LowEndBox - Cheap VPS, Hosting and Dedicated Server Deals

ClickVPS.net – €3.74/month 1GB SSD OpenVZ in Dronten, The Netherlands


Martin, from ClickVPS.net, has written us to share an exclusive offer for the LowEndBox community. The coupon code LAUNCH25LEB will give 25% off their OpenVZ SSD plan in Dronten location. Their 1GB RAM & 25GB SSD offer will just cost €3.74 from the regular price of €4.99.

ClickVPS Model S

  • 1GB RAM
  • 1x vCPU Core (2.5GHz)
  • 25GB SSD space
  • 1TB traffic
  • 100Mbps uplink
  • 1x IPv4
  • OpenVZ
  • €4.99/month
  • €3.74/month
  • Coupon: LAUNCH25LEB
  • Order here

Please note that VAT rate depends on the location of the customer (EU MOSS VAT ruling). VAT apply for EU customers without a valid registered VAT number.

ClickVPS.net is a brand of Andrino Telecom SLU – a company incorporated in 2013 that offers IT solutions to local internet businesses. They are a registered company in Spain with EU VAT number ESB86791084. Currently, they are a team of four people with years of experience running servers. ClickVPS.net is their new low-cost brand started a few weeks ago. They own all their hardware in The Netherlands, and they operate their own fully-redundant network under the ASN 59550. These are all positive indicators that they are a serious company with long term commitment in mind to run their business. Kindly share your thoughts at the comments section below.

Supported payment methods include Credit/Debit Card & Paypal. There is a 15-day money back guarantee. I believe this is a generous amount of time for you to try their service, before making longer commitments. We are told that daily automated backups are included. Additional IPv4 costs €2 each. Kindly read their Legal / Terms of Service page before making any purchase.

Network information

Serverius – Dronten, The Netherlands
Test IPv4:
Test file: http://amsnl.lg.clickvps.net/100MB.test
Looking glass: http://amsnl.lg.clickvps.net/


  1. no refund clause

    September 16, 2015 @ 3:10 pm | Reply
  2. I mean to say in tos no refund clause

    September 16, 2015 @ 3:18 pm | Reply
    • Martin Andrino:

      Check the full TOS pdf (in spanish, you can google translate it):

      4.7. EL CLIENTE podrá disponer de un plazo de quince (15) días naturales, a partir de la fecha de alta inicial del
      servicio, para resolver estas condiciones contractuales.
      Especialmente, quedan fuera del ámbito de esta garantía, debiendo EL CLIENTE abonar su importe en dichos
      casos: las ampliaciones, los servicios adicionales, las licencias de software y las cuantías correspondientes a
      los consumos de recursos que superen los asignados al servicio contratado.
      Tras el ejercicio de este derecho de garantía, ANDRINO TELECOM reintegrará a EL CLIENTE la cuantía
      abonada por la prestación de los servicios objeto de la misma, excepto en aquellos casos en que debido a la
      naturaleza de la prestación sea imposible llevarlo a cabo, por haber sido ya disfrutado por EL CLIENTE o por
      haber incumplido este los términos de las Condiciones contractuales que le sean de aplicación.
      Fuera del plazo de garantía al que se refiere esta cláusula, EL CLIENTE no tendrá derecho a devolución
      alguna por el cese voluntario y anticipado del servicio contratado, excepto en aquellos supuestos en que la
      legislación vigente así lo prevea.
      Este derecho solo podrá ser ejercido la primera vez que EL CLIENTE contrata los servicios de CLICKVPS, y
      así mismo, CLICKVPS se reserva el derecho a realizar las investigaciones oportunas y denegar el reembolso
      en caso de que se sospeche que EL CLIENTE está intentando cometer fraude (por ejemplo, mediante la
      creación de diferentes cuentas de cliente).


      September 16, 2015 @ 4:17 pm | Reply
  3. > Currently, they are a team of four people with years of experience running servers.

    I seriously doubt he has three employees, this is just a one man show.

    > they operate their own fully-redundant network under the ASN 59550

    False, they are just at Serverius with their ASN.

    I would also love to understand why they call the location “AMSNL” in the looking glass URLs when they have zero presence in Amsterdam and are just in a cheap datacenter nearby.

    September 16, 2015 @ 3:35 pm | Reply
    • Martin Andrino:

      > I seriously doubt he has three employees, this is just a one man show.
      Don’t know where you got this information, but feel free to visit our office and meet our team, maybe I can even give you some tees :)

      > False, they are just at Serverius with their ASN.
      We never said that. Our network equipment is redundant and we have dual uplinks to the Serverius network.

      > I would also love to understand why they call the location “AMSNL” in the looking glass URLs when they have zero presence in Amsterdam
      AMS is the IATA code of the nearest airport, which is used to internally name our PoPs, such as LAX for Los Angeles. A very common practice in the industry.
      We’re present in Amsterdam with some equipment for other client, though we don’t use it for ClickVPS.net (at least currently).

      > and are just in a cheap datacenter nearby
      They’re not cheap, just reasonably priced considering the location (not within a big city). However, it’s just 1ms away from Amsterdam and they’re pretty solid!

      September 16, 2015 @ 4:26 pm | Reply
      • William:

        > We never said that. Our network equipment is redundant and we have dual uplinks to the Serverius network.

        Not sure what you think, but “fully redundant” 100% implies that you have ANOTHER upstream at least as backup – Secured connect (HSRP, LAG) to the same upstream is *not* fully redundant.

        September 16, 2015 @ 6:00 pm | Reply
        • Martin Andrino:

          > Not sure what you think, but “fully redundant” 100% implies that you have ANOTHER upstream at least as backup – Secured connect (HSRP, LAG) to the same upstream is *not* fully redundant.

          That’s your interpretation. We have a BGP session on each uplink, which is connected to different core routers in their side, which technically means that we have redundancy (no single points of failure). Anyway, we take note of your concern and we’ll clarify it on the next versions of our website.

          September 16, 2015 @ 6:09 pm | Reply
      • William:

        > They’re not cheap, just reasonably priced considering the location (not within a big city). However, it’s just 1ms away from Amsterdam and they’re pretty solid!

        Serverius is in Dronten, not in Amsterdam. You know that, and you should not promote it as AMS – it simply is not. “Near it” = not there.

        September 16, 2015 @ 6:01 pm | Reply
        • Martin Andrino:

          > Serverius is in Dronten, not in Amsterdam. You know that, and you should not promote it as AMS – it simply is not. “Near it” = not there.
          The airport itself is in Schiphol, not in Amsterdam. If it’s fine for them to “promote” it as AMS, it’s fine for me too.

          September 16, 2015 @ 6:11 pm | Reply
          • Lee:

            Yeah, ok, however we are not talking about planes here. With a DC precision is important when it comes to DC location for a number of reasons that I should not need to list.

            September 17, 2015 @ 9:26 pm | Reply
          • Martin Andrino:

            The location and the datacenter is specified in our website, this is about how we internally name the location (for labeling the equipment).
            Honestly, I don’t get why there is so much drama about that.

            September 18, 2015 @ 5:06 am | Reply
  4. as soon as I signed up and paid they cancled my service and asing for id proof

    I am asking for refund and after more than 12 hrs no refund

    September 17, 2015 @ 4:41 am | Reply
    • Martin Andrino:

      We asked you to give us accurate billing details because you provided us a fake name and phone number, but your service wasn’t suspended (and we could, since this is a breach of our ToS).
      So far we didn’t heard from you regarding our request nor for asking for refund.
      If you still want your refund, let us know on a support ticket and we will process it quickly.

      September 17, 2015 @ 6:04 am | Reply
    • Martin Andrino:

      Your service has been canceled and full refunded at 2015/09/17 09:01 CEST.

      September 17, 2015 @ 7:02 am | Reply
  5. Martin Andrino:

    Thanks Jonathan for publishing our offer!

    Also want to note that our promo code is also valid for additional IPs or other plans :-)

    September 17, 2015 @ 2:25 pm | Reply
    • Hi can you help me if you can send me my backup files on one of your vps you have
      clickvps.net my mail is intel1212@inbox.com help to fix this and i will close this case thank you

      Multiple ToS Breach: Running an Open Proxy ( http://www.blabla so on.co/ ), CPU Abuse & Spamming/Mass mailing scam 100%

      December 1, 2015 @ 8:39 pm | Reply
  6. Great deal! Thank you!

    October 11, 2015 @ 5:40 pm | Reply
  7. Right I would like to say 100% good company speeds are good.under 2 weeks I was getting worry at this point if it was scam now I had CentOs 6.4 64bit running web server Mr.-Kolxo so it was rebooting every few days for the web server but few days go I had look it was stop it never auto rebooted so I give them a reply about there bug I had to go in to solar vm to boot up my self so they says they can t fixed it because not managed vps but it was bug on there side not mys so they would not agree to fixing this so to solve my issue I told them I can t reinstall it is I had so much work on my vps at this point the team staff know so
    we left it that few hours later I get email saying this

    Multiple ToS Breach: Running an Open Proxy ( http://www.blabla so on.co/ ), CPU Abuse & Spamming/Mass mailing scam 100% don t know why they did some thing to vps told lie about there order this what you got to watch out for and disable there support on there whmc code.i ask if I can get my backup files ?And 6.74EUR I am socked and don t know if they will refund me and this is trick you have to watch out for vps company people its happen a lot

    December 1, 2015 @ 8:35 pm | Reply
    • Martin Andrino:

      As we’ve notified you, your vps was suspended because we’ve discovered that you’ve breached our terms of service by spamming/mass mailing, hosting a public proxy and abusing the allocated resources (CPU), all strictly prohibited practices, even explicitly mentioned in our “Terms of Service in a nutshell” easy-to-read list ( https://www.clickvps.net/legal/tos ).

      Instead of reaching us to solve this situation, you’ve sent us threatening messages and requested a chargeback to the payment processor (paypal), feeding them with false information and accusing us to scam you.

      For this reason and according to the clause 9.2 of our Terms of Service, we’ve decided to terminate our business relationship with you, based on your violation of the contract.

      Also you have the hell of a history on FR https://www.fraudrecord.com/api/?showreport=58948173d920c98a

      February 22, 2016 @ 11:38 am | Reply
  8. Pankaj:

    clickvps.net IPv6 2a00:1ca8:3f:****::**** (is Europe location) is blocked in comcast & they are not able to help for this issue. I am awaited for the ticket reply more than 10 hours.

    January 21, 2016 @ 5:14 am | Reply
    • Martin Andrino:

      Sadly, there’s nothing we can do if Comcast blocked your /64 range. As we’ve discussed on the ticket, following your request, your service was canceled and refunded on January 22 2016.

      February 22, 2016 @ 11:44 am | Reply

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