Bhuvnesh, from AheadCloud, has written us to share these offers with you with a coupon for 40% off their normal pricing and an interesting annual payment option. Servers are available in Kansas City, MO, USA; and Lenoir, NC, USA.
More offers inside!
AheadCloud have been in business since 2013 with their domain having been registered in 2012. Their WHOIS information is currently public. They only started offering VPS to the general public recently, having offered it to existing clients before. They started with Kansas City but recently added Lenoir to their location list. Host nodes in both locations have dual Intel L5520 CPUs, 32GB of RAM or more, and hard drives in RAID1. In Lenoir there’s a chance of having a node with a 1Gbps uplink, otherwise it’s 100Mbps. I haven’t been able to find any reviews, just a lot of offers, so we’re looking forward to hear your opinion!
PayPal is currently the only standard payment option, but you can use credit cards through PayPal. According to the ticket they also accept Bitcoins or Indian Bank transfers; please contact them for those. No refunds are given though account credit can be received in the case of dissatisfaction or cancellation; please contact them for the details. Before you order, as always, please read their Terms of Service!
Network information
DataShack – Kansas City, MO, USA
Test IPv4:
Lenoir, NC, USA
Test IPv4: following soon
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Thanks for listing our offer.
I have updated the offers ticket with the new details and a new coupon.
I’ll glad if you can update the post.
I was waiting for the staff to update the thread but I guess I’ll post
the update here in reply now:
1.All 1GB VPS are now having 1000GB bandwidth.
2.All 2GB VPS are now having 1500GB bandwidth.
You can view product details here:
1. KC VPS’s : here
2. KC VPS’s : here
Enjoy the bandwidth upgrades :)
1.49 Montly? Doesn’t anyone proofread these things?
where is 1.49 monthly? I could not see
He’s referring to the thumbnail from the website, the carousel with the deals shows Montly instead of Monthly
Also on the real site as well. — Shared hosting packaged.
India to india paypal transfer not ye working and they still havent added other gateways
Yes unfortunately paypal does not allow India to India transfers.
We do accept bitcoin and manual netbanking(activated manually) in case you cannot
make payment via paypal. We are working on getting indian credit card and debit card processing
it should be up an running within few days hopefully.
Bhuvnesh Joshi
Ahead Cloud is providing great service, the uptime has been 100% since last 4 months. The support staff is very helpful and knowledgeable and they promptly respond to the tickets and even phone calls and SMS. I would recommend their service to any person who is looking for a stable service hosted by good people. And if you are from India then it is ‘Sone pe suhaga’ because they have support operators in India also :)
Thank you for the wonderful service AC!
It seems like aheadcloud has disappeared. I’ve been using their VPS services for several months, but for the past week, all traces of them are gone… :(