ‘privately’ I have to assume they mean if they get no complaints, you don’t have public/open IP infringing sharing and you don’t take the piss with resources they have no reason to notice anything. I use binreader to get and prep what I want on the VPS, rezip it passworded and pop it on a private ftp to download it from home, this only using upto 25gb b/w once a week. That is exactly what I do and have not been booted.
For just over £1 per week it is obvious these things have to be oversold to make ends meet. I’ve been with some good and some bad, but here I haven’t noticed a single thing wrong – the management seems to be on form.
Glad your enjoying our services!
StormVZ is an excellent provider.
Performances are great, customer service very responsive.
I had one issue though, when I modified my postal address in the customer area, they purely suspended my account and VPS with no further notice.
The problem was solved in the hour, providing the proof my address was correct.
I understand this is to fight against abuse, but suspending my account like that was a bit harsh.
Except that, no problems so far.
Keep up the good work!
is this great offer over i cannot get the link to work for the discout
Please, look over the links in comments of Mr. Patrick below the post.
Updated order links:
https://webphase.net/cart.php?a=add&pid=61 -> UK
https://webphase.net/cart.php?a=add&pid=62 -> NY/CH
hello Patrick Hayward — whether this vps allows adult content?
If you own the content yes.
i’m wondering how my social network would perform on this setup.. do you have examples of sites with high numbers of concurrent connections running?
what exactly is ‘4 shared cores’? how different is that to ‘shared hosting’ in terms of resource sharing?
oh, also.. i see no mention of any green/eco policy on your site – visibly – is there one?
What in the name of ,,, are you talking about ….
For anyone interested…
Yearly Plans:
StormVZ is 6 months old in a few days, we will have even more DIFFERENT MEGA promotions…
Keep an eye here:
Awesome! Can’t wait :D
“We reserve the right to refuse, cancel or suspend service, at our sole discretion” What kind of policy is that …
That’s a bog standard term in many contracts isn’t it?
That is basically in every ToS so they can kick out people who use the VPS for a month, chargeback and buy a new one
Big DDOS on servers, hope They will fix it quick ! :)
Great service for VERY good price.
2nd night in a row of DDOS. A brilliant provider otherwise but something is gonna have to be done to deflect it better in future. My UK VPS is currently down (as described in email from them) but as I can not log into the control panel I can’t reinstall my US VPS with them. The US one was supposed to relay icecast and files from the UK one which I may have to reconsider.
However been about a month and up until now fine service. US VPS is a recent purchase. Some weird issues probably of my own doing. I’m sticking with them though, they seem to come across as capable of improving and worth a punt.
Just UK nodes. At least UK3 i am is not responding and it seems shutdown.
Correct only UK down but it took over 20 minutes to get log into cp.stormvz and then it was sluggish. it’s been fine for a while now whilst UK2 still not responding.
it’s an angry UK competitor being a childish dick
Childish or not he got the servers down for sometime now … So why dont u behave like adults fix the servers and spank the kid …..
I don’t work at stormvz, but the target was not a single client’s IP, it was a range hitting mostly stormvz, and I don’t know the status of the situation =P
I might be out of the loop but if people know who is behind the attacks I’d like to know to avoid the competing provider with malicious intent
As we all know DDOS is a crime.Such action should be punished by law.
This is the second DDOS in less then a month on UK3. I wonder if its DDOS or some other screw up … Anyway I give up and get my own server. Had enough with all those VPS one man shops …
First down: 25-02-2013 07:39:09 to 25-02-2013 11:42:09
Then about six and half hour all works great. But now from 25-02-2013 18:13:09 and still down.
Down more than 24 hours and there is no further notification and we don’t even know about the progress!
You don’t get any emails ? :O
I use gmail.
We have been told by our UK DC they won’t remove null route for another 12 hours. We were told they would remove this in the morning but looks like they changed there mind yet again
We sincerely apologise but there is little to no control we have over this.
If you have IPv6 you can still access your server. It is and has been online all the time but IPv4 is still completely blocked at edge router.
Patrick Hayward
Managing Director
Web Phase Limited.
Get this half an hour ago,thanks!
No problem :)
Hope They will fix it soon.
I wonder if we ever going to get any refund for that mess …
No email update but ipv4 worked when tried 23:00gmt, sluggish as all hell though.
I don’t see any provision in their terms for refunds based on downtime unless I missed it, have you asked them? I think it’s only right in the circumstances to get something as an apology.
Based on his policy and i quote under liability section “We reserve the right to remove any account, without advance notice for any reason without restitution, as we see fit.” and if try open dispute with paypal for not receiving any refund for non service “If you open any disputes with any of our payment processors we are allowed to terminate your account without notice,”
But if you get DDoS and no server … you get your nothing i guess. I placed a ticket for refund anyway.
He is offering 50% discount per month per VPS to relief the pain of the recent DDoS mess . Will see …
is it even worth opening a ticket to save £2.20? as frustrating as it was it’s my own fault for not having backups and a plan around it.
Did you lost data?
Some data, mostly work time. But again it’s my own fault – I pay much more for a managed service for system critical stuff I should have just mirrored the UK data to the US VPS sooner. I know from dead drives and dedis the hazards involved. I really don’t see how this could be avoided elsewhere bar managing to pick a provider that never gets targeted by malicious shites. If you info is important or covered by legal directives you pay the going rate for the necessary skill.
UK3 IP addresses still Nulled !!!
They count on that …
Uptime 95.70%
Downtime 1d 7h 33m
Number of Downtimes 12
My VPS stats. Node: UK2
Still down has been 2 day node UK1
Same as yours here!
UK1 is having LAN issues, no idea whats causing eth0 to go up/down every minute…
Can you email me your VPS IPs and client area email
patrick [at] stormvz.com
UK2 down…
27-02-2013 18:55:09
Confirming UK2 down about 1 hour ago
ping Time: 2-27-2013 14:10:20 (GMT – 4)
Availability 80% 3+1 days down in less than a month … no refund … not the server advertised … avoid
Of course if you’d bothered to look at your email and been in touch with the rather excellent support team you’d have known that there was a massive DDoS attack in progress. Credit has been offered for downtime so I’m not really sure what there is to complain about considering it’s outside their control.
First of all they all say its a DDoS attack. Its just convinient !!
Lets assume it is. What kind of defense mechanism they had in the first place and on what layer. What kind of SLA they have with their DC (I hear thay will probably all 3 servers will get kicked out). Thats always the problem with single person shops. They are so easy to shake them along with all clients…
The point is for whatever reason you can get banned without notice. But when you do not get service for whatever reason you have to submit ticket and then its again in their discretion to offer some kind of refund.
Thats why a premium makes sense when you go with buyVM for example.
and your point is …
or you want to start a discussion about DDoS defense, DC SLAs, upstream router traffic shaping, statistical detection etc.
I’m not going to bash the whole company just because one server is down.
Neither i. Except the UK nodes i had no issues. It just pisses me off how arrogant the TOS is …
“…just because one server is down.”
Again. And again…
This is like the 3rd DDoS this year! So far my server has been unavailable for over 2 days now! Since signing up just before Christmas I’ve had _3_ IP addresses so far, because of course, changing IP addresses will stop future DDoS. Oh, wait a minute, no it won’t.
And now it looks like they are going to be kicked out of the IOMart DC and have to find another one, new IPs etc. They need to find a way to deal with these DDoS attacks, and are not doing that. So I guarentee they will be hit again shortly after moving DCs.
We are well within our rights to complain, as we are simply not getting the service advertised. StormVZ’s stubborn refusal to offer refunds is also inflaming the situation and pissing off customers who would otherwise have left on better terms.
How lucky am I ! That I cancelled my service on the next day of purchase on their UK2 Node. It will make my projects bashed if I continue at that time. ^_^ Thanks to Almighty for saving me.
I’m going to need an alternate UK provider to be able to wait this out. Are there actually any UK datacentre that can deal with attacks of this scale?
Tried to contact Patrick via tickets and personal mail,
No-one answers.
My VPS is down for 2 days now..
I asked for cloning my UK VPS to US one.. until attack is over.
I really wish to have someone reply me.
I’m also getting no response to support tickets…their Twitter account is also silent about the ongoing issues…
I too would like to move UK data to my US one, but have you noticed any speed issues with their US offerings? I have one of their new email offers in Buffalo, getting about 1M a sec which is no better than my home connection
Also 12 hours since support ticket placed regarding speed at US, no response yet. I feel for their situation though
Hey guys i am currently planning to buy one VPS from StormVZ.
Should i proceed. I plan to stick with US servers. Please do suggest soon.
At this point it would seem very unwise.
I’d hold off for a week or 2 to see if these guys still exist.
that is what i thought.
Seems like StormVZ is being run by “ONE MAN ARMY”
I have a US/Buffalo based VPS and i haven’t seen any issue at all! service is really good! no issues!
What speedtest did you use and what was the result? I’ve tried 3 and it’s still hitting about 1.17M. I’m on NY2.
Try again CPK.
BANG! It’s off like a f-ckin rocket! Ya see, this is why I stuck by. Appreciated:) . What was wrong? (BTW 82M/s)
We had traffic shaping enabled, was testing it out but seems a bit crap.
You can always file buyers protection claim with Paypal and get your money back …
Actually you should probably check your PayPal TOS, there is no buyer protection for services. The only way to get your money back via Paypal is to commit fraud and it’s hard to see how this comment couldn’t be viewed as inciting criminal activity.
Hey guys, Is the DDOS still going at UK node?
What i hear is that they will be kicked out of RapidSwitch DC if not already …
Its possible to get backup from They ?
I asked about that in a support ticket. No response yet.
Me too.
I was so stupid and do backup every 48h but 20.02 i have 134 posts, 21 – 154 and then boom and ~270.
Last backup have about 200 posts.
>”Its possible to get backup from They ?”
The StormVZ UK VPS’s are still accessible via their ipV6 addresses.
Also, the ipV4 addresses were only null routed at RapidSwitch’s core router, so if you have a VPS with another provider in the RapdidSwitch datacenter you can use SSH to access your StormVZ VPS normally (by connecting to its ipV4 IP address or hostname) from your VPS at the other provider and do a backup via SCP
ahhh that’s a really good point DomainBop, thankyou
on another note “to make it more clear” to those wondering about backups, there is no data loss, servers are intact and doing just peachy… like @DomainBop said ipv4 was cut off because of ongoing attacks
Thanks for the tip. VPS is accessible from another server within the same datacentre. Strangely though another server in the same datacentre isn’t able to access – perhaps behind a different router?
First time I’ve been able to SSH in for days, and I’ve just seen the VPS has been rebooted.
IPv6 connectivity appears to be working as normal.
I’ve just made a backup of everything on there just incase.
Glad to hear it’s being worked on as well. I’d personally prefer NL location anyway.
We are not going anywhere, our US servers having been running like a beast since day one.
UK received attacks reaching up to 10Gbps and at peak times 19Gbps at some point according to Rapidswitch. Unfortunately they do not want to simply null route ips so we are being forced out of RS.
We were under attack few months back, they left it to us to tell them(RapidSwitch) the IPs to null route which is quite poor for someone so big but google only shows there history.
We are switching DCs to Data Place in NL, we have a special agreement and they will auto null route when there is incoming ddos so thats one less thing to worry about.
All servers will be E3, not like the E5520s we use to use in our newer UK nodes…they will come with LSI RAID & BBU (We had no BBU in UK) which will increase overall IO performance as well.
Clients will be emailed shortly.
Thanks for an update, sounds promising. WRT the data loss comments, some people aren’t together enough to sort ipv6 access and others just got a bit of a panic on about Storm just vanishing under the weight of it all.
I(stormvz) wont simply vanish, StormVZ is not my full time job so I am financially secured to run StormVZ at a loss.
This all took us by shock, we are a 2 man army but for 6 months we’ve been doing it right. Even if we had 100 staff, there was nothing that WE could do but wait for RS to either a) null route attacked ips or b) null route the whole blocks
They took a) route because of the size.
Either way, hardware and services will only improve as we learn from these things.
How long will take move to NL DC ?
End of this week hopefully (sat/sun).
We’re awaiting servers built tomorrow as high priority.
Your service is great, hope servers will be delivered soon :)
Why not LeaseWeb? Will be available in future DE or FR ?
Leaseweb has a IP restriction, 16 per server I think it is?
DE looks plausible in the future but NL should cover good latency to whole of EU easily :)
Yep, NL is great. What abouts specs of VPS, will be the same ?
Other questions i will be send to patrick [at] stormvz.com :)
Again, great service.
Yes, plans will remain the same.
Only 1 IP per VPS, if you need a 2nd IP as per the promo you will need to show proof of utilising the first IP and will be given free.
and not a word about refunding UK customers in case they dont agree with new IP policy. What kind of arrogance is that …
Give some understanding of this case,i think many VPS providers could face the same situation,Patric still try his best to make it work around.
I think Mr Patrick got a nice lesson … and paid his tuition fees.
No arrogance, I refuse to reply to people like yourself commenting unprofessionally with non-sense.
You throw your arrogant TOS BS to customers before kicking them out or refuse refund and now was the time for RS DC to throw their TOS to your face ,,, and kick you out of the UK all together :)
No loss for me, I still have my full time job :)
Maybe few hundred lost but no problem. I can afford stupid things like £900 McAfee seals so nothing I will get pissed about unfortunately.
How about you read terms next time before buying next time?
Spartan seems a bit err OTT? the TOS are very fair and so I am totally curious as to what his problem is with it.
Patrick told me last night in IRC that he would refund credit in my account. (I pay monthly, but have my account in credit)
I don’t think that mitigating a DDoS takes so long. If the DC (RS) doesn’t want to null-route the IP, then they must have a rules about this. Haven’t you seen it before ?? This means you co-located with RS without going through the TOS ??
If you don’t understand then there’s no point commenting.
The size of the attacks were too hard to handle for RS, not so simple.
Do you have any enimity with any hacker group ?? I think those people are having to pay for their 19 GBPS Uplink. How are they finding the new IP’s you are assigning ?? However, I will pray for you to our Almighty Allah. Hope you cover up soon.
Finding the new IPs is trivial; for example, if I know some web sites hosted at StormVZ, I just ping the domain name and it will show me what IP it currently resolves to. Nothing fancy involved.
The attackers don’t have a 19 Gbps uplink. The key is the first ‘D’ in ‘DDoS’. Maybe you should read up a bit first: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ddos#Distributed_attack
Yeah, I know that getting a IP of a website is very easy. Also have decent idea about DDoS. But, distributed attack should have a strong network between huge number of people. Then, I assume that a large number of people is right now involved in this, but what is their advantages ?? It seems to have some mistery ! :P
Most of the time the computers and connections involved in the DDoS did not choose to be involved in the attack. People take over machines via malicious software and then usually coordinate the control of the machines through something like mIRC running a custom script.
Is it possible to get the UK offer on one of the NL nodes then?
Id like to get this with cPanel.
Thanks Patrick.
Of course!
We’ll be sure to post new LEB offer in a few days/weeks as soon as we get everything going again for our existing clients.
Hi Patrick,
I was thinking about signing up to the US node and then asking to be switched over when the NL one has gone live?
Is that OK?
Can we get an ETA for being moved over to NL location please?
A test IP while we’re waiting wouldn’t go amiss too.
Email me patrick [at] stormvz.com for test ip
Depending on your node, we hope everything will be migrated by sunday.
I write to You Patrick an email but i think You look often here.
Its possible to move data from my UK VPS (Node2) to US VPS ?
We’re moving customers to NL as we talk, migration is in process.
We all wait you new offer … Cannot wait to see what you will come up this time :)
Yep, me too.
Here are some news about StormVZ:
We are in the process of migrating all our UK2/3 customers within the next 72 hours to NL, UK2 will be done first then UK3 following suite.
UK2: Sunday (Current IP: 87.xxx.xxx.xxx )
UK3: Monday (Current IP: 78.xxx.xxx.xxx)
We will try our best to get UK3 complete by sunday also.
I sincerely apologies for the huge inconvience caused to our clients and businesses.
You can email your concerns to me personally at patrick@stormvz.com.
Patrick Hayward
Managing Director
Web Phase Limited.
Hope, They new offer will be so good as uk offer, great support, good servers. I think someone don’t like Patrick, so ddos his company.
Nothing will change, If people want 3GB in NL, they’ll get it.
If anything we will grow, I’m thinking of something for our next LEB within the next few weeks but not priority at the moment.
I like the last part … “I think someone don’t like Patrick, so ddos his company”.
It almost sounds like psychopathic behavior, kidding :)
New VPS on ! Thats great !
--11:13:54-- http://cachefly.cachefly.net/100mb.test
Resolving cachefly.cachefly.net...
Connecting to cachefly.cachefly.net||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 104857600 (100M) [application/octet-stream]
Saving to: `-o'
100%[=======================================>] 104,857,600 44.8M/s in 2.2s
[root@filmo-maniak ~]# dd if=/dev/zero of=test_$$ bs=64k count=16k conv=fdatasync && rm -f test_$$
16384+0 records in
16384+0 records out
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 8.03765 seconds, 134 MB/s
[root@filmo-maniak ~]#
[root@filmo-maniak ~]# free -m
total used free shared buffers cached
Mem: 2048 178 1869 0 0 143
-/+ buffers/cache: 34 2013
Swap: 2048 0 2048
[root@filmo-maniak ~]#
‘dd’ will improve next week, DC is out of stock on BBU which will be installed next week as scheduled maintenance.
a post UK to NL update for anyone still wondering about buying – sure, shit happens, but the guys have been great sorting a solution. Support ticket answered prompty now and Patrick comes across as a decent fella. 3GB RAM for just over £1 a week! do it!
We have a ton of tickets opened but they should be only regarding credit which isn’t important at the moment. Others have been answered promptly.
People have emailed us stating they have there mail servers and important sites running, we’ve moved them already on special request regardless of node.
If your in a similar case then you can email me and I can move you within a hour – patrick [at] stormvz.com
They seem to have enabled traffic shaping on their NL VPS now which has ruined it for me. Three seperate IPv4 speedtests get ~6MB/s (cachefly, ovh, dediserve) whereas just 24 hours earlier I was getting ~80MB/s. Strangely though, IPv6 connections are still getting decent speeds.
The NL network is also poor for international users with intermittent packet loss and jitter.
That’s correct, we’ll be lifting traffic shaping as soon as we finish migrations today/tomorrow.
Patrick, that’s fair enough, but if you’re going to make such a drastic change whether it be temporary or not it would be advisable to let customers know what’s going on. For all I knew this was a permanent change.
Agreed – tell your customers what is happening!!!
Gordon honestly I don’t know what your on about, we’ve been quite open and if you’ve been checking your emails you would have gotten updates daily till everything got sorted.
Ah right, my bad, I must have missed all those emails you sent about traffic shaping, rebooting VPS several times etc
We haven’t rebooted our nodes except for the RAID BBU addition, thanks.
Right, whatever *rolls eyes*
I’m switching VPS provider.
Fair enough, nothing stopping you.
I’m happy with the customers we have and whom understood the situation as a whole and stayed mature about it and stuck by us.
Understandable if you want to leave, cancellation link is always there when you right click under the product/service arrow.
I’m going to have to say that I’ve never felt in the dark about what was going on. There have been emails every step of the way & the IRC channel was always available. It’s hard to see how much more Patrick could possibly have done.
are you sure it is traffic shaping? i was getting low speed from many test files but a few went top speed (thinkbroadbands files for instance)… i got 184M/s from usenet.
Please restore the second IPv4 address.
I’ve opened few tickets about it, and explained why I need it (eventhough I do not understand why I should explain myself about getting a service I paid for…).
Still nothing happens.
Resolved over ticket. :)
You will never get it. The guy is an arrogant …. He is not even responding to emails anymore … I guess too many people ask refunds and he … vanished until thinks cool down …
You can try chargeback but he will terminate your account next day … so migrate and backup first
Insufficient information there, majority of people who asked in a mature manner and waited have got it.
Is that sufficient information:
Unable to find posts stating people are not getting refunds / haven’t got it / not responding to emails?
Thanks :)
Any test files for Los Angeles?
And can you change from monthly to annually at any time? Thinking of switching providers to your service, but would try it out monthly and then switch to annually after if possible.
Of course, just submit ticket to billing!
Your place is valueble for me. Thanks!
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The links to these offers dont work anymore?