Nicholas from BHost emailed us that they’re currently running a 25% OFF coupon, as well as a stackable 10% OFF for yearly deals on their whole line up of servers for the months of February and March. If you’re interested, signup with the coupon code LEBFEBMAR. If you order a year up front, you’ll automatically get the additional 10% OFF.
- 512MB Dedicated Memory
- 1024MB Burstable Memory
- 20GB RAID 10
- 500GB Bandwidth
- 1 IPv4 Address
$6.16/month – Order Link
Based in Britain, so European users get bitten with an additional 20% VAT putting the price just over the $7.00/month threshold, but you rarely, if ever, read anything bad about them. From what I can tell you’ll need to log a ticket to have the VAT removed from your order.
No mention of IPV6, though that’s not surprising given most of Britain won’t have IPV6 until 2020.
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i just want say, it is very appreciate ..
they put price on their website CLEARLY marked INCL vat, unlike a lot of other companies
Agreed! I love that! I have gone through many sign up procedures thinking I am on to a good thing only to be hit at the end! Be clear other hosts!
Awesome host – Server speed has been excellent compared to my last UK host
Bhost was my first OpenVZ experience, and tied in my book as the best OpenVZ experience I have had to date. The machines feel quick and network is snappy, and the uptime is amazing for an OpenVZ host. I would guess that they don’t oversell their machines as aggressively as other providers, hence the good machine performance and uptime.
so do I pay VAT, whatever?
I live in Calif.
No, as a USA resident you don’t have to pay UK tax… just put in a ticket or email and we’ll remove the tax from your invoice, or refund the tax if you’ve already paid!
IRCd hosting is allowed as long as it’s not linked to EF/Undernet, yes?
What’s the hardware specs on these? CPU type? How many HT cores do we get? Anyone who is customer.. how’s disk I/O ?
I can definitively say of the hosts I have had for a while now, this one a little over 11 months, this has been one of the most reliable and best performing servers I have had. I got in on one of their older deals with roughly the same specs at 3.14GBP(~$5.00 USD).
Anytime I have ever had a problem, the tickets were responded to quickly, any issue resolved with little to no issue, and all together a very good experience. I very rarely give such a review; after being with this host now for almost a year the vps I believe was only restarted once and it was after more than 300 days and all clients were given notice of the maintenance way ahead of schedule. Way to go guys and keep up the great work!
Excellent host, fast and cheap (on gold plan), great CS too. Been with em for a long time. Shame about the TOS getting tighter recently (no bit torrent etc), but great stable host and registered company which is nice for once.
I absolutely love BHost. If you want any benchmarks I would be happy to post some.
Just signed up to the 1yr silver plan on the strength of these comments. Looking forward to testing it out!
I have just returned to bhost. They are excellent, servers are very snappy and I have had great experience with CS every time.
Any one had any luck installing a VPN on these? I need my iPlayer fix!
Yep – works well.
Used bHost for just over a year now, upgraded to the gold plan and kept my discount. It runs a 10 player minecraft server and teamspeak 3 server with no problem at all.
I have used VPN with them, just open a ticket if you want TUP/TUN enabled, they also sent me a document and script that automated the OpenVPN install and config. Very helpful support.
Bhost are amazing. been with them for ages! and back and forth regular
I rarely leave reviews about VPS hostings because I wasn’t really impressed with any I tested so far but I have to say that BHost are great. I have their VPS for a few days so far and I have to admit that I am really impressed! Speed is far the best in comparison to the other two VPS I have from different providers. Don’t get me wrong. Other two VPS I have own satisfactory performances but the one from BHost is the best of all. I got additional IP address without any problems. I even asked for VAT removal from the price and everything went without problems.
I only wish for little more disk space. Right now I have 25GB. If I could have 50GB for the same price I know that I would replace my other two VPS servers with their
I just hope that BHost won’t start to oversell their servers :-)
is Bhost available on sundays?
Yes, support is 24×7 – however, have you emailed accounts or sales? If so, you may not get a response til Monday
i paid yesterday and start mine server and they terminated it, and while i said for refund, they said you accepted TERMS AND CONDITIONS SO ALL YOU GUYS BEFORE PAY READ CREFULLY, AS THEY WILL EAT YOUR MONEY.
You forget to mention you happened to be in breach of the terms and conditions by using CCcam (card sharing) which is explicitly prohibited ( and illegal in the UK and other jurisdictions.
So did you receive any complains fro the jurisdiction or you just decided to crawl his VPS for something useful you could keep?
There are many tools which can automatically scan for illicit applications and processes as soon as they run – I don’t imagine they have the time or will to go about trawling through every VPS – not to mention the legal implications of this.
Bhost website, vps, vps panel down now!!!
They had some network downtime on the 11th (and the 28th). It’s unfortunate that the two events occurred so close together, but it’s not a terribly common occurrence.
Great Hosting company. I tested them for a month and I was pretty happy. I’m gonna come with my biggest personal website this summer.
Oh, by the way, the new Code is APRIL12 as LEBFEBMAR has expired.
Great service!
Are there any more special offer codes for BHost?
Hi Lawrence
We’ve got a code MAY12 which will (as per this offer) give you 25% recurring discount.
Since this LEB post we’ve launched Xen and the code works for Xen packages too, which we thought would be of interest to the LEB community… we tried to get a new post up but no reply from LowEndAdmin… guess they might be very busy!