Bret from urgentVPS emailed me their latest exclusive offer for LowEndBox readers. Only 15 at this price, and recently reduced so it can fit through my new annual payment threshold :) Use this sign up link to get the following VPS for €39.95/Year (~USD$4.50/Month), which is 10 EUR cheaper than last month’s offer.
- 384MB memory
- 30GB storage
- 250GB/month data transfer
- Virtuozzo
Servers are in Germany with Interwerk (test IP: urgetVPS do seem to own their own /22, are a registered company in UK, and have been around since early 2009. Also note that it is using Parallel’s Virtuozzo product with SLM which I think is quite a lot better than OpenVZ with user_beancounters.
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Isn’t Virtuozzo just OpenVZ with its own panel?
More than that I guess…
Hmmm, but then, it has the same concepts? Burst ram, no swap and memory usage based in virtual memory? (That last point is the worst drawback with openVZ ¬__¬)
We’re not a huge fan of “Burst RAM” but we do have a slightly higher “hard limit” on all of our containers. Virtuozzo uses SLM Memory Management which we believe is far superior to the way OpenVZ runs things, therefore well worth the additional costs :-)
Kind Regards,
Go and google SLM and how it is different from user beancounters. Same concept (shared kernel) but quite a bit different execution.
Do your VPSes provide a true “LAMP” architecture?
Definitely, we provide true LAMP architecture straight out of the box :-)
Kind Regards,
Hum.. and is it possible to run FreeBSD?
I don’t think so, it’s just openvz on steroid.. o_O
ok, thanks!
FreeBSD is OpenVZ on steroids? I’m not sure what you’re saying. FreeBSD is an operating system, not virtualization method. Not only that, but it doesn’t run the Linux kernel. It has it’s own kernel.
I’m fairly sure he was referring to the virtualisation software being “OpenVZ on steroids” so FreeBSD wouldn’t really work. At least that’s what I’m making of it!
Kind Regards,
Just bought this VPS. This site is addictive :P
All set up and ready to go, let us know what you think!
Kind Regards,
Agreed. I started out 5 months ago just trying out a single VPS. Now I have 11 (about 5 are for friends).
nice price. want to try.but my other vps cycling next 8 month. must wait for next offer
I would highly recommend urgentvps to anyone looking for a cheap, reliable VPS with a VERY VERY STRONG customer support. Bret is simply amazing, he answers tickets as soon as I submit them, and sometimes I think he barely sleeps, considering the speed at which he replies to tickets as well as in the support chat on their website. Highly recommended.
Sleep shmeep!
Glad everything’s ok with your service, Kunal – it’s been a pleasure!
Kind Regards,
Tried them last spring/summer.
They promised a setup time of 15 to 30 minutes – and I really needed a new VPS (due to DNS). But it took more than 11 (!) hours to get the account. Never got my money back. Never got an apology.
They are not trustable, and I still hate them.
Kind regards
Wolfgang Weber
To go as far to say that we’re “not trustable” is quite a bold claim. I have taken a look through your records and can see that your order was flagged up by our MaxMind system. Since we take a tough stance on fraudulent orders, anything that flags as remotely suspicious is flagged to us to check manually and your service was setup promptly.
Kind Regards,
Just as a follow up on what Bret said, I moved from USA to Canada and since I used my USA address to sign up for the urgentvps VPS while my IP was obviously Canadian, MaxMind raised a fuss about my order too. However, I talked Bret (like I said, he is always online, never sleeps probably ;-) ) and promptly got everything taken care of. Plus, verification would take some time as well IMO, especially if the order was placed after business hours.
Wolfgang, you should have gotten your money back. There is a 7-day cooling-off period in the EU law. Moreover, a new EU law forces all purchases made online to be under the local law of a purchaser. In other words, if you are from Germany and urgentVPS is a UK-based company, your purchase is made under German law, not under rules published on urgentVPS web.
There is exceptions to this Law John such as custom products.
This isnt a “custom product”
I think its possible it could be since it isnt Displayed on the site and am not sure if they have automatic setup.
There are two exceptions only: tickets and food. Please take a look at this EU web. In addition, imposing $250 fine for PayPal chargebacks makes my ass hair undulate and is enough to trigger the loudest alarm bell.
If a provider sends you a $250 fine, don’t pay it, if you was in the right.
If they keep spamming your email, report to your email provider. And hopefully their block the entire company IP from emailing their system (and classing it as spam)
Firstly, I would not trade with a company giving me this kind of ToS. Secondly, I believe many parts of their ToS are void or not applicable within EU. For example “the Customer will lose the right to cancel from the date that urgentVPS provides the Customer with the access details of the Services”. This is a ridiculous claim. You have the right to cancel your purchase within 7 business days unconditionally. If your local law gives you more rights, you have them on the top. Guaranteed, Full-stop.
Why would they block them as a spam? You have violated their TOS, and they want to collect their money from you. C’mon it is not spamming.
Their invalid TOS that are not legal, so technically it turns into spam and extortion
Hi there,
We clearly state on our website and adverts that the 10 minute setup time is guaranteed depending on when the payment is completed and providing you pass the MaxMind fraud check. As I said before, we take it very seriously when it comes to flagged orders and this one was made manually and still set up in around 10 hours, this is still extremely fast manual set up for most providers these days (a lot take up to 24 hours).
I don’t want to start a “flame war” – I just feel that in this instance, we didn’t do anything outside of the ordinary and we acted well within reasonable terms.
Kind Regards,
I’m never going with UrgentVPs, I highly do not recommend them since their TOS are against UK and EU law.
The distance selling regulations state that the service must not have started for you to be able to receive a refund. Since we provided the service within the 7 days (also before any request for a refund was made) we are not lawfully required to provide a refund on this item. This is what is clearly stated in our Terms of Service. There really isn’t anything fishy going on here, we had our terms written by a professional and we’ve stuck by them for the past 3 years that we’ve been in business. If you have any queries or qualms with them or ourselves, please don’t hesitate to get in touch and we’ll be happy to talk through them with you.
Kind Regards,
Thats a bit strange, on any ONLINE product which is sold by a EU Company to a EU Citizen, the person can have a FULL Refund within 7 days as long as the product can be reversed etc, which in VPSs. It Can.
I ordered a service with World of Warcraft. And even 3 DAYS after I had the service (character transfer), I didnt want it anymore, and I got a FULL Refund.
Your best reading the law in detail you will see it has many exceptions mainly the one i said before,
Bret, the law has changed after plenty of complaints to the EU parliament and Commission due to fishy traders. Especially any online purchase is now legally bound to the local law, no matter what ToS published on seller’s web site. This is to prevent legal goulash among various laws in the EU. Secondly, I seriously doubt your US-like ToS has been written by a professional because the EU law strictly prohibits any contract conditions not allowing customers to cancel the contract unless they pay the company an extortionate amount in compensation (in your case €250 PayPal chargeback). This is illegal in the UK as well, any judge will declare it void because it breaks contract fairness premise.
Hehe i notice this
“€250 and will be subject to collection by an authorized debt collection agency. ”
That is completely out of order £20-£50 is fine but 250 euro is bang out of order. with regarding to debt collection they are powerless in most country’s they have virtualy no power at all so nothing to worry about there :) I would like to see urgentVPS justify that 250 euro!
The €250 charge is most definitely not what we charge to allow clients to cancel, this is to recover any lost fees in PayPal holding funds and any potential fees that are associated. If you would like to discuss this in private, do feel free to contact us – however I don’t feel this is the right place to discuss such matters.
Kind Regards,
Paypal fees are so little.
This is not a “US-like” TOS. Those of us in the US like our money back guarantees :)
I sincerely thought about using the service until I read through the TOS. This is not a consumer friendly company given the TOS. This would definitely not be a legitimate contract in the US since it is not in the consumers best interest. No collection agency, in the US, would collect for you since they could be sued for doing so. I’ve sued a few and won :)
Charge-backs are typically a last resort by banks and credit card companies and are thoroughly researched to make sure the consumer is not ripping off the business. It is only performed when the customer was “had” by a company. If this company was legitimate and on the up and up it would not worry about this because if their customers were happy they would not have to do charge-backs.
I would also suggest the company hire an editor to can correct all the misspelled words on the site and especially in AUP.
I’m old, in the US, and have been around the block a few times. I am not going to just throw money at this company and hope for the best – so I guess I do not fit in your demographic :)
Also the right to cancel does not apply to the following, unless you agree otherwise:
– Services that begin, by agreement, before the end of the cancellation period providing the supplier has informed the consumer before the conclusion of the contract, in writing or another durable medium, that he will not be able to cancel once performance of the services has begun with his agreement.
It clearly states this fact in our ToS. As said in my above post, if you have any issues with this, feel free to contact us.
The 7day refund by EU law is NOT applicable at Online _SERVICES_ (only at _real_ Products), also if it would be it would be allowed to removed Used Traffic and Similar Stuff.
Source: The Lawyer that wrote our own ToS (Austria/Slovakia).
So you can point on that EU Bulletin as long as you want, the ISP will not care about it (and can legally do so)..
It intact is applicable to online services. However it can sometimes depend if you’ve damaged it etc.
I still recommend not going with this company till they sort out their illegal TOS
One thing I’ve always wanted to know is why they claim to be a UK based company. If you pay via paypal
the payment goes to which is Smyrna Telekom in Turkey. So what is the link here?
Is it UK based? Turkey based?
urgentVPS Ltd. is a Limited registered company within the United Kingdom, our office is based in Ilford with all staff members located within England. That is an older PayPal e-mail address that we used for a short period of time however, payments are no longer sent to that e-mail address.
Kind Regards,
I am also curious about those relations after I saw some words about EKIM (company owner, correct?) on some turkish board (first hit at google: ekim urgentvps), but don’t get me wrong – it’s mainly curiosity, nothing else.
edit. Ekin not Ekim of course – and btw. what happened with him? He was pretty active in past but then completely vanished replaced with Bret – you’re not same person, correct? :)
He’s still the managing director of urgentVPS Ltd, however he focuses on a lot of other things too and I’m now the most active member of staff that works with clients. We’re not the same person though, no :-)
Kind Regards,
Thank you for your explanation.
Joe, truly international companies are the best in low cost segment. :)
Yes I agree. I don’t have a problem with Turkey. I just found it odd that at one time, payment would go to a Turkish email address/company.
UrgentVPS looks like a pretty decent company now :0 It looked like they were trying to hide something but I guess not.
As a special offer, order before midnight on the 17th of February (GMT) and you will receive an additional 5GB of disk space for the life of your account, this will be automatically changed when your account is setup so no need for a coupon code!
Kind Regards,
Can I “trade” the extra 5GB for more RAM ? :D
I didn’t get the extra 5GB when I ordered yesterday??
Hi Jorik,
Have you rebooted your VPS since you’ve had your container? If you reboot your VPS, it should change your disk allocation :-) Let me know if this isn’t the case!
Nice, it’s there :). Thanks!
Will people who’ve already ordered get the extra 5GB? I ordered on the 15th I believe.
Hi Ian,
Why not! I’ve just applied the upgrade to your container. Be sure to let us know what you think of the services!
Kind Regards,
Unfortunately we cant trade off the resources like this :-( If you’d like any help through the order process or a hand finding the right package, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team! :-)
Kind Regards,
Thanks for the answer.
Do you have an ETA for IPv6 ?
Also, Debian Squeeze is available to install ?
We don’t have an ETA on IPv6 just yet, however when we have it available all clients (present and future) will receive a certain amount which is yet to be decided on. In regards to Debian Squeeze, we’ve not yet seen or brought in a Virtuozzo template for this, however we do plan on adding a load of new OS templates to our system in the next week which will offer a great range of OS for our clients :)
Kind Regards,
What’s the port speed on these ?
Hi whoa,
These are all on 100MBit ports (nodes are connected at 1GBit however). If you have any other questions, do let me know!
Kind Regards,
I’m grateful to all people who take the time to comment. UrgentVPS added to my blacklist. Unfortunately many bad companies are showing up lately here at LEB and the user comments are our best defense.
What do you mean? Why is a bad company? =|
Maybe you could tell us why?
Just read the comments!
If you’re basing this judgment on the people arguing about the wording and terms in our terms of service then I think you’ve pre-judged us completely wrong. We’ve been advertising on Low End Box for a long time now, we’re a registered company within the United Kingdom with our own physical office (not a virtual office paid for by a company formation company) with 4 members of staff.
There are no comments regarding a bad service here, in fact the only messages regarding our actual services here so far are all positive. I really wouldn’t judge the quality of service from a company based on a few comments from people on here, if you did so, you would be blacklisting the vast majority of hosts that post here (of course there are a few exceptions).
We’re nice guys really, we don’t bite! If you want to talk to us regarding any of our terms / services, then you’re free to contact us via the many contact mediums we have available for clients :-)
Kind Regards,
What about when you close customer tickets without answering and ignoring them?
If you have had issues in the past, I can only apologise on behalf of the company. However this was long before myself and another member of staff were brought on board and things have changed greatly since then. Many, many new procedures have been put in place to make sure these sorts of things don’t happen again.
I think our clients would agree with me when I say that the level of service has been greatly improved in the last 6 months and we welcome anyone to sign up with us and try us out for themselves :-)
Kind Regards,
I am not urgentVPS customer, but from what I see (and I am around pretty much) there aren’t any serious complains against this host lately, atleast not like they were in past when we saw around mainly Ekin and this guy Bret really seems active and prepared to work with customers.
And this needless trolling regarding TOS and all half truths said… like their tos is really something special and like we’re all lawyers now, heh… It’s just matter of choice, same as with all other hosts.
Francisco why do you see them as bad company suddenly? Their servers are online, no one is scammed or anything like this… There are few disagreement how should things look like among this community but that’s all.
yeah, facing the same problem here
Only 6 more of these left at the moment, once they’re gone, they’re gone until we re-evaluate the available space! If you have any questions, do let us know via our sales e-mail, live chat or by submitting a support ticket after registration. Remember also that any orders placed in the next 2hr15m will receive an extra 5GB of HDD space for the life of the account :-)
Kind Regards,
For those who don’t know how much €250 is, it’s around $350. they probably make most their money from cancellations
Can you please stop throwing ill informed comments around in this thread. We do not charge €250 if you want to cancel your plan. If you’d like to discuss this in private, then feel free to submit a sales ticket and ask for my e-mail direct.
Kind Regards,
I suppose it would be better to remove this fee. From what i can see its totaly theft and not jusified it would make your company look much better removing this type of fee and debt collection makes me laugh. Selling customer details is very comon these days usualy its shady companies like 1and1 but nevermind.
Ill Informed Comments? Are you harassing me now?
I think this company should go on everyones blacklist.
Wasnt talking to you i was speaking to there rep.
I was speaking to their rep too, I clicked Reply on the wrong comment!
Hey, you two… what about to stop your private witchunt troll war? I know, I know kids.. it’s cold outside and we’re bored but lets find some other toy now, ok?
Yes, I agree with you. If they have a problem with their TOS then they should disscuss it with the company in a private form. But keep us out of your fight…
The $350 charge is 100% correct, since you put me into debt (or tried to) with your barclays pre-made debt letters, sent me one and tried to force me to pay it within 7 days.
Never contacted me back, just emailed me junk on having to pay this or we will go to court lalala, since the server got attacked and bandwidth got used, then when we filed a paypal chargeback because you inconsiderably terminated a server with 50 accounts on, you lost us tons of business due to your incompetence.
This company is dangerous in my view, it has also been found on the web you have done this to several other people, beware.
Folks should scan the previous comments for what others have said. While Bret does get a +1 for admitting that they’ve had issues previously more than six months ago, since that time he’s come on they’ve lost their domain, messed up their control panel, and been ToS‘ed by their datacenter. Also six months would put this incident right at the beginning of that time period. (Not sure why Bret says that happened months before. While it started earlier than his six months, the thread continued into the start of his tenure and there hasn’t been any resolution or followup.)
Also looks like their website is very slow to respond right now. I was going to quote some more out of their ToS but I can’t even get it to load.
what’s the deal with havin the vps in germany but the ip is British ?
All of our IP addresses are SWIPd to the UK due to our registered office and operations based out of the United Kingdom :-)
Kind Regards,
Bret is currently down (9:34 UTC).
Not a good sign. :(
We’re working hard to work with our transit providers yet again on this issue, we really cannot wait to move clients on to our own network in the coming weeks, we’ll eradicate these issues for good. Huge apologies to all clients for this, please bear with us whilst we communicate with our providers.
All client’s servers should be available again, we’re still working on our own website. A new network and offsite locations for many of our critical applications will be coming along with that. Apologies for todays outages.
Kind Regards,
Nothing about the outages here –
Is there a test IP on the new network?
The test IP remains the same, :-)
Kind Regards,
I am very sad to report that I can NOT recommend them. I ordered a VPS & their Managed Services and paid for both. Support / Sales gave a good impression at first and I was really looking forward to working with them & order many more VPS in the future …
I gave very detailed instructions for the “managed” part and they were confirmed and promised to be setup “within 4 hours, probably even less”. Since that promise I tried for 3 days straight, calling them multiple times, always getting the same or similar promise.
Now, on day 4 (Friday) with the Weekend coming up even, I feel that I reached the end of the line with them. They don’t even respond to phone calls anymore and my ticket asking for a refund went unanswered too. I am now looking at a 3 day setback in my workflow and will have to drive to my bank this afternoon to issue 2 chargebacks on my credit card. What can I say … it is really sad. I just want(ed) to do my work …
Update: Finally someone picked up the phone … the “receptionist”. He asked me for the 2nd or 3rd time now for my number etc “so someone could call me back”. This time I refused to play that game and pointed out that this has gotten ridiculous. By now they know VERY WELL who I am. Anyway, he said “bye” with an attitude and hung up on me.
I was contacted via phone an hour ago, by the owner of urgentVPS. He was very apologetic and offered a free month, which I refused though. I told him, that the only thing I want is to get the promised service and if there is any problem in the future preventing the service from being delivered, to at least inform me, so I can plan my stuff accordingly.
Obviously I did NOT charge back my credit card charges yet but postponed that, hoping that all works out still.
I was promised that a “James” would have all that we agreed on up, running and done with “in 2 hours” …
I am willing to give them one last chance to re-win and keep me as a customer … will inform how it went, IF it went …
Nothing at all happened. The work is still 0% done and once more, nobody is picking up the phone.
Account cancellation just re-requested. If no refund, then charge back on Monday, end of story.
This will go in DETAIL on WebHostingTalk!
Same old urgentvps i see!!!
they closing tickets still too?
No, I actually closed them myself :)
Bret tried to pass the buck further up but folks will note that he refused to follow up when it was pointed out that those problems happened on his watch.
Still no refund …
I have a feeling that you;re not going to get one. I again point out the thread that I linked to up there.
Just noticed this. They brag about their ratepoint reviews but on their site, they only link to the front page of the ratepoint site and not to any of these reviews that they brag about. Also google can only find the places where they’ve left reviews for others.
Also looks like their CPanel license got deactivated. This after it got pointed out that they were using demo Plesk licenses.
I’d ask Bret for a follow up but I’ve already done that and he hasn’t.
If they don’t refund, I will wait the full 30 days that I have time to chargeback. In that time I will post warnings about them, telling my story, whenever I see offers from them on WHT (WebHostingTalk), here and anywhere else ;)
They ripped me off ~26$ and for every Dollar they ripped me off, I will make my voice heard about them somewhere ^^
They can be glad I am not SEO’ing “urgentvps” and “scam” to No.1 on Google, as I have better things to do with my XRumer and backlink sources :D
I’ve been extremely ill over the past 2 days and as I am the only one that maintains / gets in contact on 3rd party sites such as this, I can only apologise for the lack of response here. LowEndBox is not our helpdesk however and anything support / sales related should be forward to our helpdesk where it will be addressed by a member of staff. It’s unfortunate that James’ work has not yet been completed and I will be looking into this and look at straightening out the situation.
@drmike, the link you posted regarding the extended setup time was something that actually occurred before I was working with / for urgentVPS Ltd therefore I had no idea of what was going on, even if I did, I couldn’t have settled it since I wasn’t working for the company at that time.
@All interested,
If you have ANY queries, don’t hesitate to get in touch via our helpdesk and I’d be more than happy to help out, we’re not here to scam anybody or take money from people without providing a solid service so if you feel this was the case, then get in touch and I’ll do what is within my power to rectify the situation :-)
Kind Regards,
Quote: “[…] and I’ll do what is within my power to rectify the situation”
Cool, where is my REFUND then? The one that you promised me on the phone when you called me for the second time … ??
Hi Robert,
I’ve not spoken to you over the phone, that would have been one of my colleagues since as I say, I’ve been extremely ill over the past few days. I’ll find out the situation and see what can be done, all future communication will be via the support tickets since LEB is not our helpdesk.
Kind Regards,
I am not saying it is a helpdesk and this is not a support issue but something your perspective clients, who trust in the good reputation of LEB, should know about, as it will concern them as soon as they sign up with you.
You don’t have to “find out the situation and see what can be done”, you have to REFUND me. If it was a colleague who promised me the refund, then make good on HIS promise. IF you have any decency at all, you will refund me not for that promise, but the > 3 days I have been lied to or “jerked around” which better describes it.
And I don’t even mind that when I called your support one evening, I encountered a bunch of totally drunk people, who weren’t even getting their words straight on the phone, while the others shouted profanities in the background because they obviously fell down and hit their head or something. The explanation given that “some staff just returned from clubbing” was amusing. Just a hint: I am a guy who “burns the midnight oil” myself while having a few beers or joints, to keep me company. But the next day, my clients have their promised results in their email or running under their domain.
So you see, I have a very open mind and am willing to let things “slip” that other clients would not. Over the course of a few days, I was promised it think 7 or 8 times total, that the work will be done in “4 hours probably even less”. Nothing happened, ever! I have my phone logs with an estimated 100 calls to your number, cause reaching someone at your company is also a challenge. Then when we talked, when you called me on my greek land line, you promised that all the un-pro BS would stop right there and that you will personally tend to that the work will be done in 2 hours max., by that James guy.
You offered me a free month, which was nice, but useless. A free month of a VPS I cannot use? I told you, that I am more interested in promises kept. I even told you that I don’t even mind long delays, as long as an ETA is given … and KEPT!
I mean, how more reasonable, decent, forgiving and forthcoming can I be towards you? As a client! I PAID you instantly, as you wanted me to, and I got nothing in return. My new VPS provider, although even cheaper then you, actually set up CSF and the country stuff in a whopping 30 minutes … cudos to them!
And after putting me through all this
1) taking my 20 Euros / ~26 US$
2) costing me over 10$ in phone calls to the UK
3) stopping my workflow for over 3 days
4) making my client mad at me cause I could not deliver
5) giving me more then one gray hair
… you STILL (obviously) refuse to refund me!
Bret, I linked to a number of issues. As to the refund thread that you reference, I do again point out that the last post in that thread would fall within the time period that you stated that you were with the company. (I believe I stated that already)
Don’t worry about it. I think what’s been posted here speaks for itself.
Wish we had such reviews before sales posts popped up.
Thanks for the details Robert.
I called your support one evening, I encountered a bunch of totally drunk people, who weren’t even getting their words straight on the phone, while the others shouted profanities in the background because they obviously fell down and hit their head or something.
LOOOOL!!! Customer service with a difference!
Yea, they didn’t share their booze. :(
Another day gone by and of course NO REFUND from urgentVPS. Maybe I should send an email with “urgentREFUND” in the subject title? :D
What part of REFUND don’t you understand?
I am with another provider since DAYS …
—–Original Message—–
Sent: Sun, 27 Feb 2011 16:49:55 +0000
Subject: [Ticket ID: 872395] CANCELLATION
Hi Robert,
I can understand your frustration here, but I’d like to personally try and make this better. I can see that Plesk was installed and licensed for you, it seems that CSF is the outstanding work to be done. Would you be willing to consider us moving your billing date forward to the date of completion, including a free months service?
Kind regards,
urgentVPS LTD.
Phone: 020-3137-1802 x104
Ticket ID: #872395
Status: Answered
I mean what does he think? That after all that, I would be putting my production sites, that put food on my table, in his servers??
A new month and still no refund from urgentVPS. What an amazing company this must be, when they need to cling on my 20 Euros … how poor, disgraceful and cheap. I think the word AVOID doesn’t even cut it … oh well … *shaking my head in disbelief*
But I am actually SO GLAD this revealed itself BEFORE I moved live sites to this scam company …
LOL, people should dig deeper into these fools, try coping with debt letters for £250, don’t file that chargeback jesus, you will get a fake barclays pre-made debt letter to your door :-)
The staff lets not go there.
Closing tickets… Done that to me a thousand times.
I would just walk away for the sake of 20 bucks
Good to know that they scammed so many people. I wanted to move to them but I changed my mind now.
Although promised, accompanied with a whole flood of apologies, I have still NOT received my money back from the urgentVPS Scam Artists.
Today is my birthday and, of course, still no refund or service from urgentVPS. 26$ down the drain, oh well …
Cheaters, don’t buy your vps is going to be offline and there will be no responds to tickets
I just wanted to let you all know, for the last time, that I still have not received the promised refund. They just “walked away” with my money and are not responding to emails or phone calls.
You robert was scamed for 26$ but me for 39€, vps is too slow can’t use plesk, sopport nothing, they don’t have money back guarantee because they know no one like to use their vps-s
I sadly can confirm that support sucks. Stay away from this one, @LEA: any future “deals” should feature a hint/link to this comment section.
I sadly can confirm that support sucks. Stay away from this one, @LEA: any future “deals” of urgentvps should feature a hint/link to this comment section.
Could you please support me in this thread against those SCAMMERS and JERKS:
They scammed me with VPS, no refund, no replies to tickets, drunk jerks answering phone. Šretty much the same experience as Robert’s.
P.S Have you got your refund yet?
I noticed Bret showed back up over there at WHT.
Hey there! Nope, no refund yet.
I would like to help you on WHT but I don’t go there on principle. I am actually one of the 0day members and personal friends with Matt Freeman, who founded WHT back in 1999 … long story …
Good luck though and feel free to link my “testimonial” here ;)
LOL @ there credit rating for this year, they are in red and have a score of 1 and high risk.
I think they are going a bit wrong.
Their own faults for the trouble they have, the filed a 250£ fee on me for a chargeback, so they used their online service with barclays to try and scare me.
Rang them tons of times with issues about it and tried to resolve, in the end I compared it with my 3 barclays business accounts, on the solicitor letters they send out free, and it was totally the same.
So sent them one back for the data loss, they left me alone now, think they picked the wrong person.
Brett and those guys are scumbags, thiefs and idiots.
Hi there,
If you have issues, please raise them in our helpdesk. In regards to the legal issues, I don’t deal with those – I’m merely sales and support, I know nothing of what goes on regarding legal issues. If you have outstanding issues, please raise them via our helpdesk and I will help you the best I absolutely can. Apologies for dragging up an old post :-)
Kind Regards,
They dont reply for 2 weeks over a simple issue.
I wanted to check back here and say, that I have still not received any refund whatsoever.
I never thought you would get one, they have no guts.
Sorry to hear about your issues.
Stay away lol, they get worse, who they been lending from? pmsl
Company Name Risk Prev Score Change 6mo Hi 6mo Lo
URGENTVPS LIMIT… Extreme Risk ? ? 1 No Change 8 1
Must have been up to something, and they have declared dormant yet still advertise on their site as Ltd, well did, it is now under maintenance.
What is that paul?
Their credit score, now 1, very extreme risk.
They tried sending me debt letters so I put them on my monitor, and since then they have continued to go down.
Ahh. To be honest i am surprised they are still trading. i meen how many times have they F***ed up…
Yeah, tell me about it, haha!
I paid a vps more than 30 days, and i didn’t receive it. I’m still waiting for it. Ask bret, he knows very good the situation; how we made me pay, and he said he’ll activate the vps in 6-8 hours. And there has been a day, two, a week, a month and still nothing. Just promises, and just lies. Now i let you take the conclusions and say: how serious are these urgentvps?
I bought 3 servers just to show them that i am a serious man, a serious client. And they fool me? Is it nice? Before i came here believe me that i tried all the ways to get to a common solution.I sent them many emails with no answer, they ignored me. I called them, and no answer. Do you think i’m crazy and i post just to make them trouble?I bought 3 servers and i paid FOR ONE YEAR, not just for one month. I trusted them. I though they are serious. I didn’t ask anything for free. I paid for my servers and now i want my servers or my money back
What was their excuse? How did you pay? Paypal? Credit card? Maybe you can get your money back as they didn’t deliver you pre-paid service at all.
They’re now doing another move, this time ‘moving everything to onapp’. I’m figuring if they are moving to onapp, it’s to cut their overhead.
pay with paypal .excuse your container will be deployed shortly
I am sorry to say so, but by now I have come to a sad conclusion.
Every company in GERMANY, or even such companies affiliated WITH Germany are FRAUD Companies. I buy hosting online and I deal with CPA/CPS/CPC/CPM and Internet Marketing in general. I seldomly have issues with companies and IF, then they are resolved one way or another.
However, whenever Germany is involved to any extend, everything points to plain fraud. This goes from promises not kept, paid merchandise not delivered and even collection letters being sent with horrendous fees although I regularly and lawfully cancelled a service after always having paid it in full.
I am now 100% avoiding anything and anybody who has anything to do with Germany. I am tired of being scammed.
Interesting view and right opposite from my experience which also isn’t that poor regarding hosting industry. All my german hosts are way above average. As example, we can see plenty .us wanna-be-hosts which rent server or two to play best-host-in-industry for 2 – 3 months and then fail. You wont see something like that often in EU with strict regulations, business registrations, etc… It happens but very rare. German hostst usually don’t hide real contact addresses, names, phone number, VAT number, business registration number, etc… while many .us hosts in many cases contain only anonymous contact form without any real name address. It seems like in .us every kid with 100$ in pocket can become host. In EU? Not a chance…
Beside that… what this TURKISH hosting company with .uk address have to do with Germany anyway? It’s not like Ekin and co. would be germans…
“It seems like in .us every kid with 100$ in pocket can become host.”
Yes, this is actually very true …
Transaction Details
Web Accept Payment Sent (Unique Transaction ID #564587567E878715J)
Business Name:
UVPS UK (The recipient of this payment is Non-U.S. – Verified)
Item Title:
urgentVPS – Invoice #77830
Jun 28, 2011
09:00:25 PDT
proof look. the only person you are lying CheaterVPSurgent
the only? read the other comments you lier and cheater
Dead pool for these soon? lol
No need to go into the dead pool when we’ve invested in the cloud infrastructure that we’ve just launched along with new members of staff, a new website and some new management :-)
You decided to stop breaking the law now?
It’s not just a name…
*-*-* YOUR VPS, deployed in under 10 minutes. GUARANTEED!¹ *-*-*
*-*-* EXPERT SUPPORT, delivered within 15 minutes. GUARANTEED! *-*-*
Not to mention our top-of-the-range, enterprise-grade servers AND premium network – delivering the very best speeds the industry has to offer!
Tired of waiting on fly-by-nights and unreliable, oversold VPS providers? It’s time for urgent change! It’s time for urgentVPS…
I’ve been a fool. I believed in their commercial which is a lie. Its my fault i’ve been a nice ma and i’ve paid 3 servers. And they even doesn’t answer me or activate them
You have been told elsewhere, that due to the spam and threats you’ve sent to members of staff, your container provisioning has been held up (there are also other issues that Ekin has already told you about, yet you continue to post the same things over and over on every page you can find)
Bret, how much is 5tb over usage?
activate my servers and i won’t post anything. i don’t want anything for free. i’m asking for my servers now or for my money
they are fucking kriminal morons you wan’t get anything no money back no servers it ther standard praxis
They tried to charge me £250 via debt collectors for 5tb overusage when a server got comprimised.
lol how can they justify that,
oh Bret you are back. Remember me? As many people here you stole my 40euros as well. I decided not to do anything and donate this to you so you can buy yourself something nice. If you really need money you might want to ask for social help instead of ripping people on the internet off. I can assure you, if it was 400euros I wouldn’t let this go, I would have came to the UK and beat crap out of you. It was a threat.
You took my money and still refuse to give it back to me. I will tell you one thing:
One day, I don’t know when and I don’t know where, I will stand in front of you. When that happens I will break every bone in your worthless body and leave you bleed to death like a slaughtered pig.
Until then I will get the word out, convince people to hack you, (D)DOS you and do any and everything in my power to make sure you never scam anyone ever again.
I’ll no longer be viewing or posting/replying to LEB in the future, this sort of comment is truly disgusting and you should be ashamed at yourself. I understand why it’s directed at me, as I’ve been the only point of contact here, but I’m sales and marketing _ONLY_. I have no say in anything behind the scenes, anything regarding billing and I absolutely do not deserve anything along the lines of this.
Thank you LEA for all of the hard work you have done and continue to do, but that will be all from me.
Oh yeah? Then why don’t you just GIVE ME BACK MY FUCKING MONEY LIKE >>>YOU (!!!!)<<<< PROMISED ME ON THE PHONE????????
just because they don’t give, they take, using fraud methods, they are kriminals
I’ll reply to this as this is absolutely not true. I’ve never spoken to a client on the phone. As said before, I’m sales and marketing, I do not handle anything regarding accounts, refunds – hence why I find the above comments false and hurtful. This is NOT my company, I don’t make decisions, I was merely hired to handle sales and marketing. I know I said I wouldn’t reply, but when false information is plastered everywhere, I won’t stand for it. If you have issues, submit an e-mail to the helpdesk and I’ll make sure the correct party receives them.
And btw: “I’ll no longer be viewing or posting/replying to LEB in the future”
I’m sorry regarding this issue with urgentvps. I received all 3 servers. Everything is ok, and working fine. it seems they’re serious. They had many work to install all client’s servers to offer them better services, that’s the reason they were late. i’m pleased with the new servers. Thanks a lot, and i assure you that i’ll stay your client many years because the servers are really great
Jeez, this post is quickly becoming nasty… I’m not taking anyone’s side here (hell, I don’t even know any of the people and I don’t have a VPS with this provider), but some people should really moderate their speech
“moderate their speech” talk me about that when someone steals from you a sum of money they ugregnt cheaters stole from me
I would, if Bret would not continue posting here, pretending like NOTHING HAPPENED and telling us about all the cool improvements they made.
And another thing: don’t rush to judge wrong people as i did with bret and ekin. They’ve worked intensly to offer us great services and we’ve had a bad behaviour. Now it would be nice, all of us, to accept that we were wrong and we should apologize because we put them in a delicate situation, which they didn’t deserve.Thanks again for everything, and apologize to ekin and bret, who are working hard to offer us the best services. I’m really pleased with these servers. Thanks a lot again
Which part of THEY STOLE MY MONEY do you not understand?
Not to mention that in this thread a lot of people have surfaced, who were also ripped off and stolen from.
When I called them back then I even encountered DRUNKEN staff, babbling non-sense to me on the phone.
So NOW they are finally started working professionally. Good for them and good for you. Just hope that it lasta and it is not just a phase until they start drinking again.
As far as I am concerned I want MY MONEY BACK. They have my Moneybookers ID, they know who I am, they know how much money they owe me and where to send it to. If they are working professionally now, then why am I not getting my money back?? Or hell, at least have Bret EXPLAIN HERE about WHY he is keeping my money. If I get a good explanation, maybe I will let go of my claim …
they don’t give money back because they are fucking fraud
Damn right!
And I think that everyone here, or at least those people who got scammed, should spend 3-5 minutes per day searching online for new posts of them (f.e. on Webhostingtalk) and REPLY to whatever they post. No need to write a lot, just:
“Hello all. Before you consider buying anything from the company urgentVPS and/or Bret Weber, please take a few minutes to read the replies in this thread:”
That is all it takes ;)
I said nothing wrong, they charged me in excess of £280 for 5tb overusage and were fast to send debt letters when the node got compromised, rather than helping and caring for the client.
So they suck, end of convo.
They did it to other people too.
Company has no care IMO doing that.
Surprisingly today, Jul 30th 2011, after 5 months, I was contacted by email and just now I actually received my refund. SO for me the case is now finally closed.
lol its because he thought you would find him and show them who’s the boss in the RL.
Wow, they finished whatever they were doing. So, time to check my VPS. Ah, well:
Ok, since their ticket system seems to be in a bad mood today (“step=3” just fails – doh),
I post it here as well because I think that any potential customer of urgentvps might want
to google first about why you should not use urgentvps:
Their new site seems to have forgotten about
Order Number: 9568539900 (18-feb-2011)
Product/Service: Virtual Private Servers – UV-PLAN0
And by forgotten I mean completely forgotten. I cannot even access the client area,
my account has obviously been purged. Freak accident. All the other companies I dealt
with so far have been expressing a keen interest to keep customer contact details ready
to … show off some new ponies – don’t worry, I’ll spare you the 4chan gore:
When it comes to urgentvps and loyalty there’s not even a single puking dog.
We sent an e-mail out to all of our clients on the 13th of July 2011 before the migration to the new billing system and infrastructure – I apologize if you didn’t receive this. Just drop us an e-mail to and we will further go from there and get you migrated. We haven’t forgotten about anyone :-(
Kind Regards,
Ah. You indeed mailed, at the date you mentioned. For some reason I didn’t find it at first, July was pretty loaded. Sorry. Well, let’s hope the other half of the ride is smooth.
Hi Ekin and Markus;
I am in the same situation, as I purchased my UV-PLAN0 after reading lowendbox back in February.
However, I found it very frustrating to not have ticket being answered, and UrgentVPS having a contact telephone number T: +44 (0) 203-137-1802 => NOT IN USE.
How serious is this guys?
Markus … did you get some help at the end?
Ekin, how many customers are in the same situation, and why this will not continue in the future?
How do you plan to compensate for this lack of attention to your customers? I am still without backup server! (UV-PLAN0), and besides, some appology, I want to know if you are really walking the talk (assuming you will fix my problem one day)!
I feel that I have been abused here.
To summarize the quest for happiness: I tried. It’s not there. Move along.
I signed up for the offer mentioned at the very top of this page,
namely: 384MB memory | 30GB storage | 250GB/month data transfer
Now I’ve got: 256MB memory | 10GB storage | 250GB/month data transfer
and no idea where to check for frakking traffic.
According to support it should be right there in the “control menu”.
Have a look at the screenshot:
You will notice that it’s not an issue of blocked Javascript (NoScript icon),
you will notice that it’s not an issue of blocked flash/popups (AdBlock icon).
And you might want to notice that you can access their “secure” area via plain http.
What I actually wanted to say is that I contacted them about the different specs at
the beginning of August. 6 whopping days later I get a reply (from Ekin) that they
had to “adjust resource assignments slightly”. He mentioned the word refund. No word
about where to check for traffic. … I forgot about them.
Now you wake me up with this comment of yours. How dare you! So I checked once more
and contacted them again about traffic, there’s still no word about it in my client
area… But I got nice instructions of where to find it – in my client area. Again
I replied that there’s no bandwidth graph… no reply so far (it’s only been a few
hours). So I took the screenshot so they can see for themselves.
About the “control panel”: You are stuck with the template you choose when you sign up.
Once Debian, always Debian. Or you have to bug support about it, don’t know. No point
in trying a different template if basics aren’t working.
And setting rDNS requires a support ticket too …
I bought 2 servers from this company 4 days ago! Now I can’t get a hold of them! No Phone calls, no emails, I sent half a dozen support tickets! What a joke!!
I rarely comment, however after reading some of the responses on this page urgentVPS – €39.95/Year 384MB Virtuozzo VPS in Germany – Low End Box.
I actually do have 2 questions for you if
it’s allright. Is it simply me or does it look like some of these responses come across like they are coming from brain dead visitors?
:-P And, if you are writing at other sites, I’d like
to keep up with anything new you have to post.
Would you make a list of all of all your social pages like your Facebook page, twitter feed, or linkedin profile?