LowEndBox - Cheap VPS, Hosting and Dedicated Server Deals

BitAccel - $4.55/month 1GB OpenVZ VPS in Dallas, Texas, USA


Corey, from BitAccel, is back with an offer for the LowEndBox community. They are giving a 35% off on all their packages on monthly, semi annual, and annual vps plans in Dallas, Texas recurring. This is an exclusive offer and the coupon code is LEB35OFF. So a big thanks to Corey!


  • 2 CPU core
  • 1GB RAM
  • 60GB SSD Cached storage
  • 1TB bandwidth
  • 1Gbps uplink
  • 1x IPv4 address
  • OpenVZ/SolusVM
  • $$4.55/month
  • Coupon: LEB35OFF
  • Order here

BitAccel has been in Business since January 2013 and has been featured multiple times here at LowEndBox. Reviews are generally positive. Their last feature was about a year ago and they made several improvements for this offer. The host nodes now are using SSDs for caching and processors are now E5’s instead of E3’s. Another good news to consider – they now own all their hardware and they have their own ARIN allocation. This is a sign that BitAccel is in for the long term and that customers don’t need to change their IPs in case of changing their datacenter.

Host nodes for this offer have e5 2620 or higher processors with hard drives in hardware raid10 using Samsung 840 Pros with FlashCache. BitAccel provides a status page of their servers at http://stats.bitaccel.com/. I believe BitAccel made a lot of improvements this year, so congratulations to them. For those who will try to sign up, kindly share us your feedback at the comments section below.

BitAccel accept payments via Paypal and credit cards only. BitAccel offer a 7 day moneyback guarantee, so it is fairly safe to try their service first before making long term commitments. IPv6 is not yet supported. As always, kindly read their Terms of Service carefully before making any purchase.

Network Information:

Test IPv4:
Test File:


  1. LEB35OFF is just a one-time discount – FYI.

    April 19, 2015 @ 3:20 pm | Reply
  2. David:

    No Bitcoins are accepted?

    April 20, 2015 @ 10:13 am | Reply
    • BA-Corey:

      Hi David we haven’t had much demand for that payment platform. I don’t have a problem implementing it though. Private message me on lowendtalk @Corey

      April 20, 2015 @ 4:58 pm | Reply
  3. Kato:

    Is ti with windows included ?

    April 21, 2015 @ 4:45 pm | Reply
    • BA-Corey:

      No this is the openvz virtualization platform so you can’t use windows here.

      April 21, 2015 @ 5:13 pm | Reply
  4. emg:

    I have been a BitAccel customer since they opened for business over two years ago. Before that, I was a customer of Corey’s previous VPS service which he sold to a large company – I still have that VPS, too. The reason I signed up for a BitAccel VPS was because of the quality service I got previously.

    My BitAccel VPS has given me the best value for the money. It has the best performance (network, processor, disk) of any VPS I own from different vendors. All of them are at the same price point. BitAccel is responsive to support requests, but I must admit that I have not submitted many requests. In my opinion, this offer is one of the best values I have seen on LEB for a while.

    Disclaimer: I have no affiliation with Corey or BitAccel other than as satisfied customer.

    April 23, 2015 @ 9:19 pm | Reply
    • BA-Corey:

      Thank you for your kind words :)

      April 23, 2015 @ 11:19 pm | Reply
  5. ole:

    oh BitAccel should have bitcoins as payment )) your name say it =))

    April 25, 2015 @ 8:03 pm | Reply
  6. Sabahat:

    I need 3 Ips with my “OpenVZ VPS1” ! ?

    April 28, 2015 @ 4:54 am | Reply
    • BA-Corey:

      Please open a ticket once you have ordered and we can add your ip addresses for $1 each.

      April 29, 2015 @ 5:51 pm | Reply
  7. boffin:

    I would like to know if it is allowed to use your vps as a socks5 proxy (or setup an openvpn) for example to listen to music on pandora (I am located in Europe)? I have not found anything about that in your TOS. It looks like for instance k9vps does not permit that. Also, what is the maximum CPU load before one gets kicked? I am planning to setup the R Shiny Server to do some math computations, which might take 100% of cpu but only for 5-10 mins every 2-3 hours. Additionally I would like to have the wordpress and owncloud there as well. So, can I safely use such setup or I shold fear that one day my account will be suspended?;)

    April 28, 2015 @ 7:20 pm | Reply
    • BA-Corey:

      Yes you can use your vps as a socks5 proxy. As far as your CPU usage goes, please open a ticket with us.

      April 29, 2015 @ 5:52 pm | Reply
  8. Loli Lover:

    I have been a BitAccel consumer since they started for work over one thousand days ago. Before that, I was a consumer of Corey’s previous VPS provider which he bartered to a huge company – I still had that VPS, too. The reason I signing up for a BitAccel VPS was because of the extraordinary quality hyperservice I got previously.

    My BitAccel VPS has given me the absolute best value for the dough. It has the best super powerful computers for rent (network, processor, disk) of any VPS I own from different sellers. All of them are at the same price dot. BitAccel is uberresponsive to support requests, but I must admit that I have submitted many requests. In my opinion, this offer is one of the best values I have seen on LEB ever. If you don’t join them then you are slower than a tape disk.

    April 29, 2015 @ 6:48 pm | Reply
    • BA-Corey:

      I cant help but notice 99% of this comment was copied from emg.

      May 7, 2015 @ 5:48 pm | Reply
  9. LEB35OFF expired :(

    August 6, 2015 @ 3:51 pm | Reply
  10. Chrispm84:

    I’ve been a bitaccel customer for years now. I went to pay for my server this month, which was a deal posted on LowEndBox years ago. My monthly cost went from $7/month to $45/month. What is going on? I’m certainly not paying that for the specs on this server. What’s going on Corey? Please reply to my ticket.

    March 14, 2019 @ 11:56 pm | Reply

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