Over the weekend I have received quite a few “LowEndBox exclusive” offers and I have to say all of them are very good — really makes me wonder why I am paying that much for a server in the past years. Roel from WhyNOTaVPS sent me an email + exclusive promo code on their VPS offer. Use lowendbox to get 56.75% recurring discount — yes it is a weird number but it was done this way to fit through our $7/month criteria. So for $6.90/month after the discount, you can get “VPS C” package…
- 768MB guaranteed/1024MB burstable memory
- 33GB storage
- 333GB/month data transfer
- OpenVZ/SolusVM
Servers are in Frankfurt Germany. You can get more discount if you prepay for a year — $74.37 for “VPS C” for example, which equates to ~$6.20/month. WhyNOTaVPS is a Netherland-based business according to its WHOIS info. They have also changed to a new design since I last posted about them 3 months ago.
Update: Thanks to John for notifying me that this offer does not really apply to their New York VPS. Tags amended.
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Nice offer
I guess they love ‘3’ as in 33GB storage, 333GB/month, I bet their network port will be 33mbps too :D just kiddin.
Asim Zeeshan that would be a good one “33mbps” but that is not the case, all VPS we offer are connected to a 100mbps connection!
Nice! and what templates do you offer in SolusVM?
At the moment the following templates;
CentOS 5.5 32 bit
CentOS 5.5 64 bit
CentOS 5 32 bit
CentOS 5 64 bit
Debian 5 32 bit
Debian 5 64 bit
FedoraCore 12 32 bit
FedoraCore 12 64 bit
Ubuntu 10.04 Minimal 32 bit
Ubuntu 10.04 Minimal 64 bit
Ubuntu 9.10 32 bit
Ubuntu 9.10 64 bit
It looks like Hetzner.
Why not many vps provider publishes ip and link to a file to test ping and download speeds?
@ Misza222
Indeed will add it to our website;
Country; Germany | City; Frankfurt
Test IP:
Country; US | City; New York City metro area
Test IP:
Test URL: – 404?
Hi, one of our clients is currently using the IP of the old speedtest. We will upload a new file.
It’s been a year. How’s upload progress? ;)
Their site is hosted on shared hosting, can i trust?
:) Hosted with http://www.myh2oservers.com/
@Asim Zeeshan: uhm, why a provider host their main site on shared hosting?
Yes, we have our main website hosted with a external company in a different network then our VPS nodes. Why? First of all we sell VPS as our core product not web-hosting, now we can put all our effort and time on the product that we do sell and that is keeping our Hardware Nodes on-line!
Second our website does run in a different network then our Hardware Nodes are hosted, so that we can always be available for support issues.
@Asim Zeeshan, we do not host our website on the servers from myh2oservers.com it is however located in there IP range.
@Minh@Minh Meo’s Blog, we can be trusted, I would say try us out for a month!
@Roel: please offer Xen vps like nordicvps.com and we will give a try :D
I know a few company who host off their own network so if the server was ever to go down their support would still be available.
Sorry for posting twice – Average speed of 6.75Mb/s from my VPS in Hetzner, DE.
It’s actually quite sensible to have an off-network website, so I’d cut them some slack on that one. (Hey, it’s rare that a host featured here at least gives the illusion of having their act together.)
Besides, at least they *have* a website, and not just a picture. (Cough, BlazeVPS, cough.)
@Roel: do you offer ipv6 addresses in NY?
Dirk, our provider does not support it yet.
I have a vps with WhyNotAVPS for almost 2 months – it’s very stable and fast (I am with 1280mb RAM plan). My only complain is that the bandwidth is a little bit expensive :)
@Roel +1 for XEN. Is this in the pipeline?
@Evo Can you open a new Support ticket on what you are needing Evo? And thanks for the positive feedback ;D
@Asim Zeeshan It is actually, most likely next month. Register at our website http://order.whynotavps.com/register.php and you might hear it in our newsletter.
Do you offer reverse dns?
@Brook yes we do, just send us a ticket after you signed up and we create you a rDNS.
i want use or VPN , are this allowed ?
Roel, does this promotional discount valid for lifetime or first month terms/2 months terms. Please clarify thanks.
@Rio, VPN is allowed just send us a ticket when you have ordered and payed, then we will enable TUN/TAP on your VPS.
@Alex, the promotional discount is valid for life on any type of payment option you choice.
just order and amazing instant activation this my first vps :) want learn with whynot vps , just looking around at my Vps CP, any question about vpn i wll submit ticket, thanks roel
@Rio, Yes we do provide a instant vps if you pass our fraud check. You did order a unmanaged VPS, still we will try to support you the best we can with any questions regarding your VPS!
Is this offer still valid ?? If YES, is it possible to have this offer on PLAN D?
This promotion will run till the end of this month so get it while its still available!
Thank you, I have already sign up, works well.
But I don’t understand the difference between:
BSA Special 01
VPS D with the “lowendbox” promo.
Please, can you explain the difference for me.
Thank you
Regards, Gunnar S
@Gunnar, both different promotions BSA Special 01 doesn’t require a promotion code and cost more then VPS D with promotion code lowendbox.
Looks like speed is 10mbit/sec
[root@srv ~]# wget
Connecting to… connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 200 OK
Length: 104857600 (100M) [application/octet-stream]
Saving to: `100mb.bin’
100%[==========================================================>] 104,857,600 10.7M/s in 9.6s
edit: 10 Mb/sec
Each server has a 100 Mbit connection so you should be able to get 10M/s on it.