LowEndBox - Cheap VPS, Hosting and Dedicated Server Deals

Did You Miss Slicehosting's Offer in June? They've Restocked! Cheap VPS in Frankfurt and Mumbai Starting With 16GB RAM for $6/Month!

SlicehostingWe ran an offer for Slicehosting back in June and they sold out quick.  It’s not hard to see why.  Check these out:

  • Frankfurt: 16GB VPS, 3 cores, 100GB NVMe, 10TB transfer, IPv4 and IPv6, on KVM: $6/month or $60/year (which is $5/month)
  • Mumbai: 24GB VPS, 3 cores, 100GB SSD, 10TB tansfer, IPv4, on KVM: $10/month or $100/year (which is $8.33/month)
  • Bigger plans available, too!
  • 1Tbps Voxility DDoS Protection included!

Now let’s take a moment to appreciate reality here.

  • $6/month will get you a 1GB VPS at DigitalOcean with 1/4 the disk space, 1/10th the bandwidth, and 1/3 the cores.
  • We increasingly see 2GB for $5 as a common price point. You’re getting 8 times the resources here!

Now last time I titled this offer “Don’t Say I Didn’t Warn You: Is Slicehosting’s Awesome Offer Too Good to Be True? Who Cares!” and I think I feel the same way this time.  It’s soooo good…but can it last?  We’ll see!

Here’s some info about Slicehosting from their founder:

Hello and welcome! I’m Shivang A Shastri, the founder of Slicehosting. I’m thrilled to have you join us on this journey. What began as a simple idea has grown into a thriving platform dedicated to helping you achieve your goals.

At Slicehosting, we believe in the power of innovation and collaboration. Our team is committed to providing you with the tools and support you need to succeed.

Join us as we explore new possibilities together. With Slicehosting, you have a partner who is passionate about turning your visions into reality. Welcome to a place where your success is our mission.

Datacenters and Network Info

Datacenter Name – Interwerk (Frankfurt am Main, Germany)
Test IPv4:

Host Node Specs

1x AMD EPYC 7401P
2x 3.84TB NVMe SSDs
Software Raid1
1Gbps uplink

1x AMD EPYC 7742
2x 3.84TB NVMe SSDs
Software Raid1
1Gbps uplink

Frankfurt, Germany VPS Offers

0GB Swap
3x vCPU
100GB NVMe space
10TB transfer
1Gbps uplink
1x IPv4
0x IPv6
Virtfusion KVM

0GB Swap
5x vCPU
150GB NVMe space
10TB transfer
1Gbps uplink
1x IPv4
0x IPv6
Virtfusion KVM

0GB Swap
6x vCPU
200GB NVMe space
10TB transfer
1Gbps uplink
1x IPv4
0x IPv6
Virtfusion KVM

Mumbai, India VPS Offers

0GB Swap
3x vCPU
100GB SSD space
10TB transfer
100 Mbps uplink
1x IPv4
0x IPv6
Virtfusion KVM

0GB Swap
6x vCPU
200GB SSD space
10TB transfer
100 Mbps uplink
1x IPv4
0x IPv6
Virtfusion KVM




  1. atErik:

    I need open SMTP(port-25), RDNS, IPv6/64 subnet, … KVM VPS (in USA & EU & Asia). So i wont create ticket/request for 16GB vps/info as you showed “0xIPv6”, unless you make exception for me.
    Nicely put feat list, & deals look good.

    August 4, 2024 @ 11:54 am | Reply
    • You can create a ticket and we can unblock port 25 for you, and we don’t give IPv6 with our servers.

      August 4, 2024 @ 1:43 pm | Reply
      • atErik:

        items description in top says Frankfurt has IPv6, but in below feature list it shows “0xIPv6” !!
        So in Frankfurt, do you allot a IPv6/64 subnet or 1 IPv6 address ?
        THANKS for process to unblock the blocked port-25.

        August 4, 2024 @ 2:00 pm | Reply
  2. Terrible customer service. I asked for an upgrade to a VPS and while they managed to do the upgrade, the space on the NVMe was still at the original plan and the additional upgraded space was unable to be accessed.
    When I asked them to look in to it they said Google it as their techs were off for the weekend.
    When I told them I didn’t want to screw it up and asked if one of the techs could provide instructions when they were available they made no effort to assist me in the following days.

    I don’t recommend this service. Also they recently opened their Discord chat, because I wanted to give them another chance. Their Discord chat was seemingly full of children just being offensive to each other.

    August 4, 2024 @ 12:33 pm | Reply
    • Your VPS disk usage was 100%, so the system wasn’t able to increase the disk with the regular automated process. The VPS isn’t a manager service so we can’t login into your server and do it for you, but our staff did tell you what the problem was, and you can search how to fix it on Google.

      August 4, 2024 @ 1:41 pm | Reply
      • No, it wasn’t disk usage was nowhere near 100%. There was 94 GB free out of the 100GB , that’s 94% free.

        Telling a customer “Google it” is NOT customer service, I specifically asked for you for your techs to send me instructions on how to do it, you agreed and you set that expectation that they would.

        Your customer service sucks! Stop lying, follow through with expectations that you set.

        August 4, 2024 @ 8:31 pm | Reply
        • Unfortunately I’m can’t publicly share the ticket response here, otherwise that would have proved what I said in my previous response.

          August 4, 2024 @ 8:43 pm | Reply
          • I can. Looks like a total of 12% of 100GB after the upgrade and I added another WP blog.

            Explain to me how 12% of 100GB is 100%?

            sr0 11:0 1 1024M 0 rom
            vda 253:0 0 250G 0 disk
            ├─vda1 253:1 0 99G 0 part /
            ├─vda14 253:14 0 4M 0 part
            ├─vda15 253:15 0 106M 0 part /boot/efi
            └─vda16 259:0 0 913M 0 part /boot
            BUT I only have access to (100GB) of the disk.
            How do I access the remainder?
            Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
            tmpfs 6.3G 1.2M 6.3G 1% /run
            /dev/vda1 96G 11G 85G 12% /
            tmpfs 32G 0 32G 0% /dev/shm
            tmpfs 5.0M 0 5.0M 0% /run/lock
            /dev/vda16 881M 112M 708M 14% /boot
            /dev/vda15 105M 6.1M 99M 6% /boot/efi
            tmpfs 6.3G 12K 6.3G 1% /run/user/0
            August 4, 2024 @ 9:51 pm | Reply
  3. atErik:

    SliceHosting “Newcomer 16GB RAM …” KVM VPS in Frankfurt,DE/Germany, has these yabs script benchmark …

    August 5, 2024 @ 2:11 am | Reply
  4. Raj, naam toh suni hi hoga:

    Need a 5700g dedicated server in Mumbai. What’s the lowest price you can offer with 32GB RAM?
    Also, placed the same request on your website’s contact form

    August 5, 2024 @ 11:09 am | Reply
    • Hey Raj

      Ryzen 7 5700G
      64GB RAM
      1x 1.92TB Datacenter SSD
      500 Mbit/s Fair-use bandwidth
      8000Rs mo

      It’ll be 9000Rs for 128GB RAM.

      August 5, 2024 @ 11:57 am | Reply
  5. atErik:

    BENCHMARK TEST RESULT of SliceHosting’s Newcomer 16GB RAM, 3x vCPU … KVM VPS in Frankfurt …
    ( SliceHosting displayed, VPS is : 16GB RAM , 0GB Swap , 3x vCPU , 100GB NVMe space , 10TB transfer , 1Gbps uplink , Virtfusion KVM )
    ( SliceHosting displayed, Host is : 1x AMD EPYC 7401P , 512GB RAM , 2x 3.84TB NVMe SSDs , Software Raid1 , 1Gbps uplink )

    # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
    # Yet-Another-Bench-Script
    # W2024-06-09
    # https://github.com/masonr/yet-another-bench-script
    # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
    Mon Aug 5 06:34:13 AM BST 2024
    Basic System Information:
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Uptime     : 0 days, 4 hours, 26 minutes
    Processor  : AMD EPYC 7401P 24-Core Processor
    CPU cores  : 3 @ 2000.000 MHz
    AES-NI     : Enabled
    VM-X/AMD-V : Enabled
    RAM        : 15.6 GiB
    Swap       : 0.0 KiB
    Disk       : 99.9 GiB
    Distro     : Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)
    Kernel     : 6.1.0-9-amd64
    VM Type    : KVM
    IPV4/IPV6  : Online / Offline
    IPv4 Network Information:
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    ISP      : GHOSTnet GmbH
    ASN      : AS12586 GHOSTnet GmbH
    Host     : GHOSTnet Network used for Internet Access Services
    Location : Bad Soden am Taunus, Hesse (HE)
    Country  : Germany
    fio Disk Speed Tests (Mixed R/W 50/50) (Partition /dev/vda**) :
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Block Size | 4k             (IOPS)    |  64k            (IOPS)
    Read       |  156.29 MB/S   (39.0k)   |   917.38 MB/S   (14.3k)
    Write      |  156.71 MB/S   (39.1k)   |   922.21 MB/S   (14.4k)
    Total      |  313.00 MB/S   (78.2k)   |   1.83 GB/S     (28.7k)
    Block Size | 512k           (IOPS)    |  1m            (IOPS)
    Read       |  908.75 MB/S   (1.7k)    |   1.00 GB/S    (977)
    Write      |  957.03 MB/S   (1.8k)    |   1.06 GB/S    (1.0k)
    Totall     |  1.86 GB/S     (3.6k)    |   2.06 GB/S    (2.0k)
    iperf3 Network Speed Tests (IPV4):
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Provider   |  Location (Link)           |  Send Speed    |  Recv Speed    |  Ping
    - - - - -  |  - - - - - - - -           |  - - - - - -   |  - - - - - -   |  - - -
    Clouvider  |  London, UK (10G)          |  874 Mbits/sec |  867 Mbits/sec |  19.1 ms
    Eranium    |  Amsterdam, NL (100G)      | 882 Mbits/sec  |  918 Mbits/sec |  12.6 ms
    Uztelecom  |  Tashkent, UZ (10G)        | 829 Mbits/sec  |  540 Mbits/sec |  87.1 mS
    Leaseweb   |  Singapore, SG (10G)       | 634 Mbits/sec  |  591 Mbits/sec | 156   mS
    Clouvider  |  Los Angeles, CA, US (10G) | 760 Mbits/sec  |  246 Mbits/sec | 169   mS
    Leaseweb   |  NYC, NY, US (10G)         | 792 Mbits/sec  |  679 Mbits/sec |  91.8 ms
    Edgoo      |  Sao Paulo, BR (1G)        | 703 Mbits/sec  |  226 Mbits/sec | 201   ms
    Runnine GB6 benchmark test... *cue elevator music*[16190.531279] process 'BENCHMARK/2024-08...
    le stack
    Geekbench 6 Benchmark Test:
    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    Test          |  Value
    - - - -       |  _ _ _
    Single Core   |  856
    Multi core    |  2131
    Full Test     |  https://browser.geekbench.com/v6/cpu/7199430
    YABS completed in 12 min 44 sec

    yabs test consumed 5.49 GB inbound, & 6.54 GB outbound internet data.

    August 5, 2024 @ 3:05 pm | Reply
  6. Shankar:

    Don’t use this service . For an entire day their vps is down and their support is pathetic with just a “We’ve a network outage going on, server should be online very soon.” response. No tentative time provided no matter how many times i asked. I have screenshot of support ticket to prove my claim.

    August 27, 2024 @ 5:59 am | Reply
  7. Raj, naam toh suni hi hoga:

    I actually got a good dedicated server deal in India from slice hosting. Things ran well for the first 2 weeks. I recently had some problem and so opened a support ticket. It has been more than 36 hours since then but I haven’t received any reply.😔

    August 27, 2024 @ 8:30 pm | Reply
    • Appollogies for delay in response, I’ll check your ticket asap.

      August 27, 2024 @ 9:56 pm | Reply
    • Shankar:

      did you get any response ? the server is still cold, it has been more than 24 hours. I think our money has gone down the drain.

      August 28, 2024 @ 9:30 am | Reply
    • Raj, naam toh suni hi hoga:

      Update: Received a reply, but not a proper one and server is still unusable. Guess, my money is also gone. Should have tried a VPS instead of directly going to dedicated server.

      August 31, 2024 @ 9:16 pm | Reply
  8. Tushar H:

    From 26 Aug, there Mumbai servers are down. I created support ticket and did not get any response from them. 4 days are passed. Nothing is working. Avoid this provider

    August 30, 2024 @ 11:11 am | Reply
  9. atErik:

    SliceHosting FRAUD ALERT , Shivang A Shastri of SliceHosting in ticket said he will refund, after I cancelled one of the VPS advertised in this page at Frankfurt location … I waited 10 days for IPv6, but no IPv6 was given . He tricked me into waiting with saying … wait, IPv6 will be connected or else REFUND will be made … but no IPv6 was connected (for 10 days).
    I kept on requesting for REFUND … BUT NO REFUND WAS MADE either … he said he passed the matter to billing team … and no response from him or billing team for Refund.
    Cancellation/Refund initiating takes minutes … so he intend to fraud from beginning be delaying cancellation.
    When server provider cannot give items listed when VPS/server access is given to you … then CANCEL + get REFUND … as failure to supply, the advertised product.
    Do not trust frauds. I’ve learned a lesson.

    September 17, 2024 @ 12:06 am | Reply

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