Adam from NordicVPS emailed me their latest LowEndBox offer (also seen on WHT). Here is the page that covers pretty much all the metrics a LowEndBox’ian would like to know, and here is the order link. This is what you will get for $4.95/month.
- 128MB memory/256MB swap
- 5GB storage
- 100GB/month data transfer on 100Mbps
- Xen/SolusVM
It’s good to NordicVPS is still kicking :) Servers will be hosted in Hetzner DC at Falkenstein, Germany. IPv6 is “ready” although they are still waiting for SolusVM to fix a few issues with Xen4. NordicVPS offers have been popular here in the past, although the support can be hit and miss from what I have heard. They had a short stunt offering $15/year OpenVZ VPS in Fremont back in October last year, but has since moved back to focus on their German offerings. Denmark-based business that has been around for 2 years.
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When nordicVPS works it’s ok, when it doesn’t it’s like company would be dead – weeks of downtimes, no support replies, nothing… One of most incompetent, ignorant host without any feeling of responsability.
I wouldn’t recomment them as there are always issues with some week or so of downtime. Even now after weeks and weeks of downtimes and similar issues our status isn’t most clear as he announced already new migrations which usually means another week or two of downtime and ignorance.
Oh and this IPv6.. they give it. They take it back. They give it. They remove it. They give it. They removed it again. Completely useless.
I wondering why he advertise new offers without fixing old issues as he announced new “migrations” or however he call week or two of downtime..
When did they announce another round of migrations?
They also seem to want to get users from their older plans ( 15% / year ) to other VPS’s paid monthly.
Has the previous round of migration even completed yet? Their most recent email says to expect another round of migration for the $15/year clients. Certainly one of the longer running migrations. Tickets go unanswered as well. I was certain 2host is the undisputed champ of useless support, but nordicvps beats them hands down :)
It’s right, no answer at all!!!
stay away from this provider!!!!!!
There are allot of mixed reviews about NordicVPS i had some problems with their USA servers but they were shortly fixed after some tickets they did take sometime but they always end up being fixed.
The only thing i can say is, i didn’t have a bad experience with them but it was not good either compared to other providers that i used.
Yes, there’s like ONE .us node which he as it seems don’t touch yet… All rest, german nodes, have always some issues. One whole week of downtime because “dc disconnected us and it’s need to do some paperwork”, second week because “we preparing migration”, third week because “migration is in progress” fourth week “because migration didn’t go as we plannned and it’s needed anoter migration” etc…
He always appear in public and become talkable weeks after things calm down a bit but before that like he wouldn’t even exist.
I know things can go wrong sometimes here and there but this isn’t a case here. Decent host would care when things go wrong. Decent host would communicate with customers, etc… but not him. It’s “just ordinary migration” after all. Ordinary? Two weeks of downtime isn’t ordinary migration it’s sign of incompetence and so is his ignorant approach.
I have a ticket sitting with them asking to reset SolusVM password since i can’t get it reseted without SolusVM itself, they didn’t answer me yet after 20 days.
Sorry i meant within*
I lack sense at 4AM i guess its about time to go sleep.
ah, thanks for info :) I just looking for review about them, and after read your comment I’ll not purchase from them. 20 days just for reset password, no way!
Password can be reset from VPSManager
We just recently discovered Hotmail blocks most IPS @ and they wont do anything to sort it out, which force us to move the VPSManager to a new server with another provider.
Well i couldn’t reset the password using VPSManager, so i asked on a ticket for the password to be reset and it took almost 1 month to get it reset.
That’s sad.
I mean they didn’t even auto close it like other providers do.
When you buy this you will be a proud owner of VPS on a node with another 191 customers and that is only if there are no bubbles! Good luck.
Thanks for the feedback.
I apologize you got caught up in past migration issue. Such problems will not occur in the future.
We are taking the support problems serious and will be make sure everyone get their problems solved in timely manner.
OT: We have put up a page about this offer here:
You can view the CPU Benchmark, I/O Benchmark and Speed tests etc
This offer provides you 100 GB on a 100 Mbps but on a fully burstable GigE (1000 Mbps) connection.
Here is a test file:
Files are hosted on a XEN128-LEB VPS :)
I have a OpenVZ 128Mo Germany 15$/year at NordicVPS since October (November?). (ovz01)
So far, it’s pretty good, I had some troubles with the migration, but I have good I/O, ping and everything. Much more powerful than my BuyVM node (node27).
I’m hosting on my LEB : LNMP / private tunnel / icecast2 in production.
On the beginning , it was kinda slow and the multiple migration was not something very cool, but after everything was okay, and NordicVPS has every time sent informations / twitter about the operations done on the server.
They are pretty fast on support ticket (ipv6 ticket = 1 hour in febuary and half a day in november for rdns.),
For a 15$, it’s very good. I would recommend them, I hadn’t all the problems as spirit (different node?).
Did they ever offer 15$ / year in Germany? I though that offer was limited to USA.
There’s no working IPv6 at .de for some longer time. It was working few days (or weeks?) but before migration they removed it and never give it back. They never gave any good reason why they did that.
It’s also not true that “NordicVPS has every time sent informations”. They usually sent some generic useless msg to all users and then vanish. On beginning they still updated twitter but then also vanished from there.
“We need to move, bla bla” and then after two weeks of downtime and complete ignorance another “migration was easy process but we need to move again, bla bla..” is not regular updationg users what’s happening.
Support is their worst part. There’s plenty complain about it, most our tickets unanswered or closed without answer per ages and you dare to say that they are fast. You contadicting to EVERYONE who ever write any review regarding nordcVPS here or wht. There’s no support. There’s no even basic info reply when things go wrong. After previous fiasco when hetzner took down their node for whole week and they vanished they promised better support (just like this time) and it lasted maybe some week or two. DEJA-VU. It’s always same.
And it’s not about “spirit” but about all users on german nodes except you so we must live in some parallel word or something…
With hosts as nordicVPS is, user have loss in any case no matter how much he paid. Some month or two out of 12 of downtime. Contant reconfiguring stuff after IPs renumbering, wasting time for support tickets which NEVER get an answer and generally one very bad experience with completely uncompetent unresponsive team. They aren’t safe even for backup vps.
For IPv6, it’s working, still working …
venet0 inet6 addr: 2a01:4f8:120:7ffe[x]
root@maew:~# ping6
PING 56 data bytes
64 bytes from 2a00:1450:8006::93: icmp_seq=1 ttl=54 time=18.9 ms
sen:~# ping6 2a01:4f8:120:7x
PING 2a01:4f8:120:7x 56 data bytes
64 bytes from 2a01:4f8:120:7x icmp_seq=1 ttl=50 time=798 ms
64 bytes from 2a01:4f8:120:7x: icmp_seq=2 ttl=50 time=164 ms
For support,
2 tickets, you want a screenshot ?
I have 10 Emails talking about the migration, mine was perfect and I had just a small downtime 3 or 4 times and a serious downtime of some hours when they have made the migration. That’s all.
My IP hasn’t changed, but I’m on another node now even if they said “New IP’s — You will get new IPv4 ” and after that we were going to keep our ipv4.
You said : And it’s not about “spirit” but about all users on german nodes except you so we must live in some parallel word or something…
All ? Not me, I’m sorry. I’m not a fan of this company, or working for them or anything, it’s just that I hadn’t troubles with them. I’m not living in a parallel world neither. Maybe I was lucky, okay, but it’s not because 20 people are going to say “this provider is bad” that the provider is really bad.
So, before talking for all user, you should check. I’m not talking for you, so don’t talk for me please. So calm down, have a drink and check this …
On witch node are you ? Me on
Bernardo Andrade: Yep, I was wondering to take a YardVPS / BuyVM or NordicVPS, and finnaly i took the German NordicVPS offer because of their ping to europa. I have also now a BuyVM server and a free ipv6 server from
“it’s not because 20 people are going to say “this provider is bad” that the provider is really bad.”
If 20 people here around says that provider is bad with detailed description to support their claims and one or two that it’s okay when obviously isnt… then provider is bad. Fact. Few of them even posted screenshot of 65% uptime. Beside that it’s obviously that you have no clue what you’re talking about as you claiming that your IPv6 works when it doesn’t. Try some real check instead ping.
As example: curl – and then update us with REAL info.
Beside you Bernardo Andrade is only one who said that he don’t have issues with VPS and that’s true as he’s on .us node but all rest .de node users have constant issues. That’s a fact. Unless for you something like 2 weeks of doentime isn’t issue. Then you’re lucky guy.
Quick lookup on wth with nordic vps , some are happy and some are angry …
Have a look …
I didn’t have bigger problems with my VPS with them but i think they have much to work on support, especially on answer times.
Out of all the times that i contacted support i got an answer from the same person so it does look like they have 2 or 3 system administrators that know what they are doing and… Allot of support staff that just says “I will pass this into …” that doesn’t scare me has long has this 3 system administrators are enough for all clients.
Or else you wait 20 days for ticket reply’s like i did.
killdashnine here are random WHT statements of some which aren’t happy. If you’re regular at WHT and LEB you will recognize some names:
EuShellS – It seems that again is down … They twitter, MSN support or other means but the answer is nothing .. all-and offline. They do experiments on our money and our nerves evident.
lupetalo – Had about 67 downtime periods in last week on two different VPS on two different nodes.
daniol – Shame all it’s down again. Why has this company a Twitter profile if it isn’t used for situations like that?
nikra – this will be my last vps with NOrdic..too much downtime with them
tumcaf – Its incredible, i have never seen so much incompetent and ridiculous service like
Scientist – Seems like they tried consolidating several servers together to save on cost but everything is falling apart because the servers can’t handle the increased load.
bh-host – Very bad host my VPS 11 days Offline no Reply For my Tickets
Cashtro – i hope its just a nightmare
theguywhoknowstheguy – box goes offline with no reply from support, and before I’m able to even log in. It’s been a few days now and my attempts at reaching a support member have thus failed, which seems to be a common pattern on here.
coffeejava – now 3 days it is down
Kurikami – Avoid – Oversold beyond possible
rdogg – i tought that it was me, i’ve been trying to contact them to cancel my vps because i moved to… But i wasn’t able to login to their portal and cancel my account, now i see that it is not me
TmmZ – My former VPS with NordicVPS; (65.91% uptime)
minhmeo – Lucky that i moved my site away from them 2 months ago
flyah – they were pretty bad when I used ’em. SSH response time was horrible and the vps was really slow.
nicosoftmedia – Watchout and Stay Away from NordicVPS !!! / Actually we do not want to bring this issue to this forum. However, because until now no response and solutions from them at all. So we open it here so you all know how bad service and reputation of NordicVPS.
tomfz – I am very disappointed on’s customer service!!
seikan – I’m quite curious what’s happen and I submited ticket to them to get more details. Unfortunately, my ticket has been ignored and never get answered! / VPS is still down. Almost 1 week now
pmalc – They haven’t replied any tickets for quite a long time, probably as long as one month, since I met others whose tickets were not answered for more than two weeks or so.
spindritf – OVZ02 went down almost two days ago. I also can’t get any response from Nordic about that.
wlsiew – I have a sales ticket with them and it was not answered for few days. I hope NordicVPS is not another RackVM
Leo Yang – No response for 8 days…
lyzgeorge – still not getting any reply… just a tun/tap thing …
david3 – I’ve had a ticket open for 2 1/2 weeks requesting to have the TUN adapter enabled with no reply. And another ticket that’s gone more than 3 weeks with no reply for something else. The VPS is more or less useless to me in its present state, so I’ve sort of written it off for the time being
poiuy01 – My first topic here is to warn members about this joke of a company. Save your money. Stay away from nordicvps
zonex – At the beginning was all OK good server. Unfortunately, for 2 weeks server does not function any more. One is not able login. Has written several emails. Emails are simply ignored it looks nobody.
VPSForge-Ray – Same here i got a problem on my vps and no one answers my tickets
Do you want more?
I forgot to mention that those statements above aren’t from one occasion but random posts, random issues.
You said : Beside that it’s obviously that you have no clue what you’re talking about as you claiming that your IPv6 works when it doesn’t. Try some real check instead ping.
I have the feeling that you believe so much in your ideas that you have lost your consideration on having a constructive talk.
I’m using IPv6 only for remote ssh / scp, I hadn’t tried with a curl on this lowendbox. So yep, it’s defective. There is no support for ipv6 for iptables6 also, not native…
It doesn’t mean that I don’t know anything about IPv6 at all … It’s not because your angry to nordicvps that you need to be on me too !
But I really think that I’m not on the same node (4cores), I hadn’t all the downtimes issues.
And when I subscribed to this offer, they said “If you need IPv6, please select another provider. Thanks”, so, It’s not really a [very big] problem.
So, so far, still okay with my 15$ VPS ;-) If your having troubles with them, sorry, but I can’t do anything for you.
Sorry, I missed your last comment. Maybe I’m very lucky or I’m discovering being masochist ;-) But my review is still sincere, but I’m going to buy a lottery ticket for tonight ;-)
I’ve done a quick lookup on the forum, last review were half half .. so I haven’t paid a lot of interest on their names. It seems to be not good for nordicvps, all of your comments are coming from the yearly offer in DE ?
I think that not. Lupeto or someone mentioned more than once that he paid much more than 15$/year but he share same destiny with others.
I noticed that you gave us url regarding december 2010 complains. Yeah that time was some week down only one node but those recent issues hitted most (if not all) .de vpses users as they tryed to migrate all nodes to one single node to reduce costs or something like that.
Another thing which confuse me is your “On witch node are you ? Me on” – how is this possible as they terminated all OVZ nodes at 28-February-2011? As far as I know we’re mostly one big unhappy family at “VM01” node – I know that traceroute show ovz01 but can you log into your control panel to check if you’re really at cancelled ovz01 node?
70$ for two 512 LEB VPSs… And lost almost all customers because of NordicVPS. Two week of downtime folowed by rest of the month crappy 800mhz processor limit. Both VPS working now but i cant risk any more. Moved rest of customers away and lost my money…
IPv6 will be enabled for all OVZ-plans in Germany in short time.
We were not able migrate the IPv6s as with the IPv4. Hetzner uses a very strict routing setup for their network compared to other DCs, that complicates things. E.g. they could not transfer IPs across their internal server buildings.
We were provided a new set of IPv6 subnets so we need delegate everyone with a new set of subnets, which delays the process.
We have 500+ customers on the $15/year plan which has caused much load on our small support team.
We had to migrate customers since we mixed the customers with all plans across nodes and since we rent servers and IPs from Hetzner, we could not do it the easy way like some other hosts here, who just migrate without most of you even notice it.
Today customers on $15/year are on separate nodes and customers with larger VPS’s are on their own nodes.
I agree that the support has been deficient but we will improve, first step is introducing new MSN support feature.
Semi-Live support on MSN (Not manned 24/7!) :
Remember we are an unmanaged service provider, so no 3rd party software support requests etc – Strictly support related to our Hardware/Network issues!
Please enter your VPS UserID when adding us on to your MSN — Only valid customers will be accepted/approved.
A Level 3 admin online now :)
VPS UserID = VPSManager Username :)
$6 256MB Xen VPS Offer :)
Due increased requests for XEN256, we have added stocks for the following offer:
256MB memory
10GB storage
250GB/month data transfer on 100 Mbps
You can choose either San Jose, CA in US (good for US, Asia and Oceania users), or Falkenstein in Germany (good for European users).
NO Coupons required :)
this guy just changed my i.p without any reason, and turned out the new i.p is spammers’.
It is now blocked by all the major site.
I just can’t understand why this guy just changed my i.p without any question with spammer’s.
I had a perfectly good server, overnight I just can’t use it.
I wonder why this is stabbing his customer’s back without any reason.
Please submit your VPS username to our support helpdesk and I will have a look on it.
If you have been provided a blacklisted IP, we will help you get the IP removed from any blacklists and provide you a new if necessary.
If your mails get blocked make sure you have set up proper rDNS, SPF domain records and applied DomainKeys and/or DKIM!
Semi-Live support on MSN (Not manned 24/7!) :
Join us on MSN for fast and instant support service :)
Servers are down again and no response from support… Same old story…
Please come online on MSN and please check your tickets!
Unfortunately, I’m stuck with 2 VPS servers on their service.Different nodes.Both of them are down today.This is the message I got to email:
We have some difficulties with some few servers in Germany that are missing network connectivity.
We are trying to get in touch with the Datacenter techs but they are very slow.
We hope the network will be restored very soon.
Best regards Support
I can smell here a LONG downtime. :-( Sounds like they own some money to Hetzner!If they dont fix it in few days,I’ll contact my credit card company to issue me a refund for the WHOLE amount.I would suggest the same to other people too.
“We hope the network will be restored soon, they advertise 24/7 support but I am afraid they wont do anything do solve our problems before monday” – nordicvps regarding hetzner
They should know that billing office don’t work over weekends and pay invoices before past due.
@ITPro & @Spirit
Server will be back online soon and there is no payment problem.
We had an serious DDOS case and Hetzner locked the server and still awaits their response.
Earlier it was almost same support staff we deal with, today its always a new guy responding to a ticket and they seem like not having a clue about previous tickets.
@ITPro Whats your VPS username ?
I wouldn’t write names in public!Since you don’t have any solution to offer,why bother with it at all?
I will wait patiently until Monday, but I’m sure it wont be resolved that fast.I really liked your service at the beginning.And it works fine when it works, but this kind of downtime is unacceptable.Even for backup VPS.I bought 2 VPS services because I thought to have second one as a backup.But I couldn’t expect that all of your nodes go offline at the same time.I have more VPS services via different providers.All on Hetzner infrastructure.None of them had problems like you guys!!!
So let’s wait until Monday.If you cant resolve it,please admit it and refund me.Since this is not the proper place to discuss it,I will open the support ticket when the time comes.
my vps is down since several dates and i created a support ticket yesterday.
More than 30 hours no response from you.
Stay away!
sorry i wrote my last post on my mobile^^
Ok here we go again.
my vps is down since your big downtime and since then Im unable to reboot it.
I created a high priotity ticket yesterday but you dont reply to it.
I paid but i never received what i paid for (yes i know they are cheap but at least they should provide what they sell)
Server will be back online shortly. Tech are resolving it!
$20/year – EU 128MB OpenVZ VPS –
$20/month – EU 2B OpenVZ VPS –
Semi-Live support on MSN (Not manned 24/7!) :
Remember we are an unmanaged service provider, so no 3rd party software support requests etc – Strictly support related to our Hardware/Network issues!
Please enter your VPS UserID when adding us on to your MSN — Only valid customers will be accepted/approved.
this guy is a joke.
the server is down and down’t care much, don’t answer tickets, and said,
don’t sent tickets,
he has to take holidays off,
don’t do anything.
60% down 40% up throughout the year, I wonder why people even bother to give this guy money.
How much did you spend on your VPS? $15 dollars? Thats what? 5 Burgers or 2 tickets to the Cinema.
Irrelevant argument. He paid for service not for downtime.
I think he has unrealistic expectation with a VPS for $15/year!
Even worse, treating LEB like the support channel — Submit a ticket or join the MSN support and have a dialog with the company support staff.
Adam, what MSN support? do they have a support channel on MSN? when was it advertised? I have no clues
MARCO: Can you tell me the ticket number? Whats your VPS User-Id?
All tickets regarding the server problem has been responded and several mails have been sent out with status updates along with updates on our Twitter channel!
You ever get the feeling that some people sign up for a service only so they can troll threads? <_<
Normally, I dont come on such platforms as LowEndBox to raise the voice that my tickets are not being answered but in this particular case I have an important ticket that is not being answered since 17th. I created another (new ticket) to get some attention to the previous one but none seem to work.
Any idea whats happening? I do not know of any other way to contact support
My original ticket: #800724 (opened 17-04-2011, last replied by staff on 18-04-2011)
My second ticket: #644093 (opened 20-04-2011, last replied by staff NEVER)
We will solve it for you soon as possible.
There is some manual work involved, since there are not automated tools to do the job,
so it has been put on hold.
I agree and I appreciate the effort. Please keep my tickets updated. Also whats your MSN support channel?
this guy won’t answer any ticket.
He always say, he has to sleep, to take a holidays off, whether server is down, it doesn’t matter to him. Once you paid, that’s it, you lose!
Well, NordicVPS has had a pretty good support / sales team since months. They always helped me out and answered my queries within minutes. I saw the small lag as they rolled out their version of the $15/yr package.
I am not sure if this is just my ticket thats keeping them from updating it OR its something else but one thing I must admit, their support is getting slow now. Probably they have a larger audience?! cant comment on that. unsure.
Small lag?
His $15/yr server in Fremont is gone.
what’re you talking about?
Customers affected by the crash in Fremont, get a VPS in Germany FREE for 1 month, as compensation while we recover the US node server.
Use Coupon: 7Re8aYav
Nordic is a disaster – stay away. I have 2 support tickets open for months after my VPS vanished for 6 weeks… and they have the gall to send a bill?
If you want screen caps of the open tickets, I’m happy to post ’em.
Would the real NordicVPS please stand up and be so kind to answer ticket #210180? Thanks.
(Yes, this is regarding a vanished VPS)
Good luck with that. I think they’ve been asked not to come back until they resolve their issues:
or is that wishful thinking?
It seems like we’re done here. More than two months after our pre-paid server is gone.
Dear Spirit
We have provided every affected customer a free VPS in Germany as compensation.
I fail to understand your mindset. If you want to provide allegations please submit your details directly to LEA, so we can verify you are an actual paying customer.
That’s interesting. Didn’t we ask you to do the same and you refused?
Kind of in poor taste for you to tell someone to do what you yourself won’t even do.
+1 for closing this post.
Oh no, not this again. I second Dr Mike, close the post quick.
Most of us already tasted your useless (paid) .de vps which was also down for some very very long time. Why on earth would anyone want to spend time on your TEMPORARY vps setup over and over again? I don’t want anothter .de vps as already have one… but I want to ask you – when will be our US vps back? How many months to wait yet?
Will you REFUND me for vpses if/when I give you proof that I am your customer? Full refund?
Dead pool time
@lupetalo (same as the one on WHT?)
Care to explain your allegation/assertion/claim/contention?
How can You even speak to me. You are a lair and thief. You promised refund and than never returned. You asked not to post here what you proposed but i will! I have all tikets saved SO SHUT UP. LAIR. Your company is nothing but way to deceive people! And i have proof. You are consantly lying to your customers. I will post after you in every site or blog or anyting i see!
Huh, he said that he will refund you? That’s something new. I also consider that this scammer owe me 30$.
@lupetalo Check your email and get on MSN to dicuss further. Thank you.
@spirit The refund is a part of personal arrangement with lupetalo.
If you have pre-paid for a VPS in Fremont, be assured we will provide you a new VPS in Fremont within a few days time. Sandy does need some love :)
btw. you never extended service for all your .de affected customers when our vps was down or useless half month or so.
How come?
The fact that LEB keeps mentioning his offerings hurts LEB more than Nordic. LEB probably actually cares about their reputation.
Another NordicVPS nightmare sufferer!
This, from their last month’s offer. It’s just someone tried to drag up an earlier post (as their latest one was closed for commenting).