Via this WHT offer. UUberHost is currently running their October-special with 50% off recurring discount when you use promo code 50%dplife. So you can get their “VZUuber1” package for $5/month (Direct signup link).
- 384MB guaranteed/512MB burstable memory
- 30GB storage (RAID5)
- 300GB/month data transfer (100Mbps port)
- OpenVZ/SolusVM
The name sounds German, and the servers are with Hetzner in Germany. However according to WHOIS the owner of the business is British, who also owns a few other websites when you google his email address. According to their About page, they are “backed by a team of dedicated individuals” although I can’t see any evidence on that. They have also previously offered VPS hosting in Chicago, and found one positive review about them. Domain registered in late July 2010 (beware!) and both name servers on the same box (fail!) Good price for a German VPS so we’ll see how things pans out.
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How do you share core, how many for VZUuber3
all vps containers are equal share
now limited stock
Order FAST….!!!!
stock now replenished :)
uuberhost is now redirecting to, which looks like another new host. Heaps of up and down for their website over the last couple of months. I think they are gone for good?
Guess those dedicated individuals weren’t so dedicated :)
Nope. I think they just did not spell out what they are dedicated for :) Could be dedicated scammers — I will need to wait for a few days to make sure they are really dead.