Via this WHT offer. is offering FREE VPS to push IPv6 deployment. ’nuff said.
- 128MB guaranteed/256MB burstable memory
- 5GB storage
- 100GB/month data transfer
- 10% CPU limit
- Debian Lenny 32bit
Get your free VPS here. One IPv6 IP address is provided and no IPv4 connectivity, so you need either native IPv6 or use tunnelling. Servers in Germany in Frankfurt am Main. has been around for many years I think and run their own BGP. But I guess if you are not satisfied you can always have your moneyback :P
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This is really a good offer. :)
Going to try it.
P.S. Thank you dmmcintyre3 for pointing this.
Debian rules!
I had been to apply it,Thank you share it,but I know IPV6 poor!I need study it.
They keep refusing my application.
“sorry, only orders with accurate information.”
I provided all correct info . :(
Same here. Apparently they know me better than I do. *eyeroll*
Oh well.
My account is created instantly. Now I am investigating it. ;)
Yes, I need to learn A LOT too…
At this moment I have my tunnel ready :D
Wow, if you know how to use ipv6 this is an amazing deal.
hope it lasts and isnt some promotion stunt that just lasts a few months.
The thing which I like the most regarding this offer is that there most likely wont be masses of abusive users, etc… as most people still don’t know what to do with IPv6.
With similar cpu as hostrail gave us this vps outperform perfomance of hostrail vps as example. I hope that it will stay that way atleast some time.
Newbie to IPv6 here, how can I access IPv6 from IPv4 system??? :) need reviewed befored approved. use gogo6 :) easy to use and install activation.
If your a Windows User, if your a Mac/Unix/Linux member, you have to install loads of crap, then build it, even if that works.
@Wing Loon, if you run ubuntu on your desktop just use miredo
sudo aptitude install miredo
then check something like this…
tunnelbroker ( uses 6in4 transition mechanism, so it’s useless if your isp put you behind nat (CMIWW).
Thank all for the links. However, when I click the link, it redirect me to and how can I signup? Thank you.
Does this link work for you?
If not, try emailing them —
Are you in China?
> we have to refuse temporary orders from China, because about 40 orders
> from this country are done and we’ve got an equal amount of tickets
> “how to connect to VPS”. Since we did not state it clear enough about,
> we’ll redirect orders from China temporary, until we’ve stated it on our
> website too.
Thank you for the info but I am not from China, I am from Malaysia :(
Wow, I submitted my order 2 hours ago and now my server is UP!!!
I’m in :D
First impressions:
Core 2 Duo E6600, capped at 238Mhz (10% says in the specs). Access to one core only
Geekbench score is weird xD I can’t upload it because Geekbench site doesn’t have an ip v6 :P but the scores are weird with that openVZ scheduling. I get… 505 points, I think is worst than hostrail xD
I think is burstable 256 MB and guaranteed 128MB
I can’t test with cachefly, no ip v6. Someone knows a good server to test?
The problem comes when you want to download something in your server… you can’t easily, I scp’d the geekbench file. BTW, if you want to use scp, you must specify the IP with brackets
Yeah the famouse I/O
I hope my tags are ok :S Because I can’t edit my comments xD
For IPv6 speedtest try;
Offtopic: how to use correctly the tags here?
In particular I was interested in the tag for console dumps :P
Agreed, I guess only LEA knows it :(
Try <pre> … </pre> to wrap code…
WOW!!! Thanks for edit my post n_n
Does this come with a control panel like solusvm or hypervm? so we can rebuild the OS..
Interesting, It seems not. In the client area apparently “exists” functions to reboot the server at least… but doesn’t work n_n
I don’t know how to reboot my server…. Command “reboot” works in openVZ?
> Command “reboot” works in openVZ?
Yes it should work, but some OpenVZ VPSes just power off when you try to reboot them.
Then you can “boot” it from your panel. Assuming the “boot” function is not broken as well :P
Hmmm, but no panel xD And then the VPS will die and we will call to support…I’m wondering how good is the support for free products xD
Usually when you reboot in OpenVZ, the container has to check if a “reboot” signal was sent, some providers don’t have this setup right and the cron that checks if a reboot signal was sent could be going off every 30 mins, or not at all.
I think that may be the fact they SolusVM etc don’t support IPV6 (Yet), although im aware that SolusVM will support it in next release.
IPv6 was released yesterday
Mine still pending :( I hope I’m not too late.
Well, I signed up when there were only one comment here and my VPS hasn’t been yet activated.
Hmmm, I was lucky?? Because now I’m looking at the date of my mails and was more fast than I thought…
Signup 8:23 PM
Depploy 8:40 PM
CST time
I signed up before there were any comments made and mine was activated 7 minutes later as well.
Still pending, I guess they don’t like me :( lol :D
2: 9.170ms asymm 3
3: 33.179ms asymm 8
4: 32.361ms asymm 7
5: 32.448ms asymm 6
6: 45.838ms asymm 7
7: 42.922ms asymm 2
8: 53.375ms asymm 2
9: 2001:7f8:33::a103:1147:1 50.399ms asymm 3
10: 49.929ms reached
Seems to be working, guess i’ll order one then ;).
Cool. This will be a good way to test the nagiosplugins i use =)
I have yet to find a good use for an ipv6, but I know my home ISP provider gives native static ipv6 addresses, so I’ll see what good I can do ^_^
Registered 2½ hours ago, and still pending.
PS: My first comment on this site, although I’m on this site for nearly a half year.
After two hours my account is still pending is that normal. How long does it take usually?
It says in the WHT thread that activation can take up to 48 hours.
Mine is in pending for 6.5 hours now.
Thanks for the information then.
Also signed up for one! Gotta love free VPS’s!
Have ordered one! Hope To get soon :)
Do you need it now>? I want to buy your ipv6 only VPS
Why don’t you contact company? I am pretty sure that you can buy it from them :p
out stock now!
Ouch that’s unlucky. Judging from the WHT offer, if people don’t login at least once within the first 7 days they will release it again so might be worth checking again later.
Was showing up OOS earlier, but just tried again and got through. Now just waiting to get approved.
Pretty cool, as already on an native IPV6 isp (only one in Canada I think).
Still waiting for my order to get approved. :(
After 9 hours, my VPS activated :).
Can connect from my home to VPS using miredo : “apt-get install miredo”.
How to connect from VPS to ipv4 host ?
if you mean ipv4 from valueserver? they dont offer ipv4.
you still can connect to ipv4 network even you’re using ipv6 tunnel.
> How to connect from VPS to ipv4 host ?
You can’t connect from the IPv6-only VPS to IPv4 hosts. So e.g. if you want to use this VPS as an IRC client/bouncer, ask your IRC networks to support IPv6. That’s kinda the whole point of this offer, to drive demand for IPv6 support from various services. :)
Yuu really think theyre going to allow irc on a free vps? I smell a ton of abuse if they do. Cant find their TOS or anything though.
IRC is about the only thing that is fairly well ipv6 connected.
From the WHT thread:
> As long as your VPS is not interrupting our network stability (e.g. with DDoS), yes. We preserve the right to forbid IRC usage, if there is any reason for.
So yes they do allow IRC.
I just want to connecting this VPS to my other IVP4-only VPS.
You can set up an IPv6 tunnel on your other VPS – if it’s OpenVZ, ask the support to enable TUN/TAP device for you, then use
I have found the clock of the vps is not correct, it seems the Host Node do not use NTP, I have sent a ticket, the clock now is OK :D
Amazing how many people here want to get this vps just because it’s free without clear purpose or even IPv6 access :)
Well if you want to connect to this IPv6 vps from your old IPv4 vps but have no clue what/how to do with it, we can safely assume that you don’t need this vps, that you don’t know what exactly do with this vps, that you took it instead let it to someone who might actually use it, but can’t get it anymore because of you.. and finally you have no other purpose than getting something just because it’s free. It’s a waste of your precious time and their resources for nothing.
At least, the purpose is learning/trying IPv6 :) . Learning by doing, you know.
And maybe another reasons that doesn’t need to be shared with you.
Honestly, I feel like you said, but is a good way to learn about ipv6, and I am learning a lot now.
Then, my purpose now is to learn more about ipv6 (and tunneling :P) and see the differences when you want to put services under this scheme.
In Mexico, AFAIK we haven’t ipv6 ISPs, and is difficult to enroll on this kind of servers. (Pfff my english sucks xD)
Btw, I’m really grateful with this website and all the people who comments here because I’m so newbie…and this 2-3 weeks in the VPS world have been really trascendent to me.
Of course, you’re both right. I didn’t want to troll against IPv6 related newbs which try to understand and learn a bit more regarding IPv6 but against those which just want to own something without any purpose just because it’s free.
Well, at first I felt as if I was in a “Desert”. But after doing some tweeks finally was able to log in. I guess sooner or later we have to get adopted to the IPv6 habitat :)
Thanks a lot to Value Servers for motivating people to use IPv6 :)
Port speed fluctuates somehow, and this is a test to Sweden tele2 over IPv6:
–2010-11-15 18:19:10–
Resolving… 2a00:801:0:11::2
Connecting to|2a00:801:0:11::2|:80… connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 200 OK
Length: 104857600 (100M) [application/zip]
Saving to: `/dev/null’
100%[======================================>] 104,857,600 1.35M/s in 88s
2010-11-15 18:20:38 (1.14 MB/s) – `/dev/null’ saved [104857600/104857600]
its all. Out of Stock :(.
btw. = – also known to some older LEB readers. Both sister companies are part of Inline Online Internet Dienste GmbH. It’s not that they try to hide this, I mentioned it just in case of curiosity as some here might be also customers.
Well, mine is still pending….
i got out of stock, how many slot you have ?
Got the access! Thanks to & LEB for the service & also to all boys and girls here who’s banging their finger to the bone for a living and yet still willing to share their knowledge.
Debby rules!
Website says “out of stock” I`m 2 Late
I have just signed for one..
may be it is just out for some countries.
I tried with severals proxies (US, FR and DE) and sold out :-( snif, it was a good idea !
Out of stick for me. I always miss the good things.
I know we discussed IRC up there. I wonder if they would allow tunnleing. The library here is going nuts with blocking sites and it;s causing an issue with the work that I do. Heck, LEB has been blocked a couple of times now. :(
Having said that if anyone is setting one of these up for tunneling and don’t mind sharing….
Seems like your website is running under QuickWeb.
Maybe you can run a Privoxy as your proxy in your VPS sir.
I am running a Privoxy in my several VPS, for monitoring the Domain Propagation just in case I moved my Domain to another VPS. Domain propagation is little slow for my current ISP.
no need to using/setup privoxy if you only need to check dns propagation, just use dig :)
Thank you for the information.
Since I am a Window user, maybe I will try to use it under my Virtual Machine :)
But you should already have ipv6 to tunnel to it, considering they only provide ipv6. And even if you can do that, you will only able to browse ipv6 capable sites :)
And.. i also miss this offer (coz they rejected me) lol :( :(
Got mine, yay.
@LEA: it’s 128 MB guaranteed, 256 MB is burstable (they do say the latter in the WHT thread).
1 core of
Felt snappy as I cleansed the usual bells and whistles from the template using my script.
Had to look up that the current address for Debian-Backports is, since (which I used before) is inaccessible on IPv6.
On a down side, there seems to be no control panel to reinstall OS or set rDNS: there is a link to it, but the link does not work.
Out Of Stock :(
Just had mine activated 10 minutes ago.
Fixed the title + the post to be 128MB guaranteed with 256MB burstable memory.
I’ll have to say that it is quite a good idea to force the awareness of IPv6 — many people never bothered because IPv4 works fine for them. Now we are forced to learn new tricks because it does not even come with IPv4 :)
Another way to get IPv6 only VPS is using (part of TOCICI), as a dedicated IPv4 actually costs :)
Received my VPS not too long ago.. seems alright, it’s too bad I can’t install kloxo on it!!
just got my vps.
ipv4 4.00 € Monthly on, really expensive.
hi everyone, welcome to IPv6 World.
just an information, why a few applications are refused: Please don’t use any proxies, so our anti fraud system (also active for free orders) will match, because your home address differs e.g. 11.000 miles from the proxies location. It also matches, if your IP address’s location differs from the country of your home. Also we’ll not accept any applications from TOR exit nodes. There is no difference from which address you’re coming from, if a new slot is available (like now ~20 pcs), they will be shown on the order page.
No ip6tables at the moment. Quick support ticket response – 12 minutes.
Back in stock. Ordered one. :)
looks like back in stock, i have ordered mine
if my email server configuration is correct, & don’t support ipv6.
freebsd mailing list have ipv6 support
This is correct, very very few mail servers currently support IPv6.
None of the ‘major’ providers (gmail, hotmail, yahoo) do.
Wrong, Google Mail supports IPv6 – but you need to be part of the Google IPv6 program (or use DNS servers that are part of them)
Use the IPv6 server to get access to all google services over v6:
Yes, the GMail web interface will appear for you over IPv6 if you’re a part of that program, but the actual servers which accept and deliver E-Mail are not IPv6 capable even then.
$ host has address has address has address has address has IPv6 address 2a00:1450:8007::13 mail is handled by 20 mail is handled by 40 mail is handled by 5 mail is handled by 30 mail is handled by 10
None of those mail handling servers have AAAA. So you will not be able to send and receive mail to GMail from an IPv6-only server.
How to access ipv6 ssh from my ipv4 pc?
sorry new in ipv6, anyone?
Here is a guide that I found:
Sorry, but I think the people must learn to read the comments,at least in this site…Ok, there are like 80 comments, but in the first 10 is the answer to this kind of questions.
If people actually read the TITLE of the blog post they should know what kind of VPS they are getting. Or maybe I should put “IPv6-Only” before “FREE” :)
And people also need to remember, “Google is your friend”.
Heh heh heh… yeah you should have posted “IPv6-Only” before “FREE” Bro, otherwise this is what has happened to some:
“What? What is IPv6? What is IPv4? I don’t know what they are! But I don’t care! All I read it’s free!”
Sometimes that doesn’t work too….I thought Mexico was the only country with people that dfoesn’t know how to read…. but I see the real world now… ¬_¬
Well, you could give it to me if you can’t use it… :D
finally got around to getting up the tunnel to log on to this and its great, and already 100% upto date on debian :)
Got mine long back but finally was able to log in now. Great to start with IPv6 tweaks.
@ibk : thanks a lot. tunnelbroker was the solution for me :)
@Bob : thanks a lot. Helped me setup IPv6 on my system :)
@LEA : You are absolutely right. But before Google, Lowendbox is my best friend :)
Thanks a lot for the initial setup. Will come back for more updates.
That WHT link no longer works.
Still waiting for SIXXs to accept my registration request, they rejected me first time because they didn’t think that England was a real country.
Still pending T_T
The post was removed by WHT-staff, because it was a free offer, and they don’t like such posts it seems.
bad for WHT then they should keep posting it here i guess LEB-Admin welcomes all XD
WHT are not open, their like the Chinese Goverment.
Still pending. 2 days passed.
Why takes it hours to get this setup?
It’s still pending.
On other VPS hosters it takes like 5min.
Its a free offer — why are you complaining ???
2 days could not be passed, because offer exists since 1,5 days :)
We’ve to check every IPv6-VPS-order manualy, because many applicants have ordered multiple VPSs. Also there is a bunch of support requests like “I can not connect”, because most people did not read the “IPv6 only”.
@All: 96 orders to go, before we re-open application
@maurice 96 to go,
one of them is mine. got approval on around 00.00 gmt, till now 1.00pm gmt i have any news.
People, please, write detailed instructions how to configure ipv6 connection for windows 7(and windows xp) with NAT (provider NAt) AND without NAT. And if really may in pictures :)
As we said in Mexico…
“Limosnero y con garrote” or “peladito y a la boca” or “¿y tu nieve de que la quieres?”
Is something like: you want everything solved.
Go to tunnelbrocker and follow the instructions. NAT?? I don’t know, may be is a problem because I can’t connect in a NAT’d computer
He he he ¿Qué? Amigo, no entiendo porque el servidor virtual de traducción no está funcionando.
Obtener la cuenta, punto de su servidor para TunnelBroker y conectar su PC a su servidor a través de PuttyPortable.
Sólo soy una paloma blanca. Todo lo que puedo hacer es pío.
Sólo sé ofrecer esto de forma gratuita y no tengo dinero.
LOL! Don’t worry, my answer was for AlexUSSS. That phrases are “colloquial” or “local” and we say that when the people want the things pretty, fast and FREE or when the people are demanding.
I’m just trolling xD
Nat’d -> gogonet or sixx
No nat -> Tunnel broker.
Thanks for answer
I’ve got my VPS activated.
Use teredo or any broker. I use gogo6.
How long time did it take for you ?
30-40 min after 54 post
How do you setup Gogo6 on BSD?
> How do you setup Gogo6 on BSD?
You should be able to install either gw6c or tspc, those are the client software for gogo6 and afaik since long ago are included in the *BSD ports/repositories/whateveryouhavethere.
For me its still pending, after almost 24 hours now.
They are really good with tickets but setup times are worst ever.
Fine its free but it should still be automatically 1-2min setup.
Another case of people who wants free and fast. Well, I was lucky and my server was deployed in 15 minutes. You don’t know how is the situation in to deploy this servers. May be they need to assemble new machines, or the people needs to rest, I don’t know…Everybody got their server here…be patient.
@LEA: Sorry, I’ve been converted in a TROLL because some people is…annoying
No problem. As I have said, for people who are not happy with the service so far, they can always request a “refund” and go elsewhere :) There is no point demanding fast response when it’s all provider’s generosity giving away free VPS.
Mine has just got setup. Thanks ValueServer :D
@LEA – If you have some time, I think it is good to publish a tutorial on this. (hopefully the IPv6 only free VPS is still available by the time the tutorial ready).
Yes yes yes. I think it would be a good tut to have when you potentially have influx of IPv6 VPS providers in the future.
I’ve wrote/compile some note ^_^ ->
Your notes are mostly about tb-tun, and just to clarify, you do not need tb-tun (in fact can’t use it) on the VPS discussed here, as it already comes with a native IPv6 address. tb-tun is for IPv4-only VPSes.
@rm: I know, my order here is still pending :( that one for my other vps (with no ipv6) :D
What is your order ID ? We’ve ~6 VPS left, then all orders older than 24 hours are completed. Next setups will get finished, if new nodes are ready.
Thank you very much for the hard work to provide a free good service to all of us. I bet, as Yomero said earlier, not only you have to work around the clock to deploy the servers and assemble new machines and nodes, I believe this is an effort to remind us of how the future of the Internet will be.
my “order” was comfirmed more then 24 h ago but still no login
Anything you can do ?
This is not to offend anyone.
But i was just curious to know how they could make business by giving out VPSes for free. I can understand the shared hosting biz where ppl have sponsors, they can force adverts on your site etc. But difficult to get the concept of giving VPSes for free. They don’t expect anything back from us either No forum posts nothing :)
Cheers to Valueserver !!!
Well, first of all it is great for publicity, e.g. now we know that this is THE company that is truly on the forefront of the Internet technologies and cares about future of the net (increasing adoption of IPv6) very seriously.
Other than this – maybe as a demo-version of their service?)
E.g. right now if anyone asks I can say, yep their VPSes work well, their support tickets are answered quickly and 100% satisfactory, their uptime is [we’ll see], etc etc.
And considering that BuyVM, NordicVPS, Hostrail and others are able to provide even higher specs for under $15 a year (and also include IPv4), the bare cost of running such a promotion offer may be not that high, compared to gained benefits.
Totally agree with you. They definitely get a nice word of mouth marketing in this way and will definitely remain in the minds of people. Some may even opt for their paid services considering the support given to the free services. :)
Very well spoken Bro :)
Anyone got any *BSD and Mac compatible IPV6 tunnels, Tunnel broker from HEdosen’t work, dosen’t seem to like my IP.
Miredo work fine on freebsd
well it seems they have re-stocked but i cannot send the order
the password meter stays at week even if i enter something very strong and so i get a “your password is to weak error” and i cannot submit the order tryed with 2 diffrent browsers… damn
It worked now =)
and its already deployed
@LoweEndAdmin -They restock it.
My order went through without any problem.
It seems that they have restocked their free service.
Very nice o.O
@ca: your order had 2 VPS in the basket to it was canceled. I’ve reinstated it with only one, so you’ll get your VPS with next node deployment.
@rm and anand: exactly so it works. First point is, that most normal users will never take care about IPv6, because IPv4 is working fine until now. Second point is, that we can get a good feeling about how good accepted IPv6 is, and what we have to do better with our implementation of it. Third point is marketing, and thats also no big secret :)
Thumbs Up!!! to ValueServer :)
Next node deployment will be done today ?
@JohnS: in GMT+1 it will be tomorrow, sorry. Deploying more VPS on the nodes we’ve already running does not make sense, otherwise they will get very unstable and/or overloaded.
@All: We’ll setup the last VPSs tomorrow, after this we need to wait five days, before ~70% of the existing VPS will get deleted. Thats the actual count of VPSs (older than 12 hours) where no initial login happened.
Order number 1429976964, i hope i get it this time, first try failed :(
I saw the edit LEB made about more stock being available. Looks like they’re out again. :(
Just discovered that I guess it’s moot. Rather surprising that the network I;m on assigns ip6 addresses, at least to the wireless, but the uplink doesn’t support them. At least that’s what I think is happening. I can’t reach the site, either by url or ip6 address, so I’m assuming somewhere along the way, it’s getting blocked.
Probaly because it is not
traceroute to (2a00:1450:8001::93), 30 hops max, 80 byte packets
1 (2001:470:0:190::2) 1077.185 ms 1077.153 ms 1077.140 ms
2 (2001:470:0:190::1) 1109.467 ms 1109.472 ms 1109.461 ms
3 * * *
4 2001:4860::1:0:8 (2001:4860::1:0:8) 1037.159 ms 2001:4860::1:0:4b3 (2001:4860::1:0:4b3) 1047.193 ms 2001:4860::1:0:8 (2001:4860::1:0:8) 1037.141 ms
5 2001:4860::1:0:12 (2001:4860::1:0:12) 1017.322 ms 1017.333 ms 1017.324 ms
6 2001:4860::34 (2001:4860::34) 999.388 ms 229.440 ms 2001:4860::35 (2001:4860::35) 471.600 ms
7 2001:4860:0:1::1b (2001:4860:0:1::1b) 511.782 ms 511.751 ms 492.077 ms
8 2a00:1450:8001::93 (2a00:1450:8001::93) 234.117 ms 242.524 ms 226.679 ms
@drmike: do you mean “” ? its working fine from our VPS:
— snip —
traceroute to (2a00:1450:8005::93), 30 hops max, 40 byte packets
1 (2a00:1018:801:1000:1::12) 0.045 ms 0.021 ms 0.020 ms
2 2001:7f8:33::a100:6939:1 (2001:7f8:33::a100:6939:1) 2.239 ms 2.213 ms 2.340 ms
3 (2001:7f8::3b41:0:2) 2.644 ms 2.596 ms 2.582 ms
4 2001:4860::1:0:10 (2001:4860::1:0:10) 3.228 ms 2001:4860::1:0:11 (2001:4860::1:0:11) 77.448 ms 2001:4860::1:0:10 (2001:4860::1:0:10) 3.290 ms
5 2001:4860::1:0:8 (2001:4860::1:0:8) 10.165 ms 2001:4860::1:0:4b3 (2001:4860::1:0:4b3) 9.757 ms 9.731 ms
6 2001:4860::1:0:2a (2001:4860::1:0:2a) 14.643 ms 13.905 ms 14.063 ms
7 2001:4860::34 (2001:4860::34) 12.970 ms 12.415 ms 12.871 ms
8 2001:4860:0:1::63 (2001:4860:0:1::63) 24.583 ms 2001:4860:0:1::65 (2001:4860:0:1::65) 16.070 ms 16.045 ms
9 2a00:1450:8005::93 (2a00:1450:8005::93) 13.022 ms 12.820 ms 12.794 ms
–2010-11-17 02:28:51–
Resolving… 2a00:1450:8005::93
Connecting to|2a00:1450:8005::93|:80… connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 200 OK
Length: unspecified [text/html]
Saving to: `index.html’
[ ] 8,721 –.-K/s in 0.008s
2010-11-17 02:28:51 (1.02 MB/s) – `index.html’ saved [8721]
— snip —
Sorry, just seen, that you mean you local network, sorry :)
Not a problem. Again it;s rather strange that they assign a ipv6 address but don;t allow usage. Of course they have also labeled Google a porn site in the past….
German Repo list that works with IPV6:
################### OFFICIAL DEBIAN REPOS ###################
###### Debian Main Repos
deb lenny main contrib non-free
###### Debian Update Repos
deb lenny/updates main contrib non-free
deb lenny-proposed-updates main contrib non-free
deb lenny/volatile main contrib non-free
deb lenny-backports main
If you face the problem that some repos are not reacheable over IPv6 (like dotdeb) just use the Sixxs gateway service, change:
deb stable all
deb stable all
If you then need to get keys use the repo, it has AAAA records.
I somehow seemed to have ordered 2 VPSes, and seems like both of them were cancelled. Can you change one of their status to “Pending” and set it up when a new node arrives or when there are slots available?
(Order Number: 3839771068)
out of stock
+1.5 day, and still pending, I hope I will get mine activated as well.
Yeah second day and still pending. I hope also to get mine activated!
@All: All open deployment will get finished today.
Nice I cant wait ;)
Mine is activated now, thanks very much
Linux ipv6 2.6.18-194.17.1.el5.028stab070.7 #1 SMP Fri Oct 1 14:17:14 MSD 2010 i686 GNU/Linux
Thanks a lot ! It’s very well working so far.
I just have a question, the local ipv4 use for nat 10.2.254.x is usable for distant connexion (eg : scp from an ipv4 server) or we need to use the ipv6 for this usage?
Private IP’s cannot pass through the routers (I mean, it should not be passed through) without NAT.
You should use IPv6 to connect the external Internet.
The private IP address (10.x.x.x) is a little trick to get SolusVM running the way we need it. It’s not possible for SolusVM to assign just a single IPv6 address, also it’s not possible to assign IPv6-Resolvers. So we’ve set up every VPS with a additional single (private) IPv4 address. Also we’ve configured resolvers with private IP addresses, so that you can resolve everything needed out of your VPSs.
Thanks for your prompt answer. I was wondering why there was this IP ;-)
It’s very cool from you to take this time for free users!
Then, exists a SolusVM panel for us?
@Yomero: no, at the moment we’ll use it just for us. We’re thinking about to use its API and integrate it into our customer panel.
@killdashnine: Thank you. And as you can see, people start to spend time for IPv6 and think about, so it is like we wanted it:)
My VPS online :)
But doesn’t it come with any control panel so i can control it ?
Now it looks more like a root shell only.
Someone who thinks cPanel is the only way to control a VPS, tut.
I guess John is referring to panels like SolusVM, not cPanel…
> Now it looks more like a root shell only.
What more do you need?
One of my clients is a 90+ year old grandmother who collects these ceramic poodle thingies. If she can work in shell…..
If you can’t work in Unix shell, you should stay the fsck away from VPSes, use shared hosting with your dumbified “cpanel”, it will make life easier for everyone especially the providers.
Set everything up for her then. Although, I don’t think ipv6-only vps will be very useful to her.
The free VPS with them is running quite well with lighttpd and MySQL :P
Have to say is a nice offer and working well.
It appears again to be out of stock.
All orders are completed by now.
Out of stock again :(
10 more are just available.
Thanks, just ordered :)
Nice offer. nice vps.
Just wondering what could this be used for if i were to sign up. I don’t want it if it’s useless but i would like to learn more about ipv6
Ordered one and it has been very stable till now, despite the 10% CPU limit, which I guess has turned the VPS into an average virtual host in terms of processing power. Well, free service, stop complaining.
What surprises me is the fact that Google over IPv6 is available via ValueSERVER’s internal resolver. I did:
tjmao:/# host -t AAAA CNAME AAAA 2A00:1450:8007:0:0:0:0:67
tjmao:/# host -t AAAA CNAME AAAA 2A00:1450:8007:0:0:0:0:5B
Seems their network is directly attached to Hurricane Electric who is their transit provider.
I hope everyone get access to IPv6 asap so there will be less worry about those IPv4-only web sites which I currently must use a dual-stack proxy or NAT64 for.
A little knowledge is required to use the service given that there is no IPv4. Anyway, the free product is a good place to experiment IPv6 networking with.
Hmm… host names have been automatically converted into links. I should have used HTML tags to quote the text.
Got mine, looks pretty fast actually.
Are these all done now or any more? I kept checking but missed the extra batch :(
I received mine yesteday. too bad i have to be at work util saturday, but i’ll setup my blog IPv6 blog on this vps.I can’t wait!
Thanks Value Server!
out of stock, damnit :)
will there be more accounts?
Mine works great! It has been good to learn about & test IPv6 at the same time :)
thanks maurice for your hard work, now i’m up…
Can someone run this on their VPS:
Or anybody who has IPv6 connectivity just try to load that page?
Not showing in my browser
You are using HostRail for this VPS, and they still have not fixed their IPv6 firewalling issue. So it doesn’t work:
$ curl
curl: (7) couldn’t connect to host
$ nc6 -vvv6 80
nc6: cannot connect to 2607:ff68:100:10::7 (2607:ff68:100:10::7) 80 [www]: Permission denied
nc6: unable to connect to address, service 80
Write to them and complain, or cancel the account if they still don’t fix it.
if needed i can host a 100mb.bin on a buyvm vps with ipv6.
There seems to be some firewall restriction on this destination and I’ve tested with various sorts of IPv6 connectivity, native and tunneled (and 6to4 which is also tunneled), no method was successful.
FYI, this is the tcpdump:
02:52:49.492616 IP6 2a00:1018:801:1000::dead:beef.57622 > 2607:ff68:100:10::7.80: S 3529703251:3529703251(0) win 5760
02:52:49.618801 IP6 2607:ff68:100:10::20 > 2a00:1018:801:1000::dead:beef: ICMP6, destination unreachable, unreachable prohibited 2607:ff68:100:10::7, length 88
That is, firewall prohibited it.
Yep, this is discussed quite indepth in
=> `index.html’
Resolving… 2607:ff68:100:10::7
Connecting to|2607:ff68:100:10::7|:80… failed: Permission denied.
@ LEA:
Did you think about running a IPv6 mirror of LEB on one of these VPSes? something like : I don’t know that your current host has IPv6 support or not?)
Unfortunately the QuickWeb box that I am on does not have an IPv6 addy.
You could set up a tunnel or make use of 6to4. :)
Try , it allows one to use an IPv6 tunnel on any OpenVZ VPS which has TUN/TAP.
The VPS hosting this blog uses XEN PV..not OpenVZ. ;)
On Xen there should be no problem at all, e.g. for 6to4 just enter your VPS IPv4 address into:
– (general GNU/Linux)
– (Debian or Ubuntu)
and it will give you commands or config lines to use for setting up the tunnel.
Maybe its time LEA to start playing with IPv6 :-) Tunnels etc ;)
this thing make us busy with ipv6 things.. :)
but thanks to Value Server, we’re learn a lot here..
You don’t accept signups from Malaysia?
Order link redirects to a TOS page.
my reply disappeared and I didn’t make a copy before I post it :(
@shearerc: Sorry, MY ist one of the locations which we block complete in our order system, because it produces a large amount of credit card fraud and charge backs.
[OFFTOPIC] Do you have any plan to offer Low End Xen VPS (Like 128MB)? All of Xen VPS Plans on your site have 512MB+ RAM and are unmetered. i’m looking for something like 128~192MB/10GB HDD/100GB Traffic.
I would love to try if stock in this was available. How long are these free for?
:~/installs# dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=16k conv=fdatasync
16384+0 records in
16384+0 records out
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 45.9056 s, 23.4 MB/s
a) I understand it’s free b) To promote ipv6 you need to run something productive and with such 0’ish I/O I doubt that is possible.
This is a perfectly fine I/O performance, I’d be quite satisfied with this benchmark even on a paid VPS.
“Out of Stock”
“We are currently out of stock on this item so orders for it have been suspended until more stock is available. For furthur information, please contact us.”
@All: We’re sorry, today happened a big script mistake. We’ve lost 19 VPS, which are also deleted from backup. In the future VPS will be kept in backup for 7 days after deletion. This happened only for the IPv6 VPS, they’re on complete different infrastructure than our other services – no other services are affected.
Stats: 12% of the ordered VPS have at least one login within 7 days after setup.
I can’t login my vps, and can’t login to client area, the password is ok, but can’t login, I have used password reminder and recevied new password, but can’t login too…
what happend?
In addition, I have login several times after it setup,and have just used yesterday
Mine is gone too. Not only vps but also client are registration.
*client area registration
Lost? Can you be more specific? How did you lost 19 vpses? Hardware malfunction, or..? Because as it seems we’re removed also from client area.
Im in the unlucky list too :) Even I had just used it yesterday. Tried to update and upgrade apt-get but couldn’t. But before I could ask a doubt here, I had lost my VPS :(
So I guess we can’t question them since it is free. ;) But its really a pain that my client area registration has also gone.
Likewise, just worked on mine a bit yesterday, and now… poof! :)
I cannot login to vps and client area. :( . 3 hour tuning vps is lost. :(
well i still have access to my vps but i cant log in to the client area and the password reset gives me a password that I cant use either :( so no control panel for reboots or OS reloads for me :(
Do the client area support reboot or OS reload? It seems not work from the beginning.
Cant access vps and client area too. Seems their script also deleted customer information.
@All Not a hardware problem. The Script which closes the accounts after 7 days unusage screwed up, so more a human error. Please open a ticket, we’ll re-install your VPS shortly.
my vps is ok now again, thank you. :)
Mine is okay too. Thank You. Nice Support!
Well, I’m another unfortunate “customer” LOL, no access to clientarea and no access to my VPS.
I can’t submit a ticket…
Curious, I can get a new password submitting my mail, but I can’t login with it o_O
Hey go to There in the bottom of the index page, there are 2 options 1.) Clien Login and 2.) Support Tickets. Click on the support tickets and click on support in the following page and submit a ticket.
Hope it helps :)
Hmmm, that anonymous tickets are weird.
Thanks for the tip, my ticket was submitted now xD
This is a free service, you can hardly complain.
All open re-installs are just done.
I went to the page and it says OUT OF STOCK . I want to get this VPS , please tell me when will you resume your offer ?
My VPS disappeared a few days ago, and now I can’t log in to the client area. Can’t even get in after the “forgot my password” (I didn’t) process. Classy, but I guess I got what I paid for. :)
Same here too. Not able to log in. Just used it few days before. Guess I wont submit a ticket again.
But I must admit that it was a nice stay with ValueServer as long as the VPS was working. Cheers to you guys!!!
Same thing here, your words just express my self.
I have enjoyed trying it, Cheers to ValueServer.
Mine’s running ok.
As it seems that you are out of stock:
I want such a VPS, can you tell me when you start a new offer?!
The whole seems to be inaccessible via IPv6 at the moment.
Back to normal now, downtime was about 6 hours.
On the good side, must say it is the first downtime for 1.5 months, other than that – no reboots or anything, been working well. :)
my VPS also seems down …
Please open a ticket, if VPS/IPv6 goes down, we’ll fix it asap then.
Tiscali International (Tinet, AS 3257) was just added as IPv6 upstream
Seems to be out of stock for the moment. Does anyone know whether/when new stock will become available?
My FREE ipv6 VPS with them go down 2 days ago with any notification’s…
Submit a ticket :P
Hmm, perhaps you’re right, I had not thought about it :)
Today I got my first outage in this VPS Q_Q Received a mail about a problem with some UPS or something. After hundreds of days up :S
It looks like not all the servers were affected. Mine was lucky. Still going strong :)
> 08:40:06 up 243 days, 7:59, 1 user, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
Holy crap Q_Q I miss it xD isn’t the same anymore
# uptime
15:41:59 up 365 days, 21:00, 1 user, load average: 0.08, 0.02, 0.01
Yay. :)
Son of a… j/k
I am jealous, currently just
After that reboot u_u lol!
We are on the same node :) same uptime!
From the loadavg I can see that all your IPv6-only VPS are pretty much just sitting there, doing, hmm, nothing? :)
No no no, the mine downloads a page every hour and then… sleep xD
You don’t need a load average of 1.0 to run a DNS server and an IRC bouncer.
In fact even my VPSes serving some websites with MySQL have a load average at around or less than 0.05.
For modern CPUs httpd and mysql are not much of a problem since a long time ago :) So it mostly shows that the host has I/O properly tuned and not oversold, so the system is not spending much time in iowait.
IRC-server, irc bouncer & irc bot + IPv6 NOC site.
Doing almost nothing!
Which script do you use for a NOC site (I assume you mean something like a Looking Glass, or Smokeping?)
Looks like it is over, mine is down for 9 days now.
Yeah man, as Joe says, mine is up
Could be more but unfortunately was rebooted =P
Submit a ticket =)
Mine had I think 450+ days uptime.
I posted a ticket and got “we’re working on it”, but that was 8 days ago :/
Maybe I shouldn’t abandon hope after all :)
It came back online 1 hour ago :)
Wonderful n_n
Mine is still up. Over 200 days uptime ;)
one of my most stable VPS.
Mine has now been down at least since the second of the month. I have raised a ticket with no response. Also seems their live support function no longer works on their site. (Not that I was expecting support for my free server, just curious why I have not yet gotten any type of response.) If its gone, its gone, but would still be nice to know whats going on. It did have an awesome uptime, and was very stable until this.
Mine is now back up as well. :-D
Mine is dead. Completely.