Bret from urgentVPS emailed me a while ago on their special offer for LowEndBox readers. It’s really bordering on the threshold here, due to low US dollar. €4.99/month — right on USD$7 at the moment. You do get a well-spec’ed VPS though. Order it here.
- 384MB memory
- 30GB storage
- 250GB/month data transfer
- 3 IP addresses
- Virtuozzo
Yes, 2 more IP addresses than you ever need. And Virtuozzo — Parallel’s (previously known as SWsoft) paid product, which uses SLM memory management that’s superior than OpenVZ’s UBC model. Servers are in Frankfurt, Germany. Some interesting comments from our last post about them, and hopefully their new DC is more stablized. They had pretty turbulent year from what I read on the threads tagged with urgentvps on WHT.
For LowEndBox readers, there’s also a once-off 25% off discount with promo code LEB-25.
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3 IP addresses in these days… wow what a goodie bag!
You don’t always need only 1 IP.
Just as a note, as posted in our WHT thread – we don’t offer the free Plesk license on the UV-PLAN0 on a monthly term. You’ll have to take it on at least a semi-annual term to receive it. Although, I’ll have a word and see if this can be changed. I’d also like to re-assure people that the issues of late are all behind us now and we’re back better than ever with an amazing German based network giving great connectivity to the whole of Europe :-)
Gotta admit that 3 IP address is a plus.
I wonder if they’re in order or an they be spread around from different class c’s.
The past history does turn me off though. What datacenter were they with?
Please give this thread a read before considering these folks:
I’d just like to address this if I may :-) That was a good few months ago and since then, countless changes have been made within the company structure. New staff have been brought in to handle various tasks and with the new datacenter we are much better prepared for these sorts of things. All new orders are being set up manually with a target of 10 minutes (which we hit 99.9% of the time!) and we’re slowly rebuilding and growing to the place where we were at the beginning of 2010 where people were saying things such as “You get what you pay for, and then some”. We won’t lie, over the past few months things have hit us hard, but we pride ourselves on bouncing back and sticking through it rather than ending up on LEA’s “Dead Pool” ;-) If anyone has any issues, don’t hesitate to get in touch with me directly via the billing system / contact form and I’ll do my utmost best to deal with your situation.
Bret, can you tell us what changes exactly happened to UrgentVPS? Who was this guy Ekin, what was his job, and why did he do what he did? (not responding to customers, black listing them etc). Has he been fired? Or was he just a pupet in all that?
If people have to believe that all this is really over, i think you should give us more insight about what happened, why it happened and what exactly you did to stop it and prevent it from happening again.
If i have to jump to a new host, i want to be sure that it is the good choice.
I won’t go into much detail here since I don’t feel it would be right, although I’m sure you guys are desperate to know. All you need to know, is that more staff members have been brought in (myself being one of them) to deal with the vast majority of day to day work and I’m sure clients that have signed up with this weekend will have noticed the fast, efficient responses by members of staff involved. This will be maintained for the foreseeable future and with some big upgrades to our infrastructure due at the end of this / beginning of next year, things will only get better.
And what is your role with urgentVPS as you declared yourself only as “staff”? Tech support? Billing? CEO? Is Ekin your superior? Are you actually this Ekin guy or..?
I deal with a bit of everything at the moment until a colleague comes back to work. I am not Ekin. Let’s try and keep this post relatively uncluttered please :-)
Already doing better than some of the hosts here. :)
Can you tell us who is ” ^EE ” ?
they are good at selling but not good at keeping your vps online or responding to tickets