Hudson Valley Host sent in a some great deals for Cyber Monday. Hudson Valley Host is owned and operated by the same company that owns Low End Box and Low End Talk,, so you can trust that your services will be to your complete satisfaction. ColoCrossing is an INC5000, Deloitte 500 and Buffalo Fast 50 company — all recognitions awarded to the fastest growing companies in the United States. Hudson Valley Host was first featured on Low End Box in 2010, for those seeking some nostalgia.
Without further ado, here are the Cyber Monday specials:
Managed E3-1240v2 Hybrid 8GB
| Self-Managed 4GB OpenVZ VPS |
*Note: You must click the blue “Continue” button at the bottom of the page for your discount to be calculated.
The “Hybrid” product line is a slice of a physical dedicated server without over-subscription. A maximum of four slices exist per physical server.
“CM2016” for 40% off anything on the HudsonValleyHost site except for hybrids, managed services, domains, addons and licenses.
Accepted payment methods are through PayPal, Credit Cards and Bitcoin. Servers will be setup instantly once your payment has been made, given that you don’t trigger any fraud protection measures. Nick, the brand manager, and his team strive to provide superior 24/7 help desk support along with live chat and he’s indicated that he will be available to personally assist customers as needed. As usual, we suggest you read the Terms of Service before purchasing.
Chicago, IL, USA – ColoCrossing
Test IP:
Test file:
Buffalo, NY, USA – ColoCrossing
Test IP:
Test file:
Los Angeles, CA, USA – ColoCrossing
Test IP:
Test file:
Dallas, TX, USA – ColoCrossing
Test IP:
Test file:
Atlanta, GA, USA – ColoCrossing
Test IPv4:
Test file:
Buffalo, New York:
– 270,490 square foot gross; 23,000 square feet of datacenter space.
– Fully redundant native 10GE network consists of Telia, Hibernia and XO. CenturyLink, Fibertech, TW Telecom, and Time Warner Cable are onsite.
– 24/7/365 staffing with at least 2 techs.
– Buffalo datacenter facility is SSAE16 Type II certified ensuring that our processes and procedures meet or exceed the strictest of standards.
– Low latency and high throughput network access to North America and Europe.
As always, comments and feedback are invited. Let us know what you think.
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If it includes 4vCPU, why is it asking for cores in the order? It charges per core.
No worries about that, this plan includes 4 cores and has been adjusted for the sale :)
Thanks and enjoy!
Is there any DDoS protection included for cPanel based VPS?
Pop in a ticket and we can sell you a custom solution.
If the 4GB one had a gigabit uplink I’d be all over it. In 2016 (nearly 2017) I just can’t justify an expense with the 100Mbit option.
After a month if no abuse occurs I can upgrade you to 1Gbps for free, we just want to be careful we don’t run into issues if we have too many 1Gbps VM’s on the same host node.
This sounds good. What’s your charge for overage on transfer bandwidth? Is it still 3/4 cent/GB like in the ToS? Also, what would be considered a “Resource Intensive Program” (ToS, 4.A)? That’s kind of the point of a VPS, isn’t it? That we can run with more resources than a shared account? Specifically, I’m looking at an email server, web server with PHP and MySQL (for a business), cron jobs for DB maintenance, and a teamspeak server for a leisure gaming clan.
If those are the services you are running you will be fine and that is correct.
Enjoy the new service and we look forward to working with you!
I have a few last questions (I apologize). What’s the re-subscription rate after the first year? If it’s changing, can I buy multiple years at once?
Any timetable on when Ubuntu 16.04 LTS will be an option?
No worries on the questions, we are always glad to help!
These prices are for life, so in a year will still be the same price, you can prepay after for another year or two if you want, just ticket us to arrange that.
We have it around just waiting to add it to the order form until all nodes support it. If you desire 16 you can re-install that version via SolusVM OR we can do it via a ticket for you in the meantime :)
Would this offer extend to all customers. possibly?
The 1Gbps port after a month? Sure as long as we see you aren’t causing any “abuse” issues then just pop in a ticket referencing my reply here and I will hook you up Alex :)
Wow, I’m kind of sad I missed this sale. I had a HVH server previously and it worked perfectly for what I needed. Oh well, will give it another try. Hopefully, the next sale will be around new years :-)
Pop in a sales ticket @
We will work out a custom solution/quote for you, just reference this post in the ticket :)
When will the offer expire? I hope until end of November
Going to leave these for sale for at least a few days. We have limited stock on the managed E3 hybrid’s so if you have your eyes on that you may want to act fast!
What the “managed” service includes?
Our managed services are installed with CentOS 6 and come with WHM/cPanel + management of that aspect of your web server.
Dare to apply that 40% to dedicated servers? For the sake of the old times :D ?
Dare accepted, use code “CM2016” for 40% off any Self-Managed Dedicated Server while supplies last :)
Not working for me :(
I just personally tested this and it is working fine on the self-managed bare metal dedicated servers.
higher disk possible?
The Hybrid’s are locked at their disk space in most cases, the VPS plans we can do about anything you desire.
Just let you know what you are looking for and I can help assist you in picking the right package.
I think HVH could compete in the storage VPS arena and maintain a sizable share of that market… Would be great to see a promo in that niche.
Have you taken a peak at our storage VPS plans? Any suggestions or recommendations?
Maybe Im drunk from all the BF/CM deals regarding pricing….But in regards to your specific plans I know theres a need for something with less ram and more storage. And lower prices. :P
Thanks for the feedback, we will review the storage plan offerings when time allows.
I’m trying to buy and I’m being told by Peter on chat that the code has expired… what’s going on?
I have informed Peter we extended the sale so it never expired.
What did you try purchasing?
I was trying for the 4GB Self Managed one for Cyber Monday. I might have been too late though. It was at about 11:40pm PT. It wasn’t coming up the right price at the very end when I entered my CC information.
Discount is applied after you hit “Continue” as noted in the post above etc.
Thanks and enjoy!
I believe I did that, but it worked this time. I look forward to working with you! Cheers!
Sounds great and welcome to HVH!
Please let me know if there is anything at all I can assist you with.
Ahhh… that’s what it is. There’s apparently a Charge for using a Credit Card. I was charged an additional $12 for that. It didn’t show up until I looked at my receipt in my mail. So I was charged 81 instead of 69.
As a courtesy I have applied a credit of $12 to your account with us :)
Much appreciated. I did screenshots the entire ordering process, it didn’t show up. Maybe have a web guy take a look there?
Will do.
Tried to purchase a Hybrid server and apply the CM2016 code, but it didn’t apply to the total. Is this still live Nick?
Sure is, just doesn’t apply to the hybrids, it will work on a full dedicated machine however :)
The latest version of Ubuntu shown as available for your Hybrid line is 14. Do you have 16.04 available?
Sure do, you can install it via the panel after ordered.
We already have it on our todo list to update the order form selection once we finish some kernel updates on our end :)
Coupon CM2016 isnt working when I’m trying to purchase Plan-1 ($15 for 12 months) in “Self managed VPS” ( Is it possible to enable this coupon on this order? I want 15 servers of this type for yearly subscription?
We will have to do something custom since those are yearly plans and discount only applies to monthly services.
Pop in a ticket and send me the ID please :)
1- can i use this Coupon CM2016 for managed vps link(
i need a plan that contain CPanel.
2- i am planning to host a few small websites + small Ecommerce websites. what do you suggest?
Thanks :)
Sorry, doesn’t apply to managed services as noted in the post:
“CM2016” for 40% off anything on the HudsonValleyHost site except for managed services, domains, addons and licenses.
Can this offer be applied for hybrid [self-managed] ? Would like to try that, have a ticket already opened with you : #665621
Thank you
I can do the 8GB 200GB HDD Hybrid Self-Managed for $15/mo if you would like?
Was looking for a 16G one. Possible ?
$35/mo and it is yours, submit an order and toss me the order number to adjust pricing.
Thank you, Already have an order in my account. Would you adjust the pricing in that ? If you want me to re order, i can do that alson np.
This was an order which i placed initially before submitting a ticket based on this. If you need order number, here it is : 5974285682
Thank You,
All set, enjoy!
I made a purchase and I’m a legitimate business (can’t be more legitimate than us).
Their fraud system (probably buggy) ask us to send a photo of the credit card and of our id through email !
When we told them we can’t send this for obvious security reason.
Hopefully I didn’t signed with them !
When you’re asking a hosting company to host your data, you need to trust them to secure their network.
And they are not much concerned by a simple payment security…
Apologies however we take fraud very seriously. If you cannot provide us something as simple as proof of your name/address being valid then it will be difficult for us to do business with you as with most legitimate providers that care about their customers and network.
Let us know if you want to verify identity and then we can get the ball rolling, thanks Ale!!!
You also ask for Credit card photo, not just name and address, proof of what you ask:
And you even ask a signature!
Everything to steal my identity and make purchase on my behalf. No thanks.
Pretty standard for new accounts when purchasing online services. If just a PayPal payment then can be more simple then that form however.
Sorry you didn’t like the verification process, we do it for our customer’s safety as well as ours :)
I wish you luck!
No one needs your signature to steal your identity,
I would tend to agree, thanks Robert!
is there any offer for shared hosting?
Use code “CM2016” for 40% off, act quick sale ends today!
I just signed up for one of your 4GB VPS deals. I’d love to get a 1-2GB KVM (I’m an OS polyglot) that I can play with if the price is right.
Your SSL certificate on vps.hch expired 3 days ago.
Please toss me a PM @ and I will get something custom setup for you!
Thanks, generated a new cert Friday and should have it in place today.