LowEndBox - Cheap VPS, Hosting and Dedicated Server Deals

Bluemile Cloud - $4.90 128MB OpenVZ VPS

Bluemile Cloud Via this offer on WHT. Bluemile Cloud was only launched last month according to the WHOIS records, and currently has 30% off recurring discount with promo code SAVE30. That brings their cheapest VPS offer down to $4.90/month, with the following specification:

  • 128MB guaranteed/256MB burstable memory
  • 5GB storage
  • 500GB/month data transfer
  • OpenVZ/Custom panel

Bluemile Cloud is part of the Bluemile Inc which has been in business since 2003, and currently owns all their hardware in Columbus OH. They even have their own custom control panel on top of either OpenVZ or VMWare virtual servers that they are selling (which is pretty impressive).

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  1. Thanks for listing us on your website! I just wanted to clarify our server spec’s.

    We have (3) Cisco UCS Blade Chassis, with 8 blades each totally 24 blades that power our VPS environment :) Each blade has Dual Xeon E5540 CPU’s, 48GB RAM and SAN Attached Disk. You can see a picture of this here on our datacenter photo stream. :)

    Cisco UCS – http://www.flickr.com/photos/bluemile/4497477493/in/set-72157623790028428/
    EMC SAN – http://www.flickr.com/photos/bluemile/4498113394/in/set-72157623790028428/

    April 27, 2010 @ 1:09 am | Reply
  2. I moved my web site with over 7,000 beta testers from SliceHost onto Bluemile Cloud last week.

    They have EMC Clariion SAN storage (over a quarter of a petabyte in RAID 10 – [16 path] fibre connected config), and those specs mentioned above (3 UCS blades, 8 chassis, 24 blades, etc.) – comes out to VPS’s being hosted on a grid of clusters with 8 blade servers each, where each cluster (and thus all VPS’s on it) share 64 cores, 161.66 GHz and 383.52 GB of total resources!

    All I can say is – AWESOME!

    – iBetaTest.com

    April 27, 2010 @ 6:55 pm | Reply
  3. Drakeor:

    I have been with this guys since for about 4-5 days now and I must say, they are an absolutely great host. Their network is extremely fast, and the quality of their nodes is more then what I expected from the a low budget provider. Their custom control panel was actually quite nice as well.

    I really recommend these guys. Even if their plans aren’t are large as the other providers (which means they may be less as likely to be overselling), their quality is amazing.

    May 3, 2010 @ 1:29 pm | Reply
  4. Nickolai Leschov:

    I’m considering this hosting provider, since they seem solid to me and the offers look not bad, even without the promo code. There’s been surprisingly few comments on it. Please share your experiences!

    @Petar, I see that your venture is working – good luck with it! Care to share your experiences with regard to hosting?
    – are you still on Bluemile Cloud?
    – what plan(s) do you use?
    – what are you running on your VPS’s, software-wise?
    – how do your VPS’s put up with that?

    September 4, 2010 @ 9:27 pm | Reply
  5. Radoslav:

    Great hardware … awful support, non flexible (billing team bla team)
    -non flexible,
    -not understanding what you ask
    -no refunds policy!
    -serious downtimes (hours)

    September 29, 2011 @ 7:27 pm | Reply

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