Michael is writing in, on behalf of VPS-World, who is offering some budget VPS hosting services. Their Germany-based VPS starts from €2/month for a “V-MINI” plan. One size up will get you the “MINI” plan for €3.50/month which comes with
- 256MB guaranteed/512MB burstable memory
- 10GB storage
- 5000GB/month data transfer on 100Mbps
- OpenVZ/SolusVM
Direct signup link, and you can pay by either PayPal, Moneybookers or bank transfer. Servers in Duesseldorf Germany. VPS-World is headed by Bjoern Gross who will be keeping the servers running, while Michael would be dealing with inquiries here. It is park of G-netics that has been around since 2008, although the VPS-World.eu domain itself was only registered in October this year.
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Hi everybody and thanks to the admin for posting our offer! Please feel free to ask questions and give feedback about the service here. I’ll answer what I can myself and pass the rest on to Bjoern.
Welcome :)
Good offer, not the cheapest but at a price where one can expect quality, which is a good thing in this lowendworld :D
Good luck ;)
Thanks a lot! I’ve seen my share of shady offers as well and VPS-World has actually been around longer than the domain suggests. They were running under VPS-World.de before and changed that domain when they migrated to a new system to better reflect the scope of their offer.
Sounds interesting, one of the very few LowEndBox offers that are not hosted at OVH.
Test IP?
You mean Hetzner, where most German low end providers congregate? There have actually been quite a few providers using various DC in Germany.
I’ll get one for you asap and as for the data center, Duesseldorf / Germany is our main location featuring:
– 170 Gbit backbone
– Redundant layer 3 backbone routers
– 99% uptime guarantee
– Quality hardware through and through
– Lampertz security rooms
– Argon-gas fire extinguishing system
– Redundant air conditioning
– Redundant power supplies
– USV-setup and emergency power generators
– 24/7 surveillance
– multi-step access control for video surveillance
Just ask if you need to know anything else apart from the test IP which I’ll post here as soon as I have it.
Please feel free to use and as your test IP and file.
Impressive connection!
When i need a new VPS as a Teamspeak/Gameserver in february i will most likely get one of your servers. Will the offer/prices be still valid then?
Also ping/benchmark from my home if anyone is interested:
Not max speed but i guess it’s ok for a single wget download.
And ping:
Very nice for running a gameserver :D
I’m glad to hear it’s working out so well for you! The prices will still be valid then.
5000 gb data ? Is that a typo ? Or really 5tb?
Would make the offer pretty interesting for webradios/streaming… if the bandwidth is good enough though
I maxed out at 11 Mbit/s downloading a few images from Usenet with SABnzbd.
No typo, I confirmed this with Bjoern a couple of days ago and he told me that the 5TB are here to stay.
You still have “Your page title here” showing in the title bar. Just thought i would point that out :P
Thanks a lot for pointing that out! The page is still under construction in parts and we’re grateful for any reports.
Torrents? IRC?
I just forwarded your question. You’ll hear from me!
And that answer came quick: Neither is forbidden as long as you keep things legal. The TOS state that if your service causes undue stress on the network, VPS-World reserves the right to forbid using it. I’ll ask for clarification on this point.
To be a bit more precise: This is really only for cases when single customers use the server in a manner that makes it unusable for other people on the same server. As an example: If you’d like to run a radio stream with 128 kbit/s and have 100 listeners around the clock, you wouldn’t get a note for that even though it would bring you close enough to the 5 TB limit. In other words: You won’t get slammed for using what’s yours in a sensible manner.
Are you in the Equinix Düsseldorf datacenter or some other? Are you a legit German company aswell?
They have an imprint. It looks like he’s a sole entrepreneur. But that’s ok. Unlike many other LEB here the company is actually providing their address.
From what Bjoern tells me and the website (http://www.vps-world.eu/infrastructure.php) reads, the servers are located in their own datacenter in Duesseldorf. VPS-World is a project maintained by G-Netics (http://www.vps-world.eu/infrastructure.php), an IT-consulting company that specialized in network and server infrastructure.
_specializes_ … they’re still at it :-)
Ouch, I had the strange feeling I will meet them again.
Just be careful everybody, they may have changed, but when I was a customer a few months ago, they had no support (you could write emails all day and got no response), I had downtime occurrences of DAYS and magically the server went online again. Never any answer to my support-inquiry, nor a refund of any sort.
Finally, the server just went off and never came back. No comment whatsoever from “Bjoern”, the owner.
Can’t see him to last long, with this attitude he isn’t going to get satisfied clients, which is the basis for long term success.
Anyway, just thought I give some comments being a real past customer.
I won’t touch them with a stick of any length anymore.
If you try, be careful and make backups, hourly preferred..
Thanks for the feedback – let me ask Bjoern about your case and see what he has to say. As for myself, I have gotten answers even to rather trivial questions usually within a couple of hours, if not sooner. No downtime so far either. The new service is, apart from special requests which also cost a bit more, fully automated. Things should never get so busy that you don’t receive an answer to your inquiries.
Alright, here’s the deal: Please sign up for a “MINI” server and list your previous customer number in the order form. We’ll credit you €7 EUR so you can use it for free for two months and see for yourself that VPS-World.eu has nothing in common with the experience you have described.
No offense, but I said I won’t touch the company anymore.
At the end, it’s still the same owner, and even if overall support has changed, the way I was treated was not acceptable under any conditions. But I don’t get into that again.
Sorry, but you can keep it and maybe try to make somebody else happy.
I was merely sharing my experience, which was one of the worst I ever had with a hosting company. (and that means something)
Good luck.
I order and paid, but still have invoce as Unpaid…
Ticket send.
Hi Patrick! I guess your ticket should have been taken care of by now, but just in case it has not, let me know and I’ll see what I can do.
Okey, i have answer.
we need new server an ip address. Sorry but you must wait 1-2 days.
So sad ;(
Both of my boxes with them are offline and they won’t respond to tickets… :'(
Why isn’t that exactly surprising… So they didn’t change, at all. (despite claims that they did) Hope you had nothing important on there. Happy New Year anyway! Mike
Sorry for the late answer – I’ve been in the process of moving back from Japan to Germany and really didn’t have much time over the holidays. From what I have heard, there was a massive DDoS attack on the 26th that resulted in many servers being taken offline. When they went online again there were problems with data loss that the local technicians couldn’t resolve and hence the decision was made to start from scratch in Frankfurt, effectively abandoning the Duesseldorf location. Replacement servers will be issued. Please send in a ticket if you haven’t heard from the support team yet.
I have had the same experience as Venu, it was fine for a week and has been down for about another week :/
Only thing I can think to do is cancel the mandatory paypal auto-payment and look for another provider.
I don’t expect a lot from a lowend box, all I want is to know why it is down within a reasonable time and an eta on when it is to due to come back up, apparently they have no current network issues… /rant
I was sharing exactly this kind of experience when this offer went live. Next time you maybe should read the comments before jumping in :-) Seriously, once unreliable + unprofessional, usually always unreliable + unprofessional. (if same owner)
Good luck to you all, but don’t say I didn’t tell you ;) I hope you, at least, made backups often like suggested.
I can only apologize for your experience on behalf of VPS-World and say that we’re in the same boat – my server was one of those that came back up, but that doesn’t spare me from having to move to Frankfurt as well. It’s all less than perfect and I hope that you guys all receive your replacement server soon!