BitAccel is a new provider offering an exclusive 55% recurring launch discount to LowEndBox users! You may recognise Corey, as he previously ran YourDomainGoesHere. These offers are valid until the 21st April.
| VPS2
| VPS3
BitAccel has not been around for long and this is in fact their first ever post on LowEndBox. According to their blog, they officially launched on 15th January this year. Corey mentions that whilst they only currently operate out of the ColoCrossing Buffalo, New York datacenter: “we will be expanding with IOFlood in Arizona and Quadranet in Dallas very soon so we are not ‘just another buffalo provider'”. He also informs us that this 55% recurring discount may perhaps be “the best we will ever be able to offer”. Let’s hope that BitAccel are around for many years to come and keep providing us with offers!
As BitAccel are with ColoCrossing, they do not currently provide IPv6. Come on Jon – It’s 2013 not 2003 :-) If you’re not happy with the service you receive, BitAccel offer a 7 day moneyback guarantee. You can currently pay for their services via PayPal, but we are told that Payza is a coming soon. Before signing up, you may want to have a read of their Terms to make sure everything is okay.
Network Information:
Test IPv4:
Test File:
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The following is the bench results of VPS1, snappy connection and i/o
This is my first time using virtpanel, i would say it is cool. It has information on user beancounters, backups, Disk inodes, outofband console and reboot as well..
CPU model : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1240 V2 @ 3.40GHz
Number of cores : 1
CPU frequency : 3400.013 MHz
Total amount of ram : 1024 MB
Total amount of swap : 1024 MB
System uptime : 16 min,
Download speed from CacheFly: 47.5MB/s
Download speed from Coloat, Atlanta GA: 27.2MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Dallas, TX: 25.5MB/s
Download speed from Linode, Tokyo, JP: 4.73MB/s
Download speed from Linode, London, UK: 15.2MB/s
Download speed from Leaseweb, Haarlem, NL: 12.2MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Singapore: 4.87MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Seattle, WA: 13.8MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, San Jose, CA: 15.5MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Washington, DC: 75.0MB/s
I/O speed : 238 MB/s
1 GB Vswap isn’t mentioned in the plan. Is this the same?
I assume so, however lets other people who have bought / Corey can confirm this..
Everyone has 1GB Vswap right now… it’s a misconfiguration… I haven’t decided if I’m going to add it to the plans or remove it yet.
I feel as if I should warn you, your billing is a bit messed up. I am on your site and If I choose vps3 in NY and then apply the 5dol2gb code on an annual plan it tells me I only have to pay $5 per annum, with a $159 discount… that can’t be right.
Thank you that has been fixed.
Thank you very much for the listing. I would like to point out that we now offer 2Checkout.
wow… low price
Thank you!
Do you use any kind of RAID ?
Do you backup? If yes how often and is it accesible to Users ?
Yes we have raid10. We do not backup customer data as of yet but that is a planned feature. Thank you for your interest!
Corey has been working his butt off on getting this venture up to his expectations. Only good things ahead!
Thank you for your kind words! :)
Thank you for the inexpensive VPS servers.
Quote :
“We reserve the right to block/filter or throttle ports and/or ip address ranges to ensure other customers are able to enjoy a quality product.”
Seems broadly restrictive
People who understand the hosting business wouldn’t be offended, as this is how such issues are dealt with in reality. Rent/Buy a condominium and you will most probably read more stringent rules printed there. I appreciate the provider for being upfront and transparent about this…
This basically means… if you are using the whole port and noone else has any bandwidth then we will throttle you.
Or if you are getting DDOSed we will null route your ip.
I haven’t decided if I should make it more strict to the two rules I just mentioned… or leave it broad like that in case something comes up.
Thanks for the clarification, Corey. Nullrouting the ip instead of immediate termination of subscription on an inbound attack is certainly a pro of your package. Torrents and p2p are banned though?
Yes torrenting and p2p is frowned upon. We will get DMCA notices and being a USA based business we will have to suspend you.
TOS and activities considered abusive also seem much more stringent than some of the other LEB providers.
Well I’ve been in the industry for about 5 years now and that TOS has literally evolved over time. IF you have a specific issue about it please let me know and I’ll see what I can do for you.
i follow the link and have this message for a year of OpenVZ VPS – NY-VPS2: “The promotion code you entered has been applied to your cart but no items qualify for the discount yet – please check the promotion terms”
Try changing to monthly payment.
I’m sorry LEB55 is not available for yearly payment terms. We may run a yearly promotion in the near future though since there is interest in it.
While I’ve read your ToS, and it is quite vague [as is to be expected,] I would like to know if you allow running chat bots. I’m a developer and would like to host one or two of my bots [mainly for logging] on a VPS like this. The bot is self-made, and is for the deviantART Message Network (dAmn).
In the future, I may also host a small emulation of dAmn (also self made) for a few people. This would of course be on a static port, though it wouldn’t take many resources at all. This if course is optional.
Sure all of that sounds perfectly fine! Thank you!
Are you sure your test file is working ?
Sorry, fixed that.
Still not working.
I added the rule back to iptables for some reason it was removed again.
test file not working for me
Got that fixed, sorry about that.
When will Payza? I want to try
Are you not able to pay via 2checkout Sonic?
How do you allocate CPU? Any policy to prevent oversell….?
I guess Tim’s policy applies to CPU usage in LEB market. Use it as much as you want but don’t be a dick ;).
I assume, as long as you are not affecting other users on the same node, no one is going to complain.
Seriesn you said it exactly right.
Just don’t be a dick! :) It’s a fair share of CPU right now.
2checkout seems to be very long in order to pay,
I have paid with 2checkout yesterday for a VPS1 at 10:30pm (GMT+1) and today at 6:00pm (GMT+1) the order isn’t processed yet… (2checkout still saying : Order Not Yet Processed – REAUTH Date: 04/06/2013)
I apologize fror the issue, usually everyone else gets processed as soon as they order. 2Checkout is a new payment processor for us.
hey..will u install webmin in vps purchsed and set rdns.dkim and php/imap module .my sql/post sql ?
Hey Kunal I replied to your ticket with us, while we do not usually do this as we are an unmanaged provider, if you order anything over a vps1 I will be glad to do this for you this one time.
Want to try smaller package and if I like will upgrade. Are discounts lifetime on upgrades?
If you mention this lowendbox post I will let you have the discount on an upgrade Shawn. Thank you for your inquiry!
None of the ip addresses in the 192,210.150.130 range are working so all new orders will not be able to access their vps unless they are using the virtpanel console at this time. Either us or our dc must have made a mistake upon assignment of these ip addresses and we are working to get this resolved. We will keep you updated and assign you an address out of the correct range as soon as possible if you make a new order. Thank you for your patience! – same update but on twitter. Be sure to follow us for live updates.
This issue has been resolved. Thank you for your patience!
you guys dont have a automated ticket system generation on mailing to mailed an hour before not even automated reply corey..plz check as i susepct service blues on for clients..plz revert
I think the email might be, I sent a ticket yesterday through the site and got an automated response from that address.
No the correct email is I had the auto responder turned off.
Here is a ServerBear-Benchmark for the VPS1 :
There was some disk IO abuse when you did that serverbear. The results look way better now since I cleared the abuse.
Another one :
price for additional bandwidth and diskspace?
Once you are upgraded all the way to vps6 I can offer you additional bandwidth and diskspace, or if you open a ticket I can probably come up with a custom solution for you.
Do you guys have any problems with clients hosting IRC systems or some other chat server on the VPS3 plan???
No that will not be a problem.
6 years after support response to email to
Sorry I was sleeping.
Pretty long time to wait for support, lol
Yea that was a funny comment :) I was hibernating….but anyway I hired 3 new support people to handle support when I’m offline.
sorry 6 hours after support response to email to
Sorry I had to sleep.
I can’t access SSH in ubuntu OS. how can I enable it :D
Please open a ticket with us about this issue if you haven’t already.
I bought a server and the IP I was given did not work, ugh.. What a waste of $3.15.
What do you mean? That issue has been resolved. We also posted up there ^^^ about that issue, and on our twitter.
I bought the lower VPS1 package and so far so good :D I didn’t really need it at the moment but will in the upcoming months. Anybody know if I keep the discount if I upgrade to a different tier.
I usually don’t let people keep the discount, but if you mention this thread I’ll let you.
Does that apply to me as well? Would like to start with tier-1 and upgrade if required in a couple of months if required.
Can I point to here as well?
Yes – no problem.
Just bought the VPS3 package with the coupon code. Probably just bad timing on my part, but now the site isn’t able to load! Sorta funny since the reason I’m here in the first place is due to an extended outage with my current VPS provider. Hope things are up and running again soon.
Actually, it looks like it’s back up now, just seconds after I posted. Looking forward to trying things out!
The datacenter our main website server is on is supposed to be sending an RFO soon. All we know is we lost network connectivity. All vps customers were still online.
We got the RFO from the DC on our website outage the other day – view it here….
I tried applying the code to OpenVZ VPS – LA-VPS3 monthly and it gave me the no item to apply to error. Take my money already! :)
I just added it to the LA items, when we ran this promotion we didn’t even have los angeles :)
I would like to provide a strong recommendation for BitAccel. BA-Corey is very sharp technically, and his customer support is the best. This is a superb offer, not to be missed.
Disclaimer: No relationship to BitAccel or BA-Corey, other than as a satisfied customer.
hey..your servers are experiencing outagE?ip not pinging ?wake up guys and do ur job
hi correy. my VPS go Down,
Error: Warning: Unknown iptable module: ipt_comment, skipped Setting CPU units: 100000 CT configuration saved to /etc/vz/conf/0.conf Warning: Unknown iptable module: ipt_comment, skipped Starting container… Container is mounted Adding IP address(es): RTNETLINK answers: Network is down vps-net_add ERROR: Unable to add route ip route add dev venet0 Container start failed (try to check kernel messages, e.g. “dmesg | tail”) Killing container … Container was stopped Container is unmounted Warning: Unknown iptable module: ipt_comment, skipped Container is not running
n my VPS can’t be restart
Doesn’t this company provide an official support ticket system?
yes, but they have not responded
My VPS few hours is down too and support don’t reply I really disappointed.
hey folks
it seems this is a one man service company..if corey sleeps no one to attend support and corey plz post in LEB that your support system works only in working hours 12 hrs of service . of USA and after that no one to care to respond ..its wake up
I’ve hired 3 more support staff to handle support while I’m asleep.
I’ve replied to everyone, the DC had screwed up routing for a single ip range on our server. I’m sorry about this issue and will be releasing an RFO later today.
Thank you correy for resolved this problem, my VPS can UP again :D
Must say I’m very pleased with my VPS1 plan, and never seen such a great offer.
Initially had problems with the IP but it was resolved and my ticket was answered.
I recommend this service
Another satisfied client for BitAccell, a great offer for a great VPS.
@BA-Corey If only you could setup a team of support that would be appreciated
I did actually. I hired several support staff about 3 days ago.
I think after I complete the payment process server can immediately I get, but I did not. I just get confirmation that the payment has been paid.
How long can I get this VPS?
Invoice #403
Amount Due: $3.15 USD
Due Date: 16/04/2013
Solved … Thank you :)
I have been using la vps1 for personal open vpn server. But the connection speed is very slow its mentioned that the server is on 1Gbps port so why is that i am facing connection speed issues.
Sometime the data connection freezes also.
Please fix the issue as soon as possible.
The connection is just fine, we’ve already pointed this out in the tickets and you said you understood.
promotion has expired code is no longer valid
There is an even better offer
I would personally stay away from this company. Took my money and have yet to setup my VPS. It could be due to the fact that they can not handle the amount of clients they are getting. Also, I have heard that their VPS connection on the Los Angeles servers is not stable. Basically means you can not run a person VPN or game server.
Its weird since I dont recall anything such as this happen to me. Dont spread anything based on rumour it is better if you speak from your experience.
That’s crap. I installed a OpenVPN server on my LA VPS yesterday and I’ve had it connected to my home computer for the whole time. Zero downtime.
all I got suspend vps services
new vps using the services of bitaccel been suspended, not recomendasi, less professional service is not satisfactory, I rented 8 vps in bitaccel suspend all affected. new used a few days. the reason I did the offense, bitaccel is a scam
So am I ,
I have rent 2 Bitaccel VPS and Until now the server is not accessible.
Same. Service has been having packet loss issues for the past week, and now it’s been down for 18 hours. Matter of fact, most of the DNS records seem unresolvable, so something bad is happening.
I’m searching for a different provider. Avoid this if you care about uptime.
I apologize for the issues. We were facing a lot of DDOS on the LA1 node.
You were capping the CPU on every one of your vpses. There are only 4 cores on our vps and you were trying to use 8 dedicated to you. That’s not how it works. These cores are shared.
How is dmca notice handled? If i ugrade to higher plan, does the coupon still apply?
Depends on the complaint, if you are torrenting and get a DMCA about it – that is strictly forbidden via our TOS and you will be suspended.
If you have a questionable website that you get a DMCA on you will have the chance to correct the issue before beign suspended.
The coupon is no longer valid and will not apply to any future orders – sorry about that. Thank you Joel!
Server has been offline for the past day. Hopefully they will fix it within this weekend.
Alright looks like all the data is intact and servers are back up. It would be nice if there was a SLA that you guys could offer so the customers won’t have to go through the anxiety of downtime.
I agree with Soulcyon on this one. I happy that all my longs nights work hasn’t been lost, but the almost 24 hours of down time wasn’t fun. I know that paying next to nothing wouldn’t mean 100% up time.
I also found it a little bit funny that my invoice arrived half way though the downtime. Made me giggle a little bit.
I apologize for the issues. We were facing a lot of DDOS on the LA1 node.
Is there promotion code again?
i need this vps please
Paid my first bill to Corey when I realized they were offering 2gb ram instead of 1.5 gb from when I got my package for same money :(, login n guess what? even I have 2 gigs. :)
Then I had doubts about the gigabit b/w, 60 odd megs to another gigabit server in LA. :D
1 support ticket for a question about a CSR for ssl cert was pretty quickly answered.
Awesome service, very happy!
They are liar, stolen your money. I have bough a new vps with their promotion for 5$. After that it take longer time for waiting to activation. When I see again my vps status, they cancelled my order. And no refund.
If your order was cancelled it was refunded by our payment gateway. Do not post false reviews please.
I had my server activated in minutes. After one day it was painfully slow. Looking at their stats the server was over 40 in load… They offered to move to a new server. My VPS was taken down. Now it is starting the third day with my server down. The last time they told me they had to wait for a third party to enter its working hours (curious idea of 24×7 support), and this was yesterday. No info about the time my server will be up again.
Must consider this as a best effort service, their biggest mistake is NOT communicating with customers correctly.
Fourth day down starting. Today is a working day, let’s hope…
I’m sorry about the issues in August, care to post the resolution?
ny3 now it’s been 18 hours down and support don’t reply I really disappointed.
If you’d bother to check, you’d see that this comment explains why.
Every time I’ve had downtime in the multiple months I’ve been a customer of BitAccel, the service has been restored quickly and my questions answered. Most every time it’s do to either an abusive client, or the ISP hosting that particular server not communicating with BitAccel.
NY3 will be back up (along with the rest) once the problem is sorted out. For now, just be patient.
whether it can use in paying Payza?? I want to try it
No we do not accept Payza, we use 2checkout and paypal.
Seems too ironic and irresponsible tone,
All cancellations require a 30 day notice, failure to do so could result in penalties.
We do not warrant our services. There will be no account credits for any downtime or losses incurred.
Want business but no liability!
Is there promotion code again?
Is there promotion code again?
Please contact me directly regarding this.
Finally it’s working now.