Hello all! I haven’t been around that long, so maybe this has happened before, but it hasn’t occurred in the time that I’ve been here, so I’ll call this something new.
A while back we posted an offer from YourLastHost (you can find the offer here), and let’s just say that it was met with mixed reviews. As I mentioned before, I’m new to this community, but what I do know is that it’s difficult to run any small business. Sometimes you think you’ve got everything figured out and you’re ready to launch – and then everything just falls apart. I’m a firm believer in the value of learning from experiences, especially failure.
I’m going to let what Justin sent in speak for itself:
YourLastHost is now operating out of three distinct locations, France, Jacksonville, and Los Angeles. With such a diverse set of options, your customers are never far away from us.
-Snapshot backups can now be taken and set up on each individual VPS for $3/m
| U-1024 | U-1536
| U-3072
Network Info:
Test file: https://www.yourlasthost.com/LookingGlass-Strasbourg/25MB.test
Looking glass: https://www.yourlasthost.com/LookingGlass-Strasbourg/
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Endless OpenVZ now outdated
Hi Lucas,
I definitely can understand why you would say this, and rest assured we are going to be rolling out a KVM solution in the near future. Keep your eyes out here and on LET. We’re confident that our future product will be of interest. :)
YourLastHost, LLC
This MTR from “florida” appears to actually start somewhere in Nevada. What should be sub 70 ms to Costa Rica is way higher cause the server doesn’t appear to actually be in FL.
Start: Sat Jun 24 17:22:22 2017
HOST: server.yourlasthost.com Loss% Snt Last Avg Best Wrst StDev
1.|– 0.0% 10 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.0
2.|– 0.0% 10 0.4 3.3 0.4 9.9 3.5
3.|– 10ge3-2.core1.las1.he.net 0.0% 10 0.6 2.0 0.6 6.8 2.3
4.|– 10ge7-4.core1.slc1.he.net 0.0% 10 17.6 11.7 9.2 19.8 4.1
5.|– 100ge8-2.core1.den1.he.net 0.0% 10 26.1 23.1 20.6 30.4 3.7
6.|– 10ge4-3.core1.chi1.he.net 0.0% 10 43.9 45.9 43.9 55.7 3.7
7.|– 100ge14-1.core2.chi1.he.net 0.0% 10 60.8 61.7 44.1 74.2 10.3
8.|– 10ge3-16.core1.atl1.he.net 0.0% 10 65.4 67.2 61.1 76.2 6.0
9.|– 100ge4-1.core1.mia1.he.net 0.0% 10 73.0 73.1 72.9 73.7 0.0
10.|– 10.0% 10 73.0 73.3 73.0 73.6 0.0
11.|– 0.0% 10 114.4 115.0 113.7 118.3 1.6
12.|– 0.0% 10 114.3 114.7 114.1 118.1 1.1
13.|– 70.0% 10 114.4 114.5 114.4 114.6 0.0
14.|– ??? 100.0 10 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
15.|– x.x.x.x 0.0% 10 124.0 160.2 124.0 393.4 82.5
Hi Hacktek,
It looks like you are trace routing an incorrect IP address, please use the following:
George C. Scott
YourLastHost, LLC
Not sure what you mean? The above came from the FL looking glass.
Yeah, seeing some weird asymmetrical routing from one of my servers, too. I get 77 ms ping times and a circuitous route between FL and NY when using https://www.yourlasthost.com/LookingGlass-FL/ but I get 25 ms pings and a more direct route when using http://lg.as19531.net/ (which I assume is at the same location?).
It seems that the looking glass is acting up a bit. For now, feel free to use the test IP address which shouldn’t show any odd routing. I will look into any issues with the looking glass
YourLastHost, LLC
U-512 wrong order link, and how to select location during order?
Hi Steven,
Sorry for the inconvenience, please use the following link instead:
By default it is Los Angeles, California DC, but please add the location you want us to deploy too in a Notes while placing an order.
George C. Scott
YourLastHost, LLC
Paid for U-1536, get offline not working VPS, and now site is down. Lol.
So what now?
Their site seems to be working for me just fine.
Here’s the direct link to support: https://clients.yourlasthost.com/submitticket.php?step=2&deptid=3
There was an issue with a freshly provisioned node where the VPS were not booting properly but were created on the server. This issue has since been resolved.
Since you haven’t provided a name or order information, I am not able to find your account, but I do trust that you have been in communication with our 24/7 support staff. Please reach out to our support desk (ask that the ticket be sent to Justin or George) and we can provide you some sort of compensation for this issue. It is definitely no fun to get a VPS and to find that it isn’t even online!
YourLastHost, LLC
Site down again. HTTP works but HTTPS times out so I can’t do anything or even send a ticket.
There were some networking issues relating to the server hosting our corporate site. No client sites were ever affected. According to the DC, there was a failing PSU in the rack’s switch that the DC techs didn’t spot yesterday when they ran a backup connection. The rack was brought back online this morning, and we have been monitoring the site performance.
Got U-512 for one month, can I later continue with $12/year offer on same server? And what exactly “1.5 TB Traffic” in this offer means, since there is “1 TB Bandwidth” limit?
Also, there https://lowendbox.com/blog/yourlasthost-2gb-openvz-39yr-and-plus-free-web-hosting/ February 28, 2017 Justin said that legal adult content is allowed.
On YLH Acceptable use https://www.yourlasthost.com/acceptable-use.php adult content is under “Prohibited uses”
Policy was changed since February?
Hi Alex,
Yes, if you get the U-512 as originally monthly, you can change the billing cycle to get the $12/yr offer. Also, regarding the 1.5TB traffic, it looks like the plan text on our website didn’t match (now corrected), but all VPS do have the proper resource allocations. If you would like us to do a quick audit to ensure you’re getting the resources promised, please just file a ticket and ask for it to be flagged to Justin.
YourLastHost, LLC
Do you have the ability to offer IPv6 IPs?
Specifically in the OVH/France datacenter?
Yes we do offer IPv6 out of OVH/France.
I am interested in an u1536. I want to run csf firewall on it.
Does the shared kernel has all these ip modules?
Testing ip_tables/iptable_filter…OK
Testing ipt_LOG…OK
Testing ipt_multiport/xt_multiport…OK
Testing ipt_REJECT…OK
Testing ipt_state/xt_state…OK
Testing ipt_limit/xt_limit…OK
Testing ipt_recent…OK
Testing xt_connlimit…OK
Testing ipt_owner/xt_owner…OK
Testing iptable_nat/ipt_REDIRECT…OK
Testing iptable_nat/ipt_DNAT…OK
Thanks for reaching out! We do have all of these modules available
Feel free to let us know if you need anything else.
Best Regards,
I subscribed one of these offers “U-1536”, but I was given a different VPS. Not with 2Gb of ram, but with 1.5Gb and instead of 2x 2.40GHz processors, the VPS has 1 x 3.80GHz.
I feel cheated, so be careful.
Aggghhhh I had the same thing happen to me! I wish I’d read your comment before ordering. I have opened a ticket, so we’ll see what happens.