Via this WHT offer. Corong has some VPS offers in France, Germany and the Netherlands. Use this link to get “Xen GE 1” for $5/month.
- 128MB memory/128MB swap
- 10GB storage
- 100GB/month data transfer
- Xen/HyperVM
Servers with Hetzner in Germany (test IP: They allow TorrentFlux and RapidLeech. They are also selling TorrentFlux servers/slots on their website so I guess quite a lot of people might get their servers for that. Indonesia-based business since 2008.
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That design looks familiar….
It’s like $50 on template monster
TorrentFlux and RapidLeech… in Hetzner? It seems like they have no clue what they are dealing with :) I wish them good luck because they will needed it.
I have been with them for last two weeks, and to be honest they seems realy well, no downtime or anything, I run private proxy for personal use with them which is java based so yesterday I kept getting problems and after investigation I found out I was runnig out of memory which is 512 with my package, so I emailed today to upgrade just memory for me, which they did straight away, for a little fee ofcaurse, over all can’t fault them.
Welcome aboard bro.. :)
Corong in Bahasa Indonesia means funnel. So I think it is a suitable name for TorrentFlux and RapidLeech server :)
However, my best guess, Corong is derived from the owner’s name and his engine (Kun)Coro + (E)ng(ine).
Thats right.:D
Add him at Facebook. We’re already friend :D
i use corong nl for 3 month everithing ok. so far so good and corong is familiar and friendly to me
anybody provide a test file for us?
@Fansico I’m corong Netherland vps user too, you can test file
Well, I’ll tell you this much, the Germany box is pretty fucking slow to access on the west coast of the USA. Either way, they allow torrents, so I’m not really complaining.
Im looking somewhere to pay premium account for zippyshare server.
Is there a site that i can do so? I mean like rapidleech?
or any way to resume zippyshare downloads??
yea i wanna buy an account but there’s no option for premium on zippyshare!!!!