Vladimir @ CheapVPS has just informed me their LowEndBox KVM Special. Price? £4/month (~USD$6.56). Only 25 are available, and here’s the deal:
- 256MB memory/256MB swap
- 10GB storage
- 500GB/month data transfer
- 2 IP addresses
- KVM/SolusVM
It says “Hosted in Maidenhead, UK on our own hardware”, which would be BlueSquare. It’s KVM, which means full hardware virtualization that enables you to install also FreeBSD, NetBSD and Solaris. CheapVPS is now run by Simply Virtual Servers Ltd, a UK based company, and they seem to run other A2B2’s previous brands such as FsckVPS. Also note that the price excludes VAT, so add 20% if you are in EU and can’t be exempted.
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+1 for announcing the limits at the beginning of the sale. We’ve had hosts who kept that information quiet until after a few days after the announcement.
So this is like the 2nd or 3rd time it’s been sold?
Thank you for posting the offer for us. We are more than happy to see LEB users coming in actually. Should you also have any pre or post sales questions, feel free to fire us an email through our website. We’ll be happy to get in touch!
On a side note, company was acquired by Namesco Limited in November 2009th and we’ve been part of the group since. We have no intentions of going anywhere actually :).
The first invoice includes VAT yet I don’t live in Europe. I did create a ticket asking billing for clarification as the payment is made by PayPal subscription.
Note: I received a “Welcome to CheapVPS” e-mail sent by Simply Virtual Servers Limited. The billing ticket creation confirmation was sent by FSCKVPS Billing and the message signed by VAServe LTD.
Ticket replied to, VAT issue sorted out now!
I’m still a bit skeptical about this company because of the VAServ connection.
I’ve been with VAServ/A2B2/CheapVPS for *years* and have no intention/reason to leave. Friendly and prompt service + cheap hosting.
We did have a free beta month of KVM offerings, making sure all the people can check quality of our service, free of charge. If you have any particular doubts feel free to get in touch with us – we definitely can vouch for the quality of our revamped UK platform and encourage people to give us a try.
For those of you interested in the KVM special, here is a review that I put up about it:
Special thanks to LEA who helped me a lot in setting up the blog and also fanovpn with his comment here:
http://www.96mb.com/96mb-low-end-vps-review-part-v-cheapvps-kvm/#comment-85, which corrected some factual mistakes that I made in the writing :)