Gregg from WhiteLabelHosting emailed me some of their new yearly plans. Pretty attractive pricing on pretty attractive plans — however these are only available in yearly payment so it would be a little bit of gamble whether the company will still be here this time next year. Their “.info” domain has technically turned one year old this week so hopefully they’ll stay until their 2yo birthday. The plans are:
- 256MB memory
- 25GB storage on RAID10
- 250GB/month data transfer
- $20/year (Direct Signup Link)
- 512MB memory
- 50GB storage on RAID10
- 500GB/month data transfer
- $35/year (Direct Signup Link)
I believe those are Xen servers sorry OpenVZ servers, as Gregg showed me that they are not overselling those on 24GB-48GB Xeon X5560 boxes (44 nodes each). Servers with Sentris so that’s downtown Seattle WA. I just went to and tried to configure a similar spec’ed dedicated server box, and those are not cheap. In fact, a E5530 box with 24GB RAM, 4x 1TB RAID10 and 8TB/month on 100Mbps would be $665/month — so I am not sure how Gregg is going to turn a profit on it.
But he could get a very special price from Sentris. I have no idea.
Currently they are operating on the .org site as that’s where the SSL certificate was issued to. For a period of time they were on .info domain, which is still better than their previous .co domain. Still, let’s hope they’ll stick around for a while.
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This offer seems to coincide with Sentris posting some really good offers on WHT. , so hopefully they have tapped
into these offers, or even better offers, so that these plans can be sustainable ;0
Yep, nice offers but each times 2xHDD – that would need no RAID 10.
Or the offers are upgradable :)
Is there confirmation that these are XEN?
Paypal refused their website, that’s just a second ago I got after I filled a form to purchase.
If they’re XEN they aren’t getting 44 to a box. You lose about 768M RAM per 8GB you allocate on XEN due to overhead. It isn’t ‘forced’, but you’ll end up crashing a lot if you don’t abide by it. The boxes come with a /27 to start and additional ip’s look to be priced at a dollar per usable. At enough to cover only a few months on the box i’d be pretty surprised if it is XEN :)
Only with Xen PV, right?
It seems LEA made a mistake, this is Xen. Sorry for all confusion.
@Joe – This has nothing to do with their offer, we planned purchasing this node over 2 weeks ago & emailed LEB around 1 week ago.
OpenVZ* Ha, apologies.
I will be monitoring this for the next few days so if anyone has any questions/concerns please do feel free to ask, opening a ticket would be preferred but I don’t mind answering questions via LEB. You can also contact me personally –
So, at the end is VZ? You are making this more confusing u_u
Yes this is OpenVZ, my stating it was Xen was accidental. Although the email I sent to LEA must have confused him a little because I did mention the fact that we were not overselling statistically. He must have misunderstood.
I guess it would be a good idea to at least mention what kind of virtualization technology you use in your email. Your email in October also mentioned your Xen nodes in Phoenix thus I was assuming it’s Xen as well.
Sorry about that, could have sworn that I mentioned it. My fault entirely.
(44 nodes each) = 44 VPS per node?
Any test IP? – Enjoy.
Added 1GB RAM upgrades. 80$/year per 1GB != 6$/month per 1GB.
Now if you could just add an actual second nameserver, SPF records, a PTR record for your mailserver… oh, who am I kidding.
We aren’t hosting our own mail server, and redundant DNS is something on my list of to-do. We send out mail with SendGrid & receive it with OXC from NameCheap.
Could you offer disk upgrades? Say 512mb ram and 150gb disk? How is your cpu load and what is your policy about long running cpu-intensive tasks? Thanks.
These yearly offers are always risky, although you can save a lot in the long run. The question is how long of a run will you have with them?
I agree. I’m very open and my wish is to run WhiteLabelHosting for the foreseeable future, that to me is the next 5 years at least. A lot can happen in that time though and so I can never be sure, but I’m pretty confident that I will be around to view this post in another 365 days :)
I was going to get one, but reading your thread, I will back off.
Alright. If you have nothing to add to the thread or no questions, I would appreciate it if you didn’t post..posting for the sake of posting is wasteful. Try and save LEB’s bandwidth ^_^.
@Gregg getting offended buddy? Next time i would also appreciate if you do not post silly comments when you didnt even use the service. That WILL DEFINITELY SAVE LEB alot more bandwidth. Oh the review and comment i am referring to is at
I find it really offensive and unethical for one provider to troll onto another’s provider thread / review. Yes every provider thinks that they are better and great than another one but hey save us all the agony. I hate flaming others to begin with but yes, i am beginning to hate trolls around as well. Lets stick to some good professionalism and move on aite. cheers
There was no trolling involved. I don’t think I am better at all although I would hope so, I know nothing about you, I was simply peering in on some of the comments of your customers. I did actually post something on topic but it seems it didn’t go through, the same happened with a few posts on this thread yesterday, seems the database was acting up a little. Sorry that you took offence.
@Gregg no worries mate. Just wish you all the best in your vps hosting. We all here like to form a good community base just that some rotten apple comes along the way and spoil the whole ambience. But anyways, nice to have you around. Cheers !
You too, good luck man :)
Is Kloxo HostInABox OS Template availabe on your vps service?
Not at the moment, but we can install it, since the offer we have already processed 2 OS requests. If you just open a ticket once your order is complete I will add it to the line up within 10minutes.
No Burstable RAM or SWAP ?
No, but we don’t mind adding a small amount of burstable ram for free. I’m nice like that :) 256mb or something.
I can vouch for the quality of WLH,
My node happens to be on one of the hosts which seems to be having hardware problems (probably not applicable on this new offer), but Gregg always gets back on support tickets really quick.
Thank you, not sure who you are but it is always nice to have recognition.
As for your issue, the server hosted in the BurstNET DC is currently having issues, we’re debating whether to move customers to another node or upgrade the hardware.. we should have it solved soon, though.
We’re still plentiful on stock for this offer, and orders seem to be coming in slow and steady.. if anyone has any questions please feel free to ask.
1 IP included and instant setup on anniversary vps?
tun/tan ppp and modprobe module will be enabled with vps instant setup?
and I can’t pay, their website was refused by paypal
If you request it. PayPal is working fine.. we are getting 10+ orders per day.
For the sake of anyone who happens to stumble across this offer, I’ve added two new plans just now.
Yearly 3 @ 100$/year –
2048MB RAM
Yearly 4 @ 150$/year
4096MB RAM
Both of these are amazing offers & I shall only sell 2 of each package. They’re there if anyone wants something a little more feisty. Enjoy.
Gregg, I just bought a VPS from you with the above plans, but I’d be interested in upgrading to one of the advertised plans here, assuming I can pay the difference and have my plan upgraded? If this is possible please let me know.
Perfectly fine. Just open a ticket & I’ll invoice you. Yes you will pay the difference. :)
I would be interested in getting the Yearly3 offer, but I just bought a Yearly2 last week. Would it be possible for me to upgrade? (Use the $35 I already spent on a Yearly3)
Once again, this would be possible. Simply open a ticket & I’ll have it done within the hour.
Just letting you know I opened a ticket about 7-8 hours ago. No rush, just making sure you got it. (And to clarify I am not the same person as Nick, despite us asking nearly the exact same question at the same time, haha).
I can’t find a signup link for these. Are any left (I doubt it)? The offer basically looks unsustainable at any scale, so I guess I’m glad that the number is so limited, even if I missed out.
The plans are sustainable for us. We’re doing this offer to further reach out to potential clients and to make a name for ourselves, to get the word out. And to celebrate our yearly anniversary.
They advertise on Hack Forum I dont want to put my money in some company who advertises there. next.
Old news. We’ve done it for years and if you actually did some research before posting you would understand that this doesn’t mean anything.
Anyone with one of these willing to type: dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=16k conv=fdatasync ?
Does look like RAID 10 to me , more like RAID 1 or 0.
I’ll leave that one up to Greg to answer. I have absolutely NO complaints about the performance.
We did put more servers on the node than originally planned because after running some tests we realized that there was definitely room left. The node is performing well though and I am happy with it, as are the clients. We are yet to receive a complaint, though I welcome any clients who wish to comment on performance. We do out best to optimize the servers.
RAID10 would make I/O around 250 MB/sec.
80 MB/sec i get off my VPS which the provider say they use RAID1.
Yes but it depends how many users use the node, you can have a RAID 10 if 50 people are writting at the same time it will be slow…
We’re now out of stock.
Black Friday deal for anyone interested. ;
Website and panel offline..
Panel is online – DNS server was offline because our website received a 10gbps DDoS. Moving site over to DDoS protected servers now so that it doesn’t effect the main NL node.
^ Hardly something I would want to brag about.
:) Another hater I see. Wake up.
Why are HF Host’s so bad? I don’t see why? As long as they monitor for DoS Scripts and such your just the same as any other host.
hey do u have a test ip for NL server???
thank you
Ping there site :). its on there NL server / was if its a 46.xx IP it still is.
Just to update, not a single second of downtime since deployment. 25 days uptime & counting.
I will be restocking this offer alongside a monthly option on the same location with a new node that deploys tomorrow.
They just answered a support email…
So it looks like white label hosting is down. When you go to there site it just gives you a directory list of the files and my Vps is down threw them.
site’s up for me? Are you trying to load .com? they only own .org and .info
It’s been down for almost a week straight now… is online, and I can get to the VPS management page, but is down.
dead in the water.\i paid for a full year and didnt get 1 day of use from this. argh