Justin, from BlueVM, has got three different yearly specials for us, located in six different locations (Buffalo (NY), Chicago, Los Angeles, Dallas, Atlanta & Zurich, Switzerland). These are all exclusive to LEB.
| BLUE3 OpenVZ
| BLUE4 OpenVZ
BlueVM Communications LLC are based in Honolulu and are dedicated to offering “low cost, high quality Virtual Private Servers (VPS)”. Their hardware consists of primarily Intel E3-1240 servers (@ 3.4GHz) with 32 GB of RAM and 4 x 1 or 2 TB RAID10 Hard Drives. We have featured BlueVM numerous times since early 2012. As you may have read on our forum, BlueVM have developed their own control panel called Feathur. A review of their service (which includes Feathur screenshots & serverbear link) can be found here. If you sign up, let us know how you get on.
BlueVM accept PayPal, Google Checkout and Bitcoin (upon request). Due to abuse of their previous refund policy, they no longer offer refunds on their services except in special cases. They provide a 99.99% uptime guarantee and provide service credits if they fail to meet this. According to their website, they undersell (typically they leave 500GB of HDD space free and 2-4GB of ram free). For more information, have a read of their Terms of Service.
Network Information:
Zurich, Switzerland => Test IP: s1.zu.bluevm.com, http://s1.zu.bluevm.com/100mb.test
Buffalo, New York => Test IP: s1.ny.bluevm.com, http://s1.ny.bluevm.com/100mb.test
Chicago, Illinois => Test IP: s1.il.bluevm.com, http://s1.il.bluevm.com/100mb.test
Los Angeles, California => Test IP: s1.ca.bluevm.com, http://s1.ca.bluevm.com/100mb.test
Atlanta, Georgia => Test IP: s1.atl.bluevm.com, http://s1.atl.bluevm.com/100mb.test
Dallas, Texas => Test IP: s1.tx.bluevm.com, http://s1.tx.bluevm.com/100mb.test
Kansas City, Missouri (Transfer upon request only)
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Just as a FYI speed tests may be a bit slow as a large number of people are downloading them right now…
I assume that would include Zurich, since it is quite bad even within Switzerland.
just tested a few times from Germany but Zurich test file was not downloading over more than 1.0 M/s, compared to an other testserver in CH where i got more than 50 M/s.
Does anyone have the same test measurements?
My are fine for Swiss : 6+ MB/s
Stock out.. hoping to catch this offer before it closes.. can I put my name on one? :)
There servers are tediously slow and the cpus are maxed out.
Super cheap but not actually fit for anything.
No KVM in CH?? Damn
We’ll likely have an offer there within the next month or two…
Can’t wait. Please give current customer first dibs :)
Just wonder, what mean -1 on quantity sold VPS, someone buy 0? Please provide benchmark..:D
“The promotion code you entered has been applied to your cart but no items qualify for the discount yet – please check the promotion terms”
sellect yearly
Is this a lifetime discount?
All of our discounts are lifetime discounts :)
I did their anniversary deal. Solid performance, good network. That was 3x512MB KVM for $7/month for six months. I like more HDD space though so I might jump on this one.
BLUE4 OpenVZ,2GB RAM,2GB vSwap,100GB Diskspace,it’s very huge and cheap,very nice offer ! thank you Justin!
The ToS offers a 99.95% uptime guarantee, while the post states 99.995%. Which is true?
Although I think I’m getting one either way. :)
I’d like to add: their main page states 99.995% as well, under “Uptime Guarantee”.
Basically if it lasts longer than 12 minutes contact us for a credit.
That’s 99.972% on a 30-day month, which is really great. I probably wouldn’t notice downtime unless it’s for hours at a time, but maybe you should get your main page and ToS to match? 99.995% is something like 2 minutes per month, lots of potential for misunderstandings from bad ping test results or Cloudflare issues and such.
Is support on weekend available? Been long not with you guys. I’m sure lot of changes now. Thank you.
Support is available on the weekends.
thanks boss
I think your support have problems.
To get a reply, you need to wait a minimum 24 hours(many times 2-3 days).
Too long!
What are you waiting on a reply for? Simple queries are answered in minutes. If you have something advanced, yes it can take a day it really depends.
Oh, so it is! Time difference + weekends = at least Spend China 24 hours :D
Ah yeah that can make a difference. We’ve been working on increasing our overnight presence which seems to be helping with that.
What does it mean?
“Due to abuse of their previous refund policy, they no longer offer refunds on their services except in special cases. They provide a 99.995% uptime guarantee and provide service credits if they feel to meet that.”
If server doesn’t work they do not provide refund? 99.995% is 44 hours down per year. What if it is more?
Your account gets credited with us for any downtime exceeding our policy. If the downtime is longer than 12 minutes you can submit a ticket for the outage.
As an example if it was down for 1 hour during a month and you purchased our $15 offer above that would mean your account would be credited $0.03 for that time. You can use that credit on another VPS or as part of the payment for your VPS next year. It may not sound like much, but if there’s a big outage (unlikely, but it does happen) you could potentially get a good chunk of your bill taken care of next year…
So if the server is down for 5 days i can not get refund to move to a better one.
That is our refund policy (no refunds). You could of course pick a different location…
Other words no matter how bad service you provide you keep the money. Is that even legal?
Can you give me one reason why if someone for one month can’t get proper service with you can not get refund for remaining 11 months.
It is legal and a large number of companies have this policy. You’re paying for a VPS for a year whether you use it or not. The price listed here is as affordable as it is because your locking in your space on the server for that time. If you want to pay monthly open a ticket and we can invoice you $2.50 per month.
That didn’t answer the question.
“Can you give me one reason why if someone for one month can’t get proper service with you can not get refund for remaining 11 months.”
What you want to suck people in then if they are not happy you don’t let them to get refund.
I experienced it with chicagovps. They just robbed me of for 2 servers $60 and $25. I paid then have to wait for a month until they fix problems and I can’t get refund. Who can have his site down for a month?
Then pay monthly and cancel the second you aren’t happy. Problem solved.
No it is not.
Why would someone pay every months if he can pay you for 12 months in front, don’t worry for a year and be able to get refund if the service sucks.
How someone can abuse refund policy?
You really don’t understand. We’re able to sell these VPS at this price knowing that the spot you’re buying is prepaid for 1 year. This allows us to save money on marketing due to turn over, prevent spammers, abusers and ddosers from signing up, decrease the amount of time a server sits missing a few customers, etc…
It’s that price because it’s locked in for the year, eg: the space is sold we don’t have to worry about it…
If we had a refund policy we’d have spammers, etc., signup and cancel after the first month, we’d have customers find a slightly better deal only to jump ship, thus we’d end up having to wait and sell that vps slot to someone else. This costs us money and thus we’d have to pass it along to you the purchaser.
If you want to tack on 35% to the purchase price of one of those plans I’ll gladly allow you to have a refund policy on your VPS because that is the cost of allowing people to get a refund any time they like.
It is hard for me to believe $2.5 to pay for one month instead of $2 will stop anyone with bad intentions.
Do you really think $0.5 difference will stop prevent spammers, abusers and ddosers?
From my experience such policies exist only for host to protect themselves, if servers get bad and people want to leave they can’t.
For example you advertise 99.99% uptime guarantee, but if the server is down for longer you don’t let people to leave. Sever can be down for 10 days and you will refund $0.5. It ‘s a joke. I personally believe you should make some better deals with that. I appreciate your answers, hope and ticket support is so fast:-)
You have payments fees as well with each payments. And possible administrative costs for when you don’t pay and such. It’s just covering costs.
99.995 % actually means 26 minutes of downtime per year, *not* 44 hours.
That’s correct.
Sme slow writes.
Which server are you on? I’d like to see why it’s that low. It might be due to the new people on it, but I’d rather confirm it isn’t abuse.
This IO is regular, sometimes even lower
can you change my node to this BLUE3 OpenVZ.
Do not use oflag=dsync, use oflag=fdatasync.
Indeed, by using such a large count, small block size along with “oflag=dsync” honestly he’s not testing any real life performance. All that does is abuse the drive’s write cache, and that would make the test completely irrelevant to real-world performance.
Use ioping and “dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=16k conv=fdatasync” to get a fairly accurate idea of what your VPS disk performance is like.
I use “oflag=dsync”. because in our country, they say this is the right test method.
Do you guys have any issues with any of your IPs being blacklisted for spam? My current VPS provider has their IP block blacklisted on SORBS and one other list.
@Charles – To our knowledge no. You’re welcome to check though:
Awesome. Thanks for the response!
我认为BLUE4 OpenVZ的2GB RAM,2GB vSwap,100GB Diskspace这是个非常不错的选择,因为它非常便宜。感谢。
I think BLUE4 OpenVZ of 2GB RAM, 2GB vSwap, 100GB Diskspace This is a very good choice, because it is very cheap. Thanks.
@Charles – To our knowledge no. You’re welcome to check though:
Nice offer :)
Must..not..resist…. ;)
Must… resist… urge… to… resist…
Would you allow SEO tools to be installed and run in your VM environment?
@Sam – Yes, I don’t see why not…
Just grabbed a 2GB VPS in Dallas. Feathur looks really nice and the VPS will cost me about half of what I am paying currently, but it’s not SSD, which is ok for what I will be using it for.
CPU model : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1270 V2 @ 3.50GHz
Number of cores : 7
CPU frequency : 2000.042 MHz
Total amount of ram : 2048 MB
Total amount of swap : 2048 MB
System uptime : 1:07,
Download speed from CacheFly: 52.7MB/s
Download speed from Coloat, Atlanta GA: 42.1MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Dallas, TX: 51.0MB/s
Download speed from Linode, Tokyo, JP: 8.23MB/s
Download speed from i3d.net, NL: 9.77MB/s
Download speed from Leaseweb, Haarlem, NL: 9.89MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Singapore: 5.96MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Seattle, WA: 22.8MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, San Jose, CA: 30.0MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Washington, DC: 35.1MB/s
I/O speed : 106 MB/s
I/O is slower than my original 256MB VPS at SecureDragon, but the transfer speeds are better, at least in the US.
@Charles – Dallas is currently the most popular location so I/O should go back up once everyone is done installing their software and done DD testing the node. I’ve gotten 380 MB/s on these nodes before (when “full”).
Good to know, thanks.
My SSD VPS hits around 600MB/sec when I ran benchmarks on it. ~300MB/sec is very good. It’s good to find a company that has locations that aren’t on the West and East coasts.
Sidenote, I ran a blacklist check and the IP I was assigned is all good. Definitely a good deal.
Nothing can beat an SSD anyway, you aren’t paying for that :)
Curious to see the disk I/O, would someone mind posting some dd tests?
Dallas, Texas:
[root@s1 ~]# dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=16k conv=fdatasync
16384+0 records in
16384+0 records out
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 6.46335 s, 166 MB/s
Atlanta, Georgia
[root@ ~]# dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=16k conv=fdatasync
16384+0 records in
16384+0 records out
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 9.29373 s, 116 MB/s
Chicago, Illinois:
[root@s1 ~]# dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=16k conv=fdatasync
16384+0 records in
16384+0 records out
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 9.12524 s, 118 MB/s
Zurich, Switzerland:
root@zu1:~# dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=16k conv=fdatasync
16384+0 records in
16384+0 records out
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 7.04437 s, 152 MB/s
Hopefully that gives you a general idea…
Zurich, Switzerland:
dd if=/dev/zero of=test bs=64k count=16k conv=fdatasync && rm -rf test
16384+0 records in
16384+0 records out
1073741824 bytes (1.1 GB) copied, 64.7689 s, 16.6 MB/s
— / (simfs /vz/private/1186) ioping statistics —
10 requests completed in 13547.0 ms, 90 iops, 0.4 mb/s
min/avg/max/mdev = 0.3/11.1/61.9/17.8 ms
CPU model : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X5570 @ 2.93GHz
Number of cores : 2
CPU frequency : 2933.512 MHz
Total amount of ram : 512 MB
Total amount of swap : 512 MB
System uptime : 6 days, 11:03,
Download speed from CacheFly: 34.1MB/s
Download speed from Linode, Atlanta, GA: 310KB/s
Download speed from Linode, Newark, NJ: 2.10MB/s
Download speed from Linode, Dallas, TX: 3.20MB/s
Download speed from Linode, Tokyo, JP: 2.11MB/s
Download speed from Linode, London, UK: 23.0MB/s
Download speed from Leaseweb, Haarlem, NL: 35.9MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Singapore: 970KB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Seattle, WA: 5.89MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, San Jose, CA: 2.91MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Washington, DC: 13.9MB/s
I/O speed : 12.8 MB/s
$15 for 512MB in CH? JUST TAKE MY MONEY.
Are you planning on providing IPv6 connectivity at some point?
@Sebastian – In Switzerland we will be offering IPv6 this weekend. The other locations are waiting for our datacenter to route IPv6.
just ordered a vps in CH, but the whois appears to be localized in usa :\
I’m getting the same thing – just waiting for maxmind to update?
The IP block is not owned by BuyVM. It is in Switzerland, but it is registered to Cogent in the United States.
It’s silly because RIPE is low on IPs, so…
ping ~=328ms to LA but only ~=283ms to TX, both from Bangkok…. Texas is quite good and California pretty bad!!! Any comment?
@Ben – Well routing has pretty much always gone through Colorado to get to China… In this case it looks like Texas has a better route to Colorado than LA does at the moment.
Too late to enjoy your promotion :-( but you may help anyway.
A little traceroute from Thailand:
It seems that “tinet.net” (Colorado really?) adds ~=60ms.
Any idea why? Or how to avoid it?
no BLUE1
Unfortunately, no… just BLUE2 – 4 :)
@BlueVM, when you’ll have Zurich BLUE2 back in stock (if) ?
CH is sold out. :(
Any chance you’ll be adding more?
CH BLUE2 sold out :(
Additional IPv4 available?
Yes – $1 /Mo or $10 /Yr.
How many cost additional IP? There is a possibility to install Debian7 on the VPS in Zurich.
Yes – $1 /Mo or $10 /Yr.
Yes to Debian 7 as well…
oops ( Zurich is not available. Will be still VPS in Zurich?
Also, adult 18+ websites allowed?
How about old Blue3 account until today there no news about transfer status to Feathur control panel , i still stuck because i unable to enable tun tap in my hyper control panel , before this i rise a ticket and they tell me to wait about 2 days but until now nothing happen (more than 3 week this issue still could not be solve)
im too waiting for restock on CH BLUE2!
What’s the best globally peered location of the choices? Is Atlanta good or would Dallas be better?
We’re going to have a location in New Jersey here shortly. I’ve done some testing and it’s worldwide routing is nothing short of amazing. If you’d like one there just purchase in Atlanta or Dallas and then open a ticket and we’ll move you in about a week once the node there is online…
Nice, can I move my old ATL to there too keeping specs?
Congrats on expansions, btw
I use IPv6 on VPS’s I have hosted in Chicago and Atlanta by using the he.net tunnelbroker… works just fine with very little additional latency :) I used these instructions (on Ubuntu 12.04) http://www.cybermilitia.net/2013/07/22/ipv6-tunnel-on-openvz/
Service for me so far has been nothing short of awesome. Place a ticket and it gets a fast response, and there’s a active IRC channel for consulting with other users and staff sometimes too.
One perfect thing about OpenVZ on BlueVM, they have dedicated iptables ON/OFF button on control panel,so iptable issues can be resolved without opening tickets,etc. Will be wonderful if other providers do the same with TUN/TAP and PPP – Cool :)
I’ve seen it work without a reboot as well :)
very good offer but the ping from my location is very variable, some times 150ms and many times 500ms, posible VPS for non production purposes.
How much is for additional IP ?
Yes – $1 /Mo or $10 /Yr.
Do you offer Upgrade RAM for Blue-4 ? I need 4 GB RAM + Cpanel VPS
How much the total price ?
We could do that for $20 /Mo or $180 /Yr.
You offer price $180 / yr Blue-4 with RAM 4 GB + CPanel VPS?
I mean CPanel / WHM ?
$180 US = Blue-4 Upgrade 4 GB RAM without CPanel / WHM ?
Correct me.
That includes cPanel/WHM.
Whats the typical turnaround for a high technical ticket? I ran out of inodes and opened a ticket this morning. It’s still sitting there. #564292
This should be resolved… just checked.
Awesome! Thanks! Speed is good, disk IO is good, no complaints thus far in Chicago.
@bubba – Should be answered shortly…
Has Neon development stagnated? :(
@Roph – Development is still under production. I need to publish some updates I’ve made which allow for mail accounts…
just tested a few times from Germany but Zurich test file was not downloading over more than 1.0 M/s, compared to an other testserver in CH where i got more than 50 M/s.
Does anyone have the same test measurements?
Seems BlueVM is a “reseller” of the very bad CHVPS, because they route most if his traffic over cheap HE peerings and Private Layer is the company behind CHVPS. Don’t expect good speeds from there…
None of our VPS are resold. We run our own nodes. I contacted the datacenter and they are switching our peering to tinnet sometime in the next 24 hours. I didn’t realize HE.net had such bad routing in Europe, but we’ll get this corrected.
I don’t see any bandwidth problem in Zurich, on the contrary:
Download speed from CacheFly: 35.0MB/s
Download speed from FDCServers, Vienna, AT: 21.0MB/s
Download speed from Telecoms.bg, Varna, BG: 12.0MB/s
Download speed from FDCServers, Prague, CZ: 32.2MB/s
Download speed from FDCServers, Zlin, CZ: 225KB/s <= always sucks
Download speed from Equinix, Dusseldorf, DE: 9.78MB/s
Download speed from Hetzner, Nuremberg, DE: 31.8MB/s
Download speed from Telehouse, Frankfurt, DE: 19.6MB/s
Download speed from Adamo, Barcelona, ES: 3.87MB/s
Download speed from OVH, Roubaix, FR: 23.4MB/s
Download speed from OVH, Strasbourg, FR: 25.8MB/s
Download speed from Root, Luxembourg, LU: 449KB/s
Download speed from Ecatel, Amsterdam, NL: 7.80MB/s
Download speed from EvoSwitch, Haarlem, NL: 20.0MB/s
Download speed from FDCServers, Amsterdam, NL: 2.60MB/s
Download speed from SmartDC, Rotterdam, NL: 28.2MB/s
Download speed from Softlayer, Amsterdam, NL: 30.1MB/s
Download speed from Voxility, Bucharest, RO: 1.67MB/s
Download speed from Linode, London, UK: 28.8MB/s
Download speed from Peer1, London, UK: 26.8MB/s
Download speed from Rapidswitch, Maidenhead, UK: 10.5MB/s
Download speed from Redstation, Hampshire, UK: 35.9MB/s
@netadmin – what script do you use with all those European tests?
Blue zurich not on stock
Can I get a vps in Kansas ?
You need to open a ticket.
I want to host my mail server for multiple domain, obviously, I do not intend to send spam, what is your policy about this?
That’s fine.
Do you have any ipv4 range for your Zurich location which will appear as Switzerland on ip2location.com?
If so I will buy 2-3 servers.
apparently not ….
when will i get my feather email? to set my pass
Please restock CH location if possible.
Hmm if these offers were KVM i would drool :)
We plan to have Swiss KVM soon.
Is DNS-traffic blocked? I can not use my VPS at torqhost any more as a secondary NS because they block all incoming DNS-traffic since April.
@Ironstan – You should get it immediately after the order is processed. If not, open a ticket.
@Fritz We may or may not restock. Unsure yet.
@bjo – DNS Servers are fine
114 comments. You guys probably love BlueVM.
My question: Can you offer unmetered bandwidth in any of the locations(on other port speed of course)?
@FtpIT_Radi – Normally, we wouldn’t… if you contact support and ask for Johnston (me) we’ll negotiate a deal for the unmetered port speed you desire in the location you desire :)
Are more Swiss boxes planned to be added?
@Matt – Yes. We have 2 more on order now…
Great :)
@blueVM when will i get my feathur activation mail?
@Ironstan It will be emailed immediately after payment, but some email services appear not to be receiving it.
As I said, if you haven’t received it already open a ticket and we can give it you.
Really happy with the server here!
I can’t believe I got such an amazing deal. When I saw the price I was sceptical but $15 is practically a no risk investment. I am glad I decided to try because the server works really good. There feathur control panel is amazing. I asked to be migrated between there nodes to see which one gives me best connectivity and the Jordan at the support department had everything ready faster than I can make coffee!
I have paid much more for hosting before, but rarely been so satisfied as now.
This one is measured on there NY nodes. Truly amazing!
/Happy Customer
How much is whm/cpanel monthly
how much is cpanel/whm per month
Make a support ticket. Price is USD 10/m afaik
do you still have BLUE2(LA) offer ?
also please help ticket (#268267)
i read your TOS, so legal torrent are allowed?
BLUE3, Dallas: http://serverbear.com/benchmark/2013/08/31/zZ73tvAa0BhwksPP
Started around 12:30AM August 30th, 2013 Dallas time.
got a 2GB Plan
Do you have any IP range for Zurich location which will appear as swiss IP on ip2location.com?
If i get this offer & you offer ipv6 later would i be able to get at no extra cost?
I signed up for your service in Atlanta, mainly because the Atlanta test IP was not in the 192.x range. My VPS was set up on 192.x range, though. I opened ticket 538733 asking if you can switch me to a different IP which is not in 192.x range. This IP range is not detected as USA by Google/Youtube for some reason. I had a VPS on ChicagoVPS with the same IP problem. I signed up with you guys because when I tested all locations, Atlanta was NOT coming up on 192.x IP range while the others were. My ticket about this, #538733, has not been answered yet, though. Can you please take a look? I really need the VPS to show IP recognized as USA by Google/Youtube. Thank you.
You should have a reply now.
Is it fixed for the USA location? I am interested in this package, but i need it with Youtube usa recognization.
I signed up for one in Atlanta and was assigned an IP in the range (which seems to be linked to/used by New Wave NetConnect/ChicagoVPS at some point.)
YouTube defaults to the Indonesian version, and Google.com suggests Google.co.id.
If I sign up at any open location with your deal above, is it possible to be relocated to Switzerland once your two additional units are installed?
Does Feathur have an easy way to self backup/restore the VM?
I did not see a way to do a backup/restore yourself from Feathur.
Yeah, very interested in this option, too……
CPU model : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1270 V2 @ 3.50GHz
Number of cores : 3
CPU frequency : 3500.074 MHz
Total amount of ram : 1024 MB
Total amount of swap : 1024 MB
System uptime : 2 days, 19:05,
Download speed : (58.8MB/s)
I/O speed : 144MB/s
no ch stock yet are reservations accepted? we plan on getting the blue4
@Victor Glad to hear it, happy to help.
@RR $10/month for internal use, $11 for external use.
@Mike If you ticket we can add you one.
@adfklsj Legal torrents are allowed.
@VPNArea Unfortunately not at the moment.
@jannie Yes! We have it in ZU and are also going to offer it with a tunnel elsewhere.
@Ophate We can probably re-locate you now. Ticket.
@jellysandwich Not at the minute but you can always ticket for a VZDUMP.
was wondering what I had running that was disabling the order buttons, then realised the page said -1, not 1 available
SMTP Port in Zurich is blocked, all outgoing webapp mails are rejected.
VPS was ordered yesterday.
Opened a ticket for refund. They suggest change VPS city (not european) or wait.
I think is an abuse to sell a service with blocked smtp port and transferring the problems to the customer.
Take your own conclusions
Not our fault at all. The datacenter have decided to filter the ports without letting us know. You’ve been given a reasonable option, to move to the US until they unfilter the ports for us.
I am impressed how lightly some people consider enforced move to other continent as reasonable option. If I want vps at X location and I order it because X location then Y location obviously isn’t an option as I wouldn’t order it in first place there.
From clients point of view it’s solely your responsability (or fault if you want to use this word) and if you can’t fulfill your obligation refunding at request would be a reasonable act.
We’re in exactly the same boat as the client. Annoyed and waiting. Nowhere did I say requesting a refund isn’t a reasonable act, even though our policy doesn’t allow this.
Stock out.. hoping to catch this offer before it closes.. can I put my name on one? :)
Zurich so slow …
Upload speed less 250kbytes per second.
Support said yesterday “We are aware of the issue …”, but the problem still remains.
How much for 50GB additional disk space?
how about LA any feedbacks/issues?
I just tried to put in an order for a VPS in Atlanta and hit a snag (MaxMind error) Can someone either call me or e-mail to get this resolved (Ticket Created #149759)?
Thank you
@Rafa: Interesting point. So it couldn’t be used as a 2nd MX.
Please advise if you still have space in your Zurich Data centre and whether the upload speed issue is resolved?
I am interested in the Blue4 Open VZ option.
Or Buffalo, if Zurich is not.
Is it possible to install PLESK or other control panels on it?
I’m noob on linux & hosting.
You should better get a shared hosting. A (virtualised) server is obviously not the right thing for you.
Why ?
I guess i can handle it.
A lot of tutorials out there.
I just want to know can i install hosting panel on them
and hosting multiple sites & domains?
I want to know what time again to have KVM VPS promotion it?
We will be launching new KVM services in the very near future but cannot put an exact date to this yet.
Thanks for your reply, I am looking forward …
Any plans to extend your presence in Europe (UK, Poland, Germany etc.)?
Happily purchased BLUE4@LAX 2 days ago as it was good deal obviously.
Everything works ok until last night.
Today, I cannot access my server using SSH. (I didn’t install web server yet)
I tried to check my server status from Feature control panel, it says “Error : Unable to connect to the host node, please contact BlueVM Customer Support.” and there is no options available such as rebuild, reboot, etc.
I opened ticket 30mins ago and still waiting to be fixed.
Node is being DDOSED. Working on it.
@Bill $2/month or $24/year.
@Zerocool Sorry for the inconvenience, still working on it.
@Prashanth @benryanau Ticket please, we can probably fit you in.
@DMT Yes it is possible. We can do you a cpanel license for $10/month.
Thanks Jordan.. Ticket #653089, hope to get onboard :)
Is the port filtering in Zurich still an issue or is this now resolved?
Secondly, if not, does it only effect SMTP traffic?
Please help me, I cant use my ssh.
Please ticket if you have problems with your VPS. As the notes on LEB say: Do not use LowEndBox for support issues.
Complete no refund policy doesn’t sounds good to me. You should leave option to refund on your (provider) fault. Like long outage, or non-working outbound SMTP should be the case for a complete refund. And this is against the law in many countries to deny refunds when your are unable to provide services you were paid for. Even if you hide those costs behind administrative/setup fees.
If you want to avoid spammers and other non-legitimate users, you can just state that violation of ToS are the subject for non-refund. Like many other providers do.
Indeed, but many other providers also do what we do, deny refunds completely. Abuse of the ToS is not the only reason for this. As said above, it’s also covering administrative costs. Users may be eligible for a refund in Zurich if the port block is an issue, they’ve just got to push for it.
Rent a box recently, quite decent for that lowl pricing, just a lil itchy
manage.bluevm.com use an invalid certificate.
This certificate is not valid and self-signed.
This certificate is valid only for lxlabs.com.
Why would we spend money with a certificate for manage.bluevm.com when very shortly it will be removed. Feathur transfers are not far from completion.
I am sorry, but who cares if the certificate is self signed, thus invalid. All connections are still secured by the server. “But someone may have the private key…therefore can spoof/monitor the connection”. – The NSA has Yahoo, Microsoft, DuckDuckGo, Paypal, etc’s private keys already, but you’re not complaining about them. Searching the site for issues, then complaining in public is despicable.
Who tells you that I’m not complaining about those? Just because you seem to not understand what secure access means doesn’t mean that other don’t. You’re right that a self-signed signature _may_ provide the same security. But this is only true for as long as the server that the cert was made for and that is trying to authenticate is still in control of the rightful person. But unlike you have direct personal contact to the owners of BuyVM for verification, you will not be able to judge this. To keep this straight: I don’t intend to bully against BuyVM, they provide a great service for the price. But your judgement on security is more than weak.
You mean BlueVM?
Is the port filtering in Zurich still an issue or is this now resolved?
Secondly, if not, does it only effect SMTP traffic?
Great service + great price = great experience. Thank you.
Three Questions: IPv6 support? and extra IPv4 address pricing? and do the VPS support FUSE?
Nibbit: Google Checkout (Wallet) links are invalid, they link to your old domain.
This is what they said when I request refund after just 24 hours (btw their servers were all down within this time)
Please contact us again after you have done the following:
1. Read section 8 of our terms of service (which you agreed to before signing up): https://bluevm.com/tos.php
2. When you’re willing to treat my staff with respect instead of being pissed at them for something that clearly is your fault, not theirs.
3. After you’ve learned the difference between unmanaged VPS and managed vps.
Then you may:
1. Request an account credit which you can use on another VPS of your choice.
2. Transfer your VPS to a willing third party (possibly retaining some of your funds in the process).
Best Regards,
Justin Johnston
BlueVM Communications”
Be aware of them.
I am aware of then as the offer is posted here. Don’t you mean something different? Maybe you should have a look at a translator since you seem to misinterpret some words. Maybe that also clears up what “unmanaged” means so you don’t need to spread libel and slander.
my vps are still ok with them , can you post wht ur problem
One of the best providers I’ve been with.
Such a great support and service!
I can’t say how much I like the VPS and the support! Keep the good work up!
Do You accept PAYZA ?
@Mark Lopez We support FUSE, you may have to request it. IPV6 not currently native (apart from ZU). Also additional IPv4: $1/month or $10/year.
@NA You asked for it.
@typh0n Glad to hear it. Let me know if you need anything.
@Ferry Yusdian Only PayPal, Google checkout and bitcoin.
Just for those interested: IPv6 is not available in Zurich and won’t be for some time. In my ticket with them they said it could take a while: “We’ve got a lot to work on with Feathur so it may take a while.”.
Are you related to Blue Host?
No we are not related to Blue Host… we’re a different company (BlueVM Communications LLC) and have been in operation since 2011.
Hi am I allowed to make VPN on this?
Yes you are. We allow VPN servers on our network. Both PPP and OpenVPN are supported.
Hello I want to purchase a few of these but it’s all out of stock.
We currently have stock in a few locations. If we are out of stock in the location you’d like you can always submit a ticket and have one of our technicians check and see if we have any empty spaces there…
BlueVM is always been my first choice for VPS. It’s good. If only BlueVM got IPv6, it will be perfect :D
Hello, Please Replies ticket #308595
It appears we replied to this ticket some time ago and we resolved your issue. Please let us know if you need anything else…
Bluevm damn …. vps garbage.
refund my money
Do you have a ticket number I can take a look at?
Can you do customize plan?
Unfortunately we do not offer customized plans. You can however merge any of our offers together to create a VPS of your liking.
This VPS have Very2 BAD support …. You will never get fast respon after you buy VPS from this provider.
Have your tried their IRC channel?
Do you have a ticket number I can take a look at?
I’ve used BlueVM for a year, my experience has been pretty terrible.
It’s gotten to the point where I’ve just given up on BlueVM. I don’t want to argue or bother having them fix their errors anymore.
They keep blaming my configuration (standard ubuntu configuration), but I’ve rebuilded several times from scratch on a fresh install.
The problem is basically that their service goes down a lot, and my VPS doesn’t reboot on it’s own. So basically, only use BlueVM if you plan on monitoring their server 24/7 and rebooting it manually or don’t care about uptime.
Also don’t expect them to honour their SLA unless you really fight for it.
I’ve just given up. They don’t give refunds. There’s a saying, if you lend a friend $20 and you never see it again, it was worth that $20.
Do you have a ticket number I can take a look at?
Well I doubt there’s much point, my subscription at this point is going to expire (like I said, I gave up, not worth my time fighting). You can check my traffic and cpu usage reports, I have barely touched it since I purchased it.
If you’re interested anyway to improve, ticket numbers 278455 554080 346444 290582
Here’s my uptime report for the year 2013, 196 days downtime, 33.16% uptime.
To be fair, whenever your node goes back up, my VPS has to be manually started.
But that should count as downtime too, because why shouldn’t my server automatically start when your node comes back online? It’s a fresh rebuild from your own templates.
Before you guys blame it on the configuration again, that can’t be it, because logging into the control panel and clicking ‘boot’ and it works just fine.
I got two blue3 VPS from them for my friends’ sites. These two have got suspended since last Thursday. The reason for suspension, as I check on their website, was because of overdue payment. As I sent in a ticket, Jordan Perkins at bluevm said it was because of DDoS but he could not change the default reason WHMCS suspends with, while bluevm at twitter said differently. It looks like that bluevm is very inconsistent. Even until now, when they remove the suspended status on both of my VPS, I still cannot access them because they are yet suspended on bluevm CP. I have sent in three tickets since then but got no reply.
Do you have a ticket number I can take a look at?
#617475, 10/17/2013 01:02, Please enable the VPS
#681642, 10/18/2013 04:32, Please fix the strange problem with my services
#656145, 10/17/2013 11:03, Please unsuspend the VPS
#328897, 10/19/2013 15:47, BlueVM System problem
I have very bad experience with bluevm, please unsuspend my box, after copying my data, I will request for cancellation.
The first 3 tickets (617475, 681642, 656145) were closed by you before a tech got a chance to respond (They all state “Closed by Client”). The last one was opened today. I’ve unsuspended your VPS and I’ve replied to the ticket.
Waiting three days for irresponsible replies is worth to be close because it just wastes my time.
Three days? Sorry, most of the tickets you listed weren’t even open for 1 day let alone 3. Anyway get your backup and then reply to the ticket, I’ll make an exception and refund you for your VPS.
Thank you for that. Anyway, keep your customer care system work promptly instead of chatting with me on this board.
BlueVM is FRAUD!
My IP & VM are assigned to someone else and now am locked out of my own server! They are deliberately overselling same server resources to everyone else.
I rebuilt my server twice and I have lost access and all my data – twice!
I just opened a Paypal dispute and am going to escalate this into a Fraud case unless I get a refund
Perhaps I can get some ticket numbers from you so we can look into this?
Yo BLUEVM WTH man….my server has been down send you support ticket and still not resolved?? Are you guys for real..??????????
BlueVM is down for the past two days. On website after logging saying they been Ddos. Not happy that’s it’s been down for this long and can’t access the virtual machine.
Any plan for more stock in switzerland?
I have a shared account with BlueVM and it says 50020 out of 50000 inodes used. The account has been awaiting approval for sites from management and so far has 5 empty domains on it and nothing else.
Put in a ticket yesterday, nothing so far.
Still nothing. BlueVM = fail.
Very poor service, server down and no reply from the staff… look elsewhere !!!
Can I run rtorrent? (STRICTLY for personal use and within bandwidth limits)
Zurich VPS is completely down for the last 7 days.
They respond, they cannot do anything to resolve it. They are waiting on the datacenter.
Make your own conclusions.