Aaron, from AzzaVPS, is back with another exclusive offer for LowEndBox readers. This time the plan is located with Colocrossing in Chicago, Illinois.
VPS – 2560Special_LEB
AzzaVps have been featured on LowEndBox twice before. They are a New Zealand based company who were founded earlier this year. Their nodes are built around the Intel E3-1240 v3 3.40 GHz CPU. Since their last offer, AzzaVps have redesigned their website. It looks like they haven’t finished updating the content yet. Previews reviews and comments on their threads have been relatively good. If you’re a customer, what are your thoughts?
AzzaVps currently only accepts payments via PayPal. The VPS will be instantly activated after payment has been received. Additional IP addresses are $1.25 USD per month. IPv6 is currently not supported. AzzaVps provides a 24 hour money back guarantee. By default the server is setup with CentOS 6 x86_64 but the server can be reinstalled from Solus VM after the order to a variety of our templates, including Debian, Ubuntu, and more. For more information, take a look at their Terms of Service.
Network Information:
These VPS are located in the Dupont Fabros datacenter, in Chicago, with Colocrossing.
Test IPv4:
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Thanks for the post! :-) Any questions just ask.
A CC costumer.
Why is that important?
A particularly dumb one if I recall his LET posts correctly, too
Not sure if this is what you are talking about, but I remember seeing this on his first offer: http://lowendbox.com/blog/azzavps-4-50mo-384mb-10gb-ssd-unmetered-bandwidth-in-chicago/#comment-116374
Hi Matthewvz,
The concern was already addressed by myself, and we now have a new website design
After Search i found a lot of negative posts on LET and LEB about azzavps , Also i test and was not lucky .
Can you please elaborate?
Well this website is shit
after i pay for one month using a method Payza
they stop accepting it
when i say for refund they say you can use the vps for the rest of the month
why i would do that
i need service here
not playing with toys
unprofessional at all
keep away from it
Sorry to hear about that, but I do not see how this has anything to do with the VPS service quality we provide or how it makes us a bad provider. We stopped using Payza due to the lack of demand for it which did not make it worthwhile to maintain and manage the account there. but we continue to accept PayPal like 99% of our customers have been paying with.
How this has anything to do with the VPS service quality ? Nothing, but it has a lot with quality of your overall service.
You advertise “100% Customer Satisfaction”. Obviously, it’s an empty slogan you just pasted from somewhere and have no clue what it means.
No Unmetered Bandwidth?
Shame :D
VPS Specifications:
CPU model : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1240 v3 @ 3.40GHz
Number of cores : 1
CPU frequency : 3400.094 MHz
Total amount of ram : 1024 MB
Total amount of swap : 0 MB
System uptime : 10 days, 23:38,
VPS Download Test:
Download speed from CacheFly: 36.7MB/s
Download speed from qps, Atlanta GA: 44.8MB/s
I/O speed : 213 MB/s
Moved from Jacksonville, FL to their Atlanta, GA node. (This one is at Atlanta, not Chicago sadly.) Like wise, the I/O definitely increases from 50MB/s to 180+MB/s. The one that caught in my mind is that the extreme changes on the processor. It was L5420 or L5520 iirc, and now it’s one of new v3 processor. It’s a great change. kudos to AzzaVPS~
Thanks Saiku! :-)
Was looking at these prices and I gotta say they are great but I am thinking about long term as I have sites that need to stay up. How long has this company been around and how long do they plan on staying around?
Would you install a own template for me?
If we don’t already have it, we can load any OpenVZ template on your VPS upon request.
Thanks currently is down. SHIT
The Test IP is responding and online. Can you please email me with a trace route.
support at azzavps dot com
Had to get refund from Paypal. Host never provisioned the server. Stay away.
Hmm… everything is instant setup. I am sure others can back this up aswell… please email me at admin at azzavps.com and i will give you a vps for a few months free.
I actually sent you an email regarding this post on Oct 7th. No one ever responded. Like I said before: Stay away.
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200GB Bandwidth
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I got a VPS from them earlier this month. The set up was a bit slow, took about a day and a half, but it was ultimately set up and they apologized for the delay. Other than that, my only complaint was the 1 spam email I got from uplinkvps, which might just have been a rogue incident, so I forgive them.
Everything else about their service is satisfactory. :-)
Your hostname needs to be at least 4 characters, this is a known WHMCS/Solus bug where it will not automatically set up the VPS if your hostname is not at least 4 characters.
The root password you specify in the ordering form also cannot contain special characters.
If you do not trigger any of these the setup process is instant setup.
Hi, could i find out, how much additional would it cost if my VPS grows in use and i require more diskspace / data transfer?
I bought this and it charged my paypal, but I never received the login details. Paypal refunded it but it was a huge hassle. Stay Away!
Just thought I’d comment saying I just took out a VPS today, setup was instant (although I had to force it to install the OS I wanted even though I selected it!) Speeds are very good. so very happy so far :D
My VPS is offline and I can’t bring it up.
I even reinstalled a new image on it and it’s still offline.
The bad thing is that nobody is answering on my ticket.
Do you guys have the same problem?
If I won’t get an answer fast, I will have to ask paypal for a refund.
Just FYI, I had no problems with a VPS setup in Chicago about a week ago.
Today, not such a good experience. I lost connectivity with my VPS and opened an urgent trouble ticket about six hours ago. No response since then. Sent email a couple hours ago, still no response. Despite the “24/7 Support” guarantee on the site, clicking on “Live Support” brought up a form that says something like “Sorry, no one’s available now, please send email”.
Now the AzzaVPS web site seems to be down. Doesn’t look good, to put it mildly.
Anyone else going through this or am I having peculiarly awful luck?
Yup mine went down 1pm gmt today. azzavps web site still working for me. Looking at server infromation it says offline and data usage is set to 0 so not looking good at all. Only just took it out so if I don’t get an answer either then I’ll just force through a refund :( nothing on the twitter either.
Such a shame was been great for me until now!
I can connect with the AzzaVPS site again, finally, and boot my VPS. It apparently came up sometime during the last few hours. Still no response from AzzaVPS so I’m guessing the outage was somewhere around 8 hours. Maybe it required someone in New Zealand to wake up to discover and fix the problem?
It kills me when a vendor has a significant problem and doesn’t inform anyone. A short, simple email goes a long way to maintaining trust. It would also help if their network status page didn’t continuously read:
0 Open 0 Scheduled 0 Resolved
“Nothing to see here, folks, move along”.
Totally agree, would have taken the owner less than 10 seconds to put some information out! Mine is also back online :)
Any communication from AzzaVPS?
My VPS is back up but I can’t reach their web site to see if there was any reply to my ticket or any other news. I can ping it but fetching a page gives me “406 Not Acceptable”. “Not Acceptable” — kinda ironic, eh?
Also, are you having any network connection problems with your VPS? My connection’s been consistently flaky, with mtr telling me that the host directly upstream from my VPS (, aka host.colocrossing.com) is dropping around 60% for significant periods.
I’d warn everyone about signing up with them but hey, if you can’t reach their site, you can’t sign up :-)
Yes, mine has been on and off for quite a bit now. Currently it keeps timing out :(
Currently offline again…
Mine too… I will request my money back.
If you manage to get your money back, please let me know how you did it.
My VPS went away last night at 10PM US Eastern time and is still not accessible. I noticed that the AzzaVPS site was back up at that time so I logged in, found no response to my ticket from a couple days ago (no surprise), tried booting the VPS (which was marked “offline”), no luck.
The really irritating part is their web page:
I did get fast setup; is one-out-of-six so bad?
Not renewing this month, rude customer service no explanation for several day downtime. avoid like bird flu!
I finally got a response on my ticket, at about 1:56 AM this morning (US Eastern). My site has been up since 1:30 AM.
I’ve opened a ticket with the Sales department asking for a refund, based on what might be considered fraudulent advertising, such the “Our Guarantees” I quoted above and also the following site status page (http://azzavps.com/knowledgebase/5/Uptime.html):
Obviously, I and the others here saw nothing close to this. My guess is that these numbers are hard-coded, along with their Network status page that also report no problems at any time.
Update: AzzaVPS refunded my payment in full at 1:55PM (US Eastern) today.
Yeah.. instant setup?
It’s been 24 hours still no login information…
pretty dodgy!
>> Support Ticket = No one Respond
>> Speed Upload and Download = Ow.. So Slow.. I’m from Indonesia [Download: 0.47 Mbit/s – Upload: 0.29 Mbit/s]
>> OS Image, especially Ubuntu, too many access Denied. [Root == Root or Root == User :(]
>> Gonna Get Refund
Where is refund?? What a scam! Support Ticket = No Respond at all. Ticket N #303259 – Refund
They didn’t make refund.
Stay away from this company… its been days there is no answer at all. site just left alone..
What a shame…
What is your ticket id? That does not sound true, we have tickets under control.
Guys, stay away!! They have been down for 1-2 days, they don’t answer tickets. My previous ticket took them 7 days to answer!
These guys are jokers.
The first machine they gave me had a completely different distribution and version from what I had requested. They took days to put it right, and insisted on billing me for one month for the machine, even though I never had any use from it (obviously, I would not have paid another fee if I had expected them to do this – on the other hand they are cheap).
Their service was then totally down for days – on the VPS, but even their web site. They are now back up it seems, but I haven’t received a response to the web ticket I raised just before they went down, and they in effect told me to get lost when I asked for a partial credit for this month given the loss of service.
I switched to a dedicated server with server305 and wansec – much pricier, but I am much happier so far this way.