LowEndBox - Cheap VPS, Hosting and Dedicated Server Deals

Allow myself to introduce...myself

Hey guys! As you may have noticed I’ve taken over some of the posting responsibilities here at LowEndBox and I figured it was about time that I introduce myself. I’m Matt, the marketing guy over at ColoCrossing.

I really wanted to address a few things now that I’ve gotten my feet wet. The first thing is that you may have noticed the frequency of posts has gone down a bit over the last few months. When I got into the tickets, there were so many that were months old. This was happening for a myriad of reasons, but most of all was just lack of time to keep up on them. This isn’t going to happen going forward. I did, however, decide to clear out the bulk of the old offers.

If you’re a vendor who has recently submitted and we didn’t post or respond, please know that this wasn’t personal.Β If you feel like you have a compelling offer, please resubmit. Solid vendors are very important to me, but as a vendor, you have to understand that myΒ first responsibility is to provide our readers with offers that they’re interested in. If you’re unsure if your deal is attractive enough for us to post, do a little research. Go back into some older posts and see what deals were met with excitement from the readers: they’re the ones that are going to make or break your sale.

As for our readership: I want to take a moment to thank you all for continuing to be a part of this community. Without you guys we wouldn’t have the opportunity to run this board. What I’d like to do is open up a discussion to find out if there is anything you think we could do better. Keep in mind Β that, yes, ChicagoVPS and Hudson Valley Host will still get postedΒ – please remember that this isn’t a charity, it is a business. We do our best to keep a solid mix of offers from a ton of different providers out there, but we have to make sure it makes sense for us to put in the time and effort. That being said, are there any types of plans/deals that you’d like to see? I have no problem seeking out some vendors and leveraging our volume of traffic to try and get better deals for you all. There is a certain amount of buying power that you have simply because you’re a part of this community and it should make sense for vendors to want to offer special promos based on that buying power.

Also, a lot of folks have submitted tickets regarding the broken RSS feed – and that should now be working again, apologies for how long that took us to fix that. If you’re still having trouble, please do not hesitate to let us know.

Last thing: if you don’t already, please follow us on twitter @lowendnetwork as we’ve recently started to actually use that. We’ll be publishing special offers there as well.

So what can we do better? This is going to be a lot, isn’t it? :-)



  1. Sven Slootweg:

    I’m still unhappy about ColoCrossing’s takeover of LEB/LET (and I’d like to talk to those who claimed to me that it would remain a neutral community), but at least this is a small step forward in transparency.

    March 28, 2017 @ 4:20 pm | Reply
    • Matt Zelasko:

      I’m going to do everything I can to provide as much transparency as possible. There’s a reason communities like this one either die or get purchased – it takes a lot to run them. Having some money behind it is what’s allowing it to continue.

      So, anything you’d like to see from me to improve the community?

      March 28, 2017 @ 4:51 pm | Reply
      • Excited to see some renewed interest. I think we all knew CC would get posted no matter what, but we all know there is plenty of room for a multitude of providers here.

        March 28, 2017 @ 7:31 pm | Reply
        • Matt Zelasko:

          Thanks! Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help improve your experience here.

          March 28, 2017 @ 7:46 pm | Reply
  2. Welcome to the party, officially, Matt!

    March 28, 2017 @ 9:03 pm | Reply
    • Matt Zelasko:

      and what a party it is!

      March 29, 2017 @ 12:54 pm | Reply
  3. Wulfy:

    Would like to see more pooled resources vps’s (chunk of resources spread around as the user see’s fit) host kana like (except maybe working?!) would be rather useful especially those that allowed said resources to be split over different locations.

    Best regards

    (ps are user registrations possible fed up of being put in moderation :P)

    March 28, 2017 @ 9:51 pm | Reply
    • Matt Zelasko:

      Thanks, I’ll do my best with that…might take a few weeks as there are several posts scheduled and whatnot.

      March 29, 2017 @ 12:53 pm | Reply
  4. chris buckingham:

    would be nice to see an offer with low cpu/ram and high storage at a yearly rate.

    March 28, 2017 @ 11:29 pm | Reply
    • Matt Zelasko:

      I’ll see what I can find, thanks for the suggestion.

      March 29, 2017 @ 12:45 pm | Reply
    • Yes definitely this. single core/dual core processors 2gb ram 500gb -2tb storage space. I am always looking for these kind of deals. I run a lot of owncloud instances I use to backup all my customers websites.


      April 1, 2017 @ 5:35 am | Reply
  5. Erik:

    I’d love to see Atom dedicated servers. Also, less moderation in the comments. Or perhaps more people moderating comments.

    March 29, 2017 @ 1:25 am | Reply
    • Matt Zelasko:

      I’ll look for some of those. The moderation seems to be a big issue and quite frankly, it’s kind of a hassle for us to go in and approve every comment. I’ll discuss this with the guys, but I can say that those measures weren’t put in place to censor our readers, rather the many obvious comments we get from “users” that are just competitors trying to slander the featured post. But it probably just makes sense to allow all comments and then monitor for garbage “reviews”.

      March 29, 2017 @ 12:49 pm | Reply
  6. Service wise and cost wise ,colocrossing is not bad at all . I think some competitors try to bad mouth . Transparent is a good debate here to be done but all hate due to this is not justified.This is a business and we need to treat as such . As owner they can be as transparent as they want,nobody should demand it as they are not obliged to be transparent to you .like You are not also obliged to join their forum. This is what business strategy is .

    March 29, 2017 @ 4:13 am | Reply
    • Matt Zelasko:

      We appreciate that. We try to stay as impartial as possible. There aren’t a lot of companies that would host a community that’s sole purpose is to promote many of it’s direct competitors :-)

      We do the best we can to create a happy medium.

      March 29, 2017 @ 12:51 pm | Reply
      • Yes exactly what I am saying . People should not demand transparency if they have no money share holding in the company . You guys can run as you want as this is private business ?? Competitors bad mouthing CC is the main issue here . Some of them directly or indirectly promoting that .

        March 29, 2017 @ 5:46 pm | Reply
        • Matt Zelasko:

          And I’m not exactly worried about the CC competition badmouthing us, that’s fine. We can handle it, I hate when people come in and find a deal for whatever company and say that it’s horrible without ever using it. That creates a bad experience for the rest of us who want a legit review of a service we’re considering buying.

          March 29, 2017 @ 6:51 pm | Reply
  7. Hxxx:

    Would like to see E7 and E5 for 10 bucks a month. Make it happen (jk).

    March 29, 2017 @ 11:54 am | Reply
    • Matt Zelasko:

      I’ll get right on that. Might have to wait a decade. :-)

      March 29, 2017 @ 2:56 pm | Reply
  8. Peter:

    I wouldn’t mind seeing a few more yearly vps deals in the $10-$15 range :)

    April 1, 2017 @ 7:25 am | Reply
  9. MasonR:

    Would be cool to see some halfway decent dedi offers. Not to be cynical, but the only dedicated server offers I’ve seen posted on LEB have been 10 year old Xeon’s (L5420’s & such) on 100mbps ports @ ~$50. To me, this is not a deal.

    LET gets some nice dedi offers every now and again for E3’s on 1mbps ports @ <=$40. Naturally, these types of offers may have very low stock and not suited for LEB. But anyhow, maybe one day we'll see such an offer. :)

    Best wishes moving forward, Matt!

    April 6, 2017 @ 5:21 pm | Reply
    • Matt Zelasko:

      Thanks for the feeback, Mason. I’ll keep an eye out and try to improve the quality of such offers.

      April 6, 2017 @ 8:01 pm | Reply

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