Another LowEndBox special today! Michael from Alvotech has sent me their vServer Special for LowEndBox readers, with up to 20% off. Plan “vServer L” is €19.50/6 months (€3.25/month ~USD$4.72). Here is what you will get:
- 512MB guaranteed/2048MB burstable memory
- 30GB storage
- First 1TB on 1Gbps, and then throttle to 10Mbps unmetered
- Linux-VServer/Custom web-based control panel
Servers in KPN EuroRings data center in Düsseldorf Germany (see their data center page). Offer expires end of May. Alvotech was founded in 2009, and had some good reviews from last time.
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‘Plan “vServer L” is €19.50/month (€3.25/month ~USD$4.72).’
A little Freudian slip there, I guess. €19.50/year would make more sense ;)
It’s 19.50/6 month according to there website.
Ahh, should have done the math, sorry. Of course your’re right, it’s per six month, not per year.
€19.50/half year would be right
Should also point out it’s not “2048MB burstable memory”, but 2048MB swap.
VServer has a Hard and Soft Limit for Memory Allocation, maybe something todo with that.
Yes sorry it was obviously a PEBCAK. Updated now saying 19.50 EUR/6 months.
Yea must be a typo.
what about ipv6? do they support gentoo?
you found a list of useable images at:
gentoo is currently not offered. IPv6 is not currently offered for our VPS services. The introduction of IPv6 for both new and existing customers is planned for 3rd quarter of 2011. We will notify all customers in time before launch via the newsletter.
No IPv6, though it’s “coming soon”. No TUN/TAP either. No sundry-other-things-not-supported-by-vserver.
Not sure about Gentoo availability, sorry.
I’ve been using them for a couple weeks, and quite enjoying the server. vServer takes some getting used to, but it’s nothing insurmountable for what I want to do. Server’s crazy fast, the connection is excellent, and the setup was quick and painless.
TUN/TAP is possible but you have to request a tun/tap device by there support team
Did anyone ever tried to use tb-tun to establish an ipv6 tunnel on linux-vserver?
It is not possible because the tun device on VServer is a bit more limited than it usually is.
However they said native IPv6 is coming Q3 2011.
Now Q3 2011 came and gone, still no IPv6 support!
And still says “3rd quarter 2011”.
Its not unmetered 1GBPS
A better way to put it, 1TB on 1GBPS (over-usage will be throttled to 10mbps)
That’s what it exactly says at the moment, with different writing?
Oh it originally said Unmetered on 1GBPS
I guess 1,000 GB / month is a typo, the decimal comma should not be there?
(I am from Sweden so I often get confused with international numbers).
What happens after the 6 months, will next period be at ordinary price without the rebate or will this lower price go on forever if the contract is renewed? I like the drop to 10 Mbit/s if traffic limit is reached. Then I would never have to worry about getting the website closed because of traffic limits.
I saw there was 64-bit OS options also. 512 MB RAM should be OK with a 64-bit minimum debian installation I guess.
I’ve fixed the decimal thingy. Sorry about that international visitors! :)
yes – the lower price go on forever if the contract is renewed
“the decimal comma”
The comma is not a decimal separator. The dot is. Its time the world standardized on the dot as the decimal separator as it is used by the majority. Usually I am all for diversity but not when it comes to interfaces. The more the interfaces are standardized the less confusion there will be.
According to ISO 31-0: “the decimal sign is either the comma on the line or the point on the line”. Further “Numbers consisting of long sequences of digits can be made more readable by separating them into groups, preferably groups of three, separated by a small space. For this reason, ISO 31-0 specifies that such groups of digits should never be separated by a comma or point, as these are reserved for use as the decimal sign.”
So international standard is already there, to bad that US is one of the very few countries which have not signed it.
Any test IP?
Test file?
2011-04-23 15:22:02 (62.0 MB/s) – `100mb.test’ saved [104857600/104857600]
dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=16k conv=fdatasync
16384+0 records in
16384+0 records out
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 16.5468 seconds, 64.9 MB/s
24h open test:
24h open test:
This URL gives a 404 error…
Oh, I understood, it meant “open for the next 24h”, not “open 24/7”, sorry.
I just read your comment to the next post.
Looks nice… I might give it a try!
I’ve never used a VPS with LVS before… I usually prefer installing CSF on my servers, so what I want to ask is: Are the necessary modules for CSF running?
I took the liberty of emailing this same question to their support, they were very friendly and answered my question.
There is no “regular” iptables support (which means no iptables scripts) but you can enable a firewall and add/remove rules via their control panel.
Hope this helps someone else too.
Can anyone share the control panel screenshots? Thank you.
Test is closed.
And here is screenshot for you:
Steliyan, thank you.
I’ll manage test file for a week :)
You understand that if it stay longer – mu bandwidth will hit the trigger :)
Steliyan, can you share your experience with Alvotech with the Lowendbox readers here? Thank you.
What you expect to say?
For this low price the service is more than acceptable.
I’m based in Europe and this VPS is so close to me. Speed and connection is ok. Stability is ok.
Sanctification guaranteed! :)
I am expecting stability (uptime). Thank you for your valuable comments :)
Not cachefly file download:
2011-04-28 19:04:23 (21.3 MB/s) – `linuxmint-debian-201012-gnome-dvd-amd64.iso’
And Uptime with one restart from me: top – 19:06:00 up 4 days, 6:48
Is anyone from us use it?
If so, let me know how is it?
It’s been excellent for me. Fast, stable network, good performance… quick setup. Haven’t needed to contact support in the moth I’ve had the server. There is a bit of a learning curve compared to OpenVZ or Xen, because of the vserver limitations, but nothing too major for anyone familiar with Linux.
Instant setup (<10 minutes), very fast network, friendly online chat.
The server looks fast in terms of I/O and processing speed. The cpu is Xeon E5420@2.50GHz with 6MB cache. Online for 5 days, with Debian 5.0 x64
Which USA location(west,central,east) you access from your vps?
I know that I should try it out myself instead of asking :)
I am trying to control myself from getting any good vps offer :D
I’m somewhere in the central US.
29 days uptime and counting. More impressively, I’ve been logged in via SSH continuously for 26 days and counting, with no network hiccoughs or other unpleasantness…
Thanks Snape.
I’m with Alvotech about 10 days now. The UPtime is: up 9 days, 5:58. Speed is great. VPS is more than GOOD. Alvotech together with BHost are the greatest VPS providers for European customers like me.
how many cpu core will get if take vServer L and vServer XL package ?
argh, can’t order through paypal ’cause it charges me directly with my credit card account which i dont have
I just got a VPS from Alvotech.
The only downside for me seems to be the awful speed they have for Asia. I’m currently in China and working via SSH on this VPS is painfully slow comparing to another one I have in USA.
Other than that, the VPS seems to behave fine so far…
any other comments on speed on asia? need this as most my clients are from there
I guess my net was kind of lossy yesterday, so I guess that explains part of my bad SSH experience.. Today is better, but it’s still slower than my other VPS in Dallas. The difference is sitting between ~85ms, being the US one the fastest. The difference should be barely noticeable for the end-user visiting the web-pages, I guess?
If you want I can carry out some some test, just name it.
can you make a 10mb test file so i can test my speed on it? :D btw im from asia
one of those vpn company with the best support staff! very helpful!
On vServer can you change/upgrade kernel like in Xen PV (with PVGrub)?
As far as I know you can’t. Is a kind of OpenVZ… in some way.
I have been with Alvotech for over 7 months now and am very please with the responsiveness and speed as well as reliability. (Only down one time due to confusion on their part about which user was delinquent in paying. I emailed them and was back up in no time.)
They clearly do not overload their servers. Alvotech is far and away the best of the 4 providers I currently have. This is the way to do business: top quality service at a bargain price. Hope they’re going to be around for years!
Just ordered been two hours no setup yet I am in UK paid with Paypal.
I could not found any pending vserver order currently in our system. Could you maybe write us an mail with your customer name to please. I’m think I can help you to get your access data soon as possible (with received yesterday one order but the yahoo address was not working (mailer daemon).
After half year of experiments with cheap and cheapest VPS providers all over the world I finally found my future hosts. One of them is Alvotech in Germany. My experience with them, with their support is great. So, if you are located in Europe and wondering which VPS to choose – you are at the right place.
well, it’s a good vps, buy far from being perfect. Great price, for sure, we’ll see if it’s stable, but has a few negative aspects too
1) default image is old lenny, with squeeze still marked as beta
2) reboot command not working with those 2 images, you have to find how to fix it (i still did not) or use their poor control panel
3)there are no iptables, just an undocumented ‘firewall’ in the control panel where you can just set a few allow and deny, no more advanced rules. And this is bad for security and stability, no rate limiting no nat rules, no advanced config
4) worst of all there is no direct-access console in the control panel so if you ssh access dies you’re on your own. You better hope that a restart fix the issue. And it happened to me a few times it did not in the pas years. 2 times upgrading lenny to squeeze, where dropbear didn’t start after a version-upgrade, one time after doing a mistake editing a nginx config file, so that my vps got instable, and i had to kill a few process, disallow nginx startup and reboot, and a few times more. This is the ony VPS that i know where you have no recovery console to access your vps.
5)images are not standard, i had some symbols on the screen when performing my initial setup. I guess their templates default to german keymaps or something like that. And their sources list is just one line and (on squeeze) installing exim4 gave problems and found the panic log with notice of some ipv6 problems. All minor glitches, but you have to fix many things if you want to use this vps
So there are a few negative aspects with this offer too. Some minor, some very important to me.
so it’s nice to read dd and wget tests, but sometimes id’d appreciate a more comprehensive review. This vps is good, but definitely far from perfect
Squeeze doesn’t seem to be listed as beta (anymore?):
Quickweb rolled it out a few days ago as well on their Xen VPSes.
it was, just a few days ago, and it was a little buggy, as i reported. Today i checked and also in the control panel now i have the option to install squeeze, without the beta mark.
Maybe i’ll try in the next few days and see if they fixed all other problems with the old image.
my major concern is about the poor firewall and especially about the lack of any direct (emergency) console access.
this vps still has a strange problem, i tested from 4 different locations in eu + 1 in the us, there is a packet loss of about 1%. Their support answered my ticket that their network is fine, so i still have no clue why my vps keeps losing packets. Sometimes 0,5% , other times 2%.
i tried pinging (one of the test address posted in this topic) and there’s a 1% packet loss there, too.
Ne1 knows why ?
Here is what I have for 200 packets. You can try the same test by “mtr” on *nix or on Windows.
And this is what they keep answering to my support tickets: “Hello Marco,
we are not able to solve your problem because our network is fine. Maybe comes your losse from a point outsite of our network, but we can’t solved problems oursite of your own network”
can you please test my vps too ? and if you need a test file http://alvotech, (it’s a 1 giga file)
i think it’s alvotech fault, but they already answered 3 times that their network is fine…
Is really necessary for your apps to get a 0% of packet losing?
A ping -f
Your jitter is low, but I got that 2 of 50 packets loss from my hostrail offshore
And these from germany
Sometimes feels good, and others is unstable :S
About your file, I got 2-3MB/s from switzerland and 1-1.3MB/s from germany
Btw, your file is filled with zeros? That can give weird results if compression is applied in the transfer.
@yomero THANKS a lot. About the test file, it’s a speed test i downloaded from a different provider, so i guess it’s ok. About the packet loss that’s a good question. How bad is suffering from a 5% packet loss ? Is that a problem that NEEDS to be fixed? Can such a packet loss cause problems with www/ftp ? I don’t know the answer. But i doubt a ftp transfer can be fast with such a network problem. I think after a packet loss there’s a smaller tcp window and the transfer recover slowly. My VPS should be on a gigabit link, that looks slow. And what about http requests? I don’t know what happens ? Timeouts ? Packets that have to be resent? Really, no idea how bad it is.
Yes, it is necessary to have zero packet loss, because with a 3% loss like this, and combining that with the lost packet resend logic, for HTTP it will mean that 3 people out of 100 visitors will have a THREE SECOND DELAY before your website even starts loading for them (when their TCP SYN packet was lost and needed to be resent).
@rm @marrco Well, I don’t have too much experience on networking issues and web services. I guess, if that 3 visitors get a little delay, they will reload or something xD, the site continues working, maybe you can live with that. But I don’t have a real experience. In my case, I mainly host gameservers, getting packet losing is a BIG problem in that situation.
@marrco You must get an acceptable answer, IMO this is ridiculous.
I hate to say it but I’m not seeing it.
From the library:
From the Quickweb Germany VPS:
Not doubting you but sorry that I can’t see it.
@drmike, you’re 100% right, but doing a traceroute i found the reason. Today they have a dirrent routing !
they dropped the path and now i get to my box thru (or level3).
considering that in the last 2 weeks they kept telling that there was no packet loss on their network, i found amusing that today with the new peering everything works fine.
btw, from my Quickweb Germany vps now it’s only 4 hops, with avg time less than 2 ms:
342 packets transmitted, 342 received, 0% packet loss, time 343108ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.847/1.268/2.411/0.152 ms
Glad *someone* resolved it for you. ;)
In their defense, as someone who leases a pair of house lines to my racks, they may have been at the mercy of their datacenter and their routings. I have a pair of dedicated uplinks as well and they seem to be quicker even though all of them are rated the same.
Of course I’ve seen routings loop back on themselves. Always amazed when I see those.
I wish they did. But that *someone* broke everything again… new routing, packet loss again. This time at least they admit the problem. “I don´t know what they have changed but now they find out that their corerouters are causing the problem and they will change them”
so at the moment i have this VPS for 1 month and still never used it! And i don’t believe that their DC is the problem. I smell some old, small switch not able to cope with oversold nodes. My guess is some app installed (torrent ?) on their nodes are using too much resources on their switch.
If they are overselling, I say IF. Then you really don’t notice it.
ping -c 50:
be -> alvo
50 packets transmitted, 50 received, 0% packet loss, time 49075ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 15.923/16.789/19.018/0.927 ms
nl -> alvi
50 packets transmitted, 49 received, 2% packet loss, time 49109ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 4.306/4.763/21.990/2.487 ms
ro -> alvo
50 packets transmitted, 50 received, 0% packet loss, time 49021ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 41.338/41.606/41.986/0.209 ms
dallas -> alvo
50 packets transmitted, 49 received, 2% packet loss, time 49014ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 122.654/122.849/123.504/0.493 ms
chicago -> alvo
50 packets transmitted, 49 received, 2% packet loss, time 49037ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 110.161/110.278/110.516/0.259 ms
san jose -> alvo
50 packets transmitted, 50 received, 0% packet loss, time 49001ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 170.547/172.884/180.227/2.461 ms
uk -> alvo
50 packets transmitted, 50 received, 0% packet loss, time 49059ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 12.650/12.952/19.603/0.958 ms
Since early morning on 04 June, the packet loss seems to be completely gone.
blue = loss, green = none. 3,9eur/512MB/30GB/1TB/1xIP/min.6m/0,66GHz (2,66quad/16users) 4,3eur/512MB/20GB/1TB/2xIP/min.1m/1GHz guaranted
1) how do you know about “16 users”
2) wrong to assume 0.66 GHz, that would be true only if everyone consumed 100% of their CPU, which doesn’t happen ever
3) it’s not 3.9 but 3.25 (19.5/6) from this offer
4) from this page it is not “guaranteed” 1000Mhz but a MAXIMUM limit of 1000Mhz with
you can calculate it easy.
vServer L – 16 customers
vServer XL – 12 customers
vServer XXL – 8 customers
vServer XXXL – 6 customers
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Alvotech Support-Team
I’m afraid it doesn’t work that way.
For providers to achieve such a low price they have to oversell.
on a presale question i have been told that the ONLY difference between packets **”It´s only the storage and RAM”** and i was willing to pay to stay on a less crowded node with more CPU.
1) they told me
2) but possible, i was cs1.6 & lagged ever 10-15seconds
3) i compare standard offer
4) on stadard is guaranted is good offers you are giving.vps is very reliable.and mostly accepting by the companies.
They are now charging 9,90 euro setup fee…
I have an dServerXL with them and I can say “I am so happy I found this company”
The online support is very friendly and fast, finaly an company that know what they are doing .
I give them them a rating 10/10 :)
they have a new setup free promo at facebook
omg they applied setup fee with vps in de
its impossible in vps ;p
NOT WORKS link: vServer Special for LowEndBox readers
Hello, yesterday was the offer until July 31.
Today it does not work!
Hi, it’s still valid for their servers in the Netherlands. The German promo has expired as per initial information.
Great service. I have VPS over three month with them.
Great prices (without setup fee).
Alvotech: Please remove setup fee for Germany VPS :)
they have problem with iptables – totally not works
my friend looses cash on account hosted there pbx
debian 32bit unworkable
no problem with debian6 32bit here :)
Be careful with these guys, if you don’t close your account with 15 days of warning they’ll try to extort you money for the next cycle as well regardless of your will. ;)
WOOHOO Alvotech finally adds IPv6!!!
Check your control panel, in the VPS server details you will find “Manage IPv6”.
Up to 16 IPv6 addresses can be added.
– …but not removed;
– rDNS not available;
– the firewall feature doesn’t support IPv6 yet.
Yeah, I saw that this morning. As far as I can see they haven’t announced anything about it, so I’m guessing maybe it’s in beta, or something.